AP Unit9 Testbank

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Unit 9 Test Bank Congress

2) Which of the following did the framers of the Constitution conceive of as the center of
policymaking in America?
A) the President
B) the people
C) Congress
D) the courts
E) the Supreme Court
4) ______ privileges refers to the free use of the mails enjoyed by Congress.
A) franking
B) conmail
C) junket
D) procurement
E) e-mail
7) How many senators are elected from each state?
A) one
B) two
C) four
D) it depends on a state's population
E) the same number as it has electors in the electoral college
8) Which of the following is true about the minimum age requirements for members of Congress
set forth in the Constitution?
A) one must be at least 21 years of age to serve in the House of Representatives
B) one must be at least 30 years of age to serve in the Senate.
C) one must be as least 35 years of age to serve in either the House or the Senate.
D) there are no age requirements for members of Congress.
E) the age requirements are the same for the House and the Senate.
11) The members of the Senate closely reflect the nation in terms of
A) race.
B) gender.
C) economic status.
D) prior occupation.
E) None of the above
13) In terms of religion, most members of Congress are
A) Catholic.
B) Jewish.
C) Protestant.
D) born again Christians.
E) atheist.
15) The most common prior occupation for members of Congress is
A) business.
B) law.
C) education.
D) public service.
E) state legislator.

16) Relative to the total population, the most underrepresented group in Congress is
A) African-Americans.
B) Hispanics.
C) women.
D) Jews.
E) homosexuals.
18) Millionaire Senator Edward Kennedy sponsoring a bill to help the poor and disadvantaged
would be an example of
A) descriptive representation.
B) substantive representation.
C) elite representation.
D) constituent representation.
E) franking privileges.
19) Incumbents are those
A) already holding office
B) running for office for the first time.
C) who have been defeated in an election.
D) retired members of Congress.
E) running for an office.
21) The single most important advantage to someone trying to get elected to Congress is
A) being an incumbent.
B) having more money to spend on campaigning.
C) being charismatic and photogenic.
D) having a clean record.
E) winning the endorsement of the top leaders of their party.
22) Which of the following is NOT true about incumbents?
A) They usually win elections.
B) They usually have more money than their challengers.
C) They usually have higher name recognition and visibility than their opponents.
D) They usually face very tough challengers, especially in races for the house.
23) Compared to members of the House, Senators are
A) more likely to have personal contact with their constituents.
B) more likely to face difficult re-election opponents.
C) less likely to face difficult re-election opponents.
D) less likely to use television in their re-election campaigns.
25) Studies have shown that Presidential __________ in an election have little effect on the
success of the partys candidates for the House and Senate.
A) coattails B) junkets
C) vetoes
D) headwinds
E) scandals
26) Comparison between members of the House and Senate concerning the impact of
incumbency on their reelection chances shows that one of the reasons that Senators have a
smaller advantage is because they
A) have become over-specialized as policymakers.
B) are more likely to be held accountable on controversial issues.
C) are less visible.
D) have longer terms that increase the chance of scandal.
E) represent more homogenous constituencies.

27) Reasons why incumbent Senators have greater competition than incumbent members of the
House include all of the following reasons EXCEPT:
A) An entire state is more diverse than a Congressional district, providing more of a base
for opposition.
B) Senators have less personal contact with their constituencies.
C) Voters are less likely to know the issue positions of their senators than their
D) Senators tend to draw more visible challengers.
E) Senate challengers are better funded than House challengers.
29) Members of Congress engage in each of the following activities that increase the probability
of their re-elections EXCEPT:
A) advertising
B) party voting
C) credit claiming
D) position taking
E) spend much of their time away from Congress and in their home districts
31) The pork barrel and casework are examples of
A) opportunities for credit claiming by members of Congress.
B) advertising techniques.
C) descriptive representation.
D) position-taking.
E) Congressional continuity.
32) An especially important asset for incumbents running for reelection is their
A) service to constituents.
B) voting records.
C) support by party leaders in Congress.
D) Presidential support.
E) invisibility.
33) The _________ is the mighty list of federal projects, grants, and contracts available to cities,
businesses, colleges, and institutions which members of Congress seek to influence to promote
the interests of their constituency.
A) casework
B) pork barrel
C) frank
D) junket
E) Treasurers register
36) After each federal census,
A) The office of the Speaker of the House changes hands.
B) the size of Congress increases.
C) the membership of the House is reapportioned.
D) the Senate reapportions its membership.
E) All of the above.
37) Occasionally, a major political tidal wave rolls across the country and throws large numbers
of incumbents of a given party out of office. When did this last occur?
A) 1994
C) 1974
D) 1964
E) 1954

39) Party loyalty at the voting booth is

A) stronger than it was a generation ago.
B) no longer a good indication of voting behavior.
C) still a good predictor of voting behavior.
D) almost nonexistent today.
E) greater among Democrats than among Republicans.
43) In 1997-1998, House incumbents received
A) about the same amount of contributions from PACs as did challengers.
B) less from PACs than did challengers.
C) about twice as much from PACs as did challengers.
D) more than five times as much from PACs as did challengers.
44) On average, most of the money raised by a candidate for Congress comes from
A) Political parties
B) Individual contributions
C) The candidates own savings
D) Political Action Committees
E) Loans
45) A single political action committee
A) Has no limit on the amount of money it can spend on a candidate
B) Can at most account for only a small percentage of a winners total spending
C) Usually puts all its efforts into one candidate
D) Can gain the most influence by giving money to candidates who disagree with them
E) Can make or break a candidate in a particularly close Congressional election
46) When political action committees contribute money to members of Congress they are usually
A) Access to policymakers
B) Votes on specific legislation
C) To install a preferred challenger in office
D) To create a more pluralistic Congress
E) To literally buy opposing legislators votes
48) Which of the following statements about the role of money in Congressional elections is
A) Outspending your opponent by a large margin is no guarantee of success
B) The more challengers spend, the more votes they receive
C) Challengers usually outspend incumbents
D) In open seats, the candidate who spends the most actually wins
E) Incumbents benefit less from campaign spending than challengers
50) Bicameralism means that a legislative body is one
A) With two houses, providing checks and balances on policymaking
B) In which each state has two senators, providing equal representation of the states
C) In which incumbents have a better chance of being re-elected, provided continuity in
D) They must share power with a president, providing more efficient policymaking
E) In which there are only two political parties

51) To be sent to the President, a bill must be passed by

A) The House
B) The Senate
C) Either the House or the Senate
D) Both the House and the Senate
E) A majority vote of Congress, regardless of which house the votes come from
52) The House _______ Committee reviews bills coming from other committees before they go
on to the full House, thus performing a traffic cop function
A) Appropriations
B) Ways and Means
C) Rules
D) Authorization
E) Review
53) Articles of impeachment must be passed by
A) Either the House or the Senate
B) Both the House and the Senate
C) The Senate
D) The House
E) The Supreme Court
56) Which of the following is true about the Senate as compared to the House?
A) More centralized with stronger leadership
B) Seniority more important in determining power
C) More influential on the budget
D) More influential in foreign affairs
E) Smaller in number, less powerful and less prestigious
57) According to the Constitution, revenue bills must originate in the
A) Internal Revenue Service
B) Federal Reserve System
C) House
D) Senate
E) Treasury Department
58) Nominees to the U.S. Supreme Court must be confirmed by
A) The Senate
B) The House
C) Either the House or the Senate
D) Both the House and the Senate
E) The President
66) For many years, opponents of civil rights legislation succeeded in the Senate thanks to the
use of the
A) Filibuster
B) Franking privilege
C) Pork Barrel
D) Junket
E) Closed rule

68) The filibuster is a technique used in the

A) House to delay legislation until a full House can convene
B) Senate to prolong debate in order to kill a bill
C) Senate to by-pass committees in voting on controversial issues
D) House to allow more time to debate controversial policies
E) House and Senate to prevent a vote on a bill
69) To cut off debate and end a filibuster is known as
A) Franking
B) Coattails
C) Cloture
D) Overriding
E) Hushing
70) To end a filibuster requires ________ members present and voting to cut off debate.
A) 50
B) 60
C) 75
D) 99
E) 218
72) The _________ is next in line after the Vice President to succeed a president who resigns,
dies in office, or is impeached.
A) Senate majority leader
B) Senate minority leader
C) House majority leader
D) Speaker of the House
E) Chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
74) Which of the following Congressional offices is mandated by the Constitution?
A) Speaker of the House
B) House and Senate Majority Leader
C) President of the House
D) President of the United States
E) All of these
76) The _______ has the job of presiding over the Senate, breaking ties when necessary.
A) majority leader
B) majority whip
C) minority leader
D) Vice President
E) Speaker
77) The most powerful person in the Senate is the
A) majority leader
B) Vice President of the United States, who serves as president of the Senate
C) chair of the Rules Committee
D) Speaker
E) President of the United States
82) When the House and the Senate pass different versions of the same bill
A) the House bill is changed to conform with the Senate bill
B) the Senate bill is changed to conform with the House bill
C) a conference committee is appointed to resolve differences
D) a joint committee is appointed to resolve differences
E) the President may select which bill to enact into law

83) Which of the following statements about Congressional committees is false?

A) Unless a committee gives a bill a favorable report it almost never can be considered
by the full House or Senate
B) The mort important output of the committee is marked up bill
C) Members of the committee usually serve as floor managers of the bill
D) Members of the committee act as cue-givers to whom other members turn for advice
E) None of these
86) Which of the following statements about Congressional oversight is false?
A) In extreme cases, Congress can cut agency budget in order to secure compliance with
Congressional wishes
B) Congress keeps tabs on more routine activities of the executive branch through its
committee staff
C) There are few political payoffs for carefully watching a government agency if it is
implementing police properly
D) Since the 1970s, Congress has substantially decreased its oversight activities
E) It serves as a Congressional check on the executive branch
88) House and Senate committees
A) all have an equal number of Republicans and Democrats
B) all have majority of members from the majority party in that chamber
C) must have their membership approved by the President
D) are non partisan, and thus some committees are nearly all Democrats and other nearly
all Republicans
E) are populated by hired staff members on Congress, freeing the elected members for
more important work
89) Members of Congress seek committees that will help them achieve each of the following
goals EXCEPT:
A) re-election
B) influence in Congress
C) a salary increase
D) opportunity to make policy in areas that think are important
90) Traditionally, Congressional committee chairpersons have been chosen through
A) the seniority system
B) party rank
C) popularity with the majority leaders
D) a majority vote by committee members
E) the merit system
92) Which of the following offices is responsible for making economic projections about the
performance of the economy, the costs of proposed policies, and the economic effects of taxing
and spending alternatives?
A) Congressional Research Service
B) Congressional Budget Office
C) General Accounting Office
D) Ways and Means Committee
93) Committee staff is responsible for all of the following EXCEPT:
A) providing services to constituents
B) organizing hearings

C) writing legislation
D) monitoring the executive branch
94) Only _______ can formally submit a bill for Congressional consideration.
A) members of the House
B) senators
C) the President
D) the Speaker of the House
95) Most bills formally submitted for consideration in Congress
A) Are passed and signed into law.
B) Are passed, but vetoed by the President.
C) Are defeated in close final votes on the floors of one chamber.
D) Are quietly killed off early in the process.
E) Pass one house, but are killed in the other house.
98) The Presidents most common method of attempting to influence Congress is to
A) call up wavering members.
B) offer to campaign for members.
C) hold regular meetings with the partys leaders in Congress.
D) invite members of Congress to the White House
E) use the veto power.
102) The best way constituents can influence Congressional voting on legislation is to
A) sign petitions.
B) write letters or send telegrams.
C) fax or call in their opinions.
D) elect a representative or senator who agrees with their views.
E) demonstrate on the steps of the capitol.
103) On a typical issue, the primary determinant of a Congressional members vote is
A) constituent preferences as indicated by extensive polling.
B) the position of the President.
C) personal ideology.
D) the toss of a coin.
E) the position of their party leaders.

Answer Key:
2) C 4) A 7) B 8) B 11. E 13. C 15. B 16. C
18) B substantive representation representing the interests of groups
Descriptive representation representing constituents by mirroring their personal,
politically relevant characteristics.

19) A
31) A
46) A
57) C
70) B
92) B

21) A
32) A
48) C
58) A
72) D

22) D
50) A
66) A
74) A

23) B
51) D
68) B
76) D

25) A
52) C
69) C
77) A

26) B 27) C 29) B

39)C 43)D 44) B 45) B
53) D 56) D

All of the following are non-partisan agencies that aid Congressional staff:
Congressional Research Service: (CRS) administered by the Library of Congress.
Provides Research, expertise. Tracks major bills.
General Accounting Office: (GAO) helps with oversight functions. Reviews
Executive branch & its agencies. Reviews standards of accounting, legal
opinions, settles claims.
Congressional Budget Office: (CBO) analyzes budget, economic projections,
costs, effect of taxes and spending.
93) A 94) C (??)
95) D 98) C 102) D
103) C

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