Jrotc Study Guide

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Cadet Creed
I am an Army Junior ROTC Cadet.
I will always conduct myself to bring credit to my family, country, school and Corps of Cadets.
I am loyal and patriotic. I am the future of the United States of America.
I do not lie cheat or steal and will always be accountable for my actions and deeds.
I will always practice good citizenship and patriotism.
I will work hard to improve my mind and strengthen my body.
I will seek the mantel of leadership and stand prepared to uphold the Constitution and the American way
of life.
May God give me the strength to always live by this creed.
Cadet Ranks

1. How often must a uniform be worn by cadets?
At least once per week
2. Can a cadet wear an earring in uniform?
Male = No
Female = Yes, Small spherical earrings not to exceed inch in diameter
3. What color socks are worn with the class A or B uniform?
Black Socks
4. The black neck tab/tie is optional when wearing what type of uniform?
Class B
5. What color t-shirt is worn with the class A or B uniform?
6. What does ACU stand for?
Army Combat Uniform
7. What uniform is worn during
Ceremonies and social functions
Class A or B uniform
Summer camps
Participation on special teams
8. What color shirt is worn with the ACU uniform?
9. What type of shirt is worn under the Army green coat?
AG 415 long sleeve shirt or short sleeve
10. What insignia do enlisted cadets wear on the Berets
ROTC wreath
11. How is the grade (Rank/ ROTC) insignia worn on the Berets?
Centered on the beret flash

12. How is the JROTC shoulder sleeve insignia worn on the class A uniform?
On the left sleeve, inch below the shoulder seem
13. Where is the Honor Unit insignia worn?
Male = of an inch and centered above the top of the right pocket
Female = above the name plate
14. How are ribbons positioned on the class A uniform
Male = Centered on the left side 1/8 inch above the left pocket
Female = Centered above the horizontal line
15. How should the nameplate be worn on your uniform?
Male = Center the nameplate on the right pocket between the top of pocket and the button.
Female = Use the imaginary horizontal line even with the first button on the jacket or shirt.
16. What regulation covers the wear of the uniform?
AR 670-1 and CCR145-2
17. How are board ranks worn?
Cadet Officers = Place the pointed end towards the collar and the flat end towards the edge of the
Enlisted cadets = Place the side with the pointed chevron toward the collar.
18. Are shoulder boards authorized for wear with their class B uniform?
19. What type of shirt is worn under the Army green coat?
AG 415 long sleeve shirt or short sleeve
Let 1
20. What is the mission of JROTC?
To motivate young people to become better citizens.
21. What is the Chain of Command
Succession of leaders thru which authority and commands pass to subordinates.
22. What do the colors of the American Flag represent?
Hardiness, valor, loyalty, and perseverance, purity, innocence
23. What are the three types of flags and their sizes?
Storm 5 x 9 1/2 , Post 10 x 19, Garrison 20 x 38
24. How is the American flag positioned to half-staff?
Raised to the top of the staff and lower to half staff.
25. Define the term Leadership?
Process of influencing others to accomplish a desired mission or task by providing purpose,
motivation, and direction.
26. List three leadership traits.
Dependability, Endurance, Judgment, Knowledge, Unselfishness, Decisiveness, Bearing,
Enthusiasm, Respect, Justice.
27. Define the drill term interval.
The lateral space between elements.

28. What are the two parts to a drill command?

Preparatory and Execution
29. What is the length of a normal marching step?
30 inches
30. What is the purpose of the National Defense Act of 1916
Created ROTC
31. Name Members of Chain of Command.

Secretary of Defense:

Secretary of the Army:

Army Chief of Staf:


Sergeant Major of the Army:

TRADOC Commander:

TRADOC Command Sergeant Major:

U.S. Army Cadet Command Commander:

U.S. Army Cadet Command Sergeant Major:

5th Brigade Commander:
5th Brigade Command Sergeant Major:
32. Winning Color Orange
Behavior: Adventurer
Animal: Tiger
33. Winning Color Brown
Behavior: Builder
Animal: Bear/ Bull
34. Winning Color Green
Behavior: Planner
Animal: Fox
35. Winning Color Blue
Behavior: Relator
Animal: Dolphin
Let 2
36. What are the five basic colors on a map?
Red, Blue, Black, Brown, Green


37. What are the five basic terrain features on a map?

Hilltop, Saddle, Ridge, Valley, Depression
38. List three things found in marginal information on a map.
Map name, Bar scales, Legend, Printing note
39. What is the meaning of the Good Samaritan Law?
Protect the rescuer and encourage people to assist others by granting immunity to
law suits.
40. What are three types of bleeding?
Arterial, Venous, Capillary
41. What are the four factors of leadership?
Leader, Led, Led Situation, Communication

42. List three Leadership principals (11 total)

Be technically proficient, Seek and take responsibility for your actions, Set the
example, Make sound timely decisions, Know your personnel and look out for their
welfare, Keep followers informed, Develop a sense of responsibility in your followers,
Ensure each task is understood, supervised, and accomplished, Build a team, Employ
your team in accordance with capabilities, Know yourself and seek self-improvement.
43. What is the post of a platoon Sergeant?
3 steps in front and centered with the platoon.
44. What is the post of the platoon Leader?
6 steps in front and centered with the platoon.
45. What is the cadence quick time?
120 steps per minute.
Let 3
46. What three types of contour lines are found on a map?
Index, Intermediate, Supplementary
47. An eight-digit grid coordinate places you within how many meters of your location?
10 meters
48. Explain the difference between an index and supplementary contour line shown on a map.
Index is solid with elevation, Supplementary is dashed.
49. List four methods of controlling bleeding.
Elevation, Direct Pressure, Pressure points, Tourniquet
50. What are the three degrees of burns?
First, Second, Third
51. When is a tourniquet used to control bleeding?
Last resort

52. On the command Open Ranks, March what are the actions of the third squad?
Stand Fast
53. When the platoon drills as a separate unit in column formation, what is the platoon leaders
6 Steps to the left and centered
54. What are the seven Army Values?
Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfless service, Honor, Integrity, Personal courage

55. Can the Seven Step Decision Making Process be used to solve problems?
Yes, ID the problem, Gather information, Develop courses of action, Analyze and compare
courses of action, Make a decision (select best course of action), Make a plan, Implement the
Let 4
56. Who coordinates all staff actions at the battalion level?
The Battalion Executive Officer (XO)
57. What is the basic responsibility of the Staff members? (S1, S2, S3, S4, S5)
S1 Personnel, S2 Intelligence, S3 Training, S4 Supply, S5 Public Affairs
58. Where does the Executive Officer (XO) fit in the chain of command?
Not in the Chain of Command
59. What are the symptoms of heat exhaustion?
Heavy sweating, Weakness, Fainting, Headaches, Dizziness, Drowsiness, Heat cramps,
Cold/pale/moist skin, Loss of appetite, Nausea, Vomiting, Confusion, Chills, Rapid breathing and
pulse, Body temperature above normal but below 120.
60. What are the characteristics for a third degree burn?
Deepest most severe, White or charred, Deep tissue destruction, Little or no pain, Shock
61. Who is responsible for training the Battalion Color Guard?
Battalion Sergeant Major (SGM)
62. With the battalion in column and company column, what is the position of the Company
6 steps in front
63. Define the participating style of leadership.
Consults and obtains advice from followers
64. What are the three styles of leadership?
Directing, Delegating, Participating
65. Define the term coercive power.
Power yielded by fear of negative actions.

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