Seton Hill University Lesson Plan Template: Name Subject Grade Level Date/Duration

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Lesson Plan Template

Grade Level
Big Ideas

Webb's Depth of

Formative &

ISTE Standards
for Students
Framework for
21st Century
s, Modifications

Meghan Mastroianni
Second grade
Unit plan (5 days)
Balanced meals keep us healthy.
Food can be categorized into groups.
What does it mean to eat healthy?
What does it mean to be healthy?
10.1: Concepts of Health: Explain the role of the food
guide pyramid/MyPlate in helping people eat a healthy
o A: Explain what it means to be healthy
o I: Recognize that there are a variety of foods that
can be grouped
The student will be able to identify five out of five food
groups by demonstrating their knowledge as they
complete their My Food Card.
The student will correctly identify which food group one
food picture belongs to by placing it in the correct
category on the MyPlate diagram.
The student will correctly match 8 out of 10 pictures to
the correct food group on the individual worksheet.
The student will learn healthy eating habits by creating
a balanced meal plan.
Formative assessment:
o Observing children as they match the food
pictures to the different categories
o Completion and correct examples on the My Food
Card handout
Summative assessment:
o At the end of the unit lesson on health, food
groups, and exercising, students will complete an
exercise and meal plan for two days for a child of
their choice. They will have to include a balanced
breakfast, lunch and dinner meal for each day as
well as at least 30 minutes of exercise with
descriptions of the activities. Students will
present as a group to the class.
Using technology for the interactive MyPlate model;
using the Socrative Web 2.0 tool
Core Subject-Science
Learning and Innovation Skills- Collaboration

For this lesson, I chose to incorporate accommodations


and modifications for a student that is physically

impaired, specifically having to use a wheelchair.
During the song, I will give him a musical instrument so
that he can participate and dance along.
When the students have to come up to the board, he
will use the airplay display on the laptop provided to
show us his screen, instead of coming up and physically
moving a picture of food. With assistance, he would be
able to do this on his computer screen.
As the concluding activity, this student will be paired
with a partner who is in close approximation to them so
that he/she will not have to move far to discuss their
My Food Card.


Seton Hill University Lesson Plan Template Step-by-Step

the Learning


Activating Prior Knowledge
Ask students what it means to be healthy? What does it
mean to eat healthy?
Students will be encouraged to share personal stories or
experiences they have.
Hook/Lead-In/Anticipatory Set
Students will complete the pre-test using the Socrative
Web 2.0 tool. The benchmark assessment will be used to
determine the students groups for the group project. If
technology is available, the teacher will read the
questions aloud, but still use the feedback option so the
teacher can see how the class is doing for each
question. If technology is not available, the assessment
will be printed and handed out, but still be read aloud to
the group to accommodate reading abilities.
Big Idea Statement
Balanced meals keep us healthy.
Food can be categorized into groups.
Essential Questions Statement
What does it mean to eat healthy?
What does it mean to be healthy?
Objective Statement
Students will be able to identify five out of five food
groups by demonstrating their knowledge on their Food
Students will correctly identify which food group one
food picture belongs to by placing it in the correct


category on the MyPlate diagram.

Moving from their desk to correctly match the food to
the right food group.
Key Vocabulary
Food group
PreAssessment of Students
We will discuss the MyPlate diagram and the students
will learn that each of the colors on the plate represent a
different food group. In order to eat healthy, they need
to watch what food is on their plate. On the interactive
white board, I will display a poster of the MyPlate model.
Students will have to come up and move the different
magnetic food pictures onto the right section of the
Modeling of the Concept
As the teacher, I will give an example to the students.
(Ex: I put the chicken in the protein food group because
meat gives you muscles!) Students might have difficulty
with some items, but this is why we are doing it as a
Moving from their desk to correctly match the food to
the right food group.
Guiding the Practice
One by one, students will come up and chose a picture,
matching it with the right food group. With help from
their classmates, and the teacher, we will correctly put
all of the items in the correct spot. Some may be tricky,
such as a combination dish like tacos. We will save those
for last and break the meal down into its parts (meat,
cheese, lettuce, salsa).
Each student will be given a handout titled My Food
Card. Students should chose their favorite food
(preferably not a combination food) and complete the
sentences on the handout as well as draw their favorite
The My Food Card will be used as an exit slip for
Mondays class.
Providing the Independent Practice
Students will learn about each food group throughout
the week (15 minute mini lessons per day):
o Monday- Introduction/Pre-test/Interactive White
Board Activity
o Tuesday- Grains and Dairy
o Wednesday- Meat/Protein
o Thursday- Vegetables and Fruits

o Friday- Class time to work on group meal and

exercise plans
Each mini-lesson will cover information about each food
group, giving examples for both visual and auditory
learners. A Prezi will be shown that will include help with
definitions and pictures of each food group.

MyPlate diagram
Pictures of food
Alive With Five Food Groups song/CD player
My Food Card handout
Evaluation of
Formal Evaluation
Completion of My Food Card and it correctly depicts a
specific food grouped into the right category.
y of the
Explanation of why they put the food picture into the
specific category.
Meal plan completed and accurate with group
Informal Evaluation
Observing students as they work on their My Food Card
Watch as children brainstorm the five food groups after
singing the song.
Summary & Review of the Learning
Students will share their My Food Card with an assigned
partner. They will read theirs to their partner and then
visa versa. By doing this, students will verbally express
and show their understanding and mastery of the
Send home a healthy eating handout with students and
encourage parents/families to get involved and use the
MyPlate diagram at home. Encourage families to
incorporate balanced meals and healthy eating.


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