SIOP Instructional Unit Plan Thematic Topic: Inventors Grade/Class/Subject: 5 Standards
SIOP Instructional Unit Plan Thematic Topic: Inventors Grade/Class/Subject: 5 Standards
SIOP Instructional Unit Plan Thematic Topic: Inventors Grade/Class/Subject: 5 Standards
Studies Standards: Iowa Core Curriculum (3-5) History o Understand the role of innovation on the development and interaction of societies. o Understand the role of individuals and groups ithin a society as promoters of change or the status !uo. "eading# Informational $e%t o Employ the full range of research&'ased comprehension strategies( including ma)ing connections( determining importance( !uestioning( visualizing( ma)ing inferences( summarizing( and monitoring for comprehension. o *ra on information from multiple print or digital sources( demonstrating the a'ility to locate an ans er to a !uestion !uic)ly or to solve a pro'lem efficiently. o Integrate information from several te%ts on the same topic in order to rite or spea) a'out the su'+ect )no ledgea'ly. LESSON P EP! !TION Content Objecti"e#s$: Day 1 Students ill demonstrate the understanding of important inventions that e use every day 'y using posters of the inventions. Students ill demonstrate the understanding of famous inventors ho made such inventions using pictures of the men, omen. Students ill identify an inventor to research for the oral presentation to the class. Day 2 Students ill investigate the life of a famous inventor. Students ill investigate inventions made 'y their chosen inventor. Students ill create a graphic organizer of the follo ing !uestions a'out their inventor# o -here did the inventor gro up. o -hat inventions did he,she ma)e. o -hen ere their inventions implemented in society. o Ho did this inventor find their ideas and create the inventions. o -hat impact do their inventions no have on society. Day 3 Students ill put together a visual presentation from information researched the previous day. Students ill get in groups of / and identify similarities and differences 'et een their inventors. Students ill present their poster to the entire class. Students ill rite one fact they learned from each presentation.
ELL Methods Mallory Glanzman Lan%ua%e Objecti"e#s$: Day 1 Students ill 'e a'le to recognize famous inventors and their inventions. Day 2 Students ill 'e a'le to research the internet and non&fiction te%t a'out a famous inventor and their inventions. Students ill 'e a'le to identify common voca'ulary hile researching. Day 3 Students ill 'e a'le to rite a visual on a poster a'out their inventor and inventions. Students ill 'e a'le to orally e%plain their poster. Students ill orally present their poster to the entire class. Students ill 'e a'le to rite facts learned a'out other inventors and their inventions 'ased on other posters. &aterials #includin% supplementar' ( adapted$: *ay 0 1ictures of famous inventors 2amous inventions to 'e introduced to the class 3computer( telephone( light 'ul'( etc.4 5hart paper and mar)ers for the 6-L chart *ay 7 5omputer la' for research 8on&fiction 'oo)s or articles a'out inventors and their inventions 1aper and pencils for graphic organizer note&ta)ing *ay / 1oster 'oards Mar)ers 1ictures of inventors and inventions 1hysical o'+ects as the inventions 8otecards for riting facts from other presentations )UIL*ING )!C+G OUN* !cti"ities Day 2 Students ill research a famous inventor and their inventions on the internet and in non& fiction te%t. Day 3 Students ill create a poster 'oard ith their inventor and inventions. Students ill discuss similarities and differences 'et een inventors. Students ill present their posters to the entire class. Students ill rite a fact learned from every poster presentation. Lin,s to E-perience:
ELL Methods Mallory Glanzman Day 1 9s) students hat famous inventors they have heard of 'efore. 9s) students hat inventions are useful for them every day. Day 2 9s) students to e%plain their technology s)ills ith researching the internet. Lin,s to Learnin%: Day 1 6-L chart& -hat do you )no a'out famous inventors and inventions. -hat do you ant to )no a'out a famous inventor or invention. Day 2 Use a graphic organizer to rite do n facts researched Day 3 6-L chart& -hat did you learn a'out your inventor and their inventions. -hat did you learn a'out other inventors and their inventions. 8otecards to rite facts learned a'out other presentations +e' .ocabular': Day 1 Inventor Invention 1atent *iscovery Day 2 "esearch 2amily Goals Hardships Day 3 Similarities *ifferences CO&P E/ENSI)LE INPUT Lesson Se0uence 1 Clear E-planations #oral ( 2ritten$: Day 1 Give a 'rief e%planation a'out inventors and inventions to the class. 5reate a 6-L chart ith the class( riting their ideas on large chart paper for the 6 and - sections. Sho pictures of famous inventors to the class and as) if students can identify ho they are. Sho o'+ects as famous inventions and as) for student:s feed'ac) on hy these inventions are important for our everyday lives. Day 2 Students ill 'e presented ith the graphic organizers for their research.
ELL Methods Mallory Glanzman Students ill 'e given e'sites and non&fiction 'oo)s for researching a'out various inventors and their inventions. Students ill complete the graphic organizers for their research posters.
Day 3 Students ill put together a poster of the important information from their graphic organizers in a creative ay. $he class ill revisit the 6-L chart for the L section. $he class ill discuss as a large group the information they learned a'out inventors and inventions. Students ill get in their small groups to discuss similarities and differences of their inventors: lives. Students ill present their posters 'y discussing the important information researched. Students ill rite one ne fact they learned on a notecard from each poster presentation. .ariet' o3 Techni0ues #modelin%4 "isuals4 hands1on acti"ities4 demos4 %estures4 bod' l%$: $hroughout the entire lesson( there ill 'e many different techni!ues used. ;n the first day I ill sho pictures of famous inventors that students ill 'e as)ed to identify. I ill 'ring in o'+ects to class to sho and e%plain various inventions e no use in our everyday lives. Students ill 'e interacting as a hole as e or) on the 6-L chart. Students ill have a hands&on day the second day of the lesson as they ill 'e researching on the computer and in non&fiction te%t. -hen students present their final posters( they ill 'e e%pected to use visuals and 'ody language hen descri'ing hat they researched. I ill model a sample pro+ect for the students as e or) through the 6-L chart together. ST !TEGIES /i%her1Order 5uestions: -hat hardships did the inventors have to go through to ma)e their invention ideas a reality. Ho did these inventors use determination to create their inventions. Ho have these inventions molded our society present&day. Ho do you thin) society ould 'e no if these inventions did not e%ist. Sca33oldin%: <<Modeling <=<Guided <=<Independent <<GIS$ <<*"$9 <=<Graphic organizers <<;ther <<<<<<<<<<<< <=<Independent
Learnin% Strate%ies: <<Mnemonics <<S>17"S <=<"ehearsal strategies <<5omprehension strategies Groupin%: <<-hole 5lass
Opportunities 3or Interaction# <=<$echnology <<Gallery -al) <<5ooperative strategies 3+igsa ( $&1&S( 8H$( E%pert Groups( etc.4
ELL Methods Mallory Glanzman <<Inside,;utside 5ircles Primar' Lan%ua%e #L6$ Support: ?ilingual assistance for voca'ulary ords ?ilingual dictionary availa'le hen creating posters $ranslation for use of the internet and non&fiction te%t <<;ther <<<<<<<<<<<
P !CTICE/!PPLIC!TION Use o3 hands1on materials/manipulati"es: 9s previously stated in the lesson plans( there is plenty of opportunity for hands&on learning. $his lesson allo s for students to use research materials to create a poster 'oard visual to present to the class. Students ill also 'e colla'orating ith one another hen discussing their inventors and inventions. !cti"ities to appl' content/lan%ua%e ,no2led%e: 1rocesses# <=<"eading <=<-riting <=<Listening <=<Spea)ing
LESSON *ELI.E 7 Content ( L% Objecti"es shared 2ith students: ?oth content and language o'+ectives ill 'e shared ith students at the 'eginning of each lesson( as ell as revisited at the end of each lesson to ma)e sure that the lesson is effective and every student is on trac). Student En%a%ement: Students ill 'e engaged hile the class is discussing famous inventions and inventors. Students ill 'e engaged ith each other as they discuss their inventor in the small groups. Students ill 'e engaged hile listening to their other classmates: poster 'oard presentations. Lesson Pacin% #based on student needs$: $emperature chec)s ill 'e given during each day:s lesson to ma)e sure every student( ELL learner or not( is on tas) for their pro+ects. I ill ma)e sure I meet ith each student to discuss hat inventor they are researching and ho they ill find the information for their poster presentation. I ill chec) especially on my ELL students so they have the assistance they made need in their native languages. E.IE8/!SSESS&ENT e"ie2 o3 "ocabular' ( ,e' concepts: Day 1 -hat did you learn from the first day of identifying inventions and inventors along ith after researching. Day 2 Ho did the graphic organizer help gather your thoughts from researching. Day 3 6-L 5hart& -hat did you learn a'out inventors and their inventions. -hat did you learn from your classmates: poster presentations.
ELL Methods Mallory Glanzman -hat similarities and differences did you learn a'out various inventors and their inventions.
9eedbac, pro"ided to students: 2eed'ac) ill 'e provided throughout the entire lesson. 9long ith temperature chec)s( I ill ma)e sure students are on&tas) to a great pro+ect as they research. I ill ma)e sure every student has the right information for their posters. If a student has a !uestion a'out a language clarification( I ill give that student the right information in their native language if needed. $he 6-L chart ill give me a good understanding of hat students )no and do not )no a'out inventors and their inventions. It ill also tell me hat students learned and gained from this lesson. -hen students are in small groups discussing their posters( they ill 'e a'le to give feed'ac) to one another for their final presentation. !ssessment o3 lesson objecti"es: 9fter e finish the 6-L chart as a class( I ill get a good understanding of the students: )no ledge on inventors and their inventions. I ill assess their graphic organizers to ma)e sure all of the re!uired information ill 'e included for their poster presentation. I ill also 'e assessing students on ho actively they participate in the small group discussions. I ill provide the students ith a ru'ric at the 'eginning of the lesson for their final presentation. Students ill need to incorporate all of the ideals on the ru'ric to get the 'est grade possi'le. Students ill finally 'e assessed on having a note card ith a fact filled out for every presentation o'served.