Biotechnology Performance Evaluation Checklist

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STUDENT NAME: ______________________________________________

Performance Evaluation Checklist
Performance rating scale:
4 = highly skilled Successfully demonstrated without supervision
3 = moderately skilled Successfully demonstrated with limited supervision
2 = limited skill Demonstrated with close supervision
1 = not skilled Demonstration requires direct instruction and supervision
A minimum score of 3 for each of the following performance skills must be achieved
to meet State skill certification requirements. Transfer the average score for each of
the following performance skills onto the Performance Evaluation Score Sheet.

1.2 Research and present biotechnology concepts using effective communication

________ Average Score

2.1 Demonstrate appropriate use of personal protective devices.

________ Wearing and safe removal of gloves.
________ Wearing goggles and lab coats when required.
________ Average Score

2.2 Demonstrate proper aseptic/sterilizing procedures.

________ Cleaning of work area.
________ Flaming of inoculation devices.
________ Hand washing.
________ Average Score

2.4 Demonstrate proper use and handling of micropipettes.

________ Use of micropipetting devices (adding/removing tips, changing volume
________ Drawing and expelling liquid correctly.
________ Average Score

3.2 Maintain accurate records and documentation according to minimum good

documentation practices (GDP).
________ Maintain a designated lab notebook (to include table of contents, lab title,
purpose, materials, protocol/procedure, observations/results,
conclusion/discussion, signatures and dates).
________ Documentation mistakes (single line through mistake, initial, date).
________ Record procedural mistakes (document all that is done including
________ Average Score

4.2 Prepare solutions of defined concentrations and pH.

________ Calculating correct concentrations and volumes of solutions.
________ Demonstrate proper use of a balance (taring, use of weigh boats).
________ Proper labeling of solution containers.
________ Correctly adjust pH as needed.
________ Average Score

6.1 Prepare bacterial growth media.

________ Pour plates aseptically.
________ Add screening reagents appropriately.
________ Proper labeling of plates or tubes.
________ Average Score

6.2 Demonstrate the ability to culture and maintain microorganisms.

________ Isolating single bacterial colonies.
________ Inoculating media.
________ Identifying unknown microorganisms.
________ Utilizing Gram stain technique.
________ Balancing a centrifuge correctly when pelleting bacteria or DNA.
________ Proper use of microscopes in viewing microorganisms.
________ Average Score

7.1 Perform a restriction digest and analyze the results with gel electrophoresis.
________ Make and pour agarose gel.
________ Perform a restriction digest.
________ Load gels with sample.
________ Analyze stained gels.
________ Average Score

7.2 Demonstrate the ability to use PCR technology.

________ Prepare template DNA.
________ Set up PCR mixture.
________Analyze results.
________ Average Score

7.3 Demonstrate the ability to use proper separation techniques to differentiate

between proteins based on size and structure (chromatography and SDSPAGE).
________ Perform chromatography or polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis.
________ Analyze results.
________ Average Score

8.1 Perform a bacterial transformation and analyze results.

________ Transform bacteria with plasmid DNA.
________ Identify transformed bacteria through use of selective media.
________ Average Score

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