Cautious and Choosy Quality To The Fore
Cautious and Choosy Quality To The Fore
Cautious and Choosy Quality To The Fore
14 AUG 2015
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Bharat Forge
Coal India
Federal Bank
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KNR Constructions
L&T Finance
Maruti Suzuki
Oberoi Realty
Power Grid
(CMP Rs 479, MCap Rs 237bn)
Mehernosh Panthaki,,
+91 22 6171 7340
(CMP Rs 377, MCap Rs 2,492bn)
Ankur Kulshrestha,,
+91 22 6171 7346
(CMP Rs 1,157, MCap Rs 2,657bn)
Harit Shah,,
+91 22 6171 7325
(CMP Rs 572, MCap Rs 293bn)
Mehernosh Panthaki,,
+91 22 6171 7340
(CMP 4,493, MCap Rs 13,572bn)
Navin Matta,,
+91 22 6171 7322
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Over the last few years, SBI has borne the brunt
of the structural slowdown in Indias macros. As
a result, its profits have taken a hit despite a
growing loan book owing to higher provisioning
on stressed assets and a reset in wages.
With its broad presence across sectors, plus its
colossal size and reach, SBI remains the best
(CMP Rs 2,637, MCap Rs 5,166bn)
Harit Shah,,
+91 22 6171 7325
We like TCS' leadership positioning, better-thanpeers growth despite being the largest IT firm,
and its leading position in the digital/SMAC
space vs peers.
TCS' 1QFY16 revenue grew 3.5% QoQ in USD
terms. We expect TCS to post slower revenue
growth in FY16 vs FY15 (10.3% vs 15%);
however, we expect FY17 USD revenue to
improve to 13.9% YoY (US$ 19,416mn).
TCS' EBIT margins adjusted for one-offs declined
112 bps QoQ in 1QFY16. We expect EBIT margin
to range between 27%-28% (26.9% in FY15). We
expect adjusted earnings to achieve a healthy
14% CAGR over FY15-FY17E (Rs 110.8/Rs 125.3
/Rs 143.9 adjusted EPS in FY15/FY16E/FY17E,
respectively), led by operating leverage and
improving profitability.
TCS stock is currently trading at 18.3x FY17E
EPS (historical average forward PE of 19x).
(CMP Rs 628, MCap Rs 98bn)
Company (CIFC), a part of the southbased
Murugappa Group, operates as a pure asset
finance player (AFC) offering vehicle finance,
home equity loans and business finance. It
offers a niche play on the cyclical CV (68% of
AUM) and steady home equity financing. Within
the CV business, CIFC further offers a diversified
play with presence across segments and
Notwithstanding its AUM slump over FY14-FY15,
CIFC has still maintained NIMs with sustained
yields and improving cost efficiencies. It has
managed a slow recovery in recent quarters
with gradual uptick in Vehicle Financing,
consistent momentum in Home Equity,
relatively stable asset quality and operating
CIFC has already shifted to 150 DPD in 4QFY15
and hence the incremental impact of tighter
NPA recognition and provisions norm is already
absorbed. Further, with superior underwriting
and recoveries process and higher capitalisation
CIFC is better placed vs peers.
A return to 20%+ growth (driven by revival in
the CV cycle) over the next 2-3 years, structural
improvement in C/I ratios driven by productivity
improvement and the expected normalization
of credit costs from current cyclical peaks keeps
us positive on CIFC. While the move towards
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(CMP Rs 65, MCap Rs 111bn)
Darpin Shah,,
+91 22 6171 7328
Siji Philip,,
+91-22-6171 7324
Over the last three years, Federal Bank (FB) has
consciously tempered its 'large corporate'
exposure while growing its retail, SME and agri
loan books. This strategic change apart, it has
also streamlined credit appraisal operations. It
has achieved higher granularity on both assets
(loans) and liabilities (deposits). To our mind,
these are virtues that enhance business quality.
With adequate capital, FB finds itself in an
advantageous position in its home base of
Southern India where a number of entrenched
(but stressed) PSU banks are unable to capitalise
on an impending economic revival. We think
the next few years might see the bank deliver
operating leverage as well as improving asset
1Q was not an an inspiring quarter for the bank,
with a large corporate account slipping. Higher
provisions on NPAs as well as investments hit
improvement, continued. We think the
watchlist of ~Rs 2bn in FB's Steel & Shipping
exposures may act as an overhang. Still, we
believe FBs focus towards quality growth,
(CMP Rs 523, MCap Rs 15bn)
Parikshit Kandpal,,
+91 22 6171 7317
Prabhat Anantharaman,,
+91 22 6171 7319
(CMP Rs 68, MCap Rs 118bn)
Darpin Shah,,
+91 22 6171 7328
Siji Philip,,
+91 22 6171 7324
(CMP Rs 1,378, MCap Rs 115bn)
Harit Shah,,
+91 22 6171 7325
(CMP Rs 242, MCap Rs 82bn)
Parikshit Kandpal,,
+91 22 6171 7317
Oberoi Realty (ORL) is one of the largest
Mumbai centric developers with ~15mn sqft of
residential portfolio & ~2mn sqft commercial
assets. Timely execution, superior build quality,
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Ankur Kulshrestha
Coal India
Cholamandalam Finance
Federal Bank
L&T Finance
Harit Shah
HCL Tech
Harit Shah
Harit Shah
Harit Shah
Mehernosh Panthaki
Asian Paints
Mehernosh Panthaki
Mehernosh Panthaki
Navin Matta
Bharat Forge
Navin Matta
Navin Matta
Maruti Suzuki
KNR Constructions
Oberoi Realty
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