Kindergarten Information 2016 1

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Phone 9631 3067 Fax 9896 3372

Principal: Trudy Hopkins
Deputy Principal: Robyn Edwards

8 February 2016

Kindergarten Information
Term 1 2016
Dear Parents and Caregivers
Welcome to Kindergarten at Darcy Road Public School. You must be very proud of the way
your child has settled in at school already. We know we are! Its wonderful to see our
Kindergarten students so eager to learn and how quickly they are making friends and
getting used to new routines.
The 2016 Kindergarten classes are:
KB Miss Bradford
KH Mrs Kelly
KG Miss Beemster
KR Mrs Rilatt
KT Mrs Taylor
KW Miss Webber
Ms Larissa Maraga is the Assistant Principal for Early Stage 1
To assist with our school routines, we ask that the students bring the following items in their
school bag each day:

A small piece of fruit or vegetable cut up in a separate lunch box/snap lock bag and
water for the 10am Crunch & Sip break.
A healthy snack for morning tea, packed separately to their lunch.
Healthy lunch and drinks, preferably water. No glass or cans please. Students eat
their lunch from 1.15 -1.30pm. Any lunch not eaten is placed back in your childs
lunch box and returned home so that you are aware of your childs current eating
Please do not send foods that contain nuts as we have a number of students
with severe food allergy.
School hat
School library bag (only on their Library day)
A jumper or cardigan and a raincoat
A plastic folder which remains in their bag for the safe transport of notes etc
Another plastic folder (to be used for homework sheets and home readers).
A change of underwear (and spare clothes if possible) in case of an accident.

Please label all your childs belongings with your childs name and class.

We Strive



Phone 9631 3067 Fax 9896 3372

Principal: Trudy Hopkins
Deputy Principal: Robyn Edwards

In the morning students are to keep their bags with them under the Covered Outdoor
Learning Area (COLA). They are to play on the Infants COLA where there will be a teacher
on duty from 8.30am. When the school bell rings at 9.00am, the students are to line up for
morning assembly on the Infants COLA.
All students are to be collected from outside their classroom at 3.00pm when the bell rings
by parents or older siblings. Please remain outside the classroom building to avoid
congestion. If you are running late, your child will be taken to the office. If your child is going
to After School Care, they will be collected from the classroom. Students who are catching
the bus will be collected and taken to bus lines during Term 1 by the Deputy Principal.
Plastic Folders
One plastic folder is used to safely transport notes between home and school. This folder
should remain in their bag at all times. Another plastic folder is used to safely transport
homework and home readers between home and school. Students will take home their
homework and home reader on a Monday and should return them in the plastic folder on a
Friday. Please keep the homework folders at home until Friday so that your child continues
to practice their sight words and sounds every night.
Sight words
Each week your child will receive 5 new sight words to learn. It would really help your child
if you could spend 5-10 minutes each night learning these. You can simply get them to read
them to you, or perhaps use them to make sentences or play memory. This time spent at
home is a great help to your child as it gives them more confidence when working with the
words in class.
Sound of the week
Every day students are exposed to all of the sounds during their daily lessons. However
each week the students will be concentrating on 1 new sound (e.g. a for apple) to learn
how to form it correctly. You can help your child by drawing their attention to or encouraging
them to identify things around the home that start with the same sound.
Home Reading
The Home Reading Program will begin in Term 2. More information regarding this will be
sent home at the beginning of Term 2.
All Kindergarten students should wear their sports uniform on Thursdays. The students will
participate in physical education activities with the Kindergarten teachers. In Term 1
students will also participate in Sports in Schools on Mondays. Students are required to
wear their sports uniforms on Mondays and Thursdays for Term 1 only.

We Strive



Phone 9631 3067 Fax 9896 3372

Principal: Trudy Hopkins
Deputy Principal: Robyn Edwards

Scripture begins in Term 2 for Kindergarten students. More information will be sent home
closer to the starting date.
KH students visit the Library every Monday. KW, KG, KR and KB students visit the library
on Wednesday. KT students visit the library on Friday each week. Lessons commence in
Term 1, Week 2. Borrowing will commence in Term 1, Week 5. To borrow library books
students need to bring a library bag. This can be a drawstring bag, canvas shopping bag or
pillowcase. Please ensure it is labelled with your childs name. Please remind your child to
return the books each week so he/she can borrow another book.
The Assembly for Kindergarten students is held in the school Hall each Friday at 12.30pm.
Two students from each class will receive a Bronze Award at this assembly.
General Information
School Rules
To provide a safe and productive learning environment all students are guided to follow the
school values
Students must wear a hat to play at recess and lunch and during Sport. If they do not have
a hat they are asked to play under the COLA.
Key Learning Areas
The Key Learning Areas, activities and topics for Kindergarten are;
English This area includes guided reading groups, big books, letters/sounds,
writing, handwriting, news.
Mathematics Planning is across the grade and includes the following strands:
Number and Algebra, Measurement & Geometry, Statistics and Probability and
Working Mathematically.
Human Society and its Environment (HSIE) - This term we will be studying two HSIE
units, This is Me and School Days, followed by two Science and Technology units
next term.
Science and Technology
Personal Development, Health and Physical Education (PDHPE)
Creative and Practical Arts (CAPA) This includes Visual Arts, Drama, Music, and Dance.

We Strive



Phone 9631 3067 Fax 9896 3372

Principal: Trudy Hopkins
Deputy Principal: Robyn Edwards

Best Start Kindergarten Assessment

The Best Start Kindergarten Assessment helps teachers identify the literacy and numeracy
knowledge and skills that each child brings to school as they enter Kindergarten, to inform the
development of quality teaching and learning programs. Kindergarten students participated in the
Best Start Kindergarten Assessment in the first week of school with their class teacher. Your
child will receive their report soon. After you have received the report, if you wish to speak to
your childs class teacher about any aspect of your childs report, please arrange to meet with
them at a mutually convenient time.
Most equipment for Kindergarten is supplied by the school. However, we would like
students to bring:
A paint shirt- Dads old shirt is perfect! This stays at school for the duration of the
year. Please ensure your childs name is clearly labelled.
A box of tissues
2 A4 size plastic envelopes with your childs name on it. 1 is for safe transport of
home reading books and sight words. The other remains in their school bag for safe
transport of notes between home and school
Parent Assistance in the Classroom
All assistance is welcome. If you are able to come in regularly, occasionally or just onceplease do. There is so much to do and your child will love having you in to help. See your
childs class teacher to inform them of any time you are available.
Sight words will be given on Mondays.
Please keep sight words each week so that your child can continue to revise them
over the term.
Take note of sight words and sounds being sent home so that you are able to
reinforce what is being taught in class. Please see your childs class teacher if you
do not understand how to use any resources that are sent home.
As the year progresses and other homework is sent home, please focus on lower
case letters and the sounds they make rather than letter names and capital letters.
Please observe that your child is forming letters correctly and holding the pencil
correctly. The foundation handwriting information sheet is included in this letter.
PLEASE help your child learn the sight words as they will be using them in class.
Reading Eggs and Mathletics
More information will be sent home regarding Reading Eggs and Mathletics will be sent
home with your Term 1 invoice. Students will only be provided with access to each of these
programs once payment has been received.

We Strive



Phone 9631 3067 Fax 9896 3372

Principal: Trudy Hopkins
Deputy Principal: Robyn Edwards

Notes for late arrival and early departures must be obtained from the office and brought to
class with the child. This is a legal requirement as class rolls can be subpoenaed. These
notes must be recorded in the roll by the classroom teacher. This can be a timely activity.
Please minimise disruption by trying to be punctual to school, arriving before 9.00am. If
your child is absent, please send a signed and dated letter with the details of their absence.
Spare Notes
Spare notes will be kept in the classroom and in the office. Please see your childs class
teacher or office staff if your child does not receive a note.
Lost Property
Please ensure all of your childs belongings are labelled clearly. The lost property box is
located outside the office.
Please make sure that all money to be handed in at school is in an envelope or sealed bag
that is clearly labelled with your childs name, class and the event for which money is
being sent. Money can be taken straight to the office and placed in the large money box
located at the door or it can be handed to your childs class teacher.
Medication is administered by office staff and must be kept in the school office. Please
advise your childs class teacher if your child has any allergies.
Birthday Cakes
If you choose to send a cake to celebrate your childs birthday please provide individual
cupcakes. If your child is unable to eat cupcakes or cakes, please send a bag of special
treats that can be kept in the classroom all year for your child to eat when it is someones
birthday so that they dont feel left out.
Lunch orders are to be clearly labelled with your childs name and class. Please remind
your child to put their lunch order in at the canteen in before 9.00am.
Contact Details
It is important that families keep the school informed of correct addresses and phone
numbers in case there is a need to make contact due to illness, accident or other
emergencies. The school requests home phone, mobile for mother and/or father (if
applicable) and two emergency contact numbers for neighbours, family or friends in case
parents cannot be reached. Please send a revised list to the office immediately to
advise if any of these numbers change.

We Strive



Phone 9631 3067 Fax 9896 3372

Principal: Trudy Hopkins
Deputy Principal: Robyn Edwards

Parent/Teacher Communication
If you should need to make an appointment to see your childs class teacher, please
organise to meet with them before or after school at a mutually convenient time. Formal
reports are sent home at the end of Term 2 and Term 4. Parent Teacher interviews will be
held towards the end of Term 1.
If you have any questions or require any other information, please do not hesitate to make
an appointment with your childs class teacher.
Thank you
Kindergarten Teachers

Trudy Hopkins

We Strive



Phone 9631 3067 Fax 9896 3372

Principal: Trudy Hopkins
Deputy Principal: Robyn Edwards

We Strive

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