Eco Tower, Janata Jn, Palarvatiem Kosi - 692025, Ph: 0484-4047556, 3207113. Fax
Je Soniteyexety Wied vonwenviodesignsin, E-nall lab@envrodesigns in, envrodesignsecciabe@gmal com
Page tof)
Report No, + 1608/EEL/I0/084 ested Toe
Mr. Peter Joseph
Punja Puthussery (H)
Issue Date; October 21, 2015
Customer ret’: Verbal
4 x Sample Partioulats: Water sample nN
fe receiving date: October 16, 2018 "Lab identifiestion @odeNW/10/084
Analysis starting date: ciober 16, 2015 Analysis completion date: October 21, 2015
Quantity of sample received: SLi Description of sample by the customer. Water sample
(Canal water).
Presis required: For the parameters listed below, as per Surface water specification 1S 2296:1982 Class C
Appearance Black coloured turbid water with suspended particles i
L Parameters TL Unie | Method Result | Tolerance fimit |
pillar 31°C ‘CIZOPISIOT (Pt L1):1985, Rearh 2012 ~~ 7.75
Cl, 4.1 & 4.9 oF IS 3025 (Pr 38) :198:
Fluoride as F mig/max Cl. 5 of 1S 3025(Pt 60):2008
Cadmium as Cd me/i,max 1S 3025(Pt 2):2004, Reaff. 2009
Chloride as CI mp/.max Cl. 20f IS 3025(Pt 32):1988, Reaff. 2009 112.67
womnium as Cr mg/max Cl, 6 of IS 3025(Pt 52):2003, Reaff. 2009 BDL(MDL-0.03)
Cyanide as CN me/lmax Cl, 2 of IS 3025(Pt27): 1986, Reaff. 2009 BDL(MDL-0.005)
Total Dissolved Solids mg/lmex 1S 1025(Pt 16):1984, Reaff. 2006 490
Selenium as Se mg/Lmax Cl. 7 of IS 3025(Pt36):2005, Reaff 2009 BDL(MDL-0.005)_
Sulphate as SO, me/lmax Cl, 4e0f 1$'3025(Pt 24): 1986, Reafl, 2009
Lead as Pb mg/l,max 1$3025(Pt2)2004, Reafk 2009:
Copper as Cu mefl;max (S$ 3025(Pt2):2004, Reaft. 2009
Arsenic as mg/lamas Cl. 2 of IS 3025(Pt 37): 1988, Reaff. 2009 BDL(MDI
Iron as Fe mellimas Cl. 6 of I$ 3025 (Pt 53);2003,Reatt 2000
Phenolic compounds as C.H.OH mgfl,max Cl. 6 of IS 3025 (Pt43):1992,Reaff 2009
mg/lmax 1S 3025(Pt2):2004, Real 2009
magjlymax IS 13428:2005Annex K, Reaff. 2009
| Below Detection Limit ___—_—-MDL, Minimum Detection Limit
Parameters [___ Method Result
Total Coliforms 100m1
1$1622: 1981, Realf, 2009 1600,
Susan. Abraham
Quality Manager
Authorized SignatoFy :
This test report shall not be reprociced except in full, without the writen permission ofthe bora
isto the extent of the testing chaiges received, *Mhe above results are retated only to the sample (S)
not be used for advertisement, litigation ete,* The sample will be disposed after 15 days froun the di
Recognised ab by Ministry of Environment & Forests, con
Approved Lab by Kerala State Pollution Control Board ()
Cortfied 8 par ISO 9007 : 2008 & OHSAS 4809):