December 2015
December 2015
December 2015
Have you ever wanted a way to count down to Christmas and do something nice for a stranger?
This calendar came across my Facebook feed, it struck a chord and so, I thought Id share it.
The thing about kindness is that the cliche is true. It really is a gift for both the giver and the
receiver; a gift that is magnified when we join together and shower the world with kindness.
Widespread kindness makes a community feel happier. Thats why we share feel good stories
we yearn for the warmth that kindness brings to life. So this year, clear your schedule for kindness. It doesnt have to take long or be overly involved to count. I believe that small intentional
acts of kindness, and really good coffee, can change the world. It certainly will make yours
brighter! Our family will be trying to do these random acts of kindness through advent and perhaps we can continue giving random acts of kindness throughout the year.
Pastor Avery
One way we reach out to the community is by collecting Box tops for Education and UPC
labels for the Oesterlen Center in Springfield. Oesterlen Services for Youth began serving
needy children and families in 1903. Today the agency is respected statewide for its emotional
and behavioral health services and social services for children, adolescents, and their families.
They provide a full range of services including residential mental health treatment, foster care,
outpatient counseling, in-home programs, and in-school programs. Oesterlen is prepared to
help address the changing needs of children and adolescents statewide. We serve children and
adolescents regardless of race, religion, sex, national origin, or handicap (unless specific
treatment programming is required.)
Oesterlen participates in the Campbells Labels for Education and General Mills Box
Tops for Education Programs which are among the largest earning programs across the
nation for more than 80,000 schools and organizations. Each Box Top is worth 10 and checks
are mailed twice a year to the participating organization which are used for items the
organization needs. Americas schools and organizations have earned over $114 million in
merchandise over the Labels for Education programs 42 year history. These little box tops mean
a lot to organizations like the Oesterlen Center.
Recycle at Highlands!
Paper, plastic, metal, cardboard all are collected and taken to the recycling centers
1602 W. Main St.
and between the Project Woman building and the Clark County Combined
Health District building on East Home Road.
Items that Food Banks Need but Dont Usually Ask For
Spices, Feminine Products, Chocolate, Toiletries, Canned meats and jerky, Crackers and tortillas,
Baby toiletries, Soup packets, Socks, Canned fruit other than pineapple
Of the items listed, the most commonly needed items are protein items (canned meats or
peanut butter), feminine products, baby toiletries, socks, and toiletries.
All are not usually as readily available as canned beans or pasta or cereal. If youre looking for an
easy way to help out with some of these appreciated items, pick some of these up while shopping
and drop them off in the food cart in the narthex.
If so...
Tune into these TV stations and watch for a notice if Highlands is also closing.
WDTN, Channel 2
WKEF, Channel 22
WHIO, Channel 7
Thanks to the music students of Wittenberg University, Highlands will have live musicians
providing music for worship services!
We are really mixing things up with a variety of instruments such as
flute, clarinet, saxophone, and piano to accompany our hymns and provide special music.
We will also have an occasional vocal soloist performing during worship.
Come to church on Sunday mornings to experience good music
and to support these fine young men and women.
In addition, we are privileged to have Carol Harbaugh at the piano on December 13.
Your presence in worship is one way to say Thank you to these generous musicians.
An LGBTQ youth group has been formed which meets at First UCC
Springfield. This group provides a safe place for LGBTQ youth.
Contact Sheryl Witt at 937.926.6826 for meeting times or to volunteer.
Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays, and bisexual, transgender,
questioning, and allies, meet the 4th Tuesday of every month at 7pm at Messiah
Lutheran Church, 1013 E. Lawn Avenue, Urbana.
The Dayton PFLAG Chapter meets the 2nd Tuesday of every month at
7:00 p.m. at Harmony Creek Church, 5280 Bigger Road, Kettering.
Thank you to all who have contributed to the cost, but help Is still needed.
Take some time to visit the lower level and see the updated rest rooms!
With the grant of $799 and contributions we have just a little further to go!
Your donations will help. Just note For the restrooms on your envelope.
If you no longer wish to receive this newsletter, call 937-399-7493 to have your name
removed from the Outreach newsletter mailing list.
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In Gathering
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12:00 noon
Fair Committee 12:00 noon
8:00 pm
Annual Meeting
1/9/2016, 9 am
25 Christmas Day
Christmas Eve
Service 7:00 pm
Mission Statement
Our Mission is to be the loving heart and healing hands of God in the world;
we are a welcoming community of faith, seeking to accompany and support all
on their journey to Christ, and bearing authentic witness of Gods inclusive love
as proclaimed through Jesus.
To open doors for all who seek a safe place for their spiritual journey
To extend extravagant hospitality
To set an open table for all who hunger
To provide sanctuary for all who seek forgiveness, reconciliation, and healing
To do justice and pursue peace