Learning Disabilities

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Identification and Intervention
By Blaine, Mia and Emma

What is learning disability?

A neurological disorder resulting in
a difference in the way the brain is
Students with learning disabilities
may have trouble reading, writing,
spelling, reasoning, recalling
information and organizing

Myth? Or fact?
Students with learning abilities have just as
high, or higher, IQs as their peers.
Some learning disorders are caused by
vision problems.
Learning disorders are curable.
Learning disabilities run in families.

Common Types of LDs

Dyslexia (reading/writing)
Audio/visual processing disorder
Dyscalculia (math)

(These two are Behavioral disorders, not
necessarily learning disabilities, however they do effect a
childs ability to learn)

Dyslexia What is it?

a language-based disability
in which a person has
trouble understanding
written words. It may also
be referred to as reading
disability or reading disorder

Dyslexia - Identification
Common early signs of dyslexia
Complaining of dizziness or
Writing shows mixed up letters,
changed letters or omitted
Complains of seeing letters
Appears to have a vision
problem, but vision tests appear
Confuses left and right

Dyslexia Intervention
Peer tutoring, having someone to help the student
Buying separate textbooks, so the students can write in
them, which helps with comprehension
Use computers for word processing as a spell check tool
Get student involved in extracurricular activities, and keep
them in the ones they excel in
check to make sure they write down HW correctly
Allow the student to read materials in advance before
reading aloud to the class

Auditory Processing Disorder What

is it?
A neurological defect that
affects how the brain processes
spoken language.
This makes it difficult for the
child to process verbal
instructions or even to filter out
background noise in the

ADP- Identification
Problems following directions
Distracted by background noises
Poor listening skills
Cant remember what theyve been told
Need more time to process information

ADP- Intervention
Auditory Trainers
Environmental modifications
Seating placement
Smaller classroom
Enforcing a quiet
Projected notes while

Visual Processing What is it?

The hindered ability to make sense
of information taken in through the

Visual Processing - Identification

Commonly Math ad Reading
Troubled ability to accurately identify symbol
Trouble to gain information from pictures, charts, or
graphs, or any visually represented material

Visual Processing - Intervention

Enlarge print for books, papers, etc.
Make a rectangle while reading
Make lines darker
Use of graph paper
Limit the amount of problems on one page

Autism What is it?

A neurological disorder affecting a childs ability to communicate,
understand language, play with and relate to others.

Autism - Identification
Resistant to change
Unusual response to
sensory stimulation
communicating and
relating to people

Autism - Intervention
Be explicit expressions and
body language
Step-by-step, specific directions
Consistent, predictable classroom
Seek to understand their
behavior before you try to fix it

ADHD What is it
Makes it
difficult for
children to
and to pay

ADHD - Identification
Impulsive, may blurt
out answers
Difficulty listening
Easily Distracted
Changing activities

ADHD - Intervention
Consistent, predictable
Introduce and conclude
Give time warnings
Highlight key points
Praise good behavior and
Remind them to focus
Let them work cooperatively
Audiovisual materials
Seating low-distraction

Strategies for LD students, that

work for other students too!
Color coding
Review the lesson plan/objectives before
and after the lesson
Relay instructions both verbally, and
Encourage proofreading
Consistent classroom environment
Seek to understand behavior before
trying to change it

Works Cited
"Autism." LD Online: The World's Leading Website on Learning
Disabilities. WETA, n.d. Web. 9 Nov. 2015.
"Teaching Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder:
Instructional Strategies and Practices." LD Online: The World's Leading
Website on Learning Disabilities. WETA, n.d. Web. 9 Nov. 2015.

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