Overview Sepsis
Overview Sepsis
Overview Sepsis
Sepsis is a common, life-threatening condition in the pediatric ICU. Severe sepsis and
septic shock occur in all settings and age groups though these children often have
associated co-morbidities such as prematurity or malignancy. Though in the community
at large recent epidemiologic data indicate that more than half the cases of severe
sepsis occur in children without a predisposing condition. Early recognition and
aggressive early intervention for severe sepsis and septic shock, however, are essential
in preventing a poor outcome.
Term Definition
SIRS: Systemic Presence of two or more of the following symptoms (see
Inflammatory Table 1): temperature instability (core temp > 38.5 / <36),
Response tachycardia / bradycardia, tachypnea or mechanical
Syndrome ventilation, leukocytosis/leucopenia.
Sepsis SIRS with infection
Severe Sepsis Sepsis with one other organ dysfunction (see Table 2):
cardiovascular dysfunction, ARDS/ALI, mechanical ventilation,
change in mental status, rising creatinine, rising hepatic
enzymes TBili or ALT
Septic Shock Fluid refractory hypotension: hypotension or hypoperfusion
despite fluid resuscitation
MODS / MOFS Multi-organ dysfunction syndrome / multi-organ failure
syndrome at least two organ system failures see table
In children the vast majority (? millions of cases per year) with a SIRS type picture will
have minor infectious disease and be treated as outpatients. The second and third tears
of the pyramid will be much smaller.
Estimates of the incidence of severe sepsis in children suggest that there are
about 40,000 cases per year, some 10 15% of who develop septic shock
(4,000 6,000). Half of these cases occur in children with co-morbidities.
Co-morbidities conditions include prematurity, therapeutic immunosuppression
(e.g. transplant or cancer patients) along with patients with neurological, cardiac,
respiratory, GI, etc. diseases.
Neonates (under 30 days) account for about 1/3 of cases and infants under 1
year account for half.
The mortality rate for severe sepsis in children is estimated to be between 5 10
% regardless of age group. Patients with co-morbidities, in particular, those with
Sepsis 1
neoplasms, immunodeficiency or severe cardiac disease have significantly higher
mortality rates (15%).
The bacteriology varies by age, co-morbidity, and geography.
Coagulase negative staphylococcus, non group A or B strep, and fungus now
predominate in all age groups.
In neonates Group B strep and gram negative species including pseudomonas
account for about 10% of cases.
H. Flu and pneumococcus have become uncommon due to immunization but still
account for 2 7% of all severe sepsis cases in the US.
Meningococcus, the other classic pathogen, is also uncommon in the US
accounting for less than 2 % of severe sepsis cases overall and for less than
10% in the 1 10 year old group.
In previously healthy children the predominance of the classic bacterial
pathogens is approximately twice what it is overall. S. aureus and gram-negative
enterics are also significant contributors.
Renal: Decreased urine output is noted for inpatients and elicited on history for
Skin: Palpable petechiae and purpura may be present if the patient presents in DIC.
Poor skin turgor and perfusion can also be noted.
From: International pediatric sepsis consensus conference: Definitions for sepsis and organ dysfunction in pediatrics. Goldstein,
Brahm MD; Giroir, Brett MD; Randolph, Adrienne MD; Members of the International Consensus Conference on Pediatric Sepsis.
Pediatric Critical Care Medicine: Volume 6(1) January 2005 pp 2-8
Sepsis 4
Between 1963 and 1993, with the advent of neonatal and pediatric intensive care units,
mortality from sepsis decreased from >95% to 10%. The basic tenets of treatment
developed over those three decades are: recognition, appropriate antibiotics,
fluid resuscitation and to a lesser extent other intensive care interventions such as
inotropes and mechanical ventilation. Despite a large number of clinical trials trying to
identify the magic bullet for the treatment of sepsis these interventions remain the
cornerstones of management.
An algorithm published by the society of critical care medicine for the treatment of
pediatric and adult severe sepsis follows. Essential elements in this algorithm are,
Initial resuscitation
Appropriate antibiotics
Source identification and control
Early access to critical care. Delays in access to a critical care bed should not
delay these interventions.
Institution of inotropic and vasopressor support
Management of metabolic derangements
Frequent, repeated assessment of the response to therapy
Institution of this type of protocol has been the basis for current reductions in mortality
in pediatric septic shock. Each of these topics is discussed in detail below.
Recognition: Flash capillary refill and altered mental status with a febrile illness are
the hallmarks. Rash in this setting should signal possible meningococcemia.
Increased suspicion is warranted in children with co-morbidities.
A Airway
B Breathing
C crystalloids, crystalloids, crystalloids, crystalloids, calcium
D Dextrose, Drugs = antibiotics, inotropes
s Steroids
o Septic patients often have depressed mental status and may require
airway protection.
Sepsis 6
o Dopamine is initiated through a central venous catheter. If a CVC is not
available, inotropic support should not be delayed and should be initiated
through a PIV / IO as the CVC is being placed.
o Note that in adult sepsis guidelines, either norepinephrine or dopamine
can be the initial inotrope (and many pediatric intensivists may also
choose to start with norepinephrine.)
o An arterial line for continuous blood pressure monitoring is recommended
if prolonged or increasing doses of inotropes are required.
Note from the diagram below that the initial resuscitation of sepsis, ABCDs, all occur
within 60 minutes of diagnosing a patient with septic shock.
Sepsis 7
Clinical practice parameters for hemodynamic support of pediatric and neonatal septic shock: 2007 update from the American
College of Critical Care Medicine. Brierley J, Carcillo JA, Choong K, Cornell T, Decaen A, Deymann A, Doctor A, Davis A, Duff J,
Dugas MA, Duncan A, Evans B, Feldman J, Felmet K, Fisher G, Frankel L, Jeffries H, Greenwald B, Gutierrez J, Hall M, Han YY,
Hanson J, Hazelzet J, Hernan L, Kache S, Kiff J, Kissoon N, Kon A, Irazusta J, Lin J, Lorts A, Mariscalco M, Mehta R, Nadel S,
Nguyen T, Nicholson C, Peters M, Okhuysen-Cawley R, Poulton T, Relves M, Rodriguez A, Rozenfeld R, Schnitzler E, Shanley T,
Skippen P, Torres A, von Dessauer B, Weingarten J, Yeh T, Zaritsky A, Stojadinovic B, Zimmerman J, Zuckerberg A.
Crit Care Med. 2009 Feb;37(2):666-88.
Sepsis 8
Diagnosis: Lab studies:
o Evaluate the degree of acidosis
o Evaluate for possible end organ dysfunction liver, kidney
o Often an elevated WBC count is noted, but a low WBC with immature
neutrophils is a strong indicator of severe sepsis as well.
o Low Hct and platelet count can be seen in patients with DIC
Coag panel:
o Elevated Pt, PTT, INR, d-dimer and decreased fibrinogen levels can be
seen in patients with DIC
Appropriate cultures
o Blood & urine culture in all patients prior to antibiotics if feasible.
o An LP should be considered in patients with signs of meningitis.
o Indwelling catheters, drains, etc. should be cultured
o ETT culture and gram stain in intubated patients.
Acute phase reactants: CRP, fibrinogen, platelets, ESR, will be elevated
Lactate: Multiple studies in adults and children have shown that elevated lactate
levels are predictive of early mortality in sepsis.
o May be elevated in warm shock due to poor oxygen extraction and micro
shunts in the capillary beds that may be the cause of flash capillary filling.
o Elevated in cold shock due to poor tissue perfusion.
Consider further radiologic studies based on patients presenting symptoms
e.g. CXR if respiratory symptoms, abdominal CT if abdominal pain, etc.
Antibiotic selection:
Data shows that incorrect empiric antibiotic coverage increases morbidity and
mortality. Therefore, broad-spectrum coverage is initiated and then narrowed as
the organism and resistance pattern are identified.
Empiric antibiotic therapy should be based on the clinical scenario. Table 3
below provides guidelines for empiric antibiotic selection.
For nosocomial infections, institutional antibiotic resistance patterns and prior
antibiotic exposure in the child become important factors.
When Staphylococcus aureus is suspected vancomycin should be used because
of the rising incidence of MRSA.
If a source of infection is identified (i.e. positive blood culture or urine culture),
antimicrobials should be tailored appropriately.
Sepsis 9
Table 3 Empiric antibiotic coverage
Meningitis GPC Vanco + 3rd gen Cover for resistant S. pneumo
on gram stain cephalosporin
Meningitis gram 3rd gen cephalosporin Likely N. meningitides
neg diplococci
Neutropenia Vanco + Double- Pts are susceptible to
coverage for GNR Pseudomonas and other
SPACE organisms
Toxic shock Clinda + Vanco Cover for MRSA/Strep
Indwelling central Vanco + 3rd gen Vanco is needed for Gram +
venous catheters cephalosporin organisms, most notably S.
Deterioration Antifungals; also Loss of normal bacterial flora
despite broad- consider what possible increases susceptibility to
spectrum resistant organisms fungus, particularly in patients
antibiotics may be involved on steroids, with
hyperglycemia, or who are
Source Control:
Consider if a specific anatomic site of infection can be identified e.g.
necrotizing fasciitis, diffuse peritonitis
If focus of infection can be treated by surgical intervention, e.g. abscess
drainage, it should implemented as quickly as possible
Supportive Therapy:
Glucose control: Much recent ICU literature has been devoted to the association
noted between high blood sugar levels and short term increases in morbidity and
mortality. RCTs in adults have demonstrated that maintaining euglycemia (blood
sugars 80-110) with insulin significantly improves morbidity and mortality in
critically ill surgical patients. In medical patients, improvements are noted in
patients that have a 3-day or longer ICU stay. Though data in children is
lacking, consensus supports treatment of hyperglycemia in critically ill children.
Given that children are more susceptible to hypoglycemia, the targeted range is
usually higher than in adults, 100-150 mg/dL. The risk of hypoglycemia was
highlighted in a recent adult trial (Brunkhorst et al, NEJM, 2008) where severe
hypoglycemia was 4x higher in the intensive insulin group. Mortality outcomes
did not differ between groups in this study.
Sepsis 10
Nutrition and gastric acid suppression: Sepsis is not a contraindication to enteral
nutrition. TPN should be avoided if possible as risk of secondary infections
increases. Patients may have poor gastric motility and benefit from trans-pyloric
feeding. Shock and intestinal hypoperfusion, however, require more caution,
especially in patients with even moderate vasoconstrictor requirements. These
patients are generally kept NPO. Nutrition, whether enteral or parenteral, should
not be neglected given the high metabolic demands of the septic patient. Stress
ulceration and GI bleed is a serious concern and although no hard evidence
exists for the use of acid-blockade, most septic ICU patients are placed on an
H2-blocker or proton pump inhibitor, especially when NPO.
Transfusion: Blood products have risks and therefore should be used with
caution and appropriate justification. PRBC transfusion to a Hct > 30% should
be considered in the following circumstances:
o Signs of shock hypotension, acidosis, mixed venous O2 saturation <
70% despite adequate fluid resuscitation and inotropic support
o Ongoing blood loss exsanguination or DIC
o Cyanotic heart disease
o Myocardial ischemia
ECMO is an important though infrequent tool. It should be considered in patients
with refractory shock despite maximal medical treatment, multi-system organ
dysfunction and patients with severe respiratory failure.
CVVH has become an important tool for patients developing renal failure and fluid
overload. The cytokine removal properties of CVVH are discussed extensively and
remain investigational.
Plasma exchange will remove cytokines, large von Willebrand multimers and other
toxic substances. It is used increasingly to manage patients with severe shock
though this indication is also still investigational.
Vasopressin is being increasingly used for sepsis but pediatric studies are limited. It
should be considered for cases of catecholamine-refractory vasodilatory shock.
Patients with sepsis have a relative vasopressin deficiency state and it may therefore
be very effective in increasing SVR. Vasopressin stimulates vascular smooth muscle
V1 receptors (i.e. not alpha receptors) and increases MAP. Pediatric dosing begins
at 0.01 unit/kg/hr and can be titrated up to 0.04 units/min.
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The management of neonatal septic shock deserves some special comments.
Sepsis 12
Initial Insult / Infection
WBC & Platelet pathway DIC
- Increased microvascular adhesion
- Vasodilation Consumption of
Sludging & Coagulation Factors
Third Spacing
Bleeding / Red cell hemolysis
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