Promotion Board Study Guide 2

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Promotion Board

Study Guide
What rank is represented by one chevron?
Cadet Private Second Class

What rank is represented by one chevron

and one rocker?
Cadet Private First Class

What rank is represented by 2 chevrons?

Cadet Corporal

What rank is represented by 3 chevrons?

Cadet Sergeant

What rank is represented by 3

chevrons and 1 rocker?
Cadet Staff Sergeant

What rank is represented by three

chevrons and two rockers?
Cadet Sergeant First Class
What rank is represented by three
chevrons and three rockers?
Cadet Master Sergeant

What rank is represented by three

chevrons, three rockers, and a
Cadet First Sergeant

What rank is represented by 3

chevrons, 3 rockers, and a star?
Cadet Sergeant Major

What rank is represented by three

chevrons, three rockers, and a star with
Cadet Command Sergeant Major

What rank is represented by 1 disc?

Cadet Second Lieutenant

What rank is represented by 2 discs?

Cadet First Lieutenant

What rank is represented by 3 discs?

Cadet Captain

What rank is represented by 1


Cadet Major

What rank is represented by 2


Cadet Lieutenant Colonel

What rank is represented by three


Cadet Colonel

What is the normal rank of the

Battalion Commander?
Cadet Lieutenant Colonel

What is the normal rank of company

Cadet Captains
What is the normal rank of platoon sergeants?
Cadet Sergeant First Class

What is the mission of JROTC?

To motivate young people to be better

What does JROTC stand for?

Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps

When did JROTC begin?

JROTC began in 1916

What is a subordinate?
A person lower in rank or grade

What does NCO stand for?

Non-Commissioned Officer

What is the lowest rank of an enlisted cadet?

Cadet Private

What is the highest rank of an enlisted cadet?

Cadet Command Sergeant Major
Recite the Cadet Creed
I am an Army Junior ROTC Cadet.
I will always conduct myself to bring credit to my family,
country, school and the Corps of Cadets.
I am loyal and patriotic.
I am the future of the United States of America.
I do not lie, cheat or steal and will always be
accountable for my actions and deeds.
I will always practice good citizenship and patriotism.
I will work hard to improve my mind and strengthen my
I will seek the mantle of leadership and stand prepared
to uphold the Constitution and the American way of life.
May God grant me the strength to always live by this

What is a company?
A subdivision of military battalion normally
commanded of a captain, made up of at least two

What does the acronym SAI stand for?

Senior Army Instructor

What does the acronym AI stand for?

Army Instructor
What is the correct spelling and
abbreviation for each rank?
Private 2nd Class Sergeant Major

Private First Command

Class Sergeant Major
Sergeant First Lieutenant

Staff Sergeant Captain


Sergeant First
Class MAJ

Master Sergeant Lieutenant

MSG Colonel

First Sergeant Colonel

What is a battalion?
Military unit made up of 2 or more companies,
normally commanded by a Lieutenant Colonel.

What is the lowest rank of an officer cadet?

Cadet Second Lieutenant

What is the highest rank of an officer

Cadet Colonel

What do the colors of the United

States flag represent?
Red: Hardiness, Valor
White: Hope, Innocence, Purity
Blue: color of reference of God,
Justice, Perseverance, Vigilance

What is the gig line?

An imaginary line that traces down
the shirt opening, in line with the
buckle and the trouser fly

Who is the Commander in Chief?

The President of the United States

What is the Capital of the Virgin

Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas
How many stars show on a properly folded U.S. flag?

What is a mission?
A job given to a person or group
to accomplish

What is a cadet?
A high school or college student
enrolled in JROTC or ROTC

What does it mean to motivate?

Provide a purpose or need which
causes a person to want to do

When marching, what is the normal

length of a step?
30 inches

If you are missing a piece of your

uniform, which staff member would
you see?
Supply Sergeant and/or the S-4

What are the types of uniforms

issued in JROTC?
Class A, Class B, Army Service
Uniform (ASU), ACU
When the command "Forward March" is given, which
foot moves first?
Left foot

What is an insignia?
An emblem badge or other
distinguishing marks of office,
honor, or position.

What is the Class A uniform?

A service uniform that consist of an army
blue coat, trousers or slacks, a short or
long sleeve shirt a black four-in-hand tie
or neck tabs.

What is a formal inspection?

An official examination of JROTC units
that takes place on a prescribed

What is the Class B uniform?

A service uniform same as the class A
uniform except the coat is not worn.

How do you wear the name plate (female)?

Worn 1 to 2 inches above the top button
of the coat/shirt and centered on the
wearer's right side.
How do you wear the name plate (male)?
Centered on the right pocket
between the top of the button and
the top of the pocket.

What does the gold star represent?

Honor Unit with Distinction

When do you salute a senior officer?

When you see a senior officer
outside, and are within 6 paces of
each other.

How is the United States flag raised to

It is raised to the peak then lowered
to half-staff

What is a preparatory command?

The preparatory command states
the movement to be carried out and
mentally prepares the cadet for its

What is the command of execution?

The command of execution tells
when the movement is to be carried
Desired goals from leadership education and training.
A. Graduate from High School
B. Be good citizens by knowing and exercising the rights,
responsibilities, privileges, and freedoms of good
C. Gain leadership potential and the ability to live and
work cooperatively with others; demonstrate leadership
in situations involving conflict resolutions
D. Achieve positive self-esteem and winning behavioral
concepts in a culturally diverse society
E. Learn the ability to think logically and to
communicate effectively, with emphasis on effective
oral communications
F. Learn the importance of diet and of physical fitness
in maintaining good health and appearance
G. Gain an understanding of the history, purpose, and
structure of Army JROTC
H. Acquire proficiency in basic military skills (such as
drill and ceremonies, first aid, and map reading) that are
necessary for working effectively as a member of a
I. Learn the importance of citizenship through American
history as it relates to America's culture and future from
the Revolutionary period to the present
J. Learn about the dangers of substance abuse and the
importance of mental management, including goal
setting and positive self-talk
How do you wear the honor unit insignia?
Males center the honor unit star 1/4
inch above the right pocket; Females
center the honor unit star 1/4 inch
above the nameplate.

Where are the ribbons worn on the

Male ribbons are worn centered 1/8
inch above the left pocket; Female
ribbons are worn centered on the
wearer's left side, with the bottom
row parallel and in line with the
bottom edge of the nameplate

In what order are the ribbons placed on

the uniform?
Ribbons are placed in precedence
from top to bottom, wearer's right to

How is the unit crest worn on the

The unit crest can be worn however
the unit decides to wear it; the 8th
battalion wears the unit crest one-
fourth of an inch above the honor
unit insignia (star)
When is the United States flag flown at half-staff?
When directed by the President of the
United States or the Governor of the State

When can an all-weather U.S. Flag be

At all times when properly lit at night

Are the medals and ribbons of the same

award allowed to be worn at the same time?
No, only the ribbon or the medal are
allowed to be worn at the same time

How many squads are normally in a platoon?


Which types of hangers should you use to

hang a coat?
A hanger that is wide enough to keep the
shoulders of the coat in shape, preferably
not a wire hanger

What is the best way to prevent wrinkling of

the uniform shirt?
By keeping it on a hanger

Who is the Governor of the U.S. Virgin Islands?

Gov. Albert Bryan
How should you care for the uniform shoes?
Clean and shine the shoes regularly with
water and a soft cloth

How must male cadet's hair be when in

Hair neatly trimmed with sideburns no
lower than the bottom of the ear

Where is the United States flag posted

when next to another flag?
The United States flag is posted to the
right (left in the eyes of the viewer), in
front of, or higher than other flags

Why is the United States flag posted to the

right or in front of other flags?
It is the side of honor

What are the duties of the Command

Sergeant Major?
Provides advice to the Battalion
Commander regarding enlisted issues

How many companies are normally found

in the mighty Barracuda battalion?
How must female cadet's hair be when in uniform?
Hair must be styled so that it does not fall
below the bottom of the collar of the
uniform and the cap can be worn easily

Must cadets maintain good personal

Yes, cadets should maintain a decent
appearance in and out of uniform. By
cleaning their teeth, hair, and maintaining
decent care of your clothes.

What can a sloppy or poor salute mean?

Possible disrespect for a person who
deserves honor

What is leadership?
The ability to influence and guide others as
to accomplish a mission

Define conflict resolution

Solutions utilized by a society to settle
disputes in a cohesive manner

Define culturally diverse

The presence of multiple and different
cultural groups within an organization
What is span of control?
Number of subordinates a
leader can effectively control

What are the ABC's of first aid?

A- check Airway
C-check Circulation
What are the 3 types of bleeding?

What does the acronym RICE

stand for?
R- Rest
I - Ice
C - Compression
E- Elevation

What are the three types of heat

Heat cramps
Heat exhaustion
Heat stroke

What are the first ten amendments to the U.S.

Constitution called?
The Bill of Rights
What are the S-1's duties?
Performing administrative

What are the S-3's duties?

Assists the battalion commander in
the preparation, conduct, and the
supervision of all training activates

What are the S-2/4's duties?

Responsible for maintenance,
security, record keeping, issues and
turn in of all U.S. Government

What are parts of a Mission Statement?


Who wrote the national anthem?

Francis Scott Key

When was the national anthem written?

During the battle of Fort McHenry in
the War of 1812
What is the name of the national anthem of the
United States?
The Star Spangled Banner

How many platoons are normally found in

one company?

What are the five paragraphs of an

Operation Order?
A. Situation
B. Mission
C. Execution
D. Service Support
E. Command and Signal

What is the correct procedure to report to

an instructor's office?
A. Assume position of attention
B. Knock 3 times
C. Sound off with your name and rank
D. Request permission to enter and state
the reason why
E. Enter when permission is granted
F. Report to instructor and salute

What are the S-5's duties?

In charge of public affairs and unit
What are the seven Army Values?
A. Loyalty
B. Duty
C. Respect
D. Selfless Service
E. Honor
F. Integrity
G Personal Courage

What is loyalty?
To bear true faith and

What is a duty?
To fulfill your obligations

What is respect?
To treat people how they
should be treated

What is selfless service?

To look out for the welfare of
others before your own

What is honor?
To live up to all values

What is integrity?
To do what is right, legally
and morally
What is personal courage?
To face fear, danger, or

What are the four islands that

make up the U.S. Virgin Islands?
A. St. Thomas
B. St. Croix
C. St. John
D. Water Island

What is the name of the

Territorial Song?
The Virgin Islands March

What does it mean to Know Yourself

and Seek Self Improvement?
Develop a plan to keep your strengths
and improve on your weaknesses

What does it mean to Be Technically

Being able to accomplish tasks or jobs
as a well-trained team

What does it mean to Seek Responsibility and Take

Responsibility for Your Actions?
Take the initiative to accomplish your
What are the eleven principles of leadership?
A. Know yourself and seek self-improvement
B. Be technically proficient
C. Seek and take responsibilities for your actions
D. Make sound and timely decisions
E. Set the example
F. Know your personal and look out for their welfare
G. Keep your followers informed
H. Develop a sense of responsibility in your
I. Ensure each task is understood, supervised, and
J. Build a team
K. Employ your team in accordance with its

What does it mean to Make Sound and Timely

Leaders must be able to react promptly to
any situation

What does it mean to Set the Example?

You are the role model and must set high but
attainable standards

What does it mean to Know Your Personnel and

Look Out for Their Well Being?
Understanding the individual. Their values,
morals, and attitudes
What does it mean to keep your followers informed?
Explain reasons behind decisions to
maintain a higher level of understanding

What does it mean to develop a sense of

responsibility in your followers?
To give a sense of pride and responsibility
when they successfully accomplish a new
task given

What does it mean to ensure each task is

understood, supervised, and accomplished?
Team members must know the standard
and how to accomplish it. Supervising
ensures that the team knows the leader
cares about the mission

What does it mean to Build a Team?

Develop a team spirit that motivates team
members to work with confidence and

What does it mean to Employ Your Team In

Accordance With Its Capabilities?
Use sound judgement when employing
the team. Failure is not an option. By
employing the team properly, we insure
mission accomplishment.

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