Lesson Plan 2 Sciencejhh

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NGSS Lesson Planning Template

Grade KG2aA

Topic: our five senses

Lesson 1:


Performance Expectation(s):

Students who demonstrate understanding can:

identify the body part
identify the five senses.

Specific Learning Outcomes:

identify the eye

Identify how can they protect their eyes

Narrative / Background Information

Prior Student Knowledge:
Learners have a background about the lesson from a previous lessons ( our
five sensses). The previous lesson was focusing on how does five senses
helping us. The teacher will link that lesson with the new lesson. That will
helps learner to identify lessons and link their information.

Possible Preconceptions/Misconceptions:
Some students may have a difficulty with understanding the new concepts
(language difficulties) . That will lead to have a misconception around the
class. In addition, some students have some difficulties with getting the
instruction. Thats make them asking to repeat the questions many time which
start a misbehavior around the class.


ENGAGE: Opening Activity Access Prior Learning / Stimulate
Interest / Generate Questions:
I will start by telling students that there are 22 pennies, hidden around the classroom.
Using their sense of sight, each student will have to find a penny.
After students have each found a penny, they will come back and discuss what part
on their bodies helped them find their pennies.

EXPLORE: Lesson Description Materials Needed / Probing or

I will read the story Mom cant see me
We will discuss the concept blindness, and how people can adapt without their sense
of sight.
Students will have an opportunity to view books with seeing eye dogs, books with
Braille etc.
After students have viewed the books, we will come together to discuss these
Next I will explain to students that next class we will have a special guest come in,
who will be talking to us about a certain type of animal that also doesnt have their
sense of sight.

EXPLAIN: Concepts Explained and Vocabulary Defined:

In their table groups, students will each be given a piece of paper, and a tray of
shaving cream. After I give the students an example of how the cards are made, the
students will choose pain colours to put in the shaving cream. Using a q-tip the
students will mix the shaving cream and paint, then dip in their paper to make a
textured card.

ELABORATE: Applications and Extensions:

Together we will write a message to our guest inside their cards.

Formative Monitoring (Questioning / Discussion):
Students will be asked to form a circle on the carpet for community circle
I will ask students to comment on todays lesson, how it made them feel, what they liked
what they learnt etc.

NGSS Lesson Planning Template

Grade KG2aA


Five Senses

Lesson 2: smell

Brief Lesson Description:

The unit about the five senses and which part of the body is used for each . and
how can we protect our body and senses.

Performance Expectation(s):

Students who demonstrate understanding can:

identify the five senses.

Specific Learning Outcomes: Learner will be able to

Incorporate vocabulary related to the sense of touch
identify the part of the body that help in smelling thing

Narrative / Background Information

Prior Student Knowledge:
Learners have a background about the lesson from a previous lessons five
senses). The previous lesson was focusing on the five senses in general. The
teacher will link that lesson with the new lesson. That will helps learner to
identify lessons and link their information.

Possible Preconceptions/Misconceptions:
Some students may have a difficulty with understanding the new concepts
(language difficulties) . That will lead to have a misconception around the
class. In addition, some students have some difficulties with getting the
instruction. Thats make them asking to repeat the questions many time which
start a misbehavior around the class.


ENGAGE: Opening Activity Access Prior Learning / Stimulate

Interest / Generate Questions:
I will read the book Ferdinand by M Leaf.
After reading the story we will discuss and identify the different smells in the story.

EXPLORE: Lesson Description Materials Needed / Probing or

At table groups, students will classify four different jars of liquids (water, vinegar,
oil and fragrance oil) according to whether it smells or not.
Move back to carpet, and have students brainstorm other items that have an odor and
that are odorless.

EXPLAIN: Concepts Explained and Vocabulary Defined:

Next I will light a match, blow it out and ask students what they smell. We will
bring that into a discussion of smells that warn us of dangers.(our sense of smell can
help warn us and keeps us safe)
We will discuss what body part we use to smell, and how all of our noses look
different. Using a variety of cut out pictures, students will have to identify what
animals nose they are looking at.

Evaluate : write the home work in the booklet

NGSS Lesson Planning Template

Grade KG2aA


Five Senses

Lesson 3: hearing

Brief Lesson Description:

The unit about the five senses and which part of the body is used for each . and
how can we protect our body and senses.

Performance Expectation(s):

Students who demonstrate understanding can:

identify the five senses.

Specific Learning Outcomes: Learner will be able to

Incorporate vocabulary related to the sense of hearing
identify the part of the body that help in hear sounds
identify high/low sounds , loud/ soft sound

Narrative / Background Information

Prior Student Knowledge:
Learners have a background about the lesson from a previous lessons five
senses). The previous lesson was focusing on the five senses in general. The
teacher will link that lesson with the new lesson. That will helps learner to
identify lessons and link their information.

Possible Preconceptions/Misconceptions:
Some students may have a difficulty with understanding the new concepts
(language difficulties) . That will lead to have a misconception around the
class. In addition, some students have some difficulties with getting the
instruction. Thats make them asking to repeat the questions many time which
start a misbehavior around the class.


ENGAGE: Opening Activity Access Prior Learning / Stimulate

Interest / Generate Questions:

I will ask students to find a place on the carpet to lay down with their eyes closed.
I will turn on off the lights and turn on a cd with a variety of sounds.
The students will sit up, and we will discuss the different sounds they heard, which
sounds stood out, and the variety of tones they heard (soft, loud etc.)

EXPLORE: Lesson Description Materials Needed / Probing or

with a variety of different materials, students will have the opportunity to make their
own musical instrument.
After completing their instruments, students will create a circle on the carpet.
I will start a making a pattern with my instrument, and have students come up with
their own pattern.
Once students have decided on a pattern, we will begin with one student who will
play their pattern. In a clockwise motion, we will add in more students until the
whole circle is playing their pattern.
After we will discuss whether or not the students were able to maintain their pattern.
What helped them maintain there pattern or what caused them to lose focus with
their pattern.

EXPLAIN: Concepts Explained and Vocabulary Defined:

We will start a community circle
Students will have the opportunity when holding the community circle object to talk about
how they felt about the lesson, what they liked/ didnt

Evaluate : write the home work in the booklet

NGSS Lesson Planning Template

Grade KG2aA

Topic: our five senses

Lesson 4:


Performance Expectation(s):

Students who demonstrate understanding can:

identify the body part
identify the five senses.

Specific Learning Outcomes:

identify the hand

Identify how can they protect their body
Identify different thing they can touch ( hard , soft )

Narrative / Background Information

Prior Student Knowledge:
Learners have a background about the lesson from a previous lessons ( our
five sensses). The previous lesson was focusing on how does five senses
helping us. The teacher will link that lesson with the new lesson. That will
helps learner to identify lessons and link their information.

Possible Preconceptions/Misconceptions:
Some students may have a difficulty with understanding the new concepts
(language difficulties) . That will lead to have a misconception around the
class. In addition, some students have some difficulties with getting the
instruction. Thats make them asking to repeat the questions many time which
start a misbehavior around the class.


ENGAGE: Opening Activity Access Prior Learning / Stimulate
Interest / Generate Questions:
We will revisit and discuss our previous lesson on touch.
Students will be asked to lay down on the carpet. The lights will be turned off, and
subtle calming music will be turned on. I will ask students to imagine themselves
jumping into a pool of chocolate pudding. In your heads think about what you might

feel, how it would taste, what would it smell like, what would it look like, and lastly
what would it sound like.
Once students have had some time to think, I will ask them to sit up and discuss
what they have imagined.

EXPLORE: Lesson Description Materials Needed / Probing or

Students will move to their table groups where they will find individual bowls of
chocolate pudding and chocolate chips.
Using a spoon students will be asked to scoop some pudding onto their papers
Using their fingers the students will spread their pudding around their paper.
I will begin to ask the students basic math facts: 9+1, and they will write their
answer in their pudding
Next we will use chocolate chips on their papers to go over more than, less than and
the same as.

EXPLAIN: Concepts Explained and Vocabulary Defined:

We will start a community circle

When given the object, students will have the opportunity to speak about the lesson,
about how it felt to do math with pudding etc.

NGSS Lesson Planning Template

Grade KG2aA

Topic: our five senses

Lesson 5:


Performance Expectation(s):

Students who demonstrate understanding can:

identify the body part
identify the five senses.

Specific Learning Outcomes:

identify the mouth

Identify how can they protect their mouth
Identify different thing they can taste

Narrative / Background Information

Prior Student Knowledge:
Learners have a background about the lesson from a previous lessons ( our
five sensses). The previous lesson was focusing on how does five senses
helping us. The teacher will link that lesson with the new lesson. That will
helps learner to identify lessons and link their information.

Possible Preconceptions/Misconceptions:
Some students may have a difficulty with understanding the new concepts
(language difficulties) . That will lead to have a misconception around the
class. In addition, some students have some difficulties with getting the
instruction. Thats make them asking to repeat the questions many time which
start a misbehavior around the class.


ENGAGE: We will start the lesson by having students dip one end of a Q-Tip
in the solutions of salt, sugar, lemon, and squares of bakers dark chocolate, one
substance after another, and having students taste each.
After each student has tasted the solutions, we will discuss some of the tastes they
Next we will read the story Taste

EXPLORE: Lesson Description Materials Needed / Probing or

Students will move to their table groups where they will find individual bowls of
chocolate pudding and chocolate chips.
Using a spoon students will be asked to scoop some pudding onto their papers
Using their fingers the students will spread their pudding around their paper.
I will begin to ask the students basic math facts: 9+1, and they will write their
answer in their pudding
Next we will use chocolate chips on their papers to go over more than, less than and
the same as.

EXPLAIN: Concepts Explained and Vocabulary Defined:

We will start a community circle

When given the object, students will have the opportunity to speak about the lesson,
about how it felt to do math with pudding etc.

NGSS Lesson Planning Template

Grade KG2aA

Topic: Frog life cycle

Lesson 1:

Frog life cycle

Brief Lesson Description:

The lesson illustrates that plants and animals can change their environment .the
lesson show Frog life cycle and How does it grow . Moreover, the lesson
demonstrates students to identify the life cycle of the frog.

Performance Expectation(s):

Students who demonstrate understanding can:

identify the life cycle of the frog.

Specific Learning Outcomes:

Learner will be able to recognize that plants and animals can change their
Students will be able to identify the new concepts of the lesson and
analysis the information to use them for the life cycle.
Students will be able to identify the life cycle of the frog & connect it
with their prior knowledge

Narrative / Background Information

Prior Student Knowledge:
Learners have a background about the lesson from a previous lessons ( life
cycle of a people). The previous lesson was focusing on how does the living
thing grows up. The teacher will link that lesson with the new lesson. That
will helps learner to identify lessons and link their information.

Possible Preconceptions/Misconceptions:
Some students may have a difficulty with understanding the new concepts
(language difficulties) . That will lead to have a misconception around the
class. In addition, some students have some difficulties with getting the
instruction. Thats make them asking to repeat the questions many time which
start a misbehavior around the class.


ENGAGE: Opening Activity Access Prior Learning / Stimulate
Interest / Generate Questions:
Teacher will start the lesson with have a dissection with the learner about the
living and nonliving thing. She will she will sing a song about the lesson to
remind them.

Clarification Statement:
Lets go back to the life cycle of people lesson. who will tell me what is
the first stage? What is the second stage? Then the teacher will ask
students to go set on the carpet.

EXPLORE: Lesson Description Materials Needed / Probing or

The teacher will shows learner a poster about a frog life cycle
She will ask students to listen to the story to explore

EXPLAIN: Concepts Explained and Vocabulary Defined:

The teacher will have the new vocabulary on the board

The teacher will clarify the lesson and ask learner if they have any

ELABORATE: Applications and Extensions:

Matching activity:
The teacher will do 4 different activities , each activity for a table .
students have five mins to finish the activity then move to another
group to finish the fourth . Students have to improve their motor
skills . At some activities Students will work individually and some
activities they will work in group .

Formative Monitoring (Questioning / Discussion):
cloud questions activity

NGSS Lesson Planning Template

Lesson 3:

Grade: KG2aA

Topic: Plant life cycle

Plant life


Brief Lesson Description:

The lesson illustrates that each living thing has a need to grow. Can change it
shape using a life cycle .the lesson show plant life cycle and How does it grow.
Moreover, the lesson demonstrates students to identify the life cycle of the
plant and grow by themselves.

Performance Expectation(s):
Students who demonstrate understanding can:
Know the life cycle

Specific Learning Outcomes:

Learner will be able to :
Identify the life cycle of the plant & connect it with their prior knowledge
(what do they already know )
Classify different shape and size of seeds.
Name the parts of the flower in order
Use cotton to grow different seeds.

Narrative / Background Information

Prior student Knowledge:
Students are familiar with life cycle
Students are familiar with some seeds .
Students are familiar with of some words.

Possible Preconceptions/Misconceptions:
Students may take more time than expected to finish a task or activity
Students have difficultly catching up with English


ENGAGE: Opening Activity Access Prior Learning / Stimulate
Interest / Generate Questions:
Teacher will start the lesson with have a dissection with the learner about the
living and nonliving thing. She will sing a song about the lesson to remind

Clarification Statement:
Lets go back to the life cycle of people lesson. Who will tell me what is
the first stage? What is the second stage? Then asked them about the frog
life cycle. Then the teacher will ask students to go set on the carpet.
Each group one by one to the circle.

EXPLORE: Lesson Description Materials Needed / Probing :

The teacher will show learner a poster about a plant life cycle.
She will ask students to take cup and put seeds inside to teach them how
the plants grow up, then water the plants .
Cut and paste activity.

EXPLAIN: Concepts Explained and Vocabulary Defined:

The teacher will have the new vocabulary on the poster (Seeds, root,
stem, flower)

ELABORATE: Applications and Extensions:

Matching activity:
The teacher will do 4 different activities, each activity for a table .
students have five mins to finish the activity then move to another
group to finish the fourth . Students have to improve their motor
skills . At some activities Students will work individually and some
activities they will work in group .
Asking questions

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