Newsletter Autumn Week 12 2015

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Date: Week 1227th November 2015

22 learners from Key Stage 2 have had a
fabulous residential visit to Robinwood Activity Centre in Todmorden this week.
Theyve stretched all their learning muscles
to tackle a fabulous range of challenges including the Piranha Pool, the Trapeze and
the Crate Challenge. Everyone had a fabulous time and staff have praised their excellent behaviour, collaboration and perseverance. Thank you to Mrs Billingham, Miss
Astle, Mrs Gray and Miss Booth for their
help organising and staffing the trip. You
can find out more about our adventures at
Robinwood by visiting our blog

Coming Up This Half Term

14th18th DecMaths and Enterprise
14th & 15th DecY1 & Y2 Nativity performances at 10am and 2pm
16th DecCC Christmas Performances at
9.30am and 1.30pm
16th DecEYFS Christmas performances
at 9.45am and 1.45pm
16th DecChristmas Dinner
16th DecDaycare Disco 4pm-6pm
17th DecemberKS2 Christmas Concert
at 9.30am and 2.30pm
17th DecemberChristmas fair
18th DecemberBreak up for Christmas
4th JanuaryINSET
5th JanuaryBack to School

Flu Vaccinations
A reminder that school nurse will be visiting
school next Friday 4th December to give flu
Vaccination to learners in Y1 and Y2. If you
havent received a letter or need more information please contact reception.

Be Bright, Be Seen
Our Junior Road Safety Wardens are running a campaign to help our learners Be
Bright and Be Seen on their way to and from
school now the dark nights are here. Next
week well be learning how to keep ourselves
safe during the dark winter months and running competitions and give aways. On Friday
well be hosting a Be Bright, Be Seen day
where everyone is invited to wear their
brightest, most colourful socks to school!

Oh NoIts The Gruffalo

F1 have really enjoyed their learning linked
to The Gruffalolook at these fab home
learning projects. Thank you to all parents
and carers who have supported our learning
this half term!

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