Chapter 8: Gift For The Darkness Reading Comprehension Directions: Answer The Following Questions Using Complete Sentences
Chapter 8: Gift For The Darkness Reading Comprehension Directions: Answer The Following Questions Using Complete Sentences
Chapter 8: Gift For The Darkness Reading Comprehension Directions: Answer The Following Questions Using Complete Sentences
Period _____
Mastery ELA 8
Directions: Answer the following questions using complete sentences and blended textual
evidence/citations. Dont forget to restate!
3. How does Ralph describe the beast to Piggy? What does he think the boys would do if they were
confronted by it a second time?
4. During the assembly, Jack attempts to make Ralph look bad. List at least three things he tells
the hunters and littluns that make Ralph look like an ineffective chief.
5. What does Jack decide to do at the end of the assembly? What does Ralph think about it? What
does Piggy think about it?
6. Which boys make up Ralphs camp? Which boys make up Jacks camp? What is each boys
opinion about how things should be run in his camp?
7. What is the Lord of the Flies? How is Simons clearing different now that the Lord of the Flies is
present? What do you think the killing, and eventual impaling of the pig, represents as a symbol?
8. What is Ralph scared of? What happens at camp during he and Piggys conversation?
9. The scene between Simon and the Lord of the Flies is arguably the most important in the novel.
What do you think the Lord of the Flies is implying when he tells Simon, You knew, didnt you? Im
part of you? Close, close, close! Im the reason why its no go? Why things are what they are? (143)
Chapter 9: A View to a Death
Reading Comprehension
Directions: Answer the following questions using complete sentences.
1. He felt his knees smack the rock. He crawled forward and soon he understood. The tangle of lines
showed him the mechanics of this parody; he examined the white nasal bones, the teeth, the colors
of corruption. He saw how pitilessly the layers of rubber and canvas held together the poor body
that should be rotting away. Then, the wind blew again and the figure lifted, bowed, and breathed
foully at him. He knelt on all fours and was sick till his stomach was empty. Then, he took the lines
in his hands; he freed them from the rocks and the figure from the winds indignity. (Golding 146147)
a. Who is this passage about? Name both people.
b. What important information did the boy in the passage discover? What does he decide he
must do as a result?
Chapter Analysis
Directions: Answer the following questions using complete sentences and blended textual
evidence/citations. Dont forget to restate!
1. Setting is the time, place, and atmosphere in which the action of a story takes place. Setting can
include time of day, weather, season, era, location, and social or political atmosphere. Mood is the
general emotional response that a reader feels when reading. Writers use figurative language,
details, dialogue, and foreshadowing to help set the mood in a piece of literature. Mood is often
expressed in adjectives which describe how the writer intends to make you feel, like: tense, serene,
somber, optimistic, dark, and depressed.
Describe the setting of the island in the first paragraph of Chapter 9
Setting: ________________________________________________________________________________________
Based on Goldings description, give at least 1-2 words that describe the mood of the setting
described in the first paragraph. Record at least 1-2 sentences from the first paragraph that you
think demonstrate the mood you have chosen.
Mood: ___________________________________________________________________________________________
2. What does Simon discover about the beast? What does he decide to do as a result?
3. Describe Jacks party. How does Jack react to Ralph and Piggys presence?
4. What do you think causes the change in the mood between Jack and Ralph at the party? How is
Jacks tribe different than the tribe of boys that are with Ralph?
5. What terrible tragedy occurs at the end of Chapter 9? In your opinion, what caused it to happen
and who is to blame?
6. What do you believe the tragedy at the end of Chapter 9 symbolizes? How does this relate to the
overall theme of civilization vs. savagery?