Weapons Locker
Weapons Locker
Weapons Locker
Keith PotterKeith
Keith Potter
EditorPot- KeDesign
Managing Editors
Katsuyo Nagasawa Keith PotterKeith
Kim Mohan Potter
and Charles Ryan Christopher Perkins
Art Director Man-
Cover Artist KeDesign
Graphic Design Man-
Robert Raper
Keith Pot-
Joe Wight Robert Raper
Interior Artists
Keith PotterKeith
Eric Chatterjee, Potter
N. David Martin, Keith Potter, Richard Stewart, Joe Wight
Production Manager
Keith PotterKeith
Joshua CJ Fischer
This d20 System™ game product uses mechanics developed for the new DUNGEONS & DRAGONS® game by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Richard
Baker, and Peter Adkison, and the d20 Modern™ Roleplaying Game by Bill Slavicsek, Jeff Grubb, Rich Redman, and Charles Ryan.
This Wizards of the Coast® game product contains the following Open Game Content: the sections titled Suppressors, Silencers, Bipods, Reliability, and Alterna-
tive Ammunition presented in the Introduction; all of the sections with the d20 Modern Rules heading; and all weapon game statistics. No other material is Open
Game Content. No portion of this work other than the material designated as Open Game Content may be reproduced in any form without written permission.
To learn more about the Open Gaming License and the d20 System License, please visit www.wizards.com/d20.
Introduction....................................................... 4
Chapter by Chapter ....................................... 4
Carbines........................................................ 5
Guns in the Campaign .................................. 5
Controlling Access.................................... 5
How Guns Work ............................................. 6
Cartridges .................................................... 6
Magazines.................................................... 6
The Firing Cycle ..........................................7
Ballistic Investigation.....................................7
d20 Modern Rules.......................................... 8
Suppressors................................................. 8
Silent Weapons.......................................... 8
Bipods ........................................................... 8
Reliability..................................................... 8
Alternative Ammunition ........................ 9
Game Rules and Color Text........................ 9
Chapter One: Pistols ....................................... 10
d20 Modern Rules..........................................11
Pistol Descriptions.........................................11
Chapter Two: Rifles........................................54
d20 Modern Rules........................................ 55
Rifle Descriptions.........................................56
Chapter Three: Sniper Rifles.......................84
d20 Modern Rules........................................85
Sniper Rifle Descriptions ...........................86
Chapter Four: Antimateriel Rifles..............108
d20 Modern Rules......................................109
Antimateriel Rifle Descriptions.............109
Chapter Five: Submachine Guns..................116
d20 Modern Rules........................................117
Submachine Gun Descriptions................117
Chapter Six: Shotguns..................................140
d20 Modern Rules....................................... 141
Shotgun Descriptions ................................142
Chapter Seven: Machine Guns....................158
d20 Modern Rules.......................................159
Machine Gun Descriptions .....................160
Chapter Eight: Grenade Launchers...........174
d20 Modern Rules.......................................175
d20 MODERN, DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, d20 System, WIZARDS OF THE COAST, d20 Modern Weapons Locker, and their respective logos are trademarks
Grenade Launcher Descriptions ............175
of Wizards of the Coast, Inc., in the U.S.A. and other countries. All Wizards characters, character names, and the distinctive likenesses thereof are
based on real-world weapons and information, the information in this product is intended strictly for use as a resource for fictional roleplaying games. It
Other Folks................................................... 184
is not meant to instruct the reader on the use of actual weapons.
This book contains descriptions, illustrations, and statistics for more than five
hundred modern-day firearms. The entries are designed to provide players
and Gamemasters with the details they need to bring weapons to life in their
d20 Modern Roleplaying Game campaigns. Each weapon’s entry describes
its development and history, some basics of its operation, its reputation and
use, and any quirks or special features it might have. In addition, each entry
discusses variant models that have been developed and identifies some of
the more important users of the weapon. The statis-
tics cover both the weapon itself and its variants.
This book focuses on military and tactical weapons. Coverage
in this area is as comprehensive as possible. It includes all major
types in service today, as well as a few cutting-edge designs
that are just emerging, and some of the more notable failed
concepts from years past. Due to space limitations, other types
(such as sporting weapons) receive more limited coverage and
are represented by only a few models.
The weapons are classified into eight catego-
ries, separated by chapter:
Chapter One: Pistols includes both autoload-
ers and revolvers. All pistols are compact, easily
portable weapons. They are useful for a broad range of
applications, including target shooting, hunting, personal
protection, and police or military service. Pistols are
small, which makes them the easiest firearms to conceal;
however, they lack the hitting power of rifles or shot-
guns and, as such, are of limited military use, generally
being reserved for officers.
Chapter Two: Rifles covers long-barreled, high-pow-
ered weapons too large to fire effectively using one hand.
This chapter deals primarily with assault rifles, which
are the most popular military weapons in use today.
They are favored for their long-range performance
and flexibility.
Chapter Three: Sniper Rifles includes those weapons de-
signed specifically for precision shooting. These include both
derivatives of military assault rifles and custom-built designs.
This chapter also includes some precision-target and hunting
rifles intended for civilian use.
Chapter Four: Antimateriel Rifles describes rifles that are
among the largest of the conventional firearms. They fire massive
modating all the different approaches. This balancing act is what
Carbines running a roleplaying game is all about.
A carbine is another type of weapon that falls somewhere between If, in the end, you decide to run a game with an emphasis on
a pistol and a rifle. Traditionally, the term refers to a compact guns, this book will be an invaluable resource. You can look up
weapon firing pistol-caliber ammunition with a shoulder stock to information on a broad cross section of weapons from around the
improve aiming. In this respect, a carbine is much like a submachine world, including virtually every major design in use today. You can
gun, except without the capability of firing in automatic mode. draw upon the background information provided to incorporate a
Many manufacturers make semiautomatic-only versions of their great deal of detail into the game. Your players can select the exact
submachine gun designs for the civilian or law enforcement market; models and calibers they want and figure out what combination of
these weapons are called carbines. weapons with which to equip themselves.
More recently, however, the term has come to have another But what if you’re running a game in which guns will be less
meaning, which can cause some confusion. Compact versions of important? This book still has much to offer. When guns do ap-
assault rifles have become popular in recent years. These guns pear, you can use the information in Appendix I to figure out which
fire the same ammunition as their larger cousins, but they feature firearms to use. In this manner, you can make sure the weapons
cut-down barrels and stocks to improve portability and handiness, encountered in your game are appropriate and realistic for the types
especially at close quarters. These weapons have also been termed of characters using them.
carbines or assault carbines.
For this reason, carbines are not grouped in a separate chapter.
Those that are derived from submachine guns and fire pistol am- Controlling Access
munition are described in Chapter Five. Those that are derived from It’s easy to run a game in which the characters have ready access to
rifles and fire full-power rifle ammunition are described in Chapter any weapon in this book. Let players look through the book and pick
Two. The text indicates when a carbine version of a weapon has the weapons they want. In some campaigns, such as one in which
been developed. the characters are members of a special counterterrorist squad, it’s
easy to see why they have machine guns and grenade launchers.
Even when the setting doesn’t make it so obvious, you will generally
another shot and repeat the cycle, until the magazine is emptied
Rules for analyzing crime scenes and collecting evidence are given
and the weapon must be reloaded. On automatic designs, the action
under the Investigate skill description (see page 65 of the d20
will continue to cycle and fire as long as the trigger is held down
Modern Roleplaying Game).
or until the weapon runs out of ammunition. Select-fire weapons
Ballistics: Where bullets hit walls, they make holes. Ballistics
are those capable of firing in either semiautomatic or automatic
ex≠perts can measure these holes and use them to trace the bullet’s
mode, as desired.
flight back to where the shooter was standing when firing. They can
also determine roughly how far away the shooter was based on how
Marksmanship far the bullet is driven into the material of the wall.
Bullets: As a bullet travels down the barrel of a gun, the rifling of
Traditionally, there has been a lot of emphasis on marksmanship
the barrel causes the bullet to spin. This leaves marks on the bullet
(the skill of hitting a target) in firearms training. Various elements are
itself. Due to manufacturing variations, these markings are different
involved in good marksmanship. Many of these stem from ballistics,
for every individual gun, much like fingerprints are for people.
which is the study of bullets in flight. Ballistics itself includes several
Because of this, if the investigators have both a bullet and the
different factors, all of which can affect the success of a shot.
gun that fired it, they can match the two through testing. An analyst
One of the most important ballistic factors is gravity, which pulls
fires the gun in the lab and recovers the bullet. That bullet is then
a speeding bullet down toward the earth. The shooter must adjust
compared to the one found at the crime scene using a powerful mi-
the elevation of the weapon to counteract this pull. Another vital
croscope. If the rifling marks are the same, then there is a match.
factor is wind. A crosswind (wind blowing from the side) can drive
A number of tactics can circumvent this testing. First, the user
a bullet off target, especially at range. A skilled shooter reads the
can remove the weapon’s barrel and replace it with a new one. The
wind, estimates its effect on the bullet, and aims to one side of the
new barrel will leave different rifling marks, thus preventing a match.
intended target to account for that effect. This aiming to the side
This technique is also useless with bullets that break up on impact
is called windage.
(such as Glaser ammunition) or with shot pellets. These types of
When shooting a moving target, the time that a bullet spends in
ammunition don’t leave behind a bullet that can be tested.
flight must be taken into account. This is especially true for long-
Even if investigators don’t have a weapon to match to a re-
range shooting or firing against speeding targets such as vehicles
covered bullet, the can still identify the caliber of the weapon.
firing unreliable ammunition is unreliable. This cause of unreliability bonus on attack rolls, but only when the weapon is fired on autofire
occurs only when the weapon is used with unreliable ammunition. and 10 bullets are used in the attack. For instance, this bonus applies
if you make a standard autofire attack. If you use the Burst Fire feat,
you gain the bonus only if you choose to fire 10 bullets instead of
Alternative Ammunition the 5 normally required by the Burst Fire feat (firing these additional
The damage ranges given for weapons in this book reflect standard bullets does not otherwise affect your attack or damage rolls).
ball ammunition. Using alternative types of ammunition usually Tracer ammunition has a purchase DC of 2 + the purchase DC of
changes the amount of damage a weapon deals. standard ammunition of similar caliber.
are standard, including both a manual safety catch and a decocking Rate of Fire: S Restriction: Lic (+1)
lever. The double-stacked magazine is able to hold 12 rounds, an
impressive quantity for so small a frame.
Variants: The Model 9000S is produced in both the 9mm Browning Hi-Power
Parabellum and .40 Smith & Wesson (S&W) calibers. Belgian 9mm Single-Action Autoloader Pistol
d20 Modern Rules: This weapon grants a +2 circumstance bonus The Hi-Power was one of the
on Sleight of Hand checks made to conceal the weapon. last designs by the legendary
John Browning and did not
Damage: 2d6 Magazine: 12 box enter production until 1935,
Critical: 20 Size: Small several years after Browning’s
Damage Type: Ballistic Weight: 2 lb. death. The design was perfected
Range Increment: 30 ft. Purchase DC: 15 and produced in Belgium by the
Rate of Fire: S Restriction: Lic (+1) company known as FN Herstal,
CZ 85
CZ 75 Czech 9mm Double-Action Autoloader Pistol
Czech 9mm Double-Action Autoloader Pistol The CZ 85 is an improved ver-
This pistol was designed and sion of the popular CZ 75. It is
Glock 25 (.380 autoloader) 1 2d4 20 Ballistic 30 ft. S 15 box Small 2 lb. 18 Lic (+1)
Glock 26 (9mm autoloader) 2d6 20 Ballistic 20 ft. S 10 box Tiny 2 lb. 18 Lic (+1)
Glock 27 (.40 S&W autoloader) 2d6 20 Ballistic 20 ft. S 9 box Tiny 2 lb. 18 Lic (+1)
Glock 28 (.380 autoloader) 2d4 20 Ballistic 20 ft. S 10 box Tiny 2 lb. 18 Lic (+1)
Glock 29 (10mm autoloader) 2d6 20 Ballistic 20 ft. S 10 box Tiny 2 lb. 18 Lic (+1)
Glock 30 (.45 autoloader) 2d6 20 Ballistic 20 ft. S 9 box Tiny 2 lb. 18 Lic (+1)
Glock 31 (.357 SIG autoloader) 1 2d6 20 Ballistic 30 ft. S 15 box Small 2 lb. 18 Lic (+1)
Glock 32 (.357 SIG autoloader) 1 2d6 20 Ballistic 20 ft. S 9 box Tiny 2 lb. 18 Lic (+1)
Glock 33 (.357 SIG autoloader) 1 2d6 20 Ballistic 40 ft. S 13 box Med. 2 lb. 18 Lic (+1)
Glock 34 (9mm autoloader)1 2d6 20 Ballistic 50 ft. S 17 box Med. 2 lb. 19 Lic (+1)
Glock 35 (.40 S&W autoloader)1 2d6 20 Ballistic 50 ft. S 15 box Med. 2 lb. 18 Lic (+1)
Glock 36 (.45 autoloader) 2d6 20 Ballistic 20 ft. S 6 box Tiny 2 lb. 18 Lic (+1)
1 This mastercraft weapon grants a +1 bonus on attack rolls.
in firearms design, unlikely to go into widespread production or use. Rate of Fire: S Restriction: Lic (+1)
Variants: There is also a compact version for concealed carry
use, designated the MR-445S.
d20 Modern Rules: The MR-445S Compact grants a +2 circumstance Norinco Type 67 Silent Pistol
bonus on Sleight of Hand checks made to conceal the weapon. Chinese 7.62×17mm Double-Action Silenced Autoloader
The Type 67 is a Chinese design
MR-445 Varyag (.40 S&W Autoloader) incorporating an integral silencer.
Damage: 2d6 Magazine: 15 box
It is intended for use by Special
Critical: 20 Size: Small
Forces units to quietly eliminate
Damage Type: Ballistic Weight: 2 lb.
sentries and guard dogs. It
Range Increment: 30 ft. Purchase DC: 16
ordinarily operates as a double-
Rate of Fire: S Restriction: Lic (+1)
action autoloader pistol. When
the projectile and seals the mouth of the cartridge case. This traps all company J. P. Sauer & Son. It was
the propellant gases inside, together with all the noise, flash, and smoke a highly innovative design and
associated with firing the pistol. The result is a truly silent shot. proved to be both influential and
Because the S4M is a break-open derringer, the spent shell case is not extremely popular.
ejected, and thus does not need to be picked up—a good thing, consid- The P220 was one of the earliest autoloaders to be equipped
ering the exotic nature of the piston-sealed silent cartridge case. with a decocking lever to allow it to be carried, loaded and
There is another fiendishly cunning aspect to the S4M’s design. Its ready for immediate use, in relative safety. There is no safety
bullet is identical to the 7.62mm projectile fired by the AK assault catch to activate—the shooter need only bring it up on target
rifle. Furthermore, the rifling in the S4M’s barrel exactly matches that and pull the double-action trigger, which both cocks and fires
of the AK. When the bullet is recovered from a victim’s body, forensic the weapon. The firing mechanism is derived from the Browning
and ballistic testing will reveal that the killer used a Kalashnikov rifle, action, with a cam-actuated locking barrel. The barrel-locking
probably at long range due to the low impact velocity—a very differ- lug fits into the shell ejection port in the slide, sealing it to keep
ent conclusion than the true nature of the attack. An assassin using foreign objects out.
Damage: 2d4
Critical: 20
Magazine: 7 box
Size: Small
SITES M9 Resolver
Italian 9mm Double-Action-Only Autoloader Pistol
Damage Type: Ballistic Weight: 1 lb.
From the outset, the Resolver
Range Increment: 30 ft. Purchase DC: 16
from SITES was designed to be
Rate of Fire: S Restriction: Lic (+1)
carried for extended periods
as a concealed firearm. Careful
sSIG-Sauer P245 consideration has gone into the
placement of controls and sights
Swiss .45 ACP Double-Action Autoloader Pistol
so as not to interfere with this role.
The P245, a model intended for
The Resolver is lightweight and,
the U.S. police market, brings
more importantly, very slim—just
the .45 ACP cartridge to the
18mm wide. It can easily be con-
SIG autoloader line. The P245 is
cealed on one’s person and carried for long hours without discomfort.
a compact design with a short,
The action uses a tipping barrel block to lock the breech during firing.
cartridges has made it popular with hunters, who want to hunt large The status of these two revolvers is something of a mystery as
or dangerous game with a handgun. well. It is not known whether they are competitors for the same
d20 Modern Rules: Converting this weapon from its existing government contract, parallel programs, or complementary sys-
caliber to any of the other available calibers requires a conversion kit tems. Both have been offered for export sales.
(purchase DC 10), 1 minute, and a successful Repair check (DC 10). The Udar 1, similar to the OTs-1, was developed for the Russian
Ministry of Internal Affairs (MVD). It is conventional in arrange-
ment and operation, with an exposed hammer and solid frame.
Thompson Center Contender (.22 Target Pistol) It is produced in three variants: Standard, Service (the Udar-S),
Damage: 2d4 Magazine: 1 int
and Training (the Udar-T); the latter only fires nonlethal paint and
Critical: 20 Size: Medium
rubber projectiles.
Damage Type: Ballistic Weight: 3 lb.
The Udar 2, similar to the R-92, is intended for use in a shoulder
Range Increment: 40 ft. Purchase DC: 17
holder or other concealed firearm rig. It has an enclosed action with
Rate of Fire: Single Restriction: Lic (+1)
no external hammer and the distinctive rakish shape of the R-92.
52 Damage: 2d6
Critical: 20
Magazine: 15 box
Size: Small
incorporate this now-popular feature). Another innovation was the
design of the safety catch, which lowered the hammer to prevent
Damage Type: Ballistic Weight: 2 lb. accidental firing even with the chamber loaded. This is what makes
Range Increment: 30 ft. Purchase DC: 19 the PP particularly suitable for police personnel.
Rate of Fire: S Restriction: Lic (+1) Variants: The PP has been produced in a number of different
calibers over the years, including .380 ACP and .22.
Who Uses It: The PP has been produced in huge numbers, both
Walther P99 in Germany by Walther and around the world as licensed and unli-
German 9mm Double-Action Autoloader Pistol censed copies. It served police (in Germany and elsewhere) for years,
The P99 is the latest autoloader including during World War II. Today, though, more modern types of
pistol design from Walther. It pistols have replaced the PP. The PP remains in production in a num-
is a thoroughly modern design ber of countries, including Russia, South Korea, and Turkey.
that is constructed of advanced d20 Modern Rules: This weapon grants a +2 circumstance bonus
composite materials and dem- on Sleight of Hand checks made to conceal the weapon.
onstrates careful ergonomic
engineering throughout. All Damage: 2d4 Magazine: 8 box
controls are ambidextrous. Critical: 20 Size: Small
Installing different plastic Damage Type: Ballistic Weight: 1 lb.
backstraps, the user can alter Range Increment: 30 ft. Purchase DC: 17
the shape of the grip, allowing him or her to select the most Rate of Fire: S Restriction: Lic (+1)
comfortable hold.
As on the earlier P88, multiple independent safety mechanisms
eliminate the risk of accidental discharge. A loaded safety indicator Walther PPK
is also fitted. Field stripping can be done without tools, facilitating German .32 ACP Double-Action Autoloader Pistol
maintenance. The frame below the slide is grooved to allow acces- The PPK is a compact deriva-
sory mounts, such as laser sights or illuminators. tive of the popular PP service
Variants: The P99 is available in both 9mm Parabellum and .40 autoloader (see above). While
S&W (their statistics are identical). The P22, a .22 caliber target retaining the innovative features
version, is produced for sport shooting and features an extended that distinguished the PP from
weighted slide with a ported muzzle brake. Though it looks just like its contemporaries, the PPK’s
the P99, the P22 is much smaller, approximately two-thirds the size shortened barrel and grip make
of the P99 itself. it particularly suitable as a con-
d20 Modern Rules: The P22 grants a +2 circumstance bonus on cealed firearm for plainclothes or
Sleight of Hand checks made to conceal the weapon. undercover officers.
Variants: The PPK is also produced in a number of other calibers,
including .380 ACP and .22.
Walther P22 (.22 Autoloader) Who Uses It: The PPK has seen widespread police use since its
Damage: 2d4 Magazine: 10 box
introduction. As with the PP, it is now no longer in front-line service,
Critical: 20 Size: Small
but it is still being produced.
Damage Type: Ballistic Weight: 2 lb.
Range Increment: 30 ft. Purchase DC: 16
Damage: 2d4 Magazine: 7 box
Rate of Fire: S Restriction: Lic (+1)
Critical: 20 Size: Small
Damage Type: Ballistic Weight: 1 lb.
Range Increment: 30 ft. Purchase DC: 15
Rate of Fire: S Restriction: Lic (+1)
Russian 5.45mm Assault Rifle
AMD-65 The AR-18 was developed to serve the needs of poorer countries that
wanted to adopt a modern 5.56mm assault rifle but that lacked the
Hungarian 7.62mm Assault Rifle
expensive industrial facilities necessary to produce the more complex
M16 series. Most of its mechanism is made up of inexpensive steel
stampings to keep costs down. Despite its similarity in appearance, it
is a much simpler design than the M16, using a gas-piston action. The
AR-18 is an affordable, reliable, and practical weapon. Unfortunately,
the major powers had already selected other designs, and no smaller
nation wanted a weapon that “wasn’t good enough” for its larger
cousins. Consequently, it failed to win any military orders. It was
The AMD-65 is a Hungarian-produced variant of the Soviet AKM
produced in small numbers in Holland, Japan, and the U.K., primarily
Kalashnikov. It has been optimized for use by mechanized troops
in semiautomatic sporting versions for civilian use.
who must ride into battle aboard cramped armored troop carriers.
The barrel is shorter and is fitted with a prominent flash-hider to
Damage: 2d8 Magazine: 30 box
compensate for the increased recoil this creates. The weapon also
Critical: 20 Size: Large
has a folding stock.
Damage Type: Ballistic Weight: 7 lb.
Variants: There is a modified version designed for use with rifle
Range Increment: 80 ft. Purchase DC: 18
grenades; it features a longer barrel and special sights.
Rate of Fire: S, A Restriction: Res (+2)
Who Uses It: The AMD-65 is the standard service rifle of
to manufacture. Its muzzle has a built-in launcher for rifle grenades Italian 7.62mm NATO Automatic Rifle
and a special flip-up sight is fitted for use in this manner. A light-
weight bipod can be attached as required.
Variants: There is a folding-stock version called the SC70. There
is also a compact carbine called the SC70 Short, with a reduced-
length barrel and a shorter range increment (70 ft.).
Who Uses It: The AR70 was never widely adopted by the Italian
military, though it is used in special operations units. It is exported
to Jordan and Malaysia. The Beretta Model 59 (BM59) is a descendant of the wartime
American M1 Garand, which was adopted by the Italian armed
Range Increment: 70 ft. Purchase DC: 20 Range Increment: 80 ft. Purchase DC: 18
Rate of Fire: S Restriction: Res (+2) Rate of Fire: S Restriction: Res (+2)
The CETME Model 58 was developed in Spain after World War This relatively unsuccessful design appeared shortly after World
II by German engineers. Originally chambered in 7.92mm, it was War II and was not around for long. It borrowed heavily from war-
reworked in the late 1950s to fire a special low-powered version time rifle designs, using the trigger assembly of the M1 Garand and
of the 7.62mm NATO cartridge. This version was adopted by the the action from the German Mauser Mkb42(W) automatic rifle. The
Spanish armed forces. bolt-locking system was original and used an unusual tipping as-
The Model 58 was originally fitted with a bipod, which folded sembly. In practice, this mechanism proved prone to jamming. The
back to form the forward hand grip. This was later dropped in favor weapon was loaded with stripper clips. The CZ 52 was withdrawn
of a more conventional fixed wooden handguard. from service after only a few years and was replaced by more
Variants: In the early 1970s, the Model 58 design was strength- advanced designs.
ened to fire the full-power 7.62mm NATO cartridge. The new model Variants: Before 1957, the CZ 52 was chambered for an unusual
was redesignated the Model C. 7.62×45mm round. This was later abandoned in favor of the Warsaw
Who Used It: The Model 58 became the standard Spanish ser- Pact–standard 7.62×39mm cartridge.
vice rifle in 1958. It was replaced by the Model C in 1974. Who Used It: The CZ 52 and CZ 57 were used by Czech forces
for a few years in the 1950s. They lingered a little while longer in 61
Damage: 2d8 Magazine: 30 box second-line units, but they have since been withdrawn.
Critical: 20 Size: Large d20 Modern Rules: This weapon is unreliable.
Damage Type: Ballistic Weight: 8 lb.
Range Increment: 80 ft. Purchase DC: 18 Damage: 2d8 Magazine: 30 box
Rate of Fire: S, A Restriction: Res (+2) Critical: 20 Size: Large
Damage Type: Ballistic Weight: 9 lb.
Range Increment: 80 ft. Purchase DC: 17
CETME Model L Rate of Fire: S, A Restriction: Res (+2)
Spanish 5.56mm Assault Rifle
CZ 58
Czech 7.62mm Assault Rifle
The Model L is little more than the earlier Model C, scaled down
to chamber the 5.56mm NATO cartridge. Though the roller-locked
action remains unchanged, the rifle has been reworked overall
to make use of modern composite components. The weapon’s The CZ 58 was adopted in the early 1960s as the standard Czech
furniture is plastic, and the receiver is made from pressed steel. military rifle. Though similar in outward appearance to the Soviet
Early production models used a 20-round box magazine, but this Kalashnikov, its action is an original Czech design built around an
was later replaced by a NATO-standard M16 housing, allowing the unusual tilting bolt and an axial hammer.
use of 30-round M16 magazines. Another change was the dele- Variants: The CZ 58 has been made in two main versions. The CZ
tion of a three-round burst setting, because experience showed 58P has a fixed stock, while the CZ 58V uses a folding metal stock.
that troops could be readily trained to fire short bursts from an Weapons produced more recently make use of plastic furniture on
automatic setting instead. the stock and grips instead of wood. Other variants feature under-
Variants: There is a compact carbine model with a folding stock barrel grenade launchers, special sights, or suppressors.
known as the Model LC. There is also a variant optimized for use in Who Uses It: The CZ 58 served for decades as the standard mili-
the firing ports of armored personnel carriers, the Model R, with a tary rifle of the Czech armed forces. It has only recently begun to be
special charging handle and no stock or sights. replaced by more modern designs. It was also exported to a number
Who Uses It: The Model L entered Spanish military service of Soviet client states, though it was nowhere near as successful as
62 Who Uses It: The CZ 2000 has yet to be formally adopted but is
being considered by the Czech armed forces to meet their require-
ment for a NATO-standard 5.56mm weapon.
d20 Modern Rules: This weapon has a three-round burst set-
The K2 is a modern 5.56mm assault rifle produced by Daewoo. Its
ting. When the three-round burst version is used with the Burst Fire
action is superficially similar to the M16, though it makes use of
feat, it fires only three bullets instead of five and can be used with
a long-stroke piston running above the barrel. The receiver is ma-
only three bullets in the weapon. This setting does not grant the
chined from heavy forged alloy parts, which give it great strength
ability to make burst fire attacks without the Burst Fire feat; if you
and reliability. The K2 can fire in semiautomatic or three-round burst
use the setting without the feat, you make a normal attack and the
mode. The K2 can accept standard M16 magazines.
extra two bullets are wasted.
Who Uses It: The K2 is the standard service rifle of the Republic
of Korea armed forces.
CZ 2000 (5.56mm Assault Rifle) d20 Modern Rules: This weapon features a thrtee-round burst
Damage: 2d8 Magazine: 30 box setting. When used with the Burst Fire feat, this weapon fires only
Critical: 20 Size: Large three bullets instead of five and can be used with only three bullets
Damage Type: Ballistic Weight: 7 lb. in the weapon. This setting does not grant the ability to make burst
Range Increment: 80 ft. Purchase DC: 19 fire attacks without the Burst Fire feat. If you use the setting with-
Rate of Fire: S, A Restriction: Res (+2) out the feat, you make a normal attack, and the extra two bullets
are wasted. Because it does not have the automatic rate of fire, this
weapon cannot be used to make autofire attacks.
CZ 2000 Compact (5.56mm Assault Rifle)
Damage: 2d8 Magazine: 30 box
Damage: 2d8 Magazine: 30 box
Critical: 20 Size: Large
Critical: 20 Size: Large
Damage Type: Ballistic Weight: 6 lb.
Damage Type: Ballistic Weight: 8 lb.
Range Increment: 60 ft. Purchase DC: 19
Range Increment: 80 ft. Purchase DC: 20
Rate of Fire: S, A Restriction: Res (+2)
Rate of Fire: S Restriction: Res (+2)
French 5.56mm Assault Rifle
64 FA-MAS G2
forward when not in use.
In 1983, the Argentine Army adopted the FARA 83 as its standard
assault rifle. It was to be produced in large numbers; however, after
French 5.56mm Assault Rifle
about one thousand had been made, a financial crisis forced a halt in
production. It never really got under way again, and today the FARA
83 remains more a curiosity than anything else.
Who Uses It: The FARA 83 is in use in limited numbers in the
Argentine armed forces.
The CAL emerged during the Vietnam War as the 5.56mm round used Fabrique Nationale went back to the drawing board to develop an
by the M16 began growing in popularity. It is Fabrique Nationale’s first entirely new service rifle chambered in 5.56mm NATO. The result
design in that caliber, and it resembles a scaled-down FAL, though the was the FNC. Making use of a simple gas-powered action similar to
action is heavily modified. There are several clever design elements in that of the M16 and constructed largely of lightweight alloys and
its action, for example, the CAL is one of the first designs to incorpo- composites, the FNC is a highly practical weapon. The FNC is readily
rate a three-round burst setting. The CAL is expensive to manufacture suited to use with rifle grenades.
and has proven difficult to maintain in field conditions. Variants: The FNC can be fitted with either a fixed plastic butt
d20 Modern Rules: This weapon has a three-round burst set- or a folding metal one. A special variant for law enforcement (called
ting. When the three-round burst version is used with the Burst Fire the FN FNS) is capable of semiautomatic fire only; it has a purchase
feat, it fires only three bullets instead of five and can be used with DC of 19.
only three bullets in the weapon. This setting does not grant the Who Uses It: The FNC is the standard service weapon of the
ability to make burst fire attacks without the Burst Fire feat; if you Belgian Army. Other users include Latvia and Nigeria.
use the setting without the feat, you make a normal attack and the
extra two bullets are wasted. Damage: 2d8 Magazine: 30 box 65
Critical: 20 Size: Large
Damage: 2d8 Magazine: 20 box Damage Type: Ballistic Weight: 9 lb.
Critical: 20 Size: Large Range Increment: 80 ft. Purchase DC: 20
Damage Type: Ballistic Weight: 8 lb. Rate of Fire: S, A Restriction: Res (+2)
Range Increment: 80 ft. Purchase DC: 19
Rate of Fire: S, A Restriction: Res (+2)
Galil Series
Israeli 5.56mm Assault Rifle
FN FAL The Galil was developed for the Israel armed forces following the
Belgian 7.62mm NATO Assault Rifle 1967 Six-Day War. Experience with the Kalashnikov in the hands
of the Arab armies convinced the Israelis of the soundness of its
design, and the Galil is essentially an AK action reworked to use
the 5.56mm NATO caliber. Early Galils had wooden furniture, but
more recent models replace this with high-impact plastic. There are
numerous variant models of the Galil (see Table 2–1: Galil Assault
Rifles for statistics).
Galil ARM: The ARM is the full-length assault-rifle version of the
The Belgian FAL was designed in the early 1950s. It is one of the most Galil. It is generally fitted with a bipod, which also features a built-
successful Western battle rifle designs of the late 20th century, ri- in wire cutter. Both fixed- and folding-stock versions are available,
valed only by the M16 and the German G3 in popularity. When NATO though Israeli-issue military weapons use the folding stock.
adopted the 7.62×51mm cartridge as standard in 1953, the FAL was al- Galil SAR: The SAR is a compact carbine version of the Galil,
ready ready for production, thanks to Fabrique Nationale’s foresight featuring a shortened barrel and a folding stock.
in designing a weapon of that caliber. Though the action is derived Galil AR: The newest Galils replace the wooden furniture with
from FN’s earlier M1949 rifle, its extensive use of composite materials lightweight composites and are designated “AR.”
makes the design very advanced for its time. Galil LMG: This is a light machine gun variant of the Galil, fitted
The FAL was designed to be capable of automatic fire. In practice, with a long, heavy barrel and bipod for sustained fire use.
it has proven somewhat light for this role, and as such, many were Galil MAR: The MAR (Micro Assault Rifle) uses a standard Galil
built with semiautomatic-only mechanisms (these versions have a action with a radically shortened barrel and lightweight compo-
purchase DC of 19). nents to produce an extremely compact weapon.
Variants: A special Para version has a shortened barrel, a folding Other Variants: There are specialized sniper and marksman vari-
metal stock, and a shorter range increment (80 ft.). The sheer num- ants of the Galil. It is also produced in the NATO 7.62mm caliber for
ber of FALs built over the years (in over a dozen different countries) export purposes. A variant of the Galil, called the R4, is produced
means that a variety of minor variant models have emerged. under license in South Africa. Another variant, the 890C, was pro-
Who Uses It: The FAL has been adopted as the standard service rifle duced by the Swedish firm FFV for a Swedish Army requirement, but
by over seventy different nations worldwide, throughout Africa, Asia, it lost out in trials to the FN FNC-derived AK-5 and never went into
Europe, the Middle East, and South America. It has also seen extensive mass production.
use by police forces. It can be found in virtually every part of the world. Who Uses It: The Galil has been the standard Israeli military rifle
since its adoption in the early 1970s. In recent years, many Israeli units
Damage: 2d10 Magazine: 20 box have started using the M16, though the Galil continues in service.
Critical: 20 Size: Large
Damage Type: Ballistic Weight: 11 lb.
Range Increment: 90 ft. Purchase DC: 20
Rate of Fire: S, A Restriction: Res (+2)
H&K G36
German 5.56mm Assault Rifle
The G36 was created to fill the void left by the failure of the G11 pro-
gram. The German armed forces needed a 5.56mm rifle, and the G41
derivative of the G3 proved to be too expensive. In its stead, H&K
The G11 does away with traditional metal cartridge cases for its
developed an advanced low-cost assault rifle—the G36. In a marked
ammunition. Instead, it fires 4.7mm “caseless” rounds, in which the
departure for H&K, it did away with the long-established roller-lock
projectile is encased in a hard rectangular block of the propellant
action and instead uses a simple rotating-bolt mechanism.
charge. When the weapon is fired, the propellant combusts, driving
the bullet downrange as normal. There is no case to eject—the pro-
pellant burns up completely and the gases are vented away, leaving
the action empty and ready for the loading of the next round.
There are several advantages to such a system. The action can be
H&K G36
sealed, keeping out debris, which could cause fouling. Furthermore,
it can be made to cycle very quickly. This permits an extremely high
rate of fire. The G11 was designed to take advantage of this feature
through a three-round burst setting. A more modest (and control-
lable) rate of fire setting is available for standard automatic fire.
The G11’s mechanism is completely encased in a rectangular
plastic shell that forms the shoulder stock. The pistol grip pro-
trudes from the bottom, and a carrying handle on top contains an
H&K G36K
optical sight. The magazine, which holds an impressive 50 rounds, is
loaded horizontally on the top of the weapon and feeds in behind
the pistol grip, which gives the G11 a very long barrel relative to its
overall length.
Damage Range Rate of Purchase
Weapon Damage Critical Type Increment Fire Magazine Size Weight DC Restriction
Galil ARM (5.56mm assault rifle) 2d8 20 Ballistic 80 ft. S, A 35 box Large 11 lb. 18 Res (+2)
Galil ARM (7.62mm assault rifle) 2d10 20 Ballistic 90 ft. S, A 25 box Large 10 lb. 19 Res (+2)
Galil SAR (5.56mm assault rifle) 2d8 20 Ballistic 70 ft. S, A 35 box Large 9 lb. 18 Res (+2)
Galil SAR (7.62mm assault rifle) 2d10 20 Ballistic 80 ft. S, A 25 box Large 9 lb. 19 Res (+2)
Galil LMG (7.62mm assault rifle) 2d10 20 Ballistic 90 ft. S, A 50 box Large 11 lb. 20 Res (+2)
Galil MAR (5.56mm assault rifle) 2d8 20 Ballistic 60 ft. S, A 35 box Large 8 lb. 20 Res (+2)
worldwide and adopted by dozens of different countries (and Brazilian 5.56mm Assault Rifle
license-built in a number of them).
d20 Modern Rules: The H&K 33 may be modified to add a three-
round burst setting. The modification requires a successful Repair
check (DC 15) and 1 hour. The G8 and G41 each incorporate a three-
round burst setting and don’t need to be modified.
When the three-round burst is used with the Burst Fire feat, it fires
only three bullets instead of five and can be used with only three bullets
in the weapon. This setting does not grant the ability to make burst fire Brazil had long manufactured the FN FAL under license in a version
attacks without the Burst Fire feat; if you use the setting without the known as the LAR. In the 1980s, development began on a 5.56mm
feat, you make a normal attack and the extra two bullets are wasted. variant of the LAR, which became known as the MD2. With the
Damage: 2d8 Magazine: 30 box reconfigured into a bullpup arrangement and chambered to fire the
Critical: 20 Size: Large 5.45mm round of the AK-74. The furniture is made from plastic, and
Damage Type: Ballistic Weight: 10 lb. the K-3 is designed to use the AK-74’s curved 30-round box maga-
Range Increment: 80 ft. Purchase DC: 19 zine. The muzzle can fire rifle grenades; an optical sight, specially
Rate of Fire: S, A Restriction: Res (+2) designed for use with the K-3, can be fitted if desired.
AKM (7.62mmR assault rifle) 2d8 20 Ballistic 70 ft. S, A 30 box Large 10 lb. 15 Res (+2)
AKMS (7.62mmR assault rifle) 2d8 20 Ballistic 70 ft. S, A 30 box Large 10 lb. 16 Res (+2)
AK-74 (5.45mm assault rifle) 2d8 20 Ballistic 80 ft. S, A 30 box Large 9 lb. 17 Res (+2)
AKS-74 (5.45mm assault rifle) 2d8 20 Ballistic 80 ft. S, A 30 box Large 9 lb. 18 Res (+2)
AKS-74U (5.45mm assault rifle) 2d8 20 Ballistic 80 ft. S, A 30 box Large 7 lb. 19 Res (+2)
AKS-74UB (5.45mm assault rifle) 2d8 20 Ballistic 60 ft. S, A 30 box Large 9 lb. 20 Mil (+3)
AK-101 (5.56mm assault rifle) 2d8 20 Ballistic 80 ft. S, A 30 box Large 8 lb. 19 Res (+2)
AK-102 (5.56mm assault rifle) 2d8 20 Ballistic 70 ft. S, A 30 box Large 6 lb. 19 Res (+2)
AK-103 (7.62mmR assault rifle) 2d8 20 Ballistic 70 ft. S, A 30 box Large 8 lb. 19 Res (+2)
AK-104 (7.62mmR assault rifle) 2d8 20 Ballistic 70 ft. S, A 30 box Large 7 lb. 19 Res (+2)
AK-105 (5.45mm assault rifle) 2d8 20 Ballistic 80 ft. S, A 30 box Large 9 lb. 19 Res (+2)
LAPA Modelle 03
Brazilian 5.56mm Assault Rifle
With the demise of the EM2 program, Great Britain was forced
to look elsewhere for a new service rifle in the NATO-standard
7.62mm caliber. They settled on the Belgian FN FAL, and they
out of the way for compact storage, allowing the M6 to be carried Damage: 2d10 Magazine: 20 box
in a backpack. The stock also has a hollow space that holds spare Critical: 20 Size: Large
ammunition. The oversized trigger guard can be used while wearing Damage Type: Ballistic Weight: 9 lb.
gloves. The action breaks open for loading. Range Increment: 90 ft. Purchase DC: 17
The M6 has two barrels, located one above the other. The top Rate of Fire: S, A Restriction: Res (+2)
barrel is rifled and chambered in .22 caliber, while the lower barrel is
smoothbored and designed for .410-gauge shotgun shells. The idea
was to give the user the capability to quickly engage a variety of M16 Series
different types of targets. Neither of these cartridges is particularly American 5.56mm Assault Rifle
hard-hitting, and they are relatively ineffective against human-sized The M16 appeared in the late 1950s, and it was soon adopted by
targets—the M6 is intended for hunting small game rather than for the U.S. armed forces. Though it suffered numerous development
personal defense. It can also serve as a flare launcher, since signal problems and was initially widely criticized, it has grown to enjoy
flare cartridges are produced in .410 gauge. success second only to the Russian Kalashnikov. The M16 has been
used in virtually every conflict of the past forty years, and it has
been produced under license in great numbers in dozens of coun-
M6 Scout (.22 Rifle) tries. Today, nearly fifty years after its original design, it is being
Damage: 2d6 Magazine: 1 int
adopted by more armies than ever before and is replacing the Galil
Critical: 20 Size: Large
in Israeli service.
Damage Type: Ballistic Weight: 4 lb.
The M16 is built around an innovative gas-powered select-fire
Range Increment: 60 ft. Purchase DC: 15
rifle action developed by Eugene Stoner called the AR-15 (M16 is
Rate of Fire: Single Restriction: Res (+2)
the weapon’s military designation). It features a distinctive carrying
handle on top, which also holds the weapon’s rear sight.
M6 Scout (.410 Shotgun) The M16 was the first major military weapon designed to fire
Damage: 2d6 Magazine: 1 int the 5.56×45mm cartridge. At the time, the U.S. was widely criti-
Critical: 20 Size: — cized within NATO for abandoning the then-standard 7.62×51mm
Damage Type: Ballistic Weight: — round (which the U.S. had demanded be adopted in the first
Range Increment: 30 ft. Purchase DC: — place). The new cartridge was also thought by many to be too
Rate of Fire: Single Restriction: — weak when compared to its hard-hitting predecessor. Eventually,
the new round proved itself, and by 1980, it had been adopted as
the new NATO-standard small-arms caliber, eclipsing the older
M14 7.62mm round.
American 7.62mm NATO Automatic Rifle Cartridge aside, other problems surrounded the introduction
of the M16. The all-plastic furniture, which some felt gave the
M16 a toylike appearance, was questioned. Many soldiers felt that
a solid wooden stock (like that on the older M14) was preferable,
since rifles sometimes need to be used as clubs in hand-to-hand
fighting. A greater concern was reliability. The early M16s suffered
severe problems in this area, and it quickly established a poor
reputation. For several years, the wisdom of adopting the M16
The M14 was developed in the early 1950s to be the American was seriously questioned.
service rifle in the new NATO-standard 7.62mm caliber. It is es- The U.S. military was determined to make the M16 work, how-
sentially a progressive development of the World War II–era M1 ever, and set about refining and improving the design. Much of the
Carbon 15
M16A1: In 1966, based on combat experience from Vietnam, an
improved version known as the M16A1 was developed. The biggest
advance was a manual bolt-closure device, which the shooter could
M16A4 use to push a round home into a fouled chamber if necessary. The
M16A1 became the standard U.S. military service weapon shortly
M16A2: In 1983, a new version called the M16A2 was adopted,
replacing the M16A1. It incorporates a heavier barrel, rifled to fire
a new Belgian-designed NATO-standard variant of the 5.56mm
round. A three-round burst setting was introduced, replacing the
automatic setting. The grips and stock were redesigned and made
from a new (and much stronger) plastic material. New sights were
CAR-15 introduced. A spent-case deflector was added for the benefit of
left-handed shooters so that empty brass wouldn’t hit them in
the face. Collectively, these changes resulted in a vastly superior
weapon, which remains the current service model to this day.
M16A3 and M16A4: Newer models of the M16 take the basic
M16A2 and modify it to accommodate various standardized acces-
sories. The M16A3 does away with the top-mounted carrying handle
and its integral rear sight; instead, an accessory rail is machined into
the top of the receiver, allowing a variety of sighting systems to be
M4 Carbine readily attached. The M16A4 goes a step farther. It also features the
accessory mounting system developed by the Knights Armament
Company (KAC) in the forward grip (see the sidebar). The M16A4 has
been selected to replace the M16A2 in the U.S. Army and will enter
service in large numbers over the next few years.
M16 (5.56mm assault rifle) 2d8 20 Ballistic 80 ft. S, A 30 box Large 7 lb. 17 Res (+2)
M16A1 (5.56mm assault rifle) 2d8 20 Ballistic 80 ft. S, A 30 box Large 7 lb. 17 Res (+2)
M16A2 (5.56mm assault rifle) 2d8 20 Ballistic 80 ft. S 30 box Large 8 lb. 18 Res (+2)
M16A3 (5.56mm assault rifle) 2d8 20 Ballistic 80 ft. S 30 box Large 8 lb. 18 Res (+2)
M16A4 (5.56mm assault rifle) 2d8 20 Ballistic 80 ft. S 30 box Large 8 lb. 18 Res (+2)
CAR-15 (5.56mm assault rifle) 2d8 20 Ballistic 70 ft. S, A 30 box Large 7 lb. 18 Res (+2)
M4 Carbine (5.56mm assault rifle) 2d8 20 Ballistic 70 ft. S, A 30 box Large 7 lb. 18 Res (+2)
M4 CQB (5.56mm assault rifle) 2d8 20 Ballistic 70 ft. S, A 30 box Large 7 lb. 18 Res (+2)
Commando (5.56mm assault rifle) 2d8 20 Ballistic 60 ft. S, A 30 box Large 7 lb. 18 Res (+2)
Carbon 15 (5.56mm assault rifle) 2d8 20 Ballistic 60 ft. S, A 30 box Large 7 lb. 18 Res (+2)
AR-15 (5.56mm assault rifle) 2d8 20 Ballistic 80 ft. S 30 box Large 7 lb. 17 Res (+2)
Norinco Type 68 Rifle The Objective Individual Combat Weapon (OICW) is perhaps the
Chinese 7.62mm Assault Rifle most revolutionary weapon to be developed since the introduction
cannot be used to make autofire attacks. afterthought. The resulting weapon was a compact bullpup, with an
Firing the OICW grenade launcher is a full-round action. In airburst action derived from the AK-74 and capable of being chambered in
mode, the 20mm shell explodes 3 feet over the target. Determine the the 5.45mm, 5.56mm NATO, or 7.62mm Soviet calibers.
effects of cover based upon the point at which the shell explodes, The only initial customer for the Groza was the Russian Ministry
rather than the direction from which the attack is made. of Internal Affairs (MVD), who had need of a compact weapon for
When used in impact mode, attacking with the OICW gre- use in urban fighting. They bought it chambered in the new 9×39mm
nade launcher is identical to throwing an explosive (see Thrown cartridge, which is a heavy, low-velocity round optimized for special
Explosives, page 148 of the d20 Modern Roleplaying Game). You operations use. Shortly thereafter, the Groza went into action with
make a ranged attack against a specific 5-foot square (instead of MVD troops in Chechnya. Its success there led the Russian Army to
targeting a person or creature). Because the 20mm burst weapon is adopt it in 7.62mm for their special forces.
Fire feat, it fires only three bullets instead of five and can be used
Lyttleton of South Africa. It was adopted during the 1970s, when
with only three bullets in the weapon. This setting does not grant
the antiapartheid arms embargo limited South Africa’s ability to
the ability to make burst fire attacks without the Burst Fire feat; if
purchase weapons internationally. Israel was one of the few states
you use the setting without the feat, you make a normal attack and
willing to deal with Pretoria. In addition, the reliable AK-derived
the extra two bullets are wasted.
Galil was well suited to the needs of counterinsurgency warfare in
the African bush.
Damage: 2d8 Magazine: 30 box
The R4 incorporates numerous minor modifications to the
Critical: 20 Size: Large
basic Galil design. The stock is both stronger and longer, owing
Damage Type: Ballistic Weight: 8 lb.
to the fact that South African troops tend to be taller than their
Range Increment: 80 ft. Purchase DC: 18
Israeli counterparts. Over time, the design has been refined still
Rate of Fire: S, A Restriction: Res (+2)
78 Damage: 2d8
Critical: 20
Magazine: 30 box
Size: Large
Damage Type: Ballistic Weight: 8 lb.
Range Increment: 80 ft. Purchase DC: 18
Rate of Fire: S, A Restriction: Res (+2)
The SAR 21 is an advanced assault rifle design developed for the
Sako M90 Singapore armed forces. The action is housed in a plastic shell,
which (as with the Steyr AUG) has been shaped with ergonomics
Finnish 7.62mm Assault Rifle
in mind. All controls are ambidextrous. The SAR 21 can be easily
disassembled into five major parts for cleaning and maintenance. It
uses a special transparent plastic magazine, which allows the user
to easily check for remaining ammunition.
The SAR 21 features a built-in 1.5× optical sight, housed in the
carrying handle. There is also a laser sight housed in the forward
handgrip, which can be used to project either an infrared or visible
light dot. A 40mm grenade launcher, such as the M203, can be fitted
The M90 is a refinement of the earlier Sako series of assault rifles that
if desired, though this requires the forward handgrip to be removed
began with the M60. Though still chambered for the traditional Soviet
and the laser sight reattached.
7.62mm cartridge, it has been reworked to a high standard of quality
Variants: Several variants of the SAR 21 have been developed.
and incorporates modern materials and production techniques. It is
The SAR 21 Sharp Shooter features a standard scope. The SAR 21
fitted with a folding stock and new sights. Many experts consider the
Modular does away with the optical sight entirely, replacing it with
M90 to be one of the best of the Kalashnikov-derived weapons.
a standard accessory-mounting rail, allowing a variety of different
Variants: Like the M95, the M90 is available in either 7.62×39mm
devices to be attached. There is also a light machine gun version
or 5.56mm NATO calibers.
designed for use as a squad automatic weapon.
Who Uses It: The M90 is the current Finnish military service rifle,
Who Uses It: The SAR 21 has been adopted by the Singapore
replacing the M76 series in front-line units.
armed forces and is replacing the earlier SAR80 family. It is also
available for export sales.
Damage: 2d8 Magazine: 30 box
d20 Modern Rules: Attaching or removing a 40mm grenade
Critical: 20 Size: Large
launcher takes 1 minute and a successful Repair check (DC 5).
Damage Type: Ballistic Weight: 9 lb.
Range Increment: 80 ft. Purchase DC: 18
Damage: 2d8 Magazine: 30 box
Rate of Fire: S, A Restriction: Res (+2)
Critical: 20 Size: Large
Damage Type: Ballistic Weight: 9 lb.
Sako M95 Range Increment: 80 ft. Purchase DC: 20
After manufacturing the M16 under license for a number of years, The SIG 540 does away with the complex and expensive roller-
the Singaporean manufacturer CIS decided to produce its own rifle. locked action used in earlier Swiss Industrial Company rifles.
It contracted with the British firm of Sterling Armaments for the Instead, it is a new design that was meant to be as inexpensive to
design, which went into production in 1980 after extensive trials. manufacture as possible. The SIG 540 is a highly practical weapon
The SAR 80 is a reliable and practical weapon. The furniture is built around a conventional M16-like action and making extensive
made of high-impact plastic. The stock is arranged in line with use of low-cost metal stampings in its construction. It features plas-
the barrel to transmit recoil force straight back and reduce muzzle tic furniture and a three-round burst setting. Various accessories are
climb during firing. The receiver hinges downward, and the whole available, such as bipods and optical sights.
weapon opens up to ease cleaning and maintenance in the field. It Variants: There is a folding-stock version called the SIG 543. A
accepts standard M16 magazines. A version with folding stock was version chambered for the more powerful 7.62mm NATO cartridge,
also produced. known as the SIG 542, was also developed; however, by the time it
Who Uses It: The Singapore armed forces adopted the SAR 80 appeared, interest in this older cartridge had faded, and it was never
as the standard service rifle. put into mass production.
Who Uses It: The SIG 540 was produced in Switzerland and 79
Damage: 2d8 Magazine: 30 box widely exported. It was adopted by armies throughout the Middle
Critical: 20 Size: Large East, Africa, and South America. It was also built under license in
Damage Type: Ballistic Weight: 9 lb. France by Manurhin and served in the French Army for several years
Range Increment: 80 ft. Purchase DC: 17 as a stopgap prior to the introduction of the FA-MAS.
Rate of Fire: S, A Restriction: Res (+2) d20 Modern Rules: This weapon may be modified to add a
three-round burst setting. The modification requires a successful
Repair check (DC 15) and 1 hour.
SG510 Series When the three-round burst version is used with the Burst Fire
Swiss 7.62mm Assault Rifle feat, it fires only three bullets instead of five and can be used with
only three bullets in the weapon. This setting does not grant the
ability to make burst fire attacks without the Burst Fire feat; if you
use the setting without the feat, you make a normal attack and the
extra two bullets are wasted.
fire attacks without the Burst Fire feat; if you use the setting without
the feat, you make a normal attack and the extra two bullets are
wasted. The three-round burst version has no automatic rate of fire
The Siminov SKS was the first weapon designed to fire the Soviet
and cannot be used to make autofire attacks.
7.62×39mm round developed during World War II. The action is a
straightforward semiautomatic design and is housed in a conven-
Damage: 2d8 Magazine: 30 box
tional wooden rifle stock. The SKS has a 10-round detachable box
Critical: 20 Size: Large
magazine, but it also accepts stripper clips loaded from the top of
Damage Type: Ballistic Weight: 9 lb.
the weapon. One distinctive feature is the bayonet, which is per-
Range Increment: 80 ft. Purchase DC: 17
manently attached to the front of the weapon with a hinge. It can
Rate of Fire: S, A Restriction: Res (+2)
be folded back out of the way when not in use.
Valmet M76
Finnish 7.62mm Assault Rifle
Micro Tavor
M82 was an advanced derivative of the earlier M76 series of rifles. The MA Vikhr, or “whirlwind,” is a compact assault rifle chambered
Chambered in 5.56mm NATO, it used the action of the M76, incor- to fire the 9×39mm cartridge. Intended for use by units that need
porating as many of its parts as possible. It rearranged the action a compact but powerful weapon for close-quarters fighting,
into a bullpup configuration, however, resulting in a shorter overall the weapon is built around a shortened version of the familiar
design. Though tested by a number of users, the M82 failed to win Kalashnikov action and features a folding stock. The magazine is
adoption, and it never went into production. transparent so remaining ammunition can be readily checked.
Variant: The AS Val (see above) is a suppressed variant of the
Damage: 2d8 Magazine: 30 box Vikhr SR-3.
Critical: 20 Size: Large Who Uses It: The Vikhr is in service with the Russian Ministry of
Damage Type: Ballistic Weight: 9 lb. Internal Affairs (MVD).
Range Increment: 70 ft. Purchase DC: 18 d20 Modern Rules: See the 9×39mm Ammunition sidebar for
Rate of Fire: S, A Restriction: Res (+2) more information on the weapon’s cartridge.
With its stock folded, the Vikhr SR-3 grants a +2 circumstance 83
bonus on Sleight of Hand checks made to conceal the weapon.
Vektor CR 21
South African 5.56mm Assault Rifle Damage: 2d8 Magazine: 20 box
Critical: 20 Size: Large
Damage Type: Ballistic Weight: 6 lb.
Range Increment: 70 ft. Purchase DC: 20
Rate of Fire: S, A Restriction: Res (+2)
Z-M LR 300
The CR21 is an advanced assault rifle design from South Africa. It is American 5.56mm Assault Rifle
housed in an ergonomically designed plastic shell and arranged in
a bullpup configuration. The weapon’s center of gravity is located
directly above the pistol grip, facilitating one-hand use if neces-
sary. All controls are ambidextrous. It features a special reflex sight
housed on top of the weapon; this can be replaced with a standard
accessory rail if needed. The CR 21 uses plastic magazines, and the
barrel is rifled to work with either the U.S. or European version of
the 5.56mm NATO round. The Z-M LR 300 is an advanced derivative of the M16. Though it
Who Uses It: The CR 21 has been adopted by the South African uses the standard M16 lower receiver, it replaces the upper receiver
armed forces and will soon replace the older R4. The carbine is being and gas system with a new design. This system is not only more
evaluated by the South African National Police as well. compact, but it vents the gases out of the action to prevent fouling.
d20 Modern Rules: This weapon can be fired one-handed, but the Reliability is improved, and maintenance requirements are dramati-
shooter takes a –1 penalty on all attack rolls made with the weapon. cally reduced. Operation and controls remain the same as for the
M16, making familiarization and training easy.
Damage: 2d8 Magazine: 35 box The LR 300 is a practical and handy weapon. Most are configured
Critical: 20 Size: Large for close-quarters fighting, with short barrels and folding stocks.
Damage Type: Ballistic Weight: 8 lb. The upper receiver permits a variety of optical sights to be attached.
Range Increment: 60 ft. Purchase DC: 21 Iron sights are also fitted as a backup.
Rate of Fire: S, A Restriction: Res (+2) d20 Modern Rules: This weapon features a three-round burst
setting. When the three-round burst version is used with the Burst
Fire feat, it fires only three bullets instead of five and can be used
with only three bullets in the weapon. This setting does not grant
the ability to make burst fire attacks without the Burst Fire feat; if
you use the setting without the feat, you make a normal attack and
the extra two bullets are wasted.
ultimate in rifle accuracy, their tactical needs vary considerably. be zeroed or it will not function accurately. Zeroing is the process
Military snipers must operate in the field for extended periods. by which the scope is precisely aligned with the aim of the weapon.
They must perform reconnaissance and force-protection roles in Zeroing takes 15 minutes and requires the firing of 10 bullets. The
addition to engaging high-value targets. They must also be masters weapon must be fired to be zeroed.
of operational fieldcraft, able to move undetected through remote Once the scope is zeroed, it can be removed and reattached later
areas and track prey when necessary. to the same weapon without zeroing it again. If it is attached to a
Police snipers serve a different role than military snipers, dictated different weapon (even a different weapon of the same model), it
by the different requirements of their missions. Most police snipers must be zeroed to that weapon, rendering it no longer zeroed to
are part of organized SWAT teams that respond to special situations the original weapon.
requiring an armed response. Police sniper engagement ranges tend Unless otherwise noted in a weapon’s description, attaching or
to be much shorter than their military counterparts, since they are removing a scope is a full-round action.
often able to get much closer to the situation requiring intervention. Folding Stocks: A few sniper rifles feature folding stocks. (Some
In addition to being skilled shooters, police snipers serve a valuable weapons have collapsible stocks; for game purposes, these are the
information-gathering role. Using their advanced optics and seeking same as folding stocks.) In many cases, folding a weapon’s stock
out the best possible positions to observe the situation, they serve as grants a +2 bonus on Sleight of Hand checks made to conceal the
the eyes of the SWAT team throughout a crisis. Police snipers report weapon (see the individual weapon descriptions).
on activities of the suspects and developing circumstances. If neces- Using a Large or larger weapon with the stock folded imposes a
sary, they must be able to take out any threatening individuals without –1 penalty on all attack rolls. Folding or unfolding a folding stock is a
endangering other officers, hostages, or innocent bystanders. move action. If you have a base attack bonus of +1 or higher, you can
fold or unfold a folding stock as a free action when moving.
Iron Sights: Some sniper rifles lack iron sights because they are
d20 MODERN RULES designed to be used with scopes. A firearm without iron sights im-
poses a –1 penalty on attack rolls unless used with a scope.
The following rules supplement those in the d20 Modern
Unless otherwise noted, every sniper rifle in this chapter includes
Roleplaying Game and apply to the firearms described in
iron sights.
this chapter.
The Arms Tech Super Match Interdiction is an advanced semiautomatic
design, intended to provide the same degree of accuracy as a bolt-ac-
This high-quality, if rather conventional, bolt-action sniper
tion rifle while also allowing for rapid follow-up shots or engagement
rifle is assembled from components supplied by a number of
of multiple targets. It is also meant to accurately engage targets beyond
manufacturers and is generally put together to customer speci-
the range of the more common 7.62mm NATO rifles and, to this end, is
fications. A number of options are available to meet the end
chambered for the powerful .300 Winchester Magnum cartridge.
user’s needs. The stock can be made from wood or composite
The action features a heavy barrel, threaded to accept a sup-
pressor. It has also been strengthened and the charging handle
Variants: The standard weapon is chambered in 7.62mm NATO,
lengthened, making it easier to operate while wearing heavy gloves
but other calibers are available as well, including .300 Winchester
in cold weather. A new magazine catch, similar to that on the Russian
Magnum (which has statistics identical to the 7.62mm version).
Kalashnikov, is also fitted. The stock is a custom composite design
commonly given a camouflaged finish. The scope mount is a custom
Damage: 2d10 Magazine: 20 box
design patented by Arms Tech, which permits the user to quickly
Critical: 20 Size: Large
remove and reattach the scope without having to rezero the rifle.
Damage Type: Ballistic Weight: 14 lb.
Who Uses It: The Super Match Interdiction is a highly sophisti-
Range Increment: 100 ft. Purchase DC: 22
cated and specialized design, which prices it out of range for most
Rate of Fire: Single Restriction: Lic (+1)
AW grants a +2 bonus on attack rolls.
This is a suppressed weapon. Although the weapon’s firing is
British 7.62mm Bolt-Action Sniper Rifle
audible, determining the location of the weapon by its sound
alone requires a successful Listen check (DC 15). When firing
cold-loaded ammunition, this weapon operates as if silenced; a
successful Listen check (DC 20) is required to notice the sound
of the weapon firing.
This weapon has adjustable fittings and no iron sights. The
weapon has a scope mount and comes with a standard scope;
using the weapon without a scope imposes a –1 penalty on at-
Originally developed for a Swedish Army requirement, the AW (Arctic
tack rolls.
Warfare) is a more modern “second generation” weapon derived from
This weapon can be disassembled for convenient transport.
the PM sniper rifle. While the basic arrangement is the same, the entire
Disassembling or assembling the weapon takes 2 full rounds.
weapon was redesigned piece by piece to improve strength, opera-
tion, and reliability throughout. The bolt is specially modified to work
Damage: 2d10 Magazine: 30 box
in extremely cold temperatures and is rated down to –40° F.
Critical: 20 Size: Large
Variants: A version optimized for law enforcement is known as
Damage Type: Ballistic Weight: 15 lb.
the AWP (Arctic Warfare Police). It has a slightly shorter barrel and
Range Increment: 60 ft. Purchase DC: 23
a stock colored in black instead of green. A special version with
Rate of Fire: Single Restriction: Res (+2)
an integral suppressed barrel, the AWS, is designed for use with
subsonic ammunition.
Who Uses It: The AW is in use with armed forces in Italy, Latvia,
the Netherlands, and Sweden (as the PSG 90).
d20 Modern Rules: Due to its high quality of manufacture, this
weapon is always considered a mastercraft +2 weapon. As such, it
grants a +2 bonus on attack rolls.
This is a variant of the PM sniper rifle redesigned to fire the heavy Barrett is well known as a manufacturer of .50 caliber antimateriel
.338 Lapua Magnum cartridge, which is far more powerful than the rifles, a field it pioneered with the M82. The M98 is a more conven-
standard 7.62mm NATO round fired by the PM. The heavy muzzle tional sniper rifle, albeit one chambered in the .338 Lapua Magnum
brake compensates for the increased recoil, and the weapon uses a cartridge—one of the most powerful rifle cartridges in use. The
scope calibrated for use with the heavy ammunition. M98 is intended for use by military or police users for tactical
Variants: The AWM is available in a number of other calibers, shooting, bridging the gap in capability between 7.62mm rifles and
including .300 Winchester Magnum. It is also available with an high-powered AMRs.
optional folding stock. The mechanism of the M98 is a gas-powered semiautomatic ac-
Who Uses It: The AWM has been adopted by the British armed tion. The receiver is large and heavy (to accommodate the powerful
forces. It has been exported for military use to Germany (as the G22) cartridge), while the rest of the weapon is designed to be as light
and the Netherlands as well. as possible to offset this. Even so, it is a big, heavy rifle. Recoil is
d20 Modern Rules: Due to its high quality of manufacture, this compensated by the gas system that drives the action and a large,
This rifle is derived from the Beretta 500 series sporting rifles. It
uses the familiar Mauser action chambered in 7.62mm NATO, with
AWT M70M a heavy barrel and a distinctive adjustable wooden thumbhole
Greek 7.62mm Bolt-Action Sniper Rifle stock. The forestock contains a special harmonic balancer that is
designed to dampen the barrel’s vibration when fired. It normally
comes with a Zeiss zoom scope, though the standard scope mount
can be used with other optics if desired. There are also iron sights
as a backup. The Beretta Sniper is an older design that is now no
longer in production.
Who Uses It: The Beretta Sniper is used by the Italian armed
The M70M is a sniper rifle from the Greek firm known as Advanced d20 Modern Rules: Due to its high quality of manufacture,
Weapons Technologies. It is built around the Mauser bolt action and this weapon is always considered a mastercraft weapon. As such, it
chambered to fire the 7.62mm NATO cartridge. The stock features grants a +1 bonus on attack rolls.
an adjustable cheekpiece; a telescopic sight and folding bipod are This weapon has adjustable fittings, a scope mount, and a stan-
fitted as standard. dard scope. Using this weapon without a scope imposes a –1 penalty
on attack rolls.
Damage: 2d10 Magazine: 10 box
Critical: 20 Size: Large Damage: 2d10 Magazine: 5 box
Damage Type: Ballistic Weight: 14 lb. Critical: 20 Size: Large
Range Increment: 100 ft. Purchase DC: 22 Damage Type: Ballistic Weight: 13 lb.
Rate of Fire: Single Restriction: Lic (+1) Range Increment: 100 ft. Purchase DC: 20
Rate of Fire: Single Restriction: Lic (+1)
The German gunmaker Blaser is best known for producing high- The De Lisle Mark 4 is a sophisticated bolt-action sniper rifle made
quality sporting rifles, especially ornately engraved hunting by Law Enforcement International. It is essentially a Remington 700
weapons. The R-93 is a bolt-action target rifle, and the Tactical is a action mated to a heavy barrel with a built-in suppressor. The sup-
variant model optimized for military or police sniping. It is produced pressor, made from stainless steel to prolong its life, is an advanced
to order in small quantities and is an extremely sophisticated and design. It can be detached without tools (as a full-round action)
accurate weapon. if desired. A standard scope mount is fitted, allowing a variety of
The barrel can be quickly changed, which permits rapid changes scopes to be used. The weapon has no iron sights.
of caliber as well. A special nitrogen coating is applied to all metal Who Uses It: The De Lisle Mark 4 is widely known as one of the
parts to help stave off corrosion from firing gases. The synthetic best suppressed sniper rifles on the market, which has led to its
stock is fully adjustable. adoption by a number of military and police forces worldwide.
d20 Modern Rules: Due to its high quality of manufacture, d20 Modern Rules: This is a suppressed weapon. Although the
this weapon is always considered a mastercraft weapon. As such, it weapon’s firing is audible, determining the location of the weapon
grants a +1 bonus on attack rolls. by its sound alone requires a successful Listen check (DC 15). When
firing cold-loaded ammunition, this weapon operates as if silenced; 89
Damage: 2d10 Magazine: 10 box a successful Listen check (DC 20) is required to notice the sound of
Critical: 20 Size: Large the weapon firing.
Damage Type: Ballistic Weight: 16 lb.
Range Increment: 100 ft. Purchase DC: 21 Damage: 2d10 Magazine: 4 box
Rate of Fire: Single Restriction: Lic (+1) Critical: 20 Size: Large
Damage Type: Ballistic Weight: 10 lb.
Range Increment: 60 ft. Purchase DC: 22
CZ 700 Rate of Fire: Single Restriction: Res (+2)
Czech 7.62mm Bolt-Action Sniper Rifle
trigger and a scope rail for mounting a variety of sights. The stock with a bayonet lug.
is made of laminated wood and features a pistol grip and an adjust-
able cheek rest.
The CZ 700 comes standard with two barrels—one for use with
standard full-power ammunition and the other with a built-in sup-
pressor designed for use with subsonic ammunition. The barrels can
be interchanged as needed. Dragunov SVD
d20 Modern Rules: Replacing the standard barrel with the sup-
pressor-fitted barrel (and vice versa) requires 2 full rounds.
With the suppressor-fitted barrel attached, this becomes a sup-
pressed weapon with a range increment of 90 feet. Although the
weapon’s firing is audible, determining the location of the weapon
by its sound alone requires a successful Listen check (DC 15). When
firing cold-loaded ammunition, this weapon operates as if silenced;
a successful Listen check (DC 20) is required to notice the sound of Dragunov SVDS
the weapon firing.
Enfield L39A1
British 7.62mm Bolt-Action Target Rifle
The SR 100 is a German design originally from Erma and now produced
by Steyr Mannlicher. It is a large and sophisticated bolt-action weap-
on, which can be rapidly switched between a number of different
calibers by changing out the weapon’s bolt and barrel. The composite
thumbhole stock is ambidextrous and can be fully adjusted to suit the
individual shooter. The receiver has a standard accessory rail, permit-
The L39A1 was developed in the late 1960s to give British forces
ting the attachment of a variety of sighting devices.
a target rifle for competition shooting, since it was felt that the
Variants: The SR 100 is available in a number of popular
FN FAL lacked the necessary accuracy. It was manufactured from
rifle calibers, including .300 Winchester Magnum and .338 Lapua
existing Lee-Enfield .303 bolt-action rifles, rechambered to fire
Magnum. The .300 version has an 8-round magazine, while the .338
the 7.62mm NATO cartridge and accurized for target shooting.
version has a 5-round magazine and a range increment of 110 feet.
Modifications include a new heavier barrel, a redesigned stock with
Otherwise, their statistics are identical to the 7.62mm model.
a shorter forward grip, and provision for mounting target sights.
Galil Marksman
FN 30-11 Israeli 5.56mm Semiautomatic Marksman’s Rifle
Belgian 7.62mm Bolt-Action Sniper Rifle
Galil Sniper
Israeli 5.56mm Semiautomatic Sniper Rifle
French 7.62mm Bolt-Action Sniper Rifle
The PSG1 is the most advanced sniping weapon built by Heckler & The SL9-SD is a suppressed sniper rifle derived from the civilian SL8
Koch. Though built around H&K’s standard roller-lock rifle action, it sporting rifle. Considerable modifications have been made, includ-
is made to exacting specifications to ensure the best possible accu- ing rechambering the weapon to fire a subsonic 7.62×37mm bullet.
racy. The free-floating heavy barrel is cold hammer-forged. The bolt The furniture has been reworked as well to accommodate the bar-
is modified with a forward assist for silent closing. The trigger and rel with its bulky integral suppressor. The stock is fully adjustable.
stock are fully adjustable, and the special contoured grip is fitted The action remains the gas-powered G36 mechanism, and it fires in
with a hand rest. A scope is supplied as standard and is attached to
a fixed mount. There is no bipod; instead, the PSG1 is normally used
semiautomatic mode only.
The long scope rail of the SL8 is retained and used to mount a
with a special minitripod. variety of optical devices. Another rail under the barrel can be used
Who Uses It: The PSG1 is expensive, which has limited its adop- to attach a bipod or another device.
tion. Some police forces and special military forces use it. d20 Modern Rules: This is a suppressed weapon. Although the
d20 Modern Rules: Due to its high quality of manufacture, weapon’s firing is audible, determining the location of the weapon
this weapon is always considered a mastercraft weapon. As such, it by its sound alone requires a successful Listen check (DC 15). When
grants a +1 bonus on attack rolls. firing cold-loaded ammunition, this weapon operates as if silenced;
The weapon has adjustable fittings and no iron sights. It comes a successful Listen check (DC 20) is required to notice the sound of
with a standard scope, but its scope mount cannot be used with the weapon firing.
other scopes. Using this weapon without a scope imposes a –1 This weapon has adjustable fittings and no iron sights. It comes
penalty on attack rolls. with a scope mount and a standard scope. Using the weapon with-
out a scope imposes a –1 penalty on attack rolls.
Damage: 2d10 Magazine: 1 int
Critical: 20 Size: Large Damage: 2d10 Magazine: 10 box
Damage Type: Ballistic Weight: 18 lb. Critical: 20 Size: Large
Range Increment: 100 ft. Purchase DC: 22 Damage Type: Ballistic Weight: 10 lb.
Rate of Fire: S Restriction: Lic (+1) Range Increment: 80 ft. Purchase DC: 22
Rate of Fire: S Restriction: Mil (+3)
German 5.56mm Semiautomatic Sporting Rifle Hellenic KEFEFS
Greek 7.62mm Bolt-Action Sniper Rifle
Armenian 5.45mm Bolt-Action Marksman Rifle
M21 The M40, which entered service in the early 1970s, is the stan-
American 7.62mm Semiautomatic Sniper Rifle dard sniper rifle of the U.S. Marine Corps. It is produced from
factory-issue Remington Model 700s by the Marines’ own Rifle
Team Equipment Shop at Quantico, Va. Modifications to the
commercial version include a precision barrel, a low-reflecting
finish, and a special adjustable stock. The weapon includes a
special military model scope not available on the civilian market.
Unlike with most modern sniper weapons, there is no provision
for a bipod.
Long the standard-issue sniper rifle throughout the U.S. military, the Variants: The Marines have developed a modernized version
semiautomatic M21 was recently replaced by the bolt-action M24 known as the M40A1 PIP (“PIP” stands for Product Improved).
and M40 rifles. The M21 is derived from the M14 service rifle and This features a fluted barrel threaded to accept a suppressor, a
is essentially an accurized M14 service weapon. The M21 has iron custom adjustable McMillan stock, and a standard scope mount
sights, a scope mount, and a standard zoom scope. There is provi- allowing other optical devices to be substituted for the weapon’s
sion for mounting a suppressor and a bipod, if needed. regular scope.
Variants: The M21 Tactical, an improved version, is available from Who Uses It: The M40A1 remains in Marine Corps service but has
Springfield Armory. This weapon features a heavier barrel and an recently begun to be replaced by the M40A1 PIP.
improved stock with an adjustable cheekpiece. d20 Modern Rules: This weapon has adjustable fittings, a scope
Who Uses It: Though largely replaced by the Remington bolt mount, and a scope. The scope that comes with the M40A1 cannot
guns, the M21 remains in limited use in the U.S. military, especially in be used with other weapons.
special operations forces. It was widely adopted worldwide. It also
has been popular with police SWAT sniper teams.
M40A1 (7.62mm Sniper Rifle)
Damage: 2d10 Magazine: 4 int
Damage: 2d10 Magazine: 20 box
Critical: 20 Size: Large
Critical: 20 Size: Large
Damage Type: Ballistic Weight: 15 lb.
Damage Type: Ballistic Weight: 10 lb.
Range Increment: 100 ft. Purchase DC: 21
Range Increment: 100 ft. Purchase DC: 20
Rate of Fire: Single Restriction: Lic (+1)
Rate of Fire: S Restriction: Lic (+1)
Adopted in 1988, the M24 is the standard sniper rifle of the U.S.
Army. The stock is composite. In the late 1990s, M24s were retrofit-
ted with a special muzzle brake designed to break up the blast of
firing and hide the shooter’s location.
Model 86 (7.62mm Sniper Rifle) In the 1990s, Mauser expanded its range of bolt-action tactical
Damage: 2d10 Magazine: 9 box rifles derived from sophisticated target-shooting weapons. These
Critical: 20 Size: Large new firearms built upon the company’s long experience with preci-
Damage Type: Ballistic Weight: 14 lb. sion riflemaking and were developed in a series of highly specialized
Range Increment: 100 ft. Purchase DC: 22 models. The short-pull Mauser bolt-action is now a mature and
Rate of Fire: Single Restriction: Lic (+1) highly accurate design, well suited for tactical rifle use. Like the
Model 86SR, most were intended for police rather than military
sniper teams and use large and complex target stocks.
Model 86SR (7.62mm Sniper Rifle)
Damage: 2d10 Magazine: 5 int
Critical: 20 Size: Large Milcam HB
Damage Type: Ballistic Weight: 10 lb. British 5.56mm Bolt-Action Sniper Rifle
Range Increment: 100 ft. Purchase DC: 22
Rate of Fire: Single Restriction: Lic (+1)
Critical: 20 Size: Large
Damage Type: Ballistic Weight: 10 lb.
Range Increment: 100 ft. Purchase DC: 22
Rate of Fire: Single Restriction: Lic (+1)
After failing to win the British Army contract for the Model 85 sniper
rifle, Parker-Hale went out of the arms business. The company re-
turned to the field in 1998 with the Model 98, a highly advanced and
sophisticated design.
The Model 98 is a bolt-action weapon, fed from a standard M14-pat-
tern detachable box magazine. It features a fully adjustable composite
stock with a removable monopod. It uses a heavy fluted barrel that is
capped by an efficient muzzle brake. No iron sights are fitted; a stan-
dard scope mount allows the user to select the scope desired.
UR Intervention
The Model 98 is designed to operate in much the same way as
earlier Parker-Hale bolt-action designs and incorporates most of the
features from earlier models. This similarity facilitates training and
familiarization for shooters already using Parker-Hale weapons.
Who Uses It: The Model 98 is still in the prototype stage, but it
is ready for full-scale production should it find any customers.
This excellent rifle serves as the standard-issue sniping weapon in The M91 from Redick Arms Development was developed in conjunc-
more than twenty different countries, including Great Britain. The tion with the U.S. Navy to meet the specific needs of SEAL teams
design is quite innovative. The PM’s action and barrel are attached and other special operations forces. Starting with a Remington
to an internal metal frame rather than to the green composite stock. Model 700 action, the M91 was built with a match-grade, stainless
This arrangement simplifies maintenance and ensures that damage steel barrel, a custom trigger, and a Kevlar stock. The entire weapon
to the stock does not affect the weapon’s accuracy. has a jet black, nonreflective finish. The rifle is designed to function
Variants: The success of the design has spawned a family of perfectly under even the most adverse conditions, including use in
specialty rifles built around the same basic design. arctic, desert, swamp, and saltwater environments.
Who Uses It: Under the military designation L96A1, the PM Variants: Military users have considerable flexibility in custom-
is the standard sniper rifle of the British armed forces. It has izing their M91s. Popular modifications include the use of Leupold
been exported to a number of countries in Africa, Asia, and the scopes and McMillan custom stocks. The M91 is also available in .300
Middle East. Winchester Magnum.
100 d20 Modern Rules: Due to its high quality of manufacture, this
weapon is always considered a mastercraft +2 weapon. As such, it
Who Uses It: The M91 is the standard sniper rifle of the U.S. Navy
SEAL teams. It is also used by a number of other military special
grants a +2 bonus on attack rolls. operations units worldwide.
This weapon has adjustable fittings, a scope mount, and a stan- d20 Modern Rules: This weapon features a scope mount and
dard scope. The scope can be removed and reattached without a standard scope. It has no iron sights. The M91 does not become
needing to rezero it. Using this weapon without a scope imposes a unreliable when exposed to adverse environments (see Reliability
–1 penalty on attack rolls. This weapon does not have iron sights. in the Introduction).
Developed in the early 1980s, the Model 300 was one of the most
This accurized marksman’s rifle model of the QBZ rifle family is advanced sniper rifles of its time and incorporated many innovations
based on the Type 95 assault rifle but has been modified for the that have since become commonplace. It uses a conventional bolt-ac-
sniping role. The most important change is a long, heavy barrel tion mechanism fed by a detachable box magazine. This is mounted on
to improve accuracy. The plastic housing for the weapon has a highly specialized sniping stock that gives the Model 300 an unusual
been completely redesigned; a mount for scopes has replaced appearance. The stock is fully adjustable. The barrel is free-floating
the top-mounted carrying handle, and the pistol grip features a and fluted for more rapid cooling. A harmonic balancer designed to
more conventional trigger guard. Fold-up iron sights are retained dampen barrel oscillations is housed in the forward grip. A standard
as a backup. scope mount is fitted, and the weapon has no iron sights.
Unusual for a sniping weapon, the QBZ Sniper is a select-fire Though the Model 300 is an excellent sniper rifle in its own
design, capable of automatic fire when needed. The bipod attaches right, it is perhaps best known as the weapon on which the .338
directly to the barrel, which can affect precision shooting accuracy. Lapua Magnum rifle cartridge was developed. Research Armament
Who Uses It: The Type 95 Sniper Rifle is in service with elite units Industries, the Model 300’s manufacturer, experimented with modi-
of China’s Peoples’ Liberation Army. fied Model 300s to develop a new ultraheavy target rifle round. RAI
eventually settled on an 8.6×70mm cartridge, which has since be-
Damage: 2d8 Magazine: 10 box come extremely popular as the .338 Lapua Magnum. It was adopted
Critical: 20 Size: Large as a NATO-standard sniping cartridge in the late 1990s.
Damage Type: Ballistic Weight: 11 lb. Variants: The Model 300 is available in both 7.62mm NATO and
Range Increment: 90 ft. Purchase DC: 20 in .338. The .338 model has a range increment of 110 feet and a 4-
Rate of Fire: S, A Restriction: Res (+2) round magazine; otherwise, its statistics are identical to the 7.62mm
standard model.
The Remington M700 is a highly successful design that was originally Robar Industries is a small custom-gun shop in Phoenix, Arizona.
developed as a high-powered hunting rifle. The action proved read- It was founded by Robert Barrkman to produce extremely high-
ily adaptable for use as a sniping weapon, and today it is the most
common sniper rifle in the United States. Both the U.S. Army and
quality target rifles. Originally, commercial rifles supplied by
customers were rebuilt into high-end competition or sniper rifles.
Marine Corps have adopted the weapon (designated the M24 and Improvements included new barrels, triggers, bedding, stocks, and
the M40A1, respectively). As a result, it has also been popular with bipods. Robar also pioneered the field of protective coatings and
law enforcement; most police SWAT sniper teams use the Model developed advanced finishes for its rifles, often applied in cam-
700. It is a strictly conventional bolt-action design, which is both ouflage colors. More recently, Robar started producing its own
simple and reliable in service. actions as well.
The M700 comes with a scope mount. The SR60 is a highly customized Remington 700 action that has
Variants: The Model 700 is available in a variety of calibers and been rebuilt into an exemplary sniping weapon for police forces.
configurations to suit nearly any need. The action is reliable and ac- The rifle comes with a standard scope and adjustable fittings. The
curate and has proven popular with custom riflemakers, who rebuild entire weapon is given a matte black coating designed to protect
them into extremely accurate specialty target rifles. the metal parts.
The most common law enforcement version is called the Police Variants: The SR60 is available in a variety of different calibers
Special. This weapon is all black, with a composite stock and a to suit the customer’s requirements.
heavy barrel. Remington also makes a lightweight version called the Who Uses It: The SR60 is highly sought after by police SWAT
M700P LTR (Light Tactical Rifle), which weighs 6 pounds and is easier teams and is in service throughout the U.S.
to carry on long patrols.
Who Uses It: The Model 700 has proven popular with law Damage: 2d10 Magazine: 5 box
enforcement and is in service with many SWAT teams, both in Critical: 20 Size: Large
the U.S. and abroad. It is widely used as a hunting and target Damage Type: Ballistic Weight: 9 lb.
rifle as well. Range Increment: 100 ft. Purchase DC: 20
Rate of Fire: Single Restriction: Lic (+1)
Damage: 2d10 Magazine: 5 int
Critical: 20 Size: Large
Damage Type: Ballistic Weight: 7 lb. Robar SR90
Range Increment: 100 ft. Purchase DC: 17 American 7.62mm Bolt-Action Sniper Rifle
Rate of Fire: Single Restriction: Lic (+1)
RND 800
American 7.62mm Semiautomatic Marksman Rifle
The SR90, like the SR60, is a highly specialized sniper rifle produced
by Robar from a Remington 700 action. Intended for military users,
it features all the upgrades associated with a Robar custom job,
including the special protective matte black finish. It also features
adjustable fittings and a scope mount.
The RND 800 is a highly accurized semiautomatic rifle based on the Variants: A .300 caliber version of the SR90 has been produced;
AR-15 design, which it closely resembles. All components are preci- it holds 4 rounds per magazine but otherwise has statistics identical
sion machined from lightweight aluminum alloys. to the 7.62mm model.
The RND 800 is specialized for precision shooting. It features an Who Uses It: The SR90 is used by U.S. special operations units
adjustable stock and a handrest on the pistol grip. The top of the and saw action in the 1991 Persian Gulf War.
receiver is machined to accept standard scope mounts. The barrel is
Romarm PL
Romanian 7.62mm Bolt-Action Sniper Rifle
This excellent bolt-action rifle from Finland is designed for either tactical
sniping or competition target shooting. It features adjustiable fittings, a
scope mount, and iron sights (in case something happens to the scope).
The rifle has a composite stock assembled over a lightweight aluminum
frame. The rifle can be fitted with a suppressor, if desired.
Variants: The TRG-41 rifle is rechambered in .338 Lapua
Magnum caliber.
Chambered to fire the heavy 7.62×54mm Russian cartridge, the PL
is a military sniping version of a civilian sporting rifle. It uses a fully TRG-21 (7.62mm Sniper Rifle)
adjustable wooden stock, which is often given a camouflaged finish. Damage: 2d10 Magazine: 10 box
The bolt action is fed from a special 10-round magazine. The PL is a Critical: 20 Size: Large
rugged and reliable (if somewhat conventional) design. Damage Type: Ballistic Weight: 10 lb.
102 Who Uses It: The PL is in service with the Romanian armed
Range Increment: 100 ft.
Rate of Fire: Single
Purchase DC: 21
Restriction: Lic (+1)
d20 Modern Rules: This weapon has adjustable fittings.
The C-75 is a conventional bolt-action tactical sniper rifle. Based The M1A is a version of the M14 military rifle produced for the civil-
on the traditional Mauser action, the C-75 is designed for a military ian target shooting market. It is manufactured in a variety of models,
or law enforcement sniper. It is a rather unremarkable design with featuring different stocks, barrels, sights, and accessories. It is similar
a precision barrel and a wooden shoulder stock. Scope-mounting in appearance and operation to the military M14, though it cannot
holes are drilled into the receiver and iron sights are fitted as a be modified for automatic capability.
backup. For crowd-control work, the muzzle can be used to fire a The M1A is popular for big-game hunting. A number of gunmakers
variety of low-velocity rifle grenades, such as flash-bang grenades, who produce custom-made guns have developed the M1A into a
tear gas, or smoke shells, giving the C-75 added versatility for the highly accurized target rifle.
law enforcement role.
Who Uses It: The C-75 is in service with the Spanish police and Damage: 2d10 Magazine: 20 box
security agencies. Critical: 20 Size: Large
Damage Type: Ballistic Weight: 11 lb.
Damage: 2d10
Critical: 20
Magazine: 5 int
Size: Large
Range Increment: 100 ft.
Rate of Fire: S
Purchase DC: 20
Restriction: Lic (+1) 103
Damage Type: Ballistic Weight: 10 lb.
Range Increment: 100 ft. Purchase DC: 20
Rate of Fire: Single Restriction: Lic (+1) SIG SSG 550
Savage Model 110 Tactical
American 7.62mm Bolt-Action Sniper Rifle
by police snipers. It is all black and is built with a synthetic stock, a d20 Modern Rules: Due to its high quality of manufacture,
custom trigger, and a free-floating barrel. The receiver is drilled to this weapon is always considered a mastercraft weapon. As such, it
accept a scope mount. Dual swivels on the forward stock allow the grants a +1 bonus on attack rolls.
simultaneous fitting of both a rifle sling and a folding bipod. This weapon has adjustable fittings, a scope mount, and a stan-
Variants: The Model 110 is available in a variety of different dard scope. Using this weapon without a scope imposes a –1 penalty
calibers and configurations. The Model 111 is a later derivative. on attack rolls. It has no iron sights.
Who Uses It: The Model 110 Tactical has been adopted by
police SWAT teams throughout the U.S., though its use is not as Damage: 2d8 Magazine: 20 box
widespread as the Remington Model 700. Critical: 20 Size: Large
Damage Type: Ballistic Weight: 16 lb.
Range Increment: 80 ft. Purchase DC: 21
Model 110 (7.62mm Sniper Rifle) Rate of Fire: S Restriction: Lic (+1)
Damage: 2d10 Magazine: 5 box
Critical: 20 Size: Large
Damage Type: Ballistic
Range Increment: 100 ft.
Weight: 9 lb.
Purchase DC: 18
SIG SSG 2000
Swiss 7.62mm Bolt-Action Sniper Rifle
Rate of Fire: Single Restriction: Lic (+1)
Steyr SSG-69
Austrian 7.62mm Bolt-Action Sniper Rifle
The SR-25 is essentially an accurized AR-15 rechambered to fire the
7.62mm NATO cartridge. It shares many component parts with the
AR-15 and operates in much the same way. It is intended for use as
a sharpshooter’s rifle or as the observer’s weapon in a two-man
sniper team. The receiver features an integral accessory-mounting
rail. The hollow forward grip is attached at its base to the receiver 105
and doesn’t touch the barrel at all, which improves accuracy.
Variants: There are a number of variants on the basic SR-25
A somewhat older design, the SSG-69 was created for the Austrian
Army in the late 1960s. It is one of the first of the modern bolt-ac-
SR-25 Match: This weapon is optimized for competition target
tion sniper rifles. Despite its age, it remains competitive with more
shooting. It has the same statistics as the basic model.
modern designs and is still in production today.
SR-25 Carbine: This model features a shorter barrel and folding
The stock is composite and is available in either dark green or
stock. It has the same statistics as the basic model except it weighs
black. The rounds are stored in a detachable rotary-drum magazine
9 pounds.
that fits completely into the forestock, just ahead of the trigger.
SR-25 Sporter: This weapon has the familiar M16 carrying handle
The standard military version is equipped with backup iron sights,
and iron sights. It has the same statistics as the basic model except
in addition to a scope mount.
it weighs 10 pounds.
Variants: The SSG-69 has been widely produced, and a number
SR-25 Suppressed: This version incorporates an integral sup-
of variants have been developed over the years. Most variants do
pressor. It has same statistics as the basic model except it has a
away with the iron sights and used only a standard scope. A special
range increment of 90 feet and is restricted (+2).
police version (SSG-P) features a heavy barrel. The SSG-P can be
d20 Modern Rules: Due to its high quality of manufacture, the
fitted with a suppressor.
SR-25 (and each of its variants) is always considered a mastercraft
Who Uses It: The SSG-69 is the standard sniper rifle of the
weapon. As such, it grants a +1 bonus on attack rolls.
Austrian armed forces. It has been exported to a number of
When fitted with a suppressor, the SR-25 is a suppresed weapon.
other armies. It is also popular with police agencies, especially
Although the weapon’s firing is audible, determining the location of
in Europe.
the weapon by its sound alone requires a successful Listen check
d20 Modern Rules: Due to its high quality of manufacture,
(DC 15). When firing cold-loaded ammunition, this weapon operates
this weapon is always considered a mastercraft weapon. As such, it
as if silenced; a successful Listen check (DC 20) is required to notice
grants a +1 bonus on attack rolls.
the sound of the weapon firing.
When fitted with a suppressor, the SSG-69 is a suppressed weap-
on. Although the weapon’s firing is audible, determining the location
Damage: 2d10 Magazine: 20 box
of the weapon by its sound alone requires a successful Listen check
Critical: 20 Size: Large
(DC 15). When firing cold-loaded ammunition, this weapon operates
Damage Type: Ballistic Weight: 11 lb.
as if silenced; a successful Listen check (DC 15) is required to notice
Range Increment: 100 ft. Purchase DC: 21
the sound of the weapon firing.
Rate of Fire: Single Restriction: Lic (+1)
This weapon has adjustable fittings, a scope mount, and a stan-
dard scope. Using this weapon without a scope imposes a –1 penalty
on attack rolls.
Russian 7.62mm Bolt-Action Sniper Rifle
SSG-69 (7.62mm Sniper Rifle)
Damage: 2d10 Magazine: 5 box
Critical: 20 Size: Large
Damage Type: Ballistic Weight: 10 lb.
Range Increment: 100 ft. Purchase DC: 22
Rate of Fire: Single Restriction: Lic (+1)
Damage: 2d10 Magazine: 10 box The SG1 is a recent design from Truvello Armory of Lyttelton, South
Critical: 20 Size: Large Africa. SG1s are available in various calibers, with various types of stocks,
Damage Type: Ballistic Weight: 8 lb. and in either single-shot or magazine-fed bolt-action configurations.
Range Increment: 100 ft. Purchase DC: 20 The heavy barrel is cold forged. The stock and trigger are fully
Rate of Fire: Single Restriction: Lic (+1) adjustable, and a standard sight-mounting rail is located on the
receiver, allowing the user to attach virtually any scope.
106 SV-99
d20 Modern Rules: This weapon has adjustable fittings. It has
no iron sights.
Russian .22 Bolt-Action Suppressed Sniper Rifle
Damage: 2d10 Magazine: 5 box
Critical: 20 Size: Large
Damage Type: Ballistic Weight: 18 lb.
Range Increment: 100 ft. Purchase DC: 21
Rate of Fire: Single Restriction: Lic (+1)
Like the SV-98, the SV-99 is derived from a competition rifle—in United States Marine Corps DMR
this case, one used for the biathlon. It uses .22 long rifle cartridges. American 7.62mm Semiautomatic Marksman Rifle
This low-powered round seems a poor choice for a precision sniping
weapon, but the SV-99 has an unusual role. Equipped with a sup-
pressor, it is meant to engage targets such as sentries, guard dogs,
and lights at close range (particularly in an urban setting), where
silence is far more important than long-range hitting power. The
SV-99 is intended to be accurate enough that the shooter can make
up for its lack of stopping power by putting accurately placed shots
into vulnerable areas of the target, such as the head or throat. The DMR (Designated Marksman Rifle) is meant to equip the spotter
The SV-99 can be quickly disassembled and carried in a specially in a two-man sniper-spotter team. It serves as a backup to the pri-
constructed briefcase, which allows it to be moved about discreetly. mary sniper rifle, giving the spotter the capability to rapidly engage
The stock is fully adjustable and contains a storage compartment targets with a highly accurate semiautomatic weapon. The DMR is
for two spare magazines, which allows the shooter to keep reloads constructed from old M14 rifles by the USMC Rifle Team Equipment
close at hand. If desired, the stock and grip can be removed and Shops at Quantico, Virginia.
replaced with a simple pistol grip, allowing the SV-99 to be used like The rebuilding is extensive, resulting in virtually an entirely new
a very long-barreled pistol. weapon. The action is modified to permit only semiautomatic fire,
Who Uses It: The SV-99 is used by Russian military and police and a precision sniping barrel is fitted. The standard wooden stock is
forces. replaced with a fully adjustable composite model featuring a pistol
d20 Modern Rules: This is a suppressed weapon. Although the grip. An improved muzzle brake and bipod are also standard. A scope
weapon’s firing is audible, determining the location of the weapon rail allows a variety of optical devices to be attached. The weapon
by its sound alone requires a successful Listen check (DC 15). When can also be fitted with a suppressor.
firing cold-loaded ammunition, this weapon operates as if silenced; Who Uses It: The USMC DMR is in service with Marine Scout-
a successful Listen check (DC 20) is required to notice the sound of Sniper teams. It is also issued to Marine security police units and
the weapon firing. the U.S. Navy SEALs.
The weapon can be assembled or disassembled in 2 full rounds. d20 Modern Rules: This weapon has adjustable fittings, a scope
Removing the stock and rifle grip takes 1 round, reduces the mount, and a standard scope. Using this weapon without a scope
weapon’s weight to 5 pounds, and allows it to be fired one-handed. imposes a –1 penalty on attack rolls. It has no iron sights.
One-handed attacks made with the SV-99 “pistol” take a –1 penalty When fitted with a suppressor, the USMC DMR is a suppresed
on the attack roll. weapon. Although the weapon’s firing is audible, determining the
This weapon has adjustable fittings, a scope mount, and a stan- location of the weapon by its sound alone requires a successful
dard scope. Its scope mount cannot be used with other scopes. Listen check (DC 15). When firing cold-loaded ammunition, this
Using this weapon without a scope imposes a –1 penalty on attack weapon operates as if silenced; a successful Listen check (DC 20) is
rolls. It has no iron sights. required to notice the sound of the weapon firing.
VS 94 PS WA2000
Norwegian 7.62mm Bolt-Action Sniper Rifle German .300 Winchester Magnum Semiautomatic Sniper Rifle
Like the NM149S above, the VS 94 PS is based on the Mauser bolt The WA2000 is perhaps the most sophisticated sniping weapon
action. It is a highly advanced development of this venerable design, ever developed. A rigid frame holds the barrel, action, and sight. This
optimized for accurate shooting out to the limits of the 7.62mm directs the recoil force straight back against the shooter’s shoulder,
NATO cartridge. It was originally developed for a Norwegian govern- eliminating the tendency of the muzzle to climb when the weapon
ment requirement. is fired. The stock is fully adjustable. The magazine is housed behind
Who Uses It: The VS 94 PS is used by the Norwegian police the thumbhole pistol grip. An integral bipod is attached to the top
d20 Modern Rules: This weapon has adjustable fittings, a scope
of the frame. A standard scope is generally fitted, though the quick-
release scope mount will readily accept any sight desired.
mount, and a standard scope. The WA2000 is the product of careful design and testing and
promises the ultimate in accuracy and performance; however, it is
Damage: 2d10 Magazine: 5 box also extremely expensive. Unfortunately, it was unable to compete
Critical: 20 Size: Large with less expensive weapons and found few buyers. It was with-
Damage Type: Ballistic Weight: 15 lb. drawn from production in 1989.
Range Increment: 100 ft. Purchase DC: 20 d20 Modern Rules: Due to its high quality of manufacture, this
Rate of Fire: Single Restriction: Lic (+1) weapon is always considered a mastercraft +2 weapon. As such, it
grants a +2 bonus on attack rolls.
This weapon has adjustable fittings.
VSS “Thread Cutter”
Russian 9×39mm Select-Fire Suppressed Sniper Rifle Damage: 2d10 Magazine: 6 box
Critical: 20 Size: Large
Damage Type: Ballistic Weight: 18 lb.
Range Increment: 100 ft. Purchase DC: 23
Rate of Fire: S Restriction: Lic (+1)
The VSS is essentially a sniping variant of the AS silent assault rifle. American 7.62mm Bolt-Action Sniper Rifle
It was developed in parallel with the AS and is intended for use by
covert special operations units, especially those operating behind
the lines. It can be broken down quickly and carried in a plain-look-
ing briefcase. Together with its ammunition and scopes, the rifle is
meant to serve as a complete weapon system known as VSK—the
Soviet designers call this comprehensive system a “complex.”
The VSS is designed for accurate aimed fire using an armor-pierc-
ing variant of the 9×39mm cartridge. It is capable of automatic fire The Winchester Model 70 has not proven as successful as its com-
as well, and it accepts the 20-round magazine of the AS assault petitor the Remington Model 700; however, it is still an accurate
rifle. The stock is a thumbhole design, similar to that used on the and dependable weapon. The Sharpshooter version is intended for
SVD Dragunov. sniping work. It is all black, with a special composite stock, a bipod,
Who Uses It: The VSS is in service with the Russian Ministry of and a heavy barrel.
Internal Affairs (MVD) and military Special Forces units. Variants: The Model 70 is available in a number of different
d20 Modern Rules: This is a silenced weapon. A successful Listen calibers and versions, and it can be configured as a hunting, sniping,
check (DC 15) is required to notice the sound of the weapon firing. or target rifle.
This weapon has a scope mount and comes with a standard Who Uses It: Police SWAT teams throughout the U.S. use the
scope and an electro-optical scope. Model 70.
This weapon can be disassembled for convenient transport.
Assembling or disassembling the weapon takes 2 full rounds. Damage: 2d10 Magazine: 5 int
The 9mm SP-5 ammunition (standard for the VSS) is armor-pierc- Critical: 20 Size: Large
ing. If the target has armor or natural armor, this weapon grants a +1 Damage Type: Ballistic Weight: 11 lb.
circumstance bonus on attack rolls. Range Increment: 100 ft. Purchase DC: 18
Rate of Fire: Single Restriction: Lic (+1)
functions normally even if the adjustable fittings are not used. For transport, the AW50F features fitting loops for a backpack
To gain the benefit of adjustable fittings, a user must first make harness, allowing the weapon to be carried on the back.
an initial adjustment. Doing so requires 10 minutes. The adjustment Variants: The AW50FT is a lightweight variant that uses titanium
benefits only that individual; if another character wishes to gain for many of its components. It weighs 28 pounds but otherwise has
the benefit of the adjustable fittings, he must make his own initial statistics identical to the heavier model.
adjustment (thereby negating the original user’s initial adjustment).
Adjusted fittings increase the bonus on attack rolls from the Damage: 2d12 Magazine: 5 box
Dead Aim feat by +1. A character without the Dead Aim feat gains Critical: 20 Size: Large
no benefit from adjustable fittings. Damage Type: Ballistic Weight: 30 lb.
Bipods: Unless noted otherwise, an antimateriel rifle comes Range Increment: 120 ft. Purchase DC: 22
equipped with a bipod (see Bipods in the introduction for game rules). Rate of Fire: Single Restriction: Lic (+1)
Chambered Rounds: Any antimateriel rifle with a box magazine
can carry an extra cartridge in the chamber. To put a cartridge in the
chamber, the weapon is loaded as normal. (Chambering a round is Alpimex APK 20
part of the normal loading process.) Then, the magazine is removed, Slovenian Single-Shot Antimateriel Rifle
an extra bullet is added (to replace the one that was chambered),
and the magazine is reinserted. This process takes an extra full round
beyond the time normally required to load the weapon.
Changing Scopes: A scope can only be attached to a weapon
equipped with a scope mount. Some firearms come with scope
mounts, but unless otherwise stated they do not. Adding a scope
mount to a weapon takes 1 hour and a Repair check (DC 15). A scope
mount has a purchase DC of 10. The APK 20 is a massive weapon, chambered to fire the 20mm MG151
When a scope is attached to a weapon for the first time, it must antiaircraft shell. It operates on a simple single-shot action, using a
be zeroed or it will not function accurately. Zeroing is the process falling block to close the firing chamber much like in a light artillery
by which the scope is precisely aligned with the aim of the weapon. piece. The firing grip is set well forward, reducing the overall length
Zeroing takes 15 minutes and requires the firing of 10 bullets. The of the weapon in a manner similar to a bullpup. An extension tube
weapon must be fired to be zeroed. under the barrel holds both the sight-mount collar and the bipod.
Once the scope is zeroed, it can be removed and reattached later As with other 20mm antimateriel rifles, the relatively poor bal-
to the same weapon without zeroing it again. If it is attached to a listic performance of the big cannon shell severely limits long-range
different weapon (even a different weapon of the same model), it accuracy. The APK 20 is best used against larger targets, such as
must be zeroed to that weapon, rendering it no longer zeroed to vehicles, when its explosive shell can deal serious damage without
the original weapon. the need for precision shot placement.
Attaching or removing a scope is a full-round action.
Who Uses It: The M82 was adopted by armed forces throughout
the world, including Belgium, Chile, Denmark, France, Italy, Jordan,
Kuwait, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, the U.K., the U.S., and many
others. It is also popular with police SWAT teams in the U.S.
The ATAS .50 BG is essentially a scaled-up version of Precision Rifle d20 Modern Rules: This weapon has a scope mount and comes
System’s bolt-action sniper rifles, chambered to fire the .50 BMG with a standard scope. Using this weapon without a scope imposes
cartridge. a –1 penalty on attack rolls.
The bolt and extractor have been considerably modified to accom-
modate the large machine gun cartridge. A magazine feed can be built Damage: 2d12 Magazine: 11 box
onto either the bottom of the receiver or either side, depending on the Critical: 20 Size: Huge
customer’s wishes. The stock is metal, using a lightweight aluminum alloy. Damage Type: Ballistic Weight: 33 lb.
Both a standard sight mounting rail and backup iron sights are fitted. Range Increment: 120 ft. Purchase DC: 25
Variants: A marine model is available with stainless steel con- Rate of Fire: S Restriction: Lic (+1)
struction and a corrosion-resistant finish.
Czech .50 Caliber Bolt-Action Antimateriel Rifle
weapon has no iron sights. Damage: 2d12 Magazine: 2 box
Critical: 20 Size: Large
Damage: 2d12 Magazine: 5 box Damage Type: Ballistic Weight: 29 lb.
Critical: 20 Size: Large Range Increment: 120 ft. Purchase DC: 22
Damage Type: Ballistic Weight: 22 lb. Rate of Fire: Single Restriction: Lic (+1)
Range Increment: 120 ft. Purchase DC: 20
Rate of Fire: Single Restriction: Lic (+1)
Gepard Series
Hungarian Antimateriel Rifles
Barrett M99
American .50 Caliber Bolt-Action Antimateriel Rifle
Like the Czech Falcon, the Helenius RK99 can be modified to fire
The M-95 represents a rather conventional (if large) bolt-action either the .50 Browning or 12.7mm Soviet heavy machine gun rounds.
design with a box magazine. A bipod is standard, and an adjustable It is a single-shot design using a vertical breechblock, much like a
monopod extends out of the pistol grip to take the weight of the small artillery piece. Rounds are loaded into the top of the weapon.
weapon when aiming. A vertical foregrip, located just in front of the firing pistol grip, is
LAR Grizzly 50
American .50 Caliber Single-Shot Sporting Rifle
Damage: 2d12 Magazine: 1 int gun rounds, making it one of the most flexible AMR weapon systems
Critical: 20 Size: Large on the market.
Damage Type: Ballistic Weight: 30 lb. Who Uses It: The NTW is in service with the South African
Range Increment: 120 ft. Purchase DC: 19 armed forces.
Rate of Fire: Single Restriction: Lic (+1) d20 Modern Rules: This weapon can be readily converted be-
tween 14.5mm and 20mm calibers by changing the bolt, barrel, and
magazine. This can be done without tools in 1 minute. The weapon’s
MACS-M2A scope must be rezeroed each time the weapon is converted.
Croatian .50 Caliber Single Shot Antimateriel Rifle
NTW20 (20mm Antimateriel Rifle)
Damage: 4d8 Magazine: 1 int
Critical: 20 Size: Huge
Damage Type: Ballistic Weight: 57 lb.
Range Increment: 110 ft. Purchase DC: 24
Rate of Fire: Single Restriction: Mil (+3)
The MACS-M2A is a lightweight antimateriel rifle from Croatia. It
is chambered in the popular .50 BMG cartridge. The MACS-M2A NTW20 (14.5mm Antimateriel Rifle)
features a composite skeleton stock and a fluted barrel that is Damage: 2d12 Magazine: 3 box
designed to keep weight down. The stock is adjustable to suit the Critical: 20 Size: Huge
shooter’s preference. The operating mechanism is a bolt action, Damage Type: Ballistic Weight: 64 lb.
but there is no magazine; rounds are loaded into the chamber Range Increment: 130 ft. Purchase DC: 24
one at a time. Rate of Fire: Single Restriction: Mil (+3)
Variants: A follow-on model, the MACS-M3, has been recon-
figured as a bullpup. The bolt-action protrudes over the shooter’s
shoulder to the rear. This reduces the weapon’s overall length con- OSV-96
siderably. It weighs 19 pounds; its statistics are otherwise identical Russian 12.7mm Semiautomatic Antimateriel Rifle
to the MACS-M2A.
Who Uses Them: Both the MACS-M2A and M3A are in service
with the Croatian Army.
d20 Modern Rules: This weapon has adjustable fittings.
to fire the .50 BMG round, it is intended for use in an antimateriel The RC-50 is an antimateriel rifle designed and produced for the
or countersniper role. Though built with the same modular con- military and law enforcement market. An extremely accurate and
struction as the rest of the UR rifles, in order to accommodate the sophisticated weapon, it has been finely tuned for the best possible
stresses of firing the bigger ammunition, it is both larger and heavier. performance. The RC-50 uses a conventional bolt action, developed
The barrel is deeply fluted to help cooling and reduce weight. In by Robar, and a McMillan composite stock. Features include a bipod
addition to the bipod, the Hecate II has a monopod on the stock to and sight rail. The stock is designed to fold just behind the trigger
support it when aiming for long periods. The stock can be removed guard, shortening the weapon for transport or storage.
to make the weapon easier to transport. For safety, the bolt handle
can be removed without tools, making it impossible to work the Damage: 2d12 Magazine: 5 box
action and fire the weapon. Critical: 20 Size: Large
Who Uses It: The Hecate II is the standard antimateriel rifle of Damage Type: Ballistic Weight: 25 lb.
the French Army. Range Increment: 120 ft. Purchase DC: 22
d20 Modern Rules: Due to its high quality of manufacture, Rate of Fire: Single Restriction: Lic (+1)
this weapon is always considered a mastercraft weapon. As such, it
grants a +1 bonus on attack rolls.
This weapon has adjustable fittings. RT20
Removing or reinstalling the bolt handle is a move action. Croatian 20mm Single Shot Antimateriel Rifle
Damage Type: Ballistic Weight: 37 lb. Critical: 20 Size: Large
Range Increment: 90 ft. Purchase DC: 24 Damage Type: Ballistic Weight: 30 lb.
Rate of Fire: Single Restriction: Mil (+3) Range Increment: 120 ft. Purchase DC: 22
Rate of Fire: S Restriction: Lic (+1)
that purchases of “machine pistols” would not violate the treaty.
Russian 9mm Submachine Gun
Since then, some analysts have tried to establish “machine pistols”
as a separate category of weaponry that falls somewhere between
submachine guns and self-loading pistols. In general, this designa-
tion simply creates unnecessary confusion; many weapons could
arguably fit into either category. The more accurate use of the
term in modern parlance refers to pistols that feature an auto-
matic rate of fire.
d20 MODERN RULES These two submachine guns are derived from the A-91 compact
assault rifle. As their designations suggest, the A-9 is chambered in
The rules in this section supplement those in the d20 Modern 9mm (in this case, the Western Parabellum round) and the A-7.62
Roleplaying Game, and apply to the firearms described in this uses the 7.62mm Tokarev round. Both employ the same gas-pow-
chapter. ered action of the assault rifle, and many of their components
Proficiency: One must have the Personal Firearms Proficiency are interchangeable with those of the A-91. Construction and
feat to fire a submachine gun without taking a –4 penalty on the operation are similar, with the same general arrangement and
attack roll. folding stock.
For submachine guns with an automatic rate of fire, one must The gas-powered action is somewhat unusual for a submachine
have the Advanced Firearms Proficiency feat to fire on automatic gun, which makes this a complex and expensive weapon. It is both
without taking a –4 penalty on the attack roll. more lightweight and more accurate than a conventional blowback
Burst Fire: Some submachine guns have three-round burst system, however, making this weapon particularly well suited for
settings even if they do not have an automatic rate of fire. These special operations or counterterrorist use.
weapons can be used with the Burst Fire feat. They cannot be Who Uses Them: The A-9 and A-7.62 are both reportedly in
used to make autofire attacks or to gain any other benefit of service with the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs (MVD).
the automatic rate of fire. They do not grant the ability to make
burst fire attacks without the Burst Fire feat; if you use the setting Damage: 2d6 Magazine: 30 box
without the feat, you make a normal attack, and the extra bullets Critical: 20 Size: Large
are wasted. Damage Type: Ballistic Weight: 4 lb.
Chambered Rounds: Any submachine gun with a box magazine Range Increment: 50 ft. Purchase DC: 21
can carry an extra cartridge in the chamber. To put a cartridge in the Rate of Fire: S, A Restriction: Res (+2)
chamber, the weapon is loaded as normal. (Chambering a round is
part of the normal loading process.) Then, the magazine is removed,
an extra bullet is added (to replace the one that was chambered),
The AEK-919 Kashtan is a new submachine gun developed for the The Shipka is a recent submachine gun design from Bulgaria, cham-
Russian Interior Ministry. It is similar to the Israeli Uzi, using a simple, bered in the relatively low-powered 9mm Makarov cartridge. Though
blowback operated action with a telescoping bolt. It is made of the firing mechanism is a relatively unsophisticated blowback design,
mixed polymer-metal construction, which makes it relatively light. A the Shipka incorporates a number of modern features. The action is
folding metal stock is standard. A positive safety prevents accidental housed in a high-impact plastic case that forms the grips and maga-
firing if the weapon is dropped or jarred. zine well. A laser sight can be mounted within the forward grip, just
The AEK-919 is chambered for the low-power 9×18mm Makarov under the barrel. A folding metal stock is fitted as well.
pistol cartridge. It would be relatively simple to adapt the weapon Variants: An export model, chambered in the more popular
to the new high-power derivative of the cartridge used by the PMM 9mm Parabellum cartridge, is also available. It uses a smaller 25-
pistol, but for some reason, this has not yet been done. round magazine.
Variants: A compact carry version of the AEK-919 is designated
118 AEK-919K and has a range increment of 40 feet; its statistics are
otherwise identical to the standard model.
Shipka (9mmR Submachine Gun)
Damage: 2d6 Magazine: 32 box
d20 Modern Rules: The compact AEK-919K provides a +1 cir-
Critical: 20 Size: Large
cumstance bonus on Sleight of Hand checks made to conceal the
Damage Type: Ballistic Weight: 6 lb.
weapon (+3 if its stock is folded).
Range Increment: 30 ft. Purchase DC: 20
Rate of Fire: A Restriction: Res (+2)
Damage: 2d6 Magazine: 30 box
Critical: 20 Size: Large
Damage Type: Ballistic Weight: 4 lb. Shipka (9mm Submachine Gun)
Range Increment: 50 ft. Purchase DC: 18 Damage: 2d6 Magazine: 25 box
Rate of Fire: S, A Restriction: Res (+2) Critical: 20 Size: Large
Benelli CB-M2
Italian 9mm Caseless Submachine Gun
South African 9mm Submachine Gun
The Model 12 was introduced in the late 1950s and was the first
major postwar submachine gun design to emerge from Italy.
Its cylindrical body and twin pistol grips give it a distinctive
appearance. Its action uses a telescoping bolt, much like the
Israeli Uzi. This keeps the Model 12 compact and wieldy. It is
also simple to manufacture and maintain, which makes it both
cheap and reliable.
The BXP is a design from South Africa. Its development was ne-
Variants: The Model 12 was made available with either a fixed
cessitated by that country’s international arms embargo, which
wooden stock or a folding metal one as desired. An improved ver-
prevented procurement of another weapon from overseas. It owes
sion, the Model 12S, was introduced in the early 1980s. The Model
much to the Uzi, which preceded it in South African service, incor-
12S incorporated numerous changes, all relatively minor. Most im-
porating a telescoping bolt and a magazine housed in the pistol grip.
portant of these changes, though, were a larger redesigned safety
catch and an overall anticorrosion coating.
A few improvements were made on the basic design, most notably a
sealed bolt that prevents debris from clogging the action should the
Who Uses It: From the early 1960s, the Model 12 was the stan-
weapon get dirty. A folding stock is fitted, and the barrel is threaded
dard submachine gun in Italy and served with both the military and
to accept a suppressor.
national police units. During the 1980s, the Model 12S replaced the
The BXP is fitted with an ambidextrous safety switch. Selecting
Model 12. The Model 12S was also widely exported and was pro-
between automatic or semiautomatic fire is done with the trigger
duced under license in Brazil and Indonesia.
itself—a half-pull gives semiautomatic fire, and a full pull gives
automatic fire. Thanks to its overall good balance, the BXP is easily
Damage: 2d6 Magazine: 32 box
controllable even in automatic mode.
Critical: 20 Size: Large
Variants: A semiautomatic-only carbine variant is also produced
Damage Type: Ballistic Weight: 8 lb.
for police or civilian sales; its statistics are otherwise identical to the
Range Increment: 50 ft. Purchase DC: 20
standard BXP model.
Rate of Fire: S, A Restriction: Res (+2)
Who Uses It: The BXP replaced the Uzi in South African service
in the 1970s. Today, it serves with both military and police forces and
Bizon Series has been exported as well.
Russian 9mm Submachine Gun
Damage: 2d6 Magazine: 32 box
Critical: 20 Size: Large
Damage Type: Ballistic Weight: 7 lb.
Range Increment: 50 ft. Purchase DC: 20
Rate of Fire: S, A Restriction: Res (+2)
Calico SMGs
American 9mm Submachine Guns
The Bizon is essentially an AK-74 assault rifle converted for use as
The California Instrument Company, or Calico, produces a series
a submachine gun chambered in 9mm Makarov. Many of the com-
of submachine guns. Though they are available in a variety of
ponents are interchangeable with the AK-74, including the receiver
sizes and configurations, all are built around the same basic
and trigger group.
operating mechanism. The weapon’s most distinctive feature
The Bizon’s most distinctive feature is a cylindrical helical maga-
is its large helical magazine, which loads onto the top of the
zine that runs under the barrel. The helical design allows a large
weapon, above the receiver. These magazines hold the rounds of
capacity, and the Bizon holds up to 64 rounds. Holes in the magazine
ammunition in spiraling rows. They are available in either 50- or
allow the user to see how much ammunition remains.
100-round versions.
The operating mechanism is a simple blowback action. It is
Magazine aside, the Calico designs operate around a roller-
capable of firing both standard Makarov ammunition and the new
locked operating system similar to that found on the H&K MP5.
high-power round developed for the PMM pistol.
Construction is largely of metal with plastic furniture, including an
Variants: The Bizon has gone through three different versions,
oversized housing incorporating the pistol grip.
which were appropriately enough designated Bizon-1, Bizon-2,
The Calico design is produced in a variety of different vari-
and Bizon-3. The differences were relatively minor, resulting in
ant models. These include fixed- and folding-stock versions,
little more than redesigned sights and forward grips. The Bizon-3
select-fire and semiautomatic versions, and long- and short-
also added an accessory mount on the barrel for a suppressor or
barreled versions.
compensator and a new fold-over stock in place of the earlier side-
Liberty Carbine: This is a semiautomatic-only model produced
swinging model.
for civilian shooters. It is nonetheless illegal in the U.S. due to its
Cobray M-11
American 9mm Carbine
120 The Cobray M-11 is a modern derivative of the famous Ingram MAC
10. It uses the same operating mechanism and general configuration.
The action has been modified, however, to operate in semiauto-
matic mode only. To escape a BATF ban on the civilian sale of Ingram
submachine guns in the U.S., the Cobray M-11 has been designed to
Calico M951-A make it impossible to convert it to an automatic weapon. Though
its heritage is still apparent, many feel that today’s Cobray is a far
cry from the 1980s-era Ingram.
Carl Gustav M45
Swedish 9mm Submachine Gun Damage: 2d6 Magazine: 10 box
Damage: 2d6 Magazine: 30 box Damage Type: Ballistic Weight: 7 lb.
Critical: 20 Size: Large Range Increment: 50 ft. Purchase DC: 19
Damage Type: Ballistic Weight: 10 lb. Rate of Fire: S, A Restriction: Res (+2)
Range Increment: 50 ft. Purchase DC: 18
Rate of Fire: S, A Restriction: Res (+2)
Australian 9mm Submachine Gun
CZ 23
Czech 9mm Submachine Gun
Chilean 9mm Submachine Gun
The FeG KGP-9 is a simple blowback-operating weapon chambered
for the 9mm Parabellum weapon and incorporating a number of ad-
vanced features. The receiver is made of steel, with plastic furniture.
The selector switch is located inside the trigger guard, just forward
of the trigger itself, allowing the shooter to easily set it without
taking his or her hands off the grip. For cleaning, the KGP-9 can be
quickly disassembled without tools.
Who Uses It: The KGP-9 is in service with the Hungarian internal
The Chilean SAF is an advanced submachine gun derived from the
security and police forces.
SIG 540 assault rifle (see Chapter Two). The action is modified to
a blowback system and the weapon is chambered for the 9mm
Damage: 2d6 Magazine: 25 box
Parabellum cartridge. It fires from a closed bolt, giving good first-
122 shot accuracy. It incorporates several other features of the original
assault rifle as well. The magazines are transparent so that remaining
Critical: 20
Damage Type: Ballistic
Size: Large
Weight: 7 lb.
Range Increment: 50 ft. Purchase DC: 19
ammunition can be visually checked. They are also designed to be
Rate of Fire: S, A Restriction: Res (+2)
snapped together side by side, facilitating rapid changes.
Variants: The SAF is produced with either a fixed plastic stock
or a side-folding metal stock. A version with an integral suppressor,
the SAF Silencada, is available (purchase DC 21, military [+3]). There
Floro MK-9
Philippine 9mm Submachine Gun
is also the Mini-SAF, a radically shortened ultracompact version
designed for concealment.
Who Uses It: The SAF series is in service with the Chilean military
and security forces.
Despite its compact and practical design, the LF-57 failed to at-
tract customers and was not put into widespread production.
Who Uses It: The LF-57 was used in small numbers by the Italian
Navy. It was largely withdrawn by the 1980s.
comparable submachine gun designs. that has added to its success. The short, exposed muzzle features a
The forward grip folds down for use and is used to cock the mounting point for a clip-on suppressor or muzzle brake.
weapon. It serves as a safety device when closed, locking the bolt. The MP5 uses the modular trigger pack of the G3 rifle. This can be
Semiautomatic and automatic fire are controlled by trigger pressure. detached without tools by removing two pins and easily replaced
A suppressor can be fitted if desired. with another model. Early MP5s featured a trigger pack with an er-
Who Uses It: Despite the promise of its design, the GG-95 has gonomic pistol grip and alphabetic fire-selector markings—S for safe,
yet to be adopted by any armed service. It has gone in and out of E for semiautomatic, and F for automatic. On more recent models,
production several times, as its manufacturers continue to seek a this has been replaced with a redesigned ambidextrous pistol grip
customer. and selector lever with pictographic markings. Semiautomatic-only
d20 Modern Rules: With its magazine removed, this weapon and burst-capable trigger groups have been produced as well, al-
grants a +2 circumstance bonus on Sleight of Hand checks made to lowing even more versatility. H&K has even developed a two-round
conceal the weapon. burst trigger group, in recognition of the fact that recoil usually
sends the third shot in a three-round burst high over the target.
Damage Range Rate of Purchase
Weapon Damage Critical Type Increment Fire Magazine Size Weight DC Restriction
MP5A1 (9mm submachine gun) 1 2d6 20 Ballistic 50 ft. S, A 30 box Large 5 lb. 19 Res (+2)
MP5A2 (9mm submachine gun) 1 2d6 20 Ballistic 50 ft. S, A 30 box Large 6 lb. 19 Res (+2)
MP5A3 (9mm submachine gun) 1 2d6 20 Ballistic 50 ft. S, A 30 box Large 7 lb. 19 Res (+2)
MP5A4 (9mm submachine gun) 1, 3 2d6 20 Ballistic 50 ft. S, A 30 box Large 6 lb. 20 Res (+2)
MP5A5 (9mm submachine gun) 1, 3 2d6 20 Ballistic 50 ft. S, A 30 box Large 6 lb. 20 Res (+2)
MP5 Navy (9mm submachine gun) 1, 3 2d6 20 Ballistic 50 ft. S, A 30 box Large 7 lb. 20 Res (+2)
MP5 RIS (9mm submachine gun) 1, 3 2d6 20 Ballistic 50 ft. S, A 30 box Large 7 lb. 20 Res (+2)
MP5SD5 (9mm submachine gun) 2, 3 2d6 20 Ballistic 40 ft. S, A 30 box Large 8 lb. 22 Mil (+3)
MP5SD6 (9mm submachine gun) 2, 3 2d6 20 Ballistic 40 ft. S, A 30 box Large 8 lb. 22 Mil (+3)
MP5K (9mm submachine gun) 3 2d6 20 Ballistic 40 ft. S, A 15 box Med. 6 lb. 20 Res (+2)
MP5 PDW (9mm submachine gun) 3 2d6 20 Ballistic 50 ft. S, A 30 box Large 6 lb. 23 Mil (+3)
MP5/10 (9mm submachine gun) 1, 4 2d6 20 Ballistic 60 ft. S, A 30 box Large 6 lb. 21 Res (+2)
MP5/40 (9mm submachine gun) 1, 4 2d6 20 Ballistic 50 ft. S, A 30 box Large 6 lb. 20 Res (+2)
1 This mastercraft weapon grants a +1 bonus on attack rolls.
2 This weapon features a built-in suppressor and is considered a suppressed weapon.
3 This weapon has a three-round burst setting.
4 This weapon has two-round burst and three-round burst settings.
Intended for discreet use by bodyguards or similar users, it features
a dramatically shortened barrel with a vertical plastic foregrip and
a simple endplate at the rear of the receiver in place of the stock.
The weapon is fitted with a sling swivel, allowing the MP5K to hang MP5 Navy
vertically out of sight under a jacket or coat. For compactness,
the MP5K is generally used with a short 15-round magazine. Some
models have the sights removed to facilitate rapid draw from under
clothing with less risk of snags.
MP5K PDW: The MP5K PDW is a compact variant designed to
serve as a personal defense weapon for pilots, vehicle crews, and
rear-echelon personnel. It takes the basic MP5K and modifies it with
an extended muzzle, capable of mounting a suppressor or flash-
hider, and a folding plastic shoulder stock. MP5SD
MP5/10: This is the MP5 rechambered in 10mm auto. It was
developed for the FBI after the Bureau adopted the 10mm as its
standard pistol caliber in the 1980s. The MP5 features the same
straight magazine of the MP5/40. It found few customers outside
the FBI and is not widely used.
MP5/40: This is simply the standard MP5, rechambered to fire
the .40 S&W cartridge. It can be identified by its clear plastic maga-
zine, which sticks straight out rather than curving like the standard MP5K
metal 9mm magazines.
Who Uses It: The MP5 has been adopted by military, police, and
security forces around the world. Virtually every counterterrorist
team in the Western world uses it, and it is also popular with police
SWAT teams. It is produced under license worldwide. It is the stan-
dard submachine gun of numerous military forces, including those
in Germany, Greece, Saudi Arabia, South Korea, and Turkey. Today,
it is almost more notable when a force selects a submachine gun MP5/10
other than the MP5.
d20 Modern Rules: Several of the weapons in this series—spe-
cifically the MP5A series, the MP5 Navy, the MP5 RIS, MP5/10, and
MP/40—are always considered mastercraft weapons. As such, they
Carrying the concept of the Mini-Uzi one step further, the Micro- An excellent design, the Uzi is one of the most successful subma-
Uzi is an ultracompact variant of the popular Israeli submachine gun. chine guns in history. Originally created for the Israeli army in the
Though little larger than a heavy pistol, the Micro-Uzi is capable of 1950s, it has been license-built in a number of countries and has
automatic fire. It is arranged much like the Uzi itself, with a telescop- found widespread use in police and military units worldwide.
ing bolt and a magazine housed in the pistol grip. The Uzi’s distinctive configuration has been the source of much
Variants: The Uzi pistol is essentially the Micro-Uzi in a semi- of its success. The magazine is housed in the pistol grip, leading to
automatic-only form with the folding stock omitted. It can be a compact overall arrangement and giving the weapon excellent
identified by its trigger guard, which is bent inward to facilitate a balance when held in one hand.
two-handed firing grip. Other than its rate of fire, this weapon has The Uzi features a robust and reliable action and operates around a
statistics identical to the Micro-Uzi. hollow bolt, which reduces the recoil force, making the weapon more
controllable when firing in automatic mode. It also allows a shorter over-
Damage: 2d6
Critical: 20
Magazine: 20 box
Size: Medium
all length, further adding to its handiness. Early Uzis had a wooden stock,
but this has since been replaced by a smaller folding metal stock. 127
Damage Type: Ballistic Weight: 5 lb. Variants: An Uzi carbine version is available to the civilian sporting
Range Increment: 40 ft. Purchase DC: 18 market. It has a range increment of 60 feet and is capable of semiauto-
Rate of Fire: S, A Restriction: Res (+2) matic fire only; its statistics otherwise conform to the standard Uzi.
Who Uses It: In addition to serving as the standard submachine
gun of the Israeli Defense Force, for which it was originally designed,
IMI Mini-Uzi the Uzi has been adopted by police and military forces in a dozens of
Israeli 9mm Submachine Gun countries worldwide. It has been built in a number of countries in-
cluding Belgium, China, Croatia, and South Africa, both under license
and as illegal copies. It saw considerable action in wars throughout
the world in the 1970s and 1980s. In the U.S., it has found use with
military Special Forces units and the Secret Service.
d20 Modern Rules: With the stock folded and magazine
re≠moved, this weapon grants a +1 circumstance bonus on Sleight
of Hand checks made to conceal the weapon.
The Mini-Uzi is a compact variant of the popular Uzi submachine Damage: 2d6 Magazine: 20 box
gun. It is much smaller than the standard Uzi and is well suited for Critical: 20 Size: Large
concealed use by bodyguards or commando units. Capable of both Damage Type: Ballistic Weight: 8 lb.
semiautomatic and automatic fire, it is both accurate and control- Range Increment: 40 ft. Purchase DC: 18
lable despite its small size. Rate of Fire: S, A Restriction: Res (+2)
The Mini-Uzi closely resembles its larger cousin except that it is
smaller in size and weight. Control layout is identical. The action
operates much the same way as that of the full-sized Uzi, but it fires Ingram MAC 10
from a closed bolt. A folding shoulder stock is standard. American 9mm Submachine Gun
Who Uses It: Though popular, the Mini-Uzi has not found the
widespread success of the Uzi itself. It is in service in Columbia,
Guatemala, Haiti, Panama, and Uruguay, in addition to its native
Israel. U.S. special operations units also use this weapon.
d20 Modern Rules: With the stock folded and magazine
re≠moved, this weapon grants a +2 circumstance bonus on Sleight
of Hand checks made to conceal the weapon.
Damage: 2d6 Magazine: 20 box The MAC 10 is probably the most popular American submachine gun
Critical: 20 Size: Large design since World War II. Its small size and rugged dependability
Damage Type: Ballistic Weight: 7 lb. made it especially suitable for clandestine service, and it was widely
Range Increment: 40 ft. Purchase DC: 20 used with commandos, bodyguards, mercenaries, criminals, and ter-
Rate of Fire: S, A Restriction: Res (+2) rorists. It became a cultural icon in the 1980s in much the way the
Thompson submachine gun did in the 1920s.
The MAC 10 uses a simple blowback operating mechanism. It
features the telescoping bolt arrangement used by the Israeli Uzi to
keep overall length down. The magazine is fed into the pistol grip,
which is centrally positioned to permit one-handed firing. The cock-
ing handle is located on the top of the receiver and features a notch
fitted with its suppressor and firing cold-loaded ammunition, this can still be found in large numbers on the black market and in the
weapon operates as if silenced; a successful Listen check (DC 15) is hands of criminal gangs.
required to notice the sound of the weapon firing. Variants: A pistol version of this weapon is available (purchase
DC 14, licensed [+1]). Its rate of fire is semiautomatic, but it can be
Damage: 2d6 Magazine: 32 box converted to automatic with 1 hour of work and a successful Repair
Critical: 20 Size: Medium check (DC 15). A converted weapon does not have a semiautomatic
Damage Type: Ballistic Weight: 8 lb. rate of fire.
Range Increment: 40 ft. Purchase DC: 17 d20 Modern Rules: This weapon is unreliable.
Rate of Fire: S, A Restriction: Res (+2)
Damage: 2d6 Magazine: 20 box
Critical: 20 Size: Medium
Ingram MAC 11 Damage Type: Ballistic Weight: 4 lb.
American .380 ACP Submachine Gun Range Increment: 40 ft. Purchase DC: 16
Rate of Fire: S, A Restriction: Res (+2)
Lusa A2
Portuguese 9mm Submachine Gun
Madsen M53
Danish 9mm Submachine Gun
The Brazilian Mekanika Uru is a simple, inexpensive submachine gun
made primarily from metal stampings. The action is housed in a
tubular case. The firing grip is plastic; a large magazine well serves
as a forward grip. The trigger guard is oversized to permit use while
wearing gloves. The Uru features both semiautomatic and automatic
The Madsen M53 was the latest in a series of Danish submachine settings. The user can disengage the firing pin from the action, pre-
gun designs that emerged following the end of World War II. Based venting accidental discharge and allowing the weapon to be safely
around a conventional open-bolt submachine gun action, it was carried while fully loaded.
meant to improve on the hastily produced wartime designs while Variants: A semiautomatic carbine, with a wooden shoulder
still being cheap and easy to manufacture. It is largely made of stock and a long barrel to improve accuracy, was also produced. A
metal stampings to keep costs low. When a nut around the barrel is modified variant, the Uru II, featured an additional firing-grip safety
removed, the weapon swings open like a book, exposing all the in- but was never widely produced or sold.
ternal workings for cleaning and maintenance. Though inexpensive, Who Uses It: The Uru is in service with some police forces in Brazil.
the Madsen is simple and reliable.
Who Uses It: The Madsen was adopted by Thailand and several
countries in South America, including Brazil.
Uru (9mm Submachine Gun)
Damage: 2d6 Magazine: 30 box
Critical: 20 Size: Large
Damage: 2d6 Magazine: 32 box
Damage Type: Ballistic Weight: 10 lb.
Critical: 20 Size: Large
Range Increment: 40 ft. Purchase DC: 20
Damage Type: Ballistic Weight: 7 lb.
Rate of Fire: S, A Restriction: Res (+2)
Range Increment: 40 ft. Purchase DC: 18
Rate of Fire: A Restriction: Res (+2)
Uru Carbine (9mm Submachine Gun)
Damage: 2d6 Magazine: 30 box
MAT-49 Critical: 20 Size: Large
French 9mm Submachine Gun Damage Type: Ballistic Weight: 11 lb.
Range Increment: 60 ft. Purchase DC: 20
Rate of Fire: S Restriction: Res (+2)
Mendoza HM-3
Mexican 9mm Submachine Gun
The MAT-49 was the first postwar French submachine gun design.
It is a rather conventional weapon, chambered to fire the popular
9mm Parabellum cartridge and made largely from inexpensive
stamped metal and plastic components. One unusual feature is the
magazine housing, which folds forward when the weapon is not in
use. This serves as a safety feature, since the weapon cannot be fired
with the magazine folded. It also makes the weapon compact and Introduced in 1973, the HM-3 is a compact submachine gun cham-
transportable, especially with the stock folded. bered for the 9mm Parabellum cartridge. It operates in much the
Range Increment: 40 ft. Purchase DC: 18
Rate of Fire: S, A Restriction: Mil (+3)
OTs-02 Kiparis
Russian 9mm Submachine Gun
The Type 79 features an unusual gas-powered action and functions
more like an assault rifle than a conventional submachine gun. The
resulting design is complex, as submachine guns go, but works much
like an assault rifle, which simplifies training and provides excellent
semiautomatic accuracy. It is also lightweight. Like many Eastern
Bloc submachine gun designs, the weapon is chambered for the
Soviet 7.62mm pistol cartridge.
Who Uses It: The Type 79 is in service with the Chinese armed
forces and has been exported to China’s client states as well.
The OTs-02 Kiparis was originally developed in the 1960s. At the
time, Soviet doctrine had little use for submachine guns, and the
Damage: 2d6 Magazine: 20 box
design languished. In the 1990s, it was revived and put into produc-
Critical: 20 Size: Large
tion for the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs as a weapon for use
Damage Type: Ballistic Weight: 5 lb.
against the growing threat posed by organized crime.
Range Increment: 50 ft. Purchase DC: 19
Design and operation of the Kiparis are straightforward. Construction
Rate of Fire: S, A Restriction: Res (+2)
is metal with a plastic pistol grip. A folding stock is fitted.
Various accessory devices are available for the Kiparis, including a
Norinco Type 85 Submachine Gun boxy laser sight, which clips under the barrel and serves as a forward
handgrip, and a special suppressor.
Chinese 7.62mm Submachine Gun
d20 Modern Rules: The OTs-02 can be fitted with a suppressor
designed specifically for the weapon (purchase DC 14, restricted
[+2]). The OTs-02 cannot be equipped with other suppressors.
132 or perhaps the OTs-22 was developed for the export market.
The mechanism of the OTs-22 owes much to the American Ingram
PDW PS-2000
Slovakian 9mm Submachine Gun
submachine gun. The OTs-22 uses a telescoping bolt, permitting an
ultracompact overall design that is balanced for one-hand use.
The stock folds forward over the top of the receiver. All controls
are ambidextrous. For concealed use, a 20-round magazine that fits
completely within the handgrip is available.
d20 Modern Rules: This weapon can be fired one-handed
without penalty. The version with the 20-round magazine grants a
+1 circumstance bonus on Sleight of Hand checks made to conceal
The PDW PS-2000 was developed by the Slovakian firm Technopol
the weapon.
as a commercial venture rather than for a particular government
PM-84 Glaubeyrt
Polish 9mm Submachine Gun
The Port Said is simple and cheap to produce, being made largely
from metal stampings and pressings. It features a wooden pistol grip
and a folding metal shoulder stock to improve stability. The barrel is
housed in a vented jacket for protection.
Though simple and reliable, the Port Said is obsolete by modern
standards. In spite of this, it remains in production to this day, pri-
marily for export to developing countries where its low price tag
The PM-84, also known as the Glaubeyrt, is a rather conventional
will outweigh its obsolescence.
submachine gun, similar in design and operation to the Israeli Uzi
Who Uses It: The Port Said is in service with the Egyptian armed
and chambered to fire the 9mm Makarov cartridge. It is fitted with
forces. It was used extensively in the Arab-Israeli wars.
a folding stock, and the magazine is housed in the pistol grip. It has
an unusual dual cocking handle, with a knob on each side of the
weapon, making it easy to use with either hand.
Variants: Though originally chambered in the 9mm Makarov
Damage: 2d6
Critical: 20
Magazine: 36 box
Size: Large 133
Damage Type: Ballistic Weight: 9 lb.
round, a modernized variant, designated the PM-84P, has been pro-
Range Increment: 40 ft. Purchase DC: 18
duced in 9mm Parabellum. Its statistics are identical to the PM-84.
Rate of Fire: A Restriction: Res (+2)
Who Uses It: The 9mm Parabellum PM-84P is in service with the
Polish armed forces.
Rate of Fire: S, A Restriction: Res (+2)
Polish 9mm Submachine Gun
The Russian PP-90 is a specialized submachine gun, designed to fold
away into a compact package when not in use. When folded, it looks
nothing like a firearm—just a simple metal box, small enough to be
carried in a pocket or utility bag. Designed for individuals who need
to keep a low profile, it can easily be carried by plainclothes or
undercover personnel without attracting the kind of attention that
another firearm might bring.
To ready the PP-90 for firing, the user simply unfolds it and
The PM-98 is a development of the earlier PM-84 Glauberyt series
snaps it into its open position. One half forms the receiver; the
of submachine guns. The most obvious difference from the PM-84 is
other forms the shoulder stock. The firing grip springs into place
the redesigned forward grip, which has been considerably enlarged
underneath. Simple open sights fold up as well.
to house an integral laser sight. A number of other minor modifica-
Internally, the PP-90 uses a simple blowback mechanism. It has a
tions were made to improve reliability and affordability.
low rate of fire and a two-tiered bolt to reduce the effect of recoil in
Variants: A slightly modified version, the PM-98S, is also avail-
automatic mode. The weapon has no semiautomatic setting. Internal
able. Its statistics are identical to the PM-98.
safeties prevent firing if the weapon is dropped. The weapon cannot
d20 Modern Rules: This weapon features an integrated laser
be fired if it has not been fully unfolded and locked open.
Variants: The PP-90M is slightly lighter than the standard model (4
lb.) and features a redesigned buttstock, but otherwise its statistics are
Damage: 2d6 Magazine: 25 box
identical to the PP-90. The PP-90M1, which is chambered in the Western
Critical: 20 Size: Large
9mm Parabellum cartridge, has statistics identical to the PP-90.
Damage Type: Ballistic Weight: 6 lb.
d20 Modern Rules: Folding or unfolding the PP-90 is a full-round
Range Increment: 40 ft. Purchase DC: 18
action. When folded, the weapon is considered a Small object.
Rate of Fire: S, A Restriction: Res (+2)
Damage: 2d6 Magazine: 30 box
Critical: 20 Size: Large
Damage Type: Ballistic Weight: 5 lb.
Range Increment: 50 ft. Purchase DC: 18
Rate of Fire: A Restriction: Res (+2)
piece (to change between the 32-round box magazine and 64- Damage: 2d6 Magazine: 30 box
round helical drum) takes a full-round action and can be done Critical: 20 Size: Large
without tools. Damage Type: Ballistic Weight: 4 lb.
Range Increment: 50 ft. Purchase DC: 19
Damage: 2d6 Magazine: 32 or 64 box Rate of Fire: S, A Restriction: Res (+2)
Critical: 20 Size: Large
Damage Type: Ballistic Weight: 6 lb.
Range Increment: 50 ft. Purchase DC: 20 Romarm BORD
Rate of Fire: S, A Restriction: Res (+2) Romanian 9mm Submachine Gun
PP-91 Kedr
Russian 9mm Submachine Gun
Sa 58/98 S (9mm Submachine Gun)
Damage: 2d6 Magazine: 30 box
This modern submachine gun, designed by Uzi Gal (creator of the fa-
Critical: 20 Size: Large
mous Uzi), is produced by the American company Ruger. It is similar
Damage Type: Ballistic Weight: 9 lb.
to the Uzi in both appearance and operation. The lower receiver is
Range Increment: 60 ft. Purchase DC: 20
made from composites instead of stamped metal. It is shaped with
Rate of Fire: S, A Restriction: Res (+2)
an enlarged trigger guard, which can be used for a two-handed grip.
It also extends behind the firing grip, forming an open frame onto
which the folding stock can be retracted.
As on the Uzi, the magazine feeds into the centrally located pistol
Saab-Bofors CBJ MS
Swedish 9mm/6.5×25mm Personal Defense Weapon
grip, providing good balance. In addition to a standard safety catch,
the MP-9 features an internal trigger safety, which disengages the
action except when the trigger is pressed. This allows the weapon
to be carried loaded without the risk of accidental firing if it is jolted
or dropped.
The MP-9 is designed for ease of maintenance. It disassembles
easily, and the barrel can be unscrewed for cleaning. The MP-9 is also
compatible with a range of accessory devices, including weapon
sights, which can be attached to standard sight rails on the top of
The Saab-Bofors CBJ MS was designed to serve as a personal de-
the receiver.
fense weapon (PDW), an assault weapon, and even a light machine
gun. Although similar to the Mini-Uzi in appearance, the Saab-
Damage: 2d6 Magazine: 32 box
Bofors CBJ MS has a much more advanced design with a number of
Critical: 20 Size: Large
remarkable features.
Damage Type: Ballistic Weight: 8 lb.
The CBJ MS is capable of firing either standard 9mm Parabellum
Range Increment: 50 ft. Purchase DC: 20
or specialized 6.5mm high-velocity rounds developed specifically
Rate of Fire: S, A Restriction: Res (+2)
for this weapon. The 6.5mm rounds are necked cartridges designed
to be roughly the same size and to have the same recoil as 9mm
rounds and to use the same magazines. They fire a saboted high-
velocity projectile made of tungsten, a very dense material. This
gives the projectile excellent armor-piercing capability; it can even
penetrate a lightly armored vehicle.
The CBJ MS is a compact weapon constructed from light-
weight metal pressings with plastic grips. Both a folding stock
and a forward pistol grip are fitted for improved controllability.
The SCH-21 Gorda comes from the former Soviet Republic of Socimi Type 821
Georgia and was developed by the State Military Scientific and Italian 9mm Submachine Gun
Technical Center, not by a private company. It is chambered for the
Western 9mm Parabellum cartridge, however, suggesting that its
designers were hoping for export sales.
The Gorda’s construction makes use of a number of component
parts from other weapons. It owes a great deal to the AKM, perhaps
indicating an attempt to recycle old Kalashnikovs into something
more useful in today’s arms market. The receiver, trigger mechanism,
and pistol grip all come from the AKM. The firing mechanism is re-
built to use a simple blowback operation. The 9mm magazines are As its appearance suggests, the Socimi Type 821 has much in
fed into the oversized AK magazine well. com≠mon with the Israeli Uzi. It operates on the same telescoping
The Gorda’s folding stock swings forward along the side of the bolt principle and houses the magazine in the vertical pistol grip. It
receiver, and the weapon can be fired with the stock folded. The differs in construction, however. Much of the Type 821 is made from
forestock is taken from the new OTs-14 Groza weapon system light alloy to keep weight down. It can be rapidly disassembled for
from Russia. cleaning. A screw-on suppressor is available.
Several accessories are available for the Gorda, including illumi- Who Uses It: The Type 821 was adopted by a number of law
nators, laser and optical sights, and a replacement barrel with an enforcement agencies.
integral suppressor (purchase DC 15, restricted [+2]). Flip-up iron
sights are also fitted. Damage: 2d6 Magazine: 32 box
Who Uses It: The SCH-21 Gorda is just now completing develop- Critical: 20 Size: Large
ment and becoming available. It has yet to find any customers or go Damage Type: Ballistic Weight: 3 lb.
into widespread production. Range Increment: 50 ft. Purchase DC: 20
Rate of Fire: A Restriction: Res (+2)
Damage Type: Ballistic Weight: 7 lb.
Range Increment: 50 ft. Purchase DC: 21
Rate of Fire: S, A Restriction: Res (+2)
Russian 9mm Submachine Gun
Critical: 20 Size: Large Who Used It: The MPi69 served with the Austrian military
Damage Type: Ballistic Weight: 7 lb. and police, until it was replaced by the more modern Steyr
Range Increment: 50 ft. Purchase DC: 19 AUG-9 (see above) and Steyr TMP/SPP (see below). It was also
Rate of Fire: S, A Restriction: Res (+2) widely exported.
d20 Modern Rules: Using a conversion kit (puchase DC 15, mili-
tary [+3]) to make this weapon into a silenced weapon requires 10
L34A1 (9mm Submachine Gun) minutes and a successful Repair check (DC 10). When converted, this
Damage: 2d6 Magazine: 34 box
is a silenced weapon; a successful Listen check (DC 15) is required to
Critical: 20 Size: Large
notice the sound of the weapon firing.
Damage Type: Ballistic Weight: 9 lb.
Range Increment: 40 ft. Purchase DC: 19
Damage: 2d6 Magazine: 32 box
Rate of Fire: S, A Restriction: Mil (+3)
Critical: 20 Size: Large
Damage Type: Ballistic Weight: 8 lb.
Steyr AUG-9 Range Increment: 50 ft.
Rate of Fire: S, A
Purchase DC: 20
Restriction: Res (+2)
Austrian 9mm Submachine Gun
Steyr TMP
Austrian 9mm Personal Defense Weapon
This submachine gun version of the Steyr AUG assault rifle differs
from the standard rifle in the fitting of a new barrel and bolt group
designed to use the 9mm Parabellum cartridge.
Semiautomatic fire is available with a half-pull of the trigger,
while pulling it back all the way will result in automatic fire. A special
An advanced PDW design from Steyr Mannlicher, the TMP fires the
suppressed barrel can be substituted if desired.
conventional 9mm Parabellum pistol cartridge. The design of the
Who Uses It: The AUG-9 has been adopted by a number of the
weapon itself is quite advanced and makes extensive use of com-
countries using the AUG assault rifle, including Austria.
posite materials. The weapon can be quickly disassembled without
d20 Modern Rules: In addition to being available as a complete
tools, simplifying maintenance in the field. As with the AUG rifle,
weapon, the AUG-9 submachine gun can be obtained as a conver-
the fire of the TMP is controlled by trigger-pressure—a half-pull for
sion kit (purchase DC 17, restricted [+2]) for the Steyr AUG assault
Polish 9mm Makarov Submachine Gun
Belgium. A conventional second-generation submachine gun, it uses
inexpensive metal-stamped construction, a tubular housing, and a
simple blowback action. Its most distinguishing feature is its long
barrel, which is fitted with a muzzle brake to aid controllability.
A grip safety is fitted to permit the user to safely carry the
weap≠on when it is loaded. A simple folding stock is standard as
well. The M2 is capable of both semiautomatic and automatic fire. The Polish WZ-63 is one of the earliest examples of the personal
When the weapon is set to automatic, a single semiautomatic shot defense weapon—an ultracompact automatic weapon designed for
can be fired with a half-pull on the trigger if desired. rear-echelon personnel who don’t need a full-sized rifle. Its operat-
Who Uses It: The M2 entered Belgian military service in 1953. It ing mechanism is basically that of an overgrown autoloader pistol.
was widely used in the fighting in the Belgian Congo and afterward The magazine is housed in the pistol grip, and the weapon includes
was distributed throughout Central Africa, where it can still be a folding stock and a folding vertical foregrip.
found today. It was also used in Portugal. The WZ-63 is cocked by drawing the entire slide back, like on an
autoloader pistol. It is locked back in the open position. When the
Damage: 2d6 Magazine: 32 box trigger is pressed, the slide snaps forward, firing a round. It is then
Critical: 20 Size: Large forced back to the open, locked position by the recoil of firing.
Damage Type: Ballistic Weight: 4 lb. Squeezing the trigger all the way down results in automatic fire.
Range Increment: 40 ft. Purchase DC: 20 Accuracy is poor—because the entire slide moves when the weapon
Rate of Fire: A Restriction: Res (+2) is fired, its balance shifts considerably, and the sights are constantly
moving as well.
Who Uses It: The WZ-63 served with the Polish armed forces
Walther MPL and was exported to a number of other Warsaw Pact states as well.
German 9mm Submachine Gun It has now been withdrawn from service.
Benelli M3 Series
Italian 12-Gauge Dual-Action Shotgun SHOTGUNS
The groundbreaking Benelli M1 was developed as a semiautomatic
tactical shotgun. Its innovative recoil-driven action cycles very quick-
ly, giving the M1 a remarkably high rate of fire. This feature made it an
overnight success after its introduction in the late 1980s.
The Benelli M1 (see above) was a hugely popular design with po-
The M1’s action extends backward into the stock, making folding-
lice, who valued its dependability and extremely fast action. Its
stock variants impossible. Manufactured from advanced alloys and
recoil-driven firing mechanism, however, was designed only with
composite materials, it is a lightweight and handy weapon. The M1
full-power shotgun loads in mind. When used with low-power spe-
can be readily stripped for cleaning. It features tactical sling mounts
cialty shells, such as riot shells, the weaker recoil force proved too
similar to those found on H&K submachine guns, permitting the
weak to cycle the action, and the weapon would jam.
use of SWAT-style assault slings. Various accessories are available,
To address this problem, Benelli developed a dual-action de-
including illuminators and combat sights.
rivative that combined both pump and recoil actions into a single
For a time, Benelli marketed its shotguns in the U.S. through a
weapon. The M3, as the new design came to be known, normally
joint agreement with Heckler & Koch. This further fueled the weap-
operates as a semiautomatic shotgun using the M1’s recoil-driven
ons’ popularity with law enforcement.
action. When low-powered rounds are needed, the shooter simply
Variants: The M1 is produced in a wide range of different mod-
twists a selector knob at the end of the forward grip to lock the
els, suited to varying tactical roles. The M1 Super 90 is a dedicated
Fabarm Tactical
Italian 12-Gauge Semiautomatic Shotgun
Range Increment: 40 ft. Purchase DC: 17 moved, allowing use only as a pump-action. An extremely compact
Rate of Fire: Single Restriction: Lic (+1) weapon, the PA3 is designed as a concealed weapon. A folding SPAS
12 stock is fitted for stability.
Because of the similarity to the SPAS 12, the PA3 can use any of
Fabarm FP6 its standard accessories, including alternate stocks, choke tubes,
Italian 12-Gauge Pump-Action Shotgun scopes, slings, and so on.
Variants: There are three different PA3 models, with progressive-
ly shorter barrels: the PA3/470, the PA3/345, and the ultracompact
PA3/215. The number following the slash refers to the length of the
barrel in millimeters.
Who Uses It: The PA3 is in service with a number of Italian police
agencies, including the elite NOCS counterterrorism team.
The FP6 is a conventional pump-action shotgun intended for law en- d20 Modern Rules: The PA3/215 model grants a +2 circumstance
forcement use. The furniture is made from an advanced composite bonus on Sleight of Hand checks made to conceal the weapon. The
material. The shoulder stock can be quickly detached and replaced slightly longer PA3/345 grants a +1 circumstance bonus on Sleight of
with a pistol grip to reduce length. A ventilated heat shield protects Hand checks made to conceal the weapon.
the barrel. Twin action bars in the pump ensure smooth cycling,
even when the weapon is worked very rapidly.
roles. The ejection port for spent cartridge cases is on the bottom A popular sporting shotgun from the former Soviet Union, the
of the receiver, rather than on the side, making it particularly well IZH-81M has recently appeared on the American market. The
suited for left-handed shooters. The action is designed to withstand IZH-81M features a typical pump-action arrangement, except that
harsh field conditions. it has a rifle-style detachable box magazine just forward of the
Variants: Variants of the Model 37 tend to be optimized trigger guard.
for different hunting uses. The birding gun is known as the Variants: Both fixed- and folding-stock versions are produced;
Model 37 Turkeyslayer, while the deer gun is called the Model the latter uses a plastic Kalashnikov-style stock. All models are avail-
37 Deerslayer. The Deerslayer includes a precision-rifled barrel able in a variety of barrel lengths as well.
and iron sights for slug shooting. Trap and skeet versions are also Who Uses It: IZH-81Ms are in service with the Russian armed
produced. Hunting Model 37s are available in a camouflage finish. forces. They have been sold in some numbers as sporting weapons
Ithaca also produced a special LAPD version featuring combat in the West.
sights, a rubber recoil pad on the stock, and a carrying sling; its
magazine holds 5 shells, but otherwise its statistics are similar to Damage: 2d8 Magazine: 7 box
the basic model. Critical: 20 Size: Large
Who Uses It: The LAPD model is in service with the Los Angeles Damage Type: Ballistic Weight: 8 lb.
Police Department, as well as a number of other police agencies Range Increment: 50 ft. Purchase DC: 16
in the U.S. Rate of Fire: Single Restriction: Lic (+1)
The MP-131K is a new pump-action tactical shotgun developed for The 23mm KS-23 is probably the largest pump-action shotgun ever
the law enforcement market. It features two magazines, both a made. Called a “special carbine” by its makers, it bears a conven-
conventional underbarrel tube and a detachable 3-round box. The tional configuration and appearance, with a sliding pump grip and
firer can switch to feed from either magazine as desired, permit- tubular magazine. What sets the KS-23 apart is that it fires incredibly
ting a rapid selection from two different types of ammunition. large shells, roughly the equivalent of a 4-gauge. This round is far
The selector switch for this feature is located on the detachable too powerful to be controllable. The KS-23 produces so much recoil
box magazine, rather than on the weapon itself. Because the box that it is actually dangerous to the user.
magazine holds only 3 rounds, it is meant either to serve as an Variants: For those unimpressed by the standard model, the
emergency reserve or to hold specialty ammunition types, such as KS-23M Drozd is a short-barreled version with a pistol grip and
door openers or nonlethal rounds. no shoulder stock. It has a range increment of 20 feet and weighs
The MP-131K’s pump action operates in the traditional manner. A 8 pounds; otherwise, it has statistics similar to the KS-23 model. A
long sight rail runs along the top of the action. commercial sporting version for hunting large game also exists.
Who Uses It: The KS-23 and KS-23M are in service with the
Damage: 2d8
Critical: 20
Magazine: 5 int/3 box
Size: Large
Russian MVD and military SPETSNAZ forces.
d20 Modern Rules: Firing this weapon deals 2d6 points of 149
Damage Type: Ballistic Weight: 9 lb. nonlethal damage to the user.
Range Increment: 40 ft. Purchase DC: 16
Rate of Fire: Single Restriction: Lic (+1) Damage: 2d12 Magazine: 3 int
Critical: 20 Size: Large
Damage Type: Ballistic Weight: 9 lb.
Knights Armaments Master Key “S” Range Increment: 40 ft. Purchase DC: 16
American 12-Gauge Pump-Action Shotgun Rate of Fire: Single Restriction: Lic (+1)
Range Increment: 20 ft. Purchase DC: 14 Damage Type: Ballistic Weight: 8 lb.
Rate of Fire: Single Restriction: Lic (+1) Range Increment: 40 ft. Purchase DC: 16
Rate of Fire: S Restriction: Lic (+1)
The shooter can also set the weapon to feed alternately from
each magazine. Norinco M2000
For loading the magazines, the whole upper part of the weapon Chinese 12-Gauge Semiautomatic Shotgun
swings open and the user simply inserts rounds into the open tubes
much like on a break-open design. Clear plastic windows running the
length of each magazine allow the user to instantly check remaining
The Neostead’s action is encased in a plastic shell, which forms
the structure of the weapon. This keeps weight to a minimum. It also
features a bayonet lug for melee combat and a carrying handle with The M2000 is a Chinese copy of the Remington 11-87 semiautomatic
integrated sights. All controls are ambidextrous, and spent shells shotgun, much as the M98 is copied from the pump-action Model
are ejected out the bottom. Redundant internal safeties prevent 870. The M2000 features black plastic furniture and an oversized
accidental firing, even if the weapon is dropped. charging handle for easier use. Conventional in appearance and
Variants: Future models of the Neostead are planned, in- operation, it functions identically to the Model 11-87.
cluding an ultracompact version with a short barrel for close-in Variants: The M2000 is available with either bead or ghost-
fighting. This will be just 55 centimeters long, with twin 4-round ring sights. It is also produced with both conventional and
magazines. pistol-grip stocks.
Who Uses It: The Neostead is just entering production. Its nu-
merous innovative features give it great promise, especially for the Damage: 2d8 Magazine: 4 int
law enforcement market. Critical: 20 Size: Large
d20 Modern Rules: This weapon can fire 3 1/2-inch shells. Damage Type: Ballistic Weight: 8 lb.
Range Increment: 40 ft. Purchase DC: 16
Rate of Fire: S Restriction: Lic (+1)
Neostead (12-Gauge Shotgun)
Damage: 2d8 Magazine: 12 int
Critical: 20
Damage Type: Ballistic
Size: Large
Weight: 9 lb.
Omega SPS-12
American 12-Gauge Semiautomatic Shotgun
Range Increment: 40 ft. Purchase DC: 17
Rate of Fire: Single Restriction: Lic (+1)
Poseidon Micro
Turkish 12-Gauge Pump-Action Shotgun
The M870 Mark 1 is representative of the Remington shotguns in
military service. The metal surfaces have a matte black finish. Early
models had wood furniture treated with oil to resist decay; more
modern M870 Mark 1s feature synthetic stocks. The magazine tube
is extended for higher capacity and has a standard bayonet lug.
Rifle-style sights are fitted as well.
Variants: A number of other models were developed for U.S. mili-
tary service. The Mark 3 is similar but lacks the bayonet lug. The Mark 6,
The Poseidon Micro is a truly international weapon system.
used by Air Force security police, sported a smaller 4-round magazine.
Produced by Akkar Limited in Turkey, it fires a specialized “min-
Who Uses It: The M870 Mark I was adopted by the U.S. Marine
ishell,” a shortened version of the 12-gauge shotgun shell. These
Corps in 1966. It was used by military police units and saw action
minishells are designed to give the same performance as a full-sized
in Vietnam. Military M870s were used by all branches of the U.S.
shell, while allowing a significantly higher magazine capacity. Recoil
armed forces. Though officially replaced in U.S. forces by Mossberg
is reduced significantly, which is useful for smaller shooters. The use
of minishells also makes the Poseidon a compact design.
The Poseidon can be purchased with either a standard shotgun
models in the early 1990s, M870s remain in service in large num-
bers. The design is still in production today for police and military 153
stock or a pistol grip. Ammunition is held in a tubular magazine
under the barrel. A sight rail on top of the receiver permits the use
Damage: 2d8 Magazine: 7 int
of tactical sights. A cartridge carrier holding 10 additional rounds at
Critical: 20 Size: Large
the ready can be attached to the receiver side as well.
Damage Type: Ballistic Weight: 8 lb.
d20 Modern Rules: This weapon fires 12-gauge “minishell”
Range Increment: 40 ft. Purchase DC: 16
ammunition only (same purchase DC as standard 12-gauge 00
Rate of Fire: Single Restriction: Lic (+1)
Damage: 2d8
Critical: 20
Magazine: 11 int
Size: Large
Remington M870P
American 12-Gauge Pump-Action Shotgun
Damage Type: Ballistic Weight: 4 lb.
Range Increment: 40 ft. Purchase DC: 15
Rate of Fire: Single Restriction: Lic (+1)
The most notable feature of the South African Protecta is its 12-
round revolving magazine. A simple and robust weapon, it operates
The Model 11-87 is an improved derivative of the popular Model on the double-action principle, which offers both responsiveness
1100 semiautomatic shotgun from Remington. The action and firing and good protection against accidental discharges. Unlike most
mechanism operate in the same way but have been strengthened revolvers, spent cartridge cases are not held in the cylinder but are
to allow the use of more powerful 3 1/2-inch Magnum shells. These ejected out the right side of the weapon as they are fired.
154 shells offer improved range performance and stopping power but
result in greater recoil. The 11-87 is somewhat heavier than the
The large revolver cylinder is bulky. The rest of the weapon,
however, is kept as lightweight as possible, with a short, compact
Model 1100 as well. barrel and a vertical pistol foregrip. For storage or transport, the
Variants: Like the M1100, the 11-87 is available in a variety of stock folds out of the way.
configurations suitable for nearly any shotgun role—hunting, target The Protecta is designed to require minimal maintenance.
shooting, slugs, police, or tactical. The standard law enforcement Cleaning is essentially unnecessary. When stripped, the weapon
version is the Model 11-87 Police. This weapon features a 7-round disassembles into three primary components—the grip and stock,
magazine, a synthetic stock, and a matte black finish. It is available the barrel and action, and the magazine.
with either conventional, rifle-style, or ghost-ring sights. Aside from Variants: The Bulldog is a compact variant of the Protecta re-
its larger magazine, the weapon has statistics identical to the basic volver shotgun. It features the same overall layout with a radically
model. The Model 11-87 SPS, another tactical model, has a longer shortened barrel and no folding stock. The twin pistol grips are re-
barrel and a standard 5-round magazine. tained to ensure controllability. Though the length is much shorter,
Who Uses It: The Model 11-87 is popular with both police and the bulk of the big magazine makes it a difficult weapon to conceal.
sportsmen alike. It is best suited for close-quarters battle.
d20 Modern Rules: This weapon can fire 3 1/2-inch shells. Who Uses It: The Protecta is used by South African security
forces and has been exported as well.
Damage: 2d8 Magazine: 5 int
Critical: 20 Size: Large
Damage Type: Ballistic Weight: 8 lb.
Protecta (12-Gauge Shotgun)
Damage: 2d8 Magazine: 12 cyl
Range Increment: 40 ft. Purchase DC: 16
Critical: 20 Size: Large
Rate of Fire: S Restriction: Lic (+1)
Damage Type: Ballistic Weight: 11 lb.
Range Increment: 30 ft. Purchase DC: 16
Remington Model 1100 Series Rate of Fire: S Restriction: Lic (+1)
American 12-Gauge Semiautomatic Shotgun
Protecta Bulldog (12-Gauge Shotgun)
The RO5 is a purpose-built tactical shotgun from France. It uses a Damage: 2d8 Magazine: 8 box
conventional pump action with a tubular magazine and replaceable Critical: 20 Size: Large
screw-in chokes. It is available in a variety of configurations, includ- Damage Type: Ballistic Weight: 8 lb.
ing different barrel lengths. Range Increment: 40 ft. Purchase DC: 16
Variants: The PM5 is a variant model that features a 7-round Rate of Fire: S Restriction: Lic (+1)
detachable box magazine, allowing for more rapid reloading. Its
statistics are otherwise identical to the RO5.
Scattergun Technologies Custom Shotguns
Damage: 2d8 Magazine: 8 int The Scattergun Technologies company of Nashville, Tennessee, has
Critical: 20 Size: Large established a reputation as one of the leading producers of custom
Damage Type: Ballistic Weight: 8 lb. tactical shotguns for police and military use. Taking a customer’s
Range Increment: 40 ft. Purchase DC: 16 shotgun, they rebuild it into a highly sophisticated custom weapon SHOTGUNS
Rate of Fire: Single Restriction: Lic (+1) system. Modifications include a rebuilt action, improved feed system,
a new barrel, and synthetic stocks. Rifle-style sights are standard, for
use with modern close-quarters battle doctrine. A shot clip holds 6
Saiga-12 spare rounds on the left side of the action for ready access during
Russian 12-Gauge Semiautomatic Shotgun combat. The weapon also sports a protective matte black finish. A
corrosion-resistant nickel-plated finish is also available.
Scattergun produces an extensive range of custom designs and
will create new ones to supplied specifications. The designs in
Scattergun’s standard line are named for various law enforcement
agencies. Each contains a different set of features. Although most
are built on pump-action Remington M870 actions, a number of
The Russian Saiga series is essentially the Kalashnikov rifle action re- semiautomatic models made from Model 11-87s are also produced.
chambered to fire shotgun shells. The change required an extensive Border Patrol: This model features a medium-length barrel,
redesign because of the much larger bore of the shotgun ammuni- which makes it well suited to indoor use.
tion. The extraction process for spent cartridges was especially Border Patrol Short: As its name suggests, this model is identi-
problematic, requiring near total reworking. cal to the Border Patrol except for a shorter barrel and magazine.
Like the Kalashnikov, the Saiga features a detachable box Compact: This model has a full-sized stock but an ultrashort
magazine, which speeds reloading. The controls are similar to barrel and magazine tube.
d20 Modern Rules: All variants of this weapon can fire 3 1/2-
inch rounds. The Urban Sniper variant is also designed to fire slug
rounds and slug penetrator rounds.
The Compact and Entry variants each grant a +2 circumstance
bonus on Sleight of Hand checks made to conceal the weapon.
156 SWAT Semiauto
Smith & Wesson Model 3000
American 12-Gauge Single-Shot Shotgun
K-9 Semiauto
Entry: The Entry is essentially identical to the Compact, above, The Model 3000 is a conventional pump-action design from Smith
except that it features a built-in illuminator and a grip-loop on the & Wesson. It was sold in both hunting and police versions, including
slide for the nonfiring hand. a model with a pistol grip and a folding stock. The pump action uses
Expert: The Expert features a medium-length barrel, extended dual parallel bars for smoother cycling. The receiver is machined
magazine, and built-in illuminator. It also features a corrosion-resis- from steel, and the barrel is designed to be easily replaceable.
tant nickel finish. Who Uses It: The Model 3000 is no longer in production, but it
FBI: The FBI is similar to the Expert but features a shorter maga- is still in use with a number of police agencies throughout the U.S.
zine, reducing overall weight. It is also widely used as a civilian hunting weapon.
Patrol: The Patrol is similar to the Border Patrol model, only with
the shorter magazine. Damage: 2d8 Magazine: 6 int
Professional: This weapon is essentially the same as the Border Critical: 20 Size: Large
Patrol Short model, except for the addition of a built-in illuminator. Damage Type: Ballistic Weight: 7 lb.
Standard: This is a full-length version with a long magazine and an Range Increment: 40 ft. Purchase DC: 16
illuminator, like the Expert, only with the standard matte black finish. Rate of Fire: Single Restriction: Lic (+1)
Urban Sniper: The Urban Sniper is an accurized slug-gun
de≠signed for aimed fire. Built around a semiautomatic 11-87 action,
Techno Arms MAG-7
and essentially require a large tripod or vehicle mount for stability.
belt can be connected to a loaded belt, provided that loaded belt
The most important reason for their large size is that they fire large-
still has 5 or more bullets. (If the loaded belt has fewer than 5 bullets
caliber ammunition significantly bigger than ordinary rifle rounds.
left, a new belt cannot be connected and the weapon must instead
This gives them excellent long range and antiarmor performance.
be reloaded.) Connecting a new belt is a move action.
Because of their high power, HMGs are often used as antiaircraft
Assistance: A weapon with a belt of 50 or more bullets cannot
weapons. HMGs are so heavy that several crew members are needed
be fired by a single user unless it is on a bipod or mount. An assistant
to move the weapon and its mount about. Furthermore, even when
gunner is necessary to prevent the belt from twisting or tangling.
they are used on a tripod, their recoil is so strong that the legs of the
Assisting is an attack action.
tripod must often be weighed down with heavy sandbags to keep
Belt and Box Feeds: Some machine guns accept both belts and
the weapon steady during firing.
box magazines. If a weapon is loaded with both a belt and a box
Miniguns are the most complex machine guns. Like 19th-century
magazine at the same time, it will not function. Only one ammuni-
Gatling guns, these feature multiple barrels that rotate when the
tion source can be used at a time.
weapon is fired. The rotating barrel design permits an astonishingly
Bipods: Unless noted otherwise, a machine gun comes equipped
high rate of fire, because the individual barrels have time to cool
with a bipod (see Bipods in the introduction for game rules).
between shots. On most machine guns, the recoil force of fired
Chambered Rounds: Any machine gun with a box magazine can
rounds drive the action. Miniguns, however, are mechanically com-
carry an extra cartridge in the chamber. To put a cartridge in the
plex enough that this doesn’t provide sufficient power. As a result,
chamber, the weapon is loaded as normal. (Chambering a round is
an electric motor is added to drive the rotating barrel mechanism
part of the normal loading process.) Then, the magazine is removed,
and feed in the ammunition—making an already complex weapon
an extra bullet is added (to replace the one that was chambered),
even more so.
and the magazine is reinserted. This process takes an extra full round
Miniguns have been developed in a range of calibers and to
beyond the time normally required to load the weapon.
serve a variety of roles, but their tremendous rate of fire demands
Folding Stocks: A few machine guns feature folding stocks.
a huge quantity of ammunition—far more than can be easily car-
(Some weapons feature collapsible stocks; for game purposes,
ried by even a sizable crew. Consequently, miniguns are virtually
these are the same as folding stocks.) Folding a weapon’s stock
always used on vehicle or aircraft mounts. They have proven es-
grants a +2 circumstance bonus on Sleight of Hand checks made to
pecially popular on helicopters, where the high rate of fire helps
conceal the weapon.
CIS Fifty
Singaporean .50 Caliber Heavy Machine Gun
The AS70/90 LMG is derived from the Beretta AS70/90 assault rifle
and designed for use as a squad automatic weapon. The operating
mechanism is largely unchanged but fires from an open bolt to
increase rate of fire. A heavy barrel and folding bipod are fitted
for sustained fire. The metal forward grip is designed to accept the
folded bipod, while the shoulder stock permits a two-handed grip
The CIS Fifty was introduced in the 1980s as a lightweight and high-
when firing from the bipod. A prominent overhead carrying handle
tech competitor for the popular but aging Browning M2 HB design.
can be detached to mount a variety of sighting devices.
The entire weapon is designed with simplicity in mind and features
modular construction that facilitates maintenance—each subassem-
Damage: 2d8 Magazine: 30 box
bly in the action can be quickly removed and serviced individually
Critical: 20 Size: Large
as needed. The barrel can be changed quickly without affecting the
Damage Type: Ballistic
Range Increment: 80 ft.
Weight: 14 lb.
Purchase DC: 20
weapon’s zero.
The CIS Fifty can be attached to a tripod or mount.
Rate of Fire: S, A Restriction: Mil (+3)
Perhaps the most interesting feature of the CIS Fifty is its abil-
ity to accept two ammunition belts, one feeding into each side of
Browning M2HB the receiver. The shooter can quickly switch between the two by
throwing a single lever, allowing different targets to be engaged
American .50 BMG Heavy Machine Gun
with different ammunition types as necessary (for example, using
ball ammunition for personnel targets and armor-piercing rounds
for vehicles).
Who Uses It: The CIS Fifty serves with the armed forces of
The M2 remains the standard HMG of the U.S. armed forces
today, serving with all four branches of the military. The current
Colt M16A2 LMG
American 5.56mm Light Machine Gun
version, standardized in 1978, features a heavier barrel and is thus
known as M2 Heavy Barrel (or M2HB). Recent developments in
am≠munition design have further improved the .50 BMG cartridge,
making it both more accurate and more powerful.
A huge weapon, the M2 can only be fired from a tripod or pintle
mount. When used on a tripod, the weapon must be further stabi-
lized by placing sandbags on the tripod’s legs. Both the weapon and
its ammunition are cumbersome and difficult to carry around, which
The M16A2 LMG is a derivative of the M16 assault rifle designed to
makes it impractical for infantry use. Its powerful cartridge and rate
serve as a SAW. It features a heavy sustained-fire barrel, which is
of fire give it a tremendous punch, however, and it is an excellent
fitted with a folding bipod and a redesigned forestock. This incor-
weapon for mounting on armored personnel carriers or other ve-
porates a vertical forward grip for improved stability when firing
hicles. It is also superb for use in static defense of fixed positions.
from the hip, and a new carrying handle situated on the new center
Variants: The M2 is produced under license by Fabrique Nationale
of gravity with the heavy barrel installed.
of Belgium in a version known as M2 QCB (Quick Change Barrel).
The M16A2 LMG operates identically to the standard assault rifle,
As its name implies, this variant features a barrel that the user can
which simplifies training for troops already used to the M16. It also
quickly switch out as needed. It also features numerous minor differ-
uses the same ammunition and magazines.
ences designed to suit European manufacturing requirements.
Who Uses It: The M16A2 LMG is in service with the U.S. Drug
Who Uses It: The M2HB serves in the U.S. and throughout NATO,
Enforcement Administration. Military forces in other countries,
as well as with a great many Third World nations. Despite its age, it is
including Brazil and El Salvador, also use it.
expected to remain in service for at least several more decades.
d20 Modern Rules: This weapon may be purchased with a
d20 Modern Rules: This weapon can be disassembled into two
three-round burst setting instead of the automatic rate of fire.
loads (one weighing 50 lb. and the other 34 lb.) to be carried by two
When the three-round burst version is used with the Burst Fire feat,
people. A tripod is available for this weapon; it has a purchase DC
it fires only three bullets instead of five and can be used with only
of 12 and weighs 22 pounds.
162 The CZ 2000 LMG is a derivative of the CZ 2000 assault rifle de-
signed for use in the squad automatic weapon role. It is essentially
Belgian 7.62mm General Purpose Machine Gun
just a modified version of the assault rifle, which shares many com-
mon parts. A long, heavy barrel is fitted and equipped with a folding
bipod. The weapon has a muzzle brake and folding stock, but no
bayonet lug.
The CZ 2000 LMG’s furniture is made from high-impact plastic.
Long-range iron sights are fitted, and a standard scope rail permits
the use of an optical or night sight as well. As with the assault rifle, The FN MAG is the most successful general-purpose machine gun
the LMG can be quickly broken down into its component parts for design of the Cold War era. Appearing in the late 1950’s, it went on
cleaning or maintenance. to enter service with dozens of armies worldwide. Even after the
Though the CZ 2000 LMG can accept the 30-round transparent eclipse of the heavier 7.62mm round by its lighter 5.56mm counter-
magazines used by the assault rifle, as well as any standard M16-pat- part, the FN MAG remains in service.
tern magazine, it is designed for use with a large 75-round drum to Mechanically, the FN MAG is simple in design and operation. The
provide sustained automatic fire. action is gas-powered and features a tipping breech block. The bar-
Variants: As with its assault rifle counterpart, the CZ 2000 LMG rel can be quickly changed when necessary, and a bipod is fitted; this
was originally produced in 5.45mm and was known as the Lada LMG. bipod can be folded up to form a rudimentary forward handgrip.
Both versions are available for export. The fixed stock is usually made of wood, but this has been replaced
d20 Modern Rules: This weapon features a three-round burst by plastic on more modern examples. Though it can be fitted to a
setting. When used with the Burst Fire feat, it fires only three tripod and used as a medium machine gun, the FN MAG is more
bullets instead of five and can be used with only three bullets in commonly used with the bipod. It is also often found on vehicular
the weapon. This setting does not grant the ability to make burst or aircraft mounts.
fire attacks without the Burst Fire feat; if you use the setting Variants: The FN MAG has been produced worldwide, and lo-
without the feat, you make a normal attack and the extra two cal variants incorporating minor modifications abound. FN Herstal
bullets are wasted. produces a pintle-mount version for vehicle or helicopter use and a
coaxial version for turret mounts.
Damage: 2d8 Magazine: 75 box Who Uses It: The FN MAG has been adopted by dozens of coun-
Critical: 20 Size: Large tries worldwide. It serves in several NATO armies and throughout
Damage Type: Ballistic Weight: 10 lb. Latin America, Africa, Asia, and the Middle East. It has served on
Range Increment: 80 ft. Purchase DC: 20 opposing sides in several different wars, notably the 1982 Falklands
Rate of Fire: S, A Restriction: Res (+2) War and the 1991 Gulf War. It is produced under license in the U.S.,
the U.K., Argentina, Egypt, India, and Singapore. In Britain, it is known
as the L7 GPMG and goes by the affectionate nickname “Gimpy.” In
DShK-38/46 the U.S., it is designated M240 and has long been used as a coaxial
Russian 12.7mm Heavy Machine Gun machine gun on armored vehicles (including the Abrams battle tank
and Bradley fighting vehicles). More notably, a modernized version
designated M240G was recently selected by the U.S. Army to serve
as its new standard GPMG, replacing the venerable M60.
the K3; and in Taiwan, it is called the Type 75 light machine gun. It is
German 7.62mm General-Purpose Machine Gun
also made in Greece and Italy.
Who Uses It: The Minimi has been widely adopted throughout
the world, serving in many of the nations that have adopted the
5.56mm NATO cartridge for their service rifles. Its users include
Belgium, the U.S., Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Greece, France,
Italy, Sweden, the United Arab Emirates, Sri Lanka, and Indonesia.
The MG36 is the LMG variant of the G36 assault rifle currently in H&K Roller-Locked Machine Guns
service with the German armed forces. As with most LMGs derived German Light Machine Guns
from assault rifles, it is largely unchanged. The only modifications Heckler & Koch developed a line of machine guns based on its G3
are a longer, heavier barrel with a folding bipod and the provision of battle rifle. Built around the same rolling-lock action used on the
a 100-round ammunition box, permitting sustained automatic fire. G3 and the MP5 submachine gun, these weapons have established a
It retains the composite construction and folding stock of the G36 reputation for accuracy and reliability.
164 rifle. It also retains the dual optics system: an optical sight combined
with a red-dot sight for close-in fighting. For additional details, see
All of these weapons are essentially variants of different H&K
rifles. The H&K 11 and H&K 21 series are derived from the G3 and fire
the G36 entry in Chapter Two. the 7.62mm NATO cartridge. The H&K 13 and H&K 23 are derived
Variants: The MG36E is an export version, which replaces the from the HK33 and fire the smaller 5.56mm NATO round. They dif-
standard dual optics system with a single optical sight. fer from their rifle counterparts primarily in the fitting of bipods,
Who Uses It: The German Army uses the MG36 as a squad-level long-range sights, and heavy quick-change barrels. They also have
light support weapon, serving alongside the G36 assault rifle. special shoulder stocks, shaped to facilitate a two-handed grip
d20 Modern Rules: This weapon features a three-round burst when firing from the bipod. Like the rifles, early models tend to be
setting. When used with the Burst Fire feat, it fires only three fitted with the older SEF trigger groups, while newer ones use the
bullets instead of five and can be used with only three bullets in pictographic groups.
the weapon. This setting does not grant the ability to make burst The machine guns in the “10” series (the H&K 11 and H&K 13) are
fire attacks without the Burst Fire feat; if you use the setting designed to fire from the standard 20- or 30-round assault rifle box
without the feat, you make a normal attack and the extra two magazines. High-capacity ammunition drums are also available. The
bullets are wasted. machine guns in the “20” series (H&K 21 and H&K 23), on the other
hand, are modified to fire belted ammunition and are therefore bet-
Damage: 2d8 Magazine: 100 box ter suited for sustained fire.
Critical: 20 Size: Large Variants: All of these weapons have undergone considerable
Damage Type: Ballistic Weight: 9 lb. development over the years, and a number of improved variants
Range Increment: 80 ft. Purchase DC: 23 have appeared. The most recent models are identified by a suffix
Rate of Fire: S, A Restriction: Mil (+3) “E” (such as H&K 21E), for “Export.” The export version features a
lengthened barrel shroud, which moves the forward sight farther
out and lengthens the sight radius. It also includes a three-round
Heckler & Koch MG43 burst setting and a vertical foregrip to help stabilize the weapon
German 5.56mm Light Machine Gun when it is fired from the hip.
While Heckler & Koch has enjoyed considerable success with
these designs, there have been a number of less successful machine
gun designs over the years. The H&K 12 made use of the Soviet
7.62×39mm cartridge and never got beyond the prototype stage.
In the 1980s, H&K experimented with weapons that incorporated
a baked-on camouflage finish, available in either a green-brown
woodland pattern (designated HL13C) or a tan-green desert pat-
The MG43 is a new LMG design from Heckler & Koch. Chambered tern (designated HK13S). Neither version was put into widespread
in 5.56mm NATO, it serves as a lightweight and portable squad production.
automatic weapon. Its newly developed firing mechanism is a The GR6 and GR9 were improved versions of the H&K 21E. The
conventional gas-operated action fed by a disintegrating link am- GR6 used a special ammunition box with a transparent back, which
munition belt. The bolt uses a rotary locking system rather than the allowed the firer to keep track of how many rounds remained. The
roller locks used by earlier H&K designs. Intended for use as a sup- GR9 used a belt-feed instead. Again, neither model was adopted or
port weapon, the MG43 fires in automatic mode only—there is no produced in large numbers.
semiautomatic setting. The feed system can lift very long and heavy Who Uses Them: The H&K roller-locked machine guns are in
ammo belts, optimizing the MG43 for sustained fire. military use in a number of countries worldwide.
The MG43 is similar in weight, performance, and appearance d20 Modern Rules: The H&K 21E and H&K 23E models each fea-
to the Belgian FN Minimi, one of its direct competitors (see the ture a three-round burst setting. When used with the Burst Fire feat,
M249 Squad Automatic Weapon entry, below). The worldwide the weapon fires only three bullets instead of five and can be used
popularity of the Fabrique Nationale design means that the MG43 with only three bullets in the weapon. This setting does not grant
H&K 13
The INSAS LMG uses the same action as the INSAS assault rifle,
and its heavy barrel comes with a bipod. A high-capacity 30-round
magazine is standard. The weapon has long-range sights, but the
INSAS rifle’s three-round burst setting is removed. The bayonet lug
H&K 21 has also been omitted.
Unfortunately, the troubles of the INSAS program plague the
LMG as well. It is still slated to enter Indian military service, but
production problems continue to delay widespread use.
Variants: A folding-stock model is available for use by airborne
H&K 23 or mechanized troops.
The Negev is Israel’s answer to the Belgian Minimi design and is built
around a similar rotating-bolt action. Constructed primarily from
The KPV was developed after World War II as a machine gun cham-
metal stampings to keep costs down, it can be readily disassembled
bered to fire the heavy 14.5mm round used in wartime antitank
to facilitate field maintenance. By design, it can accept either belts
rifles. Often called the Vladimirov after its designer, it is one of the
or ammunition boxes and can be fitted with an adapter that allows
heaviest machine guns ever developed and begins to blur the line
standard Galil or M16 rifle magazines to be used. A folding tubular
between HMGs and light autocannons. Originally designed to serve
stock is fitted as standard.
as an antiaircraft gun, the KPV is most often found on large, wheeled
Variants: A compact version of the Negev, known as the
air-defense mounts known as ZPU-1, ZPU-2, or ZPU-4, which respec-
Commando, features a shortened barrel. Aside from its range increment
tively feature one, two, or four KPVs mounted to fire together. The
The Bren gun was first adopted by the British Army in the 1930s
and has proven itself one of the most enduring of LMG designs.
British 5.56mm Light Machine Gun
Originally designed in Czechoslovakia, it was rechambered to
fire the standard British .303 caliber cartridge used by the Lee-
Enfield rifle. Highly successful in this configuration, it was used
by British and Commonwealth forces in all theaters throughout
World War II. Its distinctively curved top-loaded magazine (de-
signed for when the shooter is lying prone) made it instantly
recognizable. Its accuracy and dependability quickly endeared
it to the troops.
The belt-fed M60 was developed in the 1950s to replace the old
Browning M1919 .30 caliber machine gun. Chambered in the 7.62mm
NATO cartridge, this hard-hitting weapon proved both rugged and
reliable in field conditions.
The M60 was not without problems, however. The carrying handle
was attached to the receiver, not the barrel; this meant that it could
not be used to grip the hot barrel for changing in the field. With no
practical way to remove the dangerously hot barrel, M60 gunners
were issued asbestos gloves to use when performing this task. At
best, this was an impractical solution. Furthermore, the bipod was at-
tached to the end of the barrel. This meant that it essentially had to be M60E4
discarded when the barrel was replaced, and spare barrels had to have
bipods attached to them, making them heavier and bulkier to carry.
In response to these shortcomings, the manufacturer (Saco
Defense) developed an improved M60 in the early 1990s. Known
as the M60E3, this version featured two different interchangeable
barrels—a compact “assault” barrel and a longer, heavier barrel for
American 7.62mm General-Purpose Machine Gun
sustained fire. The forward grip gave way to a barrel shield fitted with
a plastic pistol grip to improve controllability. The bipod was moved
to the receiver, and a carrying handle was moved to the barrel, mak-
ing barrel changes easier. Saco also manufactured a kit to enable
existing M60s to be converted to the M60E3 configuration.
The U.S. Army’s decision to adopt a new GPMG in the late 1990s
led Saco to further improve the M60, resulting in the M60E4.
The M60E4 featured numerous minor improvements, including
The M240 is an American-produced version of the Belgian FN MAG
strengthened components, a better belt-feed mechanism, and an
machine gun that has been in American service as a coaxial-mount
integral sight rail on top of the receiver. Ultimately, however, the
weapon on tanks and other armored vehicles since the 1970s. In
Army decided to adopt the Belgian-designed M240G instead. The
1995, it was selected to replace the M60 series in U.S. Army service
only customer for the M60E4 was the U.S. Navy, which purchased a
as a GPMG for infantry use.
small number to equip SEAL special warfare teams.
a wide range of additional mission-specific devices. As on the M16A4 The weapon’s overall metal construction sports wooden furniture.
assault rifle, these are located around the barrel and on the top of the The heavy barrel can be quickly changed. A folding bipod is fitted as
receiver, over the feed-tray cover. An illuminator, a vertical foregrip, standard, though the Model 62 can also be mounted on a tripod.
and a bipod can be attached to the forward grips. The receiver mount Variants: The Model 74 is a derivative designed for use as a tur-
can be used to attach an optical sight or night vision device. ret-mounted coaxial tank weapon.
Who Uses It: The M249 SPW is used by U.S. military special Who Uses It: The Model 62 is in service with the Japanese
operations forces. armed forces.
The M249 Squad Automatic Weapon (SAW) is the designation given The Model 59 is better known by its nickname, Rachot. A rather
to the Belgian FN Minimi LMG produced for U.S. military service. It conventional gas-powered design chambered in the powerful
Norinco Type 95 Light Support Weapon
Chinese 5.8mm Light Machine Gun
The NSV, also known by its nickname Utyos, was developed in the
1970s to replace the wartime DShK HMG. It features a rugged, gas- Designed in the late 1950s, the PK was the first GPMG to enter Soviet
powered action well suited to withstand the rigors of field use as well service. Chambered in the heavy 7.62×54mm cartridge, it is primarily
as a quick-change barrel. It can be used as a heavy ground-mounted intended for use as a company support machine gun.
machine gun, an antiaircraft machine gun, or vehicular weapon (ei- Internally, the PK uses a number of subsystems from earlier
ther on a pintle or coaxial mount). When used on a tripod, a shoulder machine gun designs. The gas-powered firing mechanism is derived
stock and optical sight can be fitted to improve accuracy. from the AK assault rifle. This is coupled with a well-designed belt-
The designation NSV, by which this weapon is popularly known in fed mechanism taken from the Czech Model 52 LMG (predecessor
the West, is apparently something of a misnomer. The NSV is actu- to the Model 59 Rachot). The PK’s gas tube runs under the quick-
ally a variant designed for pintle mounts on main battle tanks. The change barrel, rather than over it as on the AK rifle.
“standard” ground-mounted version is known instead as the NSVS. The PK is fitted with a wooden pistol grip and shoulder stock, for
Variants: Specialized variants for use on vehicular mounts have firing from the bipod. When used with the bipod, the ammunition
been developed. An updated version known as the NSVP features a box attaches to the underside of the weapon, which centers the
170 more efficient muzzle brake to reduce recoil and a repositioned ammu-
nition box that gives the weapon better overall balance, but otherwise
balance. When used on a tripod, it connects to the left-hand side
of the receiver instead, placing it out of the way.
its statistics are identical to the standard model. Another modernized The PK is impressively lightweight for a GPMG, making it a highly
variant with an improved muzzle brake is known as the Kord. practical weapon that is well suited to infantry use. It has been
Who Uses It: The NSV is in service with Russia and with many widely adapted for a number of other roles as well. The most com-
former Soviet client states. It is the standard pintle weapon on mon variants are described below.
T-72 and T-80 tanks. It saw considerable use in the fighting in the PK: The standard machine gun, mounted on a bipod for use as
former Yugoslavia. an LMG.
PKS: The tripod-mounted PK, used as an MMG.
Damage: 2d12 Magazine: Linked PKM: A modernized and improved version, which is both lighter
Critical: 20 Size: Huge and simpler than the original PK.
Damage Type: Ballistic Weight: 55 lb. PKMS: The MMG version of the PKM.
Range Increment: 110 ft. Purchase DC: 23 PKB: A standard PKM, fitted with twin firing grips for use on a
Rate of Fire: A Restriction: Mil (+3) vehicular pintle mount or helicopter door gun.
Who Uses It: The PK series is in widespread use with the Russian
armed forces. It was widely exported to Soviet client states and
Pirat can be found in service worldwide. Since its introduction in 1961,
Polish 14.5mm Heavy Machine Gun it has seen considerable action wherever Soviet or Russian troops
have fought.
Russian 5.45mm Light Machine Gun
The RPD is a Russian LMG chambered to fire the same 7.62mm car-
tridge as the AK assault rifle, which it was designed to supplement
as a squad-level machine gun. Derived from earlier Soviet LMGs, it
has gone through a progressive series of improvements throughout
its service life. Though early models suffered from feed problems,
the final version is a rugged and dependable weapon.
The RPD is belt-fed from an ammunition drum holding 100
The RPK-74 is the most recent LMG variant of the AK-74 assault
rounds. This attaches to the weapon’s center of gravity, giving good
rifle. The action of the weapon is largely unchanged, but it sports a
balance with the heavy load of ammunition. This placement means
heavier barrel, a special machine gun stock, a bipod, a heavy muzzle
that the feed mechanism must lift the belt a considerable distance,
brake, and a high-capacity 45-round magazine.
which led to the RPD’s early reliability troubles and necessitated
Variants: The RPK-74 comes with a fixed or folding stock, and
repeated redesigns.
it can be fitted with an integral sight mount. An export version
The heavy barrel is fixed and cannot be quickly changed. Soviet
training and doctrine instead emphasized frequent pauses in firing
chambered in 5.56mm NATO has been produced; it weighs 9
pounds and has a 30-round magazine, but otherwise its statistics
to give it a chance to cool, eliminating the need for changes in the
are similar to the standard RPK-74. An advanced derivative with
field. The RPD’s furniture is wood, including its distinctive wrap-
composite furniture, known as the RPK-74M, was developed to
around forward grip. A folding bipod is also fitted.
complement the AK-100 series of assault rifles; it weighs 9 pounds
Who Uses It: The RPD was the standard squad-level LMG of the
and has a purchase DC of 18, but its statistics are otherwise identi-
Red Army in the 1950s and 1960s. It was widely used by the Warsaw
cal to the RPK-74.
Pact nations and other Soviet client states. It has now been largely
Who Uses It: The RPK-74 serves alongside the AK-74 in Russia
replaced in front-line service, but it was exported in huge numbers
and many other former Soviet bloc nations as a squad-level light
and can still be widely seen in developing nations worldwide.
machine gun.
Damage: 2d10 Magazine: Linked
Damage: 2d8 Magazine: 45 box
Critical: 20 Size: Large
Critical: 20 Size: Large
Damage Type: Ballistic Weight: 20 lb.
Damage Type: Ballistic Weight: 10 lb.
Range Increment: 100 ft. Purchase DC: 19
Range Increment: 80 ft. Purchase DC: 19
Rate of Fire: A Restriction: Mil (+3)
Rate of Fire: S, A Restriction: Mil (+3)
Russian 7.62mm Light Machine Gun
Singaporean 5.56mm Light Machine Gun
The RPK is simply the AK-47 assault rifle modified to serve as a light
machine gun. Changes include a longer and heavier barrel (fitted
This is simply the machine gun variant of the SAR-21 assault rifle. It
with a bipod), a special stock, and high-capacity magazines (40
features a heavy barrel, a bipod, and a modified action that fires
rounds) or drums (75 rounds). It can also use standard AK magazines
from an open bolt and lacks a semiautomatic setting. It is otherwise
if necessary. The result is a simple, practical weapon with all the
identical to its parent assault rifle.
advantages of the proven Kalashnikov action.
Who Uses It: The SAR-21 LMG is the squad-level automatic
Variants: The RPK is available with either a fixed or folding stock,
weapon of the Singaporean armed forces.
and with or without an integral scope mount (allowing a variety of
optical devices to be fitted). It is produced under license in numer-
Damage: 2d8 Magazine: 30 box
ous countries, including Bulgaria, Iraq (where it is known as the
Critical: 20 Size: Large
Al-Quds), and Romania.
Damage Type: Ballistic Weight: 10 lb.
Who Uses It: The RPK was exported wherever the Kalashnikov
Range Increment: 80 ft. Purchase DC: 20
rifle went, making it a very common sight on the world’s battlefields.
Rate of Fire: A Restriction: Mil (+3)
It served with the Soviet Union and most of its client states. It has
been replaced in Russian service by the more advanced RPK-74 but
can still be found in many Third World nations.
feat, it fires only three bullets instead of five and can be used with
only three bullets in the weapon. This setting does not grant the
SS-77 (7.62mm Machine Gun) ability to make burst fire attacks without the Burst Fire feat; if you
Damage: 2d10 Magazine: Linked
use the setting without the feat, you make a normal attack and the
Critical: 20 Size: Large
extra two bullets are wasted.
Damage Type: Ballistic Weight: 21 lb.
Range Increment: 100 ft. Purchase DC: 22
Damage: 2d8 Magazine: 42 box
Rate of Fire: A Restriction: Mil (+3)
Critical: 20 Size: Large
Damage Type: Ballistic Weight: 11 lb.
Mini SS (5.56mm Machine Gun) Range Increment: 80 ft. Purchase DC: 20
Damage: 2d8 Magazine: Linked Rate of Fire: S, A Restriction: Res (+2)
Critical: 20 Size: Large
Damage Type: Ballistic Weight: 18 lb.
Range Increment: 80 ft. Purchase DC: 21 Stoner LMG
Rate of Fire: A Restriction: Mil (+3) American 5.56mm Light Machine Gun
After the failure of the M63 weapon system, American arms de-
signer Eugene Stoner turned to designing a new light machine gun
chambered for the 5.56mm NATO round. The result was called the
XM214 Microgun
American 5.56mm Minigun
the 7.62mm NATO cartridge. Its tubular receiver and squared belt-
feed cover give it a distinctive appearance. The barrel features a
The XM214, also known as the Six Pack, is essentially a scaled-down
quick-change mechanism and a highly efficient muzzle brake.
version of the General Electric M134 rechambered to fire the smaller
A flexible weapon, the Uirapuru can be fired either from a bipod
5.56mm NATO cartridge. It functions in much the same manner as
or a tripod as circumstances dictate. It can also be used in pintle
its larger cousin, but it incorporates a number of improvements to
mounts on vehicles, naval vessels, and helicopter door guns.
the basic system. A safety lever is fitted to disable the action and
Variants: A special coaxial version has been developed for use
prevent firing, and a clutch system stops the rotating barrels when
in vehicle turrets.
the trigger is released. The mechanism can be disassembled without
Who Uses It: The Uirapuru is the standard GPMG of the Brazilian
tools, making maintenance easier.
armed forces.
Damage: 2d8 Magazine: Linked
Damage: 2d10 Magazine: 42 box
Critical: 20 Size: Huge
Critical: 20 Size: Large
Damage Type: Ballistic Weight: 23 lb.
Damage Type: Ballistic Weight: 24 lb.
Range Increment: 80 ft. Purchase DC: 24
Range Increment: 100 ft. Purchase DC: 21
Rate of Fire: A Restriction: Mil (+3)
Rate of Fire: A Restriction: Mil (+3)
for ammunition, and the two are not always compatible. As with
shotgun ammunition, the shooter must ensure that the rounds being
Russian 40mm Rotary Grenade Launcher
used are appropriate for the weapon in question.
A wide range of shells is available in 40mm, giving grenade
launchers tremendous tactical flexibility. The large size of launched
grenade rounds means that designers can include a considerable
“payload” for delivery to the target. High-explosive and frag-
mentation shells can be used for fire support. Hollow-charge,
armor-piercing rounds can be used for antitank fire. White phos-
phorus and incendiary shells are available for fire attacks. Smoke
The 6G-30 is a six-shot rotary grenade launcher system. It was de-
grenades are available in a variety of colors and can be used either
signed for use by Special Forces units of the MVD (Russian Ministry
to signal or to create a smokescreen. Nonlethal grenades include
of Internal Affairs) to provide rapid volleys of high-explosive fire for
baton rounds that can incapacitate a target without killing, rubber
suppression or support. When fighting broke out in Chechnya in the
shot rounds that can spray an area with stinging rubber pellets, and
early 1990s, the MVD issued an emergency requirement for a semiau-
flash-bang shells that can be fired through windows or doorways
tomatic grenade launcher. The 6G-30 was developed in a high-speed
that are too far away for a grenade to be thrown by hand.
crash program in late 1993, taking just eleven days to go from the
Their tactical flexibility makes grenade launchers highly useful
drawing board to the first working prototypes. It was rushed into
and practical weapons. A grenadier can drop high-explosive rounds
service with MVD troops in combat in Chechnya one month later.
on an enemy strongpoint, lay down a smokescreen to cover the
The 6G-30 is built around a large revolver cylinder. A collapsible
movement of friendly troops, or hit a tank with armor-piercing fire.
shoulder stock provides stability. The trigger mechanism works as a
Modern infantry tactics rely on this readily available and highly
double action only. Iron sights are fitted for aiming.
flexible fire support.
Each chamber in the 6G-30’s cylinder is actually a GP-25 grenade
Nonlethal ammunition makes grenade launchers valuable to
launcher barrel. As the weapon is fired, the chambers rotate and
police forces as well. They are especially important for delivering
advance the next barrel to the firing position. When the action locks
tear gas as an antiriot weapon, giving police the ability to disperse a
for firing, the cylinder slides forward to seal the individual chamber
crowd without the need to get too close and risk a violent melee.
against the weapon’s main barrel.
While military grenade launchers are usually designed to fire
The 6G-30 takes a long time to reload. In response to this, an
40mm shells, those developed especially for police use are more
extractor has been fitted to quickly eject the spent cartridge cases
often chambered in 37mm. Consequently, police grenade launchers
once all six chambers have been fired. In addition, the MVD has
are demonstrably more benign than full military weapons, since
issued a requirement for the development of new specialty 40mm
they cannot be used to fire the most devastating munitions.
ammunition for the 6G-30, including nonlethal types.
Who Uses It: The 6G-30 is in service with special units of the
Russian MVD and has been offered for export sales.
autoloader pistol. The shells are loaded into the BS-1’s muzzle, as Industries of Singapore. It consists of a barrel, a receiver with a
on the GP-25. When the BS-1 is fired, the mechanism detonates the plastic pistol grip, and the attachment mount. This mount can be
blank propellant charge in the chamber. The expanding gases are removed, allowing it to attach to a variety of modern assault weap-
used to drive a large piston, which forces the grenade shell out of ons, and replaced with different versions. It can also be replaced
the barrel and downrange. The piston traps all the firing gases inside with a plastic shoulder stock, allowing the 40GL to be used as a
the weapon, together with the smoke, flash, and noise of firing. In stand-alone grenade launcher. To load the weapon, the safety catch
It consists of an M16A2 shoulder stock, pistol grip, and forward
grenade-launcher grip mounted on a simple chassis that is designed
to accept the M203. For aiming, the standard M203 flip-up sights
mount on the front of the handguard, just as they do on the full-
sized rifle. The shoulder stock is detachable, allowing the launcher
to be fired with just the pistol grip if desired. This reduces the over- The M203 was designed to replace the M79 in U.S. military service.
all length considerably, at the cost of accuracy. A collapsible M4 Though effective, the M79 was large and heavy enough that it was
carbine stock can also be fitted instead of the standard rifle stock. impractical for a single soldier to carry both it and a regular rifle.
The Colt Launcher System works exactly like an M203 mounted This left M79 grenadiers vulnerable in combat, because they had to
on an M16. It is a single-shot weapon with a break-open action and rely on rifle fire from their fellow troops for protection. The M203
sights designed for high-angle lobbing fire. Sling swivels are provided was developed to provide a combination rifle/grenade launcher
to facilitate carrying. system, allowing the grenadier to fight as an ordinary rifleman
when not actually firing grenades.
Damage: See Table 8–1 Size: Medium The solution was to take a simple 40mm grenade launcher action
Range Increment: 70 ft. Weight: 7 lb. and attach it under the barrel of a standard M16 rifle, allowing either
Rate of Fire: Single Purchase DC: 14 weapon to be used as needed. The action of the M203 slides open,
Magazine: 1 int Restriction: Mil (+3) rather than breaking open like a shotgun. The barrel slides forward
to open the firing chamber, allowing a 40mm round to be inserted.
The barrel then slides back, locking the action shut for firing. A
Colt M79 trigger is positioned at the rear. When mounted on the rifle, this is
American 40mm Single-Shot Grenade Launcher adjacent to the rifle’s magazine, allowing that to serve as a grip.
Mounting the M203 to the M16 is straightforward and can be
done in minutes with a common screwdriver. The M203 incorpo-
rates a new forward grip pierced with ventilation holes, which
replaces the standard plastic foregrip. On newer models, this spe-
cial foregrip is omitted and replaced with mounting lugs allowing
it to be attached to a standard accessory rail, as is incorporated on
the KAC (Knights Armament Company) rail interface system of the
Affectionately dubbed the “Blooper” by U.S. troops due to its M16A4 (see the M16 entry in Chapter Two).
distinctive firing sound, the M79 was one of the first dedicated Like the M79, the M203 is designed to fire in a high arc, allowing
grenade launchers to enter widespread military service. Essentially it to shoot over intervening obstacles. Special sights are fitted for
a large single-shot, break-open shotgun designed to fire low-veloc- this high-elevation aiming. Construction is from an aluminum alloy
ity 40mm grenade rounds, the M79 consists of little more than a to keep weight down. When not attached to the rifle, the M203 can
178 GM-94
Russian 43mm Pump-Action Grenade Launcher
The GM-94 is similar in design and operation to the RM-93 tactical fires the same 40mm ammunition and has comparable ballistic
shotgun (see Chapter Six). The GM-94’s tubular magazine holds up performance.
to 4 rounds. Unlike most shotguns, the magazine tube runs over the Who Uses It: The GP-30 is slowly replacing the earlier Kastyor in
barrel. The pump action is cycled forward to eject the spent round many states, including Russia.
and then backward again to load a new one off the magazine and
seal the chamber for firing. For loading, ammunition is fed into an Damage: See Table 8–1 Size: Medium
opening in the top of the weapon. Range Increment: 60 ft. Weight: 3 lb.
Construction is metal overall, with plastic grips. A folding stock Rate of Fire: Single Purchase DC: 14
improves stability. The large bore over-under tubes of the barrel and Magazine: 1 int Restriction: Mil (+3)
magazine give the GM-94 a distinctive appearance.
The GM-94 is chambered in an unusual 43mm caliber, rather than
using standard Russian 40mm shells. GP-95/GP-97
Russian 40mm Single-Shot Grenade Launchers
Damage: See Table 8–1 Size: Large
Range Increment: 70 ft. Weight: 11 lb.
Rate of Fire: Single Purchase DC: 15
Magazine: 4 int Restriction: Mil (+3)
GP-25 Kastyor
Russian 40mm Single-Shot Grenade Launcher
The GP-95 and GP-97 are ultracompact grenade launchers designed
for use with the A-91 and A-91M assault rifles, respectively. The GP-
95 attaches under the A-91’s barrel, while the GP-97 fits on top of
the A-91M, above the forward firing grip.
Apart from the differences in mounting hardware and trigger
placement, the GP-95 and GP-97 are essentially identical. Similar
in operation to the GP-25, they are considerably smaller, with very
The GP-25 was the Soviet answer to the American M203 underbar- short barrels.
rel grenade launcher, designed to attach to an AK-74 assault rifle in Neither the GP-95 nor the GP-97 has gone into widespread use.
much the same way that the M203 fits onto an M16. Their fates no doubt will be linked to their associated rifles—if either
The GP-25 is a compact and lightweight design with a very short the A-91 or A-91M finds success, then the resulting demand for a
barrel. The trigger and a rudimentary grip are positioned directly compatible grenade launcher will follow.
H&K HK79
German 40mm Single-Shot Grenade Launcher
The Heckler & Koch AG36 is a new underbarrel grenade launcher de-
signed for use with the G36 assault rifle. The combined rifle/grenade
launcher, known as the tactical group system (TGS), fires all NATO-
standard 40mm grenade rounds.
The earlier HK79, designed for use on the G3 rifle family, was The HK79 is an underbarrel grenade launcher designed for use with
criticized for being too heavy. H&K responded with the lightweight the G3 series of assault rifles. Unlike the earlier HK69A1, it cannot
AG36 design, whose construction includes composite materials and be used as a stand-alone weapon system. Although less tactically
a barrel made of aluminum alloy.
The form of the AG36 is designed to mate seamlessly with the
flexible than the HK69, the HK79 presents a more streamlined design
that is less awkward when attached to the rifle.
G36 rifle, creating a neatly balanced combined system. Its barrel The HK79 uses a break-open action in which the barrel drops
swings to the side to open the breech for loading. A flip-up sight down for loading. The user then cocks the weapon, which locks the
fits over the top of the barrel. A plastic pistol grip is fitted for inde- firing pin back. A large trigger button is positioned on the left-hand
pendent use when the AG36 is not fitted to the rifle. This serves as side of the mounting grip. A safety catch is also fitted.
a vertical foregrip for the rifle when attached. Attaching the HK79 to the G3 is a simple procedure that can be done
In addition to its G36 mounting system, H&K has developed in minutes without tools. The forward grip of the G3 is removed, and the
attachment lugs for use with M16-pattern rifles in an attempt to HK79 is snapped into place and held in position with a pin. The mount is
export the AG36 to the large community of M16 users. designed not to touch the barrel in any way, so the accuracy of the rifle
Who Uses It: The AG36 is in service with the German armed forces. is unhindered. Flip-up iron sights are attached to the rifle’s rear sight.
Variants: A modified HK79 was adopted for use with the British
Damage: See Table 8–1 Size: Medium L85A1 assault rifle. Designated SA-80, it is essentially identical to the
Range Increment: 70 ft. Weight: 3 lb. HK79 except for the different mounting grip.
Rate of Fire: Single Purchase DC: 15 Who Uses It: The HK79 is in service in Nicaragua, Norway, and
Magazine: 1 int Restriction: Mil (+3) Panama.
German 35mm Single-Use Flame Cartridge Launcher
The ISL 200 series is a range of compact grenade launchers that can Damage: See Table 8–1 Size: Medium
be used independently or underslung beneath other primary arma- Range Increment: 70 ft. Weight: 3 lb.
ments. Their small size makes them suitable for use on submachine Rate of Fire: Single Purchase DC: 14
guns or short-barreled assault carbines. They were originally devel- Magazine: 1 int Restriction: Mil (+3)
oped for use on the H&K MP5 submachine gun and the HK35 assault
180 carbine, which are popular in the special operations community.
When the ISL 200 employed as a stand-alone weapon, it uses a Lacroix Samourai Urban Warfare Weapon
pistol grip and a folding shoulder stock that incorporates iron sights French 76.2mm Single-Shot Support Weapon
for aiming. These can be easily detached so that the launcher can be
fitted to a rifle or submachine gun. The ISL 200 uses a simple break-
open action; for loading, the barrel swings out to the side much
like on the ISL 274 (above). The trigger operates as a double-action
mechanism, with a long pull to prevent accidental firing.
Variants: Four designations are used for the different configura-
tions of the ISL 200: ISL 201 for the underslung 40mm model, ISL
202 for the underslung 37mm model, ISL 203 for the hand-held
40mm model, and ISL 204 for the hand-held 37mm model. Since The French Samourai Urban Warfare weapon (SUW) is a shoul-
the weapon can be readily converted between these four different der-fired launcher designed to support infantry units in close-in
arrangements as needed, they are essentially all the same system. fighting—a role traditionally filled by recoilless rifles, which are
Some police departments, however, may not issue the 40mm essentially shoulder-fired rocket launchers. Recoilless rifles have
barrels, so that their ISL 200s can be used only with riot-control limited use in urban combat due to their powerful backblast, mak-
37mm ammunition and not with the more dangerous 40mm high- ing them dangerous to fire in enclosed spaces such as buildings or
explosive shells. vehicles. The Samourai seeks to solve the problems traditionally
d20 Modern Rules: Any weapon in the ISL 200 series can be associated with recoilless rifles. Instead of firing a rocket, it fires a
converted to fire a different ammunition type—40mm grenades, conventional large-bore cartridge with a primer, propellant charge,
37mm grenades, or 12-gauge shotgun shells—in 5 minutes with a projectile shell, and metal casing. These factors eliminate backblast,
successful Repair check (DC 10). allowing the user to safely fire the Samourai in confined spaces.
The Samourai’s big 76.2mm HE shell is considerably larger than
Damage: See Table 8–1 Size: Medium the 40mm cartridges fired by most of today’s grenade launch-
Range Increment: 70 ft. Weight: 3 lb.* ers, giving it far more powerful blast and fragmentation effects.
Rate of Fire: Single Purchase DC: 14 Ordinarily, the recoil forces on such a large-bore weapon would
Magazine: 1 int Restriction: Mil (+3) preclude its use in a hand-held system. To counteract this, the
*The ISL 203 and ISL 204 versions each weigh 5 lb. Samourai uses a complex series of shock absorbers to disperse
recoil forces to a manageable level. It is breech-loaded, much like
an old bazooka. The shell is inserted into the back of the weapon,
ISTEC ISL 274 and the breech is then closed and locked for firing. The spent shell
British 40mm Single-Shot Grenade Launcher casing is automatically ejected during the firing cycle, leaving the
weapon ready for instant reloading.
Simple optical sights are provided for aiming, and the shells are
fin-stabilized to improve accuracy. The SUW’s low muzzle velocity
gives it a relatively short range.
Though still in development, the Samourai shows considerable
promise as a tactical weapon system for urban warfare.
The Egyptian Maadi GL is essentially a licensed-built copy of the The Milkor UBGL (Under Barrel Grenade Launcher) is a conventional
American M203 designed for use on the Kalashnikov rifle. Conversion over-under grenade launching system adapted for use on a variety
kits are available (purchase DC 12), allowing it to be mounted on a of modern assault weapons. It comes with a range of mounting rails,
variety of other popular assault rifles, as well. Appearance and and the launcher can be quickly removed from (and reattached to)
operation are essentially identical to the M203. It can be quickly its mounting rail as needed. Operation is simple, with a break-open
removed and reattached to a rifle as needed. system in which the barrel swings up to the side to open the breech.
The Maadi GL is also produced as a stand-alone weapon, using a The double-action-only trigger mechanism permits safe carry with-
wooden thumbhole shoulder stock to permit independent use. out the risk of accidental discharge.
Who Uses It: The Maadi GL is the standard grenade launcher of
the Egyptian Army. Damage: See Table 8–1 Size: Medium
Range Increment: 70 ft. Weight: 4 lb.
Damage: See Table 8–1 Size: Medium Rate of Fire: Single Purchase DC: 14
Range Increment: 70 ft.
Rate of Fire: Single
Weight: 3 lb.
Purchase DC: 14
Magazine: 1 int Restriction: Mil (+3)
Magazine: 1 int Restriction: Mil (+3)
Polish 40mm Single-Shot Grenade Launcher
Milkor MGL Mark 1
South African 40mm Revolver Grenade Launcher
The Polish PALLAD is a single-shot 40mm grenade launcher designed
for underbarrel mounting on an AKM assault rifle with minimal
The MGL Mark 1 from South Africa is a stand-alone grenade launcher modification. A simple and conventional design, it features a break-
that incorporates a large 6-round revolver cylinder, eliminating the open firing chamber and iron sights.
need to reload after each shot and allowing a rapid semiautomatic Variants: The PALLAD is also produced in a stand-alone version,
volley of grenades. Though bulky, the MGL Mark 1 is surprisingly designed for independent use instead of for mounting on a rifle. Known
light due to extensive use of aluminum alloy in its construction. It as the PALLAD-D, this variant features a folding stock, a standard
features vertical grips and a folding shoulder stock, allowing it to be Kalashnikov pistol grip, and iron sights; it is considered a Large weapon,
held and fired like a rifle. but otherwise its statistics are similar to the standard PALLAD.
For loading, the rear of the weapon is unlocked and swings away Who Uses It: The Polish military has adopted both the PALLAD
from the cylinder, exposing the six chambers. The cylinder is wound and the PALLAD-D.
by hand on a coil spring, which advances it after every shot. The pro-
cess is simple and quick, facilitating a high sustained rate of fire. Damage: See Table 8–1 Size: Medium
With the action closed, the firing pin is kept in the uncocked posi- Range Increment: 70 ft. Weight: 5 lb.
tion until the moment of firing with the double-action trigger. This Rate of Fire: Single Purchase DC: 14
prevents unintended firing if the weapon is jolted or dropped. When Magazine: 1 int Restriction: Mil (+3)
the weapon is fired, gas pressure is used to unlock the cylinder,
which is then advanced to the next round by the coil spring.
The MGL Mark 1 is fitted with an optical sight. Simple iron sights Romarm AG-40 M80
are fitted underneath as a backup. Romanian 40mmm Single-Shot Grenade Launcher
Variants: An earlier version was introduced in the early 1980s
and refined into the MGL Mark I after extensive field experience. A
special pintle mount is also produced, allowing use as a vehicular
Who Uses It: The MGL Mark I serves with the South African
armed forces. It has been exported to numerous countries, includ-
ing Colombia, Mexico, and Peru. It has also been illegally copied and
produced in Croatia.
The AG-40 Model 80 is a conventional underbarrel grenade launcher
Damage: See Table 8–1 Size: Large designed for use with Romanian-produced AK assault rifles. The
Range Increment: 70 ft. Weight: 12 lb. mounting hardware attaches to the AK’s forward grip. It is chambered
Rate of Fire: S Purchase DC: 15 to fire the Warsaw Pact-standard 40mm shells used by the Russian
Magazine: 6 cyl Restriction: Mil (+3) GP-25. It can also be used with NATO-standard 40mm rounds.
Who Uses It: The RGB-1 is in service with the Croatian Army.
cycle the bolt and reload the weapon. This is the simplest type of that have be≠come popular in recent years.
automatic action, but it is suitable for use only with relatively low- cartridge: A round of ammunition that contains in a single unit
powered cartridges. the projectile, a propellant charge to drive it, a primer to detonate
bolt: A moving part of a firearm’s action. The bolt moves the propellant, and a case (usually made of metal) to contain it all.
forward and locks into place to seal the chamber for firing; it is cartridge case: The container that holds the propellant, primer,
then un≠locked and moves rearward to open the action, allowing and bullet in a round of ammunition. Most cartridge cases are metal,
the empty cartridge case to be extracted and a fresh round to be usually a brass alloy. Shotgun shells generally use plastic or paper
loaded in its place. cases with a metal base instead.
bolt action: A type of action, used most often on rifles, in caseless ammunition: Ammunition in which the propellant
which the bolt is moved manually, as opposed to automatically. charge is molded around the bullet, eliminating the need for a
Bolt-action weapons are slower to operate than semiautomatics, cartridge case. Because there is no need for an ejection port for
but they can be made to more exacting tolerances. For this reason, spent cartridge cases, weapons firing caseless ammunition can
they are generally considered preferable for highly accurized target have actions that are completely sealed, preventing dirt or dust
or sniper rifles. from getting in.
bolt catch: A device in a weapon’s action that holds the bolt centerfire: A type of ammunition cartridge in which the primer
back in its open position. is located in the center of the base of the cartridge case. The firing
bolt lever: An arm attached to the bolt of a bolt-action weapon, pin strikes the base of the case to fire the round.
allowing the operator to cycle the bolt between shots. charge: (1) The quantity of propellant in a cartridge that combusts
frame: The underlying structural component of a firearm to fired from a launcher. Hand grenades have a pin, which is pulled to
which the action, barrel, magazine, and furniture are attached. arm the grenade and ignite a fuse. The hand grenade then explodes
approximately five seconds later, giving the user enough time to
free-floating: A type of firearm design in which the barrel throw it to the target.
contacts the rest of the weapon only at the breech end. This ar-
rangement contributes to accuracy by isolating the barrel from hang fire: A situation in which the trigger is pulled but the weap-
stress placed on any other portion of the weapon. on fails to fire because the primer doesn’t ignite the propellant.
front sight: The foremost element of a sighting system, usually headspace: The distance between the firing chamber and the
located near the forward end of the barrel. breech of the barrel.
furniture: Components of a weapon that are not part of heavy machine gun (HMG): A machine gun that fires ammuni-
its operating mechanism or sights—grips, stocks, handles, and tion that is larger than ordinary rifle calibers. Such weapons are
the like. Traditionally, weapon furniture has been made from extremely powerful and can fire out to very long ranges. They are
wood, but in recent decades composite or plastic materials have too heavy to be fired by hand, or even from a bipod, and require
become popular. large tripods or vehicle mounts.
gas-powered: An operating system for an automatic or semi- hollow charge: A type of armor-piercing round that makes use
automatic weapon in which the expanding propellant gases are of a shaped explosive warhead to blast through the target’s armor
tapped through a small hole in the barrel and used to drive a piston. with directed explosive force. Such charges have to be so large that
It then pushes the bolt backward to cycle the action and readies the they are impractical for small-arms caliber ammunition; most are
weap≠on for refiring. found on handheld antitank weapons, such as bazookas or rocket-
propelled grenade launchers.