8/31/15 Today You Will Need:: ISN Pen/Pencil Ruler Highlighter 1 Sticky Note
8/31/15 Today You Will Need:: ISN Pen/Pencil Ruler Highlighter 1 Sticky Note
8/31/15 Today You Will Need:: ISN Pen/Pencil Ruler Highlighter 1 Sticky Note
Library Day
O Pick out books
O Read for 10 minutes
O Return to room to set-up Edmodo
Day 3
Day 1
Day 4
Performance Task/PBL
By studying an author (influences, motivations
and experiences, you will conduct and in-depth
investigation of an author to understand ways in
which culture, history, and society influenced the
authors style and voice. From your summer
reading you will pose questions that relate to
the authors motivation and influences on the
author, as well as those of your own choice. You
will then create a written product to show what
you have learned: a chapter biography of the
author, a children's book, or an expository essay.
Finally, you will present you findings!
out to you.
Exit Ticket
O Write about a time you recently had
an epiphany.