Dme Microteach-Emotions

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DME Lesson Plan Template

Note: Type into this template. Do not print it out and hand-write the lesson plan.
Name: Krystal Smith

Grade level for lesson: 1st grade

Lesson Title/Topic: How does the music make you

National Standard(s):
6. Listening to, analyzing, and describing music.
Lesson Objectives:

Concept: Feelings/emotions from listening to


What the students should know and be able to do by the end of

this lesson. These should be VERY specific and numbered.

For each objective, there should be a corresponding assessment:
How will you know what the students know and are able to do
at the end of the lesson?

1. The students will be able to name five basic

emotions by the end of class.

2. Students will speak in unison the names of

the five emotions, and then I will randomly
selected students to say one name on the
spot in the closing section of the lesson.
4. I will observe while students, subjectively
show the faces and character sticks during
the intro and Activity #1.

3. The students will be able to show different

facial effects/ identify with characters that
describe the five emotions, subjectively, in
objective 1.
5. The students will be able to verbalize/show
with body movement how a song makes
them feel, subjectively.

6. I will observe the students responses while

they wave the streamers in Activity #2.

What will you need to accomplish the lesson? Be specific (as if providing instructions for a substitute teacher).
1.Class needs to begin with all the chairs against the wall
2. Inside Out character sticks in a zip lock bag
3. Streamers in box ice cream container
4. Website, open for listening examples

Curricular item from 112A ___Popsicle sticks


Be very specific so that a qualified substitute teacher could accomplish the lesson from this plan. Number the activities and
corresponding instructions.

Good morning
Topic-emotions/make a face/Inside Out
Raise your hand and tell me why
#1-Inside Out Character Sticks

Good morning Mrs. Johnsons 1st grade class!
Today we are going to pick up where last week
when we talked about emotions. Five emotions;
happiness, anger, disgust, fear, sadness. Ask them
to make all the faces for each emotion. Remember
the movie we watched, Inside Out and these
All of the students get one character stick. Play
the three selections while the students raise up

#2- Streamers


their character if the song playing makes them

feel like their character.
Ex.1-Beethovens Symphony No.5
Ex.2- Brahms Hungarian Dance No.5
Ex.3-Coplands Hoe-Down(0:39)
Why does_______ have a different character
Pick up all the Inside Out characters and Hand
out streamers. The students need to wave the
streamers in a way to express the music. They
need plenty of room so they can spread out and
use their arms and legs. Play these examples:
Ex.1-Gustav Hulsts Jupiter
Ex.2-Beethovens Symphony No. 8 Mv. 2
Ex.3-Kabalevskys Galop.
As you take up the streamers ask these questions;
1. What are the names of the
emotions/characters that we talked about
2. Raise your hand and say one new thing
you learned today.

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