Training and DVPT

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• Training and development encompasses 3 main activities:

This activity is both focused upon, and evaluated against, the
job that an individual currently holds
Education :
This activity focuses upon the jobs that an individual may
potentially hold in the future, and is evaluated against those
Development :
This activity focuses upon the activities that the organization
employing the individual, or that the individual is part of, may
partake in the future, and is almost impossible to evaluate.
Importance of Training and
• Optimum Utilization of Human Resources
• Development of Human Resources
• Development of skills of employees
• Productivity
• Team spirit
• Organization Culture
• Quality
• Morale
• Image
Objectives of training and
• Conduct New Employee Orientation in order to provide new full-time
employees with a greater knowledge of the college’s policies and benefits
• Conduct and/or coordinate required and optional training to meet the various
needs and mandates of departments and the college.
• Provide consultative services and training resources to departments.
• Identify and research professional development opportunities to integrate into
the operations of the college.
• Offer professional advancement (management/supervisor) training for
identified employees.
• Research and develop training programs that respond to the needs of the
Systematic approach to training

1. Analyze

2. Design

3. Develop

4. Implement

5. Evaluate
Difference between training & development

Training Development
1. Technical skills & 1. Managerial &
knowledge behavioral skills &
2. Specific job-related
2. Conceptual &
3. Short-term general knowledge
4. Mostly technical & 3. Long-term
non managerial 4. Mostly for
personnel. managerial

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