1 2 Supplemental - Advisory PD Handout

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The Capital Preparatory Schools Advisory Handbook

The Advisors Mission
The main purpose of the advisory program at Capital Preparatory Schools is to
foster personalization, strengthening the relationship between each student and
their learning environment. It is the responsibility of the advisor to monitor both the
social and academic development of advisees throughout their experience at the
school, while fostering a positive school culture.
Advisors will work to create affective bonds with their advisees and their families, as
well as, act in the role of academic mentor. Guidance in both domains should be
provided daily, and students will be encouraged to create and successfully meet
both short and long term goals in each. Student-led conferences will be utilized for
advisor and advisee assessment of these goals.
In advisories, students will develop skills needed to become an agent of change as
outlined in the schools Blueprint. Advisors will promote this by encouraging the
creation and collection of artifacts, identifying and facilitating public service
activities and assisting in the development of senior justice projects.

Roles of the Advisor

Each staff and faculty member of Capital Preparatory Schools will act as an advisor
for a group of students within the building they work. An advisory group will consist
of students from across grade levels. Both the advisor and their advisees will be
part of the same advisory group for the entirety of a students enrollment in the
Capital Preparatory School. The roles of the advisor are briefly outlined below:

Academic Support: The advisor will monitor each of their advisees

academic progress. To effectively do so, advisors will be the facilitator of
their advisees online grade book accounts and promote both formal and
informal discussions about student progress in advisory sessions as
Advisors will work with their advisees to create an Individual Learning
Program for each quint. Advisors will also facilitate discussions around
standardized assessment preparation, college research and other
preparatory activities, activities around social justice topics and learner
expectation applications.

Guardian Contact: The advisor will contact parents/guardians at least once

every other week to discuss student progress and strategies for
improvement. These conversations are also a way for advisors to be
informed of issues outside of school affecting their advisees ability to meet
success in their academic and/or social goals. The advisor should also refer
to and discuss data describing academic growth and concept acquisition to
assist parents/guardians in being involved in their students education. The
advisor will act as the point of contact for any and all guardian questions or
concerns. When necessary, the advisor will be responsible for acting as an
advocate for guardians and their advisee when an issue is brought up with
school officials.
A brief summary of all guardian contacts will be recorded with date, mode of
contact, person of contact and description of discussion.

Affective Support: The advisor will build and maintain a relationship with
each advisee in order to better advocate for and support each students
individual learning plan. The advisor will schedule a time to meet
individually with each of their advisees at a minimum of once a week.
During this meeting, advisors will not only discuss academics, but also give
the student an opportunity to discuss any issues, personal or academic, they
may have.

Portfolio and Student-Led Conference Development: The advisor will

monitor and support the creation and maintenance of an electronic portfolio
that showcases student learning and growth. As part of this development,
advisors will facilitate discussions about the learner expectations and how
the students can demonstrate meeting these expectations. Students will
submit pieces of work to demonstrate learning and growth with respect to
specific learner expectations. These pieces of work together with a
thoughtful reflection will be artifacts included in advisee SLC presentations.
Student-led conferences should take place during the school first weeks of
November and April.
Blueprint Learner Expectations by Quint for
Quint 1: Collaborator
Quint 2: Problem Solver
Quint 3: Researcher and Information Processor
Quint 4: Empathetic Citizen
Quint 5: Pillar of Knowledge

Public Service Support: The advisor will encourage advisees to

participate in at least 3 hours of public service, to be served outside of the
school community, per semester. Advisors should assist in identifying
volunteer opportunities and, whenever possible, plan whole advisory

projects. All evidence for completed public service will be collected by the

Senior Advisee Support:

o Social Justice Project (SJP): The advisor will support juniors/seniors in
the development of an SJP topic, essential questions, action plan, and
final paper. Advisors will provide feedback and suggestions for
completion of project components on a regular basis. Wednesday
Centers will be designated for advisor-advisee discussions, but these
should be ongoing throughout the year. Tuesday Centers will be
designated for advisory group discussion of seniors projects. Seniors
will lead group discussions, creating a project focus group to assist in
project completion. Advisors will also support seniors in creating
opportunities for the entire advisory to become involved in the seniors
o College Acceptance Requirements: The advisor will check in with
their senior advisees regarding their college application and
acceptance process to ensure that they are meeting deadlines. This
includes applications, essays, recommendation letters, scholarships,
financial aid, etc. They should also support parents throughout this
process. Advisors will also work to create an environment conducive for
college preparedness throughout the grades while stressing the
importance of GPA, extracurricular activities, and other topics related
to college acceptance.

Upper School Daily Advisory Schedule

Advisories will meet during lunch periods. These periods are in the middle of the
day Monday Thursday and at the end of the school day on Fridays. These
meetings are integral to the advisory process and are designed to optimize
interaction time between advisor and advisees.
Seniors and juniors should work to create leadership roles in advisories daily. Such
leadership opportunities could include, but are not limited to: task leader for SJP
projects, leader of check ins, artifact monitor, lunch monitor for advisory and/or
making sure advisees attend meetings on time.
Each advisory period will be broken into three parts: Check-ins, Centers, and Final
Checks. These are described below:


The first 15 minutes of each advisory should be dedicated to a daily group

check-in. A check-in should be an informal whole-group discussion where each
advisee is encouraged to discuss their experiences of the school day. Alternative
seating arrangements, such as circles, would be preferential for these sharing

As an example, advisees may start their check-in with Today I learned or

My day has been
Advisories may also discuss any issue unique to their group during check-ins.
discussions may include planning a group volunteer service
project, assisting an advisee with an academic/social problem or an advisee
sharing an experience from outside of school.
When check-in discussions are slow, an advisor may also thread the discussion
around a topical news item of the day. Advisees should then be encouraged to
watch/read news media to promote the use of alternative information sources
and help facilitate the next days discussion.
As an example, an advisor may describe a daily news item and advisees could
start their check-in with I think that or I feel like
Check-ins should be considered one of the more important team building
activities for advisories. Advisors should be adamant about promptness and not
tolerate consistent tardiness. Advisees should not be allowed to leave the room
during this time.

Final Checks

The final 5 minutes of advisory should be dedicated to a final check. During a

final check, the advisor should make sure each advisee is prepared for success
for the next period, as well as, upcoming school day.
Advisors should:

Check agendas for daily recording of homework assignments

Check completed homework for next academic school day

Inspect uniforms (fill out uniform violation forms if necessary) and

when possible, make quick phone call/email home to ensure
compliance for the next school day

Share important announcements

Advisory Centers

Advisory centers are suggested activities for daily advisories to be completed

after check-ins and before final checks. With the understanding each advisory
structure will be unique and dynamic, the outlined schedule should generally be
followed. Advisors will use advisory centers to eliminate student perception of
advisories as free time or study hall. Advisory centers may also be used to
teach CORE, social justice and/or other timely lessons as directed.
Monday Center
Extended check-in for weekend review. (10 minutes)
Advisees will complete Goal Worksheet for upcoming week. Advisors will
review each worksheet to make sure goals are measurable, attainable and
meaningful. Advisees will share goals and their purposes with advisory.
Advisees will keep a collection of Goal Worksheet to assist in monitoring

growth during school year. Each weekly goal should be related to the one
described in a students Individual Learning Plan for the quint.
Advisees should also share progress of weekly goals during weekly check-ins.
Tuesday Center
Advisors will have individual advisor-advisee conversations to monitor and
discuss academic progress, social development and advisees commitment to
building a positive school culture. Meetings should last 5-10 minutes each.
Advisor should keep dated notes of general topics discussed during conversation
for future reference.
While advisors are conferencing, senior advisees should use this time to discuss
ideas, problems, and/or implement plans for their SJP with the whole of advisory.
When not participating, individual advisees will work to create artifacts for
student led conferences and/or complete tasks to meet success with weekly
Wednesday Center
Advisor will discuss the SJP individually with seniors to discuss changes or other
suggestions needed to complete tasks related to project. Seniors will complete a
mentor/goal update sheet based on outcomes of presentations/discussions.
When needed, advisory group will work with senior advisees. Seniors will
present weekly SJP progress, as well as, solicit volunteers/research assistance
needed to complete following upcoming tasks. These presentations should be
made to the whole advisory to promote advisory participation during the
completion of their project.
When not participating, individual advisees will work to create artifacts for
student led conferences and/or complete tasks to meet success with weekly
Thursday Center
If needed, senior advisees will present to whole advisory group similar to
Wednesday Center. (This is for advisories responsible for multiple senior projects)
Advisors will have individual advisor-advisee discussions to monitor and discuss
academic progress, social development and advisees commitment to building a
positive school culture. Meetings should last 5-10 minutes each. Advisor should
keep dated notes of general topics discussed during conversation for future
When not participating, individual advisees will work to create artifacts for
student led conferences and/or complete tasks to meet success with weekly
Friday Center
Extended check-in for group discussion of whether or not weekly goal(s) was met
by each advisee. During this time, individual advisees should also share with
advisory their progress on completing artifacts necessary for SLC. (15 minutes).
When identified by Advisory PLC, weekly activities will be implemented during
this time.

Advisors should also use this time to complete any advisor-advisee discussions
not held during the week.
Friday Advisory Lunch Date: It is suggested advisories use lunch period as a
lunch date where advisories eat lunch as a group.

A Weekly Advisory At A Glance


Check In

1. Extended Check In:

weekend check-up (10

(15 minutes)

Daily Check Out

(5 minutes)

2. Advisees will work to

complete Advisory Goal


Thursday Wednesday


Check In
(15 minutes)

1. Individual Advisee
2a. SJP seniors lead
discussion of project needs
and/or implements action plan

Daily Check Out

(5 minutes)

2b. Advisees work to

complete artifacts, portfolio,
1. SJP
Senior presents

Check In
(15 minutes)
Check In
(15 minutes)
Check In
(15 minutes)

progress to whole advisory

2a. Advisor meets with SJP
1. SJP Senior presents
progress to whole advisory (if
2a. Individual Advisee
1. Extended Check In: weekly
goals discussion (10 minutes)
2. Advisory participates in
suggested, Advisory Activity

Daily Check Out

(5 minutes)

Daily Check Out

(5 minutes)

Daily Check Out

(5 minutes)

Centers may be used to facilitate CORE, social justice and/or other timely
lessons as directed
Student-led conferences for the school year should take place during the
first school weeks of November and April

CPS Advisory Goal Worksheet

Advisee Name: ____________________________________

Goals for Week of: _____________________

Goal for this week:

Rationale for goal: (How does this relate to ILP?)


Was goal met? Explain.

(Provide evidence for completion of goal or provide reason goal was not

Advisee Initials: __________

Advisor Initials: _______

Advisor Parent/Guardian Contact Responsibilities

Advisors are expected to make bi-monthly contacts with parents/guardians of each

advisee. Each parent/guardian contact must be recorded with date and who was
contacted, along with a brief description of the communication. To assist in making
contacts an Advisory Information worksheet should be completed by each
advisee in the first week of school and updated as contact information changes.
While phone calls and talking to parent/guardians are the preferred method of
contacts for CPS advisors, it may not be the preferred method for a parent/guardian.
In this case, it is suggested one contact per month be verbal (phone call or face-toface), while the second may be via email and/or text. A contact via technology may
not be recorded as a contact unless the parent/guardian responds to message. The
dates of initial contact and response should be recorded.

A voicemail or did not respond may not meet requirements as a contact unless
three (3) distinct attempts were made during the contact time window. These
attempts should be on different days, at different times of day and recorded.
If particular families have contact requests different from advisory expectations, or
have proven difficult to contact, the advisor should communicate these with the
director of Advisory.
Advisors should make a home visit at least once a semester for one of the recorded

2015-15 School Year Contact Report Dates

All contacts must be recorded for director of Advisory to review for the following
September 3

September 17

October 1

October 29

November 12

November 25

December 22
February 25
April 21

January 14
March 10
May 5

October 15

January 28
March 24

February 11

April 7

May 19

*Student-led conferences will be used for November 12 and April 7 contact reports.
A completed and signed Student Led Conference Notesheet will be used as
proof of contact.

Advisory Information 2015-16

Advisee Name: _________________________________________________
Advisee Cell phone: _____________________
Address: ___________________________________


City: ________

Parent/Guardian 1
Parent/Guardian Name: _________________________________Relationship:
Cell phone: _________________________Home phone:
Parent/Guardian 2
Parent/Guardian Name: ____________________________


Cell phone: _______________________ Home phone:

Period 1 Class: ________________________Teacher:
Period 2 Class: ________________________Teacher:
Period 3 Class: ________________________Teacher:
Period 4 Class: ________________________Teacher:
Period 5 Class: ________________________Teacher:
Period 6 Class: ________________________Teacher:
Proposed Sports:
Advisory Handbook Addendum:


Upper School Artifacts, Portfolios and Student Led Conferences

Description of Artifacts
A students portfolio is created, in part, when they start to store and organize
artifacts in a collection, electronic or otherwise, demonstrating their growth
academically, socially and/or emotionally throughout a school year. Content of a
students portfolio will act as the primary reference for student led conferences.
An artifact consists of two distinct pieces:
1. A sample piece of assessed work, or other proof of participation in a task
illustrating a students skills or accomplishments, such as a photograph, video
These samples should act as evidence of learning specific content standards,
demonstrate student growth as a life-long learner as defined by the Capital
Preparatory Magnet School Learner Expectations, and necessarily inspire rich
and thoughtful reflection.
2. The students reflection upon their growth during the task evidenced by the
Students should complete an Artifact Reflection Sheet for each sample.

CPS Middle School Artifact Reflection Form


Student Name: _________________________________

Date Completed: ________

Activity Name: ________________________________


Content Standard(s) Assessed During Task:

Check the following Learner Expectations participated in during this lesson.

Problem Solver
Researcher and Information Processer
Empathetic Citizens
Pillar of Knowledge

1. What was I supposed to do? Explain the activity:

2. What did I do well?

3. How did I use the Learner Expectation(s) during this activity?

4. What other comments would I like to make about this activity?


Advisor Signature : _________________________________

Date: ________________

CPS High School Artifact Reflection Form

Student Name: __________________________________________
Activity Name: _________________________________________
Date Completed: _______________


Standard Assessed During Task: __________________________________________

Check the following Learner Expectations participated in during this lesson.

Problem Solver
Researcher and Information Processer
Empathetic Citizen
Pillar of Knowledge

1. What was I supposed to do? Explain the activity:

2. What was my personal goal for this activity?


3. What did I do well?

4. What could I improve upon if I did a similar activity in the future?

5. What sort of help do I require to be successful in this Standard for future


6. How did I use the Learner Expectation(s) during this activity?

7. What other comments would I like to make about this activity?

Advisor Signature : _________________________________

Date: _________________


Student Led Conferences and Portfolios

As part of our mission to develop students into independent, reflective learners,
student portfolios and student led conferences are an integral part of the advisory
system. The collection and organization of artifacts into a portfolio provide the
evidence for student led presentations on learning and growth in two conferences
throughout the year. These meta-cognitive experiences prepare students for the
successful completion have the Capital Prep Social Justice Project, college-level
work, and 21st century careers.
Students must work to meet certain checkpoints and deadlines throughout the
year with the guidance and supervision of their advisors (see attached rubrics).
Failure to meet expectations on any category in the rubric will result in required
interventions. There will be two rounds of conferences. Advisors will make the
arrangements with families and will use the handbook sent via email as a guide
for preparation, facilitation and reflection.
A Brief Guide to Portfolios and SLC Expectations:
1. Portfolio Rubric #1 due to advisor at the end of Quint 1
2. SLC Student Generated Handout must be created before advisor schedules SLC
3. Student Led Conferences with parent(s) and advisor; Student Led Conference Rubric #1 and
Student Led Conference Note sheet to be completed at conference
4. Portfolio Rubric #2 due to advisor at the end of Quint 3
5. SLC Student Generated Handout must be created before advisor schedules SLC
6. Student Led Conferences with parent(s) and advisor; Student Led Conference Rubric #2 and
Student Led Conference Note sheet to be completed at conference


Reminder: Student-led conferences for the school year should take place
during the first school weeks of November and April.

An Advisors Role in Student Led Conferences

1. Facilitator. Advisors should help students when they are trying to make
points, but only provide information that has been discussed between the
advisee and advisor.
All questions should be directed to and answered by the student. However,
the advisor may be the only person able to answer a question from time to
time. In those cases, please answer and then redirect the focus of the
parent onto the meeting with their child. Inform the parents there will be
time at the end to speak with you if necessary once their child is done.
2. Recorder. Advisors should keep bulleted notes and record important
information from the meeting on the attached note taking sheet in the
appropriate area. Summarize academic and Learner Expectation progress in
the appropriate box.
Record questions that come up off to the side and go over them at the end
of the conference. Record the goals in the appropriate box. Write any plan
for change or suggestions that are made in the Resolutions/Action Plan box
to note expectations of student, parent and school. (ie. advisor will sign
agenda each day, student will stay after school on Mondays, parent will call
advisor Wednesday mornings to do conference call with student and advisor)
At the end of the conference, review the notes with the student and parent,
write any other suggestions or comments that come up onto the sheet at the
bottom. All parties sign. Make a copy for the parents, student and Advisory
PLC and give to each party.


3. Scheduler. Some parents will want to meet with academic teachers to

discuss concerns or get recommendations for improvement. If you know that
teachers are available (plan period) then you may set that up. Otherwise,
please take the contact information from the parent and send an email to
your colleague stating the request and providing the contact information. Be
sure to cc the parent on the request so they can see that you have followed
up with their request.

CPS Student Led Conference Notesheet

Student name:


Academic progress:

Learner Expectation progress:

Academic goals:

Resolutions/Action Plan:

Learner Expectation goals:


Additional comments added on back of page

Parent: _____________________________________
Student:____________________________________ Advisor: ________________________________


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