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New System Software Release 4.2.1

The new BIANCA/BRICK-XS system software release
4.2 revision 1 contains several new features and fixes a
number of bugs from the previous release 4.1 revision 8.
Performing the Update is explained on Page 2.
Once Software Release 4.2.1 is installed, you will find:
New Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 2
MIB Changes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 3
Bug Fixes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 4
Known Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 5
When upgrading your BRICK-XS, it is recommended
that you also use the most recent version of BRICKware
for Windows and UNIXTools. Both can be retrieved from
BinTecs FTP server at http://www.bintec.de


Performing the Update

You can upgrade to software version 4.2 using the update
command from the SNMP shell via a remote host (i.e. using telnet, minipad, or isdnlogin) or by using the BOOTmonitor if you are logged in directly on the console.
Information on using the BOOTmonitor can be found
in Chaper 2 of your Users Guide under Firmware Upgrades.
Using 4.1.8 Configurations

You can continue to use your existing configuration files

with the new software version. However, configuration
information stored in biboAdmLogHostTable may be lost
when loading 4.1.8 configuration files directly from flash.
To ensure this information is retained, you may decide to save the biboAdmLogHostTable to a remote host
via TFTP and reload it after version 4.2.1 has booted.

New Features
New Syslog Mechanism
The BRICKs syslog mechanism has been simplified.
When sending syslog messages to remote hosts, the
BRICK now sends messages from its different subsystems using one facility.
New Debugging Tool
A new debug command is now available from the SNMP
shell. Debug can be used from a telnet session, console or
ISDN login shell to selectively display system messages
originating from the BRICKs various subsystems.


Access with X.25

The BRICK-XS will now receive X.25 calls even if no X.25
license is present.
This means you can now access a new BRICK-XS using X.25over all possible media, i.e. using X.31 on a D
channel, or via Ethernetfor remote installation of an
X.25 license and subsequent configuration.
Future Software Upgrades
With future software upgrades (beginning with versions
greater than 4.2) it will be possible to load older configurations files directly from flash ROM. Until now system
tables that had changed could not always be properly
loaded directly from flash ROM with newer software releases.

MIB Changes
Changed System Tables
Several changes have been made to the BRICKs MIB
(management information base):
The biboAdmSyslogFacility object has been removed
and biboAdmSyslogSubject has been added to the
SyslogTable. biboAdmSyslogMessage has a new OID.
The biboAdmLogHostFacilities object has changed to
biboAdmLogHostFacility, and has a new OID. A new
object, biboAdmLogHostType, has been added.
The biboAdmConfigCmd object can now be assigned
the value reorg to force a reorganization (i.e. delete entries marked for deletion) of flash ROM. Note


that flash is automatically reorganized once flash

becomes full.
New System Tables
New system tables appearing in version 4.2.1 include:
The x25MprTable has been added for future support of MPR (multiprotocol routing) over X.25.

Bug Fixes
CAPI now supports selecting of analog modem
(V.22bis) as B1 protocol, as described in the CAPI
addendum Modem and Faxpolling over ISDN.
Incoming Calls with no associated B-channel are
now signalled to the CAPI application with B-channel parameter 2 (use neither B- or D-channel).
Using this mechanism, the application can detect
CALL AWAITING situations.
The objects isdnChReceivedOctets and isdnCallReceivedOctets did not indicate the correct number of
bytes in previous releases. The values were always
low and are now correctly indicate the total number
of received bytes including the start flag and CRC.
The objects isdnChTransmitOctets and isdnCallTransmitOctets now also indicate the number of transmitted bytes (including start flag and CRC) correctly.


Configuration changes made by BOOTP sometimes
did not have any effect. They now work correctly.
During automatic reorganization of flash ROM,
sometimes configuration files were inadvertently
deleted. The BRICK-XS now automatically reorganizes flash ROM properly.

Known Problems
BRICKware and Windows NT
If you want to install BRICKware for Windows on a computer running Windows NT using the NTFS file system
please note that the NTFS file system is case sensitive.
When browsing for the installation directory at the
start of the installation procedure, the dialog box will
convert all pathnames to lowercase letters.
This causes the installation to fail.
You can avoid this problem by entering the desired pathname by hand, instead of selecting it with a mouseclick.
IP Broadcasting and PCNFS
In DIME Tools Options menu under IP Broadcasting, either global or local broadcasting can be selected. Please
note that when using PC-NFS, only local broadcasting
may be used.
For detailed information, see the online help in DIME


PC/TCP and Windows 95

If problems occur when using PC/TCP with Windows
95 and DIME Tools check to see if a Winsock.dll is located in your Windows (normally C:\windows) directory.
If a different winsock.dll (not winsock.dll installed by
PC/TCP) is located there, try moving that file to your
Sysbckup directory (normally C:\Windows\Sysbckup).

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