Lesson Plan

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Author(s):Hina Gulzar

Date: 10_23_2015

Title of Lesson:

Mentor Teacher: Dominique Gay


Core components

Subject, Content Area or TOPIC:


Student Population: 32
Learning Community:


Learning Objectives (for Cognitive Domain):

The student is expected to:
1) Investigate and explain synthesis of new molecules, describe the roles of DNA, ribonucleic acid (RNA)
2) Identify components of DNA, compare the structures and functions of different types of biomolecules, including
carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids, analyze
3) Evaluate the evidence regarding formation of simple organic molecules and their organization into long complex molecules

Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS)

TEKS B.9 (A). Compare the structures and functions of different types of biomolecules, including carbohydrates, lipids,
proteins, and nucleic acids.

Technology TEKS (if applicable) http://www.tea.state.tx.us/rules/tac/ch126toc.html

English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS): TLW read, write and speak about the structure and
function of different types of biomolecues, including carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and nucleic acids.

Chemical Bond
Carbon compounds
Dehydration synthesis
Fatty acid
Saturated fat

Unsaturated fat
Nucleic Acid
DNA - deoxyribose
RNA - ribose
Nitrogen base
Hydrogen bond
Dehydration synthesis Protein
Amino Acid
Peptide bonds
Primary, secondary,
Tertiary, quaternary structure
Poly Enzymes
Active site
Activation energy
Lock and Key Theory
Induced fit Theory

Materials/Resources :
Campbell biology
Tinker toys
Lego blocks
Find toy train with cars
Bike chains.
Race tracks
Collect various types of food labels (30- 50)
Card sort puzzle
Copy notes
Different types of Sugars
1. Table sugar
2. Syrup
3. Corn syrup
4. Sprite
5. Glucose (lab grade)
6. Apple juice
Benedicts solution in dropper bottles (1 per group)
Beaker (for hot water bath)
Hot plate
test tube
test tube racks
Iodine Petri dishes
Whole milk
1% milk (skim milk)
Fat-free milk
Food coloring
Wax paper
8 different types of starches
o Flour
o Corn Starch
o Salt (not a starch)
o Table sugar (not a starch)
o Oatmeal
o Break
o Potato flakes
o Etc
Copy notes
Copy lab

G (3:40 minutes) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ckZEds5taX4
Copy notes
Crayons or colored pencils
Resources Campbell biology pages 45-49



DNA will be spiraled back during the Cell Cycle lessons

Test tubes
Test tube rack
Different types of proteins
Knox Jello
o Egg white
o Chicken broth
o Etc
o Biuret solution
o Dropper bottles
o Small graduated cylinder
o Goggles
Copy notes
Copy Lab
One Happy Meal from McDonalds
Use blender to grind up Happy Meal
In groups have students test for each of the biomolecules in the Happy Meal
Use class data to answer questions
Copy lab for each student
Resources Campbell biology,Biologyjunction.com has a McMush Lab

Process Components

Anticipatory Set(Engage):
The teacher will present the following questions to the students:
1. Which part of the structure represents a monomer? Polymer?
2. What is the relationship between the construction of toys and biomolecules?
3. Are all living things composed of cells?
4. How many biomolecules are found in cells of living organisms?
In groups of 2 have students will construct something from Legos

Instructional Input or Procedure(Explore):

Lab 1_ Use Benedicts solution to test for monosaccharide in foods
This would be done as a teacher demo by showing this video ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J7glsbXAmdU).
Lab 2(a)_ Use iodine indictor to test if a food substance is composed of carbohydrates through following steps:
1. Add 10 cm3 of the liquid food sample to a clean, dry test tube.
2. Add about 5 drops of iodine solution to the test tube Note any color changes.
To prepare a control, perform steps 1 -3 for de-ionized water.


Lab2(b)_Use brown paper to test for lipids (translucent)through the following steps:
1. Cut a piece of the solid food to expose the inside. If the food sample is liquid, apply a small amount to the cotton swab.
2. Rub the solid food piece or the liquid on the cotton swab on the paper bag.
3. Allow the sample to dry for at least three to four minutes
4 Place the paper bag against a light source, such as a lamp. If the bag shows a grease spot causing a translucent
appearance of the paper bag, lipids are present.
Lab3 Magic Milk explain the steps for the experiments:
1. Pour enough milk into the container to completely cover the bottom and allow it to settle.
2. Add 3 drops of each of the colors of food coloring to the milk. (Widely separated and not in the centre of the dish)
3. Predict what will happen when you touch the tip of a clean q-tip to the centre of the milk. Place the tip of the clean q-tip in
the centre of the milk. Observe what happens. (It's important not to stir the mix, just touch it with the tip of the cotton swab.)
4. Place a drop of liquid dish soap on the tip of the q-tip. Predict what will happen when you touch the tip of a soapy q-tip to
the centre of the milk.
5. Place the soapy end of the q-tip swab in the middle of the milk and hold it there for 10 to 15 seconds.
6. Notice that the food coloring streams away from the point where the soap touched the milk, and the colors in the milk
continue to move even when the q-tip is removed. After a while the motion of the food coloring will stop.
7. Add another drop of soap to the tip to the q-tip and try it again. Notice that the motion of the food coloring resumes.
8. Experiment with placing the soapy q-tip in different places in the milk. Sometimes the food coloring will stream all the way
to the side of the dish and then reappear near the center.
9. Record what you see. What do you think happened?
Show YouTube video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pW-bn9zssak
Use paper model, food model, or DNA model to haven students construct a model of DNA.
Play DNA Song while students are working. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ckZEds5taX4
Lab 4 Use Burette Solution to test unknown foods for the presence of protein:
1.Add 2 cm3 of the liquid food sample* to a clean, dry test tube
2.Add 2 cm3 of Biuret Reagent.
Observe any color change.


Safety: Students will bring hand gloves to the lab.

Modeling (Explain) :
Teacher will demonstrate on a graphic organizer an outline of 4 types of biomolecules and will explain them.
Interactive notes (showing pictures, and short explanatory notes).
Interactive notes _ Monosaccharide.
Interactive notes Carbohydrates.
Interactive notes Lipids.
Interactive notes Nucleic acid (DNA and RNA).
Follow instruction to color DNA and RNA molecules.
Interactive notes Proteins.
Interactive notes Enzymes
Interactive notes include showing pictures, and short explanatory notes.

Guided Practice (Extend):

Biomolecules Foldable (ask students to make a foldable and make them do the key vocabulary words).
Enzyme lab setup (amylase): Teacher and students will do the following experiment and students will write down their results.
starch-agar plates (0.2% soluble starch, 2% agar)
Wax pencil Distilled water (in wash bottle)
1. Prepare starch-agar plates (do not have to be sterile if used within a day or two). Allow to solidify and cool.
2. Use a wax pencil to label the bottom of the plate: soaked seeds, boiled seeds, dry seeds, etc. (You might want to
include a few drops of saliva from your mouth for comparison).
3. Use a sharp razor blade to cut the corn grain longitudinally and place, cut surface down, onto the agar surface. (You may
wish to dissect out the embryo.) Be sure to space corn grains at least 2 cm from each other.
4. Incubate for 30 minutes.
5. Remove corn and rinse plate gently with distilled water.
6. Flood plate with iodine solution, swish around as color develops, rinse with distilled water, record results. (Any clear areas
of agar can be removed and tested for sugars.)
After flooding the plates with iodine solution, the agar will stain a deep purple in all areas where starch remains. Areas of agar
where dead seeds were placed will be purple, likewise for dry seeds (unless the incubation period is much longer) since
dormant seeds produce very little amylase. Areas of the agar covered by saliva, or by a living embryo, will appear clear since
the starch has been broken down.

Independent Practice(Extend):
Exit tickets to wrap up the lesson.
Check point (match the following/fill in the blanks).

Assessment(Evaluate) :
Teacher will apply a 5 to 10 question quiz to asses students understanding.

The teacher will wrap up the lesson with an interactive question-answer session.
-What do you understand/remember/learn about biomolecules?
- Review/wrap up topic.
- Ask open ended questions or
-The teacher will ask the students to write a short summary about biomolecules.

Management Issues(optional):
1) How long is the lesson expected to last?
Under what conditions or possible reasons would the timing of instruction need to be modified?
2) Are classroom rules, procedures and consequences already established in this class?
a) If so, list them here. If not, identify general rules, procedures and consequences that will be implemented. And, describe
how the students will be taught/trained/informed of the rules, procedures and consequences.
3) How will the needs of second language learners be addressed?
4) How will instruction be modified during the lesson for special needs students?
5) What technology resources will be used to teach the lesson?
6) How will students be called on to ensure optimum participation of ALL students?
7) How will student attention be gained to begin a different aspect of the lesson and/or if they get off-task?
a. What will be done if distractions occur?
b. What attention getting strategies can be implemented if needed?

TLW watch the Brain pop video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PYH63o10iTE on biomolecules
and summarize their learning by completing the 3_2_1 information below.
1. Write 3 things you already knew from the video?
2. Write 2 things you learned from the video?
3. Write one question you still have about biomolecules?

TLW create monomer and polymer analogies.
1.A Polymer ~ B: string of pearls
What: "A polymer is like a string of pearls, with each individual pearl representing one monomer. Polymers typically have
hundreds to thousands of copies of each monomer. In fact, natural rubber is a polymer that has over 100,000 monomers of
isoprene along a single chain."
2 A: Polymer ~ B: a Lego house
What: "A monomer is like a Lego building block, whereas a polymer is like a Lego house .One Lego doesn't build a house, but
by combining them you can put together a house. This is the same for macromolecules like carbohydrates, proteins, and
nucleic acids.").
Create pamphlets about the biological molecules and their relation to health and wellness.

Student Teacher Signature

Instructor Signature



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