Ground Rules - 4Ps Challenger: Eligibility
Ground Rules - 4Ps Challenger: Eligibility
Ground Rules - 4Ps Challenger: Eligibility
All second year students (other than PPO holders from any company; who have signed out of the process)
are eligible to participate in the contest.
Teams must have 4 members each. At maximum one student who is currently on exchange can be a part
of a team.
The case study would be rolled out in two parts. 1st part would be rolled out on 15th September at 1000
HRS. 2nd part would be rolled out on 21st September 1000 HRS.
All teams must provide the following details with their 1st submissions (mandatory):
1. Name of the team
2. Names of the members of the team
3. Email id of One point of contact
4. Contact numbers of all members of the team
Solution should be provided in PDF format (please convert your PPT into PDF. Maximum 3 content slides
for each part separately). Please submit to your place-com SPOC for Nestl.
Last date for Submission of 1st part Solutions 20th September, 2015 (2359 HRS)
Last date for Submission of 2nd part Solutions 27th September, 2015 (2359 HRS)
Selected teams will get to present their solutions to Nestl Panel at their campus on dates that will be
communicated subsequently.
Top 8 teams across campuses get a chance to present their solutions to the Executive Board members of
Nestl India at Nestl House, Gurgaon.
Team Prizes:
1. Campus Winners : Petty cash of 30K
2. Nationals Runners Up : Additional Petty cash of 40K
3. Nationals Winners : Bragging Rights & a Bounty of 100K
Individual Prizes:
1. PPI offers to the individual participants and not to teams
One and Only way to get in to Nestl
Best of Luck!!!