Water Cycle Lesson Plan
Water Cycle Lesson Plan
Water Cycle Lesson Plan
Subject or Topic:
Coop. Initials
Allotted Time 60 minutes
Water Cycle
4.2.1 .A Explain the path water takes as it moves through the water cycle.
C C 1.5.1 B Confirm understanding of a text read aloud or information presented
orally or through other media by asking and answering questions about key details
and requesting clarification if something is not understood.
A. Prerequisite skills
1. Basic knowledge about water
2. Understanding of the term: weather
3. The connections between liquids, solids, and gases
4. Basic note taking skills
B. Key Vocabulary
1. Water cycle- the movement of water throughout the earth, involving
precipitation, condensation, and evaporation.
2. Precipitation- the liquid formed in clouds and then falls from the sky.
3. Condensation- change of a gas to a liquid.
4. Evaporation- change of a liquid to a gas.
5. Atmosphere- the gases that surround us.
6. Water Vapor- The gas phase of water.
C. Big Idea:
1. The water cycle and how water moves throughout the earth.
D. Content
1. The water cycle includes liquid water going through the process of
condensation and then evaporation into the atmosphere, and then out again
through precipitation.
A. Introduction
1. Teacher will ask students what it felt and looked like outside when they
stepped out that morning. Educator will say, Think back specifically to this
morning, what clothing did you put on before you walked out the door, and
also what did the sky look like?
2. Students will draw what they visualized that morning.
3. Teacher will then state the weather is formed by the water cycle, which is
what we will be discovering today.
B. Development
1. Students will be shown a video on YouTube on the water cycle and its
2. Teacher will ask students to recall steps and/or facts on the water cycle and
record on the board.
a. Teacher will wait and continue to prompt until all steps are reviewed
and written on board.
3. Educator will explain that the water cycle is a continuous process including
all of the steps you have listed.
4. The teacher will model, with a burner the concept of evaporation through
asking the students to observe what happens when a glass of water is heated
Reflective Response
A. Report of Student Performance in Terms of Stated Objectives (Reflection on
student performance written after lesson is taught, includes remediation for
students who fail to meet acceptable level of achievement)
Remediation Plan
Students Name