Isocure Catalyst 700

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MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET asniand kage 90 pace Proparas Dace Prineea SDS No: 30% oa/is/oc TSOCURE CATALYST 700 1. CHEMICAL PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Material identity Proguct Nane? 130. ge CATALYS? 700 Product Code: 052700 General or Generic I): TERTIARY AMINE Company Emergency Telephone Number: ‘Ashiand 1-BO0-ASHLAND (1-800-274-5263) Ashland Distrapution co. & 24 nours everyaay Ashland Specialty Chemical Co. B.0, Box 2219 Regulatory Information, Wunper Columbus, Of 3216 2-600" 325-3751 814-790-3333 2. COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS ingredient (6) cas Nunber__& (by weight) TRIETAVLANINE iaineane 3. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION potential Health Effects ye Exposure to squid can cause irceversibie oye damage. Exposure vo vapor can severe eve irritation. symptoms may include stinging, tearing, re Swelling, aid halo vision charatterizeq by Dlucring visicn arouna Bright objects: Can injure the cornea ana cause blingness. Skin can cause permanent skin damage. Symptons may snclude redness, burning, and Swelling of skin, Durns, and other skin damage. Exposure to anine vapor i tot expected to be ifritacing to skin at exposure ievels at or below reconmenced exposure guidelines. Passage Of this aterial into the bouy throlgn the skin is possible, and skin contact may De harmful Swallowing ‘Swallowing this material may be harmful or fatal. Symptoms may include severe Stolach and tnteseinal irritation (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea), abdodana! sain, and Voniting of blood. Swallowang this materia? inay Sauee Burne and des tissue in the moucn, throal, and digestive tract- Low blood pressure snd nay occur az a result of severe tissue injury. Inhalation Breathing of vapor of mist is possible. Breatwing this material may be harmfud or fatal. Symptons may include sovere irritation and burns to the nose Sheoat, and respiratory tract. Symptoms usually oetur at air coneencrat nigner than the recommended exposure limits Continued on next page MATERIAL SKEETY GATA SHEET Ashland Bage oz Date 01/23/06 Date o1/iavoe 4SDs Ne: 302.0000008-014.007 ISUCURE CATALYST 700 Symptoms of Exposure ‘Signs and aymptons of exposure to this materia: through breathing, swallowins, ang/or passace of the hiatersal through the skin may include: redness of Une Skin, outn and throat arritatian (soreness, dry or scratchy fealing, cougn), stomach or intestinal upset (nausea, voniting, Giarcheal, irritation (aos, throat, airways), tight feeling in the chest, centrai nervous systen atimulation (nervousiess, restiessness, inabs2ity to sleep, eremore), high bicoa pressure, effeata on heart rave, shortness or breath: Target Organ Effects Results of an Ashland review of exponure/effect data fron 42 founeries indicate that exployaes can experience vista disturbances ("have and halos") ana possibly other effects at triethylamine concentrations above 3 pom. Eased on this finding, the current NCGiH TLV of 1 ppm tor an e-hour timenweightca average is sufficient te protect employees from these effects. Short—veru exposure to (his amine should not exceed 5 ppm. Study resulcs indicate that When an individual eaperiences visual aisturbances, tho effects subside wichin hours after the end of exposure, Tne odor threshold for trasthylamine 18 le: than 1 ppm. Overexposure to this material (or its components) fas deen Suggested as @ cause of the following offects in laboratory animals? kidney aasaee, iver daaage, heart danage- Developmental Information There are no data available for assessing risk to the fetus from mavernaL exposure to this material. Cancer Information ‘This material is not listed as a carcinogen by the International Agency ror Research on Cancer, che National Toxicology Program, of the occoparsonal Sazery and Wealth agnanistration. Other Health Effects ‘This product contains amines wnicn may ccact with nitrites or other nitrosating agents to form nitrosamines. Certain nitrosamiyies have been shown eo cause cancer in laboratory aninals. Primary Route(s) of Entry Tihalation, skin absorption, Skin contact, lye contact, Ingestion. 4. FIRST AID MEASURES Byes }Euatocial gets inte the yes, immediately flugh eyes gently witn water for 2 least 15 minutos while nolaing eyelids apart. Jf syuproms develop ae a result of vapor exposure, isnediately move individual away ftom exposure anc into fresh air before flusaing as recomended above. Seek mmediase medical attencion. Skin Immediately flush skin witn water for al least 15 minutas while removing contaminates cicthing and shoas.. Seek immediate medical attention. wash clothing before reuse and discard contaminated soes. Continued on next page MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Ashdana pase 903 Bate Prepared: 01/13/06 HSDS 52"'591-0090008-0" 4.007 ISOCURE CATALYST 700 oe : Swallowing Seck ineasate medical attention. Do not induce vomiting. Vomiting will o: Further danage to the moutn and throat. If inssviduel is co: inpediately Finse mouth with water and give file or water co Urink- possible, do not leave individual unattended Inhalation Tf symptoms develop, immadiately move individual avay from exposure anc inte fresh ait. Seok imeasate medical attention; keep person warm ang quict.. If person is not breathing, begin artificial respiration. it Dreatning i: Gifficutz, administer oxygen. Note to Physicians Preexisting disorders of the foliowing organs (or organ systems) may be aggravated by exposire to this makerial: skin, lung (for example, asthma~1i% conattions), liver, kidney, heart. 5. FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES Flash point 20.0 fs (8.6 e Explosive Limit (for product) Lower 1.2 upper 8.0 % Autoignition Temperature 49.0 = 480-0 OF (25.0 = 248.8 og) flazardous Products of Combustion May form: carbon aioxige and carbon monoxide, nitrogen compounds, tox various hydrocarbons. Fire and Explosion Hozards waverial :3 volatile and readily gives off vapors which may travel along tne ground or be moved by ventilation and ignited by pilot lights, flames, ce feazersy smoking, electric motors, ssatic gsscharge oF other ignition sources aU tocations neat the material handling point. Never use welding or cutting Eorah at or Naar drum (even ompty) because proauct (even just Fesagie) car ignite explosively. Extinguishing Media Sicohol Fesistant (AR) foam, water fog, carbon dicxide, dry chemical Fire Fighting Instructions Use water spray to Cool fire oxposad contwiners anc structures until fire out if st can be done with mininal risk. AVOid spreading purnong ligWd wath wator used for cooling purposes. Wear gull firefighting curn—our gear (ful Bunker gear), and respiratory protection (SCBA). NFPA Rating Health ~ 3, Planmapiiity - 3, Reactivity - 0 6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES $mall spill Eliminate all sources of ignition such as flares, tianes (including pilot lights), and electrical sparks. Cover With sodiim pisuirste and spray witn water. Continued on next page PAYERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Ashland Page goa Date Prepared: 02/23/06 Rate ersivea: 01/14/05 wens Yor 301-0090008~01¢.007 TSOCURE CATALYST 700 Large Spill Zliainate all ignicion sources (Flares, flames including pilot lights. Gieecrical sparks). Persons not wearing Protective equipment chouse oo excluded Fron area of spill unti: clean-up has peen completes. Stop spill at source. beevent from entering drains, sewers, streams or otner bodies oF water. Beevent from spreading. If Tunoff oCcurs, notify authorsties as required. Punp Of vacuum transfer spilled product to clean containers for recovery. Absorb unrecovaraple product. Transfer contaminated absorbent, soil and 6 naterials to containers for Aisposal. 7. HANDLING AND STORAGE Handling Containers of this materjal may be hazardous whon emptied. Since emptied Containers retain product residues (vapor, 1iqusd, and/or solid), 311 Razard Precautions given in the data sheet must de osecved. Static ighition hazare Ean result from handisng and usa. Electrically bend and ground sil containers, personnel and equipment before transfer or use of materiai, Spccial Precautions May be necessary to dissipate static electricity for non-conductive Eontainers. Use proper bonding and grounding during product transfer as Gescribea in National Fire Provection Association Socument NFDA)7. Combination of nitrites of oxides of t2eregan with secondary o: Lortiacy amines San form nitrosanines nich are potential carcinogens. Storage ‘Store in a cool, dry, ventilated area, away from incompatible substances. Keep Containers Closéd whén not in use. DO not store near extceme heat, apen Liane, Sources of ignition. ®. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION Bye Protection Chenical splash goggles and face shiel4 (e" nin.) in compliance with Osta Fegulations are adviced; Nowover, OSHA regulations also permit other tyoe Selety lasses. (Consult your industrial aygionise.} Skin Protection Wear resistant gloves such ass neoprene, puty2 rubber, Jo prevent skin gontact, wear impervious clothing and boots. Other protective equipaent: eyewash’ station, anergency shower. Respiratory Protections If workplace exposire 1imit(s) of product or any component is excesaed (zoo exposure guidelines), & NIOsH/MSIN approved air suppiiea respirator is Advis: in'absence of proper’ environmental controz. OSHA regulations also permit osner NIOSH/MSHIA respirators (negative pressure ype) undar specified Conditions (400 your industrial hygienist). Engincering of administrative controls ioule pe implemented to reduce oxposure. Engineering Controls Provide sufficient mectanica) (general and/or roca) exhaust) ventilasion to heintein exposure below TLV(s). Continued on next page MATER(AL SAFETY DATA SHEET Ashland ISOCURE CATALYST 700 Fage Date pate ¥SBS, 08 Prepared: 01/13/05 ki Printe: 01/34/06 301 -0900008-014.00') Exposure Guidelines Component ‘ORTETHYLANTNE, (121~68-8 O8Hn FEL 25"000 pen = Ta SSiia VBEL 16°o00" Bem ~ TWA ; Ste, (LY 1.000 ppm - TWA (Skin) GV 31080 bpm - Set, (Skin) 9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Boiling Point (for product) 192-0 F (88.8 C) @ 760 mnkg Vapor Pressure (for product) 54.000 mmig @ 68.00 F Specific Vapor Densit, 3-800 @ AIRS specitic Gravit Peenrye7 @ 68-08 F Liguia Density 6,050 iks/gai @ 68.00 F si2T kGsL @ 20.00 & Percent Volatiles 100-0 Volatile Organic Compounds (WC) 190.000°% 7272000 ¢/1 6-080 1bs/Ga Evaporation Rate 6-80 (N-BUTYL ACETATE ) Appearance WATER-WHEIE LIQUID State Lrguip Physical Form NERS Color WATER WHITE Odor AMMONTA/P 1SH-LIKE Continued on next page MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET eniane, Page 008 Date Prépared: 01/13/06 Date brintea: 01/14/06 7 MSPS No: 302 -0000008-024.007 ISOCURE CATALYST 700 Ht PE wo cara Freezing Point STi. (116.7 ©) Molecular Weight 31.0 Solubility in Water "5% AY 20.00 C Bulk Density -B10 1b8/#3 10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITY Hazardous Polymerization Product will not undergo hazardous polymerization. Hazardous Decomposition May form: CAarboh asoxide and carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, toxic fumes, various hydrocarbons. Chemical stability ‘Stabie- Incompatibility Bvois contact with: strong mineral acias, strony oxidizing agents. 11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION uo daca 12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION Wo data 13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATION Waste Management Information Destroy by Liguid sncineration with off-gas scrubber. For assistance with your waste managenent neads ~ including disposal, recycling and waste strean reduction, contact hahiand Distribution Company, IC&S Environmental Services Genup at God-S8i- 1208. 14. TRANSPORT INFORMATION pO? Information ~ 49 CFR 172.101 DOT Description: RIBINELAMINE, 3 (6) ,UNI296, TT Tontinued on next page MATERLAL SAFETY DATA SHEET agiiand Page O07 Date Prepared: 01/23/06 Date Prsntea: | O1/La/ Svs No: 301-0000008-014.007 ISOCURE CATALYST 700 Container/Mode ‘55 GAL DRUM/TRUCK PACKAGE WOS Component: Wore RQ (Reportable Quantity) — 49 CER 172.101 Product Quantity (bs) Component 5000 ‘TRIRTAYLAMING, Other Transpertation Information The Trenspore Information may vary with the container and nota 15. REGULATORY INFORMATION US Federal Regulations TSCA, (Toxic Substances Control Act] Status ‘SCA (UNITED STATES) The intentional ingres CERCLA RO - 40 CFR 302.4(a) Component RQ_(1bs) tS of tnis product are 1s TRIETHYLAMINE ‘5000 CERCLA RQ - 40 CFR 302.4(b) Materials without a "1istea" RQ may be reportable as an " hazardous substance". See 40 CFR 302.5 (b)- SARA 302 Components ~ £0 CFR 355 Appendix A Section 311/312 Hazard Class - 40 CeR 370.2 Hogedinieis) “Pelayea(e) rice(n) “ Reacrive( } ressure SARA 313 Components - £9 CPR 372.65 ‘Section 323 Component (s) CAS Munber — & “RIETHYLAMTNE 171-48-8 100.00 OSHA Process Safety Management 29 CFR 1910 one Listed BPA accidental Release Prevention 40 CFR 68 one listed International Regulations Inventory Status AICS (AUSTRALIA) The inventsonal ingredients of this product are 1i DSL (CANADA) The intentional ingredients of this product are listed ECL (SOUTH KOREA) ‘The intentional ingredients of Unis product are listed EINECS (EUROPE) The intentional ingredients or this product are sisted. ENCS (JAPAN) The intentiona) ingredients of this product are listea. Hesse (CHIVA) The intentional tnarediencs of this product are iisted Pices (PHILIPPINES) The intentional ingreazents of this product are SWISS (SWITZERLAND) The intentional ingredients of this product are Continues on next page MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Ashlare Page 908 Date Prepared: 01/13/06 Date Printed: 01/14/06 MSDS Nor 303..0900008-014.007 ISOCURE CATALYST 700 State and Local Regulations California Proposition 65 None New Jersey RIK Label Information ‘etendecantwe raineane Pennsylvania RTK Label Information SIMANAMENE, N, eDEeTHYL iss 18. DTHER INFORMATION ‘The Information accumulated herein is believed to be accurate but is not warranted to be whether originating with the company of nor. Recipients are aevises to confirm io advance Of nead tnat the snfornation is current, applicaple, and suitable to their circumstances. Last page

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