Jones 2017 Syllabus
Jones 2017 Syllabus
Jones 2017 Syllabus
Our Mission
The mission of Plato Academy Charter Schools is to assist students in achieving their full potential by
requiring and nurturing high academic and behavioral standards in a safe, supporting, challenging
and enthusiastic environment fostered by a commitment and cooperative effort between the school,
students, parents, and community.
Mathematics Curriculum
Plato Academy Schools utilize Pearson textbooks and e-learning integration curriculum along with
supplemental resources from Curriculum Associates Ready Florida MAFS. Students will also utilize
online programs such as Virtual Nerd, Pearson Realize, TenMarks, and Moby Max. Algebra students
will utilize Algebra Nation which is a division of Math Nation. Most of the online programs that we
utilize offer free apps that can be accessed on any mobile device.
Please remain seated until you are dismissed by the teacher.
Restroom Use
As with sharpening your pencil, I ask that you wait until all instructions have been given before
leaving the room to use the bathroom. There are no bathroom privileges the first 5 minutes of class
or the last 5 minutes of class. When leaving the room to use the bathroom, please raise your hand to
ask permission, complete the sign-out sheet, and take the required pass. Only 1 person should leave
the classroom at a time, so if someone else is out of the classroom, please wait until they have
returned to ask for permission. Restroom privileges are restricted to 1 time per period (with
exceptions for emergencies only).
Group Work
During some lessons there will be opportunities to work in pairs/group. Sometimes I will allow
students to select their partners, while most of the time I will be assigning students to pairs/groups. I
ask that everyone respect one another when working together. Please do not express
disappointment or disapproval of other students within the class. In addition, all students are
expected to contribute to the activity with no one person taking charge of the entire group, and no
students relying on other students to do all the work.
Grade Scale:
A 90 100 %
B 80 89 %
C 70 79%
D 60 69 %
F 59 % or below
This is the grading scale set forth by the Pinellas School District, and will be used for my math class.
Grading Policy
Each marking period there will be formal tests, quizzes (announced and unannounced), warm-up
activities, class work, and homework assignments. There will also be other types of informal
assessments to periodically check for understanding. Plato Academy school wide assessments will
also be administered throughout the year. Your childs math grade will be broken down as follows:
tests/quizzes/assessments 30% of the grade, class work 30%, homework 20%, and class
participation 20%. Completing math homework is essential to success in math. Expect homework in
math at least 3 to 4 days a week. Homework is not a punishment, but a valuable tool to help your
child succeed in math. Late classwork/homework will have a deduction as follows: 1 day (-10%), 2
days (-25%), 3-10 days (-50%), more than 10 days, 10% will be the (given) score. All assignments
should be labeled with the students first and last name, date, period, and assignment title. *Parents,
your child will always receive written and oral directions for all class work, homework, and tests. Time
will be given in class to write down their daily assignments in their planner.
Students are expected to come to class prepared every day with their homework, math notebook,
math folder, and several sharpened pencils. Bringing the above list of materials, completing all
assignments, and a willingness to learn and participation is crucial for success.
Excessive absences should be avoided. In the event of an absence, the student is required to make
up class and homework assignments. Any student that is absent should check with me immediately
upon their return to school. Please see the Student Code of Conduct for the complete policy on
completing work after an absence.
Extra Help
If any student feels he/she needs extra help, has any questions, or needs to stay after school to make
up work from an absence, they are encouraged to see me and set up a time. Please do not wait until
the end of a semester to ask for help. I am here to help your child succeed in math, but I need for
them or you to notify me if they are struggling so that I can intervene promptly. Please have your child
inform me at least one day prior when they feel the need to stay after school, so I can plan my
schedule accordingly.
Behavior Expectations
Do things that will not prevent me from teaching, nor you or others from learning.
Respect yourself, others, and your school.
Be responsible.
Be proactive.
Violations Of The Above Behavior Expectations Will Result In One or More Of The Following
v Warning
v Time Out (in class)
v Time Out (out of class with a designated teacher); *Parental contact will be made
v Detention - *Parental contact will be made
v Referral *Parental contact will be made
Consequences will be given out on an individualized basis according the violation that has occurred,
the severity of the violation, and how often the violation has been a problem within the classroom.
All students are expected to have these materials with them on a daily basis:
v Calculator (non-scientific), basic 4-function with square root and percent key will be
v Folder with pockets and prongs
v Composition notebook
v One pencil pouch
v School Agenda