A Series of Studies On Professional Rugby League Players.
A Series of Studies On Professional Rugby League Players.
A Series of Studies On Professional Rugby League Players.
Daniel Baker Student # 3033093
PhD Candidate
Edith Cowan University
Principal supervisor: Prof. Rob Newton
Date of Submission: September, 2006
Table of Contents
Abstract ....................................................................................... 6
Acknowledgements ................................................................... 9
List of original papers ............................................................... ...........11
Abbreviations and Definitions ................................................. 13
Chapter 1.
Introduction ............................................................................... 14
Purposes .......................................................................................................18
Statement of the problem ..............................................................................19
Specific research questions .......................................................................... 20
Limitations ..................................................................................................... 21
Chapter 2.
Literature Review ................................................................................... 19
Introduction ................................................................................................. 22
2a. Definition of strength and power ....................................................... 23
2b. Neuromuscular basis of strength and power ................................... 24
2bi. Neural adaptations to strength training ................................................. 24
2bii. Increased central drive/descending activity ......................................... 26
2biii. Disinhibition .......................................................................................... 28
2biv. Hypertrophy .......................................................................................... 32
2c. Development of strength and power .................................................. 40
2ci. Programming considerations .................................................................. 40
2cii. Periodization of strength and power training ........................................ 41
2ciii. Periodization of resistance training for rugby league players .............. 57
2civ. Advanced power training methods currently being used by elite rugby
league players ............................................................................................... 61
Testing of strength and power in rugby league players ......................... 62
2di. Type of tests .......................................................................................... 62
Strength .............................................................................................. 63
Power ................................................................................................. 65
Speed ................................................................................................. 68
Endurance .......................................................................................... 69
Chapter 3.
Original Published Papers ................................................................. 82
1. Analyses of tests of upper body strength, power, speed and strengthendurance to describe and compare playing rank in professional rugby league
players. ........................................................................................................ 83
2. An analysis of the ratio and relationship between upper body pressing and
pulling strength. ........................................................................................... 112
Rugby league football is a popular game in Australia, which appears to
rely heavily upon strength, power, speed and endurance due to the nature of
the phyiscal contacts. In an effort to discern the importance of upper body
strength, power speed and endurance to rugby league players a retrospective
data analysis was performed.
The second part of the thesis looked at how power output could be
acutely affected within a workout by different training variable manipulations.
The first two papers addressed the power training methodology known as
complex or contrast training. Previous upper body studies have not shown
any benefit and equivocal results exist concerning lower body effects of such
training strategies. However, in the current studies both an agonist strength
exercise and an antagonist strength exercise alternated with the power
exercise brought about a small but significant increase in power output. The
difference between this and previous research is that the athletes in these
investigations were stronger, more powerful and experienced in power
training. As such it was concluded that complex training, using contrasting
resistances and/or exercises, might be a valid power training method for
advanced athletes. However, less experienced athletes may actually derive
adverse outcomes from attempting to implement complex training.
A third study in this section looked at the effect that hypertrophyoriented training may have upon power output within a training session. It
was determined that a hypertrophy-oriented training bout, in this instance a
small dose of 3 x 10 repetitions @ 65%1RM with short rest periods, severely
suppressed power output by 17%. A considerable negative effect still lasted
despite 7 minutes of passive rest and was more pronounced in the strongest
the final themes to be investigated.
advanced athletes can still make gains in strength and power, however there
exists a diminishing scope for improvements with increased strength and
experience levels ~ the time frames over which changes may be seen may be
quite lengthy. Also the age that regimented resistance training commences
also appears to impact upon strength and power levels. Those who delay the
start of such training until their early twenties do not possess the same
strength and power levels as those who start in their late teenage years.
The last papers are review papers. The first paper is concerned with
practical methods of enhancing the effectiveness of power training. By itself it
could be seen as a summary paper of much of the work in this thesis as it
contains a review of relevant power training literature coupled with practical
recommendations for enhancing power training.
I would like to acknowledge the support of the Brisbane Broncos Rugby
League Football Club. Especially I would like to thank the coaching staff for
their assistance and support.
Jardine and Robert Wilks for passing on practical bits of information and
guidance concerning elite level strength training over the years.
Family and friends are the basis of all positive things that can happen
in your life. Consequently I would like to thank my parents, Frank and Aline
Baker, for providing me with a great upbringing, great education and great
love of sport, which was only achieved through their sacrificing a lot to give
their seven children something.
Finally, I would also like to thank my partner Sercia Caballes Hopkins
for helping me over all the years. She is the most beautiful and funny woman
I have ever met.
Daniel Baker
bout on subsequent upper-body power output. Journal of Strength and
Conditioning Research, 17(3):527-530.
Chapter 1. Introduction
Rugby league football is an important professional sport in Australia.
Currently the Australian national team is the world champions, a situation that
has remained unchanged for a number of years. However, until recently a
paucity of scientific data existed regarding the applied physiology of
professional rugby league players. As rugby league entails brutal physical
collisions, (requiring a large degree of strength, power speed and endurance)
between opposing players, then any study examining these physical qualities
is of interest. Pressing or pushing an opponent backwards/away is perhaps
the most fundamental task in rugby league. Therfore studies examining the
testing and training of upper body pressing/pushing strength, power speed
and endurance and how they relate to players of differing playing status and
training experience is of interest.
In an effort to discern the importance of upper body strength, power
and speed to rugby league players, I have analyzed data that I have amassed
during testing and training during my eleven years involvement in a
professional rugby league club. This retrospective data analysis would have
three main areas of focus.
experienced athletes in a short period of time in these two key upper body
tests would be of considerable interest to lower level coaches.
Overall these three studies will provide insightful data indicating the
relevance of further training intervention studies. In particular they will provide
normative data as to the actual relevance of each quality to successful
participation in the NRL. Once this is known it is much easier to determine the
nature of future training studies. For example, if upper body speed is found to
be more important than strength-endurance in NRL attainment, then future
longer-term training studies should focus upon upper body speed, rather than
The second series of studies will consist of three training intervention
studies that investigate how acute manipulations of training variables may
affect upper body power output. Increasing muscular power output is of
interest to many sports and considerable interest exists in specific
methodologies that aim to do this. A number of these methods are quite
common in the wider power training community, but have yet to be
conclusively verified.
To date the
results from complex training have been mixed for the lower body with no
benefit elucidated yet for the upper body. Some of the research suggests the
strength level and training experience of the athletes influences the outcomes
of these studies (eg. Hakkinen, 1985).
A different form of complex training, whereby an antagonist exercise is
alternated with the agonist power exercise will also be examined to observe if
this procedure has any effect upon subsequent agonist power output (Study
5). Some previous work concerning agonist and antagonist muscle interplay
suggests that this method warrants consideration as a power training method.
The hypertrophy of muscle is thought to offer possibly the only avenue
of continued strength/power gain in elite, experienced athletes. However the
Long-term training
observations of elite athletes are extremely rare, but in reality should be of the
greatest interest to researchers. Of interest is the fact that the professional
rugby league players, who could be grouped equally based upon years of
training experience at the commencement of the study period, could provide
data upon the concept of the diminishing scope for further strength/power
progress that may occur with increased training experience. This concept is
further illustrated by a short data analysis paper that compares the strength
and power levels for matched NRL players who are differentiated not by how
many years resistance training experience they have but by at what age did
they commence serious periodized resistance training (Study 8).
From the series of retrospective data analysis and training intervention
studies, a literature review and recommendations for training to develop
maximum strength and power will be described (Studies 9 and 10).
The most basic purposes of this research are to determine the extent to
which levels of upper body strength, power, speed and endurance relate to
rugby league players from different playing positions and different status
levels and the factors that affect the development of strength and power. The
factors that affect strength and more particularly power are will be examined in
both acute (within a work-out) and chronic (4-years) periods.
Rugby league is an important professional sport in Australia, which,
due to the high impact force physical contact it entails, appears to rely heavily
upon high levels of strength, power, speed and endurance. Therefore testing
of these physical qualities and the training methods that impact upon them are
of interest. This increased understanding of the role of strength, power, speed
and endurance play in the development of rugby league players would benefit
not only rugby league players and coaching staff but also broaden our
understanding of the field of applied sports physiology.
While maximum
This methodology is
training experience. As yet, complex training has not been verified as an
effective power training method, despite its seemingly widespread acceptance
in the wider training community. Complex training may be either an invalid
training method, as some research suggests or perhaps a valid method that
has yet to be fully understood due to the relative inexperience and low levels
of strength of subjects used in previous research. The question is will using
much stronger, powerful and experienced athletes garner different results to
previous upper body complex training studies?
complex training in this thesis may provide data that resolve the issues of the
veracity of complex training.
Also by investigating younger college-aged CRL players, SRL players
and comparing them to elite NRL professionals, differences in the extent and
scope of adaptations to training can be identified and more readily explained.
Furthermore the examination of changes in strength and power over a 4-year
period has rarely been reported for any athletes, let alone elite professional
athletes. This thesis will report the nature and scope of changes in strength
and power across this long-term time period with special reference to different
training variable manipulations.
Statement of the problem
Because a paucity of data exists concerning the applied physiology
and biomechanics of rugby league, confusion exists concerning the relative
importance of strength, power and speed to playing status in the game.
Furthermore it has not been determined if strength, power, speed and
endurance are more important to some positional playing groups.
8. Does the chronological starting age possibly affect the scope, nature
and magnitude of changes in upper body strength and power?
9. Based upon this and other relevant literature, what practical methods of
enhancing power training can be recommended?
10. What are the variations of periodized strength/power training that may
be utilized by rugby league players or other strength/power athletes?
The results of this series of studies may be limited to rugby league
players or athletes with considerable training experience. It is not known if
other athletes who are not used to performing resistance, speed and
endurance training concurrently would exhibit the same responses or
adaptations. Clearly the training experience of athletes affects the nature and
scope of adaptations and this should be taken into account when
extrapolating the results of this series of studies.
Furthermore, the results and conclusions from this series of studies
were limited to the chosen upper body tests. This does not preclude other
tests or other physical qualities (eg. running endurance) from also being of
great importance to the success of rugby league athletes.
muscular qualities of strength, power, speed and strength-endurance are
assessed in the athlete and in particular, rugby league players. An important
reason for testing of muscular functioning is to determine if testing identifies
trends in the team grading (a measure of performance) or positional grouping
of rugby league players. This question will be reviewed in regards some of
the common tests currently used or recommended. This area of the review
will provide insight as to which tests may prove most useful when assessing
the upper body muscular functioning of rugby league players.
force with minimal diminishment, for longer periods (typically greater than 30
s) (ASCA, 2006).
In particular
extensive, but merely to provide a general insight into how neural control
strategies may be impacted by resistance training.
The fact that large increases in strength are observable shortly after
the commencement of strength training in beginners without any discernible
hypertrophy has led researchers to believe that other factors may contribute
to strength gains (Thorstensson et al., 1976; Costill et al., 1979; Dons et al.,
neural output is accessed and at what level of the nervous system this
occurs is not fully understood.
The tripartite model of motor control (Wetzel and Stuart, 1977) has
been hypothesized to account for the neural processes that regulate force
production and motor control at different levels of the nervous system. This
model proposes three levels of nervous system control of muscle from which
neural output and hence force could be increased.
or as a result of extraordinary arousal (Ikai and Steinhaus, 1961; MilnerBrown et al., 1975; Shelton and Mahoney, 1978; Moritani and De Vries,
There may be
Ikai and
synergists would add favourably to the total force output of the movement or
test of strength, however this assumption has not yet been investigated
during strength training.
Increased descending activity would not only apply to prime movers
and synergists but also to the antagonist muscle group.
supraspinal excitatory signals have been sent to the prime movers would
result in a reciprocal inhibitory signal being sent to the antagonist muscles.
This may occur through interneurones that serve to integrate the intensity of
the supraspinal signals with the feedback signals (Baldissera et al., 1981).
By inhibiting the antagonist muscles the net activity to the agonist muscles
would be increased.
Therefore, the recruitment and rate coding of motor units and
consequent strength of muscle contraction may be effected by the higher
motor centres increasing their descending activity so there is an enhanced
excitatory output to prime mover muscle and synergist muscles and
increased inhibition of antagonist muscle. However, the sum neural output to
a muscle would depend on the effects of coupling the supraspinal excitatory
output with inhibitory feedback mechanisms existing in the peripheral and
low-level controller areas of the nervous system. Therefore the roles of the
inhibitory mechanisms in regulating force production must be reviewed.
2biii. Disinhibition.
The neuromuscular system has a number of in-built feedback
mechanisms that regulate the production of muscular force through the net
balance of inhibitory and excitatory neural impulses. One of these inhibitory
mechanisms is the Golgi tendon organ (GTO) (McGrouch et al., 1950), which
is sensitive to the level of tension produced in the musculature. The GTO is
found in the musculotendinous junction and throughout the perimysial
connective tissues. It lies in series with the skeletal muscle fibers and is
sensitive to the production of tension via muscular activity. It is believed that
the GTO is an important peripheral source of inhibition, through the inverse
myotatic reflex, that protects the muscle from too great an overload that
potentially could result in injury to the muscle or tendon (Granit, 1950). Thus
if excessive tension is perceived by the neural system an inhibitory signal is
sent by the GTO along the sensory nerve fibre, via a connecting inhibitory
synaptic knob in the spinal cord (interneurone), to the motor nerve. This
results in the reduction of neural input for further motor unit discharge and
consequently force output is moderated (Granit, 1950).
The Renshaw cell is a central feedback loop mechanism that also
moderates neural output, and hence force output, through its property of an
inhibitory synaptic knob. This central negative feedback loop operates via a
recurrent axon collateral when an alpha efferent neuron fires. The discharge
information of the alpha neuron that is initiating the contraction is fed back
within the spinal cord to reduce further recruitment that may result in injurious
levels of force production. The Renshaw cell exists centrally and acts to
inhibit the further recruitment of motor units which otherwise may make the
contraction too strong.
GTO, which both operate to dampen neural output and thus limit the
potential force production of the muscle.
Due to
neural inhibition it has been hypothesized that there exists a deficit between
the potential force production capabilities of the muscle, based on the crosssectional
hypothesis of Sale (1986) that a functional reserve of neural activity exists
which untrained people have difficulty accessing, even during maximum
voluntary contractions.
athletes who are regularly exposed to high levels of tension may have
strength deficits of only 5%. The sensitivity of these inhibitory mechanisms
is such that Schmidtbleicher (1985) suggested that the state of inhibition or
disinhibition is considered to be a relatively temporary state and would
constantly alter in accordance with the loads used in training (or the training
state of the athlete). Schmidtbleicher (1985) stated that when the strength
deficit is high, the musculature is relatively inhibited to high levels of force
production or high loads. Consequently strength may be increased, without
hypertrophy, by using high intensity/low volume training that serves to
disinhibit the GTO and Renshaw cells so that motor unit recruitment and
firing rate are enhanced. When the deficit is low Schmidtbleicher (1985)
recommends that further strength gains may best be acquired by
morphological changes to the muscle through the use of higher volume/lower
intensity training.
such as increased descending activity and/or reduced Renshaw cell
inhibition (Darcus and Salter, 1955; Moritani and De Vries, 1979). The GTO
of the untrained limb would theoretically not have been disinhibited and as a
result, would not have influenced the increased neural and force output
observed in the untrained limb that occurred as a result of training.
The conclusion is that the relative contributions of the different levels of
the nervous system to increased neural output during muscular work are not
fully understood. It has been hypothesized that the interaction of the various
neural impulses in the interneurones (excitatory output coupled with inhibitory
input), rather than the motor neurones, dictates to a large extent the neural
and force output (Baldissera et al., 1981; Stuart, 1987a; 1987b). How these
neural control strategies are altered by different resistance training variable
manipulations and at different levels of training adaptation, are of interest.
While this thesis does not include a mechanistic investigation into the realms
of neural control and resistance training adaptations, the above review does
provide a theoretical basis for attempting some training interventions. Given
this basis of muscle-force control reviewed above, some quite distinct
practical training methods capable of enhancing power output (temporarily at
least), presumably through some neural based mechanism(s), will be
investigated in this thesis (Studies 4 and 5).
2biv. Hypertrophy
An increase in the size of a muscle, subject to exercise or loading, is a
clearly observable and well-established phenomenon (Hakkinen et al., 1981;
Young et al., 1983; Schmidtbleicher and Buehrle, 1987; Narici et al., 1989).
However the exact mechanisms that trigger this hypertrophy of muscle are
still not fully understood (McDonagh and Davies, 1984). It is known that the
muscle hypertrophies due to a net increase in protein synthesis (Goldberg,
1975) that results in an increased size of individual muscle fibers
(Thorstensson et al, 1976;
Hakkinen et al., 1981). The increase in individual fibre size is results from an
increased myofibrillar volume (Luthi et al., 1986).
The biochemical
muscle" (Kraemer, 1992). The repair mechanisms consequent to this load
induced disruption of muscle fibre are different to those that are caused by
injury (Clarkson and Tremblay, 1988). The mechanical forces translated to
the muscle could be expected to differ with varying movements (Narici et al.,
1989). This may cause a preferential recruitment of fibres for certain tasks
(Caldwell et al., 1993), which might result in certain muscles or aspects of a
muscle preferentially hypertrophied (Narici et al., 1989). Further, different
Schmidtbleicher & Buehrle, 1987). Over the last twenty years or so nuclear
magnetic resonance imaging seems to have become the standard for
assessing hypertrophy of muscle (eg. Hinshaw et al., 1979; Narici et al.,
1989). Both cross-sectional and longitudinal experimental paradigms have
been utilized to examine hypertrophy in response to strength training, but the
After the initial large improvement in beginners there is a more limited
scope for training induced improvement in muscle fibre size or lean body
mass (Baker et al., 1994b, Hakkinen et al., 1985a,b, 1987, 1988).
(1986) has suggested that this may, in part, explain the avid interest in
anabolic steroids by experienced strength athletes. Alen et al. (1984) have
demonstrated that athletes using these drugs experienced a significantly
greater increase in fibre area and strength than control subjects performing
the same training regime. In intermediate level athletes not using anabolic
drugs small changes in hypertrophy are still achievable, but reduced in scope
and magnitude in comparison to less experienced athletes (Hakkinen, 1985).
Elite level strength athletes possess even less scope for improvements in
The conclusion from this data is that the time frame for changes in
LBM varies with training history and with it, the potential for greater strength
gains. For example, a 2% increase in body mass was achieved in 12 weeks
by non-competitive subjects (Hakkinen and Komi, 1981) versus a 2%
improvement in 2 years for elite weight-lifters (Hakkinen et al., 1988). The
relative increase in strength was tenfold for the novice subjects compared to
the elite lifters in these two studies.
The "type" of hypertrophy developed by different training variable
manipulations may affect strength and power functioning quite differently
(Hakkinen et al, 1984a; Hakkinen et al, 1986; Blazevich et al., 2003). It has
been theorized that hypertrophy induced by body building methods (1015RM, short rest periods of 1 minute) may be less beneficial, in regards to
strength and power functioning, than hypertrophy developed by more intense
loads (Kraemer, 1992). In particular power-training exercises seem to affect
the muscle architecture in a different way as compared to heavy strength
exercises (Blazevich et al., 2003).
In summary, the data from the above research clearly indicates that
hypertrophy is best produced by higher volume (8-20 RM, 3-5 sets), medium
intensity training (66-80% of maximum). A minimum load of 66-70% may be
needed to stimulate an adequate number of motor units (McDonagh and
Davies, 1984). More intense loads may stimulate more motor units, but the
duration of stimulus is decreased as fewer repetitions are possible with
greater intensity loads (Bryzcki, 1993; Baker, 1995d; Chapman et al., 1998).
The duration of the training stimulus (i.e. how long the load acts upon the
muscle) would appear to be an important factor (McDonagh and Davies,
1984). This may in part explain why higher repetitions are more effective in
producing hypertrophy than the more intense loads (1-3RM loads) (Berger,
1962) as the total time under stimulus is enhanced by higher repetitions.
Poliquin and King (1992) believe that the load intensity and the time the load
acts upon the muscle (an alternative measure of training volume to
repetitions), are important variables that affect hypertrophy and consequently
When high repetition training is done very quickly, reducing the time
the load acts upon the muscle, the hypertrophic responses are considerably
less (Schmidtbleicher and Buehrle, 1987).
While some
training as this may reduce the future ability to maximise power output. The
long-term effects of large dosages of hypertrophy-oriented training upon
maximal power output or fast force production (in comparison to other
methods of inducing force producing abilities) is not known, but is hinted at in
the cross-sectional analyses of Katch et al. (1980) and Hakkinen et al.
resistance training was typically performed at slower speeds than weightlifters, exhibited reduced muscle force-time and power output characteristics.
The conclusions to be drawn from this aspect of the review of the
literature are that hypertrophy-oriented training appears necessary for
ongoing strength gains in experienced athletes. However, prolonged periods
of hypertrophy-oriented training may be detrimental to long-term power
development (irrespective of neural adaptations) due to differences in muscle
architecture or fibre (myosin heavy chain) responses to slow speed, shortrest period training. Given this conflict of a) hypertrophy is necessary for
continued high force development in advanced athletes but b) hypertrophyoriented training may not be most suitable for maximizing power output ~
then how do athletes such as rugby league players who require high levels of
lean body mass/hypertrophy, maximal strength and maximal power manage
training content. Consequently this thesis will investigate two main areas
concerning hypertrophy-oriented training. First, what are the acute, shortterm effects of one hypertrophy-oriented training dose upon power output
within a workout (Study 6). Second, can elite athletes still increase strength
and power across multi-year periods with limited or no increases in body
mass (Studies 7 and 8)?
became apparent that the worlds strongest athletes, the competitive weightand power-lifters, did not follow such non-varied prescriptions of training
volume and intensity as recommended by Berger (1962). The domination of
eastern bloc weightlifters and power athletes at international competitions
during this era led to the belief that, among other aspects concerned with
athlete preparation (e.g. pharmacological enhancement), they possessed
superior methods of strength training. It appears the eastern bloc scientists
and coaches of that era recognized that strength and power are increased by
both morphological and neural adaptations and that the time frame over, and
the stage of training/development at which these adaptations occur, differ
(Matveyev, 1972; Vorobiev, 1978; Medvedev, 1988). Consequently they
sought methods that allow strength and force producing capabilities to be
developed by hypertrophic/morphological adaptations, stimulated by high
volume training, to be alternated with higher intensity training to stimulate the
specific maximal strength or power capabilities, in some coherent manner.
Therefore there would be different periods of training that mainly address
different stimuli to strength and power adaptations.
This structuring of
training week was also periodized into a four day cycle, known as the tetrad,
which varied the tasks, content and objectives of training daily. This involved
the manipulation of training intensity and volume such that there were heavy,
light and medium effort training days (Sweet, 1987). Such training strategies
are still common 2000 years later.
The pioneering work of Stone and colleagues introduced periodization
of strength training to western literature in the early to mid-eighties (Stone et
al.1981, 1982; Stowers et al. 1983). They basically proposed that training be
divided into three main blocks, with each block encompassing methods that
address hypertrophy; basic strength and power; and peak strength and
power, respectively. Table 1 gives a basic outline of this model of training.
Since that time the concept of periodization has undergone considerable
study, with consequent debate concerning methods and effectiveness (eg.
OBryant et al 1988; Poliquin, 1988; Baker ,1993, 1994, 1995c; Baker et al.,
1994b; Balyi, 1995; Wilson & Baker, 1995a, b).
Table 1. Periodization model for strength training modified from Stone et al.,
Basic strength
Peak strength
Sets x Reps
3-5 x 8-12
3-5 x 4-6
1-5 x 1-3
Intensity (% 1RM)
content must be more varied (Pedemonte, 1982;
Poliquin, 1988).
variation must occur during each week and across a training cycle (a training
cycle is the combination of training blocks or the summation of training
weeks). The purpose of within-week variation is to ensure that the training
stimulus is presented in a non-habituating manner in the short-term and to
allow for recovery within the training week (Pedemonte, 1982; Poliquin, 1988;
ASCA, 2006). Therefore training is not always becoming harder, heavier,
faster and so on, but there are variations in a number of the training variables
such that training difficulty may move in a more varied manner within a week
and also across a training block or group of weeks. It is thought that this
approach allows for better adaptation and a more holistic approach to training
(Pedemonte, 1982; Poliquin, 1998; Baker, 1993; Wilks, 1995; Stone et al.,
1999a, b).
The Australian Strength & Conditioning Association (ASCA, 2006) has
recognized nine main ways of varying or altering training load (volume-load)
and difficulty within a training week, which are outlined in Table 2.
It is
workload and may also allow for greater lifting speeds (conducive to power
training, Keogh et al., 1999). The remaining methods are presumed to
work best when combining strength and power training due to their
influence on markedly reducing workload and increasing speed of
lifting/acceleration, factors favourable to enhancing power output (Newton
et al., 1996; Baker, 1995b, 2001b).
Table 2. Nine methods ways of altering training load and difficulty within a
training week.
Method of variation
1. Same exercises and other variables,
Day 1 example
3x10 @ 70 kg
Day 2 example
3x15 @ 60 kg
Squat 3x5 @ 80 kg
decrease resistance.
6.Same exercises and other variables,
decrease repetitions.
7.Different strength exercises, but same for all Squat 3x10 @ 70 kg Front squat 3x10 @
other variables (same %1RM).
8. Perform a strength and power version of
55 kg
Squat 3x5 @ 100 kg
60 kg
All the methods above have been considered in isolation. In reality a
strength coach could combine many of the methods above to further ensure
that total workload, repetition volume, resistance in kgs and/or relative
intensity, rest periods and/or workout density, power output per repetition
and/or workout, speed of lifting and/or time under tension varied considerably
within a training week. It is possible that the astute usage of the above
methods may enable a strength coach of rugby league players to address
strength, power, hypertrophy and strength-endurance effectively within a
training week.
Bompa, 1996;
Pedemonte, 1982;
1988; Stone et al., 1981, 1982, 1999a, 1999b). A few examples of these
variants are described in Table 3. The nomenclature used by the ASCA,
which is based upon the method of intensification, has been source of some
debate, consternation or confusion ( eg. Bradley-Popovich, 2001 versus Haff,
1999b). For the purposes of this review, if a variant does not entail increasing
% 1RM or resistance each week, then it is not a linear intensification variant.
This can be clearly seen in the two examples of variants of block
periodization provided in Table 3 which are distinguished by either linear or
non-linear intensification across 12-weeks.
When using this method of description, it should be noted that it is the
method of intensification across the length of the cycle that is being refereed
to, not the progression across the overall training year.
contain a number of cycles such that overall the yearly progression is clearly
non-linear, but this does not affect the description of the cycle-length pattern
of progression.
By looking at week three from each of the specific variants in Tables 3,
it can be seen that there are different prescriptions of sets, repetitions and
resistances, despite all being examples of periodized strength training. Great
diversity exists in periodized strength training and coaches may wish to
choose the variant(s) that they feel most appropriate to their circumstances
(level of the athlete, period of the year etc).
alternated training volumes and intensities within a week more effective than a
block method with linear intensification and no within-week variation.
other data has been found that directly compares different progression
patterns of cycle-length periodized strength training in order to gauge the
relative effectiveness of one pattern against another.
outlining debate and theory concerning periodization but it appears little of this
theory has been tested, unless against non-periodized training.
It is of
interest to note that Stone et al. (2004) stated that the demise of sport science
in the United States is in part attributable to Institutional Review Boards and
academics not being conceptually familiar with sports science. This then
reduces what they call monitoring studies, examples of which would be the
analysis of the effects of different periodized variants/patterns of progression
upon muscular functioning and sports performance.
politically correct views of the academics may partly regulate research away
from studies that investigate sports performance, to which comparative
periodized strength training studies belong. For whatever reason, the level of
research regarding the merits of different periodization variants/patterns has
not equated with the overall theoretical literature on periodization.
Table 3. Different variants or patterns of strength training periodization applicable to a primary strength exercise over a twelveweek period. Assume the athlete increases strength by 3-5% across the twelve-week period. *The Accumulation/intensification pattern
typically follows only an eight week cycle ~ however some initial higher repetition training may precede this type of cycle. S X R = sets x reps.
Type of cycle
Week # 1
Subtle Linear
% 1RM
3 x 13 3 x 12 3 x 11 3 x 10 3 x 9 3 x 8 3 x 7 3 x 6 3 x 5 3 x 4 3 x 3
66% 69%
75% 78% 81%
84% 87% 90% 93%
Block with
% 1RM
4 x 10 4 x 10 4 x 10 4 x 10 4 x 5 4 x 5 4 x 5 4 x 5 3 x 3 3 x 3 3 x 3
64% 68%
78% 81% 83% 85% 88% 90% 92%
Block with
% 1RM
4 x 10 4 x 10 4 x 10 4 x 10 4 x 5 4 x 5 4 x 5 4 x 5 3 x 3 3 x 3 3 x 3
68% 70%
80% 83% 85% 75% 90% 92% 94%
% 1RM
4 x 10 4 x 10 4 x 6
68% 76%
% 1RM
4 x 10 4 x 8
Accumulation & S x R
Intensification* % 1RM
When and why a coach may choose different cycle-length variants of
periodized strength/power training.
Given these deficiencies in the literature, the ASCA (2006) has made
some generalizations regarding when and why a coach may choose different
generalizations have been made mainly based upon the practical experiences
of their elite coaches aligned with findings from the literature where possible
and are summarized below.
Subtle linear-intensification patterns of progression. As these types of
variants are characterized by fairly equivalent and small regular increments in
training intensity each week (e.g. by < 5% 1RM each week), it is thought
these types of variants may be suited to novice and less experienced athletes
who have not performed much periodized resistance training (Balyi, 1992;
Baker, 1993, 1998b; Wilks, 1994, 1995). This is due to the fact that other
variants are characterized by more pronounced alterations in intensity which
may not be as easily managed by less experienced athletes whose exercise
generally entail a training cycle being divided into three steps of repetition and
intensity demands, each respectively signifying a hypertrophy block (a
traditional term, though now this block may also be referred to as a
consolidated strength-endurance block or muscle training block), basic
strength/power block and peak-strength/power block (Baker, 1993, Haff et al.,
2004a,b; Kraemer, 1985; Kramer, et al., 1997; OBryant, 1988; Stone et al.,
1981, 1982, 1999a, 1999b). As detailed in Table 3, the intensity progression
could be linear or non-linear.
recommended that these variants are generally recommended for use with
more experienced athletes who possess stable exercise technique and
predictable strength levels and who seem to benefit from the inherent marked
variation. These types of variants can be seen as a progression from the
subtle linear variants. Aside from competitive lifters, the block variants are
generally used for the preparation period as high volume blocks of strength
training are often not compatible with in-season training in a number of sports
(ASCA, 2006)). The coach will also need to choose a linear or a non-linear
intensity progression when implementing this variant.
Undulatory patterns of progression. The Undulatory variant in Table 3 is
characterized by 2-week changes in repetition demands and concomitant
alterations in intensity, which sees an undulatory progression in intensity as
training reverts from, lower intensity 2-week
phases to higher-intensity 2-
phases back and forth, throughout the cycle (Baker, et al., 1994;
1987). Even the order that each of these weekly workloads is to be presented
is not constant and the earlier Soviet coaches provided examples of different
orders that the workloads could be presented (Baker, et al., 1987; Medvedev,
1987, 1988; Vorobiev, 1987). Again the coach has to choose which workload
order of the wave (ie. which variation of the wave-like pattern) would best
suit their lifters (Baker, et al., 1987; Medvedev, 1987, 1988; Vorobiev, 1987).
The wave-like patterns have been adapted for use by non-lifters by
mainly using the number of repetitions per set to alter weekly volume-load
(Baker, 1993, 1994, 1995c, 1998a, 2000c, 2001d; Naughton, 1991; Poliquin,
1992), although additional sets can obviously affect volume-load (Naughton,
1991). In a basic wave-like pattern, the repetitions decrease weekly (with
concomitant rises in intensity) for 3-4 weeks, whereby the general pattern is
then repeated but at slightly higher intensities/lower repetitions as the athlete
comes to the peaking phase (Baker, 1993, 1994, 1995c, 1998a, 2000c,
2001d; King and Poliquin, 1991; Naughton, 1991; Poliquin, 1992). A number
of studies show that the wave-like variants are effective in maintaining or even
increasing strength and power in both
athletes during long in-season periods (Baker, 1994, 1998a, 2000c, 2001d),
though case studies also reported good results with its use in during
preparation periods (Baker, 1995c; Poliquin, 1992).
Accumulation/intensification patterns of progression. Many introductory
resistance-training programs can be loosely defined as, or based upon, the
processes of accumulation/intensification. For example, an athlete may be
prescribed a resistance they can lift for 3 x 10 repetitions and they do not
increase the resistance (intensify training) until they have managed to perform
3 x 12 repetitions (ie. they have accumulated volume) with that constant
resistance. Therefore these types of introductory programs are based upon
the athlete accumulating training volume (volume-load) at a steady or
designated resistance before training resistances are increased and the
stated that this particular variant was best suited to increasing maximal squat
strength during the preparation period, presumably due to the high workloads
involved (Zeinalov, 1984). Clearly this variant of accumulation/intensification
was designed for competitive lifters and advanced athletes and may be less
applicable to the vast majority of athletes or exercises due to its high
intensities and workloads (ASCA, 2006).
Integrating different models?
As described above, choosing a specific cycle-length variant/pattern of
periodization may entail choosing a designated training variable configuration.
Coaches may find some variants/patterns work well with certain athletes (eg.
novice athletes and subtle linear-intensification patterns of progression) or
certain times of the year (eg. wave-like patterns and in-season periods).
Another method is to prescribe patterns according to exercise
Robert Wilks proposed a block variant with linear intensity progressions for
the three key powerlifts (but with large within-week variation in %1RM
resistance and hence workload) and an undulatory approach for the
assistance exercises (alternating between sets of 10 or sets of 6 repetitions
every 2-3 weeks) (1994).
Accordingly a coach may ascribe to a philosophy of variant choice
being determined by exercise classification, the training age/state of the
athletes involved as well as the training period (General or Competitive
strength and power across lengthy in-season periods with the implementation
of a wave-like cycle length training strategy as illustrated in Table 4 (2000c,
2001d). Moreover, younger SRL and CRL players could actually increase
strength and maintain power during the in-season period. These results were
achieved despite the high concurrent training volumes (eg. speed,
conditioning, skill and tactical training) and game demands associated with
the in-season period. As the goal of in-season training strategies is to
maintain the physical qualities developed in the preparation periods, it was
concluded that the wave-like strategy is a successful model and is
recommended for use during in-season periods for rugby league players
(Baker, 1998a). However it must be noted that these studies did not compare
between different strategies, but rather could a wave-like training program
maintain/increase the peak strength/power levels attained at the completion of
an intensive preparation period. Thus it is not known if another strategy may
have been more successful.
No data has been found that directly compares the effectiveness of
different strategies upon strength and power levels in rugby league players.
Also the long-term training effects are not known. For example, Balyi (1992,
attempt to maintain their capacities while competing at the highest level
(which takes precedence over developmental type of training).
As elite NRL rugby league players can experience lengthy careers
spanning many years, it would be of interest to determine if they can still
increase strength and power across this prolonged time period or at what time
frame do strength and power gains stop/slow and accordingly, maintenance of
these existing levels becomes the primary concern of training. Studies of this
nature for any sport are very rare in the literature and currently non-existent in
rugby league. To this end a long-term study investigating the changes in
upper body strength and power across a multi-year period in professional
rugby league players would be of interest. The scope and magnitude of the
changes in upper body strength and power could also be tracked in
accordance to the designation of whether the players were sub-elite
(synonymous with Balyis training to win stage) or elite (synonymous with
Balyis training to maintain stage) at the start of the study. These types of
studies would provide data pertinent to the age that structured, heavy
resistance training should commence for more optimal LTAD.
2civ. Advanced power training methods currently being used by elite
rugby league players.
Power is the most desired physical quality for a number of sports
because it entails both force (strength) and velocity (speed) aspects. For
coaches and sports people it is more often described as strength x speed.
Because both strength and speed can be improved by many different training
variable manipulations, training to improve power output has been described
as requiring a multi-faceted approach (Newton and Kraemer, 1994). However
a cursory glance at many resistance training programs or recommendations
aimed at increasing muscular power would typically reveal a high proportion of
Olympic weightlifting (eg. power cleans, pulls) and plyometric exercises (eg.
jumping, bounding) (eg. Haff et al., 2001).
to enhance upper body power, however many of the methods can be utilized
for lower body power training as well.
Types of tests
As rugby league is a collision-based sport, success would appear to
2005). Testing of these physical qualities could therefore be deemed to be
of importance to rugby league players and coaching staff.
Testing of rugby league players has greatly increased during the past
decade ~ principally due to the increased professionalism in the sport and
the consequent determination to improve player talent identification and
performance levels. While a number of researchers have utilized holistic test
batteries running the gamut of physical conditioning (eg. Meir, 1993; Brewer
et al., 1994; Brewer & Davis, 1995; OConnor, 1996; Meir et al., 2001;
Gabbett, 2000, 2002, 2006; Gabbett & Herzig, 2004) the purpose of this
thesis is to concentrate principally upon the testing of upper body muscular
functioning. In particular, upper body strength, power, speed and strengthendurance would appear to be of importance due to the large amount of
tackling and grappling that occurs both in attack and defense during an 80minute game. With respect to upper body testing, there is a distinct paucity
of data prior to the early to mid-1990s.
Maximal strength levels appear to be important in rugby league.
Traditionally methods of assessing strength, whether it is upper or lower
body, have varied considerably (eg. isometric, dynamic, isokinetic etc). This
variance often results in some training-induced adaptations being reflected in
some tests, but not others (Baker et al., 1994a). Consequently it has been
proposed that the method of strength testing be similar to the method of
training (Baker et al., 1994a).
testing of rugby league players have gravitated more towards the traditional
free weight tests of maximal strength as were typically used in the American
football system (eg. Fry & Kraemer, 1991; Ware et al., 1995; Chapman et
al., 1998). Traditionally in the American football system, upper body strength
was typically assessed using the bench press exercise (Fry & Kraemer,
1991; Ware et al., 1995; Chapman et al., 1998). Consequently from the
early to mid-1990s onwards rugby league researchers have typically used
the bench press (BP) to gauge strength levels via a 1 or 3-repetition
maximum test (1RM or 3 RM BP) (Meir, 1993; Baker, 1995, OConnor,
1996). It was presumed the bench press exercise represented the athletes
upper body capabilities in driving an opponent backwards, a fundamental
task for players of all positions in both attack and defence in rugby league
(Meir, 1993; Baker, 1995; OConnor, 1996; Gabbett, 2005). Because of the
simple nature of the test and almost universal availability of equipment and
data for comparative purposes, it appears to have become an accepted
measure of general upper body pressing strength used by rugby league
players (eg. Meir, 1993 through to Keogh, 2004).
While pressing or pushing an opponent backwards/away is perhaps
the most fundamental task in rugby league, there are a number of times that
an opponent must be pulled to the ground in defense to halt their forward
momentum or to slow down the play the ball situations.
decade in rugby union players (eg. Baker, 1998a-d). Generally some simple
test of pulling such as a pull-up (PU aka chin-up) test is performed with
additional resistance added to ensure the test fulfills the criterion of a test of
strength (high resistance, very few repetitions such as 1-5 RM, Kraemer et
al., 2002) as opposed to the athlete performing multiple repetitions with their
own body mass, which may be deemed more a test of strength-endurance.
Keogh (2004) reported the pulling strength for SRL and CRL players from
such a pull-up test. The pulling strength in this test was similar to the bench
press scores. Baker (2000c) reported the percentage maintenance, but not
the raw scores, of pull-up strength by rugby league players of various
performance levels during an in-season period. No other data has been
found that considers the upper body pulling strength of rugby league players.
Therefore further research into the pulling strength of rugby league players,
especially NRL players, appears warranted.
Testing of upper body power did not appear for rugby league players
until the late 1990s when power measurement technologies became more
readily available for the testing and training of rugby league players. Baker
and Nance (1999a, b), Baker, (2000a-c, 2001a, c, d) and Baker et al.
(2001a) first reported the maximum upper body power of rugby league
players by the testing of incline or flat bench press throws (BT) in a modified
and calibrated Smith machine (Plyometric Power System). The bench press
throw (or simply bench throw) in a Smith machine is used because this
exercise involves acceleration through the full range of movement, resulting
in higher power outputs as compared to a traditionally performed bench
press exercise (Newton et al., 1996). The testing procedures entailed the
athletes performing three repetitions in the BT with a battery of absolute
resistances (eg. 40, 50, 60, 70 and 80 kg). These resistances were chosen
because they encompassed the resistance range of 30-60 % 1RM, which
Newton et al. (1997) had shown maximized power output during BTs. Only
the highest average concentric power output was recorded for each absolute
resistance, with the highest power output overall designated as the Pmax.
This testing also allowed for a load-power profile to be developed (see Figure
1 below), based upon the earlier work of Newton et al. (1997), which itself
was influenced by the lower body jump squat load-power profiling research
conducted by Hakkinen et al. (1985a,b). Based upon the research of these
earlier investigators that reported distinct adaptations between strengthoriented and power-oriented training (Hakkinen et al. 1985a,b), it was
recommended that the BT load-power profile could be used to aid training
prescription (Baker, 2001c). For example, rugby league players with high
strength levels but lower relative power levels could be prescribed more
Pmax rather than strength training and vice versa (Baker, 2001c; Baker et
al., 2001a, b).
Further research in the area of BT or incline BT power testing reported
that these tests that were apparently sensitive to high volume training by
rugby league players.
season. This trend was reversed with the resumption of normal playing and
training loads.
relationship between 1RM BP and BT Pmax was lower (r = 0.52 - 0.56) when
a higher volume of upper body aerobic conditioning (swimming, arm grinding,
wrestling etc) was concurrently being performed, however the relationship
appeared also to revert back to normal levels (r= 0.75 0.77) with the
cessation of this high volume training. The normal levels regarding the
extent of the relationship between 1RM BP and BT Pmax were based upon
the earlier relationships of that magnitude that were reported by Baker and
Nance (1999b) and Baker et al. (2001a, c) with a large number of the same
40 kg
50 kg
60 kg
70 kg
80 kg
Barbell load
Figure 3. The load-power curve for various barbell resistances (40 to 80 kg)
for professional and semi-professional rugby league players (From Baker,
While running speed capabilities seem extensively reported in rugby
league players of all different levels (Meir, 1993; Baker, 1999a; Baker and
Nance, 1999a; Gabbett, 2000, 2002, 2006; Gabbett & Herzig,
measures of upper body speed have not garnered much interest. As such it
is not known if upper body movement speed is a factor of much importance
to rugby league players. The first study to look at measuring upper body
speed in rugby league players (players from NRL, SRL and CRL levels)
utilized an incline BT with an empty 20 kg barbell in the Plyometric Power
System (Baker, 2001c).
between the teams, however this data was collected in 1997 when rugby
league players had typically not possessed an extensive background in
specific upper body speed training.
below depicts no difference between NRL and CRL players in the upper body
speed test, but an increased percentage difference with increased
resistances gravitating towards maximal strength.
In an effort to amass
more definitive data, a further comparative study was performed three years
later in which the subjects were NRL, CRL and talented high-school rugby
league players (ie. part of a Talent Identification process) who possessed
varied resistance training backgrounds (Baker, 2002). The results of this
study were more positive insofar as a flat BT test with 20 kg, designating
upper body speed capabilities, could distinguish between NRL and lesser
players, and therefore may be useful in rugby league talent identification. To
date no other studies have investigated upper body speed in rugby league
Due to the extensive amount of tackling and upper body grappling that
occurs in tackles, it has long been thought that training and measuring upper
body strength-endurance would be of benefit to rugby league players (Meir,
3 RM
Figure 4.
college-aged (CRL) rugby league players in four loads of the speed-powerstrength spectrum during upper body exercises. The difference in the Incline
BT P20, representing the speed end of the spectrum, was not significantly
different whilst differences in the other three loads were. From Baker, 2001c.
Meir (1993) and Meir et al. (2001b) were the first researchers to report
an upper body strength-endurance test in rugby league players.
heavier subjects may perform less RTF, indicating less strength-endurance
when analysed in this manner, but they may be actually performing more
absolute work. The same situation applies when performing RTF pull-up
tests with only the athletes own body mass as resistance. In rugby league,
defensive situations are thought to be the portion of the game most requiring
strength-endurance (due to the upper body grappling occurring in the tackle)
and in these defensive situations the onus is to perform work (work = mass x
distance, ie., move the body mass of the opponent backwards or
example, in the research of Baker (2002), with the exception of the NRL
squad, the NFL 225 test would be too heavy for the vast majority of younger
subjects to lift even once and for the remainder of the subjects capable of
actually lifting this resistance, their performance of only 1-5 repetitions would
invalidate it as a test of strength-endurance. Therefore while the NFL 225
test appears to be a valid test for strength-endurance (and for an
extrapolated 1RM, eg. Ware et al., 1995;
American football system, this absolute resistance is too heavy for the vast
majority of rugby league players. Consequently a strength-endurance test
appropriate to the vast majority of adult rugby league players is sought.
muscle strength and function were virtually useless for the purposes of
identifying which athletes were elite or non-elite performers.
Sechers' study has become a benchmark for researchers looking to
distinguish elite or more highly performed athletes from non-elite and lesserperforming athletes and as such this type of comparative study has been
utilized in a number of sports ranging from kayaking (Fry & Morton, 1991) to
American football (Fry & Kraemer, 1991) and volleyball (Fry et al., 1991).
The testing of rugby league players should presumably follow this basis of
testing being able to distinguish better performers in the sport from lesser
skilled performers.
league typically reported results for only one performance level of player
(Meir, 1993; OConnor, 1996). This provides information pertinent only to
that one level of performance unlike the study of Secher, where a club level
oarsman could see that an isometric pulling force of 1600 N was adequate
for that level of competition but levels of 1800N and 2000N would be
necessary to attain national and international level, respectively. It could be
said that test studies that are aimed at identifying physical differences
between elite and non-elite performers should include as many levels and/or
ages of athlete as possible. This would allow for the generation of a talent
identification/physical performance pathway from the lowest to highest levels
With regards upper body testing, the first study to do so was
performed by Baker (2001c), who compared NRL, SRL and CRL upper body
strength, power and speed capabilities. The difference in 1RM BP strength
between the three groups was in the order of 11-14% between each level
whereas for power the differences were about 10%. There was no difference
in the speed test. The basic result of that study was that the heavier the
resistance used in a test procedure, the greater the difference between NRL,
SRL and CRL players (see Figure 4).
A follow up study performed three years later found more profound
differences between the 1RM BP levels of the CRL and NRL groups, which
was attributed to greater resistance training experience of the NRL groups
(Baker, 2002).
testing strength-endurance would be useful in terms of talent identification or
performance enhancement. Currently some commentators in the popular
media believe that due to changes in, and interpretations of, the rules of the
game (eg. concept of dominant tackle and surrender tackle), strengthendurance for the upper body and high-intensity running endurance for the
lower body have become the dominant physical qualities required for
success in rugby league. Obviously it is of interest to attempt to determine if
upper body strength-endurance had surpassed maximal strength, power or
upper body speed in importance, factors that had been shown to differentiate
NRL, SRL and CRL, at least to some degree, prior to the dominant tackle
rule changes.
Player Position
Studies of American football players clearly illustrate differences in
strength and power levels not only between players of different performance
levels (eg, starters and non-starters) but also according to the playing
position of the players (Fry & Kraemer, 1991).
league players tended to use the two basic groupings of forwards and backlines players (Meir, 1993; Brewer & Davis, 1995). However, this dichotomy
oversimplifies the matter, as within these two groups are some players tasks
that overlap or may be quite different. Later researchers such as OConnor
and Meir et al. (2001a,b) analysed players according to their distinct
positional groupings (5-9 groups) and reported some differences between
groups in maximal upper body strength (1 and 3RM). Meir et al. (2001b)
labeled this more finite grouping as the players position on the team. Meir
et al. also included the standard, simplified forwards versus backline
analyses off upper body strength (forwards 10% > back-line players) and
strength-endurance (back-line players performed 33.65 and forwards, 31.28
repetitions in a 30-s speed push-up test). No normalization for differences in
body mass were taken into account for the strength-endurance test ~
therefore it is not known if differences truly existed in absolute workload
performed as would be readily observable in a test that standardized
absolute workload.
However, while Meir et al. (2001b) also analysed players into four
sub-groups, which were labeled as forwards (props, second row players
known as the hit-up forwards), outside backs (centres, wingers and
fullbacks), ball distributors (hookers and half-backs) and adjustables (locks
and five-eighths), none of the analysed tests were of upper body functioning
(only sprint and 5-minute endurance running tests were analysed).
believes the analyses or training of players should be according to three subgroupings with the adjustables and ball-players joined as their roles are
linked and inter-changeable to a large degree (Wayne Bennett, personal
communication, 1995 to present). Furthermore, the style of play of some
players in their position on the team should determine which sub-group
they belong to, not simply position on the team. For example, a fullback
that is used in attack like a second five-eighth should be considered to be in
the adjustable/distributors group whereas a fullback who is more of a ballrunner would be considered to be an outside back (Wayne Bennett, personal
communication, 1995 to present). The same situation applies to the lock
forward position on the team ~ their style of play may enable them to be in
the adjustable/distributors group or in the hit-up forward group (Wayne
Bennett, personal communication, 1995 to present).
In conclusion, irrespective of how players are grouped or sub-grouped
there has been no study that has compared upper body maximal strength,
power, strength-endurance or speed levels between playing positions or subgroups from different performance levels. Maximum strength, power and
upper body speed have been previously been show to differentiate between
different performance levels (Baker, 2000a-c; 2001a, c, d; 2002), while
maximum strength has been shown to differentiate to some degree between
different positions on the team (OConnor, 1996, Meir et al., 2001b).
Strength-endurance has been analyzed in a simple forward versus back-line
player comparison with no (Meir, 1993) or only minor differences (Meir et al.,
2001b) in the repetitions performed in time constrained push-up tests.
Absolute work was not assessed in either strength-endurance test, so this
area of analyses remains devoid of definitive data.
Given the NRL salary cap and its strict enforcement, elite rugby
league clubs in Australia must now focus on talent identification and physical
performance enhancement (Wayne Bennett, personal communication 2004
to present).
Summary and Implications of the Literature Review
This review of the literature has defined various qualities of upper body
muscular functioning such as strength, power, speed and strength-endurance.
The neural and muscle contractile basis for force output have also been
reviewed. Theoretically in a high force sport such as rugby league football it
could be assumed that testing of strength and power would be extensive and
that strength and power may be prominent descriptors of performance level.
However there is a paucity of data concerning upper body strength testing in
rugby league players and even less data exists concerning power testing.
Furthermore, given recent rule changes and current game trends, some
debate exists as to whether strength and power are as important as strengthendurance. Therefore the purpose of Study 1 was to determine the relative
importance to rugby league playing level of tests of upper body strength,
power, speed and strength-endurance. The same movement pattern for each
test must be used to limit chances of potential differences being ascribed to
individuals inter-test variance.
pushing and pulling strength was deemed necessary as most strength studies
tend to focus upon pushing/pressing strength. Given the large amount of
pulling that occurs in defense (pulling an opponent to the ground etc), it was
posited that this measure of strength should not be neglected when assessing
the strength of rugby league players (Study 2).
different between NRL players and lower level players, then pulling strength
must addressed in the training content of these lower level players. As 1RM
strength testing can be a difficult and time consuming process when dealing
with a large number of athletes, especially those not greatly experienced in
resistance training, a simplified version of extrapolating 1RM test scores
suitable for lower level athletes was also deemed of interest (Study 3). The
results of these testing investigations should direct the training goals and
content of rugby league players.
The review of neural control of force output has potentially identified a
theoretical basis for some specific acute power training strategies. As power
movements entail rapid muscular contractions, they rely upon finite interplay
between various neural control mechanisms.
favourably influencing power output ~ one through the use of alternating sets
of a heavier load in the same movement with sets of the designated power
training resistance (Study 4) and the other through alternating sets of an
antagonist training movement with sets of the designated power training
resistance (Study 5).
Hypertrophy of muscle (and/or changes in the contractile qualities of
muscle) was also identified as one of the main avenues that experienced
resistance trainers may use to increase maximal strength. However the high
volume of training thought to favourably influence hypertrophy was also
identified as not being conducive to power development.
The possible
Table 4. In-season model of periodization using Wave-like variants according to exercise classification as primary strength or
power or assistant strength or power exercises (from Baker, 1998a, 2001d).
Week #
% 1RM
80-85-90% 85-90-95%
2 x 10
% 1RM
% 1RM
80-85-90% 85-90-95%
% 1RM
eg. PC, J, BT JS
Assistant power
S x R = Sets x Reps, %1RM = Percentage of one repetition maximum strength, BP = bench press, PU = pull-ups, SQ = squats, PC = power clean from hang,
J = jerks, JS = jump squats, BT = bench throws. * For squats, reduce intensity by about 10% 1RM. Third set may be optional for squats.
** Assistant
strength and power exercises can be performed for 2 or 3 sets. Assistant power exercises include pull variations (eg. pulls to waist, high pulls, power shrugs),
push press and power press/throwing variations, loaded jumping exercises etc.
2civ. Advanced power training methods currently being used by elite
rugby league players.
Power is the most desired physical quality for a number of sports
because it entails both force (strength) and velocity (speed) aspects. For
coaches and sports people it is more often described as strength x speed.
Because both strength and speed can be improved by many different training
variable manipulations, training to improve power output has been described
as requiring a multi-faceted approach (Newton and Kraemer, 1994). However
a cursory glance at many resistance training programs or recommendations
aimed at increasing muscular power would typically reveal a high proportion of
Olympic weightlifting (eg. power cleans, pulls) and plyometric exercises (eg.
jumping, bounding) (eg. Haff et al., 2001).
to enhance upper body power, however many of the methods can be utilized
for lower body power training as well.
Types of tests
As rugby league is a collision-based sport, success would appear to
2005). Testing of these physical qualities could therefore be deemed to be
of importance to rugby league players and coaching staff.
Testing of rugby league players has greatly increased during the past
decade ~ principally due to the increased professionalism in the sport and
the consequent determination to improve player talent identification and
performance levels. While a number of researchers have utilized holistic test
batteries running the gamut of physical conditioning (eg. Meir, 1993; Brewer
et al., 1994; Brewer & Davis, 1995; OConnor, 1996; Meir et al., 2001;
Gabbett, 2000, 2002, 2006; Gabbett & Herzig, 2004) the purpose of this
thesis is to concentrate principally upon the testing of upper body muscular
functioning. In particular, upper body strength, power, speed and strengthendurance would appear to be of importance due to the large amount of
tackling and grappling that occurs both in attack and defense during an 80minute game. With respect to upper body testing, there is a distinct paucity
of data prior to the early to mid-1990s.
Maximal strength levels appear to be important in rugby league.
Traditionally methods of assessing strength, whether it is upper or lower
body, have varied considerably (eg. isometric, dynamic, isokinetic etc). This
variance often results in some training-induced adaptations being reflected in
some tests, but not others (Baker et al., 1994a). Consequently it has been
proposed that the method of strength testing be similar to the method of
training (Baker et al., 1994a).
testing of rugby league players have gravitated more towards the traditional
free weight tests of maximal strength as were typically used in the American
football system (eg. Fry & Kraemer, 1991; Ware et al., 1995; Chapman et
al., 1998). Traditionally in the American football system, upper body strength
was typically assessed using the bench press exercise (Fry & Kraemer,
1991; Ware et al., 1995; Chapman et al., 1998). Consequently from the
early to mid-1990s onwards rugby league researchers have typically used
the bench press (BP) to gauge strength levels via a 1 or 3-repetition
maximum test (1RM or 3 RM BP) (Meir, 1993; Baker, 1995, OConnor,
1996). It was presumed the bench press exercise represented the athletes
upper body capabilities in driving an opponent backwards, a fundamental
task for players of all positions in both attack and defence in rugby league
(Meir, 1993; Baker, 1995; OConnor, 1996; Gabbett, 2005). Because of the
simple nature of the test and almost universal availability of equipment and
data for comparative purposes, it appears to have become an accepted
measure of general upper body pressing strength used by rugby league
players (eg. Meir, 1993 through to Keogh, 2004).
While pressing or pushing an opponent backwards/away is perhaps
the most fundamental task in rugby league, there are a number of times that
an opponent must be pulled to the ground in defense to halt their forward
momentum or to slow down the play the ball situations.
decade in rugby union players (eg. Baker, 1998a-d). Generally some simple
test of pulling such as a pull-up (PU aka chin-up) test is performed with
additional resistance added to ensure the test fulfills the criterion of a test of
strength (high resistance, very few repetitions such as 1-5 RM, Kraemer et
al., 2002) as opposed to the athlete performing multiple repetitions with their
own body mass, which may be deemed more a test of strength-endurance.
Keogh (2004) reported the pulling strength for SRL and CRL players from
such a pull-up test. The pulling strength in this test was similar to the bench
press scores. Baker (2000c) reported the percentage maintenance, but not
the raw scores, of pull-up strength by rugby league players of various
performance levels during an in-season period. No other data has been
found that considers the upper body pulling strength of rugby league players.
Therefore further research into the pulling strength of rugby league players,
especially NRL players, appears warranted.
Testing of upper body power did not appear for rugby league players
until the late 1990s when power measurement technologies became more
readily available for the testing and training of rugby league players. Baker
and Nance (1999a, b), Baker, (2000a-c, 2001a, c, d) and Baker et al.
(2001a) first reported the maximum upper body power of rugby league
players by the testing of incline or flat bench press throws (BT) in a modified
and calibrated Smith machine (Plyometric Power System). The bench press
throw (or simply bench throw) in a Smith machine is used because this
exercise involves acceleration through the full range of movement, resulting
in higher power outputs as compared to a traditionally performed bench
press exercise (Newton et al., 1996). The testing procedures entailed the
athletes performing three repetitions in the BT with a battery of absolute
resistances (eg. 40, 50, 60, 70 and 80 kg). These resistances were chosen
because they encompassed the resistance range of 30-60 % 1RM, which
Newton et al. (1997) had shown maximized power output during BTs. Only
the highest average concentric power output was recorded for each absolute
resistance, with the highest power output overall designated as the Pmax.
This testing also allowed for a load-power profile to be developed (see Figure
1 below), based upon the earlier work of Newton et al. (1997), which itself
was influenced by the lower body jump squat load-power profiling research
conducted by Hakkinen et al. (1985a,b). Based upon the research of these
earlier investigators that reported distinct adaptations between strengthoriented and power-oriented training (Hakkinen et al. 1985a,b), it was
recommended that the BT load-power profile could be used to aid training
prescription (Baker, 2001c). For example, rugby league players with high
strength levels but lower relative power levels could be prescribed more
Pmax rather than strength training and vice versa (Baker, 2001c; Baker et
al., 2001a, b).
Further research in the area of BT or incline BT power testing reported
that these tests that were apparently sensitive to high volume training by
rugby league players.
season. This trend was reversed with the resumption of normal playing and
training loads.
relationship between 1RM BP and BT Pmax was lower (r = 0.52 - 0.56) when
a higher volume of upper body aerobic conditioning (swimming, arm grinding,
wrestling etc) was concurrently being performed, however the relationship
appeared also to revert back to normal levels (r= 0.75 0.77) with the
cessation of this high volume training. The normal levels regarding the
extent of the relationship between 1RM BP and BT Pmax were based upon
the earlier relationships of that magnitude that were reported by Baker and
Nance (1999b) and Baker et al. (2001a, c) with a large number of the same
40 kg
50 kg
60 kg
70 kg
80 kg
Barbell load
Figure 3. The load-power curve for various barbell resistances (40 to 80 kg)
for professional and semi-professional rugby league players (From Baker,
While running speed capabilities seem extensively reported in rugby
league players of all different levels (Meir, 1993; Baker, 1999a; Baker and
Nance, 1999a; Gabbett, 2000, 2002, 2006; Gabbett & Herzig,
measures of upper body speed have not garnered much interest. As such it
is not known if upper body movement speed is a factor of much importance
to rugby league players. The first study to look at measuring upper body
speed in rugby league players (players from NRL, SRL and CRL levels)
utilized an incline BT with an empty 20 kg barbell in the Plyometric Power
System (Baker, 2001c).
between the teams, however this data was collected in 1997 when rugby
league players had typically not possessed an extensive background in
specific upper body speed training.
below depicts no difference between NRL and CRL players in the upper body
speed test, but an increased percentage difference with increased
resistances gravitating towards maximal strength.
In an effort to amass
more definitive data, a further comparative study was performed three years
later in which the subjects were NRL, CRL and talented high-school rugby
league players (ie. part of a Talent Identification process) who possessed
varied resistance training backgrounds (Baker, 2002). The results of this
study were more positive insofar as a flat BT test with 20 kg, designating
upper body speed capabilities, could distinguish between NRL and lesser
players, and therefore may be useful in rugby league talent identification. To
date no other studies have investigated upper body speed in rugby league
Due to the extensive amount of tackling and upper body grappling that
occurs in tackles, it has long been thought that training and measuring upper
body strength-endurance would be of benefit to rugby league players (Meir,
3 RM
Figure 4.
college-aged (CRL) rugby league players in four loads of the speed-powerstrength spectrum during upper body exercises. The difference in the Incline
BT P20, representing the speed end of the spectrum, was not significantly
different whilst differences in the other three loads were. From Baker, 2001c.
Meir (1993) and Meir et al. (2001b) were the first researchers to report
an upper body strength-endurance test in rugby league players.
heavier subjects may perform less RTF, indicating less strength-endurance
when analysed in this manner, but they may be actually performing more
absolute work. The same situation applies when performing RTF pull-up
tests with only the athletes own body mass as resistance. In rugby league,
defensive situations are thought to be the portion of the game most requiring
strength-endurance (due to the upper body grappling occurring in the tackle)
and in these defensive situations the onus is to perform work (work = mass x
distance, ie., move the body mass of the opponent backwards or
example, in the research of Baker (2002), with the exception of the NRL
squad, the NFL 225 test would be too heavy for the vast majority of younger
subjects to lift even once and for the remainder of the subjects capable of
actually lifting this resistance, their performance of only 1-5 repetitions would
invalidate it as a test of strength-endurance. Therefore while the NFL 225
test appears to be a valid test for strength-endurance (and for an
extrapolated 1RM, eg. Ware et al., 1995;
American football system, this absolute resistance is too heavy for the vast
majority of rugby league players. Consequently a strength-endurance test
appropriate to the vast majority of adult rugby league players is sought.
muscle strength and function were virtually useless for the purposes of
identifying which athletes were elite or non-elite performers.
Sechers' study has become a benchmark for researchers looking to
distinguish elite or more highly performed athletes from non-elite and lesserperforming athletes and as such this type of comparative study has been
utilized in a number of sports ranging from kayaking (Fry & Morton, 1991) to
American football (Fry & Kraemer, 1991) and volleyball (Fry et al., 1991).
The testing of rugby league players should presumably follow this basis of
testing being able to distinguish better performers in the sport from lesser
skilled performers.
league typically reported results for only one performance level of player
(Meir, 1993; OConnor, 1996). This provides information pertinent only to
that one level of performance unlike the study of Secher, where a club level
oarsman could see that an isometric pulling force of 1600 N was adequate
for that level of competition but levels of 1800N and 2000N would be
necessary to attain national and international level, respectively. It could be
said that test studies that are aimed at identifying physical differences
between elite and non-elite performers should include as many levels and/or
ages of athlete as possible. This would allow for the generation of a talent
identification/physical performance pathway from the lowest to highest levels
With regards upper body testing, the first study to do so was
performed by Baker (2001c), who compared NRL, SRL and CRL upper body
strength, power and speed capabilities. The difference in 1RM BP strength
between the three groups was in the order of 11-14% between each level
whereas for power the differences were about 10%. There was no difference
in the speed test. The basic result of that study was that the heavier the
resistance used in a test procedure, the greater the difference between NRL,
SRL and CRL players (see Figure 4).
A follow up study performed three years later found more profound
differences between the 1RM BP levels of the CRL and NRL groups, which
was attributed to greater resistance training experience of the NRL groups
(Baker, 2002).
testing strength-endurance would be useful in terms of talent identification or
performance enhancement. Currently some commentators in the popular
media believe that due to changes in, and interpretations of, the rules of the
game (eg. concept of dominant tackle and surrender tackle), strengthendurance for the upper body and high-intensity running endurance for the
lower body have become the dominant physical qualities required for
success in rugby league. Obviously it is of interest to attempt to determine if
upper body strength-endurance had surpassed maximal strength, power or
upper body speed in importance, factors that had been shown to differentiate
NRL, SRL and CRL, at least to some degree, prior to the dominant tackle
rule changes.
Player Position
Studies of American football players clearly illustrate differences in
strength and power levels not only between players of different performance
levels (eg, starters and non-starters) but also according to the playing
position of the players (Fry & Kraemer, 1991).
league players tended to use the two basic groupings of forwards and backlines players (Meir, 1993; Brewer & Davis, 1995). However, this dichotomy
oversimplifies the matter, as within these two groups are some players tasks
that overlap or may be quite different. Later researchers such as OConnor
and Meir et al. (2001a,b) analysed players according to their distinct
positional groupings (5-9 groups) and reported some differences between
groups in maximal upper body strength (1 and 3RM). Meir et al. (2001b)
labeled this more finite grouping as the players position on the team. Meir
et al. also included the standard, simplified forwards versus backline
analyses off upper body strength (forwards 10% > back-line players) and
strength-endurance (back-line players performed 33.65 and forwards, 31.28
repetitions in a 30-s speed push-up test). No normalization for differences in
body mass were taken into account for the strength-endurance test ~
therefore it is not known if differences truly existed in absolute workload
performed as would be readily observable in a test that standardized
absolute workload.
However, while Meir et al. (2001b) also analysed players into four
sub-groups, which were labeled as forwards (props, second row players
known as the hit-up forwards), outside backs (centres, wingers and
fullbacks), ball distributors (hookers and half-backs) and adjustables (locks
and five-eighths), none of the analysed tests were of upper body functioning
(only sprint and 5-minute endurance running tests were analysed).
believes the analyses or training of players should be according to three subgroupings with the adjustables and ball-players joined as their roles are
linked and inter-changeable to a large degree (Wayne Bennett, personal
communication, 1995 to present). Furthermore, the style of play of some
players in their position on the team should determine which sub-group
they belong to, not simply position on the team. For example, a fullback
that is used in attack like a second five-eighth should be considered to be in
the adjustable/distributors group whereas a fullback who is more of a ballrunner would be considered to be an outside back (Wayne Bennett, personal
communication, 1995 to present). The same situation applies to the lock
forward position on the team ~ their style of play may enable them to be in
the adjustable/distributors group or in the hit-up forward group (Wayne
Bennett, personal communication, 1995 to present).
In conclusion, irrespective of how players are grouped or sub-grouped
there has been no study that has compared upper body maximal strength,
power, strength-endurance or speed levels between playing positions or subgroups from different performance levels. Maximum strength, power and
upper body speed have been previously been show to differentiate between
different performance levels (Baker, 2000a-c; 2001a, c, d; 2002), while
maximum strength has been shown to differentiate to some degree between
different positions on the team (OConnor, 1996, Meir et al., 2001b).
Strength-endurance has been analyzed in a simple forward versus back-line
player comparison with no (Meir, 1993) or only minor differences (Meir et al.,
2001b) in the repetitions performed in time constrained push-up tests.
Absolute work was not assessed in either strength-endurance test, so this
area of analyses remains devoid of definitive data.
Given the NRL salary cap and its strict enforcement, elite rugby
league clubs in Australia must now focus on talent identification and physical
performance enhancement (Wayne Bennett, personal communication 2004
to present).
Summary and Implications of the Literature Review
This review of the literature has defined various qualities of upper body
muscular functioning such as strength, power, speed and strength-endurance.
The neural and muscle contractile basis for force output have also been
reviewed. Theoretically in a high force sport such as rugby league football it
could be assumed that testing of strength and power would be extensive and
that strength and power may be prominent descriptors of performance level.
However there is a paucity of data concerning upper body strength testing in
rugby league players and even less data exists concerning power testing.
Furthermore, given recent rule changes and current game trends, some
debate exists as to whether strength and power are as important as strengthendurance. Therefore the purpose of Study 1 was to determine the relative
importance to rugby league playing level of tests of upper body strength,
power, speed and strength-endurance. The same movement pattern for each
test must be used to limit chances of potential differences being ascribed to
individuals inter-test variance.
pushing and pulling strength was deemed necessary as most strength studies
tend to focus upon pushing/pressing strength. Given the large amount of
pulling that occurs in defense (pulling an opponent to the ground etc), it was
posited that this measure of strength should not be neglected when assessing
the strength of rugby league players (Study 2).
different between NRL players and lower level players, then pulling strength
must addressed in the training content of these lower level players. As 1RM
strength testing can be a difficult and time consuming process when dealing
with a large number of athletes, especially those not greatly experienced in
resistance training, a simplified version of extrapolating 1RM test scores
suitable for lower level athletes was also deemed of interest (Study 3). The
results of these testing investigations should direct the training goals and
content of rugby league players.
The review of neural control of force output has potentially identified a
theoretical basis for some specific acute power training strategies. As power
movements entail rapid muscular contractions, they rely upon finite interplay
between various neural control mechanisms.
favourably influencing power output ~ one through the use of alternating sets
of a heavier load in the same movement with sets of the designated power
training resistance (Study 4) and the other through alternating sets of an
antagonist training movement with sets of the designated power training
resistance (Study 5).
Hypertrophy of muscle (and/or changes in the contractile qualities of
muscle) was also identified as one of the main avenues that experienced
resistance trainers may use to increase maximal strength. However the high
volume of training thought to favourably influence hypertrophy was also
identified as not being conducive to power development.
The possible
1. Baker, D. Specific strength/power training for elite divers: Case study from
the Australian Institute of Sport. Strength & Conditioning Coach. 2(1):2027. 1994.
Baker, D.
Strength Cond.
23(1):47-56. 2001.
Baker, D.
8. Baker D, S. Nance and M. Moore. The load that maximizes the average
9. Baker D, S. Nance and M. Moore. The load that maximizes the average
mechanical power output during jump squats in power-trained athletes J.
Strength Cond. Res. 15(1):92-97. 2001.
10. Ebben, W. P. and P.B. Watts. A review of combined weight training and
plyometric training modes: Complex training. Strength Condit. 20(5)18-27.
Electromyographic and
Enoka, R. M.
Komi, P.V.
7:(Supp):101-105. 1986
analyses of the effects of muscle power training. J. Med. Sport Sci. (Japan),
1, 23-32. 1987.
20. Radcliffe, J.C., and J.L. Radcliffe. Effects of different warmups protocols
on peak power output during a single response jump task. (Abstract). Med.
Sci. Sports. Exerc.28:S189. 1996.
The optimal
training load for the development of dynamic athletic performance. Med. Sci.
Sports Exerc. 23:1279-1286. 1993.
23. Wilson, G., Wood, G. & Elliott, B. Optimal stiffness of the series elastic
24. Wilson, G.
25. Wilson, G., Elliot, B. & Wood, G. Stretch shorten cycle performance
enhancement through flexibility training. Med. Sci. Sports Exer., 24:
403-407. 1992.
Paper 5.
Acute effect on power output of alternating an agonist
and antagonist muscle exercise during complex training.
Daniel Baker and Robert U. Newton
published in the
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research,
19(1):202-205. 2005.
It is known that the efficient coordination of agonist and antagonist
muscles is one of the important early adaptations in resistance training
responsible for large increases in strength. It has also been demonstrated
that weak antagonists may limit speed of movement and consequently that
strengthening the antagonist muscles leads to an increase in agonist muscle
movement speed.
muscle exercises into a power training session has been largely unexplored.
The purpose of this study was to determine if a training complex consisting of
contrasting agonist and antagonist exercises would result in an acute increase
in power output in the agonist power exercise.
Twenty-four college-aged
rugby league players who were experienced in combined strength and power
training served as subjects for this study. The subjects were equally assigned
to an experimental (Antag) or control (Con) group who were no different in
age, height, body mass, strength or maximal power.
assessed during bench press throws with a 40 kg resistance (BT P40) using
the Plyopower training device. After warming up, the Con group performed
the BT P40 tests three minutes apart to determine if any acute augmentation
to power output could occur without intervention.
It is known that the efficient coordination of agonist and antagonist
muscles is one of the important early adaptations in resistance training
responsible for large increases in strength or torque (7, 9, 17). This appears
to be achieved by a neural strategy of enhanced reciprocal inhibition of the
antagonist musculature.
It would therefore
movements). As yet it has not been determined if the effect reported by Burke
et al would transfer between alternating sets of agonist and antagonist
exercises in typical isoninertial resistance training.
The purpose of this study was to examine the acute effect upon power
output of alternating agonist
Experimental approach to the problem
To determine if power output generated during an exercise could be
acutely affected by the subsequent performance of an antagonist exercise, an
intervention study was implemented.
performing a Pre test of power output during bench press throws with a
standard resistance.
Twenty-four college-aged rugby league players who possessed at
least 1 year of resistance training experience and specifically at least 6
months of contrast/complex power training served as subjects for this study.
They were informed of the nature of the study and voluntarily elected to
participate in the testing and intervention sessions and were divided equally
into an experimental (Antag) and control group (Con). A description of the
subjects is contained in Table 1.
18.7 (.65)
184.5 (6.0)
87.6 (6.8)
111.2 (6.9)
522 (43)
19.0 (1.0)
184.1 (5.3)
93.0 (9.3)
(n =12)
(n =12)
Testing procedures
Power output was tested during explosive bench press style throws
with an absolute resistance of 40 kg (BT P40) using the Plyometric Power
System (PPS, Norsearch, Lismore, Australia), which has been described
extensively elsewhere by various authors (4-6, 18-22). Briefly, the PPS is a
device whereby the displacement of the barbell is limited to the vertical plane,
as in a Smith weight training
attached to each end of the barbell allow the barbell to slide about two
impact of the barbell with the subjects body. The subjects were allowed to
virtually drop the bar to the floor to lessen any potential effect of fatigue that
may have arisen from the slow or careful eccentric lowering of the barbell.
This meant about a 1-2 second rest existed between consecutive repetitions
as the subjects re-gripped the bar. These strategies were implemented to
ensure the athletes performed the bench pulls in manner similar to the bench
throws (ie. explosively and with loss of hand contact with the bar).
resistance of the barbell for the bench pull was set at 50% of each subjects
1RM BP. This meant the subjects were bench throwing a mass of 40 kg and
prone bench pulling a mean barbell mass of 56.2 kg (+ 3.8 kg). The Antag
group was then retested for BT P40 three minutes after completing the
intervention strategy of bench pulls.
Statistical Analyses
To determine the effect of the intervention on test occasion, a repeated
measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used.
Significance was
The results are detailed in Table 2. The 4.7 % increase in the Post-test
BT P40 as a result of the intervention strategy of heavy antagonist bench
pulls for the Antag group was statistically significant. The power output for the
BT P40 remained unchanged in the Control group between test occasions.
The experimental Antag group increased power output as a result of
the intervention of a set of antagonist bench pulls between sets of the power
exercise while the power output for the control group remained unaltered. The
acute increase in power output as a result of the contrasting contraction
strategy gives support to the effect reported by Burke et al (8).
If this
Table 2. The acute effect upon power output of imposing a set of antagonist
prone bench pulls between sets of bench press throws with 40 kg. Mean
(standard deviation).
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------BT P40 power output (w)
468 (31)
490 (38)*
508 (54)
505 (59)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* denotes significantly different from Pre test occasion, p < 0.05
Strength training
throwing movements alternated with rapid pulling movements, such as the top
pulls and power cleans from hang/boxes.
antagonist power exercises may be area for future exploration for strength
Practical applications
1. Baker, D. Specific strength/power training for elite divers: Case study from
the Australian Institute of Sport. Strength & Conditioning Coach. 2(1):2027. 1994.
Baker, D.
Strength Cond.
23(1):47-56. 2001.
5. Baker, D. The acute effect of alternating heavy and light resistances upon
power output during upper body complex power training. J. Strength Cond.
Res. 17(3): 00-00. 2003
6. Baker D, S. Nance and M. Moore. The load that maximizes the average
mechanical power output during explosive bench press throws in highly
trained athletes J. Strength Cond. Res. 15(1): 20-24. 2001.
10. Ebben, W. P. and P.B. Watts. A review of combined weight training and
plyometric training modes: Complex training. Strength Condit. 20(5)18-27.
11. Ebben, W.P., Jensen, R.J and D.O Blackard. Electromyographic and
kinetic analysis of complex training. J. Strength Cond. Res. 14(4):451-456.
Enoka, R. M.
17. Moritani, T.
Science. 1992.
The optimal
training load for the development of dynamic athletic performance. Med. Sci.
Sports Exerc. 23:1279-1286. 1993.
Paper 6.
Acute negative effect of a hypertrophy-oriented training bout
on subsequent upper-body power output.
Daniel Baker
published in the
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research,
17(3):527-530. 2003
Athletes regularly combine maximal strength, power and hypertrophyoriented training within the same workout. Traditionally it has suggested that
power-oriented exercises precede strength and hypertrophy-oriented training
within a workout to avoid the possible negative effects that the latter types of
training may have upon power output. However, with regards to upper body
training, little study has been performed to verify this commonly held belief.
The purpose of this study was to determine the extent, if any, of a high
repetition, short rest period, hypertrophy-oriented training dose upon upper
body power output. Twenty-seven college-aged rugby league players were
tested for average power output during bench press throws with a resistance
of 40 kg (BT P40). The experimental group (Hyp, n = 15) then performed a
typical hypertrophy-oriented work bout (3 x 10 at 65% one repetitionmaximum bench press,1RM BP) before being retested for power output with
the same resistance. In comparison to the control group (Con, n = 12), whose
power output remained unchanged between the Pre- and Post-test periods,
the Hyp group experienced a large, significant decrease in BT P40 power
Coaches should plan the order of exercises carefully when combining power
and hypertrophy training.
Typical recommendations have suggested that power training should
precede strength or hypertrophy-oriented training within a workout or training
cycle (3, 21). It is thought that these other forms of resistance training may
induce some acute fatigue that could compromise power output (21).
However, those who advocate complex training embrace the alternating of
strength and power exercises or sets within a workout (2, 3, 4, 11, 12, 14 15).
The strength work recommended within contrast/complex training is typically
of very low volume (3, 11, 14), which may not have a deleterious effect upon
power output and indeed has been shown to increase power output (4, 6).
However, hypertrophy-oriented training is usually distinguished from strengthoriented training by a much higher training volume (21). Theoretically this
higher volume of training may acutely impair power output (21).
In some
support of this hypothesis is the recent work of Leveritt and Abernethy (18)
who reported a decrease in squat strength and isokinetic knee extension
torque following a bout of mixed aerobic and anaerobic exercise.
To date few studies exist that have examined the acute effect of higher
volume hypertrophy-oriented training on upper body power output within a
despite the
the power
hypertrophy edict. The purpose of this study is to report the acute effects of a
dose of high volume, hypertrophy-oriented training on power output during
upper body training.
seven college-aged
league players,
experienced in power training, served as subjects for this study. They were
informed of the nature of the study and voluntarily elected to participate in the
testing and intervention sessions. Fifteen were assigned to the experimental
The number of
pulses, denoting barbell displacement, and the time of the barbell movement
were measured by a counter timer board installed in the computer. The PPS
software calculated the average mechanical power output in watts (w) of the
concentric phase of the bench press throws based upon the displacement of
the barbell, time of displacement and mass of barbell (* gravity) data (M * G *
D / T=Power output in watts). Test reliability (r = .92) was conducted using the
Con group, who were retested after four days. Prior to pre-testing, subjects
warmed up by performing five repetitions of both the bench press (60 kg) and
bench throw exercise (20 kg).
performed the pre-test, which consisted of five consecutive repetitions with the
investigated resistance (Pre-BT P40). Only the repetition with the highest
concentric average power output was chosen and recorded for analysis.
The Con subjects were Post-tested after three minutes rest.
minutes rest the subjects performed another test (Post #2 BT P40) to gauge
the extent of recovery. Statistics
To determine if any difference existed between the Hyp or Con groups
at any testing occasion
results for these two sub-groups were also compared using factorial ANOVA.
Significance was accepted at an alpha level of p < 0.05 for all testing.
The results are outlined in Table 1. All post-test scores for the Hyp
group were significantly different from each other (p < 0.05) and from those of
the Con group, who remained unchanged. The intervention strategy of high
repetition, short rest period, hypertrophy-oriented training had caused an
acute 18% decrease in power output to be manifested 1.5 minutes after the
cessation of the last intervention set. After a further five minute rest period
(about seven minutes after the last intervention set), power output was still
depressed by an average of 6.6%.
Table 1.
Mean + standard
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Pre-BT P40
Post-#1 BT P40
Post-#2 BT P40
Hyp group
479 + 29
393 + 41*
447 + 32*
Con group
508 + 54
505 + 59
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* denotes test scores significantly different to each other at all occasions
The results detailing the deleterious effect of just three sets of
hypertrophy-oriented training on power output support the common edict that
power exercises should be performed before or separate from high repetition
or hypertrophy-oriented training. The fatiguing effects of high repetition, short
rest period training was quite pronounced and actually had a more
pronounced effect than a much longer, more voluminous conditioning bout
had upon muscle strength in previous research (1, 18).
Leveritt and Abernethy (18), who studied the acute effects of prior
combined aerobic and anaerobic conditioning training upon squat and
isokinetic knee extension strength and Kramer et al (17), who reported large
reductions in work capacity resulting from high volume, short rest period
protocols, stated the source of such impairment in performance may be due to
a combination muscle acidosis (high muscle lactates) or changes in the
electrical/tissue properties of the muscle.
Practical applications
High repetition, short rest period hypertrophy-oriented training has a
significant severe acute impact upon power output.
upon power output is still significant seven minutes after a mild dose (3 x 10)
of such training.
stronger athletes perform higher absolute workloads than less strong athletes,
strength coaches should be aware of the possible interfering effects that the
compounding (eg. 5-10 exercises x 3 sets x 10 repetitions) of hypertrophyoriented training may have upon power output within a session or training
Abernethy, P.J.
2. Baker, D. Specific strength/power training for elite divers: Case study from
the Australian Institute of Sport. Strength & Conditioning Coach. 2(1):2027. 1994.
Baker, D.
Strength Cond.
23(1):47-56. 2001.
Baker, D.
9. Baker D, S. Nance and M. Moore. The load that maximizes the average
mechanical power output during explosive bench press throws in highly
trained athletes J. Strength Cond. Res. 15(1): 20-24. 2001.
10. Baker D, S. Nance and M. Moore. The load that maximizes the average
mechanical power output during jump squats in power-trained athletes J.
Strength Cond. Res. 15(1):92-97. 2001.
11. Ebben, W. P. and P.B. Watts. A review of combined weight training and
plyometric training modes: Complex training. Strength Condit. 20(5)18-27.
12. Ebben, W.P., Jensen, R.J and D.O Blackard. Electromyographic and
kinetic analysis of complex training J. Strength Cond. Res. 14(4):451-456.
Enoka, R. M.
17. Kraemer, W.J., B.J. Noble., B.W. Culver, and M.J. Clark. Physiologic
responses to heavy-resistance exercise with very short rest periods. Int. J.
Sports Med. 8:247-252. 1987.
13(1):131-142. 1997.
Wathen, D.
Exercise order.
The optimal
training load for the development of dynamic athletic performance. Med. Sci.
Sports Exerc. 23:1279-1286. 1993.
Paper 7.
Adaptations in upper body maximal strength and power
output resulting from long-term resistance training in
experienced strength-power athletes.
Daniel Baker and Robert U. Newton
published in the
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 20(3):541546, 2006.
The purpose of this investigation was to observe changes in maximal
upper body strength and power and shifts in the load-power curve across a
multi-year period in experienced resistance trainers.
Twelve professional
Furthermore, it also
indicates that strength and power can still be increased despite a high volume
of concurrent resistance and endurance training.
Key words: Bench press, bench throw, rugby league,
It has been theorized that considerable gaps exist in our understanding
of the long-term adaptations to resistance training due to the short term nature
of most university based training studies (17, 39). Typically these training
studies last 6-12 weeks and consist mainly of college students or athletes with
limited resistance training experience serving as subjects (eg. 15).
It has
and those with a more limited training history is in stark contrast to the great
difficulty that exists in trying to increase strength in experienced, elite strength
athletes (17, 18).
Almost all of the multi-year data garnered from the above research has
concerned lower body strength and power adaptations and little data exists
concerning long-term upper body strength and power adaptations.
purpose of this study is to report upon the changes in upper body maximum
strength and power levels as well as shifts in the load-power curve for a group
of twelve highly resistance-trained professional rugby league players who
performed combined maximal strength and power training for a four year
period. Furthermore, the differential effects resulting from the initial resistance
training experience of the athletes will also be examined.
Experimental approach to the problem
Three strength and power testing sessions conducted two years apart
over four years in highly trained strength-power athletes (1998, 2000 and
upper body strength and power training on a regular basis. This repeated
measures comparative analysis provide information pertinent to the long-term
changes in strength and power output as a result of intense resistance training
across a multi-year period. Differences in the extent of adaptations, based
upon initial playing status and resistance training experience, would also be
observed and compared.
Twelve professional rugby league players who were experienced in
strength and power training served as subjects in this investigation.
subjects were members of the same World Champion club team and
underwent similar training (relevant to their playing position and individual
strength and power levels) during the four-year period. All subjects were
aware of the methods and nature of the testing and voluntarily participated in
the testing sessions, which were a regular part of their testing and
conditioning regime. Of the twelve subjects, two disparate groups of six
subjects each could be identified based upon resistance training experience
and playing status at the commencement of the study. Researchers have
been able to distinguish differences in the scope, magnitude or direction of
adaptations to the same resistance training stimuli experienced by athletes
with different starting levels of adaptation/strength (eg. 7, 8, 17, 38). These
two groups were identified as an Elite group who were currently participating
in the elite, first-division national league (NRL) in 1998 and had a resistance
training experience entailing combined maximal strength and power training
for a period of greater than three years and a Sub-elite group participating in
the second division competition. The Sub-elite group was also training to
become potential participants in the NRL. The Sub-elite group was younger
than the Elite group and possessed a combined resistance training
background of less than three years. Fortuitously, the disparate groups were
matched exactly for playing position with three hit-up forwards, two outside
backs and one hooker in each group. Descriptions of the group as a whole
and of the two sub-groups are contained in Table 1.
Throughout the four-year period, training for the upper body was
conducted on average, twice per week except in end of season periods
where no training occurred (usually 4-6 weeks per year).
The training
program was periodized throughout the year with general preparation (usually
4-8 weeks per year), specific preparation (usually 6-10 weeks per year) and
in-season competition (usually 24-32 weeks per year) periods.
97.8 (8.7)
186.7 (4.6)
20.2 (1.6)
95.5 (10.4)
186.3 (4.7)
21.3 (1.4)*
100.7 (6.7)
187.2 (4.9)
19.0 (0.6)
Within each training week, the first training day was oriented slightly
more towards the development of maximal strength and the factors that affect
strength (eg. hypertrophy, agonist/antagonist muscle balance) while the
second training day was oriented slightly more towards the development of
maximal power and other factors that affect power (eg. acceleration, rapid
force development, ballistic speed). This alternating of strength- and poweroriented training days also caused an undulatory pattern (a higher load and
lower load day) in the weekly periodization scheme throughout the year.
Typically upper body workouts lasted about 50 minutes in the
preparation period and 30 minutes in the in-season competition period.
Various other lower body (eg. full squats, jump squats, lunges, step-ups) and
whole body exercises (eg. power clean, push press, jerks, 1-arm dumbbell
snatches, Dominator whole body rotations) appropriate to rugby league (4)
were also performed throughout the year following the same periodization
scheme. Examples of how sets and repetitions were manipulated in different
periods and phases are contained in Table 2.
As rugby league players cover distances of up to 10 km in each 80minute game (30, 31), then endurance training is also of importance to the
total preparation of the player.
Table 2. Typical example of the sets and repetitions periodisation for upper
body exercises for the maximal strength bench press (BP) and various
assistant strength exercises (AS) and maximal power bench throw (BT) and
various assistant power exercises (AP).
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------General preparation
Transition Specific preparation
4 x10
3 x 10-12
3 x2-3
3 x 10
2 x 10-12
3 x 8-10
3 x 5-6
4 x 2-4
3 x 5-8
3 x 3-6
In-season competition
3 x 8 8-6-5 6-5-3 5-3-2 8-6-5 6-5-3 5-3-2 2-1-1 Test & repeat
3 x5
3 x4
Testing consisted of maximum upper body strength as assessed by the
1 repetition maximum bench press (1RM BP) according to the methods
previously outlined (6, 7, 12). Testing of upper body maximum power (Pmax)
was assessed during bench press throws (BT) using the Plyometric Power
System (PPS, Plyopower Technologies, Lismore, Australia) and the methods
weight training device such as the PPS result in much higher power outputs
than traditionally performed bench presses making this exercise more suitable
for power testing (35, 36).
The number of
pulses, denoting barbell displacement, and the time of the barbell movement
were measured by a counter timer board installed in the computer. The PPS
software calculated the average power output of the concentric phase of each
bench press throw based upon the displacement, time and mass data.
Specifically, each subject performed three repetitions during bench press
throws with 40, 50, 60, 70 and 80 kg (BT P40, BT P50, BT P60, BT P70 and
BT P80), with only the highest power output at each resistance recorded.
This battery of resistances allowed for generation of a load-power profile or
curve (6, 8, 13, 35), similar to what has been done before for the lower body
using jump squats with various resistances (19-21). The highest power output
for any individual, irrespective of the resistance, was deemed the BT Pmax.
Statistical procedures
At the initial testing occasion, two disparate groups of six subjects
could be identified based upon whether they were participating in the NRL
team or the second-division team. These Elite and Sub-elite groups were
compared using a factorial one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) for
performance and anthropometric data to discern if any differences existed
between them (See Table 1).
The results for the whole Group 1RM BP, BT Pmax and BT P40-80
were compared using a repeated measures one-way analysis of variance
(ANOVA) to determine if any of the test scores in 2000 and 2002 differed from
the base-line scores of 1998. Also the test scores for the Elite versus Subelite group were compared for the same variables. If a significant effect of test
occasion was found, Fisher Least Squares Difference (PLSD) post hoc
comparisons were performed to determine which test occasions produced
significantly different results. Pearsons product moment correlations were
used to determine the strength of relationships between variables. Statistical
significance was accepted at an alpha level of p < 0.05.
The results for changes in 1RM BP for the group as a whole and
according to sub-grouping are contained in Table 3. The results for changes
in BT Pmax for the group as a whole and according to sub-grouping are
contained in Table 4. The changes in power output with various resistances
ranging from 40 to 80 kg are displayed graphically in Figure 1 for the group as
a whole and Figure 2 when compared according to sub-grouping. There was
a significant increase in body mass up to 100.2 +/- 9.4 and 101.7 +/- 9.0 kg for
year 2000 and 2002 respectively for the group as a whole. The Elite group
increased body mass significantly by about 5% from 1998 to 2000 from where
it remained statistically unaltered. The Sub-elite groups increase of 3% in
body mass was only significant from 1998 to 2002. There was no significant
difference between the sub-groups in body mass at any period.
Table 3. Results for 1RM BP for the group as a whole and according to subgrouping as Elite or Sub-elite presented as mean (standard deviation).
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1RM BP (kg)
129.6 (15.3)*
139.2 (11.6)+
120.0 (12.7)
141.0 (15.6)*
144.6 (12.7)
137.5 (18.6)
148.1 (16.5)*
147.5 (13.0)
148.7 (20.1)
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* denotes that Group 1RM BP were significantly different at each test
+ denotes Elite group significantly different to Sub-elite in 1998 only.
This study details the changes in strength and power across a 4-year
period by a number of athletes who were members of a World champion team
and who experienced in combined strength and power training.
Changes in subjects.
Initial strength and power levels. The initial data from 1998 detailing
the differences in strength and power between the Elite and Sub-elite group
are to be expected and have been reported previously not just for upper body
strength and power (6-9) but also lower body power (9) and abdominal
strength (5) when comparing participants in the elite professional NRL to
participants in second and third division leagues (SRL and CRL). However
the upper body strength levels of both groups appears to far exceed the
average that had been previously reported for large groups of professional
rugby league players (32), perhaps indicating the intensive resistance training
history of the twelve subjects compared to other professional rugby league
players. This is to be expected when it is considered that subjects in 1998
were World Champion club team members and could be expected to be
stronger than less successful counterparts.
Table 4. Results for BT Pmax for the group as a whole and according to subgrouping as Elite or Sub-elite. Mean (standard deviation).
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------BT Pmax (w)
611 (80)*
666 (61)*+
555 (55)*
715 (81)
727 (55)
703 (105)
696 (86)
699 (82)
693 (97)
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* denotes BT Pmax in 1998 significantly different to year 2000 and 2002,
+ denotes Elite significantly different to Sub-elite in 1998 only
exhibited a 14.3% increase in 1RM BP across four years, the Elite group only
exhibited a 6.0% increase compared to the 23.9% for the younger Sub-elite
group. The results of this long-term observation suggest that maximum upper
body strength can still be increased in experienced strength-power athletes,
however there appears to be a diminishing degree of positive adaptation with
increased training experience.
levels reduce the scope for strength improvement, even if both groups follow
the same program (17).
examining the progress over the last two years of the observation, from 2000
to 2002. During this two year period the Elite group exhibited only a 2.0%
increase in 1RM BP, similar to the amount reported by Hakkinen et al (25) for
the Finnish national Olympic weightlifting squad across a two-year period.
The Sub-elite group exhibited an 8.1% increase in 1RM BP during this time
period, further supporting the concept of diminishing progress with increasing
training experience. In reality, the Sub-elite group are two years behind the
Elite group in age and training experience in 1998 and hence the scope of
adaptations experienced by the Sub-elite group for the final two year period
from 2000 to 2002 are similar to the first two years of the Elite group. Thus it
could be posited that the progress that the Sub-elite group make in the next
two year period may also only quite small.
Changes in maximal power and the load-power curve. The results for
changes in maximal power (BT Pmax) largely reflected the changes in 1RM
BP, with diminished progress with increased training experience.
example, over the four year period the group as a whole significantly
increased BT Pmax by 14%, with the Elite group improving only 5% compared
to 25% for the Sub-elite group.
Power output with all investigated resistances (40 to 80 kg) also
increased significantly from 1998 to 2000 and then remained unchanged. The
emphasis on combined maximal strength and power training is reflected in
greater increases in the heavier portion of the load-power curve. From Figures
1 and 2 it can clearly be seen that power output with heavy resistances such
as 70 and 80 kg increases far more (13.7%) than power output with
resistances of 40 kg (8.7%). This was one of the objectives of the training
over the 4-year period as previous research has established that BT P70 and
BT P80 significantly and strongly discriminate between rugby league players
who participate in the NRL versus second and third division leagues (8).
Figure 1. Shifts in bench throw load-power curve for the combined group
(n=12) of rugby league players across a four-year period. All changes were
significant. Because 2000 and 2002 were not different to each other, 2000
results have been omitted for clarity. SD bars omitted for clarity.
Figure 2. Shifts in bench throw load-power curve for the Elite and Sub-elite
groups (n = 6 each) of rugby league players across a four-year period. All
changes were significant. Because 2000 and 2002 were not different to each
other, 2000 results have been omitted for clarity. SD bars omitted for clarity.
Practical applications
This long-term observation of changes in upper body strength and
power output in experienced resistance trainers has supported the earlier
findings concerning the limited scope for improvements in lower body strength
and power with increased training experience.
1. Abernethy, P.J.
Changes in neuromuscular
performance and muscle fiber characteristics of elite power athletes selfadministering androgenic and anabolic steroids. Acta Physiol. Scand. 122:
535-544. 1984.
4. Baker, D.
Baker, D.
Baker, D.
9. Baker, D. Differences in strength and power between junior-high, seniorhigh, college-aged and elite professional rugby league players. J. Strength
Cond. Res. 16(4):581-585. 2002.
10. Baker, D and S. Nance The relationship between running speed and
measures of strength and power in professional rugby league players. J.
Strength Cond. Res. 13(3):230-235. 1999.
11. Baker, D. and S. Nance. The relationship between strength and power in
professional rugby league players. J. Strength Cond. Res. 13(3):224-229.
The effect of
13. Baker D, S. Nance and M. Moore. The load that maximizes the average
mechanical power output during explosive bench press throws in highly
trained athletes J. Strength Cond. Res. 15(1): 20-24. 2001.
14. Baker D, S. Nance and M. Moore. The load that maximizes the average
mechanical power output during jump squats in power-trained athletes J.
Strength Cond. Res. 15(1):92-97. 2001.
16. French, D. N., A.L. Gomez, J.S. Volek, M.R. Rubin, N.A. Ratamess, M.J.
Sharman, L.A. Gotshalk, W.J. Sebastianelli, m. Putukian, R.U. Newton, K.
Hakkinen, J.S. Fleck and W.J. Kraemer. Longitudinal tracking of muscular
power changes in NCAA Division 1 collegiate women gymnasts. J. Strength
Cond. Res. 18(1):101-107. 2004.
22. Hakkinen, K., Alen, M., & Komi, P.V. Changes in isometric force- and
relaxation-time, electromyographic and muscle fiber characteristics of human
skeletal muscle during strength training and detraining. Acta Physiol. Scand.
125: 573-583. 1985.
24. Hakkinen, K., Komi, P.V., Alen, M. and Kauhanen, H. EMG, muscle fiber
and force production characteristics during a one year training period in elite
weightlifters. Eur. Jour. Appl. Physiol. 56:419-427. 1987
27. Hunter, G.R., J. Hilyer, and M.A. Forster. Changes in fitness during 4years of intercollegiate basketball.
28. Kraemer, W.J. A series of studies: The physiological basis for strength
training in American football: Fact over philosophy. J. Strength Cond. Res.
11(3):131-142. 1997
A case study.
31. Meir, R., Colla, P and C. Milligan. Impact of the 10-meter rule change on
professional rugby league:
Strength Condit. J.
23(6):42-46. 2001.
Nelson, A.G., D.A. Arnall, S.F. Loy, L.J. Silvester and R.K. Conlee.
Strength Condit. J.
October:20-31. 1994.
Wilks, R.
Paper 8
The effects of systematic strength and power training during
the formative training years: A comparison between younger
and older professional rugby league players.
Daniel Baker
published in
Strength and Conditioning Coach.
Vol. 11, No. 2, pp.911. 2005.
Maximum levels of strength and power distinguish between rugby
league players of different levels (1, 2). Professional players competing in the
national rugby league competition (NRL) are stronger and more powerful than
those in the State leagues (SRL), who in turn are stronger and more powerful
than players in city based leagues (CRL) (1, 2). This can be predominantly
attributed to greater strength and power training experiences and probably
some degree of natural selection.
However, of interest is a comparison between younger and older
players at the NRL level. Systematic strength and power training did not gain
much popularity in some NRL clubs until the early till mid-1990s. This meant
that some of the current older (>28 years) NRL players may not have
performed much, if any, systematic strength and power training in their
formative training years (circa 16-17 up to 21-22 years).
In comparison,
younger NRL players (<24 years) have generally been performing such
training during their formative training years.
Therefore while both older and younger groups of NRL players may
possess a strength training age of greater than five years, a difference
between them could be described as when this training was undertaken (eg.
17-23 years v 23-29 years of age). Thus it would be of interest to compare
the strength and power results for players, matched for playing position, who
could be described as having undertaken systematic strength training at a
younger or older age.
A total squad of 20 NRL players was investigated. Twelve subjects
could be identified and matched into a Younger (N=6) or Older (n=6) group.
These groups each consisted of three forwards and three halves/hookers
players. No difference existed in body mass or height between the groups,
however the Older group were significantly older (29.5 + 2.4 v 23.2 + .8 yrs)
and had played more NRL games (199.3 + 42.4 v 59.8 + 27.4).
Testing of maximum strength consisted of a 1RM bench press (1RM
BP) and 1RM full squat (1RM SQ) using the methods previously described (1,
2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7). Testing of upper body maximum power (Pmax) included a
bench press throw test (BT Pmax) with various barbell loads using the
methods previously described (1, 2, 6). Testing of lower body power output
consisted of a jump squat (JS Pmax) test with various barbell loads using the
methods previously described (3, 4,7).
The results for each group were compared using a one-way analysis of
variance (ANOVA) to determine if differences existed between the groups in
1RM BP, 1RM SQ, BT Pmax or JS Pmax. In the event of a significant F-ratio,
Fisher PLSD post hoc comparisons were used to determine where these
differences existed. Significance was accepted at an alpha level of p < 0.05.
The results for all tests are contained in Table 1. The Younger group
was significantly stronger and more powerful than the Older group in all of the
four tests. For lower body tests the magnitude of the difference was 19% for
both tests, while for the upper body the percentage differences were 13%
(1RM BP) and 28% (BT Pmax).
This study compared two groups of players who were matched for
playing position and had basically performed the same training for four to five
years previously, but were differentiated by only two factors (apart from age).
These factors were (1) total NRL games and (2) the age that they had
commenced and/or consistently performed systematic strength and power
training. The basic finding was that the group that commenced systematic
strength training during their formative training years (circa 17-23 yrs) were
significantly stronger and more powerful in both the upper and lower body,
despite no significant difference in body mass or height, than the group who
had commenced such training at a later age (>23 yrs).
Table 1. Strength and power testing results for the Older and Younger NRL
players. Mean + standard deviation.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1RM BP
BT Pmax
JS Pmax
670 + 78
1881 + 254
548 + 48*
1579 + 197*
negative or positive) an extra 130 games (5-6 seasons) would have upon
strength and power is impossible to determine.
Furthermore, recovery
methods used after games and during the training week are now far more
professional than six or more years ago. Therefore this discussion will focus
more upon the impact that commencing strength and power training at an
earlier age may have had upon the results.
This analyses is unique in that a situation may not exist again whereby
players from the same football club can be compared based upon what age
This value
adding effect of training at age 17-18 onwards may gradually dissipate as the
athlete ages (into their early to mid-20s). It is not known exactly what this
value adding of the neuromuscular system may be, but it is worthy of future
longitudinal study.
Baker, D.
comparison of dynamic and isometric measures of strength and speedstrength. Eur. J. Appl Physiol. 68:350-355. 1994.
6. Baker D, S. Nance and M. Moore. The load that maximizes the average
mechanical power output during explosive bench press throws in highly
trained athletes J. Strength Cond. Res. 15(1):20-24. 2001.
7. Baker D, S. Nance and M. Moore. The load that maximizes the average
mechanical power output during jump squats in power-trained athletes. J.
Strength Cond. Res. 15(1):92-97. 2001.
10. Wilson, G. The effect of age and gender on the development of muscular
function. Strength & Conditioning Coach. 3(1): 1-6. 1995.
Paper 9.
Methods to increase the effectiveness of maximal power
training for the upper body
Daniel Baker and Robert U. Newton
published in the
Strength and Conditioning Journal
27(6):24-32. 2005.
19, 21).
While these
been shown to be highly correlated to Pmax in both the upper- (5-10) and
lower-body (11) for both elite and less experienced athletes.
As the
conditioning base has been established the following practices will be most
exercises are those exercises that entail acceleration for the full range of
movement with resultant high lifting velocities and power outputs. Strength
exercises are those exercises that entail heavy resistances and high force
outputs but also pronounced periods of deceleration resulting in lower lifting
velocities and reduced power outputs (26). Performing an exercise where
acceleration can occur throughout the entire range of movement (such as a
bench throw in a Smith machine, see Figure 3, medicine ball throws, power
pushups etc) allows for higher lifting speeds and power outputs (23, 25, 26).
If athletes attempt to lift light resistances explosively in traditional exercises
such as bench press and squats, large deceleration phases occur in the
second half of the movement, resulting in lower power outputs as compared to
power versions of bench throw and jump squats (26, 27).
Thus a heavy
movement. When the barbell is lowered to the chest, the chains are furled on
the floor and only provide minimal resistance (see Figure 4). As the barbell is
lifted, the chains unfurl and steadily increase resistance throughout the range
of motion (see Figure 5). This method means that a lighter resistance (eg. 5075% 1RM) can be lifted explosively off the chest but as the additional
resistance (+10-15% 1RM in chains) is added by the constant unfurling of the
chain links off the floor, the athlete can continue attempting to accelerate the
bar but it will slow due to the increasing mass, rather than the athlete
consciously reducing the push against the barbell.
example, this allows the athlete to explode upwards and continue to apply
high force much later into the movement.
Another strategy is the use of Functional Isometric (FI) training (23). A
FI exercise can be performed for the top half of a movement in a power rack
or Smith machine, altering the force characteristics considerably (23). Other
methods of altering the kinetic profile include partial repetitions in the top half
or maximal force zone of the lift (24). Weighted adjustable hooks (periscope
type design) that are constructed to fall off the barbell when the base of the
apparatus contacts the floor during the lowest portion of the bench press can
also alter barbell kinetics within a repetition.
acceleration) throughout the barbell trajectory and particularly the end of the
range of movement (so that it more closely mimics power exercises) can be
basically applied to any free weight barbell exercise used in upper body
acutely increasing upper body power output (1). This research found that
bench presses with 65% 1RM alternated with bench throws (30-45% 1RM)
resulted in an acute increase in power output (1).
An agonist-antagonist
complex may also warrant consideration from the coach as speed of agonist
movement may be improved in these situations (13, 22). Thus a strength
coach has a choice of implementing agonist strength and power exercises or
antagonist and agonist strength and power exercises in a complex to increase
power output.
It is recommended that if upper body resistance training is performed
twice per week, then one day of the training week could emphasize strength
development with heavy resistance training and another training day
emphasize power development with training complexes alternating contrasting
sets of light resistances (30-45% 1RM) and medium-heavy resistances (6075% 1RM) (1, 7).
Table 1. Zones of intensity for strength and power training, modified from
reference 7.
Type and / or goal of training of each intensity zone
Zone 1: < 50% * General muscle & technical
General neural & technical
(< 25 % 1RM)
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* For strength, percentage of maximum refers to 1RM (100%). For power,
100% = Pmax resistance (circa 45-55% 1RM if exact Pmax resistance not
known). Equivalent percentage ranges based upon 1RM are included in
brackets for cases where exact Pmax resistance is not known.
maximise power output and a simple method for achieving this is by using low
repetitions for power exercises (and obviously ensuring the appropriate rest
period is utilized).
Anecdotal evidence from training hundreds of athletes with the PPS
shows that power output markedly decreases after three repetitions when
using resistances that maximize power output (around 45-50% 1RM BP)
during the BT exercise. Based on this evidence, for power exercises it is
usually recommended that only 2-3 repetitions be performed when training in
the maximal power zone, 3-5 in the general power and ballistic power zone
and higher repetitions (eg. 8-10) are only performed when using lighter
resistances in the technical/neural zone (learning technique or warming up).
Recent research
clusters of two repetitions with a 10-second rest between clusters. The restpause system is essentially similar but typically entails the breakdown of a
lower repetition set (for example, 5RM) into single repetitions with a short
pause (for example, 2-15 secs) between repetitions.
A breakdown (aka
stripping) set consists of small amounts of resistance being taken from the
barbell during short pauses between repetitions. This reduction in resistance
Whether the resistances are presented in an ascending (working up in
resistance) or descending (working down in resistance) order during power
training has been cause of some debate (7). A recent study examining the
effects of ascending or descending order on power output during bench
throws reported that an ascending order resulted in the highest power output
during BT (7).
Rest periods
The rest period between sets or even repetitions will depend upon the
objective of that set, the number of repetitions being performed, the intensity
of the resistance, the type of exercise, the training state of the athlete and the
periodization phase. When the objective of the set is maximise the power
output that can be generated with the selected resistance, the rest period
between sets of a power exercise should be one to two-minutes or as is long
enough to ensure that the objective is met. When performing a complex of a
strength and power exercise, anecdotal evidence suggests a four-minute turnaround period (eg. set of bench press then 90 s rest, set of bench throw then
120 s rest before repeating complex) has been shown to be adequate as
evidenced by the power outputs measured by the PPS. Shorter rest periods
(eg. < 1-minute between sets of a power exercise or < 3-minutes for a
the group of twelve subjects as a whole, the BT Pmax increased from 611 w
to 696 w. This 14% increase appears to be underpinned by a similar change
of 14.3 % in 1RM BP (from 129.6 to 148.1 kg) (9). From this evidence it would
appear that the concept of combining maximum strength and power training,
using the methods outlined above, can result in enhanced upper body power
output over long-term training periods.
Figure 2. Change in the upper body bench throw load-power curve (average
concentric power) across a four-year period in a group of twelve professional
rugby league players as well as for one individual who made considerable
progress (player X). The change in 1RM BP appears to underpin the change
in BT Pmax during this time. From reference 9.
Practical applications
methods simultaneously either. For example, a bench press and bench throw
workout to maximize pressing power that entails six methods: full acceleration
exercise; kinetically altered strength exercise; contrasting resistance complex;
low repetitions; ascending order of resistances for the power exercise; and
clustered repetitions is detailed in Table 3. Variation and periodization should
influence if, when and how, any of these strategies are implemented.
This paper has addressed mainly the training for maximal power
production and especially may be of value for athletes who must overcome
large external resistances such as the body mass of opponents (eg. football,
rugby league and union, wrestling, judo, mixed martial arts). Athletes who
require a greater speed contribution rather than pure strength contribution in
their power production (eg. boxing and related martial arts, tennis, javelin)
may need to modify their training accordingly and their load-power curves
would reflect this by perhaps showing increased power output with lighter
resistances of 10-40 kg. However, many of the methods described above
would be applicable to many sporting situations and it is the job of the astute
coach to modify and implement them accordingly.
Table 2. Actual sample training content for bench press and bench throws
across the last 4-weeks of a pre-season strength-power training cycle for an
elite professional rugby league player. Testing occurred in week 5.
Bench throws
573 w
599 w
696 w
683 w
@ 40 kg
@ 50 kg
@ 70 kg
@ 70 kg @ 80k
%BT Pmax
588 w
605 w
722 w
746 w
@ 40 kg
@ 50 kg
@ 70 kg
@ 80 kg
%BT Pmax
Bench press
100 %
130 kg
135 kg
140 kg
150 kg
% 1RM
105 kg
110 kg
125 kg*
125 kg*
% 1RM
755 w
Table 3. Sample workout for combined bench press and bench throws on a
power-oriented training day during the peaking maximum strength/power
phase for an athlete possessing a 1RM BP of 130 kg.
Wt (kg)
Wt (kg)
1b. Bench press + chains* Reps
Paper 1.
Analyses of tests of upper body strength, power, speed and
strength-endurance to describe and compare playing rank in
professional rugby league players.
Daniel Baker and Robert U. Newton
was published in the
International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance
1(4):347-360, December 2006
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine the upper body strength,
speed, power and strength-endurance capabilities of rugby league players of
different playing rank. This data would provide information pertinent to the
importance of upper body strength, power, speed and strength-endurance for
different grades of rugby league and for positional groups within those
different grades in professional rugby league players.
Methods: Sixty rugby league players, comprised of 20 participants each in
the elite, national first-division league (NRL), state-based second division
league (SRL) and intra-city third division league (CRL), served as subjects in
this investigation. Maximal upper body strength, power, speed and muscle
endurance were assessed using the bench press exercise.
Results: The NRL players were significantly stronger (141.415.4 kg) than
SRL (126.613.1, ES=1.033) and CRL players (108.111.6, ES=2.458) and
more powerful (NRL=68099 W, SRL=59172, CRL=52171, ES=1.037 and
1.867, respectively) than other players. The differences in speed
(NRL=34531 W, SRL=31929 and CRL=303 29 (ES=0.884 and 1.409
respectively) and strength-endurance (NRL=367 reps, SRL=32 7 and
CRL=245, ES=0.521, ns 1.984, respectively) were generally not as
Conclusions: The results of this investigation illustrate that of the tests
undertaken, maximal strength best describes those players who attain NRL
ranking. Maximum power and strength-endurance were also strong
descriptors of attainment of NRL level. Upper body speed appears less likely
to strongly discriminate between those players who attain NRL and those who
do not. These results tended to hold true across the different positional
groupings within the team.
Rugby league is a collision-sport played world-wide and in particular is
popular in Australia, New Zealand and Great Britain. A rugby league team
each consists of 13 players participating on the field (six forward-line and
seven back-line) as well as up to four interchange players (of mixed positional
groupings). At the professional level, the game is typically played over two 40minute halves separated by a 10-minute rest interval.
Success in rugby
strategies and game play have conceivably increased the importance of
upper-body strength-endurance. For example, previously only 1-2 defending
players would generally commit to a tackle and then, as stipulated by the
rules, quickly move away from the tackled player. This meant a high level of
maximum strength and power would be required by those 1-2 defending
players to quickly halt the forward momentum of the attacking player. Since
circa 2001 the concept of a dominant tackle has been promoted by some
coaches and commentators and is now interpreted by referees throughout the
This has had the effect of increasing gang tackles and grapple
tackles whereby 4-5 defenders attempt to take extra time to halt the forward
momentum of the attacker and wrap up the ball to stop the attacker
unloading the ball to further promote the attack. This has had the effect of
increasing the number of tackles each player may be involved in during a
game, but these tackles may require less strength and power effort per tackle
than prior to 2001. This situation has led many commentators in the popular
media and coaches to ascribe to the theory that high levels of upper-body
strength-endurance and lower body running endurance (elite rugby league
players can cover distances of up to 10 km in an 80-minute game, 1) are now
the main physical requirements needed by rugby league players who aspire to
reach the highest levels of competition.
The purpose of this study was to compare the upper body strength,
speed, power and strength-endurance capabilities of selected rugby league
players participating in the elite, national first-division (NRL), state-based
second division (SRL) and intra-city third division (CRL) rugby league
competitions. In addition, a further analysis by positional grouping was also
performed, similar to that of Meir et al 2.
Sixty rugby league players, comprising twenty full-time professionals
participating in the elite first-division National Rugby League competition
(NRL), as well as twenty semi-professionals each participating in a second
division State League (SRL) and third-division intra-city league (CRL) served
as participants in this investigation. All were members of the same football
club and performed the same resistance training relative to their different
playing positions, and individual strength levels under the same resistance
training coach to ensure homogeneous exercise technique development
occurred across the different squads. Irrespective of which team a player was
in, his entire resistance training program was prescribed according to his
positional grouping, which was the same throughout all three squads. The
bench press portion of the training was exactly the same for each individual in
terms of training volumes (sets x repetitions) and relative intensities (%1
repetition maximum, RM) for at least 8-weeks prior to testing. Therefore the
players in each positional grouping were resistance trained in a homogeneous
manner and each player performed exactly the same bench press training for
the eight weeks prior to testing, irrespective of his position or squad. Although
the full-time professional NRL players performed additional training sessions
(fitness, skill, tactics), no additional resistance training was performed by
these players. All subjects were aware of the methods and nature of the
testing and voluntarily participated in the testing sessions, which were a
regular part of their testing and conditioning regime. This study conformed to
the policy statement of the Declaration of Helsinki regarding research
involving human subjects. All of the athletes had performed a pre-season
resistance training cycle immediately prior to testing. Descriptive data for the
various player groupings is contained in Table 1.
Experimental Design
Tests of strength, power, speed and high-intensity strength-endurance
during upper body pressing movements were measured in rugby league
players participating in three different playing grades. Scores in these tests
were analyzed to determine if there were differences in these tests between
the different grades.
performed to determine if upper body strength, power, speed or strengthendurance are more important for players in different positions in rugby
Table 1. Description of subjects as participants in the national (NRL), intrastate (SRL) or intra-city (CRL) based rugby league competitions.
(standard deviation).
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Body mass (kg)
Height (cm)
Age (yrs)
96.8 (10.4)
183.6 (5.4)
25.3 (3.1)
94.2 (8.1)
184.6 (4.9)
20.7 (2.5)
88.7 (7.7)b
182.0 (5.4)
18.6 (.9)a
Four tests were chosen to measure the strength, power, speed and
strength-endurance of the upper body musculature.
exact same movement pattern whereby the weights were lowered to the chest
and then forcefully and rapidly pressed away from the body (bench press
movement). Individuals can exhibit differences in performances in strength
and power between different test movements for the same muscles
. By
using the same test movement to assess all four physical qualities it was
presumed that if differences occur then these differences could be ascribed to
the level of performance in the four physical qualities rather than inter-test
regimen of many athletes and is commonly used to assess strength and other
upper-body physical qualities in rugby league players
5-9, 11-13
as it replicates
entailed the use of the Plyometric Power System (PPS), which has been
described previously
5, 6, 11-13
denoting barbell displacement, and the time of the barbell movement were
measured by a counter timer board installed in the computer.
resistance of 60 kg for as many repetitions as possible till fatigue (RTF BP60).
This absolute resistance was chosen as it complied with the American College
of Sports Medicine (ACSM) Position Stand for Progression Models in
Resistance Training for Healthy Adults concerning strength-endurance14.
Specifically this absolute resistance was between 30-80% for all subjects and
allowed for the completion of at least 10-25 repetitions or more as
recommended by the ACSM guidelines. Recent research has illustrated that
absolute resistances, for example 40 kg during bench throws, are reliable
indicators of training-based changes
6, 15
more repetitions with this absolute mass are performing more absolute work,
a factor rugby league coaches believe is more important than measures
relative to body mass or 1RM. A resistance of 60 kg was also only marginally
different between groups in terms of relative percentage of body mass and
represented 62%, 63.7% and 67.6% of the NRL, SRL and CRL groups body
mass. Testretest reliability was r = 0.94 (n =19).
Speed testing - Upper body speed testing was conducted using the PPS and
a resistance of 20 kg (the empty barbell representing the lightest resistance
that could be used in the PPS) using methods described previously 7. After
warming up, the athlete performed five repetitions of the bench press throw
exercise with the highest power output generated during the concentric phase
recorded as the speed capability of the upper body (BT P20).
Power testing - Maximum power output (BT Pmax) was assessed for the
upper body during the concentric phase of bench press throws with
resistances ranging from 40 to 80 kg using methods described previously5-6, 11-
throws with resistances of 40, 50, 60, 70 and 80 kg, with the highest power
output at any of the resistances deemed the Pmax.
Player groupings
Players were analyzed according to a method modified from Meir et al.
where the front-row and back-rowers were defined as the hit-up forwards
while the centers and wingers were defined as outside-backs. The hookers,
halves, fullbacks and utility players were defined as the ball-players as their
primary role in a game is the setting up of plays, distribution of the ball and
general organization of attack. These were the groupings determined by their
club coaches based upon contemporary trends and practices and the players
training was organized in such groupings to a large degree.
Statistical Analyses
Means and standard deviations for each measured variable were
calculated for both playing level and team position groupings. The Levene test
was used to assess homogeneity of variance and age and body mass were
the only variables that did not pass this test. Multivariate ANOVA was used to
determine if differences existed between the groups or positional sub-groups
in age, body mass, height, 1RM BP, BT Pmax, BT P20 or RTF BP60. In the
event of a significant F-ratio, Bonferroni post hoc comparisons were used to
determine where these differences existed, except for age and body mass
where Dunnett T3 was used to account for lack of homogeneity of variance for
these two variables. Spearman rank correlations were calculated between
individual test scores and progression from CRL to NRL level. Pearsons
product moment correlations were calculated to examine the interrelationships between performances in the different tests. Significance was
accepted at a criterion alpha level of p < 0.05.
Summary data for age, height and body mass are contained in Table 1.
Age was significantly different between all groups (p<0.001, df=2, ES=0.598)
but height was not (p=0.308, df=2, ES=0.040). Body mass was not different
between NRL and SRL players (p=1.000, df=38, ES=0.283), or SRL and CRL
(p=0.163, df=38, ES=0.693) however NRL players were significantly heavier
than CRL players (9.1%, p=0.016, df=38, ES=0.896). Results for the strength,
power, speed and strength-endurance tests are contained in Table 2.
Maximum strength and power were significantly different between all groups.
NRL players were stronger than SRL (11.6%, p=0.003, df=38, ES=1.033) and
CRL players (30.8%, p<0.001, df=38, ES=2.458) and SRL players were
stronger than CRL (17.1%, p<0.001, df=38, ES=1.497). In terms of upper
body power output, BT Pmax was higher for the NRL players compared to the
SRL players (15.0%, p=0.003, df=38, ES=1.037) and CRL players (30.6%,
p<0.001, df=38, ES=1.867). Also SRL players produced more power
compared to CRL players (13.6%, p=0.025, df=38, ES=0.987). Strengthendurance was not different between the NRL and SRL groups (p=0.250,
df=38, ES=0.521), however both groups were significantly different to the CRL
group (49.3%, p<0.001, df=38, ES=1.984 and 34.6%, p<0.001, df=38,
ES=1.356 respectively). The NRL group was significantly different to both
groups in upper-body speed. That is, BT P20 was higher for the NRL players
compared to the SRL players (8.4%, p=0.019, df=38, ES=0.884) and CRL
players (13.9%, p<0.001, df=38, ES=1.409) however there was no difference
between SRL players and CRL players (p=0.310, df=38, ES=0.536). The
relation of the four physical factors to progression to NRL level was r = 0.75,
0.63, 0.63 and 0.55 for strength, power, strength-endurance and speed,
The aim of this study was to assess and compare upper body strength,
speed, power and endurance in rugby league players across three
competition levels and by playing position.
performed exactly the same bench press routine. Therefore the differences
exhibited are not due to the NRL players training more often or relatively
harder prior to testing, but must reflect long-term adaptations garnered from
multiyear training as well as some possible genetic influences which are
beyond the scope of this manuscript.
This is
understandable given the intense physical nature of rugby league football and
the need to forcefully push away opponents.
Table 2.
scores between rugby league players participating in the national (NRL), intrastate (SRL) or intra-city (CRL) based rugby league competitions.
(standard deviation).
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 RM BP (kg)
BT Pmax (w)
BT P20 (w)
141.4 (15.4)
680 (99)
345 (31)b
35.6 (6.6)
126.6 (13.1)
591 (72)
319 (29)
32.1 (6.9)
108.1 (11.6)a
521 (71)a
303 (29)
23.8 (5.3)c
First, overall maximum strength appears the most potent descriptor for
the three different grades of rugby league players, as has been reported
5-7, 11
was different by about 15% between each grade. Thus the NRL squad was
30% stronger than the CRL and about 15% stronger than the SRL squad.
The magnitude of the relationship between strength and progression to NRL (r
= 0.75) ranking can be defined as very large according to Hopkins scaling
and interpretation of correlations and effect sizes (r > 0.7 = very large)
Although the ES differences between the NRL and SRL squads could be
deemed to be moderate according to Hopkins analysis
, the differences
between NRL and CRL and SRL and CRL can described as either large (ES =
1.2 - 2) or very large (ES = >2). Thus the relationship between strength and
NRL ranking and the magnitude of ES differences between the squads mean
that of the variables in this investigation, strength is the most distinguishing
between rugby league players of different ranking.
This difference cannot be explained solely by differences in body mass
as there was no significant difference in body mass between the SRL and
NRL groups (but differences with the CRL group). If results for 1RM BP are
scaled relative to body mass then the scores of 1.46, 1.34 and 1.22 kg/kg-BM
for the NRL, SRL and CRL groups respectively are still significantly different to
each other. Even if an allometric method of scaling such as the two-thirds
formula is used (1RM BP / (BM * .67)
1.82 for the NRL, SRL and CRL groups respectively are still significantly
different to each other. Therefore issues other than simple measures of total
BM or even fat-free mass must explain these differences in strength.
Consequently, various neural, tissue/morphological or maturation (the NRL
group were older) adaptations must explain this result.
It has been postulated that other neural adaptations that occur with long-term
periodized strength and power training would be more efficient neural
patterning of the skill of the strength exercises, diminished levels of
unwarranted antagonist co-contraction, synchronous firing of motor units
(especially during the initial concentric phases of ballistic power exercises)
and reduced inhibitory feedback from force receptors/regulators such as the
Golgi tendon organ and Renshaw cells 18. To what extent these adaptations
occur and the time frame for their occurrence is yet to be fully determined.
Qualitative muscle tissue adaptations such as changes to the fiber type or
myosin heavy chain expression could also presumably be occurring with
increased training experience.
nature of these adaptations is beyond the nature of this manuscript, but have
been reviewed extensively elsewhere 18-20.
Maximum upper body pressing power, as assessed by the BT Pmax,
also clearly differentiated between the three groups.
groups were 30 and 15% more powerful than the CRL group. The extent of
the relation of power to NRL ranking was large according to the Hopkins
interpretation 16. Effect size differences were quite large between NRL and
CRL players and moderate between NRL and SRL players and SRL and CRL
players. The outcome mirrors almost exactly the result for maximum strength,
which is understandable given the very strong correlation between maximum
strength and power
12, 21
descriptor of which athletes progress from CRL to SRL to NRL level, a finding
verifying previous research 5, 11.
Movement speed, as assessed by the BT P20, illustrated a difference
between the NRL group and the other two groups but not a difference
between the lower two groups. Overall the percentage differences between
the groups, magnitude of the relation of speed to NRL progression and ES
were about half compared to strength and power. There was no significant
difference in upper body speed between the CRL and SRL groups, however
the apparent 5% difference in scores may have a practical significance for
elite athletes. A previous report on this type of testing also demonstrated that
the movement speed test was not as strong a discriminator of rugby league
playing level as a test of maximum strength 11. This finding may indicate that
upper body movement speed, as assessed while lifting a light resistance, is
less important to rugby league success than absolute strength and maximum
Strength-endurance, as assessed by the RTF BP60 test, has not been
assessed in this manner before in rugby league players and this paper is the
first to report on its suitability or otherwise for this athlete population. Our
preliminary pilot work attempted to analyze the ability of a common test of
high-intensity strength-endurance used in the American football system to
describe and compare rugby league players of different grades. However it
was felt the resistance used in the test (RTF while bench pressing 102.5 kg, a
test known as the NFL 225-lb test
number of subjects who could either not lift this resistance at all or for only a
few repetitions. As a result the test became a feat of maximum strength,
rather than strength-endurance, for a large proportion of the subjects. It was
concluded that a lighter absolute resistance of 60 kg be used during bench
press RTF testing to determine the relative importance of strength-endurance
for success in rugby league. The repetitions to fatigue performed while benchpressing 60 kg in the current study ranged from 16 to 50, clearly indicating
that this was a valid test of strength-endurance in terms of repetitions
completed and the relative %1RM used, according to the ACSM guidelines 14.
This test of strength-endurance differentiated between CRL players and the
other higher ranking groups with the relation to NRL ranking and ES indicating
a large difference. However between the NRL and SRL groups the differences
were not significant and the ES could be deemed to be small. So while there
was clearly a significant difference between the lower ranked CRL group and
the higher ranked groups in the performance of this test, it would be appear
not to be as potent a descriptor of rugby league playing ability as the upper
body test of maximum strength and power between athletes already at stateleague level. Given that the NRL players are substantially stronger than SRL
players and that there is a strong relationship between 1RM strength and the
number of repetitions performed with sub-maximal resistances
, it is not
the different test scores for an individual, the relationship of these absolute
test scores to the players ranking can be determined. For example, body
mass was significantly related to attainment of NRL level (r = 0.34), but the
very moderate extent of this relationship suggests that it is not as strongly
related as the performance factors of strength (very large), power, speed or
strength-endurance (large). Thus merely being a rugby league player with a
large body mass is far less important than being a strong rugby league player,
irrespective of body mass.
As rugby league football entails players with different positional tasks, it
could be expected that the different upper body muscular qualities may be
more or less desirable in these different positions 2. To discern if this was
true, further analyses were implemented along the positional groupings that
were determined by their club coaches according to contemporary practices
and trends. Conceivably the upper body strength, power, speed and strengthendurance needs for these three different positional groups could differ
Tables 3 to 5 describe the differences in these four qualities of upper
body muscular performance for each of the three positional groupings. As is
the case for the squad data, maximum strength and power again tend to be
the best descriptors of rugby league playing ability. For the hit-up forwards,
maximum strength and power clearly distinguish the NRL players from the
SRL players (11-13%, ES = 1.855 to 2.267) and the CRL players (33-38%, ES
= 2.6). Upper body speed results are less markedly different and muscular
endurance only separated the NRL and SRL hit-up forwards from their CRL
counterparts (ES >= 1.5), not from each other. For the more robust physical
tasks confronting the larger hit-up forwards during a game of rugby league,
maximum strength, power and body mass (ES = 1.75 - 3.39, = large to very
large differences) appear more highly desirable and better able to describe
those who progress to NRL level from those who do not.
Table 3. Comparison of upper body strength, power, speed and strengthendurance between rugby league hit-up forwards participating in the national
(NRL), intra-state (SRL) or intra-city (CRL) based rugby league competitions.
Mean (standard deviation).
BT Pmax
BT P20
(# reps)
362 (29)b
36.6 (8.5)
107.6 (2.9)
126.9 (5.6)
596 (41)
322 (26)
32.3 (4.5)
99.4 (5.2)
305 (32)
25.3 (4.4)c
93.7 (5.2)a
(n = 8)
(n = 9)
(n = 6)
Denotes all groups different to each other, p < 0.05, b denotes NRL different
to both other groups, p < 0.05, c denotes CRL different to both other groups, p
< 0.05
1RM BP = 1 Repetition Maximum bench press, BT Pmax = Maximum power
generated during bench throws with 40-80 kg, BT P20 = Power generated
during bench throws with empty 20 kg barbell, RTF BP60 = Maximum number
of repetitions performed till fatigue while bench pressing 60 kg.
The results for the outside backs are similar to those for the hit-up
forwards, with the NRL outside backs being 13-14% stronger (ES = 1.86,
large and 3.44, very large differences) and 29-30% (ES = 1.2-1.98, large
differences) more powerful than their SRL and CRL counterparts, respectively
despite no significant difference in body mass.
significantly different between all three team levels, power and speed were
similar between the SRL and CRL players. Strength endurance was different
between the CRL and both the NRL (ES = 2.854) and SRL groups, who were
statistically similar. Based upon the magnitude of the % differences and the
ES, clearly the outside backs at NRL level are much stronger and more
powerful than lower ranked counterparts. Most importantly they do not rely
upon differences in body mass to provide those advantages.
The magnitude of differences in the muscular performance tests for the
ball-players was less pronounced. Differences in strength, strength-endurance
and power existed between CRL players and the SRL and NRL players (ES =
1.46 2.909, designating large to very large differences), but not between
these latter two groups. As the ball-players are deemed to be the most skillful
players, it is probable that the factors separating the SRL and NRL players in
this positional grouping are not upper body strength or power but may be
more related to other attributes such as ball skills, organizational ability and
game-related decision making.
While the positional grouping x team ranking analyses is hampered by
lower numbers of subjects, we feel that this is unavoidable when dealing with
elite and sub-elite athletes. In this case study approach we desired subjects
with a recent homogeneous training background but whom their coaches
ranked differently.
Table 4. Comparison of upper body strength, power, speed and strengthendurance between rugby league outside backs participating in the national
(NRL), intra-state (SRL) or intra-city (CRL) based rugby league competitions.
Mean (standard deviation).
BT Pmax
BT P20
Body Mass
(# reps)
141.0 (4.2)
698 (41)b
351 (11)b
37.4 (4.0)
94.9 (6.2)
325 (29)
31.0 (6.7)
93.4 (7.3)
308 (31)
22.7 (5.6)c
87.3 (7.1)
(n = 5)
(n = 7)
(n = 7)
Denotes all groups different to each other, p < 0.05, b denotes NRL different
to both other groups, p < 0.05, c denotes CRL different to both other groups, p
< 0.05.
1RM BP = 1 Repetition Maximum bench press, BT Pmax = Maximum power
generated during bench throws with 40-80 kg, BT P20 = Power generated
during bench throws with empty 20 kg barbell, RTF BP60 = Maximum number
of repetitions performed till fatigue while bench pressing 60 kg.
Table 5. Comparison of upper body strength, power, speed and strengthendurance between rugby league ball-players participating in the national
(NRL), intra-state (SRL) or intra-city (CRL) based rugby league competitions.
Mean (standard deviation).
BT Pmax
BT P20
(# reps)
321 (30)
33.1 (5.5)d
86.0 (8.9)
299 (35)
33.5 (12.3)
84.0 (4.2)
296 (26)
23.7 (6.2)
86.0 (3.5)
(n = 7)
(n = 4)
(n = 7)
denotes CRL different to both other groups, p < 0.05, d denotes NRL different
to CRL only, p < 0.05
1RM BP = 1 Repetition Maximum bench press, BT Pmax = Maximum power
generated during bench throws with 40-80 kg, BT P20 = Power generated
during bench throws with empty 20 kg barbell, RTF BP60 = Maximum number
of repetitions performed till fatigue while bench pressing 60 kg.
proposed by Hopkins16, the overall team analyses show that strength very
largely and the other factors, largely, do distinguish team ranking. This is
especially so for both the hit-up forwards and the outside backs and to a
lesser degree for the ball-players.
The inter-relations between various muscular performance factors are
also of interest and are detailed in Table 6. First, body mass exhibits only
moderate relationships between maximum strength, power, speed and
strength-endurance (r [95% confidence interval] = 0.48 [0.22 to 0.74], 0.58
[0.32 to 0.84], 0.51 [0.25 to 0.77] and 0.40 [0.14 to 0.66], respectively)..
Maximum power, strength and speed were very highly inter-related, a finding
that has been reported numerous times before in rugby league players 5,6,11,12
as well as other athletes 21.
Practical Applications
A pathway in upper body strength, power, speed and strengthendurance for professional rugby league players in different positions and
team rankings has been illustrated in this paper. Strength and conditioning
specialists and players must devote considerable training time to increasing
these aspects if they are to maximize their playing level. The preparation of
the elite rugby league athlete will include a long training history of
hypertrophy-oriented training (to increase body mass to the levels of SRL and
NRL players), heavy resistance training to maximize strength development
and exercises to develop upper body power output. Strength-endurance
training also appears to be of importance to NRL attainment and should be
stressed in the resistance-training regime of rugby league players. Players
should initiate resistance training during adolescence and gradually increase
in volume and intensity as they mature and rise in playing level if they are to
be successful in elite competition.
Table 6.
BT P20
BT P20
Despite recent
rule changes,
referee interpretations,
strategies and ploys that have conceivably increased the upper body strengthendurance demands upon the players, strength-endurance, as assessed in
this investigation, was not found to be the most dominant upper-body
descriptor of NRL playing rank. Of the four upper body tests assessed in this
paper, maximum strength appears the most highly related to success in rugby
league and displays the highest percentage differences between different
teams. Maximum power and strength-endurance, which were both strongly
related to maximum strength, were also strongly and similarly indicative of
successful attainment of NRL level. Upper body movement speed, while still
significant, tends to describe team ranking less readily than the other
measures of upper body muscular function.
positional groupings, the results are similar. Based upon these results
younger rugby league players who desire to attain higher playing levels
should strive to increase upper body maximum strength, which appears to
underpin performance in other key muscular performance factors such as
maximum power and strength-endurance.
1. Meir R, Colla P, Milligan C. Impact of the 10-meter rule change on
professional rugby players: Implications for training. Strength and Conditioning
9. Baker D. Applying the in-season periodization of strength and power
training to football. Strength and Conditioning Journal. 1998; 20(2): 18-24.
10. Baker D, Wilson G, Carlyon B. Generality versus specificity: a comparison
of dynamic and isometric measures of strength and speed-strength. Eur J
17. Challis, J.H. Methodological Report: The appropriate scaling of
weightlifting performance. J. Strength Cond. Res. 1999;13(4): 367-371.
18. Hkkinen K. Neuromuscular and hormonal adaptations during strength
and power training. A review. J Sports Med Phys Fitness. 1989; 29(1): 9-26.
19. Moritani T, Muro M, Ishida K, Taguchi S. Electrophysiological analyses of
the effects of muscle power training. Research Journal of Physical Education
Paper 2.
An analysis of the ratio and relationship between upper
body pressing and pulling strength.
Daniel G. Baker and Robert U. Newton
published in the
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research,
18(3):594-598. 2004.
It has been posited that certain balances in strength should exist for opposing
muscle groups (eg. hamstrings and quadriceps) or actions (eg. internal and
external rotation of the shoulder) to improve sports performance or limit the
likelihood of injury.
purpose of this paper was to determine if two popular field tests of strength
could be used to determine a concise strength balance in roughly opposing
muscle actions for the shoulder girdle. The two opposing movement actions
of pressing away from the shoulder girdle and pulling in towards the shoulder
girdle were assessed via the one repetition maximum bench press (1RM BP)
and one repetition maximum pull-up (1RM PU), respectively. Forty-two rugby
league players, comprising 21 national league (NRL) and 21 state league
(SRL) players who regularly performed both exercises in their training served
as subjects in this investigation.
(BP/PU*100) and correlation between tests were also examined. The pooled
data exhibited a strength ratio of 97.7% (9.0%) and correlation of r = 0.81
between the 1RM BP of 130.1 + 20.2 and 1RM PU of 133.1 + 17.1.
15% existing in some individuals.
account when prescribing training based upon the strength ratio between
pressing and pulling strength.
Key words:
It has been posited that certain balances in strength should exist for
opposing muscle groups (eg. hamstrings and quadriceps) or actions (eg.
internal and external rotation of the shoulder) to improve physical or sports
performance or limit the likelihood of injury (5-7, 11-15, 17, 19, 23). If one
muscle or movement action is markedly stronger than its opposing muscle or
movement action, it is thought performance could be compromised or that
muscles strains may occur in the weaker muscles (5, 7, 11, 12, 15, 17).
For example, increased strength of antagonist muscles has been
shown to increase the movement speed, via a decrease in the braking time,
and accuracy of the limbs in rapid ballistic movements (14, 22). Therefore it
may be seen that opposing movement actions need a certain strength
balance so that the antagonist muscles can brake the agonists succinctly in
rapid limb movements. If the forces produced in one movement action largely
dominates over its antagonist muscle or opposite action, then conceivably
limb speed and accuracy are impaired (14). This would then lend itself to an
impairment in sports performance.
Furthermore Burkett reported increased incidence of hamstring strain in
football players who possessed markedly stronger quadriceps (5). This may
be due to the antagonist hamstring muscles not possessing enough strength
to adequately brake the lower limb during a rapid knee extension movement
such as sprinting. It is also thought that throwing and racquet sport athletes
are at increased likelihood of rotator cuff strain if their training or sport
activities have created strength imbalances in the shoulder, favouring the
larger internal rotator muscles of the shoulder (11, 12, 15, 17). Again it is
believed that the smaller, weaker external rotator cuff muscles do not possess
enough strength to adequately brake or counteract the tremendous forces
produced by the internal rotators during the rapid throwing or serving
movements (12, 17). With regards to resistance training for the upper body, it
is theorized that a preponderance of pressing movements in the resistance
training regime and/or imbalances in strength may predispose the shoulder
complex to injuries such rotator cuff muscle strain and impingement (11, 15).
Therefore the concept of opposing muscle or movement strength balance
appears well founded.
likelihood of shoulder injuries such as muscle strains or tendon impingement
(eg. bicep or rotator cuff).
Typically, laboratory equipment such as isokinetic devices have been
used to determine strength ratios in opposing muscle or movement actions (6,
12, 13, 17, 18).
Experimental approach to the problem
This study was designed to investigate the strength ratio of two
common movement actions ~ pressing away and pulling in ~ about the
shoulder girdle. This was to be assessed by measuring and comparing one
repetition maximum (1RM) strength in two common resistance-training
exercises that entail these movement actions. The null hypotheses was that
there would be no significant relation between the bench press and pull-up
1RM and that a largely disparate strength ratio would exist indicating no
concise balance in strength exists in these roughly opposing actions.
concise ratio would be defined by the existence of similarities and a very small
standard deviation in the strength ratio.
differences in the length and level of resistance training adaptation were also
studied to determine if these factors impact upon the extent of the strength
ratio or relation.
Strength testing.
The exercises chosen for 1RM testing and analysis were the bench
press (BP) and pull-up (PU). The tests were carried out on separate days,
with the 1RM BP being performed on the first day and the 1RM PU being
performed 72 hours later. The 1RM BP was chosen as it is a universally
accepted test of upper body pressing strength that entails lowering a barbell
resistance towards the chest and then pressing the barbell away to arms
length. The methodology of testing has been described extensively elsewhere
(1-4), but briefly it entailed the athletes warming up with lighter resistances
and then performing single repetitions with progressively heavier resistances
till a 1RM was achieved. Standard free-weight equipment such as a standard
power lifting bench, olympic barbells and plates were used.
The PU was chosen to test strength because it is a fairly universally
popular exercise often used to test strength-endurance via the maximum
number of repetitions that can be completed lifting ones own body mass (21).
Therefore athletes and coaches are reasonably familiar with it in both the
testing and training environment.
After generalized warm-up of callisthenic and dynamic stretching
exercises, the athletes commenced the testing procedure by performing three
repetitions in the PU with their own body mass.
performed only single repetitions with additional mass attached to their waists,
starting at an extra 20 kg for the NRL and 10 kg for the less strong SRL group.
Mass was increased by 2.5-10 kg at each further attempt till both the athlete
and tester were satisfied that the 1RM PU had been attained. The test-retest
reliability of r= 0.90 was established upon a subset of sixteen of the subjects.
Thus the tests incorporated roughly opposing muscle actions in fairly
simple and universally popular resistance training exercises. For example,
the BP entailed grasping a barbell with a pronated grip and lowering it to the
body, which is stabilized upon a bench, and then pressing this resistance to
the starting position of arms extended. The PU entailed gripping a bar, which
remains stable, and then lowering the resistance to arms length whereupon it
is immediately pulled back to the start position of arms flexed.
Forty-two rugby league players from the same rugby league football
club served as subjects in this investigation and consented to be tested as
part of the conditioning requirements of their sport.
resistance training and performed both
These subjects were investigated as a whole group (Pooled) and according to
their status as full-time professional athletes participating in the in the elite
national rugby league competition (NRL, n =21) or as the semi-professional
college-aged subjects participating in an intrastate league competition,
equivalent to a second division competition (SRL, n=21). A description of the
subjects is contained in Table 1.
studies have indicated that the strength levels and training status of athletes
can affect the extent of adaptation to various resistance training stimuli (eg. 2,
Height (cm)
Weight (kg)
Pooled (n = 42)
22.0 (3.8)
184.2 (6.2)
94.4 (10.2)
(n = 21)
19.8 (2.0) *
184.6 (6.7)
92.2 (9.5)
(n = 21)
24.2 (4.0)
183.8 (5.9)
96.6 (9.5)
Factorial ANOVAs were used to determine if differences existed
between the groups in 1RM BP, 1RM PU and strength ratio. In the event of a
significant F-ratio, Fisher PLSD post hoc comparisons were used to determine
where these differences existed. The strength ratio was calculated by dividing
the 1RM BP by the 1RM PU and expressing as a percentage (BP/PU*100).
Pearsons moment correlations were also calculated between 1RM BP and
1RM PU. Significance was accepted at an alpha level of p < 0.05.
The results for the strength scores are contained in Table 2. The NRL
and SRL groups were significantly different to each other for 1RM BP, 1RM
PU and strength ratio. The results for the relations between 1RM BP and
1RM PU are contained in Table 3. Overall the pooled data indicates a strong
and significant relation between upper body pressing and pulling strength in
athletes who simultaneously train for maximum strength in both actions. The
relation between BP and PU was much lower in the stronger and more
experienced NRL group than in the SRL group. The relation between body
mass and 1RM BP and 1RM PU were r = 0.60 and r = 0.61, respectively (p <
Table 2. Group mean (standard deviation) results for upper body pressing
and pulling strength and comparative strength ratio.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1RM BP (kg)
1RM PU (kg)
130.1 (20.2)
133.1 (17.1)
97.7 (9.0)
117.4 (16.3)*
123.8 (13.5)*
94.6 (5.6)*
142.7 (15.2)
142.4 (15.3)
100.7 (10.7)
The 1RM BP results for the NRL and SRL groups are similar to those
published before for these groups of athletes (1-4) and require little further
discussion. The 1RM PU was a novel test and no data could be found that
directly compares strength levels in this pulling test with the results of similar
athletes. While data for upper body pressing strength in exercises such as
the bench press (BP) is quite extensively reported upon (1-4), a paucity of
data exists for upper body maximum pulling strength of athletes.
It was
expected that the NRL group would be significantly stronger in the 1RM PU
than the SRL group given the results for 1RM BP in the studies listed above
and the fact that pulling and pressing strength were equally emphasized in the
training program.
Typically data for upper body pulling strength is reported as the
maximum number of repetitions that can be performed in the pull-up (PU) or
chin-up exercise (21). As elite athletes may perform a considerable number
of repetitions in the PU, then these types of tests in reality become tests of
strength-endurance not maximum strength.
have used a speed rope-climb test, which while being more dynamic and
strength-oriented than the maximum pull-up repetitions test, is still more a test
of speed-strength rather than pure maximum strength (8). Thus a simple test
of upper body maximum pulling strength that is as readily accepted and easy
to implement as the upper body pressing test of 1RM BP is required. While
conceptually a seated row test is more truly antagonist to the BP than a PU,
practical experience has shown it difficult to perform very strictly with heavy
resistances. Athletes will tend to cheat by invoking small amounts of almost
indiscernible back, hip and knee extension, which are summed to the upper
body pulling strength, distorting the strength score. This could easily lead to
erroneous conclusions being made upon an athletes upper body pulling
strength. The PU is a simple exercise widely used in training in gymnasiums,
wrestling halls, judo dojos and the military. Its familiarity, basic equipment and
simple performance with strict criteria lends itself to 1RM or maximum
repetition testing. That is why it was used in this investigation as opposed to
a seated row type of movement.
For the pooled data, the 1RM BP and 1RM PU were very similar in the
mass lifted and expressed as a strength ratio indicating a general equivalence
of strength in the opposing actions of pressing and pulling in these athletes.
Because the standard deviation for the strength ratio was quite small (9%), it
can be seen that a definite concise ratio exists. If the standard deviation for
the strength ratio was quite large, it would indicate that tremendous disparities
exist in the strength ratio for individuals, reducing the validity of the concept.
Some previous testing of shoulder internal and external rotation strength
ratios in tennis players reported standard deviations of 12-28% (12).
comparison, the younger SRL subjects who were a similar age to the tennis
players in that study, the standard deviation was less than 6%.
While there was a strong correlation between test scores, there was
also enough variance to suggest that good pressing strength will not ensure
good pulling strength. This data would indicate that athletes in sports that
require high levels of both upper body pressing and pulling strength should
generally possess similar levels of 1RM BP and PU strength,
which is
perhaps pressing movements were over-emphasized earlier in their
resistance training histories at the expense of pulling movements and that this
may have had impacted upon the relation between pressing and pulling
athletes with largely disparate body masses, however none has been
developed specially for the PU exercise. Thus a decision was made to use
the very generic two-thirds formula for this investigation so as not to use a
formula that may favour the bench press, upon which a considerable amount
of investigation in this area has been reported (eg. 9, 10). By normalizing the
strength scores with a body mass correction formula (1RM / {BM * .67}), a
direct comparison of strength scores between subjects of different body
masses was possible. From this procedure, three subjects were identified
that were more than one standard deviation below the group mean in 1RM BP
For these three subjects the strength ratio was only 84.6%,
indicating average pulling strength (149.7 kg), but below average pressing
strength (126.6 kg) at a mean body mass of 103.3 kg. Three other subjects
were identified as being more than one standard deviation above the group
mean in 1RM PU strength. For these three subjects, the strength ratio was
89.0%, indicating average pressing strength (139.2 kg) and exceptional
pulling strength (156.0 kg) at a mean body mass of 91.0 kg. There were no
subjects who were more than one standard deviation above the group mean
in 1RM BP strength and the only statistical outlier that existed in the SRL
group possessed a strength ratio of 97.5%. If the six statistical outliers are
eliminated from the NRL data, then the relation between 1RM BP and 1RM
PU increase markedly from r = 0.52 to 0.78. The reasons why these six
individuals exhibited large differences in their strength ratios may be more
likely due to reasons other than merely previous training history. Factors
such as muscle and limb lengths and/or muscle attachments or preexisting
training / game related injuries may affect joint / muscle integrity or the
effectiveness of training.
effect of this type of front on contact, leading to a suppression of pressing
strength over the years in some players the elite professional group.
On the basis of this research it can be posited that upper body pressing
and pulling strength should be fairly equivalent in athletes who train these
actions fairly equally in training.
concise 95-100% ratio that existed for the majority of athletes in this study
who had possessed a resistance training history entailing pressing and pulling
fairly equally.
Practical considerations
A 1RM test can be easily implemented to determine upper body pulling
strength in the simple and universally popular pull-up exercise. This test was
a roughly antagonistic version of the popular upper body pressing movement
of BP.
Baker, D.
3. Baker, D. Differences in strength and power between junior-high, seniorhigh, college-aged and elite professional rugby league players. J. Strength
Cond. Res. 16(4): 581-585. 2002.
4. Baker D, S. Nance and M. Moore. The load that maximizes the average
mechanical power output during explosive bench press throws in highly
trained athletes J. Strength Cond. Res. 15(1): 20-24. 2001.
5. Barlow, J.C., B.W. Benjamin, P.J. Birt and C.J. Hughes. Shoulder strength
and range-of-motion characteristics in bodybuilders. J. Strength Cond. Res.
16(3):367-372. 2002.
6. Behm, D.G., K. Anderson, and R.S. Curnew. Muscle force and activation
under stable and unstable conditions. J. Strength Cond. Res. 16(3):416422. 2002.
7. Burkett, L.N. Causative factors in hamstring strains. Med. Sci. Sports
Exer. 2:39-42. 1970.
8. Callan, S.D., D. M., Brunner, K.L., Devolve, S.E., Mulligan, J. Hesson, R.L.
Wilber, and J.T. Kearney. Physiological profiles of elite freestyle wrestlers.
J. Strength Cond. Res. 14(2):162-169. 2000.
10. Dooman, S.C., and P.M. Vanderburgh. Allometric modelling of the bench
press and squat: Who is the strongest regardless of body mass? J. Strength
Cond. Res. 14(1): 32-36. 2000.
11. Durral., C.J., R.C. Manske, and Davies, G.J. Avoiding shoulder injuries
from resistance training. Strength Cond. J. 23(5): 10-18. 2001.
13. Findley, B.W., L.E. Brown, M. Whitehurst, R. Gilbert, D.R. Groo, and J.
15. Kaufmann, T.M. Weight room considerations for the throwing athlete.
Strength Cond. J. 21(4): 7-12. 1999.
17. Moncrieff, S.A, J.D. Lau, J.R. Gale, and S.A. Scott. Effect of rotator cuff
exercise on humeral rotation torque in healthy individuals. J. Strength Cond.
Res. 16(2): 262-270. 2000.
18. Morriss, C.J., K. Toffey, and R.J. Copack. Effects of short-term isokinetic
training on standing long-jump performance in untrained men. J. Strength
Cond. Res. 15(4): 498-502. 2001.
20. Stumbo, T.A., S. Merriiam, K. Nies, A. Smith, D. Spurgeon, and J.P. Weir.
The effect of hand-grip stabilisation on isokinetic torque at the knee.
Strength Cond. Res. 15(3): 372-377. 2001.
21. Trappe, S. W., and D. R Pearson. Effects of weight assisted dry-land
strength training on swimming performance. J. Strength Cond. Res. 8(4):
209-213. 1994.
Paper 3.
Predicting 1RM or sub-maximal strength levels from simple
reps to fatigue (RTF) tests.
Daniel Baker
published in
Strength and Conditioning Coach , Vol. 12 (4) pp.19-24. 2004.
The validity of estimating one-repetition maximum (1RM) or estimating
repetition performance at levels between 60-100% 1RM from a table of
correction factors was investigated in two studies. In study one, thirty-four
(34) male professional rugby league players were tested for 1RM bench press
(BP) and repetitions to fatigue (RTF) while lifting an absolute resistance of
102.5 kg.
players were tested for 1RM pull-up (PU) and RTF with body mass. The
actual repetitions performed by each individual in the RTF tests were
correlated to the number of repetitions that were predicted to be performed
according to each individuals 1RM and the data from the table.
correlations of
repetitions and predicted repetitions performed in the RTF test for the BP and
PU, respectively. This result indicates that RTF tests appear to be reliable
predictors of strength performance in these two exercises. Consequently RTF
tests can be recommended for estimating 1RM performance or repetition
performance at sub-maximal resistances. This may be especially useful when
dealing with large numbers of athletes, especially inexperienced athletes.
Key words: strength, 1RM, bench press, pull-up, prediction
When commencing the strength coaching of a new athlete it is often
good to have some idea of their capabilities. As a coach, you can interview
them regarding their capabilities, implement lengthy One-repetition Maximum
(1RM) test procedure(s) or perhaps implement quicker, more simple test(s)
that estimate 1RM levels through the performance of a reps to fatigue (RTF)
test with a given sub-maximal resistance.
capabilities from sub-maximum performance do not take this into account and
tend to over-estimate 1RM capabilities by inferring a more linear relationship
(16, 17, 20).
Simple three-digit
correction factors are believed more appealing as they can be used with a
simple pocket calculator in the gym to calculate training weights or estimates
of 1RM (12). Instead of developing another semi-useful equation, I developed
a table that allows a coach to extrapolate a 1RM from a RTF effort and
conversely, by back-extrapolation, determine how many repetitions could be
performed at other sub-maximal resistances in that exercise.
Table 1
from a RTF effort or test. This table is based upon my primarily upon my own
research (2) and training observations upon the hundreds of athletes that I
have trained, but is also influenced by other research (1, 6-9, 12-17, 20-22) as
well as the tables of renowned strength coaches Boyd Epley (10), Charles
Poliquin (19), Nate Foster (11) and the American National Football League
(NFL) table (9). The table of correction factors that I developed has been
validated before, when between three and six repetitions have been
performed (2, 12), but further validation is needed for the higher repetition
ranges. Generally correction factors become less accurate further away from
80% 1RM, when higher repetitions are performed (16, 17, 22). Also very little
data has been published concerning 1RM pull-up strength, RTF and predictive
correction factors.
The purpose of this paper is to validate the predictive qualities of the
table by comparing RTF results predicted from 1RM test results to actual RTF
performance in the bench press (BP) and pull-up (PU) exercise (aka chin-up).
Two experiments were carried out with professional rugby league
players as subjects.
In Study One,
thirty-four players were tested for 1RM bench press (1RM BP) and RTF with
an absolute resistance of 102.5 kg.
Table 1. Guide for determining 1RM from varying repetitions performed to
maximum effort.
Reps %1RM
Reps %1RM
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------For example, if someone can lift 100 kg for ten repetitions, then the estimated
1RM would be 133 kg (100 kg x 1.33). To estimate what resistance that they
could perform 5 repetitions with multiply the estimated 1RM (133 kg) by the
%1RM for 5 reps (86%) = 114 kg (round up to 115). To determine a 20-rep
resistance, it would be 133 kg X .61 = 81.1 kg (round down to 80 kg) and so
In Study two, twenty-three players were tested for 1RM pull-up strength
and RTF with an absolute resistance of body mass. In both instances, the
amount of repetitions that were predicted to be performed with the designated
resistances, based upon an individuals 1RM and the relevant calculations
from Table 1, were compared to the actual repetitions that were performed
during the RTF tests.
Study One. The average age, body mass and height of the subjects was 22.6
+ 3.9 yrs, 95.5 + 10.1 kg and 183.3 + 5.8 cm. Procedures for 1RM BP testing
entailed warming up with sub-maximal resistances and then lifting
progressively heavier resistances until 1RM was achieved (2, 3, 4, 5). Three
days later a RTF test was performed with an absolute resistance of 102.5 kg
(this being the NFL 225-lb BP test). In this test, after warming up, the players
performed as many repetitions as possible with this resistance till fatigue (9).
The actual repetitions performed were compared to what was predicted to be
performed based upon the calculations from Table 1 (eg. 102.5 kg / 137.5
(1RM BP) = 75% which corresponds to 10 repetitions).
Study two. The average age, body mass and height of the subjects was 18.8
+ 1.3 yrs, 89.0 + 9.6 kg and 182.5 + 5.1 cm. The PU 1RM test was rather
unique in implementation and requires further description.
determined by adding the athletes body mass to the attached additional mass
to garner the total mass that was successfully lifted during the 1RM PU test.
Additional mass was attached to the athletes lifting belt via a rope or light
during the 1RM PU test (4). For example a 90 kg athlete who could perform a
PU with an additional 40 kg attached to the waist would score 130 kg in the
1RM PU test.
The PU test was performed with a supinated grip and the testing
repetition was preceded by an eccentric phase, as is the case for the BP. For
the preceding eccentric phase to occur, the athlete and attached additional
mass had to be held by three partners in the starting position of arms flexed
and chin in line with the pull-up bar. On the testers command, the athletes
support was removed and he proceeded into the eccentric phase to arms
length, whereupon he immediately pulled himself back to the flexed arm
starting position. Any attempt that did not entail an eccentric portion to full
arms length and return to the start position was disallowed.
After generalized warm-up of callisthenic and dynamic stretching
exercises, the athletes commenced the testing procedure by performing three
repetitions in the PU with their own body mass.
performed only single repetitions with additional mass attached to their waists
till 1RM was achieved.
The RTF test was performed upon the dame day, about seven minutes
after the completion of the 1RM PU was completed, with only the players
body mass representing the absolute resistance.
95 (= BM)
The results outlined in Tables 2 and 3 indicate a very high, statistically
significant correlation between the predicted repetitions and the actual
repetitions performed in both exercises. Also, of the twenty-three athletes
who performed both tests the correlation between 1RM BP and 1RM PU was
also high (r= 0.82), a finding which is line with other research (4).
Table 2.
while lifting the standard 102.5 kg mass during the bench press and
correlation between actual and predicted reps (n =34). Mean + SD.
102.5 kg
as % 1RM
135.6 + 16.3
76.6 + 8.8
10.1+ 4.8
9.8 + 5.1
r = 0.93
The very high correlations for predicting repetitions from extrapolating
from Table 1 and an athletes 1RM would indicate that the calculations could
be fairly accurate for predicting 1RM. Also this table would allow coaches to
estimate an athletes lifting capabilities across a broad range of repetitions
from one simple RTF test.
The reason why the PU exercise exhibited a slightly lower correlation to
the BP may be due the fact that both tests (1RM and RTF) were performed
upon the same day.
affected some individuals in the exhausting RTF test, slightly reducing the
correlation as compared to the BP. Nonetheless predicting 1RM from RTF or
conversely predicting RTF from 1RM tests would appear fairly accurate with
the figures contained in Table 1.
Table 3.
while lifting body mass during the pull-up and correlation between actual and
predicted reps (n =23). Mean + SD.
pull-up (kg)
as % 1RM
120.8 + 12.0
74.0 +7.1
11.5 + 4.3
11.1 + 4.3
r = 0.83
resistance with the bench press could be much lower, such as 60 kg for highschool athletes and maybe 80 kg for slightly stronger athletes. The absolute
resistance need not matter to much, as long as between 2 and 20 repetitions
can be performed. For the PU test, a resistance of body mass is a simple and
universal resistance for RTF tests.
When implementing programs based upon estimations of 1RM from
RTF tests, the following factors must be considered. Firstly, there are obvious
individual differences that exist such that some individuals vary greatly from
the averages of the table. The table is simply a starting point and over time a
coach may develop further information such that they know each individuals
variation and in fact develop modified tables for
individuals (11).
Also it
accurate the further away from 80% 1RM you go (6, 16, 17, 20) and the fact
some exercises such as leg press or leg curls do not follow this guide (13).
For example, research has shown that about 20 repetitions can be performed
at 80% 1RM in the leg press, but only 11 repetitions at 60% in the leg curl
(13). But generally, for trained athletes performing multiple-joint free-weight
strength training exercises (or pulley exercises such as lat pulldowns), this
table appears a useful guide for extrapolating an individuals 1RM. Also backextrapolating how just how many repetitions can be performed at any
designated sub-maximum resistance in this range is also possible.
The data in Table 1 allows a coach to extrapolate what an individuals
1RM would be based upon RTF tests with sub-maximal resistances and also
for predicting how many repetitions can be performed at any designated submaximum resistance in this range. This could save time when dealing with
large numbers of athletes and when coupled with a spreadsheet application,
could also allow for very accurate individualized training weight prescriptions.
1. Arthur, M. (1982): NSCA tests and measurements survey results. NSCA
Journal. 3(12): 38a-38c.
Baker, D.
6. Braith, R., Graves, J., Legget, S. & Pollock, M. Effect of training on the
relationship between maximal and submaximal strength. Med. Sci. Sports &
Exer. 25:132-138. 1993.
7. Buskies, W., & Boeckh Behrens, W. Control of training intensity in strength
training based on maximal strength tests. Translation from German, available
National Sport Information Centre. 2000.
fatigue. J. Health, Phys. Ed, Rec. & Dance. 64: 88-90. 1993.
9. Chapman, P.P., Whitehead, J.R. and Binkert, R.H. The 225-lb reps-tofatigue test as a submaximal estimate of 1-RM bench press performance in
college football players. J. Strength Cond Res. 12(4):258-261. 1998.
Linclon, Nebraska,
USA. 1985.
11. Foster, N.
12. Gaviglio, C. The accuracy of predicting equations for estimating 1-RM in
the bench press. Strength & Conditioning Coach. 9(2): 3-6. 2001.
13. Hoeger, W., Hopkins, D., Barette,S. & Hale, D. Relationship between
repetitions and selected percentages of one repetition maximum:
comparison between untrained and trained males and females. J. Appl. Sport
Sci. Res. 4:47-54. 1990.
14. Lander, J. Maximums based upon reps. NSCA Journal. 6(3): 60-61.
15. LeSuer, D.A., McCormick, L.H., Mayhew, J.L., Wasserstein, R.L. & M.D.
performances in the bench press, squat and deadlift. J. Strength Cond Res.
11(4): 211-213. 1997.
17. Mayhew, J., Ball, T., and Bowen, J. Prediction of bench press lifting
ability from sub-maximal repetitions before and after training. Sports. Med.
Train. Rehab. 3: 195-201. 1992.
Muscular endurance
Paper 4.
Acute effect of alternating heavy and light resistances on
power output during upper-body complex power training.
Daniel Baker
published in the
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research,
17(3):493 -497. 2003.
This study investigated the effect on upper body power output of
manipulating resistances during contrast or complex power training. This
power training strategy typically entails the athlete alternating sets of a heavy
resistance in a strength-oriented exercise with sets of lighter resistances in a
power-oriented exercise.
power output recorded during the post-testing BT P50 for the Exp group was
determined to be significantly different from all other scores (p < 0.05). This
data indicates that the performance of a set of heavy resistance strength
training exercise between power training sets will acutely enhance power
output in the second power training set.
Key words: contrast loading, strength, neural, bench press, bench throw.
Recently the training method whereby sets of heavier and lighter
resistances are alternated in order to elicit an increase in power output has
received some attention (2, 5, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 20, 26). This method, often
called complex training (11, 13) or contrast loading (2) has previously
received scant scientific regard despite training recommendations and
prescriptions dating back over fifteen years (13).
Fleck and Kontor (13), who originally reported upon the Russian
complex method of training, described the alternating of sets of a very heavy
resistance (>85% 1RM) in a strength-oriented exercise such as squats or
bench press with sets of a lighter resistance (30-45% 1RM) in a poweroriented exercise such as jump squats or medicine ball throws (3, 23, 25, 26).
A power-oriented exercise is an exercise where acceleration occurs through
the full range of movement, resulting in higher movement speeds and
accordingly power outputs (18, 19, 23).
little data exists validating the effects of contrasting loading upon upper body
power output. Two recent studies that examined contrast load training during
upper body power training could not determine any performance benefit or
muscular or mechanical source of augmentation (11).
intervention strategy whereby all subjects were pre-tested and post-tested for
power output during the bench throw power training exercise, however the
experimental subjects performed the intervention strategy of heavy bench
pressing between power tests. This testing strategy was devised to garner
data concerning the effect, if any, that the heavy bench pressing may have
upon consequent power output during the post-testing occasion.
Sixteen rugby league players participating in the national or state
league and who possessed at least one years experience in contrast/complex
power training served as subjects for this study. They were informed of the
nature of the study and voluntarily elected to participate in the testing and
intervention sessions and were divided equally into an experimental (Exp)
and control (Con) group. A description of the subjects is contained in Table 1.
188.1 (4.2)
182.4 (7.0)
91.5 (7.4)
22.4 (1.9)
Power output was tested during explosive bench press style throws
with an absolute resistance of 50 kg (BT P50) using the Plyometric Power
which has
been described
The number of
pulses, denoting barbell displacement, and the time of the barbell movement
were measured by a counter timer board installed in the computer. The PPS
software calculated the average mechanical power (in watts, w) output of the
concentric phase of the bench press throws based upon the displacement of
the barbell, time of displacement and mass of barbell data (M * G * D / T =
power output in watts). A test-retest reliability of r = .92 was previously
The results are outlined in Table 2.
differences was observed between the groups in power output, however at the
post-testing, a significant difference was observed between the groups in the
BT P50. The 4.5% increase in the power output recorded during the posttesting BT P50 for the Exp group was determined to be significantly different
from all other scores (p < 0.05).
Table 2. Power outputs (w) during bench press throws with a barbell
resistance of 50 kg (BT P50) for the control and experimental groups. Mean
(standard deviation)
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Pre BT P50 Post BT P50
595 (57)
621 (66) *
575 (59)
574 (67)
Similar to previous results for the lower body (1, 3, 5, 14, 20, 26) but
dissimilar to previous upper body studies (11, 15), the method of alternating
heavy and light resistances had a small but significant acute effect upon
power output. This discussion will now focus upon mechanisms via which
augmentation to power output may occur as a result of the intervention of a
heavy resistance set during complex training and the reasons why the current
study reported significant results in contrast to the previous upper body
The reason why power output is increased by the intervention of a
contrasting heavy resistance set may be due to short term neural or
mechanical adaptations or combinations of both. In the studies listed above,
the various authors have postulated upon why the alternating of heavy and
light resistances may increase power output. These authors have surmised
that this acute augmentation in power output may be the result of neural
adaptations such as increased descending activity from the higher motor
centres, direct myoelectrical potentiation, increased synchronization of motor
unit firing, reduced peripheral inhibition from the Golgi tendon organ (GTO),
reduced central inhibition from the Renshaw cell and enhanced reciprocal
inhibition of the antagonist musculature (5, 10, 11, 13, 14, 26). None of these
possible mechanisms need be
studies have also reported significant results with much lighter contrasting
resistances (5). This would suggest that other neural strategies associated
with lifting heavier, though not maximal, resistances can be used for
contrast/complex training.
If the intervention mechanism is related to resistance, but not
necessarily the heaviest resistance, then some tension sensitive mechanism
of the neuromuscular system that are affected by resistance/force must be at
least partly responsible (14). Tension sensitive receptors such as the Golgi
tendon organ and Renshaw cell could possibly account for this consequent
change in power output by reducing their negative inhibitory feedback (2, 16).
An effective relaxation of the antagonist muscles to prevent excessive cocontraction must also be considered an option available to the neuromuscular
system (17). Thus it is feasible that the heavier contrasting resistance set
may enable athletes to be better able to process and over-ride inhibitory
signals that occur in ensuing sets. However, the only previous study that
assessed neural output levels during upper body contrast/complex training
found no change in electromyographic activity during the performance of the
power exercise, but this may not be unexpected as no performance
augmentation was reported either (11). Therefore it is still unclear via which, if
any, neural mechanism may be responsible when augmentation to power
output occurs during complex training.
Another possible avenue of augmentation is the stiffness of the
musculo-tendinous unit and specifically the series elastic component (SEC)
(16, 22-25). Depending upon the resistance to be overcome, some increased
SEC stiffness may be useful in regulating force output during stretch-shorten
cycle movements (16, 23, 25). A heavier resistance set of 65% 1RM may
temporarily result in a favourable increase in SEC stiffness, proving
favourable for power production in ensuing power training sets. However, a
very heavy resistance (85-90% 1RM) set may temporarily result in a SEC that
is stiffer than would be optimal considering the lighter resistance to be
overcome in the power movement (23, 25).
Therefore at this stage it is not known exactly via which avenues an
increase in power output may occur, but conceivably some acute neural
adaptations and stiffness regulation of the SEC probably account for the
effect. How long this effect may last is not yet known, but this would have
implications for athletes who use contrast loading complexes in sport warmups.
performance last from using a weighted bat donut for baseball batters?
Conceivably if the augmentation is primarily accounted for by neural or
stiffness regulation, then the effects may dissipate after a matter of minutes
(perhaps less than 10 minutes).
In the present
some pilot work involved with this investigation found equivocal results when a
resistance of 90% 1RM was used for the heavy resistance set. Perhaps any
intervention resistance that is markedly heavier than the power resistance and
hence provides a contrast, may be effective during complex training.
Another reason why power output was enhanced in this study and not
in the other upper body studies may also be due to the very heavy resistance
being performed at much slower lifting speeds (18). According to the speedcontrol theory (12) the neural output may have been attuned to the slower
speed of very heavy bench pressing, reducing the possibility of favourable
neural adaptations occurring during the ensuing, faster power exercise. Thus
it is possible that very heavy resistances of >85-90% 1RM, with inherently
slower lifting speeds, may not provide an optimal stimulus for upper body
complex training, as they may temporarily attune the neural output to a slower
speed than is optimal for maximum power production. However, a resistance
of 65% 1RM as used in this study still allows for high lifting speeds (18) and is
also markedly heavier than the typical power training resistances.
In the
present study the alternated resistances were in sharp contrast to each other
(mean resistance of 91.9 + 9.3 kg during bench press alternated with 50 kg
during bench throws).
Finally, the subjects in this study were trained power athletes who
performed contrasting resistance complex training on a regular basis (1-2/wk)
and were much stronger (by about an average of 50-60%) than the subjects in
previous upper body studies (15).
Practical applications
An increase in power output can occur during upper body power
training when
1. Baker, D. Specific strength/power training for elite divers: Case study from
the Australian Institute of Sport. Strength & Conditioning Coach. 2(1):2027. 1994.
Baker, D.
Strength Cond.
23(1):47-56. 2001.
Baker, D.
8. Baker D, S. Nance and M. Moore. The load that maximizes the average
9. Baker D, S. Nance and M. Moore. The load that maximizes the average
mechanical power output during jump squats in power-trained athletes J.
Strength Cond. Res. 15(1):92-97. 2001.
10. Ebben, W. P. and P.B. Watts. A review of combined weight training and
plyometric training modes: Complex training. Strength Condit. 20(5)18-27.
Electromyographic and
Enoka, R. M.
Komi, P.V.
7:(Supp):101-105. 1986
analyses of the effects of muscle power training. J. Med. Sport Sci. (Japan),
1, 23-32. 1987.
20. Radcliffe, J.C., and J.L. Radcliffe. Effects of different warmups protocols
on peak power output during a single response jump task. (Abstract). Med.
Sci. Sports. Exerc.28:S189. 1996.
The optimal
training load for the development of dynamic athletic performance. Med. Sci.
Sports Exerc. 23:1279-1286. 1993.
23. Wilson, G., Wood, G. & Elliott, B. Optimal stiffness of the series elastic
24. Wilson, G.
25. Wilson, G., Elliot, B. & Wood, G. Stretch shorten cycle performance
enhancement through flexibility training. Med. Sci. Sports Exer., 24:
403-407. 1992.
Paper 5.
Acute effect on power output of alternating an agonist
and antagonist muscle exercise during complex training.
Daniel Baker and Robert U. Newton
published in the
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research,
19(1):202-205. 2005.
It is known that the efficient coordination of agonist and antagonist
muscles is one of the important early adaptations in resistance training
responsible for large increases in strength. It has also been demonstrated
that weak antagonists may limit speed of movement and consequently that
strengthening the antagonist muscles leads to an increase in agonist muscle
movement speed.
muscle exercises into a power training session has been largely unexplored.
The purpose of this study was to determine if a training complex consisting of
contrasting agonist and antagonist exercises would result in an acute increase
in power output in the agonist power exercise.
Twenty-four college-aged
rugby league players who were experienced in combined strength and power
training served as subjects for this study. The subjects were equally assigned
to an experimental (Antag) or control (Con) group who were no different in
age, height, body mass, strength or maximal power.
assessed during bench press throws with a 40 kg resistance (BT P40) using
the Plyopower training device. After warming up, the Con group performed
the BT P40 tests three minutes apart to determine if any acute augmentation
to power output could occur without intervention.
It is known that the efficient coordination of agonist and antagonist
muscles is one of the important early adaptations in resistance training
responsible for large increases in strength or torque (7, 9, 17). This appears
to be achieved by a neural strategy of enhanced reciprocal inhibition of the
antagonist musculature.
It would therefore
movements). As yet it has not been determined if the effect reported by Burke
et al would transfer between alternating sets of agonist and antagonist
exercises in typical isoninertial resistance training.
The purpose of this study was to examine the acute effect upon power
output of alternating agonist
Experimental approach to the problem
To determine if power output generated during an exercise could be
acutely affected by the subsequent performance of an antagonist exercise, an
intervention study was implemented.
performing a Pre test of power output during bench press throws with a
standard resistance.
Twenty-four college-aged rugby league players who possessed at
least 1 year of resistance training experience and specifically at least 6
months of contrast/complex power training served as subjects for this study.
They were informed of the nature of the study and voluntarily elected to
participate in the testing and intervention sessions and were divided equally
into an experimental (Antag) and control group (Con). A description of the
subjects is contained in Table 1.
18.7 (.65)
184.5 (6.0)
87.6 (6.8)
111.2 (6.9)
522 (43)
19.0 (1.0)
184.1 (5.3)
93.0 (9.3)
(n =12)
(n =12)
Testing procedures
Power output was tested during explosive bench press style throws
with an absolute resistance of 40 kg (BT P40) using the Plyometric Power
System (PPS, Norsearch, Lismore, Australia), which has been described
extensively elsewhere by various authors (4-6, 18-22). Briefly, the PPS is a
device whereby the displacement of the barbell is limited to the vertical plane,
as in a Smith weight training
attached to each end of the barbell allow the barbell to slide about two
impact of the barbell with the subjects body. The subjects were allowed to
virtually drop the bar to the floor to lessen any potential effect of fatigue that
may have arisen from the slow or careful eccentric lowering of the barbell.
This meant about a 1-2 second rest existed between consecutive repetitions
as the subjects re-gripped the bar. These strategies were implemented to
ensure the athletes performed the bench pulls in manner similar to the bench
throws (ie. explosively and with loss of hand contact with the bar).
resistance of the barbell for the bench pull was set at 50% of each subjects
1RM BP. This meant the subjects were bench throwing a mass of 40 kg and
prone bench pulling a mean barbell mass of 56.2 kg (+ 3.8 kg). The Antag
group was then retested for BT P40 three minutes after completing the
intervention strategy of bench pulls.
Statistical Analyses
To determine the effect of the intervention on test occasion, a repeated
measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used.
Significance was
The results are detailed in Table 2. The 4.7 % increase in the Post-test
BT P40 as a result of the intervention strategy of heavy antagonist bench
pulls for the Antag group was statistically significant. The power output for the
BT P40 remained unchanged in the Control group between test occasions.
The experimental Antag group increased power output as a result of
the intervention of a set of antagonist bench pulls between sets of the power
exercise while the power output for the control group remained unaltered. The
acute increase in power output as a result of the contrasting contraction
strategy gives support to the effect reported by Burke et al (8).
If this
Table 2. The acute effect upon power output of imposing a set of antagonist
prone bench pulls between sets of bench press throws with 40 kg. Mean
(standard deviation).
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------BT P40 power output (w)
468 (31)
490 (38)*
508 (54)
505 (59)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* denotes significantly different from Pre test occasion, p < 0.05
Strength training
throwing movements alternated with rapid pulling movements, such as the top
pulls and power cleans from hang/boxes.
antagonist power exercises may be area for future exploration for strength
Practical applications
1. Baker, D. Specific strength/power training for elite divers: Case study from
the Australian Institute of Sport. Strength & Conditioning Coach. 2(1):2027. 1994.
Baker, D.
Strength Cond.
23(1):47-56. 2001.
5. Baker, D. The acute effect of alternating heavy and light resistances upon
power output during upper body complex power training. J. Strength Cond.
Res. 17(3): 00-00. 2003
6. Baker D, S. Nance and M. Moore. The load that maximizes the average
mechanical power output during explosive bench press throws in highly
trained athletes J. Strength Cond. Res. 15(1): 20-24. 2001.
10. Ebben, W. P. and P.B. Watts. A review of combined weight training and
plyometric training modes: Complex training. Strength Condit. 20(5)18-27.
11. Ebben, W.P., Jensen, R.J and D.O Blackard. Electromyographic and
kinetic analysis of complex training. J. Strength Cond. Res. 14(4):451-456.
Enoka, R. M.
17. Moritani, T.
Science. 1992.
The optimal
training load for the development of dynamic athletic performance. Med. Sci.
Sports Exerc. 23:1279-1286. 1993.
Paper 6.
Acute negative effect of a hypertrophy-oriented training bout
on subsequent upper-body power output.
Daniel Baker
published in the
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research,
17(3):527-530. 2003
Athletes regularly combine maximal strength, power and hypertrophyoriented training within the same workout. Traditionally it has suggested that
power-oriented exercises precede strength and hypertrophy-oriented training
within a workout to avoid the possible negative effects that the latter types of
training may have upon power output. However, with regards to upper body
training, little study has been performed to verify this commonly held belief.
The purpose of this study was to determine the extent, if any, of a high
repetition, short rest period, hypertrophy-oriented training dose upon upper
body power output. Twenty-seven college-aged rugby league players were
tested for average power output during bench press throws with a resistance
of 40 kg (BT P40). The experimental group (Hyp, n = 15) then performed a
typical hypertrophy-oriented work bout (3 x 10 at 65% one repetitionmaximum bench press,1RM BP) before being retested for power output with
the same resistance. In comparison to the control group (Con, n = 12), whose
power output remained unchanged between the Pre- and Post-test periods,
the Hyp group experienced a large, significant decrease in BT P40 power
Coaches should plan the order of exercises carefully when combining power
and hypertrophy training.
Typical recommendations have suggested that power training should
precede strength or hypertrophy-oriented training within a workout or training
cycle (3, 21). It is thought that these other forms of resistance training may
induce some acute fatigue that could compromise power output (21).
However, those who advocate complex training embrace the alternating of
strength and power exercises or sets within a workout (2, 3, 4, 11, 12, 14 15).
The strength work recommended within contrast/complex training is typically
of very low volume (3, 11, 14), which may not have a deleterious effect upon
power output and indeed has been shown to increase power output (4, 6).
However, hypertrophy-oriented training is usually distinguished from strengthoriented training by a much higher training volume (21). Theoretically this
higher volume of training may acutely impair power output (21).
In some
support of this hypothesis is the recent work of Leveritt and Abernethy (18)
who reported a decrease in squat strength and isokinetic knee extension
torque following a bout of mixed aerobic and anaerobic exercise.
To date few studies exist that have examined the acute effect of higher
volume hypertrophy-oriented training on upper body power output within a
despite the
the power
hypertrophy edict. The purpose of this study is to report the acute effects of a
dose of high volume, hypertrophy-oriented training on power output during
upper body training.
seven college-aged
league players,
experienced in power training, served as subjects for this study. They were
informed of the nature of the study and voluntarily elected to participate in the
testing and intervention sessions. Fifteen were assigned to the experimental
The number of
pulses, denoting barbell displacement, and the time of the barbell movement
were measured by a counter timer board installed in the computer. The PPS
software calculated the average mechanical power output in watts (w) of the
concentric phase of the bench press throws based upon the displacement of
the barbell, time of displacement and mass of barbell (* gravity) data (M * G *
D / T=Power output in watts). Test reliability (r = .92) was conducted using the
Con group, who were retested after four days. Prior to pre-testing, subjects
warmed up by performing five repetitions of both the bench press (60 kg) and
bench throw exercise (20 kg).
performed the pre-test, which consisted of five consecutive repetitions with the
investigated resistance (Pre-BT P40). Only the repetition with the highest
concentric average power output was chosen and recorded for analysis.
The Con subjects were Post-tested after three minutes rest.
minutes rest the subjects performed another test (Post #2 BT P40) to gauge
the extent of recovery. Statistics
To determine if any difference existed between the Hyp or Con groups
at any testing occasion
results for these two sub-groups were also compared using factorial ANOVA.
Significance was accepted at an alpha level of p < 0.05 for all testing.
The results are outlined in Table 1. All post-test scores for the Hyp
group were significantly different from each other (p < 0.05) and from those of
the Con group, who remained unchanged. The intervention strategy of high
repetition, short rest period, hypertrophy-oriented training had caused an
acute 18% decrease in power output to be manifested 1.5 minutes after the
cessation of the last intervention set. After a further five minute rest period
(about seven minutes after the last intervention set), power output was still
depressed by an average of 6.6%.
Table 1.
Mean + standard
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Pre-BT P40
Post-#1 BT P40
Post-#2 BT P40
Hyp group
479 + 29
393 + 41*
447 + 32*
Con group
508 + 54
505 + 59
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* denotes test scores significantly different to each other at all occasions
The results detailing the deleterious effect of just three sets of
hypertrophy-oriented training on power output support the common edict that
power exercises should be performed before or separate from high repetition
or hypertrophy-oriented training. The fatiguing effects of high repetition, short
rest period training was quite pronounced and actually had a more
pronounced effect than a much longer, more voluminous conditioning bout
had upon muscle strength in previous research (1, 18).
Leveritt and Abernethy (18), who studied the acute effects of prior
combined aerobic and anaerobic conditioning training upon squat and
isokinetic knee extension strength and Kramer et al (17), who reported large
reductions in work capacity resulting from high volume, short rest period
protocols, stated the source of such impairment in performance may be due to
a combination muscle acidosis (high muscle lactates) or changes in the
electrical/tissue properties of the muscle.
Practical applications
High repetition, short rest period hypertrophy-oriented training has a
significant severe acute impact upon power output.
upon power output is still significant seven minutes after a mild dose (3 x 10)
of such training.
stronger athletes perform higher absolute workloads than less strong athletes,
strength coaches should be aware of the possible interfering effects that the
compounding (eg. 5-10 exercises x 3 sets x 10 repetitions) of hypertrophyoriented training may have upon power output within a session or training
Abernethy, P.J.
2. Baker, D. Specific strength/power training for elite divers: Case study from
the Australian Institute of Sport. Strength & Conditioning Coach. 2(1):2027. 1994.
Baker, D.
Strength Cond.
23(1):47-56. 2001.
Baker, D.
9. Baker D, S. Nance and M. Moore. The load that maximizes the average
mechanical power output during explosive bench press throws in highly
trained athletes J. Strength Cond. Res. 15(1): 20-24. 2001.
10. Baker D, S. Nance and M. Moore. The load that maximizes the average
mechanical power output during jump squats in power-trained athletes J.
Strength Cond. Res. 15(1):92-97. 2001.
11. Ebben, W. P. and P.B. Watts. A review of combined weight training and
plyometric training modes: Complex training. Strength Condit. 20(5)18-27.
12. Ebben, W.P., Jensen, R.J and D.O Blackard. Electromyographic and
kinetic analysis of complex training J. Strength Cond. Res. 14(4):451-456.
Enoka, R. M.
17. Kraemer, W.J., B.J. Noble., B.W. Culver, and M.J. Clark. Physiologic
responses to heavy-resistance exercise with very short rest periods. Int. J.
Sports Med. 8:247-252. 1987.
13(1):131-142. 1997.
Wathen, D.
Exercise order.
The optimal
training load for the development of dynamic athletic performance. Med. Sci.
Sports Exerc. 23:1279-1286. 1993.
Paper 7.
Adaptations in upper body maximal strength and power
output resulting from long-term resistance training in
experienced strength-power athletes.
Daniel Baker and Robert U. Newton
published in the
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 20(3):541546, 2006.
The purpose of this investigation was to observe changes in maximal
upper body strength and power and shifts in the load-power curve across a
multi-year period in experienced resistance trainers.
Twelve professional
Furthermore, it also
indicates that strength and power can still be increased despite a high volume
of concurrent resistance and endurance training.
Key words: Bench press, bench throw, rugby league,
It has been theorized that considerable gaps exist in our understanding
of the long-term adaptations to resistance training due to the short term nature
of most university based training studies (17, 39). Typically these training
studies last 6-12 weeks and consist mainly of college students or athletes with
limited resistance training experience serving as subjects (eg. 15).
It has
and those with a more limited training history is in stark contrast to the great
difficulty that exists in trying to increase strength in experienced, elite strength
athletes (17, 18).
Almost all of the multi-year data garnered from the above research has
concerned lower body strength and power adaptations and little data exists
concerning long-term upper body strength and power adaptations.
purpose of this study is to report upon the changes in upper body maximum
strength and power levels as well as shifts in the load-power curve for a group
of twelve highly resistance-trained professional rugby league players who
performed combined maximal strength and power training for a four year
period. Furthermore, the differential effects resulting from the initial resistance
training experience of the athletes will also be examined.
Experimental approach to the problem
Three strength and power testing sessions conducted two years apart
over four years in highly trained strength-power athletes (1998, 2000 and
upper body strength and power training on a regular basis. This repeated
measures comparative analysis provide information pertinent to the long-term
changes in strength and power output as a result of intense resistance training
across a multi-year period. Differences in the extent of adaptations, based
upon initial playing status and resistance training experience, would also be
observed and compared.
Twelve professional rugby league players who were experienced in
strength and power training served as subjects in this investigation.
subjects were members of the same World Champion club team and
underwent similar training (relevant to their playing position and individual
strength and power levels) during the four-year period. All subjects were
aware of the methods and nature of the testing and voluntarily participated in
the testing sessions, which were a regular part of their testing and
conditioning regime. Of the twelve subjects, two disparate groups of six
subjects each could be identified based upon resistance training experience
and playing status at the commencement of the study. Researchers have
been able to distinguish differences in the scope, magnitude or direction of
adaptations to the same resistance training stimuli experienced by athletes
with different starting levels of adaptation/strength (eg. 7, 8, 17, 38). These
two groups were identified as an Elite group who were currently participating
in the elite, first-division national league (NRL) in 1998 and had a resistance
training experience entailing combined maximal strength and power training
for a period of greater than three years and a Sub-elite group participating in
the second division competition. The Sub-elite group was also training to
become potential participants in the NRL. The Sub-elite group was younger
than the Elite group and possessed a combined resistance training
background of less than three years. Fortuitously, the disparate groups were
matched exactly for playing position with three hit-up forwards, two outside
backs and one hooker in each group. Descriptions of the group as a whole
and of the two sub-groups are contained in Table 1.
Throughout the four-year period, training for the upper body was
conducted on average, twice per week except in end of season periods
where no training occurred (usually 4-6 weeks per year).
The training
program was periodized throughout the year with general preparation (usually
4-8 weeks per year), specific preparation (usually 6-10 weeks per year) and
in-season competition (usually 24-32 weeks per year) periods.
97.8 (8.7)
186.7 (4.6)
20.2 (1.6)
95.5 (10.4)
186.3 (4.7)
21.3 (1.4)*
100.7 (6.7)
187.2 (4.9)
19.0 (0.6)
Within each training week, the first training day was oriented slightly
more towards the development of maximal strength and the factors that affect
strength (eg. hypertrophy, agonist/antagonist muscle balance) while the
second training day was oriented slightly more towards the development of
maximal power and other factors that affect power (eg. acceleration, rapid
force development, ballistic speed). This alternating of strength- and poweroriented training days also caused an undulatory pattern (a higher load and
lower load day) in the weekly periodization scheme throughout the year.
Typically upper body workouts lasted about 50 minutes in the
preparation period and 30 minutes in the in-season competition period.
Various other lower body (eg. full squats, jump squats, lunges, step-ups) and
whole body exercises (eg. power clean, push press, jerks, 1-arm dumbbell
snatches, Dominator whole body rotations) appropriate to rugby league (4)
were also performed throughout the year following the same periodization
scheme. Examples of how sets and repetitions were manipulated in different
periods and phases are contained in Table 2.
As rugby league players cover distances of up to 10 km in each 80minute game (30, 31), then endurance training is also of importance to the
total preparation of the player.
Table 2. Typical example of the sets and repetitions periodisation for upper
body exercises for the maximal strength bench press (BP) and various
assistant strength exercises (AS) and maximal power bench throw (BT) and
various assistant power exercises (AP).
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------General preparation
Transition Specific preparation
4 x10
3 x 10-12
3 x2-3
3 x 10
2 x 10-12
3 x 8-10
3 x 5-6
4 x 2-4
3 x 5-8
3 x 3-6
In-season competition
3 x 8 8-6-5 6-5-3 5-3-2 8-6-5 6-5-3 5-3-2 2-1-1 Test & repeat
3 x5
3 x4
Testing consisted of maximum upper body strength as assessed by the
1 repetition maximum bench press (1RM BP) according to the methods
previously outlined (6, 7, 12). Testing of upper body maximum power (Pmax)
was assessed during bench press throws (BT) using the Plyometric Power
System (PPS, Plyopower Technologies, Lismore, Australia) and the methods
weight training device such as the PPS result in much higher power outputs
than traditionally performed bench presses making this exercise more suitable
for power testing (35, 36).
The number of
pulses, denoting barbell displacement, and the time of the barbell movement
were measured by a counter timer board installed in the computer. The PPS
software calculated the average power output of the concentric phase of each
bench press throw based upon the displacement, time and mass data.
Specifically, each subject performed three repetitions during bench press
throws with 40, 50, 60, 70 and 80 kg (BT P40, BT P50, BT P60, BT P70 and
BT P80), with only the highest power output at each resistance recorded.
This battery of resistances allowed for generation of a load-power profile or
curve (6, 8, 13, 35), similar to what has been done before for the lower body
using jump squats with various resistances (19-21). The highest power output
for any individual, irrespective of the resistance, was deemed the BT Pmax.
Statistical procedures
At the initial testing occasion, two disparate groups of six subjects
could be identified based upon whether they were participating in the NRL
team or the second-division team. These Elite and Sub-elite groups were
compared using a factorial one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) for
performance and anthropometric data to discern if any differences existed
between them (See Table 1).
The results for the whole Group 1RM BP, BT Pmax and BT P40-80
were compared using a repeated measures one-way analysis of variance
(ANOVA) to determine if any of the test scores in 2000 and 2002 differed from
the base-line scores of 1998. Also the test scores for the Elite versus Subelite group were compared for the same variables. If a significant effect of test
occasion was found, Fisher Least Squares Difference (PLSD) post hoc
comparisons were performed to determine which test occasions produced
significantly different results. Pearsons product moment correlations were
used to determine the strength of relationships between variables. Statistical
significance was accepted at an alpha level of p < 0.05.
The results for changes in 1RM BP for the group as a whole and
according to sub-grouping are contained in Table 3. The results for changes
in BT Pmax for the group as a whole and according to sub-grouping are
contained in Table 4. The changes in power output with various resistances
ranging from 40 to 80 kg are displayed graphically in Figure 1 for the group as
a whole and Figure 2 when compared according to sub-grouping. There was
a significant increase in body mass up to 100.2 +/- 9.4 and 101.7 +/- 9.0 kg for
year 2000 and 2002 respectively for the group as a whole. The Elite group
increased body mass significantly by about 5% from 1998 to 2000 from where
it remained statistically unaltered. The Sub-elite groups increase of 3% in
body mass was only significant from 1998 to 2002. There was no significant
difference between the sub-groups in body mass at any period.
Table 3. Results for 1RM BP for the group as a whole and according to subgrouping as Elite or Sub-elite presented as mean (standard deviation).
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1RM BP (kg)
129.6 (15.3)*
139.2 (11.6)+
120.0 (12.7)
141.0 (15.6)*
144.6 (12.7)
137.5 (18.6)
148.1 (16.5)*
147.5 (13.0)
148.7 (20.1)
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* denotes that Group 1RM BP were significantly different at each test
+ denotes Elite group significantly different to Sub-elite in 1998 only.
This study details the changes in strength and power across a 4-year
period by a number of athletes who were members of a World champion team
and who experienced in combined strength and power training.
Changes in subjects.
Initial strength and power levels. The initial data from 1998 detailing
the differences in strength and power between the Elite and Sub-elite group
are to be expected and have been reported previously not just for upper body
strength and power (6-9) but also lower body power (9) and abdominal
strength (5) when comparing participants in the elite professional NRL to
participants in second and third division leagues (SRL and CRL). However
the upper body strength levels of both groups appears to far exceed the
average that had been previously reported for large groups of professional
rugby league players (32), perhaps indicating the intensive resistance training
history of the twelve subjects compared to other professional rugby league
players. This is to be expected when it is considered that subjects in 1998
were World Champion club team members and could be expected to be
stronger than less successful counterparts.
Table 4. Results for BT Pmax for the group as a whole and according to subgrouping as Elite or Sub-elite. Mean (standard deviation).
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------BT Pmax (w)
611 (80)*
666 (61)*+
555 (55)*
715 (81)
727 (55)
703 (105)
696 (86)
699 (82)
693 (97)
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* denotes BT Pmax in 1998 significantly different to year 2000 and 2002,
+ denotes Elite significantly different to Sub-elite in 1998 only
exhibited a 14.3% increase in 1RM BP across four years, the Elite group only
exhibited a 6.0% increase compared to the 23.9% for the younger Sub-elite
group. The results of this long-term observation suggest that maximum upper
body strength can still be increased in experienced strength-power athletes,
however there appears to be a diminishing degree of positive adaptation with
increased training experience.
levels reduce the scope for strength improvement, even if both groups follow
the same program (17).
examining the progress over the last two years of the observation, from 2000
to 2002. During this two year period the Elite group exhibited only a 2.0%
increase in 1RM BP, similar to the amount reported by Hakkinen et al (25) for
the Finnish national Olympic weightlifting squad across a two-year period.
The Sub-elite group exhibited an 8.1% increase in 1RM BP during this time
period, further supporting the concept of diminishing progress with increasing
training experience. In reality, the Sub-elite group are two years behind the
Elite group in age and training experience in 1998 and hence the scope of
adaptations experienced by the Sub-elite group for the final two year period
from 2000 to 2002 are similar to the first two years of the Elite group. Thus it
could be posited that the progress that the Sub-elite group make in the next
two year period may also only quite small.
Changes in maximal power and the load-power curve. The results for
changes in maximal power (BT Pmax) largely reflected the changes in 1RM
BP, with diminished progress with increased training experience.
example, over the four year period the group as a whole significantly
increased BT Pmax by 14%, with the Elite group improving only 5% compared
to 25% for the Sub-elite group.
Power output with all investigated resistances (40 to 80 kg) also
increased significantly from 1998 to 2000 and then remained unchanged. The
emphasis on combined maximal strength and power training is reflected in
greater increases in the heavier portion of the load-power curve. From Figures
1 and 2 it can clearly be seen that power output with heavy resistances such
as 70 and 80 kg increases far more (13.7%) than power output with
resistances of 40 kg (8.7%). This was one of the objectives of the training
over the 4-year period as previous research has established that BT P70 and
BT P80 significantly and strongly discriminate between rugby league players
who participate in the NRL versus second and third division leagues (8).
Figure 1. Shifts in bench throw load-power curve for the combined group
(n=12) of rugby league players across a four-year period. All changes were
significant. Because 2000 and 2002 were not different to each other, 2000
results have been omitted for clarity. SD bars omitted for clarity.
Figure 2. Shifts in bench throw load-power curve for the Elite and Sub-elite
groups (n = 6 each) of rugby league players across a four-year period. All
changes were significant. Because 2000 and 2002 were not different to each
other, 2000 results have been omitted for clarity. SD bars omitted for clarity.
Practical applications
This long-term observation of changes in upper body strength and
power output in experienced resistance trainers has supported the earlier
findings concerning the limited scope for improvements in lower body strength
and power with increased training experience.
1. Abernethy, P.J.
Changes in neuromuscular
performance and muscle fiber characteristics of elite power athletes selfadministering androgenic and anabolic steroids. Acta Physiol. Scand. 122:
535-544. 1984.
4. Baker, D.
Baker, D.
Baker, D.
9. Baker, D. Differences in strength and power between junior-high, seniorhigh, college-aged and elite professional rugby league players. J. Strength
Cond. Res. 16(4):581-585. 2002.
10. Baker, D and S. Nance The relationship between running speed and
measures of strength and power in professional rugby league players. J.
Strength Cond. Res. 13(3):230-235. 1999.
11. Baker, D. and S. Nance. The relationship between strength and power in
professional rugby league players. J. Strength Cond. Res. 13(3):224-229.
The effect of
13. Baker D, S. Nance and M. Moore. The load that maximizes the average
mechanical power output during explosive bench press throws in highly
trained athletes J. Strength Cond. Res. 15(1): 20-24. 2001.
14. Baker D, S. Nance and M. Moore. The load that maximizes the average
mechanical power output during jump squats in power-trained athletes J.
Strength Cond. Res. 15(1):92-97. 2001.
16. French, D. N., A.L. Gomez, J.S. Volek, M.R. Rubin, N.A. Ratamess, M.J.
Sharman, L.A. Gotshalk, W.J. Sebastianelli, m. Putukian, R.U. Newton, K.
Hakkinen, J.S. Fleck and W.J. Kraemer. Longitudinal tracking of muscular
power changes in NCAA Division 1 collegiate women gymnasts. J. Strength
Cond. Res. 18(1):101-107. 2004.
22. Hakkinen, K., Alen, M., & Komi, P.V. Changes in isometric force- and
relaxation-time, electromyographic and muscle fiber characteristics of human
skeletal muscle during strength training and detraining. Acta Physiol. Scand.
125: 573-583. 1985.
24. Hakkinen, K., Komi, P.V., Alen, M. and Kauhanen, H. EMG, muscle fiber
and force production characteristics during a one year training period in elite
weightlifters. Eur. Jour. Appl. Physiol. 56:419-427. 1987
27. Hunter, G.R., J. Hilyer, and M.A. Forster. Changes in fitness during 4years of intercollegiate basketball.
28. Kraemer, W.J. A series of studies: The physiological basis for strength
training in American football: Fact over philosophy. J. Strength Cond. Res.
11(3):131-142. 1997
A case study.
31. Meir, R., Colla, P and C. Milligan. Impact of the 10-meter rule change on
professional rugby league:
Strength Condit. J.
23(6):42-46. 2001.
Nelson, A.G., D.A. Arnall, S.F. Loy, L.J. Silvester and R.K. Conlee.
Strength Condit. J.
October:20-31. 1994.
Wilks, R.
Paper 8
The effects of systematic strength and power training during
the formative training years: A comparison between younger
and older professional rugby league players.
Daniel Baker
published in
Strength and Conditioning Coach.
Vol. 11, No. 2, pp.911. 2005.
Maximum levels of strength and power distinguish between rugby
league players of different levels (1, 2). Professional players competing in the
national rugby league competition (NRL) are stronger and more powerful than
those in the State leagues (SRL), who in turn are stronger and more powerful
than players in city based leagues (CRL) (1, 2). This can be predominantly
attributed to greater strength and power training experiences and probably
some degree of natural selection.
However, of interest is a comparison between younger and older
players at the NRL level. Systematic strength and power training did not gain
much popularity in some NRL clubs until the early till mid-1990s. This meant
that some of the current older (>28 years) NRL players may not have
performed much, if any, systematic strength and power training in their
formative training years (circa 16-17 up to 21-22 years).
In comparison,
younger NRL players (<24 years) have generally been performing such
training during their formative training years.
Therefore while both older and younger groups of NRL players may
possess a strength training age of greater than five years, a difference
between them could be described as when this training was undertaken (eg.
17-23 years v 23-29 years of age). Thus it would be of interest to compare
the strength and power results for players, matched for playing position, who
could be described as having undertaken systematic strength training at a
younger or older age.
A total squad of 20 NRL players was investigated. Twelve subjects
could be identified and matched into a Younger (N=6) or Older (n=6) group.
These groups each consisted of three forwards and three halves/hookers
players. No difference existed in body mass or height between the groups,
however the Older group were significantly older (29.5 + 2.4 v 23.2 + .8 yrs)
and had played more NRL games (199.3 + 42.4 v 59.8 + 27.4).
Testing of maximum strength consisted of a 1RM bench press (1RM
BP) and 1RM full squat (1RM SQ) using the methods previously described (1,
2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7). Testing of upper body maximum power (Pmax) included a
bench press throw test (BT Pmax) with various barbell loads using the
methods previously described (1, 2, 6). Testing of lower body power output
consisted of a jump squat (JS Pmax) test with various barbell loads using the
methods previously described (3, 4,7).
The results for each group were compared using a one-way analysis of
variance (ANOVA) to determine if differences existed between the groups in
1RM BP, 1RM SQ, BT Pmax or JS Pmax. In the event of a significant F-ratio,
Fisher PLSD post hoc comparisons were used to determine where these
differences existed. Significance was accepted at an alpha level of p < 0.05.
The results for all tests are contained in Table 1. The Younger group
was significantly stronger and more powerful than the Older group in all of the
four tests. For lower body tests the magnitude of the difference was 19% for
both tests, while for the upper body the percentage differences were 13%
(1RM BP) and 28% (BT Pmax).
This study compared two groups of players who were matched for
playing position and had basically performed the same training for four to five
years previously, but were differentiated by only two factors (apart from age).
These factors were (1) total NRL games and (2) the age that they had
commenced and/or consistently performed systematic strength and power
training. The basic finding was that the group that commenced systematic
strength training during their formative training years (circa 17-23 yrs) were
significantly stronger and more powerful in both the upper and lower body,
despite no significant difference in body mass or height, than the group who
had commenced such training at a later age (>23 yrs).
Table 1. Strength and power testing results for the Older and Younger NRL
players. Mean + standard deviation.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1RM BP
BT Pmax
JS Pmax
670 + 78
1881 + 254
548 + 48*
1579 + 197*
negative or positive) an extra 130 games (5-6 seasons) would have upon
strength and power is impossible to determine.
Furthermore, recovery
methods used after games and during the training week are now far more
professional than six or more years ago. Therefore this discussion will focus
more upon the impact that commencing strength and power training at an
earlier age may have had upon the results.
This analyses is unique in that a situation may not exist again whereby
players from the same football club can be compared based upon what age
This value
adding effect of training at age 17-18 onwards may gradually dissipate as the
athlete ages (into their early to mid-20s). It is not known exactly what this
value adding of the neuromuscular system may be, but it is worthy of future
longitudinal study.
Baker, D.
comparison of dynamic and isometric measures of strength and speedstrength. Eur. J. Appl Physiol. 68:350-355. 1994.
6. Baker D, S. Nance and M. Moore. The load that maximizes the average
mechanical power output during explosive bench press throws in highly
trained athletes J. Strength Cond. Res. 15(1):20-24. 2001.
7. Baker D, S. Nance and M. Moore. The load that maximizes the average
mechanical power output during jump squats in power-trained athletes. J.
Strength Cond. Res. 15(1):92-97. 2001.
10. Wilson, G. The effect of age and gender on the development of muscular
function. Strength & Conditioning Coach. 3(1): 1-6. 1995.
Paper 9.
Methods to increase the effectiveness of maximal power
training for the upper body
Daniel Baker and Robert U. Newton
published in the
Strength and Conditioning Journal
27(6):24-32. 2005.
19, 21).
While these
been shown to be highly correlated to Pmax in both the upper- (5-10) and
lower-body (11) for both elite and less experienced athletes.
As the
conditioning base has been established the following practices will be most
exercises are those exercises that entail acceleration for the full range of
movement with resultant high lifting velocities and power outputs. Strength
exercises are those exercises that entail heavy resistances and high force
outputs but also pronounced periods of deceleration resulting in lower lifting
velocities and reduced power outputs (26). Performing an exercise where
acceleration can occur throughout the entire range of movement (such as a
bench throw in a Smith machine, see Figure 3, medicine ball throws, power
pushups etc) allows for higher lifting speeds and power outputs (23, 25, 26).
If athletes attempt to lift light resistances explosively in traditional exercises
such as bench press and squats, large deceleration phases occur in the
second half of the movement, resulting in lower power outputs as compared to
power versions of bench throw and jump squats (26, 27).
Thus a heavy
movement. When the barbell is lowered to the chest, the chains are furled on
the floor and only provide minimal resistance (see Figure 4). As the barbell is
lifted, the chains unfurl and steadily increase resistance throughout the range
of motion (see Figure 5). This method means that a lighter resistance (eg. 5075% 1RM) can be lifted explosively off the chest but as the additional
resistance (+10-15% 1RM in chains) is added by the constant unfurling of the
chain links off the floor, the athlete can continue attempting to accelerate the
bar but it will slow due to the increasing mass, rather than the athlete
consciously reducing the push against the barbell.
example, this allows the athlete to explode upwards and continue to apply
high force much later into the movement.
Another strategy is the use of Functional Isometric (FI) training (23). A
FI exercise can be performed for the top half of a movement in a power rack
or Smith machine, altering the force characteristics considerably (23). Other
methods of altering the kinetic profile include partial repetitions in the top half
or maximal force zone of the lift (24). Weighted adjustable hooks (periscope
type design) that are constructed to fall off the barbell when the base of the
apparatus contacts the floor during the lowest portion of the bench press can
also alter barbell kinetics within a repetition.
acceleration) throughout the barbell trajectory and particularly the end of the
range of movement (so that it more closely mimics power exercises) can be
basically applied to any free weight barbell exercise used in upper body
acutely increasing upper body power output (1). This research found that
bench presses with 65% 1RM alternated with bench throws (30-45% 1RM)
resulted in an acute increase in power output (1).
An agonist-antagonist
complex may also warrant consideration from the coach as speed of agonist
movement may be improved in these situations (13, 22). Thus a strength
coach has a choice of implementing agonist strength and power exercises or
antagonist and agonist strength and power exercises in a complex to increase
power output.
It is recommended that if upper body resistance training is performed
twice per week, then one day of the training week could emphasize strength
development with heavy resistance training and another training day
emphasize power development with training complexes alternating contrasting
sets of light resistances (30-45% 1RM) and medium-heavy resistances (6075% 1RM) (1, 7).
Table 1. Zones of intensity for strength and power training, modified from
reference 7.
Type and / or goal of training of each intensity zone
Zone 1: < 50% * General muscle & technical
General neural & technical
(< 25 % 1RM)
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* For strength, percentage of maximum refers to 1RM (100%). For power,
100% = Pmax resistance (circa 45-55% 1RM if exact Pmax resistance not
known). Equivalent percentage ranges based upon 1RM are included in
brackets for cases where exact Pmax resistance is not known.
maximise power output and a simple method for achieving this is by using low
repetitions for power exercises (and obviously ensuring the appropriate rest
period is utilized).
Anecdotal evidence from training hundreds of athletes with the PPS
shows that power output markedly decreases after three repetitions when
using resistances that maximize power output (around 45-50% 1RM BP)
during the BT exercise. Based on this evidence, for power exercises it is
usually recommended that only 2-3 repetitions be performed when training in
the maximal power zone, 3-5 in the general power and ballistic power zone
and higher repetitions (eg. 8-10) are only performed when using lighter
resistances in the technical/neural zone (learning technique or warming up).
Recent research
clusters of two repetitions with a 10-second rest between clusters. The restpause system is essentially similar but typically entails the breakdown of a
lower repetition set (for example, 5RM) into single repetitions with a short
pause (for example, 2-15 secs) between repetitions.
A breakdown (aka
stripping) set consists of small amounts of resistance being taken from the
barbell during short pauses between repetitions. This reduction in resistance
Whether the resistances are presented in an ascending (working up in
resistance) or descending (working down in resistance) order during power
training has been cause of some debate (7). A recent study examining the
effects of ascending or descending order on power output during bench
throws reported that an ascending order resulted in the highest power output
during BT (7).
Rest periods
The rest period between sets or even repetitions will depend upon the
objective of that set, the number of repetitions being performed, the intensity
of the resistance, the type of exercise, the training state of the athlete and the
periodization phase. When the objective of the set is maximise the power
output that can be generated with the selected resistance, the rest period
between sets of a power exercise should be one to two-minutes or as is long
enough to ensure that the objective is met. When performing a complex of a
strength and power exercise, anecdotal evidence suggests a four-minute turnaround period (eg. set of bench press then 90 s rest, set of bench throw then
120 s rest before repeating complex) has been shown to be adequate as
evidenced by the power outputs measured by the PPS. Shorter rest periods
(eg. < 1-minute between sets of a power exercise or < 3-minutes for a
the group of twelve subjects as a whole, the BT Pmax increased from 611 w
to 696 w. This 14% increase appears to be underpinned by a similar change
of 14.3 % in 1RM BP (from 129.6 to 148.1 kg) (9). From this evidence it would
appear that the concept of combining maximum strength and power training,
using the methods outlined above, can result in enhanced upper body power
output over long-term training periods.
Figure 2. Change in the upper body bench throw load-power curve (average
concentric power) across a four-year period in a group of twelve professional
rugby league players as well as for one individual who made considerable
progress (player X). The change in 1RM BP appears to underpin the change
in BT Pmax during this time. From reference 9.
Practical applications
methods simultaneously either. For example, a bench press and bench throw
workout to maximize pressing power that entails six methods: full acceleration
exercise; kinetically altered strength exercise; contrasting resistance complex;
low repetitions; ascending order of resistances for the power exercise; and
clustered repetitions is detailed in Table 3. Variation and periodization should
influence if, when and how, any of these strategies are implemented.
This paper has addressed mainly the training for maximal power
production and especially may be of value for athletes who must overcome
large external resistances such as the body mass of opponents (eg. football,
rugby league and union, wrestling, judo, mixed martial arts). Athletes who
require a greater speed contribution rather than pure strength contribution in
their power production (eg. boxing and related martial arts, tennis, javelin)
may need to modify their training accordingly and their load-power curves
would reflect this by perhaps showing increased power output with lighter
resistances of 10-40 kg. However, many of the methods described above
would be applicable to many sporting situations and it is the job of the astute
coach to modify and implement them accordingly.
Table 2. Actual sample training content for bench press and bench throws
across the last 4-weeks of a pre-season strength-power training cycle for an
elite professional rugby league player. Testing occurred in week 5.
Bench throws
573 w
599 w
696 w
683 w
@ 40 kg
@ 50 kg
@ 70 kg
@ 70 kg @ 80k
%BT Pmax
588 w
605 w
722 w
746 w
@ 40 kg
@ 50 kg
@ 70 kg
@ 80 kg
%BT Pmax
Bench press
100 %
130 kg
135 kg
140 kg
150 kg
% 1RM
105 kg
110 kg
125 kg*
125 kg*
% 1RM
755 w
Table 3. Sample workout for combined bench press and bench throws on a
power-oriented training day during the peaking maximum strength/power
phase for an athlete possessing a 1RM BP of 130 kg.
Wt (kg)
Wt (kg)
1b. Bench press + chains* Reps
1. Baker D. The acute effect of alternating heavy and light resistances upon
power output during upper body complex power training. J. Strength Cond.
Res. 17(3):493-497. 2003.
Baker, D.
Baker, D.
Baker, D.
10. Baker D, S. Nance and M. Moore. The load that maximizes the average
mechanical power output during explosive bench press throws in highly
trained athletes J. Strength Cond. Res. 15(1): 20-24. 2001.
11. Baker D, S. Nance and M. Moore. The load that maximizes the average
mechanical power output during jump squats in power-trained athletes J.
Strength Cond. Res. 15(1):92-97. 2001.
12. Blazevich, A.L., N.D. Gill, R. Bronks, and R.U. Newton. Training-specific
muscle architecture adaptation after 5-wk training in athletes.
Med. Sci.
14. Duthie., G. M., Young, W.B and D.A. Aitken. The acute effects of heavy
loads on jump squat performance: An evaluation of the complex and contrast
methods of power development.
15. Ebben, W. P. and P.B. Watts. A review of combined weight training and
plyometric training modes: Complex training. Strength Cond. J. 20(5)18-27.
16. Ebben, W.P., Jensen, R.J and D.O Blackard. Electromyographic and
kinetic analysis of complex training J. Strength Cond. Res. 14(4):451-456.
20. Haff, G. G., Whitley, A. , L.B. McCoy, H.S. O'Bryant, J.L. Kilgore, E.E.
Haff, K.Pierce, and M.H. Stone.
The optimal
training load for the development of dynamic athletic performance. Med. Sci.
Sports Exerc. 23:1279-1286. 1993.
28. Young, W., Jenner, B., A and K. Griffiths. Acute enhancement of power
performance from heavy load squats. J. Strength Cond. Res. 12(2):82-84.
Paper 10
Cycle-length variants in periodized strength/power training
Daniel Baker
When designing resistance-training programs the strength coach has
to consider a number of variables that can be manipulated to make programs
different. These include choosing 1. the exercise 2. the repetitions 3. the sets
4. the resistance 5. the speed of performing the exercise 6. the order of
exercises and 7. the rest periods between sets and exercises (6). The
Australian Strength and Conditioning Association (ASCA) also accepts that
coaches may choose to use a particular, specific variant of periodization
(known also as a pattern, plan, strategy, method or model of periodization) for
a training cycle (1).
to use a specific four-day training cycle, known as the tetrad, that included
daily variations in volume, intensity and technical work (49). The concept of
general and competitive training periods also seems to have been adopted by
these athletes when training for the ancient Olympics or other important
sports festivals (49). However interest in the concept of training periodization
in more modern times in the sports science and training literature has been
attributed to the work of the Soviet Matveyev (eg. 30). Earlier authoritive
Soviet weightlifting coaches and authors stated the need for training variation
to occur throughout different training time-frames (eg. weekly, monthly and
multi-monthly time frames, 31, 32, 50).
A block (sometimes
periodization until the pioneering work of Stone and colleagues introduced
periodization of strength training to western literature in the early to mideighties (42-44). Since that time the concept of periodization has undergone
considerable study, with consequent debate concerning methods and
effectiveness (7-25, 36- 46, 48, 51-53).
Wilks (52) believes the debate concerning the effectiveness of
periodization (17, 19, 48, 53) can largely attributed to the patterns or variants
of periodization used, the amount of variation inherent in each model (eg. 11,
20 versus 21, 36, 41-44) as well as the experience of the athlete and length of
the study.
strength training, coaches and researchers in the future may wish to specify
which variant or pattern of periodization of strength training was implemented.
consternation or confusion in the NSCA (17, 22-24, 27, 28, 45, 46, 52, 53).
Poliquin (40) first proposed that a training cycle whereby the intensity (%1RM)
is increased each week of the cycle should be designated as a linear
method of intensification (see the first two examples in Table 2).
that overall the yearly progression is clearly non-linear, but this does not affect
the description of the cycle-length pattern of progression.
By looking at week three from each of the specific variants in Tables 2
and 3, it can be seen that there are different prescriptions of sets, repetitions
and resistances, despite all being examples of periodized strength training.
Great diversity exists in periodized strength training and coaches may wish
to choose the variant(s) that they feel most appropriate to their circumstances
(level of the athlete, period of the year etc).
training volumes and intensities within a week more effective than a block
method with linear intensification and no within-week variation. No other data
has been found that directly compares different progression patterns of cyclelength periodized strength training in order to gauge the relative effectiveness
of one pattern against another.
Possible reasons for a lack of comparative data
Given that resistance-training objectives can vary for different athletes
(eg. hypertrophy of muscle, maximal power, absolute strength are different
objectives requiring somewhat different training prescriptions), it is not known
why research into the relative merits of different patterns of periodized
progression has been so limited.
outlining debate and theory concerning periodization but it appears little of this
theory has been tested, unless against non-periodized training.
It is of
interest to note that Stone et al. (47) stated that the demise of sport science in
the United States is in part attributable to Institutional Review Boards and
academics not being conceptually familiar with sports science. This then
reduces what they call monitoring studies, examples of which would be the
analysis of the effects of different periodized variants/patterns of progression
upon muscular functioning and sports performance.
politically correct views of the academics may partly regulate research away
from studies that investigate sports performance, to which comparative
periodized strength training studies belong. For whatever reason, the level of
research regarding the merits of different periodization variants/patterns has
not equated with the overall theoretical literature on periodization.
have been made mainly based upon the practical experiences of their elite
coaches aligned with findings from the literature where possible.
Subtle linear-intensification patterns of progression. As these types of
variants are characterised by fairly equivalent and small regular increments in
training intensity each week (e.g. by < 5% 1RM each week), it is thought
these types of variants may be suited to novice and less experienced athletes
who have not performed much periodized resistance training (1, 2, 13, 51,
52). This is due to the fact that other variants are characterized by more
pronounced alterations in intensity which may not be as easily managed by
less experienced athletes whose exercise technique may deteriorate under
such situations (1, 6, 37).
generally entail a training cycle being divided into three steps of repetition and
intensity demands, each respectively signifying a hypertrophy block (a
traditional term, though now this block may also be referred to as a
consolidated strength-endurance block or muscle training block), basic
strength/power block and peak-strength/power block (1, 2, 13, 22-24, 27, 28,
36-38, 41-46).
beneficial stimulatory shock to experienced athletes and allow for a delayed
training effect (42, 43, 51), but the pronounced intensity changes may be too
severe for less experienced athletes to cope with (physiologically and
recommended that these variants are generally recommended for use with
more experienced athletes who possess stable exercise technique and
predictable strength levels and who seem to benefit from the marked variation
inherent in these models (1).
progression from the subtle linear variants (1). Aside from competitive lifters,
the block variants are generally used for the preparation period as high
volume blocks of strength training are often not compatible with in-season
training in a number of sports (1). The coach will also need to choose a linear
or a non-linear intensity progression when implementing this variant.
Undulatory patterns of progression. The Undulatory variant in Table 2 is
characterised by 2-week changes in repetition demands and concomitant
alterations in intensity, which sees an undulatory progression in intensity as
training reverts from, lower intensity 2-week
phases to higher-intensity 2-
week phases back and forth, throughout the cycle (11, 39). It is not to be
confused with simple within-week undulation of training (41) (see Table 1).
These changes that typically occur after a 2-week time frame are
generally greater (in workload, intensification) than for subtle linear methods,
but less pronounced that block variants. Accordingly this type of variant may
be beneficial as a progression for athletes who have habituated to subtle
linear methods of intensity progression or for athletes who favour alternating
2-week phases of hypertrophy-oriented (eg. 3-4 sets x 8-12 repetitions)
training with 2-week phases of general strength training (3-4 sets x 4-6
repetitions) on a continual basis.
Wave-like patterns of progression. The distinguishing difference between
the undulatory and wave-like variants is the number of weeks that contain the
variation. If the repetitions do not change till after every 2-weeks, then it is an
undulatory model, as compared to every week for a true wave-like model
used by a non-lifter (1).
order of the wave (ie. which variation of the wave-like pattern) would best
suit their lifters (31, 32, 50).
The wave-like patterns have been adapted for use by non-lifters by
mainly using the number of repetitions per set to alter weekly volume-load (24, 10, 40), although additional sets can obviously affect volume-load (34). In
a basic wave-like pattern, the repetitions decrease weekly (with concomitant
rises in intensity) for 3-4 weeks, whereby the general pattern is then repeated
but at slightly higher intensities/lower repetitions as the athlete comes to the
peaking phase (2-4, 7-10, 25, 34, 40). A number of studies show that the
wave-like variants are effective in maintaining or even increasing strength and
power in both
season periods (3, 7, 9), though case studies also reported good results with
its use in during preparation periods (3, 4, 40).
Accumulation/intensification patterns of progression. Many introductory
resistance-training programs can be loosely defined as, or based upon, the
processes of accumulation/intensification. For example, an athlete may be
prescribed a resistance they can lift for 3 x 10 repetitions and they do not
increase the resistance (intensify training) until they have managed to perform
3 x 12 repetitions (ie. they have accumulated volume) with that constant
resistance. Therefore these types of introductory programs are based upon
the athlete accumulating training volume (volume load) at a steady or
designated resistance before training resistances are increased and the
the preparation period, presumably due to the high workloads involved (54).
Clearly this variant of accumulation/intensification was designed for
competitive lifters and advanced athletes and may be less applicable to the
vast majority of athletes or exercises due to its high intensities and workloads
(1). However, modifications such as more moderate volumes and intensities
(eg. Accumulation => Wk1 = 70%/3x9, Wk2 = 70%/3x10, Wk3 = 70%/3x11,
Wk4 = 70%/3x12, Intensification => Wk5 = 80%/3x7, Wk6 = 84%/3x6, Wk7 =
88/3x5, Wk8 = 92%/3x4) may make it more suitable to a wider range of
athletes to use.
different periodized training variants according to times of the year and
exercise classifications (10).
Accordingly a coach may ascribe to a philosophy of variant choice
being determined by exercise classification, the training age/state of the
athletes involved as well as the training period (General or Competitive
Coaches can choose a cycle-length variant or pattern of presenting
overload that largely determines the sets, repetitions, and relative intensity
and so on to be used during each week of the cycle. Little consideration has
been given to the effects that different variants or patterns of progression of
periodized overload have upon strength, power, and size, and so on for
different levels of athletes at different times of the training year. Hopefully this
presentation of different variants of cycle-length periodized overload may
provoke further research by academics or experimentation by coaches in a
bid to determine the relative merits of this type of cycle-length training
Table 1. Nine methods ways of altering training load and difficulty within a training week.
Method of variation
Day 1 example
Squat 3 x 10 @ 70 kg Squat 3 x 15 @ 60 kg
Day 2 example
Squat 4 x 10 @ 70 kg
Squat 2 x 10 @ 70 kg
Squat 3 x 10 @ 70 kg
Squat 3 x 10 @ 50 kg (4s/rep)
Squat 3 x 10 @ 70 kg
Squat 3 x 10 @ 50 kg (1m/rest)
Squat 3 x 5 @ 100 kg
Squat 3 x 5 @ 80 kg
Squat 3 x 5 @ 100 kg
Squat 3 x 2 @ 100 kg
Squat 3 x 10 @ 70 kg
Squat 3 x 5 @ 100 kg
Jump squat 3 x 5 @ 50 kg
Power clean 3 x 5 @ 75 kg
Power snatch 3 x 5 @ 60 kg
7. Different strength exercises, but same for all other
variables (same %1RM).
8. Perform a strength and power version of aligned
exercises on different days.
9. Perform heavier and lighter versions of aligned
power exercises on different days.
Table 3. In-season model of periodization using Wave-like variants according to exercise classification as primary strength or
power or assistant strength or power exercises (from ref. 7, 10).
Week # 1
% 1RM 66%
% 1RM 65%
% 1RM 65%
% 1RM 65%
eg. PC, J, BT JS
Assistant power
%1RM = Percentage of one repetition maximum strength, BP = bench press, PU = pull-ups, SQ = squats, PC = power clean from
hang, J = jerks, JS = jump squats, BT = bench throws. * For squats, reduce intensity by about 10% 1RM. Third set may be
optional for squats.
** Assistant strength and power exercises can be performed for 2 or 3 sets. Assistant power exercises
include pull variations (eg. pulls to waist, high pulls, power shrugs), push press and power press/throwing variations, loaded
jumping exercises etc.
Table 3. In-season model of periodization using Wave-like variants according to exercise classification as primary strength or
power or assistant strength or power exercises (from ref. 7, 10).
Week # 1
% 1RM 66%
% 1RM 65%
% 1RM 65%
% 1RM 65%
eg. PC, J, BT JS
Assistant power
%1RM = Percentage of one repetition maximum strength, BP = bench press, PU = pull-ups, SQ = squats, PC = power clean from
hang, J = jerks, JS = jump squats, BT = bench throws. * For squats, reduce intensity by about 10% 1RM. Third set may be
optional for squats.
** Assistant strength and power exercises can be performed for 2 or 3 sets. Assistant power exercises
include pull variations (eg. pulls to waist, high pulls, power shrugs), push press and power press/throwing variations, loaded
jumping exercises etc.
1. Australian Strength and Conditioning Association Level 2 Coaching course
syllabus. Unit 5 Strength. Australian Strength and Conditioning Association,
Browns Plains, QLD, Australia. 2006.
3. Baker, D. Specific strength/power training for elite divers: Case study from
the Australian Institute of Sport.
2(1):20-27. 1994.
4. Baker, D.
maximal strength and lean body mass. Strength and Conditioning Coach.
3(3): 11-16. 1995.
Baker, D.
programs for beginner and intermediate level athletes. Part one: Designing
the program. Strength and Conditioning Coach. 5(3):11-20. 1998.
Baker, D.
Strength and
Baker, D.
Baker, D.G.
United States
14. Balyi, I. Long-term planning of athlete development: The training to
train phase. Strength and Conditioning Coach. 3(4): 4-12. 1995.
Strength and
23(1):4243. 2001.
23. Haff, G.G, Kraemer W.J, O'Bryant, H. Pendlay, G, Plisk, S and Stone,
M.H. Roundtable Discussion: Periodization of Training - Part 1. Strength and
Conditioning Journal. 26(1):5069. 2004.
24. Haff, G.G, Kraemer W.J, O'Bryant, H. Pendlay, G, Plisk, S and Stone,
M.H. Roundtable Discussion: Periodization of Training - Part 2. Strength and
Conditioning Journal. 26( 2): 5670. 2004.
sets of weight training: Impact of volume, intensity and variation. J. Strength
Cond. Res. 113:143147. 1997.
36. O'Bryant, H. S., Byrd, R., & Stone, M.H. Cycle ergometer performance
and maximum leg and hip strength adaptations to two different methods of
weight training. J. Appl. Sports Sci. Res. 2(2): 27-30. 1988.
39. Poliquin, C.
42. Stone, M.H., O'Bryant, H. & Garhammer, J. A hypothetical model for
strength training. J. Sports Med. 21: 342-351. 1981.
44. Stowers, T., McMillan, J., Scala, D., Davis, V., Wilson, D., Stone, M. The
short term effects of three different strength-power training methods. NSCA.
Journal. 5(3): 24-27. 1983.
47. Stone, M.H, W. A. Sands, M.E. Stone. The downfall of sports science in
the United States. Strength and Conditioning Journal. 26(2):72-75. 2004.
48. Stone, M.H and H. S. O'Bryant. Letter to Editor. J. Strength Cond. Res.
9(2):125-126. 1995.
49. Sweet, W.E. Sport and Recreation in Ancient Greece. Oxford University
Press, 1987.
Wilks, R.
Chapter 4.
General Discussion
The structure of this thesis is in three distinct parts.
First was
performance attributes appeared better able to differentiate players than a
simple body mass measure.
findings of this study clearly indicate that maximum strength is the key to
upper body training of rugby league players. From the base of maximum
strength, training can then be directed also towards either maximum power or
strength-endurance, both of which require distinctly different resistance
training variable manipulations.
The second study in this first part was concerned with investigating
both pressing and pulling strength and further, did a distinct strength ratio
exist between the two roughly antagonistic movements. Similar to the results
for pressing strength, pulling strength was found to differentiate NRL from SRL
pulling strength was observed that was significantly more equivalent in the
NRL as compared to the SRL players. While the levels of strength differences
are easily explained by training experience and natural selection (to a
degree), it is not fully understood why a difference in the strength ratio would
occur. It was initially theorized that perhaps the NRL squad may have had
players who performed unbalanced (pressing versus pulling) training early in
their careers. However, the results did not bear this out. The NRL squad
overall exhibited a very concise ratio and the players who were more than one
standard deviation difference in the ratio possessed a ratio in favour of pulling,
not pressing. Further investigation revealed that these players tended to have
suffered from contact injuries to the anterior musculature, typical in a physical
collision sport like rugby league.
pressing strength, but not pulling strength (which is more dependant upon the
posterior musculature), affecting the strength ratio.
The third study was concerned with the validation of a less timeconsuming test methodology that may be more suitable to strength coaches of
lower level teams. Typically these coaches do not have the time, personnel,
experience and perhaps physical resources and equipment to implement a
test battery like those implemented in Studies 1 and 2. Therefore this study
aimed to validate the popular method of estimating 1RM performance via
extrapolation from one exhaustive set in the bench press and pull-up using
multiple repetitions till fatigue (RTF). Typically these tests take less than a
minute to perform per person and provide, via a suitable regression formula or
conversion table, not only an estimate of 1RM, but also due to the higher
repetitions performed a measure of high-intensity strength-endurance.
The bench press test performed was the NFL 225 lb (102.5 kg)
whereby the athletes performed as many repetitions as possible with this
resistance. In the pull-up test, body mass served as the chosen resistance.
Instead of a regression equation to extrapolate 1RM, a unique table of
conversion factors similar to the NFL table was used.
It is believed that
they assume a linear relationship between fatigue (repetitions performed) and
1RM performance levels. The evidence in the cited literature suggests a more
curved-linear or part-parabolic relationship.
testing in these two exercises were compared to the predicted results, with
high correlations reported. Based upon these findings, it was recommended
that coaches working with athletes of lower level would be able to implement a
pressing and pulling strength test battery by using a one set RTF test with an
appropriate resistance utilizing the bench press and pull-up exercises. While
body mass is the obvious resistance for the pull-up exercise, for the bench
press exercise coaches of lower level athletes may have to utilize a lighter
resistance of, for example, 80 kg for college-aged athletes and 60 kg for highschool athletes as 102.5 kg is in excess of the maximum capabilities for many
athletes. By implementing these two one-set tests a coach may be able to
test sixty athletes in less than one hour. This scenario is suited to high-school
Based upon the results of these studies coaches involved with rugby
league players should implement some form of upper body test battery aimed
at assessing the pressing and pulling strength. This testing may be via direct
1RM testing or by estimating 1RM via a RTF test with sub-maximal
resistance. The RTF test may also serve as a test of strength-endurance. If
the resources are available, then a maximum power testing battery may also
be implemented. Overall this data should highlight a pathway of upper body
muscular performance progressions for rugby league players who wish to
progress to the elite professional NRL ranks.
The second part of this thesis entailed studies that lead directly on from
the above findings. Having determined that levels of upper body strength,
power and strength-endurance are of importance to success in rugby league,
then methods that affect their development is of interest. These may be acute
methods that affect strength and power within a training session or the chronic
methods that affect development of strength, power and endurance over
longer periods of time. In particular, the interaction between muscle power
and muscle endurance is of interest given that endurance training is believed
to attenuate power development.
The next three studies focused upon acute training interventions;
specifically how power output could be affected by various resistance training
variable manipulations that occur within a workout.
Studies 4 and 5 involved manipulations of training variables to
investigate if power could be increased within a workout through the
interaction of a strength training oriented training dosage. Study 6 was
implemented to determine the effect upon power output of combining strength
and power training within a work-out.
For Studies 4 and 5 a method of training called complex or contrast
training was investigated to determine if it was an effective power training
methodology for over twenty years, the results for previous complex training
studies have been mixed to say the least. While some positive results have
been reported for some lower body studies, two previous upper body studies
had yielded no significant change in upper body power output or performance
as a result of utilizing a complex of contrasting resistance/exercises (Ebben et
al., 2000; Hrysomallis and Kidgell, 2001).
It appears that
stronger, more experienced athletes may benefit form this type of training but
that less experienced athletes may find this method detrimental to their power
experienced athletes who had been performing contrast complex training for
over one year prior to the investigation. The significant increase in power
output as a result of alternating heavier bench presses with lighter bench
throws in Study 5 also illustrated a fundamental difference in the ideology of
complex training.
was decided for Study 4 that a contrast resistance merely had to be heavy
enough to be in stark contrast to the power testing resistance so that it would
evoke the positive effects (neural or otherwise) without the potentially negative
effect of attuning the neural network to a slow lifting speed. The findings of
Newton et al. (1996) illustrated that resistances of around 60% 1RM still
allowed for high lifting speeds. In Study 4 65%1RM was equivalent to 92 kg,
which is distinctly heavy in comparison to the power test resistance of 50 kg.
This disparity in resistances was apparently enough to warrant some
significant post-intervention increase in power output.
Consequently very
heavy resistances do not or perhaps should not be used for complex power
was theorized that combining pulling strength and pressing power training in a
complex would warrant investigation. As a result, Study 5 investigated if a
non-traditional complex of contrasting movement actions, rather than
contrasting resistances, also had an acute effect upon power output. It was
conceivable based upon previous research into rapid limb movements and the
associated triphasic muscle activation patterns.
After measuring power output during the BT, the intervention strategy
of a pulling movement was introduced in the experimental group. The small,
but significant increase in power output for the experimental group suggests
that this method of complex training also deserves consideration.
Again the reasons why the results for Studies 4 and 5 were positive as
opposed to those of previous studies (Ebben et al., 2000; Hrysomallis and
Kidgell, 2001) may be due to three reasons.
maximally recruit muscle fibers because they believed that full recruitment
was the key to complex training success. The philosophy behind Studies 4
and 5 was that the exercise or resistance has to be in contrast to the power
training exercise. A resistance of 65% 1RM, being 92 kg in the case of Study
5 is in stark contrast to 50 kg, but is not an intensity to evoke tetanus. There
are a myriad of neural interactions at play and evoking tetanus may not be the
reason why complex training can have a positive effect upon power output.
The results for Study 5 confirm this as the intervention resistance was only
about 16 kg heavier than the BT resistance, but the exercises were in contrast
(agonist and antagonist movement actions). There would have been no effect
if the reasons for the positive results reported for complex training were due to
post-tetanic potentiation as many authors have surmised.
Based upon the results for Studies 4 and 5 it should be clear that some
form of neural interplay is acutely affecting power output within a work-out.
The nature of this neural interplay is not fully understood, but it is not simply
as a result of full motor unit recruitment and firing. Future research upon
power output in these types of studies may consider other methods of
providing a contrast effect within a workout, rather than continually and more
often than not fruitlessly exploring the very heavy resistance/post-tetanic
potentiation theory of augmentation.
The third of these acute intervention studies (Study 6) revealed that a
hypertrophy-oriented training bout (high repetitions, short rest periods)
drastically reduced power output for over 7 minutes post the intervention.
Therefore training to improve hypertrophy (the cornerstone of long-term
maximal strength improvements) and strength-endurance (also characterized
by high repetition, short rest period training) must be planned judiciously if
increasing maximum power is also a goal of training. The question of how
best to combine maximum power and strength-endurance training is quite
pertinent. One small dosage of 3 x 10 repetitions @ 65% 1RM can reduce
power output by 17%.
grouping of stronger (performing higher total absolute workloads) versus less
strong athletes involved. This result raises even more research questions.
How much more severe would the cumulative effect upon power output of
doing 4-6 exercises with the same sets and repetitions be?
If athletes
training) should not precede power training within a work-out. Questions that
arose from this study were concerned with effective periodization of resistance
training and the interaction between strength, power and strength-endurance
volume) and power training within a work-out b) within a training week inseason (with a game on the weekend) c) across longer time periods of many
The third part of this thesis dealt with the chronic adaptations in
maximal strength and power resulting from prolonged long-term resistance
training. In the first paper in this section (Study 7), twelve professional rugby
league players were tested for maximal power and strength across a 4-year
period and were analyzed as a group or according to their initial designation
as Elite (already participating in the NRL) or Sub-elite players (being
developed to participate in the NRL within 1-2 years). The results of this
investigation illustrated that experienced resistance trainers can still make
gains in maximal strength and power but that the magnitude and scope for
increases in strength and power diminishes with increased training
experience. Furthermore, changes in maximal power were heavily dependant
upon changes in strength and the extent of the relation between changes in
strength and changes in power suggests the communal experience of
strength plateaus in experienced athletes will also be manifested in power
plateaus. The magnitude of the changes for the Sub-elite group mirrored the
changes exhibited by the Elite group in the first two years (the groups were
approximately 2-years apart in chronological and training age). Based upon
this result it was thought that the age that these athletes commence such
regimented training may be a variable that could affect strength and power
levels in long-term training. The question is, would commencing combined
strength-power training at a younger training age lead to greater gains in
strength and power in the long-term?
The second paper of this section investigated this unique situation; that
is the effect of the chronological age at the start of systematic strength and
power training upon the ensuing changes in strength and power 3-4 years
later. In Study 8, a squad of 20 NRL players was analyzed and two groups of
6 players, who could designated as Young or Old, were identified. These two
groups had performed the same training for the 3-4 years previous and were
not different in body mass or height. What differentiated the groups were the
age of the subjects (29 yrs v 23 yrs) and more importantly the age at which
they commenced regimented strength-power training.
The results illustrated that the Younger group were 13 % stronger and
28% more powerful in the upper body than the Older group. This finding
highlighted the importance of commencing regimented strength-power training
at an earlier age ~ perhaps 17-19 years based upon these results.
The results of Studies 7 and 8 highlight some major findings for sports
athletes who must perform strength-power training as an adjunct to their other
sports training (endurance, speed, skill and team/tactical training).
advanced athletes can still make gains in strength and power, however the
magnitude and scope for changes in strength and power diminishes with
increased training experience. These large changes in strength and power
can be attained despite high overall training volumes and specifically,
concurrent endurance training. Nonetheless increases in strength and power
will begin to diminish and the time periods over which changes in strength and
power might manifest themselves might be quite long (e.g. a 2.5 kg increase
in strength across 1-year). Given that there may be a ceiling for strength and
power development and the results for Study 8, it appears prudent to
implement strength-power training during the formative training years (17-23
yrs) to extract the maximum benefit from such training. Delaying the onset of
such training until the athlete is fully matured (> 23yrs) may reduce the full
benefits of this training.
The last two papers of the third part of this thesis were concerned with
practical methods to increase the effectiveness of upper body maximal power
training and the implementation of different periodized training strategies or
based upon the previous papers in this thesis and other relevant publications.
Therefore Paper 9 can be seen as an abbreviation of this entire thesis and
provides training recommendations suitable for not only rugby league players,
but also any athlete concerned with increasing maximal power.
Study 10
1. Include full acceleration exercises (power exercises) as well as strength
exercises. Full acceleration exercises are distinctly different from heavy
resistance strength exercises that entail a deceleration component.
2. Alter the kinetic profile of exercises by utilizing chains, power bands etc
(attached to the ends of the barbell).
acceleration will last further into the movement and the normal deceleration
component that exists in strength exercises is reduced.
breakdown sets to reduce intra-set fatigue and hence improve power output.
Even moderate repetition sets can be split up so a small respite to reduce
muscle fatigue occurs during the set.
maximizing power output is the goal of training, then the ascending order is a
more productive strategy.
Because fatigue severely impairs power output, then the rest periods
minutes between sets of a power exercise should suffice if repetitions are low
(5-6 or less). If the power exercise is alternated with a strength exercise in a
complex then the turn-around time for the complex may need to be of the
order of 3-4 minutes.
Paper 10 illustrated that there are a number of different periodized
training strategies a coach may choose from when designing resistance
programs aimed at developing strength and power. These variants have been
described by the method by which intensity is progressed along the training
cycle, although this method of description is contentious.
Chapter 5.
Conclusions and Primary Findings
This thesis was concerned with investigating, principally, strength and
power training in professional rugby league players. However, the sport of the
subjects is of less importance than the fundamental questions posed
concerning strength and power performance levels and training. Essentially
the subjects could have been any experienced strength-power athletes and
the questions remain unchanged.
The purpose of the initial part of this thesis was to determine if testing
of various aspects of upper body muscular functioning could determine three
basic questions.
1. How do the upper body muscular function qualities such as maximum
strength, power, speed or strength-endurance relate to success in a sport
(e.g. professional rugby league players or any other athletes)?
2. Are there any significant differences between elite participants (NRL) and
lower level participants in this sport (SRL and CRL) in any of these qualities?
3. Are there any significant differences in upper body muscular functioning
qualities within a team and between teams according to positional grouping?
The results of these investigations clearly indicate that of the four upper
body tests assessed in this thesis, maximum strength appears the most highly
related to success in rugby league but maximum power and strengthendurance were closely and similarly descriptive of elite NRL participation.
Furthermore, upper body pulling strength and a concise and equivalent
pressing-pulling strength ratio are also of importance to NRL participation.
Based upon these results it was recommended that younger rugby league
players who desire to attain higher playing levels should strive to increase
upper body maximum strength, which appears to underpin performance in
other key muscular performance factors such as maximum power and
strength-endurance. Once the maximum strength base has been established
training can be further directed to either (or both) maximum power or strength
endurance training. Coaches could implement either an extensive test battery
(such as in Study 1) or perhaps simple RTF tests (such as in Study 3, which
may be more suitable to high-school coaches and athletes), in an effort to
pinpoint where upper-body training efforts need to be directed. As these two
muscular qualities of maximum power and strength-endurance require quite
divergent and seemingly contradictory training prescriptions, it may be best to
train them in separate work-outs.
To this end the rest of the series of studies focused upon training
methods and the nature and scope of changes in strength and power in
response to the manipulations of resistance training variables across different
time periods.
The second part of the thesis was concerned with acute training
variable interventions ~ specifically how power output could be affected by
various resistance training variable manipulations. The questions asked were:
1. Does the combination of strength-oriented and power-oriented training into
a complex affect power output?
2. Does the combination of strength-oriented and power-oriented training with
contrasting movements into a complex affect power output?
volumes must not be extreme during the complex (higher volumes and
intensities can be performed for strength development at other times or on
other days). Importantly this thesis included a methodology of contrasting
exercise movements (agonist and antagonist) that has not been performed
further research.
The third part of the thesis was concerned with the chronic adaptations
from long-term resistance training in experienced athletes.
The questions
asked were:
1. What are the nature, scope and magnitude of changes in strength and
power in chronic long-term training in experienced athletes?
2. Does the age at which athletes commence such intense strength-power
training affect the levels of strength and power in the longer-term?
Based upon this and other relevant research, what are the practical
increase strength and power but that there was a diminishing scope for
strength and power improvements with increased training experience and/or
the chronological age at which training commences.
Based upon the results and findings of all these studies, the final
papers addressed practical methods to increase the effectiveness of upperbody maximal power training and the configuration of training variables across
a training cycle. Athletes and coaches who have attained a base level of
strength and muscle conditioning would most benefit from the methods
outlined in these papers.
In conclusion, this thesis has addressed upper body strength and
power in a very practical manner on three levels: 1. testing 2. acute training
interventions and 3.
chronic adaptations.
large amount of information that is relevant to the development of strength
and power from the included papers and the overall thesis.
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