Stage 1 Assignment Audience Analysis

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Stage 1 Assignment

Audience Analysis:
The classroom is a third grade class made up of 23 students. The school is located
at the edge of Pontiac, the area is nice, but many of the children come from difficult
backgrounds. There are 12 boys and 11 girls. There is great diversity in this
classroom, 10 Latino students, 6 African American students, and 7 white students. I
have three students who are above grade level in reading and writing and are
always looking for a challenge. Four of the students were ELL when they entered in
kindergarten. They all have a grasp on English now and can speak fluently, but
reading and writing still takes longer for some of these students. There is one
student who is high functioning autistic and can participate in almost all activities;
though he struggles with staying on task and following directions. The classroom is
set up as 4 tables of 6. I have it set up this way so we can also have space to meet
as a group on the floor for presentations of the students writing and projects as well
as for having large group discussions. My classroom is high energy and needs a lot
of instruction and direction, but they are excited about learning.
Established Goals:
Writing Standards K5
Grade 3 students: Text Types and Purposes
1. Write opinion pieces on topics or texts, supporting a point of view with reasons.
a. Introduce the topic or text they are writing about, state an opinion, and create an
organizational structure that lists reasons.
b. Provide reasons that support the opinion.
c. Use linking words and phrases (e.g., because, therefore, since, for example) to
connect opinion and reasons.
d. Provide a concluding statement or section.
Big Idea:
Prerequisite Knowledge and Skill:
Students will already be able to, write complete paragraphs. (Is this too much of an
Students will already be able to use capitalization and punctuations correctly.
Enduring Understandings:
Students will understand that opinions need to be supported by reasons and
supporting statements.

Students will understand that organization is important in writing to be able to

communicate clearly.
Students will understand that people have different opinions and ideas and its okay
to disagree.
Essential Questions:
What makes a strong opinion paper? (Explanation)
What influences the way you organize your paper? (Application)
How does your audience affect how you write your paper? (Perspective)
What influences your opinion? (Self-Knowledge)
Why are conclusions important? (Explanation)
What makes a strong support for an opinion? (Explanation)
Key Knowledge and Skills Objectives:
Students will be able to formulate an opinion on a subject.
Students will be able to back their opinion up with reasons and supporting
Students will be able to organize their writing in a way that makes sense.
Students will be able to write an introduction paragraph explaining their opinion.
Students will be able to write 2 or 3 complete paragraphs stating the reasons for
their opinion.
Students will be able to conclude their paper with a concluding paragraph that sums
up and supports their opinion and ideas.
Students will be able to find support for their opinions in books for websites.
Students will be able to tell the difference between an opinion and a fact.

Stage 2- Summary Page

1. Students will be able to formulate an opinion on a subject.
2. Students will be able to back their opinion up with reasons and supporting
3. Students will be able to organize their writing in a way that makes sense.
4. Students will be able to write an introduction paragraph explaining their
5. Students will be able to write 2 or 3 complete paragraphs stating the reasons
for their opinion.
6. Students will be able to conclude their paper with a concluding paragraph
supports their opinion and ideas.
7. Students will be able to find support for their opinions in books for websites.
8. Students will be able to tell the difference between an opinion and a fact.
I will have the students complete a pre-assessment before beginning the unit.
I will have the students write about their favorite sport or activity, and why in their
opinion it is the best. This will give me an idea of where the students are coming
from and what I should focus my instruction on. Depending on the ability of each
student, I will organize them into groups. If the students are struggling with
differentiating between opinion and fact, I will put them all in a group and have
them do exercises to work on that. I will do the same thing according to the
students ability to support their opinions, organize their opinions and create
introductions and conclusions.
Test description and grading system:
The objectives listed at the top mostly require a performance assessment to
be assessed validly. Because of this the test only tests the following objectives. The
test has some basic knowledge questions, and it asks them to explain how they got
to some of their answers. It is a lower thinking level test.
3. Students will be able to find support for their opinions in books for
7. Students will be able to tell the difference between an opinion and a fact.
8. Students will be able to organize their writing in a way that makes sense.

The test the children will be taking is out of 28 points. Each section on the test has
the point value that section is worth. For the entire year the students have 500
points available to them for their writing. This test is worth 5.6% of their writing

Explanation of Performance assessment:

The performance assessment tests these following objectives:
1. Students will be able to formulate an opinion on a subject.
2. Students will be able to back their opinion up with reasons and supporting
3. Students will be able to organize their writing in a way that makes sense.
4. Students will be able to write an introduction paragraph explaining their
5. Students will be able to write 2 or 3 complete paragraphs stating the reasons
for their opinion.
6. Students will be able to conclude their paper with a concluding paragraph
that sums up and supports their opinion and ideas.
For the performance assessment the students will be given the assessment
handout. This assessment requires the students to write an opinion paper. The
handout gives them a real-life situation in which they need to state and explain
their opinion on what animal would make the best pet for our classroom. For this
performance assessment, we will use the 45 minutes normally allotted for writing
workshop. This may take two or three days. Following the assessment the students
will do their self-evaluations.
The students will be writing about their growth as writers. I have created a
handout for the students to write what they have learned, what they have improved
on, and what they are still struggling with. This self-assessment will help the
students be aware of how they have improved and help them be aware of what they
need to do to improve their writing. Students will be gaining self-knowledge of
themselves as writers.
Self-Assessment (as a teacher):
There are several things I could do as a teacher to self-assess my
assessments. One way is to take the tests and do the assessments myself. This
would give me some idea as to what issues the students may come across while
doing their project. It also might bring awareness to any issues in my assessments.
While doing the assessments personally is a helpful thing to do, it can be difficult to
see it thought the eyes of a third grader. This is why having a student take the

assessment and find any issues with the test or task may be beneficial. As teachers
we may overlook confusing working or organization that a third grader might not
understand and seeing what issues that student may have will help me find and fix
these problems.
Formative Assessment Activities:

While instructing the students I will pause after explaining an idea and ask
the students how they are doing. If they feel they understand the material
they will give me a thumbs up, if they are still a little confused a sideways
thumb, and it they are completely lost an upside-down thumb. This would
give me an idea as to if I need to explain it in a different way or move on to
something else.
2. While the students are practicing writing opinion papers, I will meet with
them to see how they are doing. I will look to see how they are organizing
their papers and what issues that are coming across. I will then use this to
separate the students into groups. Here they will get instruction according to
what they are struggling with.
3. During writing workshops every student will have an exit slip. In order to
leave, they will have to put at least one question or comment on the exit slip
and hand it to me as they walk out. This will give me an idea as to what
questions the students are having as they are in their small groups and
working on their writing.

Opinion Test
Name _____________________________
Name the paragraphs in a opinion paper

objective 3

1. ____________________________
2. ____________________________
3. ____________________________
4. ____________________________
Identify whether each sentence below is an opinion or
fact: Objective 8

1. A giant tortoise can live to be over 150 years old.

2. Jennifer saw a zebra at the zoo. _________________
3. A polar bear is the most fun animal to watch. _________________
4. Parrots are prettier than blue birds. _________________
5. Elephants eat grass and leaves. _________________
7. Blue whales are the largest animals in the world.
8. A cheetah can run faster than a lion. _________________
9. Everyone should go to see the new gorilla habitat.
10. Koalas usually sleep during the day. _________________
11. Canaries sing beautifully. _________________
12. The bats in the cave are very scary. _________________
13. Snakes do not make good pets. _________________
14. Chimpanzees can climb to the tops of trees. _________________

15. Hummingbirds are the only bird that can fly backwards.

Name 2 reliable resources you could use as support for

your opinion. Objective 7
Please explain.


Name 1 Unreliable resource you should not use as a
support for your opinion.
Please explain. Objective 7

What animal would be best for our


Task: I am considering getting the classroom a pet. You as a

student need to pick, or create, the perfect pet for our classroom.
You will be writing a letter to me and the rest of the class telling
us why you have chosen this animal. You may include visuals of
your animal if you feel it will help support your opinion. Make your
opinion clear and compelling, I will be taking it into consideration
while choosing our new pet.

Remember: Please type up your letter on a computer, you may




Due Date: Monday 10/20/14

Self Assessment- Opinion Writing

Name: ________________
Date: ________________
Class Number: ________________
What are 3 things I have learned about writing opinion papers?
What are 2 things I have improved on while writing my opinion papers?

What is something I still need to improve on?
Stage 3- Summary
The lessons I have prepared for the students are both engaging. The first
lesson includes a video that is super catchy and easy to remember, it is still running
through my head. It also includes games that will allow the students to learn from
their fellow students while playing. The students will be learning without realizing it.
The lessons are also effective. The second lesson I created includes the stool
that does not have support. This is a visual reminder for the students to keep in the
back of their mind for future connections. As the students work continue to work on
their projects thought out the future lessons in the unit, they will be putting the
knowledge they are gaining together go get to the big picture product. Even though
they have not done self reflections in these first two lessons, they will be doing
these closer to the end of the unit.
The lessons are also efficient. The use of smart boards and videos are
examples of good uses of resources. The sequence of my activities makes sense.
The things the students do in the second lesson are reliant on the things that are
done in the first day. Students can support their opinion if they dont know what an
opinion is.

Tamara DeYoung
EED 354
Students will be able to formulate an opinion on a subject.
1- Discussion on what opinions are
2- Watch video clips and have students discuss their opinions on them
3- Have students read a book and write something about their opinion (Learning
4- Have the students create a drama showing how people have different
opinions and its okay to disagree

Students will be able to back their opinion up with reasons and supporting

Discuss as a group what would be a good way to support ones opinion

Play a game telling apart good support from bad support
Search example texts for examples of good support for arguments or opinions
Create graphic organizers to organize their reasons (Learning project)

Students will be able to organize their writing in a way that makes sense.
1- Discuss how organization is important in writing
2- Show examples of unorganized writing and how it does not make sense
3- Have the students look at examples of organized writing and have them
observe the different parts in the piece of writing.
4- Play a game giving students papers with paragraphs out of order, the
students will have to reorder(and label) the paragraphs.
5- Have the students create a graphic organizer to use while they are writing;
they may use a computer, art or simply a pencil to create it. (learning project)

Students will be able to write an introduction paragraph explaining their

1. Discuss the purpose for an introduction and what an introduction should
2. Smart board lesson
3. Show examples of introduction paragraphs- have the students identify the
statement of opinion and other key parts of the paragraph.
4. Have the students create a introductory paragraph (learning project)
5. Have the students peer discuss their introductions, do they have all the
necessary elements, does it show what your opinion is and prepare the
reader for the paper?

Students will be able to write 2 or 3 complete paragraphs stating the

reasons for their opinion.

Review what makes a support/reasons strong

Smart board lesson
Play a game telling apart good support from bad support
Write 2 or 3 paragraphs (learning project)
Peer discuss

Students will be able to conclude their paper with a concluding paragraph

that sums up and supports their opinion and ideas.

Discuss what the purpose of conclusions are

Smart board lesson
Look at examples of good conclusions/ identify the restatement of opinion
Look at examples and identify good conclusions and conclusions that need
5. Write a conclusion (learning project)
6. Peer discuss conclusion

Students will be able to find support for their opinions in books for
1. Students will discuss what makes a source reliable
2. Students will explore reliable websites they can use for information
3. Students will do an activity identifying reliable and unreliable sources

Students will be able to tell the difference between an opinion and a fact.
1. Read Ramona Quimby (book on differences between opinions and facts)

2. Discuss the difference between opinion and fact

3. Fact and opinion song
4. Opinion vs. fact game

Tamara DeYoung
EED 354
Curriculum Map
Established Goals:
Writing Standards K5
Grade 3 students: Text Types and Purposes
1. Write opinion pieces on topics or texts, supporting a point of view with reasons.
a. Introduce the topic or text they are writing about, state an opinion, and create an
organizational structure that lists reasons.
b. Provide reasons that support the opinion.
c. Use linking words and phrases (e.g., because, therefore, since, for example) to
connect opinion and reasons.
d. Provide a concluding statement or section.
Grade Level: Third Grade
1. Students will
2. Students will
3. Students will
4. Students will

be able to formulate an opinion on a subject.

be able to back their opinion up with reasons and supporting
be able to organize their writing in a way that makes sense.
be able to write an introduction paragraph explaining their

5. Students will be able to write 2 or 3 complete paragraphs stating the reasons

for their opinion.
6. Students will be able to conclude their paper with a concluding paragraph
that sums up and supports their opinion and ideas.
7. Students will be able to find support for their opinions in books for websites.
8. Students will be able to tell the difference between an opinion and a fact.
Curriculum Map:
Pre-assessment has occurred a week before beginning this unit.
Day 1- Objective #7,#8,#1
Students will be able to tell the difference between an opinion and a fact.
Students will be able to formulate an opinion on a subject.


Fact and opinion song.

Discuss the difference between opinion and fact.
Opinion vs. fact game.
Brainstorm topics that you have opinions on, ex. dogs are better than cats.

Day 2- Objective #1, #2, #8,

Students will be able to back their opinion up with reasons and supporting
5- Show the students the chair that has only one leg.
6- Discuss as a group what would be a good way to support ones opinion.
7- Search example texts for examples of good support for arguments or
8- Create the support table for a visual.

Day3- Objectives #1,#8,#2,#7

Students will be able to find support for their opinions in books for
4. Students will discuss what makes a source reliable.
5. Students will explore reliable websites they can use for information.
6. Students will do an activity identifying reliable and unreliable sources.

7. Students will search for support for the opinion they brainstormed the day

Day 4- Objectives #1,#8,#2,#3

Students will be able to organize their writing in a way that makes sense.
6- Discuss how organization is important in writing.
7- Show examples of unorganized writing and how it does not make sense.
8- Have the students look at examples of organized writing and have them
observe the different parts in the piece of writing.
9- Have the students create a graphic organizer to use while they are writing;
they may use art or simply a pencil to create it. (learning project)

Day 5- Objectives #1,#8,#2,#5

Students will be able to write 2 or 3 complete paragraphs stating the
reasons for their opinion.

Review what makes support/reasons strong.

Smart board lesson.
Write 2 or 3 paragraphs (learning project)
Have the students peer discuss their papers.

Day 6- Objectives #1,#8,#2,#4

Students will be able to write an introduction paragraph explaining their
6. Discuss the purpose for an introduction and what an introduction should
7. Smart board lesson.
8. Show examples of introduction paragraphs- have the students identify the
statement of opinion and other key parts of the paragraph.
9. Have the students create a introductory paragraph. (learning project)
10.Have the students peer discuss their introductions, do they have all the
necessary elements, does it show what your opinion is and prepare the
reader for your supporting statements?

Day 7- Objectives #1,#8,#2,#6

Students will be able to conclude their paper with a concluding paragraph
that sums up and supports their opinion and ideas.
7. Discuss the purpose of conclusions.
8. Smart board lesson.
9. Look at examples of good conclusions/ identify the restatement of opinion.
10.Look at examples and identify good conclusions and conclusions that need
11.Write a conclusion. (learning project)
12.Peer discuss conclusion.

Day8- Objectives #1, #2, #8

1. The students will create a skit of how people can have different opinions and
how thats okay.
Day 9- Summative Assessments
1. Review.
2. Hand out and go over the assessment task.

Opinions Lesson Plan- Day 1

Grade: Third
Enduring Understanding (W): Students will understand that people have different opinions
and ideas and its okay to disagree.
Key Knowledge and Skill to be gained (W):
Students will be able to tell the difference between an opinion and a fact.
Students will be able to formulate an opinion on a subject.
Resources needed for the lesson (O): Fact and opinion song, farm fact and opinion game, fact
and opinion board game, fact and opinion worksheet, brainstorming papers.
Time Required (O): 50 Min
Environment (O): Carpet and tables
Hook (H): Fact and opinion song
The song in the video shows how important it can be to know when someone is stating an
opinion vs. when they are stating a fact. It shows different situations in which someone is stating

their opinion as a fact, but then the song corrects them Now wait a minute! Thats your
Learning Experiences:
1. (O) Have a helper set up tables with games while discussing. There will be 4 tables. 2
tables with the farm game and two tables with the board game.
2. (E) Discuss the video. Focus on the fact that everyone has different opinions and that not
everyone agrees. Discuss the difference between opinion and fact. Ask a few students to
give examples of opinions and facts. Discuss these examples and why or why not they are
opinions or facts. (5 min)
3. (O) Have the students move to tables and play different opinion vs. fact games. Use the
information from the pre-assessment to separate the students into groups. (1 min)
4. (R) The students who already had a grasp on facts and opinions will go to the tables with
the board game. (T) The students who are still getting the hang of facts and opinions will
go to the tables with the farm game. This game gives the students more structure and
focuses more on how to tell an opinion from a fact. (15 min)
5. (E2) I will be watching the students as they play the games, and taking notes on who is
grasping the concepts quickly and who may need more help.
6. (T) The tables with the higher level students will also have the opportunity to fill out a
chart with their own opinions and facts on a certain subject. (This is if the students are not
challenged enough.)
7. (O) Have the students clean up the games and then return to the tables.
8. (E) Restate the fact that people can have different opinions on things and we dont always
agree. Introduce to the students that they will be writing an opinion paper. Show them the
brainstorming paper they will be using and explain how to use it. (2 min)
9. (O) Hand out the brainstorming papers.
10. (R)(T) There will be several different brainstorming papers, some for students who excel
at writing, some for students who need more structure.
11. (E2) I will be watching the students as they work on their brainstorming papers. I will be
taking note of which students are still struggling with the idea and may need to be put in a
group to go over the ideas in a different way.
12. (O) Remind the students to stay on task, but allow them to discuss ideas with each other
or to move about the room. (20 min)
(T) I have differentiated instruction by giving the students different games and worksheets to work on
during table time. They were separated into groups beforehand according to their performance on the preassessment.

Opinions Lesson Plan- Day 2

Grade: Third
Enduring Understanding (W): Students will understand that opinions need to be supported by
reasons and supporting statements.
Key Knowledge and Skill to be gained (W):
Students will be able to back their opinion up with reasons and supporting statements.
Resources needed for the lesson (O): Opinions Smart Board Lesson, One Legged Stool (some
sort of unstable chair), Supporting the Main Idea Table.
Time Required (O): 45 Min
Environment (O): Carpet and tables.
Hook (H): Bring in a one or two legged stool, depending on what is available. Have the students
try to sit on it and ask them why they are falling off. Help them come to the conclusion that there
is not enough support.

Learning Experiences:
1- (O) Have the students gather at the carpet. (1 min)
2- (E) Discuss as a group what would be a good way to support ones opinion. (5 min)
3- (E) Use the smart board lesson to show students how to give supporting reasons and
evidences. (5 min)
4- (O) Have a helper set out examples of students opinion papers from previous years on the
5- (E) Let the students search example texts for good support and bad support for opinions.
(10 min)
6- (E2) Have several students share what they found as good support. (5 min)
7- (O) Hand out the sheet for creating a support table and explain to the students that they
will be practicing finding strong support for their opinions.
8- (R) Let the students work on the table worksheets. (20 min)
9- (E2) I will be observing the students as they work on their worksheets. I will take notes as
to who I may want to pull for a group time on supporting ideas.
10- (R) Have the students put their worksheets together. (5 min)
(T) This activity is something that the students in my classroom can all participate in. Some
students may need more help. I will be walking around the room giving assistance where needed.

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