Danielsons Framework For Teaching
Danielsons Framework For Teaching
Danielsons Framework For Teaching
Teacher Evaluation
This evaluation tool is based off of Charlotte Danielsons Framework for Teaching
Evaluation system. By comparing myself to research-based standards for teacher and student
success, I can see where I need to improve my skills to provide a better experience for my
classroom as a whole as well as individual students.
The official Danielson Framework site has this to say: The Framework for Teaching, created by
Charlotte Danielson, is a comprehensive and coherent framework that identifies those
aspects of a teachers responsibilities that have been documented through empirical studies
and theoretical research as promoting improved student learning. The Framework for
Teaching is a validated instrument; that is, studies have shown that teachers who receive
higher ratings on their evaluation produce greater gains in student test scores.
Teachers focus on student growth and development to engage students on deep and meaningful levels. They make
them aware of the goals they have for them and then challenge them to meet them, but provide more than adequate
scaffolding. Students are key leaders and driving forces in their own learning.