Outreach November 2013
Outreach November 2013
Outreach November 2013
www.highlandsucc.com Highlandsucc@sbcglobal.net 937-399-7493 1910 Saint Paris Pike Springfield, Ohio 45504-1206
As I write, the colors of fall are at their peak; there is crispness in the morning air; leaves crackle under our feet; the suns rays grow longer in the evening sunset, as the honking geese fly to their winter homes. The changing seasons reminds us that the church also has seasons. We will soon enter the season of Thanksgiving and we have much for which to be thankful. Advent and preparations for celebrating the birth of the Christ child will soon follow. I have been with you a month now, and have begun to learn names, recognize faces, learn something of your lives your joys, your concerns, your hopes. As a blessed Christian community, we share our joys, concerns, and hopes every Sunday during prayer time; either by placing prayer requests on the cross or by naming aloud prayers of joy and concern. On Mondays, I take the requests and pray with them at the altar and we also print them in the bulletin. I hope you will note all the prayer requests and join me in praying during the week. This summer I read a book on prayer by Anne Lamott, entitled Help, Thanks, Wow! In this book she talks about the types of prayer she has experienced. Earlier in her walk in the faith, she says she seemed to have only two prayers, Help me! Help me! Help me! and Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! and sometimes these prayers were for selfish purposes such as please God, let the light stay green. Many of us have said these same kinds of prayersI know I have. Anne says that as she matured in her relationship with God and would just be talking with God, she experienced a closeness that can only be described as Wow!a real connection with a God of mercy, grace and joy. May we not forget to ask God for help or to give God thanks, but let us also enter into a relationship with God where we are open to Gods wondrous presence, so we too are continually amazed and exclaim Wow! One season that doesnt change is the season of prayer. Blessings,
Pastors Office Hours
Monday and Thursday 9:00 a.m.12:00 noon Wednesday 12:00 noon3:00 p.m. You can reach Pastor Avery in the church office during those hours or at 937-429-1536.
November 2013
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
3 Adult Group 9:15 am Worship 10:30 am Children 10:45 am Fellowship 11:45 am Diaconate 11:45 am 13 Semper Fidelis 7:00 pm 14
Meal served to 5 6 Delta Kappa Gamma 6:00 pm Christian Education Springfield Zen 7:00 pm Group 7:00 pm
10 11 12 Adult Group 9:15 am Worship 10:30 am Children 10:45 am Springfield Zen Fellowship 11:45 am Group 7:00 pm 20 Trustees Council 27 6:30 pm 7:30 pm 28 21
17 18 19 Adult Group 9:15 am Worship 10:30 am Children 10:45 am Springfield Zen Fellowship 11:45 am Group 7:00 pm
29 Thanksgiving
24 25 26 Adult Group 9:15 am Worship 10:30 am Children 10:45 am Springfield Zen Hanging of the Greens Group 7:00 pm
As you know our Highlands Church family has been filling shoe boxes for several years. It is really fun to go shopping for the contents and try to feel the joy a little boy or girl feels when they open their box. If you would like, you can include your address and even a picture. As far as we know, we have had two responses from our boxes over the years. All the information you will need when filling a box can be found on the table in the Narthex. If you would like to be a part of this very rewarding outreach, but can not get out to shop, we will be happy to shop for you. Just let Betty Mougey know you would like to do this. 399-1437. Get your shoe box, wrap it, fill it up and place it at the altar. Last day boxes can be turned in is November 17th!!
Thanksgiving In-Gathering
An in-gathering of non-perishable food will be held Sunday, November 17th. Please bring your contribution and place it at the altar. Let Pastor Avery or Tammy Vlcek know if you are aware of someone who could use our help.
The class will provide funds for two shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child. We will also prepare and deliver Thanksgiving gifts to our shut ins.
On November 4th at 6:00 p.m. we will prepare and serve a meal to Delta Kappa Gamma. Your help would be greatly appreciated.
Lunch Bunch
Lunch Bunch will not be held this month due to the date being just one day before Thanksgiving Day! Everyone have a happy and blessed holiday and the Lunch Bunch will resume in January.
Recycling Continues
Members of the congregation at Highlands continue to bring paper, cardboard, metal, glass, and plastic # 1 & 2 for recycling. The collected items are taken once a week to the recycling bins located near the Clark County Combined Health District on East Home Road. If you do not have recycling at the curb where you live, you may bring your items to the church.
Highlands United Church of Christ 1910 St. Paris Pike Springfield, OH 45503 www.highlandsucc.com Return Service Requested
Highlands Open and Affirming Statement "The worshipping family within the faith community of Highlands United Church of Christ believes in Christ's gospel of unconditional love. We joyfully welcome into full participation, membership, and leadership of this congregation persons of every race, language, age, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, physical or mental ability, economic or marital status, and faith background. We affirm and celebrate all loving, committed relationships affirming that all families defined by love are blessed." Adopted by the congregation January 13, 2013
Mission Statement
Our Mission is to be the loving heart and healing hands of God in the world; we are a welcoming community of faith, seeking to accompany and support all on their journey to Christ, and bearing authentic witness of Gods inclusive love as proclaimed through Jesus.
To open door s for all who seek a safe place for their spir itual jour ney To extend extr avagant hospitality To set an open table for all who hunger To provide sanctuar y for all who seek for giveness, r econciliation, and healing To do justice and pur sue peace