November 2015 Newsletter
November 2015 Newsletter
November 2015 Newsletter
November 2015
Unity in Prayer
Pam Hueners and Bobbi Helms
Did you know that your pastors pray for YOU
regularly? The thought crossed my mind recently
that I (Pam) do not pray for them often enough.
We have been blessed with two amazing Godfearing men to lead us in ministry at Anchorage
Lutheran Church men who bring the Gospel in
all its purity to us every week.
As they pray for us regularly, we urge you to
hold them up in prayer daily. In addition, please
join us at the church for two holiday prayer
meetings for our pastors, our staff, their families
and the ministry of Anchorage Lutheran Church
on the following dates:
Christmas Prayer
Wednesday, November 25
7 p.m.
Christmas Party
The annual Womens
Guild Christmas party and
luncheon will be held at
Carol Dragers home on
Saturday, December 12,
beginning at 11:00 a.m. All
ladies of the congregation
are invited to attend.
Lunch will be provided by
Carol and fellow LWML members. We will be
taking part in the local community Toys-forTots program again this year. If you are
interested in supporting this program, please
bring along an unwrapped gift/s for any age
child. Should you care to participate in the
Christmas tree ornament exchange, bring an
anonymous gift-wrapped ornament to trade.
Please join us for this festive occasion of
Christmas caroling and good fellowship.
Carol guarantees to have a least one
decorated tree in every room of the house!
4812 Potter Crest Circle, 338-1430.
Weighing Anchor
Pastor Andy
Whats Falling
Family Ministry
Sunday School started September 13th and we give many Thanks to and for our teachers.
Without those who stepped up and volunteered to teach Sunday mornings, we would not have this
valued program. The children have been learning about the life of Joseph and are moving in to the
life of Moses. In honor of Joseph feeding the hungry the Fish room (pre K-K) held a food drive.
These children collected around 50 items for our local food bank! Way to go Fish room. Thank you to
those who donated and also to the Mikkelsens who delivered the food to the bank for us!
In addition, the Frog (1st-3rd) and Lion (4th-6th) classrooms will be setting up an angel tree this
Christmas season for children of prisoners. We learned that Joseph was in jail and God gave him
strength. The children placed signup sheets in the narthex asking for participants, they had 48 sign
up! Thank you to those who helped our Frogs and Lions! We are excited to get the tree set up this
holiday season. If you didnt sign up but would like too, we will order extra Angels so you will have a
Our youth had their first meeting October 7th! We meet every Wednesday at 6 p.m. normally in
the youth room but sometimes we will meet elsewhere. Youth group starts or ends with lots of fun
games and in-between we have real and in-depth conversations about God. We have been asking
ourselves about creation, how we are sure God exists and can it be scary being a follower of Jesus.
On October 28th we had a Halloween game night with several fun food challenges including bobbing
for apples, blindfolded pudding feeding (very messy, sorry parents) and a donut on a rope challenge!
The youth will also be participating in service events in the upcoming weeks.
I know Im sounding like a broken record but I cant be clearer how thankful I am to those who stepped
up to teach Sunday school! Every so often we will have a community breakfast in place of Sunday school
and adult ed. This gives teachers a break and also gives us a chance for fellowship. ALC will provide a
variety of coffee and creamers depending on the time of year (pumpkin spice, peppermint mocha, yum!!!),
we will also provide a variety of teas and other beverages. All who attend are asked to bring a dish to
share! I dont know about you but I love a good breakfast shared with friends!
Confirmation started October 3rd! We are doing things a little different this round. Class is held once a
month on a Saturday night in the fellowship hall. The children cover 3-4 topics a night and dinner and
dessert is provided by all who attend. Each confirmand has a prayer partner who prays for them during
this important course in their life. Prayer partners are kept a secret until our end of the year party in
May! We are expecting Confirmation Sunday to be May 1st, how wonderfully exciting!
First Communion classes! We are offering a 1st communion class November 7th at 5:30 in the fellowship
hall. Please let me know if you are attending!
Lastly, October was Pastor Appreciation Month. I want to encourage you to
continue to lift both Andy and Harrison up in prayer! We are blessed with
wonderful pastors who continually help us grow in relationship with Christ. We
thank you and pray for you Andy and Harrison!
Terry Callies,
Mentoring/Discipling Parents
I will be leading a class on Mentoring/Discipling
Parents to be Spiritual Leaders of Their
Families. Typically I would be having three to four
sets of parents participating in the class. I currently
have one set of parents that want to participate and
we will get started once we get a date and time
established, so there is still time for you to
participate if you are interested. If so, contact Terry
Callies, 345-8029, or cell 242-5714.
Guest Ministry
Kathy Callies, Guest Ministry Coordinator
Thank you to the Guest Ministry
Team who faithfully Greet, Usher
and warmly welcome our guests
and members each week. You are
appreciated, and I thank you for
your ministry and serving. Id
like to also say We are all
Greeters and I encourage each
of you to help make this an
Environment of Hospitality just
as you would if guests were coming
to your house.
For my first Newsletter article on Guest
Ministry, I want to focus on first impressions
That first impression our guests form is a lasting
one and do you realize that this first impression is
formed in the first 20 seconds of their arrival? It
begins in the parking lot: if the lot is full they might
think, It is too crowded, I am not going and they
leave. If the parking lot is empty they might think
this must not be a very good church, there are no
cars here, and I am not staying. They might even
make it into the entry and if it is full they might get
nervous and leave before even going into the
Sanctuary. What if they were not even greeted or
made to feel welcome at all? (I have visited several
churches in Anchorage and have had the experience
where no one talks to me. It does leave a lasting
Just in this short timeframe, they have pretty
much made up their mind about the situation, and
when they do go into worship, their minds are
already made up about the place and the Pastor and
the Word cannot even sink in. They wont return
most likely.
This is why the Greeters Ministry is so
important! We have the opportunity in the
first few minutes of making a positive and
warm impression on our Guests and Visitors
so they can settle into worship or Bible Study
and have an open heart to hear His Word.
If you would like to hear more about the Guest
Ministry here at Anchorage Lutheran, stay tuned to
the Newsletter each month for some tips and
information that will help us welcome Guests and
Christmas Stockings
It is a tradition to present Christmas stockings
to the families with young children who visit our
food pantry during the month of December. Thank
you to all the groups and individuals that make
stockings for this ministry. We ask that you include
a story or activity book about Jesus birth in the
stockings. If you need instructions
or a template of the pattern
please contact the LSSA office.
Neighborhood Gift