State Project
State Project
State Project
g. Etc. h. i.
3. Capitol:
a. Name the capitol
b. Label the correct location on the map
4. Climate:
a. What are the average high and low temperatures in a each of the four
5. Historical facts:
a. When did it become a state?
b. 3 historical events that occurred in that state and why they are important
6. Population: 2008 Census
a. How many people live in the entire state?
b. What is the largest city in the state and what is its population?
c. Compare the population of the city and state to Detroit, Michigan
7. How long/far:
a. How many miles from Detroit?
b. How long will it take you to get there from Detroit on an airplane?
8. Plan a vacation to the state:
a. 3 cities to visit
b. What is there to see/do in each of those cities?
i. Present your vacation information in a creative manner. You could
create a travel brochure, TV commercial, or a billboard, just to name a
few. Use pictures and drawings to sell your state to potential visitors.