01 e Flyer Bacfree 1.0
01 e Flyer Bacfree 1.0
01 e Flyer Bacfree 1.0
Antimicrobial Coating systems
BacFree is a coating system based on
Nanotechnolgy developed by Nanocraf . It
is acting antimicrobial and eliminates
99,99% of bacteria and viruses on all
kinds of solid surfaces. The product was
tesetd by Fraunhofer Institute for process
and fullfills the japanese Norm DIN JIZ
Sabri Akari Dr. rer. nat.
NanoCraft Coating GmbH
Innovationcenter Engen, Turmstrasse 4, 78234 Engen, Germany
Tel. +49 7733 948445, Fax +49 3222 3211542
e-mail: coatings@nanocraft.de, web: www.nanocraft.de
e-mail: coatings@nanocraft.de - web: www.nanocraft.de