Term 2 Newsletter
Term 2 Newsletter
Term 2 Newsletter
Welcome back to term 2, possibly my favourite term as I love being part of the school
during the build up to Christmas. I hope you all had a relaxing and enjoyable half term
break. We have a busy term ahead of us with lots of learning to be completed. Please
continue to support your child by hearing them read daily, helping them with the spellings,
their times table and their homework.
Thank you, Mrs Jones.
Diary dates
Thursday 12th Diwali Lunch
Monday 23rd Sapphire Class
Cake Sale
Thursday 26th Thanksgiving
Tuesday 8th Viking Day
Wednesday 9th Class Lunch
Friday 11th Christmas Jumper
Day and Christmas Craft day
Tuesday 15th Bath Spa trip
Wednesday 16th Christmas
Thursday 17th Christmas Party
Friday 18th Church and break
Monday 5th Back to School
Home Learning.
As always children must be reading at home, practising their table, learning their
spellings and completing their homework every week.
Home work will take the form of a spelling activity and a maths game from either
their Maths at home Book or related to their KIRFs.
Please support your child to complete their homework weekly and earn a merit.
What we are learning this term.
Literacy Non Chronological text and Haikus
Numeracy .addition and subtractions, geometry and
Linked learning The Vikings
Computing Online
RE What is the true meaning of Christmas for
SEAL Be The Best You Can Be!
SCIENCE animals including humans
Please check out our class
blog (accessible via the
class website). Any letters
I send out will be uploaded
here as will copies of
spellings and homework
should your child be absent
when set or should they
misplace them. I will also
use the blog to let you
know what we are doing in
Please feel free to speak to me on the playground about anything to do with your
childs education.