Psy2012 Weebly
Psy2012 Weebly
Psy2012 Weebly
Course Location:
Office Hours: As Posted or
by appointment
Office Location: Pruitt A-105
Myers, D. (2013). Exploring Psychology in Modules 9th ed.)Worth: New York.
Required: Loose Leaf Book + Lauchpad Access isbn:9781464161216
Optional version includes hard copy of book in looseleaf format
Loose Leaf Book + LauchPad Access (Includes Ebook)
Isbn: 9781464162107
*******************LauchPadl access is required for this
Course Description
This course is a basic introduction to the psychological study of human behavior and
thought. The primary focus of the course is to understand human behavior from a
variety of psychological perspectives. Topics to be covered include research
methodology, biopsychology, sensation, perception, consciousness, learning, memory,
intelligence, development, personality, abnormal behavior, and application of
Learning Outcomes
apply the principles of the scientific method to the evaluation of research in the
psychological sciences and to material presented in the media about the
behavioral sciences.
analyze human behavior in various contexts using the neuroscience, evolution,
behavioral genetics, psychodynamic, behavioral, cognitive and socio-cultural
evaluate human behavior using the various subfields of psychology including
neuroscience, sensation, perception, states of consciousness, learning, memory,
thinking and intelligence, motivation, personality, psychological disorders
describe a wide range of global, social and cultural points of view and apply
various perspectives to analyze human behavior
Teaching Strategies
This course will use a variety of teaching strategies including the assignment of
required readings, the administration of exams and quizzes, class notes on important
chapter content, the LauchPad online learning site and small group activities. Teaching
methods will include lectures and discussions, questions and answer sessions, assigned and
other readings, campus and media presentations, individual and group projects, student
presentations and reports, role play, interactive exercises, dramatization and any other
method deemed necessary by the professor. During group activities and out of class
assignments, students will be required to apply their knowledge to instruction-related
*Warning: This course may expose you to theories, ideas, and viewpoints that may be
different from those with which you agree. If this happens, Don't Get Mad! Think!
Americans with Disabilities Act
Students with disabilities who need academic accommodation should: (1) register
with and provide documentation to Student Disability Services; (2) speak to the
instructor to confirm receipt of SDS email and indicate the provided accommodations
you will use. This should be done during the first week of class.
Academic Honor Code
Students attending Indian River State College are expected to uphold the highest
standards of academic integrity. These standards are based on the premise that each
student has the responsibility (1) to uphold the highest standards of academic
integrity in the students own work, (2) to refuse to tolerate violations of academic
integrity in the college community, and (3) to foster a high sense of integrity and
responsibility on the part of the college community. Reported infractions will be
discussed privately with the student(s). If it is determined that someone has violated
these standards, that person(s) will earn 0 points for that assignment. Violations
may be reported to the Vice-President of Student Affairs for possible disciplinary
action. (p. 36-8)
Class attendance is an integral part of the learning experience. Students are expected
to arrive for class on-time and to participate in class discussions and activities. You will
be responsible for all announcements made in class including changes to exam and
paper due dates. The instructor may reduce your final grade by 20% if class absences
become excessive (three or more absences). POSITIVE, PRODUCTIVE, class
participation will also be taken into account and may impact your final grade.
There will be 3 multiple-choice exams and a multiple choice final exam. Each exam
will cover 4-6 modules and will be graded on green scantrons. Questions will be
drawn from reading, homework, lecture and class discussion. Students are required
to take all exams. Students must take exams and quizzes on the dates designated.
Any student who is absent on the designated exam dates must provide the instructor
with a medical or college excuse in order to take the make-up exam. Make-up
exams will be in essay, fill-in-the-blank and short answer format. No exam score
will be dropped from your final grade. There will be no make-up exam for the
final (EXAM # 4). If you missed the final exam, your grade for that exam will be
ZERO, no exceptions.
LauchPad Activities: Each student is expected to participate in activities at the publishers
LauchPad site . Each student will have received an access code with the new textbook that
will allow registration and access to those materials. Learning Curve will be required for
each module for study purposes. Each module will also have a mastery quiz assigned.
Please use the activities available in the LauchPad to help you do well in this course.
Written assignment:
Grading Scale
Your final grade will be based on one Term Paper and four exams, weighted as follows:
Term Paper
Average of four exam scores
Grading Scale
90 - 100%
80 89%
70 - 79%
60 - 69%
0 - 59%
Course Policies
1. Students are expected to have read the assigned readings and be prepared
to participate in class discussions and activities.
2. Blackboard . This is a web-assisted course. Students are expected to check the
site regularly and are responsible for all curriculum information. The instructor
will also post any changes to the schedule or assignments. Please check the
announcements frequently.
3. LauchPad . LauchPad is a required component for all PSY2012 courses taught
at IRSC. Students are required to purchase access through the bookstore or
alternate source.
4. The use of cell phones is prohibited during class at IRSC. All cell phones
must be set on silent or off during the class period. Any student who uses a cell
phone to make or answer a call, or send and read text messages or emails,
other than IRSC emergency messages, during class time may be asked to leave
and may be considered absent for that class. No student has the right to
disturb the teaching and learning process.
PSY2O12 - Blackboard Support Materials & LauchPad Access
In order to access the Blackboard portion of the class, you must go to the IRSC
homepage, click on E-learners (on the far right on the yellow bar near the top of
the page). Choose Blackboardl Learning.
Username: Student ID (no dashes). Your ID can be found on your class
registration form. Password: PIN used for web registration.
There is a tutorial for Blackboard. Please use this to acquaint yourself with the
Blackboard platform.
You will access the LauchPad directly from your blackboard website by clicking on
its icon on the course homepage.
Course Schedule
Module 1 The History and Scope of Psychology
Module 2 Research Strategies
Module 2 Research Strategies
Appendix A Statistical Reasoning
Module 3 Neural and Hormonal Systems
Module 4, 5 The Brain
Exam#1 (Modules 1, 2, 3,4 & 5)
about contacting the Academic Dean (Dr. Bruce Fraser, or Vice
President (Dr. Anthony Iacono, ).
Online Quiz & Homework Assignment
Each module has at least one Learning Curve activity and Mastery Quiz. All items below are required
and will help you do well on your exams.
Assignment (LC=Learning Homework; MQ=Mastery Quiz)
LC1 History & Scope of Psychology
LC2a/LC2b Research Strategies
_____ _____
LC3 Neural & Hormonal Systems
LC4 The Brain
MQ1, MQ2, MQAppA, MQ3, MQ4
_____ _____ _____
_____ _____
_____ _____
(____TL pts)