1 2 Supplemental - Advisory PD Handout
1 2 Supplemental - Advisory PD Handout
1 2 Supplemental - Advisory PD Handout
Affective Support: The advisor will build and maintain a relationship with
each advisee in order to better advocate for and support each students
individual learning plan. The advisor will schedule a time to meet
individually with each of their advisees at a minimum of once a week.
During this meeting, advisors will not only discuss academics, but also give
the student an opportunity to discuss any issues, personal or academic, they
may have.
projects. All evidence for completed public service will be collected by the
Final Checks
Advisory Centers
growth during school year. Each weekly goal should be related to the one
described in a students Individual Learning Plan for the quint.
Advisees should also share progress of weekly goals during weekly check-ins.
Tuesday Center
Advisors will have individual advisor-advisee conversations to monitor and
discuss academic progress, social development and advisees commitment to
building a positive school culture. Meetings should last 5-10 minutes each.
Advisor should keep dated notes of general topics discussed during conversation
for future reference.
While advisors are conferencing, senior advisees should use this time to discuss
ideas, problems, and/or implement plans for their SJP with the whole of advisory.
When not participating, individual advisees will work to create artifacts for
student led conferences and/or complete tasks to meet success with weekly
Wednesday Center
Advisor will discuss the SJP individually with seniors to discuss changes or other
suggestions needed to complete tasks related to project. Seniors will complete a
mentor/goal update sheet based on outcomes of presentations/discussions.
When needed, advisory group will work with senior advisees. Seniors will
present weekly SJP progress, as well as, solicit volunteers/research assistance
needed to complete following upcoming tasks. These presentations should be
made to the whole advisory to promote advisory participation during the
completion of their project.
When not participating, individual advisees will work to create artifacts for
student led conferences and/or complete tasks to meet success with weekly
Thursday Center
If needed, senior advisees will present to whole advisory group similar to
Wednesday Center. (This is for advisories responsible for multiple senior projects)
Advisors will have individual advisor-advisee discussions to monitor and discuss
academic progress, social development and advisees commitment to building a
positive school culture. Meetings should last 5-10 minutes each. Advisor should
keep dated notes of general topics discussed during conversation for future
When not participating, individual advisees will work to create artifacts for
student led conferences and/or complete tasks to meet success with weekly
Friday Center
Extended check-in for group discussion of whether or not weekly goal(s) was met
by each advisee. During this time, individual advisees should also share with
advisory their progress on completing artifacts necessary for SLC. (15 minutes).
When identified by Advisory PLC, weekly activities will be implemented during
this time.
Advisors should also use this time to complete any advisor-advisee discussions
not held during the week.
Friday Advisory Lunch Date: It is suggested advisories use lunch period as a
lunch date where advisories eat lunch as a group.
Check In
(15 minutes)
Thursday Wednesday
Check In
(15 minutes)
1. Individual Advisee
2a. SJP seniors lead
discussion of project needs
and/or implements action plan
Check In
(15 minutes)
Check In
(15 minutes)
Check In
(15 minutes)
Centers may be used to facilitate CORE, social justice and/or other timely
lessons as directed
Student-led conferences for the school year should take place during the
first school weeks of November and April
A voicemail or did not respond may not meet requirements as a contact unless
three (3) distinct attempts were made during the contact time window. These
attempts should be on different days, at different times of day and recorded.
If particular families have contact requests different from advisory expectations, or
have proven difficult to contact, the advisor should communicate these with the
director of Advisory.
Advisors should make a home visit at least once a semester for one of the recorded
September 17
October 1
October 29
November 12
November 25
December 22
February 25
April 21
January 14
March 10
May 5
October 15
January 28
March 24
February 11
April 7
May 19
*Student-led conferences will be used for November 12 and April 7 contact reports.
A completed and signed Student Led Conference Notesheet will be used as
proof of contact.
City: ________
Parent/Guardian 1
Parent/Guardian Name: _________________________________Relationship:
Cell phone: _________________________Home phone:
Parent/Guardian 2
Parent/Guardian Name: ____________________________
Description of Artifacts
A students portfolio is created, in part, when they start to store and organize
artifacts in a collection, electronic or otherwise, demonstrating their growth
academically, socially and/or emotionally throughout a school year. Content of a
students portfolio will act as the primary reference for student led conferences.
An artifact consists of two distinct pieces:
1. A sample piece of assessed work, or other proof of participation in a task
illustrating a students skills or accomplishments, such as a photograph, video
These samples should act as evidence of learning specific content standards,
demonstrate student growth as a life-long learner as defined by the Capital
Preparatory Magnet School Learner Expectations, and necessarily inspire rich
and thoughtful reflection.
2. The students reflection upon their growth during the task evidenced by the
Students should complete an Artifact Reflection Sheet for each sample.
Problem Solver
Researcher and Information Processer
Empathetic Citizens
Pillar of Knowledge
1. What was I supposed to do? Explain the activity:
Date: ________________
Problem Solver
Researcher and Information Processer
Empathetic Citizen
Pillar of Knowledge
1. What was I supposed to do? Explain the activity:
Date: _________________
Reminder: Student-led conferences for the school year should take place
during the first school weeks of November and April.
Academic progress:
Academic goals:
Resolutions/Action Plan:
Parent: _____________________________________
Student:____________________________________ Advisor: ________________________________