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Assignment Water Pollution

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Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan, Pakistan


Assignment: Water Pollutants and Water Uses

Submitted To: Dr. Sana Ijaz
Submitted By: Group NO: 3
Members: Aliza Iqbal
Aayema Syed
Ruqaiya Ishaq
Ayesha Umar Daraz
Amna Iqbal
Course Title: Environmental Chemistry
Course Code: CHEM-344
Semester: 2nd M.Sc.
Session: 2020-2022
Contents list;
Origin of Water Pollutants
Sources of Water Pollutants
Types of Water Pollutants
Conclusion of Water Pollutants
Uses of water
1 Origin of Water Pollutants

The origin of pollutants can be attributed to their fundamental occurrence

on earth, the development of natural products by transformation, and their
man-made synthesis. The particulates might well arise indeed very naturally
to form part of the ecological background exposure levels Many of them
are excreted by the organ- isms or detoxified. Examples of some pollutants
that occur naturally are nitrogen oxides, heavy metals.
Hydrocarbons and substances that are radioactive
Some pollutants can be formed during their domestic, agricultural or
industrial use by concentration and transformation of naturally occurring
compounds. The generation of sewage and waste waters comprising
agrochemicals, pesticides, petrochemicals hydrocarbons, heavy metals, and
radio nuclides are some important examples of pollutants that have emerged
from this.
Many of the chemicals do not occur in the nature and the pollution they
cause is entirely manmade. For example, the synthesis of various pesticides,
surfactants, plastics and petrochemicals has created a large number of
chemicals in the environment that have created serious environmental
Figure 2 represents how the release of toxic chemicals can be done and
how humans and animals get affected with the contaminated water.

Fig. 2A diagrammatic representation of release of toxic chemicals in various water

2 Sources of Water Pollutants

The major sources of water pollutants that result in contamination are direct
and indirect ones, in addition to other sources.
Direct pollution is caused by releasing fluids directly into the water, such
as a company that expels contaminated water or toxic solids mixed directly
with water into the sea or river. This makes the water poisonous, every so
often resulting in death, for fish and other aquatic creatures. Nevertheless,
animals also drink this water, which also bring to them ill health or death.
It can also affect to humans. In developed countries, people no longer
depend on drinking water from the stream or river. There is still a risk for
those who swim in or participate in activities such as canoeing on polluted
water, as some of them can cause illness and even death
Indirect water pollution is not caused by the introduction of contaminants
directly into the water, but by those that end up there. An example includes
fertilizer and pesticide chemicals that are washed slowly through the soil
and find their way into groundwater and then into various watercourses. In
addition, air pollution can cause acid rain to fall to the ground, which can
be extremely harmful to wildlife, including polluting lakes, streams and
shores, and make the water deadly for those creatures that leave in and near
Whether it’s direct or indirect water pollution (Fig. 3), the results can still
be the same, i.e. disease and possibly death to any living thing that lives in
it or takes in water. Therefore, it is imperative that individuals and
businesses take steps to reduce their levels of pollution and reduce their
environmental impact

Fig. 3Sources of water pollutants

The common sources of water pollution can vary from wholly natural to man- made
sources such as release of domestic and industrial waste waters.
(a) Natural Sources and Runoff
The natural entry of pollutants in water reservoirs can be done through
various activities as given below.
1. Rain water
2. Atmosphere (dust, storms)
3. Underground rocks and volcanoes
4. Natural run off
5. Surrounding vegetation
Rain water is an important natural source of water pollution, which
dissolves the pollutants from air and brings down the entrained particulate
matter with it. E.g. Occurrence of acid rain formed due to the dissolution of
acid gases such as oxides of Sulphur and nitrogen in rainwater. The direct
deposition of particulate by gravity is called dry deposition is another way
of causing water pollution.
The falling of leaves, twigs and other parts of surrounding vegetation can
also enrich waters. Presence of underground rocks and volcanoes beneath
the water bodies may also be the source of certain kinds of salts
(b) Domestic Sewage
Domestic Sewage comprises of waterborne wastes of the public and
contains about 99% of water and 1% of solids. Of the solids existing in
sewage, 70% are organic and 30% are inorganic in nature. Out of the
organic constituents 65% are proteins, 25% carbohydrates and 10% fat.
Inorganic fraction of sewage constitutes grit, salts and metals in varying
The major problems associated with sewage are production of odors and
spread of enteric diseases besides organic pollution which leads to oxygen
depletion and fish-kill.
Sewage also contains huge quantities of nutrients in the form of N 2 and
Po4-3even after secondary treatments that often result in the problem of
Another common way of sewage disposal is its land treatment or crop
irrigation. However, disposal in this way, without scientific considerations,
can lead to the severe health hazards and deterioration of land in the long
(c) Agricultural Wastes

Agricultural waste is the waste that originate generally from run-off from
cultivated arenas and animal farms. In the recent time, for promoting the
growth of fruits and vegetables, farmers add various kinds of agrochemicals
that cause many kinds of pollution problems. It can cause toxicity to aquatic
life also
(d) Industrial Wastes
Industrial waste is a waste that possess the potential for polluting water
reservoirs directly. Nature of industrial waste can vary from industry to
industry and also on time as it depends on the usage and type of raw
materials used, different processes and also operational factors. It is
mentioned that industrial wastes are rich in organic matter
A Table 1 described above to show different sources of pollutants. These
pollutants have different components and their respective effects on
humans. Thus, there is a need to control these pollutants so that it will not
affect humans at a toxic level. That’s why some solutions are given in table
that needs to be consider.

Table 1Sources of water pollutants with their effects and corresponding solutions
3 Types of Water Pollutants

There are various types of pollutants categorized as:

(a) Organic Pollutants
(b) Inorganic Pollutants
(c) Radioactive Pollutants
(d) Suspended Solid
(e) Pathogens
(f) Nutrients and Agricultural Pollutants (g) Thermal Pollution.
These pollutants are described as follows:

(a)Organic Pollutants
Organic compound consists of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and
Sulphur. Organic compound emitted from sewage, urban waste water,
industrial wastewater and agricultural waste. Example is Oleic acid,
Palmitic acid, Dodecanoyl chloride and Docosanoic anhydride
(b) Inorganic Pollutants
Developing countries are concerned about contamination of harmful
chemicals such as nitrite, ammonium nitrate and heavy metals in drinking
water. The high levels of inorganic nitrogen pollutants (nitrate, nitrite,
ammonium) and inorganic phosphates in river water resulting from draining
water from agricultural fields, releasing municipal/industrial sewage, etc.
lead to many health problems. Nitrite is carcinogenic in nature, which
increases the risk of stomach, liver and esophageal cancer and can lead to
high levels of ammonium in the body
(c) Radioactive Pollutants
Naturally radioactive material comes from earth crust and dissolves in
surface drinking water. Anthropogenic radioactive material emitted from
nuclear power plant, nuclear weapons testing and manufacture and
application of radioactive material. Generally, radionuclide appeared in
drinking water have series of uranium, thorium and aluminum and with
naturally occurring materials of radium, uranium and the radioactive gas
radon. These contaminants cause dangerous effect on human being. Radium
causes bone cancer. Uranium also causes cancer in bone and toxic effect on
(d) Suspended Solid
Suspended solid are the pollutants municipal and industrial wastewater treatment
plants and sewage treatment plants. There are three different types of suspended
solid are found (a) sand and other material at washing steps (b) organic content that
cannot used for final product (c) suspended solid in the wastewater
(e) Pathogens

Pathogens are small microbes that cause disease, including bacteria, viruses,
pillows, and certain parasites. Viruses generally present in wastewater are
Hepatitis and Norwalk virus and a common fungus is Candida. A
salmonella bacterium causes food poisoning whereas Vibrio cholerae’s the
pathogen that causes cholera. Parasites such as Cryptosporidium and
Schistosoma can cause diarrhea and all
wastewater pathogens can lead to serious gastrointestinal illness
(f) Nutrients and Agricultural Pollutants
As a result, the use of large quantities of chemical fertilizers in agriculture
causes so many environmental problems as some fertilizers contain heavy
metals (e.g. cadmium and chromium) and high radionuclide concentrations.
Non-organic fertilizer contains salts of phosphate, nitrate, ammonium and
potassium. Manufactured fertilizer industry contains excess heavy metals
such as Hg, Cd, As, Pb, Cu, Ni, and Cu. Heavy metal fertilizer is deposited
in the soil and plant system. Plants absorb fertilizers through the soil; they
can enter the food chain that contaminates the water
(g) Thermal Pollution

The temperature alteration in water bodies, as a result thermal pollution

occurs. The thermal power plants discharge causes raise in temperature of
aquatic system of 10 °C. Therefore, very serious effect on aquatic life due
to global warms by thermal effect. Use of wind and solar energy in place of
thermal energy. Thermal pollution decreases by plantation and reduce the
emitting of carbon dioxide in environment

4 Conclusion of Water Pollutants:

Are we not aware of the various problems that occur in our nature,
particularly in different water bodies? The causes of our undisciplined
actions and irresponsibility are water pollution. We, humans, only create
problems that we will bear the burden of these problems as well. We all
know that water pollution can have a serious and serious impact on our
health. It can cause such diseases and sicknesses that will have a serious
impact on our health. We all know that water is so important. Water is our
body’s essential. Without water, neither we nor any living thing can survive.
So, we should keep, protect, save, and help prevent pollution of our waters,
we should act as early as now, we should save rivers, seas, and oceans, and
other bodies of water, because we will bear the burden of this problem as
well. We should not wait until people compete to get enough, fresh and
clean water, the time when clean water is insufficient for humans and
animals, and the time when our water sources are diminishing or when there
are absolutely no water sources. And so, let’s be disciplined and responsible
enough to save, protect and preserve not only water sources but also our
mother nature because our nature provides and helps us in our everyday
lives. It’s our only living source. Let’s not destroy it or contaminate it. Let’s
take action for a change. We need and should help to save and preserve the
nature of our mother, especially the various water bodies. Absolutely, in
how we can help there are many simple ways. Change before we make
changes in our nature.

Uses of water:
Water is an inorganic, odorless, tasteless, transparent, and colorless
chemical substance. It is the main component of the earth’s hydrosphere as
well as liquid in a living organism. Also, it is an important component that
forms part of life despite not providing organic nutrients and calories. Water
plays a vital role in the human economy. Below are important uses of water
in daily life
Water has dissolving power that makes it vital in cooking. Soft water is
preferred to hard water because it has higher solvent power. This
because hard water has already mixed in materials hence dissolves less
in flavors and food substances. Soft water cooks tender meat, dried
beans, cereals, and peas. The addition of soda in tough food assists in
softening. Moreover, water extracts flavors when making tea, coffee,
and soups.
Bathing involves washing the body by water or immersing the body
inside water. This is practiced for hygiene, therapeutic purposes, and
religious rituals. Therapeutic involves treating water or hydrotherapy,
while religious rituals involve baptism or immersion. Bathing takes
place in all situations as long as there is warm or cold water.
Hydroelectric power
People used water in ancient times; modern people use to produce
electricity. Hydroelectric is renewable energy which used water flowing
in rivers or stored in dams in order to create electricity. Falling water is
made to rotate turbine blades that spin generators, which changes the
mechanical energy of turbines into electrical energy. Hydropower is
known to be an important component of producing electricity worldwide
Drinking water should be safe for consumption. Water is required in the
body and depends on several factors, including maintaining health and
level of physical activities. Also, it varies on health-related issues as well
as environmental conditions such as summer.
Watering plants
Water alongside soil and sunlight are important to better yields of your
garden. Enough water is required for healthy plants without flooding the
soil. Not all plants need the same amount of water; it varies from a
different climate, different plants, and different weather. Therefore, you
need to plant similar crops together that need the same amount of water.
Water is known to have a superior attraction to tourists when planning
for travel and vacation. Ecotourism is a way to enjoy resources of water
while conserving nature. The tourism business is growing and
expanding every year around the world. This increase is because
individuals desire to be knowledgeable about the ecosystem.
Additionally, the popularity of tourism has led to the development of
lake, coastal, and riverfront. Recreation
Water is a form of recreation, pleasure, and instruction. Places with
water have led to the development of hotels, housing, retail, convention
centers, and entertainment facilities. Popular activities include sports
fishing, kayaking, cruise ships, underwater diving, kayaking, and
canoeing Transportation
Water transport involves movement of people and goods through the
boat, barge, sailboat, or ship over ocean, canal, lake, river, and sea. Early
civilizations that opened waterways relied on watercraft for movement
from one place to another. Egyptians were first to use sea
vessels followed by Greeks, Cretans, and Romans
Water is needed by industries that produce wood, metals, paper, food,
petroleum, gasoline, chemicals, and oils. Each product manufactured
must use water as part of the production procedure. This includes
washing, processing, fabricating, cooling, diluting, and transportation.
Removal of body wastes
The removal of body wastes is known as excretion. The human body
should excrete waste products in order to maintain itself. There is no
place inside the body for keeping wastes. Waste is removed in the form
of gas, liquid, or solid. Urine is in the form of liquid waste formed in
kidneys, and healthy urine should be clear. Dark urine indicates that your
body has a low level of water and limits the amount of lost water through
urine. Functioning of brain
The brain should have not less than 75% of water. It enables you to be
focused, thinks faster, and experience creativity and clarity.
Regulate body temperature
Water plays a major role in regulating internal temperature to that of
external temperature. Sweat prevents the body against overheating when
the outside temperature is high.
Create saliva
Saliva contains water as the main component. It also has mucus,
electrolytes, and enzymes to break down food. Production of saliva
increases when you take a high amount of water.
Protects joints, tissues and spinal cord Cells, tissues, and organs use water to
regulate temperature. It helps to keep tissues moist. Additionally, water acts
as a lubricant to protect and cushion the spinal code and joints.
Prevents constipation
Fiber is not the only method of preventing constipation but also water.
A bowel movement should be maintained by enough water.
Improve physical performance
Drinking enough water is important during physical activities.
Hydration will affect power, strength, and endurance.
Lose weight
Research shows that body fat can be reduced by drinking plenty of
water. Drinking water while exercising or dieting helps to lose extra
weight. Fight illness
Water helps to prevent medical conditions, including kidney stones,
constipation, hypertension, urinary tract infection, and exercise induced
Boost energy
Water helps to activate metabolism. Studies show that the boost of
metabolism is associated with energy levels.
Circulation of blood oxygen
Water transports essential nutrients and oxygen throughout the body.
Daily water improves the circulation of blood oxygen.
Absorption of nutrients
Besides breaking down food, water helps to dissolve minerals, vitamins,
and many other nutrients found in food.
Improves mood
A limited amount of water affects mood. Dehydration causes confusion,
fatigue, and anxiety.
Brightens skin
An adequate amount of water assists in hydrating skin and promotes the
production of collagen. This will reduce the aging process.
Prevent dehydration
Dehydration is a result of not having enough water in the body. Severe
dangers can cause seizures, kidney failure, and swelling of the brain.
Aids digestion
Experts claim that drinking water before a meal, during the meal, and
after will aid digestion by breaking down food.
Water has become an integral part of the building. The quality of water
should be maintained so that the building will not damage. Moreover, water
is essential for mixing cement concrete.


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