CPT2012 C1(周) PDF
CPT2012 C1(周) PDF
CPT2012 C1(周) PDF
Authors: Peter-Michael Gröning and David Strunk, Hüttenes-Albertus Chemische Werke GmbH, Düsseldorf
In foundries, the requirements placed cult. Environmental laws and regula- trading CO2 emission allowances, the
on castings production have risen sig- tions have been and will be further foundry industry is also invited to
nificantly over the past few years. The tightened up. These processes are pur- reduce the overall emissions of CO2.
components are becoming ever more sued at national, but also at European This is why the foundry industry
complex while the wall thickness is level. Compliance with emission and their supplier industries have re-
reduced and core intensity as well as limit values is becoming increasingly newed their efforts to use low-carbon
the demands on the core binder sys- difficult. In addition, many foundries products wherever possible. Working
tems used are rising. Further trends suffer from a lack of acceptance on in this area of seemingly conflicting
in recent years have been the ever the part of the local residents who priorities, the foundry industry must
increasing level of automation and often lodge complaints in relation to prove its worth. State-of-the-art, low-
introduction of new alloys. On the air and noise pollution. Against the emission binding agents play an im-
other hand, the foundry environ- backdrop of having to reduce green- portant role in improving the overall
ment has become increasingly diffi- house gas emissions and take part in situation.
Inorganic binder systems few years. Modern inorganic binder already demonstrated its benefits in
The foundry industry has been using systems are mainly two-component
Bild 1.indd 1 many applications (Figure 1). 23.02.2011 12:02:38 Uhr
inorganic binder systems for a long systems, consisting of a modified Due to the technological and eco-
time. Back in 1947, the Czech re silicate solution and a mineral addi- nomic prerequisites the changeover to
searcher L. Petrzela filed a patent for tive. So many problems that a foun- inorganic binder systems cannot yet
waterglass-CO process. Besides
2 14:07:33 Uhr
dry faces, like the reduction of fumes, be implemented on a large scale. The
various other inorganic methods (e.g. odour, pollutants and condensates, cold box process is still the dominating
on the basis of salts and phosphates), can certainly be countered by using coremaking technique due to its many
especially waterglass-based binder sys- inorganic binder systems. The entirely different applications, its efficiency
tems have established over the past inorganic Cordis binder system has and its technological advancements.
Cold box process versus inor- » short production cycles process-related benefits, such as rarely
ganic methods – a comparison » good reclaimability occurring condensation and all its po
The diagram (Figure 2) shows the tech- » good collapsibility sitive aspects in production, a property
nological differences between the cold » robust method especially appreciated in gravity die
box process and the inorganic produc- casting. On the other hand, the cold
tion method. Weaknesses: box process offers several technologi-
» emissions (noxious substances, fu cal advantages, including the use of
Inorganic method – Cordis mes, odour) cold core boxes or the very good sand
1 10:23:19 Uhr
Strengths: » high level of condensates reclaimability. In the future, each
» prevention of odour emission » gas formation foundry will have to follow a decision-
» low emission of fumes during the » disposal of used sand (phenol index) making process to determine which
pouring process process is most suitable for individual
» no emission of noxious matter The Cordis process shows its ma- application. To put it in a nutshell: The
» low level of condensates in the die jor strengths in the field of environ strenghts of one process are the weak-
» reduced gas behaviour mentally related properties. There are nesses in the other, and vice versa.
» good collapsibility
» hot core boxes (high energy costs)
» die costs
» long hardening times for bulky core resin molecule TEOS
» shorter shelf life than cold box cores
» reclaimability (work in progress)
embedded in resin matrix
C2H5 Diagram: Cold Box gas resin based on TEOS, new technology
(tetraethyl orthosilicate)
50% 50%
30% CMY
20% 20% 12,4%
10% 5,7%
0% 0%
a r o m a ti c a l i p h a ti c siliceous new Si modified a r o m a ti c a l i p h a ti c siliceous new Si modified
system system system system system system system system
3 4
Figure 5: Reduction of C-content and increase in silicon oxide in the cold box binder
The cold box process – a bridg- on the basis of tetraethyl silicate. reduced despite the higher molecular
ing technology In this new generation (i.e., the Si- weight. As a result, significantly less sol-
As an innovative foundry supplier, modified system) the Si units are not vent is required than with the cold box
Hüttenes-Albertus Chemische Werke only contained in the solvent but are binding agents used previously.
(HA), Düsseldorf, Germany, soon start- also integrated in the resin molecule Due to the high percentage of inor-
ed to develop cold box binder systems (Figure 4). HA’s new, patented solution ganic constituents, this new develop-
with improved properties. In 1999, the is a milestone in the development of ment can be described as a bridging
first cold box systems with silica-based novel cold box systems because, for the technology towards inorganic core
solvents (TEOS) were used in foundries. first time, it combines the advantages production. Compared to aromatic
Compared to the aliphatic and aro- of both the cold box process and the in- cold box systems, the carbon content
matic solvents that had be used in the organic method. The integration of in- was reduced by 23 %. Through a con-
cold box process until then, the use of organic silicon dioxide units is achieved sistent use of siliceous components the
tetraethyl orthosilicate (Figure 3) was through a substitution reaction during latest binder generation has already
the first step towards an inorganic cold which the hydroxyl groups of the resin reached the significant proportion of
box system. molecules are made to react with ethyl silicon dioxide of 12.4 % (Figure 5).
Now the research objective was silicates. In the process, the size of the The new generation of cold box
to gradually increase the fraction of resin molecules increases, so that the binding agents leads to further im-
these inorganic components in the amount of activator can be reduced in provements in regard to environmen-
cold box system. To this end, a new relation to the resin content. Surpris tal compatibility and reduction in pol-
generation of binders was developed ingly, the viscosity of the basic resin is lution (Figure 6).
There has also been significant
total BTX progress regarding the reduction of
condensate production and gas pres-
sure. Condensates are a particularly
important issue for gravity die foun-
dries. Since the introduction of the
cold box process, this aspect has been
an important criterion for the develop-
benzene, toluene, xylene
ment of binding agents. Condensates
are generated in the pouring process
by the release of core gases and/or de-
composition products of the binding
agents. The released volatile compo-
nents condense in the colder zones of
the die (gravity die) and core. The level
of condensate (Figure 7) has an impact
HC_01_06_B7_E.pdf 17.02.2011
aromatic system
10:17:02 Uhr
TES system SI-mod. system
on the cleaning time, die life, die tem-
perature and, finally, productivity and
Figure 6: Reduction of pollution (BTX); comparison of CB systems cost effectiveness in production.
The reduced level of condensate can
Bild 6.indd 1 24.02.2011 13:56:43 Uhr be put down to the fact that no volatile
Condensate level g/kg products are formed during the com-
- 16 % bustion of silicon. An SiO2 network is
formed instead that contributes to ther-
mal stability. After combustion, this net-
3,5 - 49 % work shows a high degree of brittleness,
which again promotes collapsibility.
2,5 aromatic system
1,5 Si-mod.system
applications. Some foundries from the
non-ferrous metals sector (aluminium)
as well as the ferrous metal field have
already used this new binder generation
aromatic TES system Si-mod.system
system successfully in serial production.
Figure 7: Condensate levels (cogas) of various cold box systems