Ccsu Lesson - 2

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CCSU LESSON Plan Template

Student Teacher: Kayla

Lesson Date: 9\24\2015

Grade Level:3
Name of Lesson: Parts of a

Common Core State Standard(s)

RL.3.7, W.3.2
Student Learning Objective(s)
Students will be able to decipher all of the parts of a map including: Compass rose, Title,
Key and Scale. Students will be asked to find their map assignments using a map of the
room or hall. with specific key. Students will design a map of their own providing all
parts of a map, and write a short paragraph explaining the parts of their own map, and
where the map leads.
Rationale for Objective: How does this lesson support previous
and subsequent learning?
In learning about maps, whether the U.S, Continents, Or local, parts of a map are usually
present. Students need to be able to understand the information being conveyed by the
parts of a map in order to read one. In order to best understand how it works, they will
create one of their own.
Students will be assessed by the maps they create, along with their written paragraph.
Students must create a concise map with all the aforementioned parts of a map. The key
needs to make sense, the title needs to be appropriate, and it should have a compass rose
and a scale. Their descriptive paragraph should explain all of the translations of their
map, what the map is of, and how it will be read.
Classroom Learning Environment Focus
Students will work in groups to create maps of the classroom based
upon the model, using all of the elements of a map discussed. They will
then individually write short paragraphs about their group map.
Materials/Resources needed for this lesson
Group assignments
Chart paper map with labeled map parts
Small Model Maps of the classroom
A written assignment for each group
Student Teacher: Kayla
Grade Level: 3
Name of Lesson: Parts of a
Lesson Date: 9/24/2015
Crayons Pencils
Daily Formative Assessment
When students are given their individual group maps it will be clear to
see if they understood the lesson on map parts. The maps will be

created with keys so that the students will not be able to find their
assignment unless they can decipher the key and parts of a map. I will
also be asking questions to check for understanding throughout.
Differentiating Instruction
The assessment includes both a descriptive writing portion and a visual
map creation. Students who dont excel at writing will be able to
portray their understanding through their visual, while students who
display issues in their visual will be able to explain themselves
through their descriptive writing.
Have large classroom chart map up to begin lesson. Ask students:
Does anyone recognize the location this map shows? Point out their
desks, the reading area, the White-Board, etc. Ask students: Do you
think this map would be helpful to someone who has never been in our
classroom before?
Lesson Development
Explain how maps can be helpful to people who need to know more
about an area they are new to, or want to know more about. Introduce
the parts of a map using large model map: Compass rose, Title, Key and
Scale. Divide students into groups and give each group a map of the classroom. Each
map will have their target spot in a different area. When groups find their target, they
will find a treasure box of art supplies and index cards. The top of each box will read:
Congratulations! You can read a map. You will need to make your own map of your
bedroom. Please use a compass rose, a key, a scale, and give it a title. When you are
finished, please write a paragraph describing your map and its parts.
Students with writing issues will have the option to orally describe their map to the
With the maps students have created, I should be able to see who has
included all of the parts of a map and used them correctly. If there are
any discrepancies, the students descriptive writing pieces should be
able to demonstrate understanding of
the topic. This lesson will be useful and easily connected when looking
at maps of the world, the U.S, etc. The students will be able to
understand the map language and notice the pieces we studied on
maps everywhere.

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