2 Dr. Dipak K. Chavan
2 Dr. Dipak K. Chavan
2 Dr. Dipak K. Chavan
CHAVHAN (185-191)
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engagement. These elements are a combination of the background of students, the influence and
expectations of family and peers, schoolwide and classroom practices which will be helpful for
effective teaching and learning.
To realize the ways to promote students engagement in teaching and learning process
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In the students engagement approach, teachers and parents work systematically across
all three domains to ensure an integrated approach to cultivate and support student engagement at
the highest level. The core habits of student achievement and other skill sets, such as
organizational skills and self-discipline, also will be developed in the student through this
The students engagement approach includes the following six objectives.
teacher is the critical element that can lead to increased student motivation and higher levels of
engagement in academics and school life.
Learn new skills and habits: Teachers can learn new skills and habits that help them to
develop, polish, and enhance their already natural inclination to motivate and engage students.
facilitate student engagement. Students can develop behavioral skills and habits that lead to
increased academic achievement and greater involvement with school life.
responsibility to engage the students, as opposed to the teacher expecting students to come to
class naturally and automatically engaged.
Promote a schoolwide culture of engagement: The best way to promote high levels of
student engagement. Staff development, combined with staff ownership and recognition, is
critical to developing and maintaining a culture of effective student engagement
Principal and teachers should decide the students engagement policy in the school to initiate
Students engagement as school wide and classroom practice.
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Orientation of Staff
Staff is well-informed about student engagement in learning and teaching and is appropriately
trained in specific roles which support engagement activities.
The opportunities to engage are widely publicised, accessible and flexible, to meet the needs of
all students and staff. Expectations on students and staff are made clear.
There is a commitment to recognise and address barriers to engagement that exist, so that all
students can have an equal voice and opportunity to contribute.
Students are engaged in decision-making processes and are equipped with sufficient background
knowledge to make effective contributions. Students are encouraged to initiate conversations,
make suggestions and ask why? The learning and teaching environment is receptive to
contributions made by students.
Regular feedback
Regular feedback allows students to review their own academic performance and progress.
Through dialogue with staff, students are enabled to set their own learning goals appropriate to
their own learning and development needs.
Students are encouraged to undertake formal roles and are inducted, trained and supported to
fulfill these roles. Opportunities also exist for students to contribute more informally at a
departmental, Faculty and institutional level, and through the Students Union.
Independent Learning
Students are encouraged and enabled to learn independently both within and outside their core
programme of study.
Recognition of students
Regular monitoring
The effectiveness and impact of student engagement in learning and teaching are regularly
monitored, reviewed and disseminated.
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Engagement opportunities
Engagement of Students in teaching learning process is very important for effective teaching and
learning. This engagement is useful as follows1.
Student engagement in learning and teaching recognizes the different goals, approaches
and motivations of each individual student as well as the collective student voice.
Active engagement of our students is the main channel through which we are able to get
feedback from our students, helping us to develop and improve all aspects of learning.
Partnership and collaboration between our students and staff creates mutually beneficial
learning communities.
Active participation encourages our students to take more responsibility for, and have
Student engagement in learning and teaching enables the attainment of skills, thus
Student engagement for effective teaching and learning can be promoted in the following ways:
1. Enhance students self-belief:
Students engage when they act as their own learning agents working to achieve goals meaningful
to them. This means that what students believe about themselves as learners is very important.
They must believe they can learn, including that they can overcome and learn from failure.
Giving students some control over learning processes helps develop this confidence and
commitment to learning.
2. Enable students to work autonomously:
When institutions provide opportunities for students to learn both autonomously and with others,
and to develop their sense of competence, students are more likely to be motivated, to engage
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and succeed. Not unrelated to the first recommendation, the focus here is on cultivating intrinsic
motivation, which fosters the self-determination that leads to engagement.
3. Recognize that teaching and teachers are central to engagement:
Teaching and teachers are at the heart of engagement. If the teacher is perceived to be
approachable, well prepared, and sensitive to student needs, students are committed to work
harder, get more out of the session, and are more willing to express their opinion.
4. Use of Active learning strategies:
Create learning that is active, collaborative, and fosters learning relationships. Active learning in
groups, peer relationships, and social skills are important in engaging learners.
Create educational experiences for students that are challenging and enriching and that extend
their academic abilities. Easy learning activities and assignments are not as effective at engaging
students as activities and assignments that challenge them. When students are reflecting,
questioning, conjecturing, evaluating, and making connections between ideas, they are engaged.
Teachers need to create rich educational experiences that challenge students ideas and stretch
them as far as they can go.
Ensure that institutional cultures are welcoming to students from diverse backgrounds. To
become engaged, students must feel they are accepted and affirmed. They must feel they belong
at an institution.
Sometimes it seems as though students dont take advantage of support services like learning and
advising centers, but a wide variety of research findings confirms the importance of these
support services. They are perceived as part of the institutional culture, and students engage
when that culture values and supports their efforts to learn.
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This kind of capital derives from a sense of belonging, from active relationships with others, and
from knowing how things work around the institution. It is especially essential for minority
students who need to be successful not only in the classroom but beyond it as well.
Barrett, H.C. (2005). White Paper: Researching Electronic Portfolios and Learner Engagement.
Retrieved September 2010 from http://www.taskstream.com/reflect/whitepaper.pdf
Jones Richard (2008), White paper: Strengthening Student Engagement International Center for
Leadership in Education November 2008
Taylor, L. & Parsons, J. (2011). Improving Student Engagement. , Current Issues in
Education14(1). Retrieved from http://cie.asu.edu/
Zepke, N., and Leach, L. (2010). Improving student engagement: Ten proposals for action,
Active Learning in Higher Education, 11 (3)
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