Developing Physical Literacy

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Developing Physical Literacy

Developing Physical Literacy

A Guide For Parents Of Children Ages 0 to12

A Supplement to:

Canadian Sport for Life

Tiffany Brown Cooper

Developing Physical Literacy

Developing Physical Literacy

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Starting Off Right!

Physical Literacy

Canadas Long-term Athlete Development Model

Physical Literacy - the Details


Fundamental Sport Skills


Physical Literacy During the Active Start Stage of LTAD


Physical Literacy During the FUNdamental Stage of LTAD


Physical Literacy During the Learn to Train Stage of LTAD


More On the ABCs


A New Approach


Impact on the Education, Recreation Sport

and Physical Activity System


Developing Physical Literacy in Every Child


Next Steps


Continuous Improvement


Parent Lobbying Kit



Expert Group


Colin Higgs, Ph.D., Memorial University of Newfoundland

Istvan Balyi, M.A., Canadian Sport Centre, Pacific
Richard Way, MBA, Canadian Sport Centre, Pacific
Charles Cardinal, M.Sc en Activit Physique, Canadian Sport Centre, Montreal
Steve Norris, Ph.D., Canadian Sport Centre, Calgary
Mary Bluechardt, Ph.D., Memorial University of Newfoundland
McAllister Media

Developing Physical Literacy

Starting Off Right!

Childhood obesity and
rising inactivity among
children threatens the
future health of Canada,
and the problem needs
to be addressed NOW
if we are to prevent a
generation of children
from growing up with
chronic health problems.
We also know1 that being physically
active later in life depends on feeling
confident in an activity setting; and
that confidence, as an adult, most
often comes from having learned
fundamental movement and sport
skills as a child.

Therefore, to create an active and

healthy population ALL Canadian
children need a sound foundation of
movement and sport skills to build
on later in life; and this foundation is
called Physical Literacy.

Developing Physical Literacy

Physical Literacy
The learning and practice of fundamental movement
skills is the basic building block for the development of
physical literacy. Much like learning the alphabet and
phonics are the fundamental skills needed to eventually
read Shakespeare, or, identifying numbers and learning
to add and subtract are the fundamental skills needed
to eventually balance a cheque-book, the development
of fundamental movement skills, and fundamental sport
skills, is critical if children are to feel confident when they
engage in physical activity for fun and for health, or for
competition and the pursuit of excellence.

Physical literacy gives children

the tools they need to take
part in physical activity and
sport, both for healthy life-long
enjoyment and for sporting
success; and is a key component
of Canadas Long-Term Athlete
Development (LTAD) program.

Research shows 2,3,4 that without the development of

physical literacy, many children and youth withdraw from
physical activity and sport and turn to more inactive and/or
unhealthy choices during their leisure time.

Physical Literacy: What Exactly is it?

Physical literacy is the development of fundamental
movement skills (see page 7) and fundamental sport skills
(see page 12) that permit a child to move confidently and
with control, in a wide range of physical activity, rhythmic
(dance) and sport situations. Physical literacy also includes
the ability to read what is going on around them in an
activity setting and react appropriately to those events.
For full physical literacy children should learn fundamental
movement skills and fundamental sport skills in each of
the four basic environments:
On the ground as the basis for most games, sports,
dance and physical activities
In the water as the basis for all aquatic activities
On snow and ice as the basis for all winter sliding
In the air basis for gymnastics, diving and other
aerial activities

Sports have recognized that

many of the children and youth
who enter their programs lack
basic movement skills.

Developing Physical Literacy

Canadas Long-term Athlete

Development Model
Canadian Sport for Life5 documents the Long-term
Athlete Development model adopted by Sport Canada and
the Canadian Sport System ( Each National
Sport Organization (NSO) responsible for a specific sport
is developing its unique LTAD model based on Canadian
Sport for Life, and through its Provincial and Territorial
counterparts is implementing the model across the
country. Canadas LTAD model is shown in Figure 1.
Physical literacy is developed during the first three stages
of Canadas LTAD model, meaning the time from birth to
the start of adolescence: from birth to approximately age
11 for girls and to age 12 for boys.

of this many different people need to be involved. Figure

2 gives some idea of the range of settings and the range
of people who need to understand and be able to teach
physical literacy skills.
Ultimately the responsibility for developing a physically
literate child rests with parents and guardians. Just as
parents and guardians ensure their children are in learning
situations that result in them having the ability to read,
write and do mathematics, they must also ensure their
children develop physical literacy.

Children tell us that not having

the skills to play is one major
reason they drop out of physical
activity and organized sport.

In addition to the material in Canadian Sport for Life,

which applies to everyone, there is additional information
in No Accidental Champions6 that applies to Canadians
with a disability.

How and Where Do Children Become

Physically Literate?

While its true that many children DO develop good physical

skills on their own by trial-and-error, there are many who do
not; and for those the consequences can be severe.
Children who are physically skilled often enjoy vigorous
healthy play, while the less skilled are often left out. This
creates a vicious cycle; those with the skills play, and
through that play further develop their fitness and skill.
In contrast, those who are less skilled play less, have fewer
opportunities to refine and develop their skills, and fall
further and further behind their skilled peers. Eventually
many of the less skilled children stop trying, and withdraw
from physical activities that would help them become fitter
and develop their skills.
To prevent this from happening appropriate physical literacy
need to be taught to every child in Canada. This teaching
needs to occur in a wide range of settings, and, because

Training to Win

Active For Life

The Myth That it Just Happens

Figure 1 Canadas Long-Term Athlete Development Model

Physical Literacy

Developing physical literacy in our children will take the

combined efforts of parents/guardians, day-care providers,
schools personnel, community recreation leaders and
everyone involved in the Canadian sport system. Each has
a role to play if we are to be successful.

Females 23 +/Males 23 +/-

Training to Compete

Females 19-23 +/Males 20-23 +/-

Learning to Compete

Females 15-19 +/Males 16-20 +/-

Training to Train

Females 11-15
Males 12-16

Learning to Train

Girls 8-11
Boys 9-12


Girls 6-8
Boys 6-9

Active Start

Girls 0-6
Boys 0-6


& Mental

Sport Skills

Developing Physical Literacy

Physical Literacy - the Details

Figure 2 Who is responsible for Physical Literacy?


LTAD Stage

Sport clubs
Community recreation
Sport programs

Sport clubs
Community recreation
Sport programs

Day care
Sport programs
Community recreation

Physical Literacy


Learn to Train

Recreation leaders
Youth leaders


Recreation leaders
Youth leaders

Girls 8-11, Boys 9-12

Girls 6-8, Boys 6-9

Active Start

Girls and Boys 0-6

Day care providers
Pre-school teachers
Kindergarten teachers

*Where specialist physical education teachers are employed at the primary/elementary level

In a child, physical literacy is the combination of mastering fundamental movement skills and fundamental sport skills,
which will enable a child can look at and understand movements going on around them, resulting in sound decisions based
on that understanding.

Fundamental Movement Skills

To become physically literate children need to master fundamental movement skills, but this mastery does not come all at
once, and we need to remember that children are not just adults in miniature. For almost every skill the developing child
needs to go through a series of developmental stages (For example, see Figure 3 to see how throwing changes as the
child matures). The goal should be to help each child move to the next most mature version of the skill they are learning,
rather than pushing them to perform the skill the way an adult would.

Developing Physical Literacy

Physical Literacy - the Details

Figure 3 Three stages in the development of a mature throwing pattern

Figure 3: Three stages in the development of a mature throwing pattern

Earliest Stage
of Throwing

3: Three

Little or no use of legs or trunk, no twisting

of the trunk.

Earliest stage of throwing: Little or no use of legs or tunk , no twisting of the trunk.
Earliest stage of throwing: Little or no use of legs or tunk , no twisting of the trunk.
Earliest stage of throwing: Little or no use of legs or tunk , no twisting of the trunk.

Stage of Throwing
Thrower steps forward with the SAME foot
as he uses to throw the ball. Some twisting
of the trunk.

Intermediate stage of throwing: Thrower steps forward with the SAME foot as he
uses to throw the ball. Some twisting of the trunk.
Intermediate stage of throwing: Thrower steps forward with the SAME foot as he
Intermediate stage of throwing: Thrower steps forward with the SAME foot as he
uses to throw the ball. Some twisting of the trunk.
uses to throw the ball. Some twisting of the trunk.

Mature Stage
of Throwing
Thrower steps forward with the OPPOSITE
foot as she uses to throw the ball. More
twisting of the trunk, and the arm starts
the throw from behind the head.

Mature stage of throwing: Thrower steps forward with the OPPOSITE foot as she
uses to throw the ball. More twisting of the trunk, and the arm starts the throw from
Mature stage
of throwing: Thrower steps forward with the OPPOSITE foot as she
of throwing: Thrower steps forward with the OPPOSITE foot as she
uses to throw the ball. More twisting of the trunk, and the arm starts the throw from
uses to throw the ball. More twisting of the trunk, and the arm starts the throw from
behind the head.
behind the head.

Developing Physical Literacy

Physical Literacy - the Details

Helping Children Learn Fundamental
Movement Skills

The child is ready to learn the skill: At a certain point

in maturation, all the hardware the muscles and nerves
have developed enough that the child has the potential
to perform a particular skill (the readiness factor), and
now they have to learn it. As the skill begins to emerge
naturally, learning can be dramatically improved through
opportunities for fun practice using lots of different
equipment and materials. Giving the child some simple
instruction and lots of practice can help the child develop
confidence that stays with them for life although this may
not speed up the learning process.

Although children mature and learn at different rates,

almost all children learn their fundamental movement skills
in the same sequence, and go through the same phases:
When a child can learn a skill: As a child grows and
develops (matures) nerve cells make more connections,
while at the same time, the muscles of the body are
getting stronger. Until the brain is mature enough, and the
muscles strong enough, the child simply cannot learn the
skill, and trying to teach the child does little good. What is
important at this time is providing the child with as many
opportunities to explore all possible movements in a rich
environment which means that the childs environment
needs to be both safe and challenging.

The optimum time to learn the skill: For every emerging

skill there is a best time for the child to learn. At this
time, helping the child though simple instruction and
practice can improve learning, and pay great dividends.
While the best time to teach a particular skill to an
individual child varies, there is great consistency in the
sequence in which children learn skills. In indication
of the best time to teach some of the more common
fundamental movement skills can be found in Figure 5.

Growth means an increase in

body size, such as in height or
weight. Maturation is the process
in which the childs body changes
to become progressively more like
that of an adult.

Time for remedial work: If the child goes too long without
learning a skill, then learning it may become more difficult.
However, the sooner the child starts to overcome the
learning deficit the easier it will be for them to catch up
and develop the skill and confidence needed to be fully
active with their friends and peers.

Figure 4 Learning Fundamental Movement Skills

Body grows and matures

The child's body is

not mature enough
to learn the
Movement Skills

Optimum time to
learn the
Movement Skills

The child's body is

"Ready to Learn"

Time for
Remedial Work

Optimum time to teach

Give child a wide range of movement opportunities

Remedial instruction




Developing Physical Literacy

Physical Literacy - the Details

Fundamental Movement Skills: Parent Checklist

Developing Fundamental Movement Skill:

Suggestions for Parents

Making sure a child learns all the important Fundamental

Movement Skills is no easy task. There are many skills
to be learned, and no single place to take the child to
make sure that they learn them all. To help care-givers
understand the sequence of development of children, the
Fundamental Movement Skill Chart (FMS), Figure 5
is provided.

Fundamental movement skills need to be developed in

a wide range of environments, and concerned parents
need to question day-care providers, schools, minor-sport
organizations and other organizations to make sure that
their childrens needs are met.

The FMS Chart shows a number of the most important

fundamental movement skills each child needs to master,
as well as giving some indication of when readiness for
learning each skill emerges, when it is the optimum time to
learn the skill, as well as the age by which failure to learn
the skill might motivate care-givers to seek professional
help. It also suggests the kinds of programs in which the
child is most likely to learn and develop the skill. Space
is provided for care-givers to check-off each skill as it is
developed by the child.

Here are some questions that need to be asked:

Do ALL children have the opportunity to be
vigorously physically active for at least 30 minutes
per day for toddlers and 60 minutes per day for
pre-schoolers, every day, in their home, day-care
setting or school?
Do they engage in dance and music activities?
Is there a wide range of material that children can
play with balls (various types and sizes), beanbags, hoops, and other similar equipment, and
are there places to climb, room to run and jump,
places to safely throw and kick objects?
Do teachers and care-givers encourage ALL
children, including those with a disability, to
engage in active play?
Can care-givers and teachers provide basic
instruction to children who have difficulty with
a specific fundamental movement skill?

Learning fundamental sport

skills before mastering related
fundamental movement skills
reduces performance ability later.
The Parent Lobby Kit which can be found at the back
of this document (where it can easily be photocopied)
should help you determine if your child is getting
adequate opportunity to learn and practice fundamental
movement skills.


My Child

Year 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Year 2
Year 3
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Year 4
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Year 5


Year 6

Year 7



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Community Recreation


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Organized sport

In the home

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Where Could
Children Learn or
Practice This Skill

All children should be exposed to a wide range of fundamental movement skills in a wide range of settings including on-land, on ice/snow, in water, and in the air. Since agility, balance and coordination
are critical, children should be given the opportunity to learn running, jumping and throwing; gymnastics; swimming; and ice/snow activities. Communities should consider establishing single programs
that expose children to the whole range of skills.

If you have concerns about the development of your child see your pediatrician.

onset of skills among children, and this chart should be considered

ONLY as a rough guide to the sequence of development that might
be expected.

Note 1: There is tremendous variability in the normal time of

Best time to teach/practice

Intervention program if skill not learned

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Body not mature enough for skill

Normal onset of skill



Receiving Skills




Sending Skills









Locomotor and
Body Skills

Figure 5 When and Where Children Learn and Practice Fundamental Movement Skills*

Developing Physical Literacy

Physical Literacy - the Details


Developing Physical Literacy

Fundamental Sport Skills

Running, jumping, catching, kicking, throwing and hitting
something with a stick, bat, or racquet of some kind, are
the basic building blocks of the many sports played by
the vast majority of people on Earth, and a person who
can perform these fundamental sport skills well can learn
to play many sports with ease. Making good decisions in
sport situations is another skill fundamental to each sport.
The difference between fundamental movement
skills and fundamental sport skills.

Getting the Sequence Right

For children to have success in sport either as a health
related recreational activity or in competition, it is important
that they master fundamental movement skills before
learning fundamental sport skills, and important that they
learn fundamental sport skills before being introduced to
specific techniques.

A Couple of Examples Might Help

Throwing is a fundamental movement skill and a child

learning this skill will learn to throw lots of different sized
balls with one hand, or with both hands, and will learn
to throw the ball at different speeds sometimes for
accuracy using a lot of different targets; and sometimes
for distance.

Kicking skills:

When the child learns to throw a softball, using a softball

pitching motion, and trying to get the ball to pass over
home plate, they have moved from learning a fundamental
movement skill to learning a fundamental sport skill.

In the Fundamental Movement Skill stage, children learn

the basic kicking action, hopefully with each foot. They kick
a wide variety of balls and try different things kicking as
far as they can, kicking to hit a target, kicking to keep the
ball on the ground, kicking the ball as high in the air as
they can.
In the Fundamental Sport Skill stage (e.g. soccer), the
child learns to kick a soccer ball, without touching the ball
with the hands. They learn how hard they have to kick the
ball to get it to another team member, and how to kick
the ball with the inside of the foot to increase passing
Catching skills:

Tiffany Brown Cooper

In the Fundamental Movement Skill stage, the child

learns to catch with both hands together in a two handed
catch, and then with one hand. They catch a wide variety
of balls of different sizes and weights, and learn to catch
the ball while they are standing still, and when moving
towards the ball skills that can be transferred to any sport
they later take up.


In the Fundamental Sport Skill stage (e.g. Baseball), the

child learns to catch a baseball, using a baseball glove. As
skill level improves the child learns to catch the baseball
first when it is thrown, and then when it is hit with the bat
learning to catch it at ever greater distances from where
it is hit.

Developing Physical Literacy

Fundamental Sport Skills

The Consequences of Missing-out On Physical Literacy
A child who misses out on developing physical literacy is at a great disadvantage. On the playground and in the park,
children really like to play with other children who have the same level of skill as they do, and who can keep the game
going, and, if you cant keep the game going, you wont generally be asked to join in.
Missing out on Fundamental Movement Skills also means that the child is unlikely to choose to take part in a formal sport
activity that requires proficiency in that skill, and this restricts their choice of life-long health-promoting activities. It also
restricts their opportunities for sporting excellence.
Being unable to perform even a single fundamental movement skill can seriously restrict later opportunities for recreational
or competitive activity, as can be seen from the few examples shown below.
Figure 6 Consequences of a missing fundamental skill

If you


If you


If you


You won't
take part in

You won't
take part in

You won't
take part in

Track and Field


Water Polo


Developing Physical Literacy

Physical Literacy During the Active Start

Stage of LTAD
Ages: 0-6
Objectives: Learn fundamental movements and
link them together into play (
Physical activity is essential for healthy child development
during the critical first six years of life, and is especially
important during the first three years since brain growth
is extremely rapid, and learning creates more brain cell
connections than in later years (Gruhn, 2002). Among its
other benefits, physical activity during this time:
Lays the foundation for future success in skill
development, by helping children enjoy being
active, learning to move efficiently, and improving
coordination and balance.
Creates neural connections across multiple
pathways in the brain (Council of Physical Education
for Children, 2000) particularly when rhythmic
activities are used.
Enhances development of brain function,
coordination, social skills, gross motor skills,
emotional development, leadership and imagination.
Helps children to build confidence and develop
positive self-esteem.
Helps builds strong bones and muscles, improves
flexibility, develops good posture, improves fitness,
promotes a health body weight, reduces stress and
improves sleep.
Things to think about:
At this age, physical activity should always be fun, and part
of the childs daily life, not something they are required to
do. Active play in a safe and challenging environment is the
best way to keep children physically active.
Organized physical activity and active play are particularly
important for the healthy development of children with a
disability if they are to acquire habits of lifelong activity.
Because this is a period when children with a disability
rapidly outgrow their mobility aids, communities need
to find effective ways for example, equipment swaps
or rentals to ensure that all children have access to the
equipment they need to be active.


Children with sensory disabilities (visual impairment

or hearing loss) often require more repetitions to learn
movement skills, and different ways of getting information
from the instructor. To find out more, contact your local
organization providing support for persons with the
specific disability.

Active Start Physical Literacy Activities

Encourage the child to run not just in a straight line, but
with stops and starts and changes in direction. Tag and
chasing games are excellent.
Play catching games with the child. Use a wide range of
soft objects, and balls of different sizes. Start with catching
a large ball with two hands, and progress towards smaller
balls and eventually one handed catching. Remember
- Balls that dont bounce too much are great for learning,
as are bean-bags.
Play games making body shapes upside down
and right-side up. Pretend to slither like a snake,
and roll like a rolling pin on the floor, or down a
small grassy slope.
Play throwing games and start with soft objects
that the child can hold easily in his or her hand. Try
to get the child to throw at a target, and sometime
to throw as hard as they can. Get them to use both
the left and right hand when they throw.
For quiet times, or when in small spaces, play
balancing games. Stand on one foot and then try
the other try balancing on different body parts,
and try walking along any painted lines on the
Jump, make shapes in the air, jump to see how
high the child can go, or how far. Make imaginary
rivers and get the child to jump from one bank
to the other. Try jumping from one foot, or from
both. Make sure the child bends at the knees
when they land.
Introduce children to water activities and learn to
swim programs. Get them on skates or skis and
out on the ice or snow so that they learn to slide.
Ride a tricycle, or a bike with or without training
wheels to develop dynamic balance.

Developing Physical Literacy

Physical Literacy During the FUNdamental

Stage of LTAD
Age: Boys 6-9, Girls 6-8
Objective: Learn all fundamental movement
skills and build overall motor skills (
This is a critical stage for the development of physical
literacy, and it is during this time that the foundations of
many advanced skills are laid down.
Skill development for children this age is best achieved
through a combination of unstructured play in a safe and
challenging environment; and quality instruction from
knowledgeable teachers/leaders/coaches in community
recreation activities, schools, and minor sport programs.
Skill development during this stage should be
well-structured, positive and FUN, and should
concentrate on developing the ABCs of Agility,
Balance, Coordination and Speed, plus rhythmic
Hand and foot speed can be developed especially
well by boys and girls during this stage and if this
window of opportunity to develop speed is missed,
body speed later in life may be compromised.
This is a great age for children to take part in a wide
range of sports and they should be encouraged to
take part in land-based, water-based and ice/snow
based activities at different times of the year.
It is important that all children including those with
a disability, master fundamental movement skills
before sport specific skills are introduced.
Strength, endurance and flexibility need to be
developed, but through games and fun activities
rather than a training regimen.
Learning to read the movements going on around
them and make sound decisions during games are
critical skills that should be developed at this stage.
Things to think about:
Children this age should not specialize in a single sport.
Although they may well have a preferred sport that they

take part in once or twice a week, they should take part in

other sports or activities at least 3 to 4 times per week.
Children this age have a strong sense of what is fair
and should be introduced to the simple rules and ethics
of sports. Basic tactics and decision making can be
Using equipment that is the right size, and that fits well
makes learning activities much more enjoyable and also
safer. Equipment swaps and rentals are one way to keep
the cost of participation down and this is particularly
important for children with a disability who need
specialized sports equipment.

Fundamentals Physical Literacy Activities

Encourage children to engage in unstructured
physical play with their friends every day, regardless
of the weather.
Continue to play catching, throwing, hitting,
running and other physically demanding games
with both boys and girls. If possible, enroll children
in programs that offer a wide variety of different
activities (multi-sport programs) or in a wide range
of different activities. Try as many different activities
as possible.
Attend parent-teacher, or other school meetings and
advocate for quality physical education programs
in the school with sufficient time allocated
(recommended allocation 150 minutes per week
30 minutes per day) taught by a qualified physical
Dont be concerned with the score. At this age
many programs that include competition dont
keep score. This puts the focus of the program
on learning and having fun, rather than on doing
whatever it takes to win matches, games and
Dont believe the myth that early specialization
in sports such as soccer or hockey will lead to
far greater performance later in life. Developing
all-round athletes at this age is far better, but
remember that a few sports (such as gymnastics
and figure skating) do require early specialization.


Developing Physical Literacy

Physical Literacy During the Learn to Train

Stage of LTAD
Age: Boys 9-12, Girls 8-11
(ends with the onset of puberty)
Objective: Learn overall sport skills
This is the most important stage for the development of
sport specific skills as it is a period of accelerated learning
of coordination and fine motor control. It is also a time
when children enjoy practicing skills they learn and seeing
their own improvement.
It is still too early for specialization in late
specialization sports. Although many children at
this age will have developed a preference for one
sport or another, for full athletic development
they need to engage in a broad range of activities,
playing at least 2-3 different sports.
While competition is important, it is learning to
compete that should be the focus not winning.
For best long-term results 70% of time in the sport
should be spent in practice, with only 30% of the
time spent on competition.
This is an important time to work on flexibility.
Develop endurance through games and relays.
Things to think about:
This is the time to develop and refine all fundamental
movement skills, and learn overall sport skills. The brain
is nearing adult size and complexity and is capable of very
refined skill performance. Late developers (those who
enter puberty later than their peers) have an advantage
when it comes to learning skills as the Learn to Train stage
lasts longer for them.
By this age children have developed clear ideas about the
sports they like and in which they feel they have success,
and this should be encouraged. The focus should be on
playing at least 2-3 sports in different seasons. Focusing
only on one sport year round should be discouraged.


Learn to Train Physical Literacy Activities

Continue to encourage children to engage in
unstructured physical play with their friends every
day, regardless of the weather.
Enroll children in minor sport programs each
season, and have them try different positions or
events they might find something they are very
good at that was unexpected.
Encourage children to take every opportunity to play
different sports at school, during physical education
classes, intramurals or on school teams if their
school has them.
Try to have children take part in some land-based,
some water-based and some snow/ice based
Keep children working on flexibility, speed,
endurance and strength. For strength activities they
should use their own body weight, Swiss balls or
medicine balls not heavy weights.
Keep sport and physical activity FUN.

Developing Physical Literacy

Physical Literacy During the Learn to Train

Stage of LTAD
Tracking the End of Childhood
The Learn to Train stage of development ends with the onset of puberty and the rapid growth that accompanies this
important life event. There are some simple ways to track the onset of adolescence, and many parents already have the
tools and the records that can help.
Many parents go through the birthday ritual of measuring how tall a child has become and often have the birthday heights
etched on the kitchen door frame. Recording these heights on each birthday tells us how tall the child is, and if we look at
how much the child has grown since their last birthday we get a measure of how fast they are growing and this is called
the height velocity.
During the years from about age 6 until the onset of puberty children grow at a fairly constant rate usually about 5-6 cm
per year. If you keep track of this, and then one year this value has increased youll know that the child is starting the
adolescent growth spurt and puberty is not far behind. Recording and plotting height every 3 months from about age 8
onwards provides an even more accurate picture. For more details see the document The Role of Measuring Growth in
Long-term Athlete Development at
Figure 7 The Start of Adolescence

End of Learn To Train and start of Adolescence


Growth (cm per year)

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19


Developing Physical Literacy

More On the ABCs: Useful In All Sports

Agility, balance, coordination, and speed are valuable in almost all sports. Developing the ABCs is an important part of
physical literacy, and there are a number of activities in which they can be learned and refined.
Some sports and activities are better at developing one or more of the ABCs than others, and the key sports are:
Gymnastics is a great way for young children to learn and develop their agility, balance, and coordination,
while Athletics (track and field) is a great way to develop speed and coordination.
Skating and skiing provide great opportunities for the development of balance, coordination and speed,
while soccer helps with speed, agility, and coordination.
In addition to developing confidence and safety in the water, swimming or Synchro (Aquasquirts) develops
balance and coordination.
Cycling (or skateboarding or horse riding) to develop balance and the judgment of speed.


Developing Physical Literacy

More On the ABCs: Useful In All Sports

What this Means For Parents

Community recreation and sport programs also have a role

to play. Community recreation programs for pre-pubescent
children could be organized to ensure that children are
enrolled in single programs that cover a range of physical
literacy skills, rather than single sport programs.
Sport programs offered by minor sport organizations are
obviously going to focus on their own sport, but could
do a much better job of teaching broad physical literacy
skills particularly in warm-ups and small-game activities
- rather than teaching over specialized sport-specific skills
in isolation.


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In communities with limited recreational opportunities, and

for parents with limited financial resources, this may be
difficult to achieve. This makes school physical education
programs critically important, since they provide the only
opportunities for the development of physical literacy for
EVERY Canadian child.

Figure 8 Creating the Optimum Learning Environment for

Fundamental Movements and Fundamental Sport Skills

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What this means is that parents and care-givers should

try to see that their children have the opportunity to take
part in all of these activities during the critical physical
literacy years.

Encouragement and Instruction

and the opportunity to use
the skills learned

Fortunately there is also a move nationally for sports to

get together to work cooperatively on the introduction of
children to clusters of sports.

Finding The Sport That is Right For Your Child

A childs desire to play a particular sport should always be the most important consideration when deciding to enroll him
or her in a program. However, in addition, there are ways to find out what sports your child might excel in. SportFit is one
such way.
SportFit, developed by 2010 Legacies Now and the Government of British Columbia, is a simple on-line questionnaire
where children can enter their answers to simple sport related questions, and can enter the results of some simple
physical tests (details of the test are also available on-line and can be done at home with very basic equipment). The
computer program then considers the test results and answers, and suggests sports that fit well with the childs profile.
The nice thing is that it often suggests sports you might not otherwise have thought about.
SportFit can be found at


Developing Physical Literacy

More On the ABCs: Useful In All Sports

Some Other Skills to Develop
While it is easy to understand why physical literacy needs
to include the skills of running, jumping, throwing kicking,
catching, and other skills, along with agility, balance,
coordination and speed, there are a couple of other skills
that are less obvious. The two most important of these
skills are prediction and interception.
Think for a moment about what it takes to catch a softball
hit high into the air.

Learning this kind of complicated skill requires two things,

and is helped by a third:
Sufficient maturation of the brain and vision which
usually happens between the ages of 4 and 7.

As the catcher the child needs to be able to:

See the ball leave the bat, and predict where it
will land.
Move to where they think the ball will land
and get there for when the ball arrives. This
is the ability to intercept the ball, and this is a
physical literacy skill that needs to be learned.
Then they need to be able to catch the ball!

This ability to predict and intercept is also critical to many

stick, bat and racquet sports, where the child needs to
predict where the ball or puck is going, and then move their
bat, racquet or stick so that the moving stick makes solid
contact with the moving ball.

Lots of opportunity to try to catch, intercept and hit

lots of different sized and shaped objects moving in
many different directions at many different speeds
(although interestingly many children find it much
harder to do this with small balls moving slowly, than
with balls moving a bit faster).
Good instruction, particularly about body position and
what children should look for, can dramatically help
children master this critical physical literacy skill.

Figure 9 Physical Literacy Leads to An Active Life

Physical Activity
for Health
Movement Skills

Sport Skills

Physical Literacy

Active for Life



Developing Physical Literacy

Tiffany Brown Cooper

A New Approach?

Canadas progress in Long-term Athlete Development is starting to change the way some organizations think about
developing physical literacy. Groups of sports, led by the on-ice sports of Ice Hockey, Ringette, Speed Skating, and
Figure Skating are collaborating to introduce young children to the world of skating working to develop skating skills,
on-ice agility, balance, and coordination so that the child can later enter any one (or more) of these sports for healthy
recreation or to develop sport excellence.
Approaching this in a different way, some local recreation organizations are offering young children the opportunity to
sign-up for year-round programs that combine exposure to a number of different sports, with fundamental movement
skill learning opportunities and lots of skill-developing mini-games.
This new approach is also being tried by some sport facilities. Swimming pools are developing introduction to aquatics
programs that teach water safety and basic swimming with the opportunity to take the first steps towards competitive
swimming, water polo, synchronized swimming and diving.
With creative thinking, local recreation providers and groups of national sport organizations could put together programs
such as:
Introduction to ball games teaching the throwing, hitting, catching, passing and kicking skills that could lead to later
involvement in basketball, volleyball, soccer, rugby, team handball and other similar games.

Introduction to hitting games: teaching children to hit stationary and moving objects with a variety of bats and racquets,
providing the building-block skills for softball, baseball, hockey, golf, tennis, badminton, racquetball or squash.
Introduction to being on-the-water making children safe and comfortable around boats and introducing them to the
idea of propelling a boat using paddles, oars, and sails to encourage children to take up canoeing, kayaking, rowing,
and sailing.


Developing Physical Literacy

A New Approach?
As a nation, we have to change the thinking of many groups that work with young children. Too many organizations
think of children as a resource to be brought into their sport, and to be kept in that single sport for as long as possible
the get them early and keep them approach. This get them and keep them approach restricts the range of physical
literacy skills that children develop, diminishes their all-round athletic development, and stops too many children from
experimenting with different sport and finding the one that is just right for them. Long-term, both the sports and the
children are hurt by this approach.
Figure 10 Children Who Enter Puberty Late Have Longer Time Period to Refine Fundamental Sport Skills

Early Developers

Time to develop skills

Time to develop skills


Average Developers

Time to develop skills

Late Developers

Time to develop skills

Early Developers

Time to develop skills

Time to develop skills

Age 8




Average Developers
Late Developers









Physical Literacy The Key to an Active Healthy Life and to Sporting Excellence


Being physically active is more important to health than

just about any other part of life over which we have
control. Recent research suggests that it is better for your
health to be overweight and active than to be of normal
weight and be inactive. For this reason alone it is critical
that children develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes
that give them the very best chance of staying active
throughout their lives.

Physical literacy also provides a foundation from which

sporting excellence can grow.

When a child has confidence in his or her ability to take

part in recreational and sporting activities without fear
of showing themselves up, the probability that they
will join in is high; and if they enjoy the activity they will
likely continue with it. A childs movement confidence
develops gradually as they grow and learn, and the child
is constantly comparing their own level of ability with the
ability of the children with whom they play. Physically
literate children who move with skillful purpose KNOW
that they move well, and this confidence encourages
them to try new and different activities without fear.

All too often, early overspecialization in a single sport leads

to a failure to become physically literate, to poorer ultimate
performance than would otherwise be the case, and to
injury, burnout and early retirement from sport.

To develop the highest levels of sporting excellence in late

specialization sports requires about 10 years of deliberate
practice, and requires that the person first develop their
athletic abilities and, only when these have been refined,
specialize in sport specific techniques and skills.

Physical literacy is, therefore, the key both to developing

habits of life-long physical activity for enjoyment and
health, and to the development of athletes who have
the strong foundation that will permit them to reach the
highest levels of international sporting excellence to
become world-class athletes.

Developing Physical Literacy

A New Approach?
Early vs. Late Developers
Adolescence is the period between childhood and
becoming an adult. While both the start and end of this
period are difficult to define, it is usually obvious when a
youth is going through the many physical, psychological,
social and sporting changes that accompany it.
Not all children enter adolescence at the same age, and
it takes different children different lengths of time to
complete the process. In general, children who enter
adolescence early pass through it faster than those who
start later, and whether you start early or late partially
depends on your body shape. Stockier, more muscular
children usually enter adolescence earlier than their peers
who are thinner and leaner.
The whole process starts at about age 10-11 for girls, and
about 2 years later for boys, usually takes 3 to 4 years to
complete. This means that for girls aged 12, some will
have almost completed the physical changes of puberty,
while others have barely started. For boys the greatest
range of development is found in 14 year olds.

opponents is not always fun, particularly in contact sports,

and late developers therefore tend to drop out despite
the fact that in the long run they have greater potential
for success. There are also disadvantages of being an
early developer. Early in adolescence early developers
(who go through a relatively rapid but short adolescence)
are bigger, stronger and faster than their peers and this
often translates into sporting success. However, as late
developing team mates and competitors go through
their longer, more sustained, growth spurt those late
developers eventually catch up with and surpass the early
developers. With their late developing peers now bigger
faster, stronger, and more skilled than them, the early
developers tend to drop out of their sport towards the end
of adolescence.
Females: For females the situation is less clear, but
appears to be reversed. The rapid growth of breasts
and the widening of hips, along with social pressures to
discontinue sport invovlement, can cause early developing
to drop out early in their teen years; while late developing
females who have had success with their prepubescent
bodies as teammates develop before them face the same
difficulty when older.

Few sports understand the difficulties faced by early and

late developers, and those difficulties are different for
boys and girls. Because of this, in many Canadian sports
there are disadvantages to being either an early or a late
One advantage late developers should have is that they
have a longer period of time between learning fundamental
movement skills and the onset of adolescence (see
Figure 10). This Learn to Train stage is a time when the
human body is perfectly designed for the acquisition and
refinement of sport skills, and the longer a child is in this
stage, the better developed their skills can become.

The Challenge In Sport For Late and Early

Males: In reality, male late developers are often at a
great disadvantage, and this is especially true in sports
where age group competitions are held. As their peers go
through puberty, late developing males find themselves
much smaller, less muscular and physically weaker.
Training and competing against bigger, stronger and faster


Developing Physical Literacy

A New Approach?
Figure 11 Early and Late Maturing Children Drop Out of Sport at Different Times For Different Reasons

Early and late developers

approximately the same
size and weight


Males who develop early

are bigger and stronger
than late developers and
often have success. Late
developers tend to drop
out at this age.

Females who develop

early fall behind late
developers in performance
because rapid breast and
hip-width development
impedes performance.
Early developers therefore
tend to drop out.

Early Adulthood
Males who develop late end up bigger and
stronger than early developers and now
have success (if they stayed in sport). Early
developers tend to drop out at this age.
Late developing females eventual breast
and hip-width development starts to impede
performance. As a result early developers (if
they stayed in sport) capability catches up
now, causing late developers to drop out as
success becomes more challenging.
Late developers
eventually catch-up and
pass early developers in
physical development.





Developing Physical Literacy

A New Approach?
It Also Matters When In The Year Your Child Is Born
When sports have age-group competition and athletes have to compete all year in the same age group depending on their
date of birth, this can be either an advantage or a serious disadvantage. This is because, depending on when in the year
your child is born, they could always be the oldest or youngest in their age-group.
Children who are always the oldest in their age-group tend to be bigger, stronger and more skilled than their younger team
mates, and it is believed that this causes coaches to think that they are better players than the younger ones on the
team. Because of this they seem to pay more attention to the older players, give them more playing time, and spend more
time coaching them and in the end this tends to make them better players with more opportunity to advance to higher
levels of play.
Consider for example, in 2007 more than 13% of hockey players who were drafted in major junior hockey were born in
January, and only 4% in December! This is called the relative age effect.
Parents need to work with minor sports to find ways to reduce the relative age effect, including such easy changes as; age
on date of competition rather than age at the start of the competitive season.
Figure 12 Distribution of Birthmonths of Drafted Ontario Hockey League, Western Hockey League, and Quebec Major League Players


Percent of Players Drafted




Mar Apr

May June July Aug Sept Oct




Developing Physical Literacy

Impact On the Education, Recreation Sport

and Physical Activity System
Making physical literacy a priority will require changes from
all those involved in the care and education of children,
and will require care-givers, the education system and
the recreation and sport community to work more closely
together. With cooperation and joint action, programs can
be put in place that will be truly child centred.

Working Together
In the past there has been little communication between
schools delivering physical education and school sport, and
those community groups delivering elite or recreational
sport. Development has been separate and uncoordinated.
With a focus on developing physical literacy, these three
area of operation need to work more closely together to
ensure that there is a seamless parthway for the young
person developing their physical literacy skills.

Early childhood educators might be parents looking after

their children at home, or professionals working in preschool and daycare centres.
Since education in physical activity is not always a
high priority in the training of Canadian early childhood
educators, and many parents are not well prepared to
deal with the Active Start activities of their young children
there is a great need for help and guidance. Fortunately
such guidance is available in the form of HOP: Health
Opportunities for Preschoolers documents available for
downloading and printing through the Active Start links
at or from
The document is full of excellent activities that dont
require a great deal of equipment or a lot of space, and
will serve well those working to improve the activity level
of young children.

Figure 13 Three Systems Working Together


Early Childhood Educators


Dont Forget to Play!

While working with young children, introducing them
to new games and activities is important. So too are
opportunities for unstructured play. Guidelines suggest
30 to 60 minutes of structured activity for toddlers each
and every day, coupled with several hours set aside for
unstructured play with activities initiated by the child.
This setting aside of time for unstructured play activities
is sometimes called deliberate play.

Lets Get Rhythm

Physical Education
and School Sport


During the early years of life, basic rhythm skills

are developed, and, if developed well open up later
possibilities for lifelong involvement in dance, music and
other artistic activities. Rhythm activities also help develop
fluid movement patterns that can help children perform
many fundamental movement and fundamental sport skills
with greater ease and efficiency.

Developing Physical Literacy

Impact On the Education, Recreation Sport

and Physical Activity System
When Children Dont Have Physical Literacy
Not being physically literate has consequences for the child, but it also has consequences for schools, recreation programs
and organized sports.
Schools: When students arrive at secondary school without having developed physical literacy in the earlier grades,
physical education teachers spend much time trying to teach movement and sport skills that should already have been
learned. This remedial work is difficult, and if the students have not had success in physical education in the earlier grades
they have frequently developed negative attitudes towards the subject that makes them unwilling to fully participate.
Recreation Programs: Lack of physical literacy means that children and youth are less likely to take part in recreation
programs for fitness, health and enjoyment. This reduces the potential enrollment in recreation programs with the
associated reduction in revenue. Reduced participation and reduced revenues make programs vulnerable, and with many
municipalities keeping close watch on expenditures may lead to the closure of programs and even facilities. If children
without physical literacy enroll in recreation and sport programs, it becomes difficult for instructors to equally provide
instruction to those with good movement skills and those needing remedial assistance.
Sport Organizations: Lack of physical literacy leads to fewer potential athletes, and while this is ultimately a loss for
the child, it also means that local, provincial and national teams have fewer athletes to choose from resulting in less able
performances. Ultimately this is reflected in poorer national performances for Canada on the international stage. It also
means that coaches of athletes in the Train to Train, Train to Compete, and even the Train to Win stages of Long-term
Athlete Development must spend time working on fundamental movement and fundamental sport skills that their athletes
should have mastered much earlier in their lives.
Figure 14 HOP: Health Opportunities For Preschoolers

Examples of activities
from the HOP
documents: Excellent
activities for parents
and caregivers to use in
developing movement
skills during the Active
Start (0-6 years of Age)
Stage of Long-Term
Athlete Development.
Available for download from
Viviene A. Temple
and Justen P. OConner


Developing Physical Literacy

Developing Physical Literacy in Every Child

To ensure that every child has a wide range of opportunities, and the quality instruction, to develop physical literacy will be
a challenge. The challenge will be particularly difficult for those children growing up in difficult circumstances, or those who
come from populations that have traditionally been under-represented in physical activity, recreation, and sport.
Those under-represented groups have included:
Aboriginal youth
Youth with a disability
Girls; especially those from ethnic groups that have not traditionally valued physical activity
Disadvantaged inner-city youth
The challenge of ensuring that children from these disadvantaged groups develop physical literacy will only be met when
parents and care-givers demand that schools, pre-school and day care centres, community recreation centres and sport
organizations make physical literacy a priority. This means making programs child-development centred, rather than sport
centred, and it means that parents and care-givers need to hold the organizations that work with their children accountable
for delivering activities and programs that develop fundamental movement and fundamental sport skills from birth to the
onset of adolescence.
It also means that parents need to support programs and organizations that foster physical literacy, and, where possible,
avoid those that either do not offer sufficient physical activity, or offer activities that are far too specialized too early in life.
Programs to develop physical literacy need to be Child centred, Parent driven, and Club, School and Community supported.

nd Community

Parent Led


s, S

Figure 15 Child Centred Physical Literacy

Where In the Canadian Sport System Can

Children Learn Physical Literacy Skills?
There are unlimited opportunities for Canadian children to
learn the physical literacy skills that will enable them to
engage in health enhancing sport activities or to pursue
their dreams of athletic excellence. Many national and
provincial sport organizations have programs - and more
are being added all the time. Sometimes its not easy to
work out what physical literacy skills your child will learn
from programs in a particular sport, and to help you, the
chart on the next page has been created.
There are a couple of things to remember when you use it:
This is not a definitive list since programs change all the
time. So use it as a rough guide only.


Not everyone agrees on exactly which sport programs

best develop which physical literacy skills. Our aim is to be
roughly right about the Big Picture rather than exactly
right about any specific skill or sport.


Developing Physical Literacy

Developing Physical Literacy in Every Child

Figure 16 Sports That Contribute to the Development of Fundamental Skills



Dr i
















Types of Fundamental Skills

Acrobatic sports
Aquatic sports

Groups of Sports/Activities

Combative sports
Ice/Snow sports
Individual sports
On-water sports
Para sports
Racquet sports
Target sports
Team sports

Sports that are strong developers of this type of fundamental skill

Sports that are moderate developers of this type of fundamental skill
Sports that are weak developers of or do not develop this type of fundamental skill

Sport groupings
Acrobatic sports
*Rhythmic Gymnastics
Freestyle Aerials
Sport Parachute
Ski jumping

Team sports (Field)

Field hockey
Ultimate frisbee

Aquatic sports

On-water sports

Combative sports

Target sports
Lawn bowls

Para sports
Goalball (Visually impaired)
Boccia (Cerebral Palsey)
Wheelchair rugby (Quadriplegics)
Sledge hockey (Various disabilities)

Ice/Snow sports
*Figure Skating
Speed skating
Alpine skiing
Freestyle skiing
Cross-country skiing

Individual sports

Racquet sports
Table tennis

Team sports (ice)

Team sport (floor)

For Para sports (sports for persons with a disability) running includes
alternate means of locomotion, including wheelchairs.
Sports in red: Indicates the most common sports for persons with
physical or intellectual disability.
*Early specialization sports


Developing Physical Literacy

Next Steps
As Canada develops and implements its Long-term Athlete Development program (, physical literacy is
gaining greater and greater importance. Individual sports, and groups of sports are working to create or improve their
programs for young children, and for the first time in many years, schools and sports organizations are sharing a common
language and common approach. This cooperation and collaboration needs to expand, and everyone in pre-school and day
care settings, education, community recreation and sport needs to work together to create the first ever generation of
physically literate Canadian children.

Continuous Improvement
One of the key ideas in Long-term Athlete Development is that of Kaizen or continuous improvement. The information
presented in this document is based both on the latest scientific research and on the knowledge and experience of
people who work in physical activity and sport with pre-adolescent children. As knowledge develops some of the details
presented here may be replaced with newer and better information and that is as it should be.
The good news is that there are improvements and some exciting developments in the drive to develop physical literacy
in Canada. Governments across the country are beginning to see physical literacy as a powerful tool in the battle against
childhood obesity and are throwing their support behind new physical literacy developments.


Developing Physical Literacy

Parent Lobbying Kit (Photocopy as required)

Parents and care-givers should encourage pre-schools, schools, community recreation and sport organizations to offer
quality physical activity programs. One way to do this is by asking appropriate questions. While not exhaustive, the
following questions should provide a good stating point for discussions.

Questions to Ask: Preschool and School Programs

1. Is there sufficient outdoor space available for children
to safely run and play vigorously, including ball-kicking and
throwing games?
2. Is there sufficient indoor space available for children to
safely run and play vigorously, including ball-kicking and
throwing games?
3. Are the spaces available only at restricted times for
organized activities, or are they available both for organized
activities and for free play?
4. Is there climbing equipment on which children can
climb, hang by their arms, hang upside-down, and
otherwise explore?
5. Is there enough equipment for all the children to be able
to play at the same time?
6. Do they have balls of different colours, sizes and
7. Do they have scoops, hoops and appropriately sized
8. Do they have mats for children to roll and tumble on?
9. Do they have scooters and other wheeled toys for
children to ride on?

10. Is the equipment available for free play or only

available during specific times?
11. Is the equipment brightly coloured and in good
Programs and Personnel
12. For pre-toddlers, is at least 30 minutes per day, every
day, set aside for structured (adult led) play?
13. For toddlers and older, is at least 60 minutes per day,
every day, set aside for structured (adult led) play?
14. Are fundamental movement skills (0-8/9 year olds)
or fundamental sport skills (8/9 year olds to start of
adolescence) encouraged and taught by the program
15. Are program leaders trained in helping children develop
fundamental movement skills and fundamental sport skills?
16. Are children encouraged to engage in vigorous physical
play during unstructured play times?
17. Are children given the opportunity to complete small
challenges that expand their range of movement skills (for
example jumping onto a soft mat from slightly higher than
their comfort zone)?


Developing Physical Literacy

Parent Lobbying Kit (Photocopy as required)

18. Do the caregivers engage in physical activities with the
children to model the importance of being active?
19. Are girls encouraged to be as physically active as the
20. Are children with a disability included in all physical
Total number of Yes answers:
17-20: This program encourages maximum development
of physical literacy. Stay with the program and encourage
other parents to sign up their children.
13-16: A good program that needs a little help to make it
great. Talk to the organizers about what they can do to
improve the program. They are likely to be responsive as
they obviously care about physical literacy.
9-12: Not a good program for the development of physical
literacy, but at least there is some opportunity for physical
activity. You need to have a serious talk with the program
organizers to help them improve their program. If they are
not willing to make changes, start looking at alternative
Under 9: If there are other programs available in your
community, run, dont walk to them, check them out, and
sign up your child for a program that does more to develop
physical literacy.

Questions to Ask: Minor Sport Programs

1. Is there sufficient space available for children to learn the
skills of the sport and also safely run and play vigorously?
2. Is there sufficient space available for children to play the
sport and also safely run and play vigorously?


3. Is the space used suitable for the sport being practiced?

4. Is there non sport specific space that children can use
for free play?
5. Is there enough equipment for all the children to be able
to learn the sport at the same time?
6. Do they have sport equipment of suitable size and
weight for the size and strength of the children?
7. Is there appropriate sport safety equipment, and is it
used consistently?
8. Is non-sport specific equipment available to permit
children to learn a wide range of fundamental sport skills?
9. Is equipment in good condition?
10. Is the sports equipment available for safe free play
or only available during instruction?
Programs and Personnel
11. Are fundamental movement skills taught, refined and
12. Are fundamental sport skills taught, refined and
13. Do all children get to learn and practice equally?
14. Do all children get to play equal amounts of time?

Developing Physical Literacy

Parent Lobbying Kit (Photocopy as required)

15. Do all children get to play different positions, and/or try
different events?
16. Is the ratio of practice to competition appropriate (at
least 70% practice to no more than 30% competition)?
17. Do adult leaders emphasize learning and skill rather
than winning?
18. Are the sport leaders/coaches trained and/or certified?
19. If present, are children with a disability included in all
physical activities?
20. Do the sport leaders/coaches make learning the
sport fun?
Total number of Yes answers:
17-20: This program encourages maximum development
of physical literacy. Stay with the program and encourage
other parents to sign up their children.
13-16: A good program that needs a little help to make
it great. Talk to the organizers about what they can do to
improve the program. They are likely to be responsive as
they obviously care about physical literacy.
9-12: Not a good program for the development of physical
literacy, but at least there is some opportunity for physical
activity. You need to have a serious talk with the program
organizers to help them improve their program. If they are
not willing to make changes, start looking at alternative
Under 9: If there are other programs available in your
community, run, dont walk to them, check them out, and
sign up your child for a program that does more to develop
physical literacy.

Parent Action Steps

To get programs changed parents need to educate
themselves about physical literacy and Long-Term Athlete
Development, gather information about the programs in their
schools and communities, and be prepared to speak out
at parent-teacher meetings and minor sport organizational
meetings to get the changes they want to see.
Step 1: Read and understand this document and Canadian
Sport for Life. Visit for more information, as
well as, and
Step 2: Use the Questions to Ask sheets to gather
information about the program in your childs pre-school,
school, community recreation program, or minor sport
Step 3: Recruit other concerned parents so that you are not
alone. Meet as a group and go over the information you have
gathered discuss what might need to be changed.
Step 4: As a group, decide what needs to be changed
focus on no more than 2 or 3 key issues ( for example:
allocating a specific time each day for fundamental
movement skill development in a pre-school, spending more
time on skill development and practice for a minor sport
program, ensuring equal playing time for all participants in a
recreation program, etc.)
Step 5: Make an appointment to meet with the Principal,
Coach or program leader. Try to avoid meeting before or
after a practice or when there are lots of children around,
since you want the undivided attention of the person you
are meeting with.
Step 6: Make sure the leader you are meeting with
understands that you want to help him or her do what is
best for the children that you want to work together for
Step 7: Clearly articulate what you want to happen focus
on what you want to see done, not on what you think might
be wrong.


Developing Physical Literacy

Parent Lobbying Kit (Photocopy as required)

Step 8: Leave the meeting with a clear understanding of the next steps the leader will take, and the time-frame in which
the changes will be made. Set up a future appointment to review the changes that everyone agrees will be made. Offer
to help, and follow-up on that offer!
Step 9: If no agreement can be reached then it might be time to consider moving your child to another program.
If you want more information:
There are excellent programs across the country, and around the world, and you are encouraged to visit the following
web-sites where you can find details of programs and activities that can help your child.
Canadas web-site dedicated to Long-term athlete development and related topics. An excellent place to start.
A Quebec site with information on physical activity and health promotion - with a special emphasis on children aged 4-12.
The web-site of Canadas physical educators - useful information for parents, teachers, and anyone interested in physical
literacy. Has interesting and age appropriate resources for sale.
This is where you can find the excellent HOP (Healthy Opportunities for Presschoolers) activity booklet for download.
Information about Quebecs programs to promote physical activity.
Information about community programs that encourage physical activity - including active pre-schools.
This New Zealand web-site has a series of pamphlets on activities for young children that can be downloaded. The Eyes
need to move too is particularly interesting. Covers children in the Active Start stage of LTAD.
This is the link for the SportFit program, that suggests activities children might be good at based on the results of some
simple physical tests.
Canadian Parks and Recreation Association - Organization promoting parks and recreation services for community health.
Canadian Sport Centres - Network of training centres for high performance athletes, including those with a disability.
Coaches Association of Canada - Information on coaching and certification programs available to your childs coach.
National Sport Organizations - The National Sport Organizations that are supported, in part, by contributions from
Sport Canada.


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Developing Physical Literacy

Published by Canadian Sport Centres

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without permission from the authors or
Canadian Sport Centres Vancouver.
Canadian Sport for Life Physical Literacy
ISBN 978-0-9738274-5-3

Tiffany Brown Cooper

We acknowledge the financial

support of the Government of Canada
through Sport Canada, a branch of the
Department of Canadian Heritage.


Developing Physical Literacy

Developing Physical Literacy

A Guide For Parents Of Children Ages 0 to12


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