Examination Migration Form

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Form No.


UNIVERSITY OF THE PUNJAB Received the sum of

REGISTRATION BRANCH Rs. _________ vide
University Receipt
Application Form for Inter-University Migration Certificate / N.O.C. No. _____________
Instructions dated: __________
• The office will not be responsible for any delay in case the Application Form is not complete in all respects.
• The normal fee for Migration Certificate is Rs. 1400/- and the urgent fee to get the Certificate on the same day is Rs. 1550/-.
• Candidate should provide attested photocopies of the Result Card / Degree of the Last Examination, Intermediate Certificate and
National Identity Card.
• The original receipt of deposited fee should also be attached.
• The candidate who have not taken admission in any college or have not taken any examination after passing the Intermediate
examination in the jurisdiction of University of the Punjab or residing permanently in jurisdiction of the University of the Punjab, should
submit an affidavit of Rs.20/- on a Stamp Paper duly attested by the Oath Commissioner stating this fact.
• For a duplicate Migration Certificate, the applicant should submit interalia an Affidavit on a Stamp Paper worth Rs.20/- duly
attested by the Oath Commissioner or a First Class Magistrate to the effect that the Migration Certificate issued before was not used and
was lost.

1. University Registration No. ___________________________

2. Name of
Candidate:Affix I.D.Card Size
with sky blue
3. N.I.C. No.:
4. Gender ________________ 5. Date of Birth ___________________ not be attested
at front.
6. Father’s Name :

7. N.I.C. No. :

8. Present Address: __________________________________________________________________________________________

(For Correspondence)
9. Name of institution or district (in the case of private candidate) from which the applicant has passed the last examination.
10. Name of the college (if applicant is still studying)________________________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________________________ Class _____________________________

11. Name of the University to which the applicant wants to migrate
12. Information about the last examination taken by the applicant:

Name of Year of Roll Number Pass or Fail University / Board

Examination appea

13. Fee Particulars:

Bank Challan Date Amount Name of Branch / City


14. Reasons of Migration _____________________________________________________________________________________

15. Attestation of the Principal / Chairman / Director, in case of a regular student
that he has no objection on the migration of the student.

Dated: ………………………….. Signature & Stamp: …………….…………………………

Dated: …………………………… Signature of the Candidate: ……………………………….

Name ______________________________________ Name ______________________________________
Father’s Name _______________________________ Father’s Name _______________________________
Mailing Address. _____________________________ Mailing Address. _____________________________
___________________________________________ ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ ___________________________________________

Price Rs. 15/-

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