GE Fridge Diagnostics

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Self Diagnostics ‘To enter Self Diagnostic made, both temperature control panel displays must be illuminated. A display ‘can be illuminated by pressing an adjacent temperature adjustment bution. When both displays are iluminated, set the freezer and refrigerator temperature settings to 5. Simultaneously press and hold all 4 temperature adjustment buttons for approximately 3 seconds. A flashing 0 in the refrigerator and freezer displays will indicate that the refrigerator Is in Self Diagnostic mode, ‘To perform a self diagnostic test, locate the test in Table 2, Diagnostic Tests. For temperature control panels with single-digit displays, the COLDER temperature adjustment button vill increment the numbers up and the WARMER temperature adjustment button will increment the numbers down. Use the freezer temperature adjustment buttons to enter the test code number in the {reezer cisplay. Use the refrigerator temperature adjustment buttons to enter the test code number in the refrigerator display. When a test code has been entered, the displays wil flash to confirm the test. Press the HOLD button for 3 seconds to begin the test. For temperature control panels with 3-digit dispiays, the COLDER temperature adjustment button will increment the numbers down and the WARMER temperature adjustment button will increment the ‘numbers up. Use the freezer temperature adjustment buttons to enter the test code number in the freezer cisplay. Use the refrigerator temperature adjustment buttons to enter the test code number in the refrigerator display. When a test code has been entered, the displays will lash to confirm the test code. Press any button other than a temperature adjust bution to begin the test. ‘When testing has been completed, do one of the following things: + Enter code 1 5 to completely reset the system, + Enter code 1:6 to exit diagnostic mode. The temperature control panel is reset automatically. ‘+ Unplug the refrigerator for at least 10 seconds. Test mode will terminate when the refrigerator is plugged back in, ‘Test mode will terminate automatically efter 15 minutes of inactivity. ‘Temperature Contro! Panel (Single-Digit Display) Table 2. Diagnostic Teste Fema! | Petipa : aS Display Display Le a ° >| Temper conte pana to man [Pon he FZ play HOK Conta board communication "| Fon the FZ ply tt OK 3 @ [eerie conta paneito | Pon the FZ GsphiyF OK Alopeser beard cormunicaton”_| Fan the FZ ply tot OK: 3 | |biseenserboarto main contol |P one Fz splay HOK board conmuncaton Fonthe FZ ply I ot OK ° 6 | fempratire conto pane eat rampart Cora Panel Sl-Test on page 5, ° 7 [Saprtand sensor sytem set 1555 contro and Senor Set-Test on page 38 7 0 [open damper arpa open, pase bri hen cose 7 7 [a soos st Each fn run 10 seconds then Sp. Thieme rs te said sytem 100% ofthe re 1 2 | 10% nn time Tis ode a Th places te reezern prot mage. The z 9 par bre cen refrigerator wil tum to normal operation on its own. Tis wl soto rtigeaor int the dest mode. tro eabiet sno col hon rout, te modo may 2 4 ft ‘execute extremely fast. The refrigerator will return to ronal operation ons on 7 3 | Retigoior root aus a yet rset Gases sytem fo ext est made ard resets 1 6 cena a temperature control panel. Retigortor perature ad aya can be used © ' 7 [ese cr esange dspay tom F Ser Cie F Communication Tests (0 2, 0, or 0.4) ‘A communication test will display the test code while checking communication. When the test has ‘concluded, the freezer display will display a P (passed) or an F (failed) for 2 seconds. Alter 2 seconds, the displays will show the test code. At this time, a new test code can be entered. ‘Temperature Control Panel Self-Test (0 6) This test applies only to the temperature control board inside the fresh food compartment. When the Temperature Control Panel Self-Test is initiated, all of the LEDs and numerical segments in the dispiays wil iluminate. When the SAFE THAW bution is pushed, all 3 LEDs for safe thaw should turn off, When the QUICK CHILL button is pressed, all $ LEDs for the quick chill should turn off. Continue this process for each LED/Button pair on the display. The colder key is to turn off seven-segment LEDs, The warmer key isto turn off the Set LED for both the freezer and the fresh food compartments. ‘To exit the Temperature Control Panel Self-Test, both of the refrigerator temperature adjust keys must be pressed simultaneously for 3 seconds. This can be done at aniy ims to exit the test. MAYTAG. Training 14 Dispenser Board No sel agnostic tests exist forthe dispenser board. Dispenser board operation Is tested by pressing ‘each button and checking for proper operation. Control and Sensor System Self-Test (0 7) “This teat checks al ve thermistors located throughout tho unit. Once the fost i inated, he test code {07 wil etop flashing andthe thermistor test ruts wil appear onthe frae7ot display In the test order ora iijow The thermistor test sequence number wil nat be shown on the isp tthe unit is not equipped with the Quick Chil option, the third thermistor (quick cht) will display @ 0 and re ie beope wil sound atthe temperature contol panel. This snot afalure the unit is not equipped with the Quick Chill option. ‘Thermistor test results: + P= Pass + 0=Falled + $= Short to VDC + B=Bad amplifier ‘Thermisior test sequence is: Fresh food top thermistor Fresh food bottom thermistor ‘Quick chil thermistor (cispiays Of unit isnot equipped with Quick Chil option) Evaporator thermistor Freezer thermistor Not? Thermistor test resuls willbe displayed in the sequence shown above, The thermisior test sequence number will not be shown on the display. Main Control Board (Low-Voltage Side) 3-8 ——3-Wht/Bm c 3+ Red / wnt ate Benen it aorene . Sim | eeu o0000 oo000gogn ood odoooooooD) Raga lnnnannannal innngnnnal ; INPUTS: PROCESSING mene Tpsining 16 ‘Main Control Board Locator Table (Low-Voltage Side) Connector] Pin] wire Color Component | pin-o-Pin Voltage Reading Tip twpnd=26005 st] [auermea Fresh foes thermistor #1 | 212 4a |i pin 2topin6= 281095 | 2 [verow Fresh food thermistor 2 |. : aipinSiopns=20wo5 at] 3. |esramte Freezerthemictor | a | 4 [ouomnite Evaporiorinenisor _[tpin# toon 5251095 Thermistor supply = w]e |e Tramistx sippy “| jy pinto Ja pin = 6 VOC [Evaporator fan mae 2 | 4 be Evaporator J2pin 110 pin3=6.9 VOC 2 | 2 [ewerwnne Fan np {20m 2.0 pind = 12 VoC 2 | 3 jamie Fan commen J2pin 3topin@= 12 voc WBpind to pind = 124 VBS 2 | 4 | YetomBtack Evaporator on igh speed) 8 VOC tow speed) 2pin So pnd= 194 VS 2 | 5 | Yetow Condenser on (condenser fan's singe speed) ‘2 pin 6to pin 3= 0VDO w2 6 | Black/White Fresh food fan (high speed), 3 VDC (low speed) 2 | 7 [Notusee Net appcabie Not epost [2 pin 8 wo piné = 194 VOO an supply votage |r peed), © VDC (ow we | 6 rea ran suo speed) Spin out pin fis voc Continued on next page, Main Control Board Locator Table (Low-Voltage Side) Connector| Fin} Wire Color Component | pinto Pin Voltage Reading U3 pin 4 to ud pin 3 = wa} 4 |Yetow Damper Standing Vole 2.3 VDC Traveling Vtiage 60 VOC 33 pn 2 toJ4 pind = ws | 2, |Reaeiack Damper Standing Votage 2. VDC Traveling Voltage 6.0 VOC Bpin 310.44 pind = vs | 9 [whterBrow Damper Stancing Voiage 23 VDC Traveling Votage 6:0 VOC Spina tos ping = ws | 4 |Bhervetow Damper Standing Votage 2.9VDC Traveling Votage 6.0 VDC | Dispenser board we] fetack oman See schematic tranemirecaive Dispenser board | 2 [Ree common See schematic | voc + Tes Dispenser board [fou Dispense board See schorsatic Continued on next page.

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