Power Systems - II, (Old) May2013
Power Systems - II, (Old) May2013
Power Systems - II, (Old) May2013
2130 / O
B.E. 3/4 (Electrical Engg.) II Semester (Old) Examination, May 2013
Subject: Power Systems II
Time: 3 Hours
Max.Marks: 75
Note : Answer all questions from Part A. Answer any Five questions from Part B.
PART A (25 Marks)
1. A single phase overhead line consists of two conductors of dia 2 cm with a
spacing of 1.5 m between centres. Determine line voltage for commencing
of corona. Dielectric strength of air = 21 kV/cm.
2. Define voltage regulation of a transmission line.
3. Establish the role of reactive power on receiving end voltage and voltage regulation
of a load bus.
4. What is booster transformer? Where it is used?
5. Write the advantages of per unit calculations.
6. Distinguish between synchronous reactance and transient reactance of alternator.
7. Deduce the relationship between Iao, Ia1, Ia2 and Ia, Ib, Ic.
8. When an alternator neutral is solidly grounded, Is single line to ground fault more
severe than the 3-ph fault and why?
9. What do you mean by Infinite line?
10. Define reflection co-efficient of the voltage wave.
PART B (50 Marks)
A transmission line has a series impedance of (20 + j40) and a shunt admittance of
4x10-4 mho. Find A, B, C and D constants based on (i) nominal and (ii) nominal
A 3-ph line having an impedance of (5 + j20) ohms per phase delivers a load of
30 MW at a p.f. of 0.8 lag and voltage 33 kV. Determine the capacity of the phase
modifier required to be installed at the receiving end if the voltage at the sending end
is to be maintained at 33 kV.
A 3-ph dead short occurs at F in a power system shown in Fig. 1. Calculate the
fault current.
Write the steps involved in calculating the symmetrical 3-ph short circuit currents.
A surge of 100 kV travels along a line of surge, impedance of 600 and reaches a
junction of two lines having surge impedance of 800 and 200 respectively. Find
the surge voltage and currents in each branch of the line.
16.(a) Define short circuit capacity of a bus and write its physical significance.
(b) Distinguish between series and shunt compensators used in transmission lines.
(c) What do you mean by Surge impedance loading of a line.