Pal Syllabus 2015-2016 in Class

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Room #

Kourtney King
602.243.7788 ext113


Office Hours

By appointment

NFL YET, Room 113


Class Description
The PAL program (Peer Assistance Leadership) encompasses many facets - peer to peer support,
community service, cross-age tutorial and teaching, new student transitions, conflict management
and mediation, alcohol, tobacco, drug, and violence prevention, and environmental awareness.
Together as a team, we discuss, plan, and work to find the best ways to support and assist in all of
these areas.
Teaching Goals for this school year:



improve student communication and listening skills

enhance students decision-making and problem solving skills
students my become lifelong learners
students to follow directions and create an team building learning environment
students become the role model servant leaders of the community

Classroom Rules
Use restroom before or after class.
Show Respect, Get Respect (Includes teachers, peers, school property)
Proper Uniformed Dress is Mandatory at All Times
No electronic devices
Remain in your seat
Students must sit up properly in their seats at all times
No leaning back in your seat
Raise your hand if you have a question
Vulgar Conversation and Profanity are Not Allowed
Eating, Gum Chewing, Drinking Not Allowed
Be On Time & Prepared At All Times. Use Restroom between classes.
Do Not Touch Items that do not belong to you without permission
Cell Phones: Cell phones are not allowed to be in your possession ( pocket, purse, inside
your text book etc) while you are in this classroom. Your cell phone must be kept in your
book bag or leave it at home. This policy is not an option nor will it be negotiated.
Book Bags: Book bags and purses must be kept on the back of your chair or under desk.
Consequence for Break Classroom Rules and School Rules
1st Offense : Verbal Warning
2nd Offense: Move Seat
3rd Offense: Citation
4th Offense: Sent to Mentor Teacher, Citation and call home
5th Offense : Sent to Dean of Discipline
Attendance (Tardy/Present/Absent)
In order for you as an individual to advance beyond the classroom it is important that you attend
class every day. Arriving on time is very important it decreases the interruptions in class and it

P.A.L. 20152016
ensures that you receive important information to help you in class. Being tardy for class is not
acceptable and it will be reported to the office and your parents.
Late Assignments
Late assignments, quizzes, projects, tests, etc. are not accepted in this class. There is NO make-up
work for this class. Students should view assignments from the class website, Assignments should be emailed prior to deadline to
Class Assignment
Class Assignment is due at the end of Class NO EXCEPTIONS!!!!!!!!!
Entering the Classroom
Uniform Attire-(Shirts Tucked In, Slacks Pulled Up, Skirt Not Rolled Up)
(Your Uniform Shirt Must Be Tucked In At All Times No Excuses!!!!!!!)
Students are to line up along wall in hallway until I allow them to enter
Enter the classroom quietly (no yelling, screaming, playing)
Immediately report to your assigned seat
Prepare for the pledge and announcement
Prepare to complete Do Now
Dismissal/Exiting the Classroom
Clean up your learning area (the floor must be clean)
Stack Chairs in piles of 6 only placed at the end of each station
Quickly and quietly line up at the door
Entire class will recite the motivation theme (above classroom door)
Students are never allowed to dismiss the classroom.
Dismissal will be based upon the cleanliness of the classroom and students prepared to exit
Group Work
Everyone is required to participate in group on various assignments and projects
As a team member your required to display
positive attitude during team work
provide effective feedback
effectively communicate with your team members
positive participation
Be a part of your team to get projects and assignments completed on time.
Speaking In Class
Everyone has the right to speak in class but we must learn how to speak appropriately to ensure that
we respect each other. Speak in a low and calm tone. Raise your hand when you have a question. Do
not interrupt when someone is speaking. When the teacher is speaking you should not be talking.
You could miss some important information that will help you or cause others to miss it.
Leaving the Classroom
You are never allowed to the leave the classroom without prior permission and a pass. This is to
ensure your safety while youre in school.
Restroom Break
You have 5 minutes between classes to use the restroom. Please manage your time wisely between
classes. Restroom must be used before or after class.
Out of Your Seat

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You are not allowed to walk around the classroom at your pleasure. The classroom is a learning
environment walking around the classroom disrupts other students learning environment. All
students are required to bring their own pencil sharpener to avoid getting out of their seat.
School Supplies/Learning Material
You are responsible to make sure you have all your learning material every day. Failure to enter
the classroom without the proper supplies and material will result in various consequences. In order
to advance in your education your must be prepared at all times. The teacher will not supply pencil
or paper this is your responsibility. It is youre responsible to keep track of learning material. You are
responsible for having adequate school supplies throughout the entire year. In the event that
you do not bring supplies, you may borrow the item from me, but a citation will be issued. You must
give me your student ID until borrowed item is returned.
You will need the following supplies for class
One spiral notebooks
Pens (black or blue)
Pencils (enough for the semester)
One set of colored pencils and/or marker
One pack of 3 x 5 index cards
One pack of college ruled notebook paper
Pencil Sharpener
Markers or colored pencils
Homework will be assigned. You are required to turn in your homework on time. Late homework will
not be accepted. Homework assignment must be put in designated area.
Class Assignment
Class Assignment is due at the end of Class NO EXCEPTIONS!!!!!!!!!
Submitting Assignments
When you submit your assignments that are certain guidelines that must be followed or your
assignment will not be accepted and you will receive an incomplete for that particular assignment.
Proper Heading
First and Last Name (example Lisa Thomas) incomplete names on paper will not be accepted
Date (example: August 11, 2015)
Group Section (example 1A)
Homework or Class work Title (example: MLK Speech Analysis)
Projects will be assigned. Everyone in the group will be responsible to for the entire project. Everyone
in the project will be given a project grade based on work and participation.
Grading Policy:

Grades will be assigned using the district-wide grading scale.

100 to 94 = A
93 to 90 = A

89 to 87 = B+
86 to 84 = B
83 to 80 = B-

79 to 77 = C+
76 to 74 = C
73 to 70 = C-

69 to 67 = D+
66 to 64 = D
63 to 60 = D-

59 and below = F

The grade you earn will depend entirely on the quality of your work and the competence
you demonstrate in relation to the stated objectives of the course. Test and quizzes and

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other major assessments will make up a larger portion of your grade compared to
homework, daily work, journals, and special projects. Each quarter you will be advised
of these percentage weights for that particular grading period.
Positive class participation will be factored into your grade and can amount to as much as 10% of
your grade. Your participation grade will be determined by the following:

A positive contribution to class discussion.

Punctuality to classbeing in your seat before the tardy bell rings.
Bringing supplies and assigned materials to class.
Compliance with classroom rules and procedures.

In addition, it is important to remember that each student deserves the most positive educational
climate possible. I expect each student to be respectful, cooperative, and courteous at all times.
Each student has the right to feel safe and important in the classroom. When others speak in turn,
we will listen and give them our attention. I will follow the guidelines as well and expect the same
courtesy when I speak.
Students will be given daily in-class assignments. In addition, daily homework assignments will be
given to help students become comfortable with class concepts. Students will complete quizzes on a
regular basis to help me determine whether they are mastering the concepts. All of these quizzes
will be graded. Formal and informal assessments will be given in various forms throughout the year.
Assessments are very important they help to identify whether a student has mastered the skills
necessary for success in Algebra and Geometry.
I believe this school year can be the best year your child has ever experienced. I know that I am
committed to helping and encouraging your child in achieving those things needed to pursue a
college career, while also helping to build the life skills necessary for the world they will one day lead.
I hope we share the same commitment and I also hope you will encourage your child to use all of the
help and resources that are offered at NFL Yet Academy. I will be communicating with you throughout
the year to keep you aware of your childs progress. Please feel free to contact me at any time with
concerns or questions you have regarding your child. I look forward to hearing from you.
Thank You!

*Please keep this syllabus handy for contact information.

*Please sign the attached sheet stating that you have read the syllabus.

P.A.L. 20152016
This Page Must Be Returned by Friday August 7, 2015
I have read the class syllabus and have discussed it with my child. I agree to the
guidelines presented in the class syllabus.
Parent/Guardian Signature ______________________________________________________
Student Signature _______________________________________________________________
Student and Parent Information Page
Please have your parents complete this page and return to school. This is your first
homework assignment for the school year 2015-2016.
Contact Information:
Student Name:__________________________________________________________________
Parent Name:__________________________________________________________
Email: ________________________________________________________
Phone Number: Home:___________________ Cell______________ Work_______________
Emergency Contact Information
Persons Name__________________________________________________
Contact Number_____________________ Relation to student____________________________
Please share with me any concerns you may have regarding your child concerning
Thank you for your insight! I look forward to keeping in contact with you throughout
the year. Please note my email address and phone number on the syllabus. Call or
write anytime! Thank You, Ms. King

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