Gunpowder Plot Ts

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Inside Out


Week starting: 1st November 2004

1. The Gunpowder Plot

Nearly four hundred years ago, a group of 13 committed men devised a plan to blow up the
British Parliament killing the king and all the politicians, something we may all have been
tempted to try. However, these men may have in their dastardly plot had it not been for one
man who just couldnt keep a secret Read all about it in this weeks worksheet.
Good Intermediate upwards
How to use the lesson
1. Give one copy of Worksheet A to each student in the class. Focus their attention on the
newspaper story on the left-hand side. Give students a couple of minutes to read through the
story and answer the question in 1. (Answer: He (and his friends) wanted to blow up the
King and the Government).
2. Direct students attention to the questions on the right of the page. Ask them to read the
questions. Give out Worksheet B and ask them to work in pairs to find the answers to the
3. Check answers in open class.
Answers to 2.
1. Guy Fawkes
2. York
3. 36
4. Robert Catesby
5. Francis Tresham
6. 13
7. They were captured

8. Four were shot. The rest were

9. Families build bonfires, light
fireworks and eat potatoes and
10. A model of Guy Fawkes,
which is burned on a bonfire.

Follow up
Use the links below to create a project about Guy Fawkes. The burning of bonfires is also
connected to the Celtic origins of Halloween; your students may like to make a joint
presentation of the origins of the two festivals.
2. Related Websites
Send your students to these websites, or just take a look yourself.
Tells the whole story.
Listen to the introduction. Then follow the pages by clicking on the arrow at the bottom right
of the page.
According to this, Bonfire Night is just Samhain (Celtic end-of-summer festival) in disguise.
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It is photocopiable, but all copies must be complete pages. Copyright Macmillan Publishers Limited 2004.

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