121 West 27 Street, Suite 705 New York, NY 10001 (212) 242-2490 FAX: (212) 242-2549
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121 West 27 Street, Suite 705 New York, NY 10001 (212) 242-2490 FAX: (212) 242-2549
This memorandum presents a summary of best practices that have emerged out of
recent efforts to re-evaluate traditional minimum zoning requirements for on-site
parking. These practices fall roughly into two categories:
• Broad strategies that represent major policy shifts and regulatory changes; and
• Specific strategies that affect finer changes within existing regulatory
Following this are two sets of implementation examples, beginning with “leading cities”
that have made aggressive changes to their zoning codes, followed by a longer series
of cities that have implemented key strategies worth noting.
A. Context
Many cities have recently undertaken to review and update their zoning regulations
related to minimum parking requirements for new development. Most of the regulations
had changed little since first being adopted in the middle of the last century – the height
of enthusiasm for the future of personal automobile travel. The most common reasons
for revisiting these regulations are:
• Concerns over their contribution to congestion and traffic volumes;
• Desires to create a Shared Parking/Park Once environment in which the bulk of
parking activity is captured within a centralized, shared public inventory;
• Desires to improve pedestrian and bicycle networks by reducing the number of
curb-cuts in densely populated districts;
• The regulation’s impact on historic downtown districts, as well as efforts to
revitalize these districts; and
• Interest in encouraging “smart growth” development patterns.
Task 4: Zoning Best Practices Review
More recently, innovations in on-street management have called into question the need
for requiring on-site parking at all. Particularly, the great deal of promise attributed to
demand-responsive pricing of curb spaces and ever-improving residential permit
parking practices may have profound implications for the future of zoning requirements.
Many planners are beginning to ask the existential question – if new management
practices can ensure availability, even on busy commercial blocks and in near-
downtown residential neighborhoods, are minimum off-street requirements necessary?
Answering that question should be preceded by a look at the origins and original
intentions of minimum parking requirements.
Why was it believed that setting minimum parking requirements would alleviate traffic
congestion? By the 1920s, the new problem of "spill-over parking" had arrived in many
downtowns. Automobiles filled up all of the curb parking in front of shops and
apartments, and any nearby private parking, and then sometimes spilled over into
nearby neighborhoods, crowding the streets there.
In search of free parking near their destination, motorists often took to circling about,
waiting for a space to open up. Instead of searching for parking, many motorists simply
double-parked, clogging traffic lanes and greatly increasing congestion. The essential
concept of minimum parking requirements was that if each destination provided ample
parking, with enough spaces available so that even when parking was free there would
be plenty of room, then there would be plenty of spaces at the curb. Motorists would no
longer need to circle the block looking for a space, and so traffic congestion would be
Most cities did not explicitly require free parking, but did set minimum parking
requirements that were simply high enough that it made sense for most destinations to
offer the parking for free. This practice has become normalized to the extent that today
parking is free for 99% of trips made within the United States. 2
City of Pasadena Zoning Code, Chapter 17.46.010.
Shoup, Donald “The Trouble with Minimum Parking Requirements”, Transportation Research, 1999.
1906: Henry Ford starts up first
1923: Columbus, OH adopts first off-street parking requirement
1935: Parking meter invented by Carl C. Magee
1977: Residential Parking Permit Districts upheld
1980 by Supreme Court
Brookings Institution Press, 2004
Minimum parking requirements worsen traffic congestion through a three step process:
1. Minimum parking requirements are set - frequently high enough to provide more
than enough parking even when parking is free, even at isolated suburban
locations with little or no transit.
2. Parking is then provided for free at most destinations, and its costs hidden.
3. Bundling the cost of parking into higher prices for everything else skews travel
choices toward cars and away from public transit, cycling, and walking.
It may seem like a neat trick to induce a steady stream of local traffic to quickly and
easily disappear into off-street lots and garages. However the congestion that is
avoided locally has simply shifted to the regional road system. By increasing
exponentially the quantity of parked cars that can be absorbed in each district, minimum
parking requirements have swelled the volume of vehicles accessing regional
Today, very few regions can, or are willing to, expand roadway capacity. Where they
have, new capacity has tended to be absorbed rather quickly with improved travel
conditions inducing extra trips.
Some of the most promising responses to this question are summarized below.
Downs, 2004.
Shoup,. Page 280.
A. Broad Strategies
In reality, however, parking demand is affected by many more variables, such as:
• The geographic context of a development – encompassing factors such as the
quality of the local pedestrian environment, the number of other land uses within
walking distance, and the availability and quality of transit;
• The demographic characteristics of residents; and
• Demand management programs such as parking pricing and car-sharing.
Furthermore, vehicle ownership levels (and thus residential parking demand) typically
vary considerably between different parts of a city. Local jurisdictions can “tailor” their
zoning codes to take these variations into account, based on the following factors:
• Unit Size – Smaller households tend to own fewer vehicles;
• Affordable Housing – There is a strong link between vehicle ownership and
income, with less parking demand generated by housing targeted to low-income
• Senior Housing – Senior citizens tend to own fewer vehicles than younger adults,
meaning that parking requirements can be reduced for senior housing facilities,
including independent living as well as assisted living and convalescent care
• Rental Units – Households that rent their homes typically own fewer vehicles, on
average, than owner-occupiers; and
• Transit Corridors/Downtown – Parking demand is lower in areas that are well
served by transit, and in mixed-use downtown zoness that offer employment and
services within walking distance.
a. Examples
• Milwaukee, WI has no minimum parking requirements for any downtown land use
except high-density housing, where the ratio is only two spaces per three units.
• Seattle, WA allows reductions in minimum parking requirements based on
several factors, including:
o Affordable housing – Reduction to 0.5-1.0 spaces per unit, depending on
income, location and size of unit;
o Senior housing and housing for people with disabilities;
o Dedicated on-site car-sharing parking in multi-family developments;
o Location – No parking minimums in downtown, reductions in mixed-use,
dense neighborhoods; and
o Transportation Demand Management practices.
This new form of tailoring has been preceded by efforts to capture the variety of unique
trip-generating qualities among the innumerable uses found in most cities. Cataloguing
the innumerable has lead to some comically detailed use-requirement regulations.
Figure 2 provides a few examples.
Many cities are deciding that these requirements are simply no longer needed. Many
have concluded that developers do a better job anticipating the parking market at their
developments than zoning codes ever could. Developer projections are made on a site-
and context-specific basis for each project, representing a much finer estimating
instrument than setting zoning formulae.
The developer has a vested interest in getting this right. Over-anticipating demand,
especially in areas with high land values, would add significant unnecessary cost to a
project. Under-parking a project, however, can reduce its marketability.
Furthermore, many cities are increasingly confident that curb pricing and effective
residential permit program regulations can prevent spillover were developers to under-
park their projects. Effective employment of these techniques can render existing
minimum parking requirements unnecessary, offering minimal rewards at the risk of
deterring development in areas where land is expensive, or at sites where parking
provision is impractical (oddly configured dimensions) or impossible (historic re-use).
a. Examples
Several cities across the United States, including the ones provided below, have
completely removed minimum parking requirements in downtown or Central Business
District areas.
• For commercial development: Boston, MA; Columbus, OH; Coral Gables, FL;
Eugene, OR; Fort Myers, FL; Fort Pierce, FL; Los Angeles, CA; Milwaukee, WI;
Olympia, WA; Philadelphia, PA; Portland, OR; San Diego, CA; Seattle, WA;
Spokane, WA; Stuart, FL.
• For multi-family residential (1-2 bedroom): Eugene, OR; Fort Myers, FL; Fort
Pierce, FL; Los Angeles, CA; Milwaukee, WI; Olympia, WA; Portland, OR; San
Diego, CA; San Francisco, CA; Seattle, WA; Spokane, WA; Stuart, FL.
Parking maximums can be introduced anywhere where there are or could be measures
in place to combat overspill. While the policy is most likely to be appropriate in transit
corridors, downtown and areas with high levels of traffic congestion, it can be useful in
any district that wants to limit vehicular traffic or the amount of land devoted to parking.
Maximum parking requirements generally alleviate traffic congestion and reduce auto
use through a three step process:
1. Maximum parking requirements are set low enough to so that if parking at a
location is given away for free, there will be a shortage.
2. Parking at these locations is then provided to the people who use it for a price
that covers at least part of its costs, so that parking’s cost is revealed.
Alternately, employers and other parking providers need to provide strong
subsidies for alternative transportation (such as free transit passes or a parking
cash out program), to avoid a shortage.
3. Removing parking subsidies (or providing equally strong subsidies for other
modes) then brings travel choices back into balance, toward public transit,
cycling and walking.
If we want to reduce traffic congestion, energy consumption, and air pollution, the
simplest and most productive single reform of American zoning would be to declare
that all the existing off-street parking requirements are maximums rather than
minimums, without changing any of the numbers, just as the London Borough of
Kensington and Chelsea did in 1995. 6
a. Examples
• Portland, OR, has adopted parking maximums. In large parts of the city, the
minimums have been wholly converted to maximums. In other parts, minimums
remain but are accompanied by maximums to limit the amount of parking a
developer can provide.
• Parking maximums are in force in all or a portion of many other cities across the
United States, including: San Francisco, CA; Seattle, WA; Cambridge, MA;
Gresham, OR; Helena, MT; Jefferson County (Louisvillle), KY; Pittsburgh, PA;
Redmond, WA; and San Antonio, TX.
B. Specific Strategies
Other strategies, which represent a finer-level of regulation, have also been
implemented with many positive results in many cities.
b. Examples
• Arlington County, VA – The County can accept onetime payments for each
space of required shared parking that is not built. The County Manager is to
establish the amount of payment annually based on the relative cost of
building structured parking.
• Palo Alto, CA – The City offers developers in downtown the option of
contributing $51,000 per space to the City’s in-lieu fee fund, as an alternative
to providing on-site parking.
• Boulder, CO – Boulder treats its in-lieu fees as general transportation funds.
These monies have been used for downtown transit improvements, as well as
in filling in transit service gaps, and reducing parking demand tied to short- and medium
range- trips.
a. Examples
• Chicago, IL completely re-wrote its zoning code in 2004. The new code requires
one bike space for every two required vehicle spaces. Whenever bicycle parking
is required, at least 2 bicycle spaces must be provided. No use is required to
provide more than 50 bicycle parking spaces. The zoning also stipulates a
number of design requirements for required bike parking including covering,
lighting, dimensions, security, and location.
• San Francisco, CA requires one space of bike parking for every built automobile
space for all new housing over 4 units in the city.
5. Unbundling
Most housing arrangements provide tenant parking as part the lease or purchase cost.
Unbundling this relationship by requiring that parking be purchased or leased separately
reduces housing costs for households that own fewer cars than average, and makes
clearer the cost of owning and storing a car. This strategy is also effective in providing
developers with added financial incentive not to build parking for which there is not a
paying market. Unbundling residential parking can also significantly reduce household
vehicle ownership by revealing some of its hidden costs.
Some communities use zoning to require that parking be sold or leased independently
from housing units or office space. Other communities require that parking be a
separate line-item in lease contracts, even if spaces are automatically included. Once
renters become aware of what they pay for parking they may decide to negotiate
changes, perhaps renting fewer spaces or trading parking spaces with other residents.
a. Examples
• San Francisco, CA, in two recent major amendments to the Planning Code, has
required that the cost of parking be unbundled from the cost of housing for both
renters and homebuyers in most areas of the city. The City also has very low
maximum parking restrictions in its Downtown. To exceed them, parking costs
must be unbundled.
• Bellevue, WA, a rapidly growing city in King County (Seattle), requires downtown
office buildings of more than 50,000 square feet to identify the cost of parking as
a separate line item in all leases, with the minimum monthly rate per space not
less than twice the price of a bus pass. For example, since the price of a monthly
bus pass was $72 in 2003, the minimum price of a leased parking space was
$144 a month.
6. Car-Share Parking
Zoning can be used to facilitate car-sharing by requiring that developments with
dedicated, on-site parking offer one or more spaces to established car-sharing
organizations. This is typically required to be only a “right of first refusal” form of offer –
if the organization decides to pass on the space/s, they do not have to be offered again.
a. Example
• San Francisco, CA requires car share spaces citywide at the ratio of 1 dedicated
space for car sharing vehicles for each 200 dwelling units. Studies have shown
that car-sharing services in the Bay Area reduce the number of vehicles people
own and the number of car trips taken. 7
A. San Francisco
These parking restrictions have been challenged in recent years. Nevertheless, recent
major projects have been designed with little or no parking. The Sony Metreon, a four
story, 350,000 square foot entertainment center, opened in June 1999 amid predictions
that it would create a parking crisis and gridlock. The project was built with no parking.
The majority of users arrive by foot and transit, and the remainder can park in the
existing 2,600-space 5th & Mission Garage across the street. As of March 2000, peak
utilization of the garage has averaged 78%, with not a single parking shortage period in
the evening when visitation to Metreon peaks.
The City’s downtown ballpark, SBC Park, faced dire predictions that it would create
gridlock and parking shortages because everyone would drive there. Instead, the park’s
5,000 space lots do not regularly fill. According to Bond Yee of the Department of
Parking and Traffic, 60% of ballpark fans are taking transit even to the relatively remote
Ballpark location, exceeding planners’ initial goals. 8
2. Zoning
In the summer of 2006, San Francisco enacted a new zoning ordinance affecting
downtown commercial zones (C-3) in an effort to reduce traffic congestion, increase
housing affordability, and create a safer and more livable street environment for
walking, bicycling, and public transit. The most important sections of the ordinance
establish maximum parking requirements for residential units, eliminate the remaining
vestiges of minimum parking requirements, require that car-sharing services be offered
spaces where on-site parking is provided, and require the unbundling of parking costs
from housing costs in developments contain more than ten units.
3. Unbundled Parking
San Francisco now requires the unbundling of parking costs from housing costs in both
downtown commercial and residential zones (DTR and C-3 Districts) in all residential
structures over ten dwelling units. The Planning Code, quoted below, is a good example
of ordinance language for establishing this requirement:
Interview with Bond Yee, 2006.
a residential unit at a price lower than would be the case if there were a single price for
both the residential unit and the parking space…"
The ordinance also requires inclusionary affordable units to have the same opportunity
to purchase or lease parking spaces as other units.
SOMA Studios and Apartments, San Francisco is one example of the results of San
Francisco's policy of encouraging the unbundling of parking costs from housing costs.
Unbundling parking costs in this development lowered parking demand, freeing up
space for a childcare center and 19,000 square feet of neighborhood serving retail,
including a market. The new five-story building combines 74 family apartments with 88
small studios, a parking garage and lobby spaces for the four floors of housing above.
There are a total of 66 parking spaces available (.38 spaces per unit).
B. Arlington, County, VA
2. Parking Maximums
The National Capital Planning Commission (NCPC) sets parking maximums for all
federal government buildings in the region. In Arlington County, the maximum is one
space per three employees. While these are advisory only, outside the District of
Columbia, they are generally followed in suburban counties such as Arlington.
C. London, UK
Until recently, most of Great Britain had parking policies that were quite similar to typical
policies in the United States, with high minimum parking requirements set for all land
uses. London, however, was a pioneering city in replacing minimum parking
requirements in many areas with maximum standards in the early 1970s. By the 1990s,
this shift accelerated. In 1995, for example, the London Borough of Kensington and
Chelsea reversed directions: the borough declared that all of its existing off-street
parking requirements would henceforth be maximums rather than minimums, without
changing any of the numbers.
In 1996, London revised its parking standards and adopted the following maximum
standards 9 :
• Central London - 1 space to 10,764 - 16,146 sq ft (1,000 -1,500 sq m);
• Inner London - 1 space to 6458 - 10,764 sq ft (600 - 1,000 sq m); and
• Outer London - 1 space to 3229 - 6458 sq ft (300 - 600 sq m).
In 2001, the shift from minimum to maximum parking standards in the UK, was codified
as national government planning policy guidance, which local authorities are statutorily
bound to follow. National transportation guidelines for local planning now specify that,
“plans should state maximum levels of parking for broad classes of
The explicit reasoning set out by the government is to reduce congestion, act as a
demand management tool, and allow higher development densities. Local authorities
are warned to be cautious in prescribing different parking standards for town centers
and peripheral locations, to avoid creating "perverse incentives" for out of center
development through the attraction of additional parking.
The standards for England are set out in the table below 11 . The guidance suggests
these are baseline standards and calls for regional and local authorities to adopt more
rigorous standards where appropriate.
Figure 4 presents the parking maximums for various uses and districts within Portland.
City officials credit these limits with helping to increase transit mode split from about
20% in the early 1970s to 48% in the mid-1990s.
The Portland policy specifies maximums of 0.7 to 1.5 parking spaces per 1,000 square
feet, based on type of development and proximity to transit. This compares with typical
office developments that provide about 4 parking spaces per 1,000 square feet. In
addition, no new parking facilities can be built for existing development, except in the
case of major renovation.
An estimate of the emission reduction benefits of the Portland policy found that VMT
reduced due to the policy, in 1995, totaled between 50,960 and 92,000 miles per day.
This VMT reduction resulted in a drop in fuel consumption of between 2,610 to 4,730
gallons per day, and a greenhouse gas reduction of 2,400 to 4,400 metric tons of
carbon equivalent per year. Since the policy has been in effect, the downtown Portland
job base has grown significantly. 12
Driving Urban Environments: Smart Growth Best Practices. Governor’s Office of Smart Growth,
With respect to nonresidential uses, the reduction in minimum parking requirements for
developments in transit varies based on use. However, in general the minimum parking
requirement for nonresidential uses in transit areas is about 85% percent of the
standard minimum requirement.
Residential minimum parking requirements are also set low, at one space per unit,
although these have had little impact since developers have tended to provide two
spaces per unit given perceived market demands.
City of Boulder, www.bouldercolorado.gov
structured as opposed to surface lots and requires that 50 percent of ground floor space
on structures gets used for retail. In 2002, the city further strengthened these policies
by awarding credits to developers building transit-oriented development, on-street
parking, and shared parking. For developments near transit, minimum requirements
may be reduced up to 15 percent. 16
“Parking Spaces / Community Places: Finding the Balance Through Smart Growth Solutions”, U.S.
EPA, 2006.