This newsletter from Druid Hills United Methodist Church discusses upcoming events in October including the pumpkin patch, block party, and Advent services. It encourages volunteers to help with these events to welcome the community and share their faith. The pastor's letter discusses the importance of these outreach events and inviting others to experience God. The newsletter also provides updates on other church activities, a prayer list, and fundraising challenge for local and global charities.
This newsletter from Druid Hills United Methodist Church discusses upcoming events in October including the pumpkin patch, block party, and Advent services. It encourages volunteers to help with these events to welcome the community and share their faith. The pastor's letter discusses the importance of these outreach events and inviting others to experience God. The newsletter also provides updates on other church activities, a prayer list, and fundraising challenge for local and global charities.
This newsletter from Druid Hills United Methodist Church discusses upcoming events in October including the pumpkin patch, block party, and Advent services. It encourages volunteers to help with these events to welcome the community and share their faith. The pastor's letter discusses the importance of these outreach events and inviting others to experience God. The newsletter also provides updates on other church activities, a prayer list, and fundraising challenge for local and global charities.
This newsletter from Druid Hills United Methodist Church discusses upcoming events in October including the pumpkin patch, block party, and Advent services. It encourages volunteers to help with these events to welcome the community and share their faith. The pastor's letter discusses the importance of these outreach events and inviting others to experience God. The newsletter also provides updates on other church activities, a prayer list, and fundraising challenge for local and global charities.
INSIDE THIS ISSUE OCTOBER 2014 Sunshine Herald Druid Hills United Methodist Church From the Pastor: Rev. Daryl W. Allen Sunshine Herald A Monthly Publication of Druid Hills United Methodist Church Serving Christ by Learning, Leading and Loving
Greetings Sisters and Brothers!
Technically, fall is here. September 23 rd was the first day of fall and that means our temps should begin to drop and that nip in the air should be on its way. But it also means that the Pumpkin Patch will soon begin, the Block Party will take place, and Advent will be shortly behind them.
This is a very exciting time of year! There is so much to do, so much to be involved in, and so many people with which you can interact. This is a time of year for us to put our best foot forward and practice our gift of radical hospitality as we meet with our community.
Many of you have heard me ask the question, If we closed our doors tomorrow, would this community miss us? These last three months of the year is a time where that question can be answered. Let us begin with the Pumpkin Patch. As the commu- nity comes to buy their pumpkins, we need to greet them with a smile and make their experience a joyful one. The day of the Block Party, which will have some new ele- ments this year, we need to wear our smiles and let those that come know we are happy to give them a day of fun and memories with their family. As we enter into our various styles of worship and special worship services in Advent, we need to invite family and friends to come with us and experience Christ in ways they may have nev- er experienced before.
At times our faith can be an inward focused type of affair. We want people to come to us, act as we do, and fit in to our comfort zone. But this time of year Druid Hills has made it a tradition to open up and reach out. We still ask people to come to us, but we are very intentional about welcoming them when they do. We have created events and opportunities that enable people to visit us in a very low pressure type of atmosphere. We are making the effort and that always excites me for how it will play out.
I tell you all of this to help get your ready. I want to encourage each and every one of you to volunteer in some way this fall. Whether you take a few shifts at the Pumpkin Patch, help out with the Block Party, or help lead worship in our special services, I want to encourage you to volunteer. This is your opportunity to share with others how much you love this church, how much you love Christ, and offer a bit of hope to someone that may desperately need it this year.
It is amazing how a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, or a warm greeting can lift the spirits of another. I invite you to find a way to offer one, two, or all of these to our community this year as we open our campus and our hearts to the people of this community. See you out there!
1 Terri Silvola-Finch 9 John Battin Diana Whiteman 13 Jennifer Foster Melva Sanon 16 Sharron Tryon 17 Barry Decker 22 Linda Boddy 23 Joyce Clayton 27 Joan Foren 28 Flo LaVine Randy Leighton 29 Roxana Greene 30 Carolyn McCarthy
The Sunshine Herald is the monthly pub- lication of Druid Hills United Methodist Church. Editor: Jerrie Corpe Pastor: Rev. Daryl W. Allen Pastors Blog: Email: Phone: 352-629-5688 Mail: 1712 S. E. Lake Weir Rd. Ocala, FL 34471 Hours: 9:00 a.m. to Noon Monday through Friday Website:
Our Mission: We are a fellowship of believers Serving Christ by Learning, Leading and Loving
NEWSLETTER DEADLINE The Newsletter deadline each month is the 3 rd Sunday. If you have infor- mation you want published, you can write it up on the proper submis- sion form and submit it to the church office prior to the deadline or email at Please remember when writing articles for publication to include all the basics of the information you want commu- nicated: who, what, when, where, why, and how. Articles may be edit- ed as necessary. Thank you for your cooperation. OUR STEWARDSHIP AND ATTENDANCE (August) Offering: $ 14,369.00 Last Year +/- $+16,166.00 Vanco On Line $ 2,456.36 Childrens Home: $ 464.58 Parking Income: $ 750.00 Average Attendance Worship ...110 Sunday School/Adult Focus ...10 Childrens Church......6
Prayer serves as the backbone of the church. It is what supports all our efforts of ministry. In that spirit, you are invited to hold these per- sons in your prayers and thoughts. Just as the Spirit needs healing, so does the body. The two, it seems, go together in Gods plan. Page 2 Sunshine Herald Please remember these people in prayer: Joy Anderson, Bill Cantrell, Rose Carroll, Eunice Charles, Tiffany Critchfield, Jerry Davis, Barry & Marie Decker, Cynthia DeKersky, Deb- bie Durham, Raymond & Violet Dyer, Lola Frisbee, Judy Fitch, Made- leine Gamble, Chris Garris, Jack Grieves, Dan Grishkin, Carolina Had- ley, Joe Hager, Tola & Emil Hass, George Hettel, Robert Hildenbrandt, Jean Hoesman, Lorrin Hosey, Tom Klotz, John Klinger, Bonnie & Jim Knepp, Joanne Knepp, Alene Krouse, Flo LaVine, Susan & Randy Leighton, Joey Liu, Michael MacPherson, Carolyn McCarthy, Bob McCarty, Sandi Moore, Pat Painter, Landon Parish, Jenny Piner, Doris Pitts, Jan Ridley, P. R. Rion, Joe Scott, Joe Scott Jr., Richard Serviss, Jane Stahurski, Jr, Amy Smith, Floy Smith, Jane Stahurski, Dorothy Stein, Mickey Stevens, Chuck Tharpe, Shelley Tracy, Frank & Joyce Thompson, Norma Jean Uher, Eileen Zimmerman, David Wallace, Mary Lou Welsh, Phyllis Cannon-Whipple, Ray Wittemauer
Church Chuckles
A Father brought his daughter to church. He sat in the very front row so that she could properly wit- ness the service. During this particular service, the minister was performing the baptism of a tiny infant. The little girl was taken by this, observing that he was saying something and pour- ing water over the infants head. Turning to her fa- ther, she asked, Daddy, why is he brainwashing that baby? APPORTIONMENTS Payment/mo $ 1,295.00 Annual Apport...$ 15,503.00 Remaining Amt...$ 3,820/25% MORTGAGE Payment/mo .$ 1,912.48 Remaining Bal .$108,506.89 Page 3 Sunshine Herald
PUMPKIN PATCH NEWS News from Roy Set-up of the Pumpkin Patch will be Saturday, Oct.11 at 10 AM. Helpers are needed, everyone is invited. Come join us. For any questions, please call Roy Baugher at 237-5629. Wrapped candy is given to the children who attend story time. Monetary or candy (no chocolate) donations for this ministry may be given to Roy Baugher.
PLEASE SIGN UP TO BE A PUMPKIN PATCH STORYTELLER: We are looking for men and women to read stories to preschool age children in our Pumpkin Patch. The story telling sessions will run MondayFriday; starting Monday, Oct 20th through Thursday Oct 30th. Each session is 30 minutes long starting at 9:30 am to 12:00 noon and books are provid- ed. Sign up sheets are located at the Connection Station or call Terri Silvola-Finch 369-0614 or the church office 629-5688. ADVENT CHALLENGE : WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT Last year's challenge was so incredibly successful and so many lives were touched by this act of generosity, the leadership of the church wanted to do it again this year. Once again our goal between now and Christ- mas Eve is to raise $5,000 to be split between a local and global charity. Of our goal, $2,900 will go to our global charity, Stop Hunger Now, as we strive to host another meal packaging event to help those children around the world that are suffering from malnourishment. The other $2,100 will go to our local mission, a Church Has Left the Building event, scheduled for early 2015. *Our Goal $ 5,000 Raised To Date $ 1,950.00* Please prayerfully consider how you might give, above and beyond your normal giving, to support this challenge so we may reach out and share the love of Christ with other people.
The ladies of Druid Hills UMC are loading the bus and heading to the Annual Womens Retreat at the Life Enrichment Center March 20-22, 2015. Registration begins October 1st and must be completed on line this year. The cost is $157.00 which includes accommodations at the Warren Willis Camp and all meals and events. To register go to, click on Womens Retreat and go to the application. Please be sure to check the March weekend box, Warren Willis Camp box and put our church name on the Church Name line. Doing this will make sure we are housed together as a group. Once everyone is registered, we will meet as a group to coordinate departure, carpooling, etc. If you have questions, please contact Terri- Silvola-Finch, 369-0614.
Page 4 Sunshine Herald S.O.S. (SISTERS OF SOUL) Attention All Ladies: You are invited to join us the 3rd Sunday of each month, in the Fellowship Hall after our fellowship time. The organizations our group supports are PACE Center for Girls, Kimberlys Cottage, Kid Central, Veterans Home in Ft. McCoy and Homeless Children & Youth Project (Marion County Public Schools). UPCOMING EVENT: VETERANS HOME IN FT MCCOY Our annual drive! Donations of boxed Christmas cards and stamps will be taken to the residents who live at the Veterans Home for them to be able to send cards to friends and family. Thank you in advance for supporting our projects. If you have any questions or donations, just look for one of the Sisters. Our Motto: We are women who share a common faith with a desire to be helpful when needed in our church & community.
WORDS FROM JOY ANDERSON AND UMW Advent Breakfast Saturday, December 6, 2014 at 9:30 AM in Fellowship Hall This breakfast is open to the entire church family. A sign up sheet will be available at the connection table for reservations and how many will be attending in your party. More information to come.
Our next meeting dates are: Tuesday October 21st, Tuesday November 18th, and Tuesday December 16th at 10:00 am in Fellowship Hall and open to all ladies of the church.
Page 5 Sunshine Herald
MARK YOUR CALANDERS S.O.S. will be having a
Saturday, October 18 th 9:00 am to 2:00 pm
Donations of Baked Goods and Household items are welcomed and appreciated. Please begin going through your closets and cupboards and bring in treasures. Your donated household items can be dropped off beginning Sunday, October 5 th in Fellowship Hall. For questions, find one of the Sisters!! Proceeds will benefit Marion County Public Schools, Homeless Children and Youth Project MARK YOUR CALENDARS NOVEMBER 1 BLOCK PARTY 2:00 5:00 2 All Saints Day 3 Moving Forward 11:00 am 20 MODELs 12:30 pm Cub Scouts 6:30 pm Girl Scouts 6:00 pm 4 General Election Day Kids Central 6:00 pm ROMEOs 8:15 am 21 Church Dinner 6:00 pm Boy Scouts 7:00 pm For THANKSGIVING 5 Girl Scouts Pt Luck 6:00 pm 23 Christ the King Sunday 6 Girl Scouts 6:00 pm 7 Kids Central 6:00 pm 24 Cub Scouts 6:30 pm 9 Heritage Sunday 25 ROMEOs 8:15 am 10 Cub Scouts 6:30 pm Boy Scouts 7:00 pm 11 Veterans Day 26 Girl Scouts 6:00 pm ROMEOs 8:15 am 27 Holiday Office Closed Worship Committee 10:00 am 28 Office Closed Boy Scouts 7:00 pm 12 UMM 5:30 pm 30 HANGING OF THE GREENS Jr. Girl Scouts 6:00 pm 13 Girl Scouts 6:00 pm Cub Scouts Parents 7:00 pm 14 Interfaith 5:30 pm Kids Central 6:00 pm 15 GFWC Fashion Show & Tea 11:00 am Tickets Needed 16 S.O.S. 12:30 pm Ocala Health & Rehab 2:00 pm 17 Cub Scouts 6:30 pm 18 ROMEOs 8:15 am UMW 10:00 am Boy Scouts 7:00 pm 19 Trustees 5:00 pm Girl Scouts 6:00 pm Finance 6:15 pm Church Council 7:00 pm
DECEMBER 1 Moving Forward 2 ROMEOs 8:15 am 6 Advent Breakfast 9 ROMEOs 8:15 am Worship Committee 10:00 am 10 UMM 5:30 pm 16 ROMEOs 8:15 am UMW 10:00 am 18 MODELs 21 Ocala Health & Rehab 23 ROMEOs 8:15 am 24 OFFICE CLOSED Christmas Eve Service 6:00 pm 25,26 OFFICE CLOSED 30 ROMEOs 8:15am 31 OFFICE CLOSED Jan 1, 2 OFFICE CLOSED
The Block Party returns in 2014 with a BONUS!
The games and inflatables have been booked for through Kids Events for this years Block Party which will be held here at the church on Saturday, November 1, 2014 from 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm. Plans for the food, and the cake walk are being implemented and the train ride for the children is in place. Do you know of anyone with a Lama, pony, or macaws that would like to come visit with us and join the fun? Please have them call John Batton at 352-875-8769 to coordinate their arrival and participation.
BONUS: The Lions club will be here with their Sight Van. The mission of the Sight Preservation, Awareness and Action program is: to provide programs and assistance to aid people who have par- tial or complete loss of sight and to work to eliminate preventable and reversible blindness. Free Sight Screenings will be provided for adults as well as children with a special preschool age screening for ages 1-6yrs. Recycle! Please bring in your old reading, prescription and non pre- scription glasses and sunglasses to donate to their fight to prevent blindness.
In order to make this a fun event for all, we need volunteers to help with the set up, food service, games, cake walk, crowd control and information table. There will be sign up sheets at the con- nection station!
Her family in Honduras fell apart when she was 2, leaving her and her siblings, including a twin sister, in an orphanage. Soon after, the siblings were sent to different orphanages across the country and she has not seen any of them in nearly 25 years. It wasnt until she was 6 years old when she got the first present of her life - a shoebox full of items from Operation Christmas Child. Sponsored by Samaritan's Purse, the yearly effort sees churches and individuals pack millions of shoe boxes with candy, small toys and practical items. The boxes are sent all over the world to less fortunate children. Lopez told a group at College Road Baptist Church on Saturday how excited she was with the candy in her box, but the items that meant the most to her were a toothbrush and a set of 10 pencils. I had to share a toothbrush with 25 other girls. We didnt have toothpaste because it was expensive so we would brush our teeth with salt, she said. The box also had toothpaste, but it was bubble gum flavor. I ate it all. I didnt know what it was. It was sweet and tasted good, she said, adding, I didnt get sick. The pen- cils were special as well since the orphanage would issue one pencil to each student per school year. I hid them in the wall so no one would take them, she said. She even saved the box and slept with it for a time. For the first time, I had something that I could say was mine, she said. This complete story can be read in the Ocala Star Banner 9/22/14 Shoeboxes Changing Lives PICK UP YOUR SHOEBOX AT THE BACK OF THE CHURCH OR IN FELLOWSHIP HALL. Your Gift Touches Lives Around The World! NATIONAL COLLECTION WEEK NOVEMBER 17 - 24 Sunshine Herald Page 7
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1
6:00pm Jr. Girl Scouts 2
10:00 am Bible Study
5:30 pm FAD Night
6:00 pm Girl Scouts
8:00 am to 3:00 pm Pioneer Garden Club Yard Sale
8:00 am to 3:00 pm Pioneer Garden Club Yard Sale
9:00 am Adult Focus Group
White Sunday 6
11:00 am Moving For- ward
6:30 pm Jr Girl Scouts 7
8:15 am ROMEOs
5:30pm SPRC
7:00 pm Choir
7:00 pm Boy Scouts 8
5:30 pm UMM
6:00 pm Jr. Girl Scouts 9
10:00 am Bible Study
5:30 pm FAD Night
6:00 pm Girl Scouts
7:00 pm Cub Scouts Parents 10
6:00 pm Kids Central
9:00 am Adult Focus Group
Canned Food Sunday 13
6:30 pm Jr Girl Scouts 14 8:15 am ROMEOS
10:00 am Worship Committee
7:00 pm Choir
7:00 pm Boy Boy Scouts
Start Pumpkin Sales
6:00 pm Jr Girl Scouts
16 10:00 am Bible Study
12:30 MODELs
5:30 pm FAD Night
6:00 pm Girl Scouts 17
6:00 pm Kids Central 18
9:00 am2:00 pm
9:00 am Adult Focus Group
12:30 S.O.S.
2:00 pm Ocala Health & Rehab
Sisterhood Brotherhood Sunday 20
Start of Story Telling Time in Pumpkin Patch
6:30 pm Jr Girl Scouts 21 8:15 am ROMEOS
10:00 am UMW
7:00 pm Choir
7:00 pm Boy Boy Scouts 22
6:00 pm Jr Girl Scouts 23
10:00 am Bible Study
5:30 pm FAD Night
6:00 pm Girl Scouts
6:00 pm Kids Central
9:00 am Adult Focus Group 27
6:30 pm Cub Scouts 28 8:15 am ROMEOS
7:00 pm Choir
7:00 pm Boy Scouts Boy Scouts 29
6:00 pm Jr Girl Scouts 30
10:00 am Bible Study
5:30 pm FAD Night
6:00 pm Girl Scouts
OCTOBER 2014 Druid Hills United Methodist Church Sunshine Herald 1712 S. E. Lake Weir Rd. Ocala, FL 34471