Update Bl7101 en
Update Bl7101 en
Update Bl7101 en
The update operation involves the risk that if updating one of these files fails, e.g. due to a power cut, it
may no longer be possible to boot your router, i.e. it is damaged. You would then have to send your router
in to your vendor.
If the update procedure is interrupted, e.g. due to a power cut or switching off the router, it may no longer
be possible to reboot the router.
The update procedure must not be interrupted.
Now press Space within four seconds to enter BOOTmonitor mode (please note that all values shown
here are examples only).
X8500 Bootmonitor V.6.1 Rev. 1 (Patch 2) from 2001/10/10 00:00:00
Copyright (c) 1999-2001 by BinTec Communications AG
(1) Boot System
(2) Software Update via TFTP
(3) Software Update via XMODEM
To update the router choose 2 again and confirm with Return. Again you must enter the IP address of
your router, the IP address of the TFTP server and the file name of the file to be updated, in this case the
BLUP bl615.x8a, and confirm every entry with Return.
The menu (6) Show system information is only displayed when the BOOTmonitor has version 5.1.5 or
It enables you to display some useful information about X4000, e.g. serial number, MAC address, current
software, and so on.
Your choice> 2
Enter local IP address []:
Enter IP address of TFTP server []:
Enter file name of image [b6105.x8a]: bl615.x8a
Are your entries correct (y or n) ?
Reexamine your settings. If they are correct, confirm with y and the Return key.
Confirm with y to update all necassary files and to save the files to flash.
*** Don't power-off your router while the update takes place ***
Updating Logic
New logic has release 1.3.
Erasing Flash-ROM .. OK
Writing Flash-ROM .. OK
Verify Flash-ROM .. OK
Updating Bootmon
New bootmonitor has release 6.1.11.
Erasing Flash-ROM .. OK
Writing Flash-ROM .. OK
Verify Flash-ROM .. OK
Updating x8e-2bc.x8a
skipped, already in flash
Updating x8e-2bc-v2.x8a
skipped, already in flash
Updating x8e-4pri.x8a
Perform Flash-ROM update
Update Flash-ROM .. OK
Verify Flash-ROM .. OK
File update successfully finished
Updating x8e-sync.x8a
Perform Flash-ROM update at 0xffe20000 len 167108
Update Flash-ROM ... OK
Verify Flash-ROM ... OK
File update successfully finished
### X8500 (Hardware-Rev. 1.3, Firmware-Rev. 1.3) ###
FPGA Load ... passed (Rev. 0.28)
CPU Check ... passed (MPC 603ev @ 262/75.0 MHz)
SDRAM Check .................................. passed (64 MByte)
FLASH Check .. passed (2 MByte)
MAC-1 Check ... passed
MAC-2 Check ... passed
ISDN Check ... passed
### Selftest passed ###
Press <sp> for boot monitor or any other key to boot system
70 routed background
70 radiusd background
70 pppd background
70 tafd background
80 bridged background
90 timed background
97 ipalived background
98 statusd background
99 bootpd background
BOOTP: IP address already set
99 traced background
99 dnsd background
99 isdnlogind background
99 dhkeyd background
99 vcapid background