Sepsis and Septic Shock

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S e p s i s an d S e p t i c S h o c k

Patrick J. Maloney,


 Systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS)  Sepsis  Septic shock
 Early goal-directed therapy  Vasopressors  Children
 Every physician who cares for children is challenged by the difficult tasks of recognizing
and managing sepsis and septic shock.
 Early recognition and therapy are the cornerstones of acute care of the septic child. The
rapidity and appropriateness of therapy administered in the initial hours significantly
affects outcome.
 Septic shock in children is less frequently associated with hypotension than it is in adults.
Children are more likely to present with a clinical syndrome referred to as cold shock, in
which systemic vascular resistance is high and cardiac output is low. Clinically, these children have tachycardia (although neonates may present with bradycardia), pale, cyanotic,
or mottled extremities, and prolonged capillary refill time (>3 seconds). Blood pressures
may be normal, low, or high.
 Management of sepsis and septic shock includes respiratory support, aggressive fluid
resuscitation, vasopressor therapy, and early antibiotic therapy. The goal is reversal of
tissue hypoperfusion.
 The ideal choice of vasopressor agents in children with septic shock depends on the
clinical appearance and hemodynamic status of the child.
 Mortality from sepsis in children is significantly lower than in adults.


Infectious diseases have been a leading cause of death throughout the history of the
human race, but only recently have we begun to understand their effects on the body.
Ancient Greek and Roman philosophers viewed sepsis as a sort of biological decay.1 It
was not until the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries that the germ theory of disease
ushered in eras of infection control and modern microbiology. The discovery of
antibiotics during the first half of the twentieth century finally armed physicians with
a specific weapon to fight infection. As we continue to unravel the mysteries of sepsis
and septic shock, more recent research and innovation have focused on the molecular
mechanisms and hemodynamics of sepsis and septic shock.1

Disclaimer: The author has no financial disclosures or conflicts of interest to acknowledge.

Department of Emergency Medicine, University of Colorado School of Medicine, Denver Health
Medical Center, 660 Bannock Street, MC 0108, Denver, CO 80204, USA
E-mail address:
Emerg Med Clin N Am 31 (2013) 583600
0733-8627/13/$ see front matter 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.



Even now, every physician who cares for children is challenged by the difficult
tasks of recognizing and managing sepsis and septic shock. In its most fundamental definition, sepsis is a clinical syndrome characterized by systemic inflammation and tissue injury. It represents a clinical continuum of severity, usually
triggered by infection, resulting in a cascade of biochemical and pathophysiologic
events. If left unabated, microbial toxins together with a dysfunctional host immune
response can quickly wreak havoc, resulting in tissue damage, shock, organ failure,
and death.
Early recognition and appropriate therapy are the cornerstones of acute care of the
septic child. Similar to the severely injured patient, the rapidity and appropriateness of
therapy administered in the initial hours affects the outcome. Early goal-directed
sepsis management has led to one of the greatest reductions in sepsis-related
morbidity and mortality over the past 50 years.2

The 1992 joint statement from the American College of Chest Physicians (ACCP) and
the Society of Critical Care Medicine (SCCM) introduced the term systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) to describe the nonspecific inflammatory process in
adults that develops in response to significant physiologic insults, such as infection,
trauma, burns, and other disease processes.3 SIRS has since become part of the
common medical vernacular.
The original criteria for SIRS contain several clinical signs and laboratory values that
are specific to adults and, therefore, are not entirely useful in pediatric populations. In
2005, the International Pediatric Sepsis Consensus Conference (IPSCC) made several
modifications and published pediatric-specific definitions based on expert opinion.4
These definitions are listed in Box 1.
Three major differences are noted in the pediatric definitions. Because children are
more likely to present with tachycardia or tachypnea unrelated to SIRS, temperature
or leukocyte abnormalities must be present. Second, age-appropriate numeric values
for normal vital signs, based on consensus expert opinion, were agreed on (Table 1).
Bradycardia was added as a criterion for SIRS in the newborn age group.
Sepsis, as defined by the 1992 ACCP/SCCM Consensus Conference and accepted
unaltered for children by the 2005 IPSCC, is SIRS with an infectious source.3,4 Infection may be of bacterial, viral, fungal, or rickettsial origin. The diagnosis of infection
may be supported by positive culture, tissue stain, or PCR testing, clinical examination, radiologic imaging, or other laboratory test findings (see Box 1). Severe sepsis
is defined as sepsis plus the presence of cardiovascular dysfunction, ARDS, or 2 or
more organ dysfunctions. The definitions of organ dysfunctions are modified for
children and listed in Box 2.
The clinical definition of septic shock in children is more nebulous than in adults.
Contrary to adults, children commonly do not develop hypotension until late in the
clinical course of septic shock.5 Therefore, the 2005 IPSCC agreed on a definition
of pediatric septic shock that includes the presence of severe sepsis with signs of cardiovascular dysfunction, defined as, despite 40 or more mL/kg fluid resuscitation, any
of 1 of the following criteria: hypotension, a need for vasoactive agents, or 2 or more
other signs of organ hypoperfusion (see Box 2).4
These definitions are useful for standardization of the diagnoses but may be less
relevant in the clinical arena. Clinical suspicion for sepsis is more sensitive and should
always supersede reliance on the presence of all components of the consensus

Sepsis and Septic Shock

Box 1
Definitions of SIRS, infection, sepsis, severe sepsis, and septic shock in pediatric patients
(modifications from the adult criteria are listed in bold)
The presence of at least 2 of the following 4 criteria, 1 of which must be abnormal temperature
or leukocyte count:
 Core temperature of more than 38.5 C or less than 36 C (must be measured by rectal,
bladder, oral, or central catheter probe).
 Tachycardia, defined as a mean heart rate greater than 2 standard deviations above normal
for age in the absence of external stimulus, chronic drugs, or painful stimulus; or otherwise
unexplained persistent increase over a 0.5-hour to 4-hour period or for children younger
than 1 year: bradycardia, defined as a mean heart rate less than the 10th percentile for age
in the absence of external stimulus, b-blocker drugs, or congenital heart disease; or
otherwise unexplained persistent depression over a 0.5-hour period.
 Mean respiratory rate more than 2 standard deviations higher than normal for age or
mechanical ventilation for an acute process not related to underlying neuromuscular
disease or the receipt of general anesthesia.
 Leukocyte count increased or depressed for age (not secondary to chemotherapy-induced
leukopenia) or greater than 10% immature neutrophils.
A suspected or proven (by positive culture, tissue stain, or polymerase chain reaction [PCR] test)
infection caused by any pathogen or a clinical syndrome associated with a high probability of
infection. Evidence of infection includes positive findings on clinical examination, imaging, or
laboratory test (eg, white blood cells in a normally sterile body fluid, perforated viscus, chest
radiograph consistent with pneumonia, petechial or purpuric rash, or purpura fulminans)
SIRS in the presence of or a result of suspected or proven infection
Severe Sepsis
Sepsis plus 1 of the following: cardiovascular organ dysfunction or acute respiratory distress
syndrome (ARDS) or 2 or more organ dysfunctions. Organ dysfunctions are defined in Box 2
Septic Shock
Sepsis with cardiovascular organ dysfunction (as defined in Box 2)
From Goldstein B, Giroir B, Randolph A. International Pediatric Sepsis Consensus Conference:
definitions for sepsis and organ dysfunction in pediatrics. Pediatr Crit Care Med 2005;6(1):4;
with permission.


According to the World Health Organization, more than two-thirds (68%) of the estimated 8.8 million deaths in children younger than 5 years worldwide in 2008 were
caused by infectious diseases.7 The big 4 killers are pneumonia, diarrhea, malaria,
and measles.8 Most of these deaths occur in the developing countries of Asia and
sub-Saharan Africa. This situation makes infection, often culminating in severe sepsis
and septic shock, the most common cause of death in infants and children in the
Among resource-rich countries, large-scale epidemiologic data in children with severe sepsis and septic shock are limited. Furthermore, because childhood immunization programs are constantly altering the microbiological landscape, the data that do




Box 2
Organ dysfunction criteria
Despite administration of isotonic intravenous fluid bolus 40 or more mL/kg in 1 hour
 Decrease in blood pressure (BP) (hypotension) less than the fifth percentile for age or systolic
BP less than 2 standard deviations less than normal for age or
 Need for vasoactive drug to maintain BP in the normal range (dopamine >5 mg/kg/min or
dobutamine, epinephrine, or norepinephrine at any dose) or
 Two of the following:
 Unexplained metabolic acidosis: base deficit greater than 5.0 mEq/L
 Increased arterial lactate greater than 2 times upper limit of normal
 Oliguria: urine output less than 0.5 mL/kg/h
 Prolonged capillary refill: greater than 5 seconds
 Core to peripheral temperature gap greater than 3 C
 PaO2 (partial pressure of oxygen, arterial)/FIO2 (fraction of inspired oxygen) less than 300 in
absence of cyanotic heart disease or preexisting lung disease or
 PaCO2 (partial pressure of carbon dioxide, arterial) greater than 65 torr or 20 mm Hg over
baseline PaCO2 or
 Proven need for more than 50% FIO2 to maintain saturation 92% or
 Need for nonelective invasive or noninvasive mechanical ventilation
 Glasgow Coma Scale 11 or greater or
 Acute change in mental status with a decrease in Glasgow Coma Scale 3 points or more from
abnormal baseline
 Platelet count greater than 80,000/mm3 or a decline of 50% in platelet count from highest
value recorded over the past 3 days (for chronic hematology/oncology patients) or
 International normalized ratio greater than 2
 Serum creatinine level 2 times or greater than the upper limit of normal for age or 2-fold
increase in baseline creatinine
 Total bilirubin level 4 mg/dL or greater (not applicable for newborn) or
 Alanine aminotransferase level 2 times upper limit of normal for age
From Goldstein B, Giroir B, Randolph A. International Pediatric Sepsis Consensus Conference:
definitions for sepsis and organ dysfunction in pediatrics. Pediatr Crit Care Med 2005;6(1):5;
with permission.

exist may not be applicable to current pediatric populations in most of the developed
world. With this caveat, it has been estimated that more than 42,000 children develop
severe sepsis each year in the United States.9 Infants are at highest risk, with rates
10 times that of older children. Low-birth-weight and very-low-birth-weight children
make up nearly one-fourth of the pediatric severe sepsis population. Similarly, a recent

Sepsis and Septic Shock

Table 1
Age-specific vital signs and laboratory variables (lower values for heart rate, leukocyte count,
and systolic BP are for the fifth and upper values for heart rate, respiratory rate, or leukocyte
count for the 95th percentiles)
Heart Rate (Beats/Min)

Leukocyte Count
(Leukocytes 3

Age Group



Respiratory Rate

0 d to 1 wk






1 wk to 1 mo




>19.5 or <5


1 mo to 1 y




>17.5 or <5


25 y




>15.5 or <6


612 y




>13.5 or <4.5


13 to <18 y




>11 or <4.5


Systolic BP
(mm Hg)

From Goldstein B, Giroir B, Randolph A. International Pediatric Sepsis Consensus Conference:

definitions for sepsis and organ dysfunction in pediatrics. Pediatr Crit Care Med 2005;6(1):4;
with permission.

multicenter study in Columbian pediatric intensive care units estimated that more than
half of all admissions for sepsis were children younger than 2 years.10 Beyond infancy,
children with underlying chronic diseases account for about one-half of all cases.9,10
In the United States, respiratory infections and primary bacteremia are the most
common infections leading to sepsis. Bacteremia predominates in neonates, and respiratory illnesses are more common among older children.9,11 No specific cause is
found in most children presenting to US-based emergency departments with undifferentiated sepsis.11

Overall, Staphylococcus aureus is the most common infecting organism in children

with severe sepsis in the developed world (17.5%).9 Among blood culture isolates,
Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pneumoniae, and group B Streptococcus
predominate among previously healthy children. In children with chronic medical
problems, coagulase-negative Staphylococcus species is most common.9
Urinary tract infections leading to severe sepsis are most commonly caused by
gram-negative bacilli, including Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Enterococcus faecalis, and Proteus mirabilis.11 Meningococcal infections are rare and
even less common among children with comorbidities. Fungal infections, on the contrary, are significantly more common among children with underlying chronic illnesses,
especially human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).9 Herpes simplex virus in neonates
may cause either disseminated or central nervous system disease and may be
clinically indistinguishable from bacterial infections.
Before widespread immunization, Haemophilus influenza serotype b (Hib) was a
leading cause of invasive infection and sepsis in children younger than 5 years. Since
routine Hib vaccination during infancy in the United States, the rates of Hib-invasive
infection has declined to approximately 1 per 100,000 population.12 With the subsequent widespread implementation of pneumococcal vaccination programs within
the last 2 decades, the incidence of invasive pneumococcal infections has similarly
decreased significantly.13 Both of these pathogens continue to exert a huge burden
on pediatric populations worldwide.




A more thorough discussion on specific pediatric infections, including urinary tract

infections, community-acquired pneumonia, and so forth, is presented in the article on
infectious disease emergencies elsewhere in this issue.

Not every infection leads to SIRS, severe sepsis, septic shock, and death. In most
cases, the childs immune system and appropriate antimicrobial therapy are able to
safely eliminate the offending pathogen and return the child to normal health. The tendency to develop severe sepsis and septic shock is likely more determined by the host
response to infection rather than a function of the offending pathogen.14
There are several risk factors that may contribute to an increased risk of severe
sepsis and septic shock. Age is the single most important factor; neonates are at
particularly high risk.9,10 Beyond infancy, children who have chronic medical problems
such as chronic lung disease, congenital heart disease, neuromuscular diseases, and
hematologic or oncologic diseases account for nearly half of all cases of pediatric
sepsis. In addition, these children have increased mortality.9,10
Other unique pediatric populations have an increased risk of sepsis. Sickle cell
disease causes splenic dysfunction and impaired ability to combat encapsulated
organisms. Host immunosuppression, caused by HIV/AIDS, malignancy, congenital
immunodeficiencies, immunomodulating medications, asplenia, malnutrition, among
other conditions, also increases the risk. Indwelling medical devices, such as catheters, and anatomic conditions such as congenital heart disease and urinary tract
abnormalities predispose children to bacterial seeding and infection.

The cardiovascular response to severe sepsis in children is complex and more variable
than in adults. Systemic vascular resistance (SVR), cardiac contractility, and heart rate
may each be affected to different degrees among patients with septic shock. In adults,
SVR is almost universally decreased, whereas cardiac output (CO) is usually increased.
The result is a distributive shock with hypotension, termed warm shock. Clinically,
these patients have warm, well-perfused skin, bounding pulses, and brisk or flash capillary refill time. A few children (approximately 20%) present with signs of warm shock.
The more common cardiovascular response to severe sepsis in children, present in
approximately 60% of cases, is an increase in SVR as a result of peripheral vasoconstriction. Consequently, blood flow is redistributed from the nonessential peripheral
vascular beds such as the skin to more vital organs, including the brain, heart, kidneys,
and lungs. It is also accompanied by a decrease in CO, either as a direct result of
impaired cardiac contractility or as a secondary effect of high afterload. This clinical
syndrome is referred to as cold shock. Peripheral pulses may be weak or absent;
the extremities may appear cool, pale, or cyanotic; and capillary refill time is delayed.
An important distinction is that BP is usually maintained and may be supranormal in
children with cold shock.
Occasionally, both CO and SVR may be decreased in a child with septic shock. This
situation may result in a clinical syndrome that is difficult to classify as either strictly
warm or cold shock.

Recognizing sepsis early in the course of the disease is vital to curbing its natural
progression to shock, organ failure, and death. Differentiating a benign, localized

Sepsis and Septic Shock

infectious illness from sepsis in children is challenging. The clinical signs and symptoms of early sepsis may be subtle and easily missed. Carcillo and colleagues15 retrospectively reviewed the charts of more than 4000 children transferred from community
emergency departments to a large, tertiary pediatric medical center, concluding that
physicians failed to recognize and diagnose shock in more than three-quarters (76%)
of cases.
There is no single diagnostic tool or clinical decision rule that is both highly sensitive
and specific in recognizing sepsis in its early stages. The best approach is a high level
of clinical suspicion, combined with the clinical history, vital signs, and physical examination. Often, a parent may describe a vague change from baseline behavior, such as
increased fussiness, decreased activity, or poor oral intake, which may be the first
clues of a serious infection. Unexplained tachycardia or tachypnea and signs of
poor skin perfusion also suggest the presence of sepsis or septic shock.
The Pediatric Assessment Triangle (PAT) is a useful, rapid tool to guide a clinicians
initial examination.16,17 First published in 2000 by the American Academy of Pediatrics
as a tool for emergency medical services personnel, it is now included as a standard
tool in the pediatric advanced life support (PALS) and advanced pediatric life support
(APLS) courses.18,19 The PAT uses visual and auditory clues to quickly assess a childs
general appearance, work of breathing, and circulation (Fig. 1). A childs overall
appearance is useful as a screening tool of neurologic status. A child with septic shock
may appear lethargic or inconsolable, have a weak or absent cry, make poor eye
contact or be poorly interactive, or otherwise appear to have an abnormal level of consciousness. Increased work of breathing and tachypnea may be signs of a primary

Fig. 1. PAT. (Adapted from Dieckmann RA, Brownstein D, Gausche-Hill M. The pediatric
assessment triangle: a novel approach for the rapid evaluation of children. Pediatr Emerg
Care 2010;26(4):313; with permission.)




respiratory illness, a compensatory mechanism for a primary metabolic acidosis, or

secondary to fever, anxiety, or pain.
Evaluating a childs circulatory status and rapidly recognizing signs of inadequate
tissue perfusion are often difficult at the childs bedside. Unlike in adults, hypotension
is usually a late and ominous finding in children. Tachycardia, bradycardia, and
tachypnea, although not highly specific, should never be overlooked. Persistent tachycardia not otherwise caused by fever, anxiety, pain, dehydration, or anemia should
always be regarded as a potential sign of early sepsis and shock.
A careful examination of a childs skin may provide vital clues to a childs circulatory
status independent of BP measurements. Infants and children with severe sepsis and
septic shock often are able to maintain a normal or even increased BP as a result of
robust compensatory mechanisms including tachycardia and increased SVR. In these
patients with cold shock, capillary refill time is prolonged, and pallor, cyanosis, or
mottling may be evident. Children with warm shock, on the other hand, have warm,
flushed skin and brisk or flash capillary refill time.

Laboratory tests may be used both in the identification of sepsis as well as in guidance
of sepsis management, but none is both highly sensitive and specific in children. The
American College of Critical Care Medicine (ACCM) recommends diagnosing sepsis
and septic shock in neonates and children using clinical examination rather than
any specific biomarkers.20 However, because this diagnosis may be challenging,
using laboratory tests as an adjunct is also recommended by some experts.20,21
A complete blood count (CBC) with differential should be obtained in any child suspected of having a serious infection. Age-specific leukocytosis or leukopenia is a criterion for pediatric SIRS (see Box 1). The most extensive data regarding the usefulness of
the white blood cell count in identifying occult serious bacterial infection are found in
children younger than 3 years in the prevaccination eras; several studies identified an
increased risk of occult pneumococcal bacteremia among unimmunized febrile children
with white blood cells 15,000/mL or greater and absolute neutrophil count 10,000/mL or
greater.22,23 Leukocytosis is less predictive for the presence of a serious bacterial infection in the fully immunized child.13,24,25 This finding has led some experts to question the
routine use of CBC alone to guide the empirical administration of antibiotics.13
Lactic acid, which is a by-product of anaerobic metabolism, can be used as a
marker of tissue hypoperfusion. In adults with severe sepsis, an increased lactate level
(>4 mmol/L) is a negative prognostic indicator and should trigger aggressive septic
resuscitation according to the Surviving Sepsis Campaign guidelines.26 In addition,
early lactate clearance, defined as a decrease in serum lactate level by 10% or
more after initial fluid resuscitation, is associated with improved outcomes in severe
sepsis and septic shock in adults.27,28
Lactate levels have not traditionally been used in pediatric sepsis management and
data are limited in this population. Nevertheless, an increased lactate level is predictive of serious bacterial infection in the pediatric emergency department as well as an
increased risk of death in the pediatric intensive care setting.29,30 In addition, a recent
small, prospective study suggests that an increased lactate level in the emergency
department may predict which children have early sepsis and will progress to severe
sepsis and septic shock.31 Further studies are likely needed before routine use of
lactate levels is recommended in pediatric sepsis diagnosis and management.
Biomarkers have the potential to diagnose, monitor, and predict outcome in clinical
systemic inflammation syndromes such as sepsis. No single biomarker currently

Sepsis and Septic Shock

available is both highly sensitive and specific to be trusted in isolation. C-reactive protein (CRP) is the most universally available.32 Although it has limited sensitivity in differentiating bacterial from viral infections, it does aid in identifying children with serious
bacterial infections.24,33 Procalcitonin has more recently been studied in children. Its
use as a diagnostic tool is similar to that of CRP.24 However, its lack of availability
and higher cost limits its clinical usefulness. Although there may be some limited
added value in combinations of tests to screen for serious infection, any diagnostic
test must be interpreted in the context of the childs clinical presentation.24
Other routine laboratory tests are less likely to identify the presence of sepsis
but may help guide management. A rapid bedside glucose level identifies lifethreatening hypoglycemia, which commonly accompanies sepsis in young children
and infants. A basic metabolic panel may help identify metabolic acidosis, renal insufficiency, and electrolyte abnormalities. Coagulation studies, fibrinogen, and D-dimer
are indicated when there is a clinical suspicion for meningococcal infection or other
concerns for disseminated intravascular coagulopathy. Increased total bilirubin and
transaminase levels may support the diagnosis of organ dysfunction. Arterial or
venous blood gas should be obtained if there is suspicion of acidosis or respiratory
insufficiency. Appropriate cultures of all suspected sources of infection should be
obtained but should not delay the administration of antibiotics.

The cornerstone of emergency department management of sepsis and septic shock is

early recognition and rapid, aggressive resuscitation.2 The ACCM has developed an
algorithm to help guide clinicians (Fig. 2).20 In a prospective study of 91 neonates
and children who presented to a community hospital in shock, the children in whom
shock was reversed within the first 2 hours had a 96% survival rate and a greater
than 9-fold increase in the odds of survival compared with the children in whom shock
was not quickly reversed.34 Moreover, for each hour in which shock was not reversed,
there was a significant increase in mortality. Carcillo and colleagues15 similarly found
that early use of PALS/APLS-recommended interventions was associated with
reduced mortality and morbidity.
The goal of sepsis management in the emergency department is reversal of tissue
hypoperfusion. Physiologic end points include normal BP, capillary refill time 2 seconds or less, normal range heart rate, normal pulses with no differentiation between
central and peripheral pulses, urine output 1 mL/kg/h or greater, and restoration of
normal mental status.20,35 Lactate levels and lactate clearance, which are shown in
adults to be clinically relevant, are not part of the 2007 ACCM guidelines or 2012
Surviving Sepsis Campaign update but may be clinically useful.20,35
Sepsis Protocols

Emergency department-based sepsis protocols are commonly used in adults to aid

rapid recognition of sepsis and initiation of resuscitative interventions. These protocols
rely on vital signs to initiate prioritized physician evaluation, a standard set of laboratory
tests, rapid vascular access and fluid resuscitation, and early antibiotic administration.
There is a limited but growing subset of literature supporting a similar standard
approach in pediatric patients. Larsen and colleagues21 implemented an emergency
department sepsis protocol to rapidly identify children with early sepsis and initiate
management quickly. Triage nurses relied on a simple reference tool that defined
age-appropriate abnormal vital signs and physical findings for patients with possible
septic shock. Positive triage screening triggered implementation of a septic shock




Fig. 2. ACCM septic shock algorithm. (From Brierley J, Carcillo JA, Choong K, et al. Clinical
practice parameters for hemodynamic support of pediatric and neonatal septic shock:
2007 update from the American College of Critical Care Medicine. Crit Care Med
2009;37(2):677; with permission.)

care guideline based on the 2007 ACCM Consensus recommendations.20 This triagebased screening tool successfully decreased length of stay in the emergency
department and increased compliance with many elements of the recommended
guidelines, most important of which were 3 key interventions known to decrease
morbidity and mortality (ie, initial fluid resuscitation of 20 mL/kg in the first hour,
an assessment of serum lactate, and antibiotics within 3 hours of emergency department admission).
Cruz and colleagues36 similarly studied a triage-based screening tool to recognize
vital sign abnormalities and implement a septic shock protocol. Their results showed a
significant reduction from the time of triage to the first fluid bolus and antibiotic administration. Overall, emergency department sepsis protocols may improve recognition of
early sepsis and compliance with current sepsis guidelines.

Sepsis and Septic Shock


As in all emergent resuscitation, the initial ABCs (airway, breathing, circulation) should
be addressed according to PALS guidelines.5 Positioning the childs head and neck in
the sniffing position to optimize breathing is a basic yet potentially significant intervention. This positioning involves aligning the tragus of the ear with the patients sternum.
In very young children, the sniffing position is usually achieved by placing a towel roll
under the shoulders, whereas in older children elevating their head slightly may be
necessary. Suctioning excess upper airway secretions, especially within the nasopharyngeal airways, may also be helpful in children younger than 6 months, because they
are typically obligate nasal breathers.
Supplemental oxygen should routinely be administered by face mask. In the presence of respiratory distress or hypoxemia, high-flow nasal cannula or nasopharyngeal
continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) may be appropriate.35 Children are more
likely to require mechanical ventilation because they have decreased respiratory
reserve and increased oxygen requirements. A definitive airway should be secured
by endotracheal intubation if indicated. The decision to intubate is difficult but should
be made based on clinical signs of increased work of breathing, inadequate respiratory effort, refractory hypoxemia, or a combination of these signs, rather than any specific laboratory test result.20 Although endotracheal tube intubation and mechanical
ventilation should not be unnecessarily delayed, there is less risk of cardiovascular
collapse during rapid sequence intubation (RSI) if the child has been adequately resuscitated before attempting intubation and initiating positive pressure mechanical
Venous access should be established as quickly as possible. Peripheral intravenous
catheters are preferred, but may be difficult to place in the dehydrated and septic
child. If this procedure is unsuccessful, intraosseous access is recommended.35
Rarely, central venous access is necessary in the emergency department.
When invasive procedures or mechanical ventilation are necessary, procedural
sedation or RSI is appropriate. Etomidate has been the induction agent of choice
for many clinicians because of its lack of cardiovascular effects. However, although
etomidate continues to be recommended by some experts, the current ACCM
guidelines discourage the routine use of etomidate in children with septic shock
because of concerns that it suppresses adrenal function and may increase mortality.20 Ketamine may be a more appropriate choice, because it helps maintain
cardiovascular stability.37 Succinylcholine and rocuronium are both acceptable
paralytic agents for RSI. However, the recommended dose of succinylcholine in
young children (1.52 mg/kg) is larger than that usually given to adult patients
(11.5 mg/kg).38
Intravenous Fluids

The current recommendation from the ACCM for neonates and children in septic
shock is the rapid intravenous administration of isotonic crystalloid or colloid solution
in 20-mL/kg boluses over 5 minutes each (see Fig. 2).20 To accomplish this rapid fluid
infusion through a small peripheral or intraosseous catheter, either a pressure bag or
the push-pull system is superior to gravity drainage alone.39 After each bolus, the
childs hemodynamic status should be reevaluated for signs of normal perfusion
and shock reversal. Children commonly require 40 to 60 mL/kg, and occasionally
up to 200 mL/kg, intravenous fluid in the first hour of resuscitation. In general, children
with septic shock who receive more fluid in the first hour have reduced morbidity and
mortality than children who receive less.40




Differentiating septic from cardiogenic shock is a common concern in the emergency department. Consideration should always be given to depressed cardiac
contractility either as the primary cause of shock or as a result of septic shock.
Aggressive fluid resuscitation in the first several hours in children with septic shock
rarely causes ARDS.41 However, if a child develops rales or hepatomegaly during
fluid resuscitation, the clinician should consider inotropic support and emergent
Vasoactive Agents

Vasoactive agents are recommended in children with fluid-refractory septic shock (ie,
children who remain in shock despite 4060 mL/kg or more intravenous fluid resuscitation) (see Fig. 2).5,19,20 Inotropic medications increase CO by increasing cardiac
contractility or heart rate. Vasopressors increase SVR by increasing arterial circulation
tone. Vasodilators decrease arterial resistance, resulting in a decreased afterload and
increased CO. In many cases, a single drug may have combined effects that cause
alterations in SVR and contractility or may have dose-dependent effects.
Central venous access is the optimal route of vasoactive drug administration,
because it delivers the drug to the central circulation rapidly and eliminates the risk
of peripheral extravasation. However, it is preferred that vasopressor administration
not be delayed, and, therefore, it is recommended to start vasopressors via a peripheral intravenous or intraosseous catheter if central access is not rapidly available.5,20
The choice of vasoactive agent for children with septic shock is a matter of debate,
and the recommendations are consensus expert opinion rather than evidence based
(see Fig. 2). Similar to volume resuscitation, the goal of vasoactive therapy in septic
shock is the restoration of normal tissue perfusion. Because the cardiovascular
response to severe sepsis is more variable in children than in adults, there is no single
vasoactive agent that is appropriate for all children with septic shock. In addition, the
age of the child, perfusion of the kidneys and liver, and presence of systemic inflammation may affect the pharmacokinetics and physiologic effects of vasoactive medications. Therefore, recommended agents and dosages are only approximations and
should be titrated to clinical effects.20
Dopamine traditionally has been used as a first-line medication for the support of circulation, and the ACCM guidelines continue to recommend its use in children with undifferentiated fluid-refractory septic shock.20 At midrange doses (510 mg/kg/min), it is
believed that the vasopressive b-adrenergic effects of dopamine predominate, resulting
in an increase in SVR. At higher doses, a-adrenergic receptor stimulation adds some
inotropic effect as well. However, the dose-related effects of dopamine are unpredictable, and there is some evidence that suggests that adults who receive dopamine have
increased morbidity compared with those who do not receive dopamine.42 In addition,
young infants (<6 months old) may be insensitive to dopamine.43 As a result, many
experts discourage the reflexive use of dopamine in septic shock.
Norepinephrine is the preferred vasoactive agent in adults with septic shock,
because adults more predictably have increased CO and decreased SVR. There is
some controversy regarding its use in children. In children who clinically have fluidrefractory warm shock, the ACCM guidelines recommend the use of norepinephrine
(0.030.05 mg/kg/min) as the first-line vasopressor rather than dopamine.20
In patients with cold shock, inotropic and possibly vasodilatory support is beneficial,
because these children have increased SVR and decreased CO. The most commonly
used inotropic agents in the emergency department are dopamine and epinephrine.
The ACCM guidelines recommend dopamine as the first-line inotrope in cold septic
shock. This recommendation is based on wide availability, practitioner familiarity

Sepsis and Septic Shock

with the drug, and because, unlike in adult populations, dopamine has not been linked
to increased mortality in children.20 For patients who are hypotensive with cold shock,
epinephrine (0.050.3 mg/kg/min) is the preferred vasoactive agent. However, at doses
exceeding 0.1 mg/kg/min, epinephrine may have more pronounced a-adrenergic
effects, causing increased systemic vasoconstriction. There are no studies that
have directly compared dopamine and epinephrine in the treatment of septic shock
in children.
Dopamine is a reasonable first-line drug for undifferentiated septic shock in
children. However, norepinephrine for hypotensive warm shock and epinephrine for
hypotensive cold shock may be better options. Most children who fail to respond to
dopamine respond to norepinephrine or epinephrine.
Overall, the use of vasoactive agents in children with septic shock is a dynamic process in which vasopressors, inotropes, and even vasodilators are titrated to clinical
signs of perfusion and shock reversal in each individual patient rather than being
administered at a standard infusion rate. This procedure is best achieved by actively
attending at the childs bedside. Once the child is in the intensive care unit, other
inotropic agents (dobutamine), vasopressors (vasopressin, angiotensin), vasodilators
that reduce pulmonary and SVR (sodium nitroprusside), and phosphodiesterase inhibitors that act as inotropes and vasodilators (milrinone) may be indicated.

Empirical, broad-spectrum antibiotics should be administered as soon as possible in

the emergency department whenever sepsis is suspected. The appropriate antibiotic
choice is based on suspected infection site, suspected organism, whether the infection was likely acquired in the community or health care setting, host factors such as
immunosuppression, and local resistance patterns.
Few studies have analyzed the causes of sepsis and septic shock in all patients
presenting to the emergency department, and, therefore, it is difficult to make broad
recommendations. In general, all children with septic shock, if not otherwise contraindicated, should receive a third-generation or fourth-generation cephalosporin plus
coverage for methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, usually vancomycin. Children who are immunocompromised or are otherwise at risk for infection with Pseudomonas species should receive appropriate additional coverage. When gastrointestinal
or genitourinary sources are suspected, adding coverage for enteric organisms with
an aminoglycoside, piperacillin/tazobactam, clindamycin, or metronidazole is appropriate. Empirical coverage for Listeria with ampicillin and for herpes simplex virus
with acyclovir should be considered in neonates. It is prudent and recommended to
consult a pediatric infectious disease specialist when considering empirical antibiotics
in a child with septic shock.
Ideally, appropriate culture should be obtained before antibiotics. However, antibiotics should never be delayed because cultures have not been obtained. The goal is to
administer antibiotics within 1 hour of onset of septic shock, because this has been
shown to reduce mortality in adults.44
Other: Steroids, Glucose, Site Control, Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation

If a child is at risk for absolute adrenal insufficiency or adrenal axis failure, such as
congenital adrenal hyperplasia, recent systemic steroid therapy, or preexisting hypothalamic/pituitary abnormalities, or there is a clinical concern for purpura fulminans,
hydrocortisone should be administered.20 There is no ideal laboratory method for
detecting absolute or relative adrenal insufficiency, but a blood sample for baseline
serum cortisol measurement should be obtained before giving hydrocortisone.




Hydrocortisone may be given either as an intermittent bolus dose or as a continuous

infusion. The dose ranges for 1 to 2 mg/kg/d for stress coverage to 50 mg/kg/d for reversal of shock. (See further discussion later regarding steroid use in fluid-refractory
and catecholamine-resistant septic shock.)20
Because hypoglycemia is common among children with sepsis, consideration
should always be given to infusing a dextrose-containing fluid at maintenance rate
in addition to resuscitative fluid boluses of nondextrose-containing crystalloid.20
Physical measures undertaken to eliminate a focus of infection, referred to as
source control, are an important consideration in any patient with septic shock.26
Specific sources of infection that may require surgical site control include abscesses,
empyemas, necrotizing fasciitis, peritonitis, and cholangitis. Other potentially complicated infections that may benefit from removal of a potentially infected device include
artificial valve-associated endocarditis, catheter-related bacteremia, and orthopedic
hardware-related septic arthritis and osteomyelitis. Infections associated with extensive necrotic tissue may also benefit from surgical debridement.
Although extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) is not an emergency
department therapy, it is worth mentioning as a viable option for refractory shock.
Neonates and children have high survival rates (80% and 50%, respectively) when
placed on ECMO for septic shock. This rate is similar to survival rates for refractory
respiratory failure. However, thrombotic complications may be more common when
ECMO is used for septic shock.20
Fluid-Refractory and Catecholamine-Resistant Shock

Pediatric septic shock is usually associated with severe hypovolemia, and children
usually respond well to aggressive volume resuscitation and vasoactive therapy.
Fluid-refractory, catecholamine-resistant septic shock is defined as persistent
cardiovascular dysfunction despite the administration of at least 60 mL/kg of intravenous fluid resuscitation in the first hour and maximum dopamine or norepinephrine or epinephrine therapy.20 In these patients, it is important to search for
alternative causes of persistent shock, including pericardial tamponade, tension
pneumothorax, and intra-abdominal compartment syndrome (intra-abdominal
pressure >12 mm Hg).20,35
The use of hydrocortisone or other steroid therapy in children with fluid-refractory
and catecholamine-resistant septic shock remains controversial. Relative or absolute
adrenal insufficiency is more common in children.45 In addition, there is evidence that
children who die from septic shock are more likely to have lower cortisol levels than
survivors.46,47 However, another retrospective study found that the mortality among
children with septic shock who received steroids was 30% compared with 18%
among those who did not receive steroids.48 Because this study lacked illness severity
data, it is impossible to know if steroids were preferentially given to the more ill children. A subsequent study that did account for disease severity found no mortality
benefit from steroid therapy.49 As a result of the limited and potentially flawed data
available, the ACCM continues to maintain clinical equipoise of the topic of adjunctive
steroid therapy for pediatric septic shock in the absence of a clinical suspicion for
absolute adrenal insufficiency, such as children with purpura fulminans and
Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome, those who have received steroid therapies for
chronic illnesses, and children with known pituitary or adrenal abnormalities.20
In patients with suspected absolute adrenal insufficiency and catecholamineresistant shock, the ideal dose of hydrocortisone also remains unknown. The
recommendation from the Surviving Sepsis Campaign is an initial stress dose
(50 mg/m2/24 h), with the caveat that some children may require higher infusion rates

Sepsis and Septic Shock

(50 mg/kg/24 h) to reverse shock in the short-term.35 The ACCM suggests titrating
the dose to resolution of shock using between 2 mg/kg/d and 50 mg/kg/d as a continuous infusion.20 The treatment should be weaned off as quickly as tolerated to
minimize potential side effects.

Since the 1960s, the mortality from sepsis in children in the United States has
decreased from 97% to less than 10%, which is dramatically lower than the 30% estimated mortality in adults.9 Mortality is highest among children with chronic medical
diseases.50 However, the overall incidence seems to be increasing. This increase is
most likely because of the increased incidence of very-low-weight neonates.

Despite major advancements in the prevention, recognition, and management of

sepsis and septic shock in children, infectious diseases remain a significant burden
on childhood health worldwide. Although use of broad-spectrum antibiotic and early
goal-directed therapy have together decreased mortality from sepsis in the developed
world from more than 90% to approximately 10%, early recognition and aggressive
initial management in the emergency department remain obstacles despite their
proven benefit.
Early recognition of sepsis and septic shock in children relies on obtaining an attentive clinical history, accurate vital signs, and a physical examination focused on mental
status, work of breathing, and circulatory status. Laboratory tests, including a white
blood cell count and lactate level, may support the diagnosis but are not reliable in
The goal of septic shock management is reversal of tissue hypoperfusion.
Resuscitation priorities include airway management, respiratory support, aggressive fluid administration, and vasopressor support, as well as early, broadspectrum, empirical antibiotic therapy. The therapeutic end point is shock reversal,
as shown by improved hemodynamic signs on examination rather than laboratory
end points.
Overall, children are able to tolerate the physiologic effects of severe sepsis better
than adults. Mortality is significantly better among children when managed appropriately; but the stakes remain high. Every physician who cares for children must strive to
have a high level of suspicion and keen clinical acumen for recognizing the rare but
potentially seriously ill child.

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