What is it?
This is a form of research that is about gathering the opinions of your audience. This can
be done through questioners and surveys. Quantitative research is when media
producers gather information in large amounts. They do this by collecting information
from surveys of large groups, it is usually represented numerically and is often presented
in the form of tables charts and diagrams. Both primary and secondary research
techniques can produce quantitative data. This includes such things as ratings,
circulation figures and market analysis, as well as the counting and measuring of items or
space in a content analysis of a media product. For example if you were a producer for
channel four and they wanted to run a pilot of a new show and it featured a famous actor
for example, you could go and ask for peoples opinions face to face.
Quantitative research is a method use by documentary producers to define their target
audience. This method allows TV producers to define their target audience and allows to
see TV viewing figures.
The techniques used are mail surveys, telephone surveys, internet surveys and face to
face public surveys. You want to profile a target audience by determining what proportion
of the audience has certain behaviours, behavioural intentions, attitudes, and knowledge
related to the health concern, and whether specific determinants predict behaviours at a
statistically significant level.
What are they?
ABC is the industry body of measurement for the media. ACB is a company that uses its
logo to satisfy viewers, as there logo is seen as a stamp of approval.
What do they do?
ABC are representatives from advertisers, media agencies, media owners and trade
bodies. They represent the differing interests of the media industry and meet regularly to
agree new standards for industry data and processes and to agree the strategy for ABC
as an organisation. They bring the industry together to agree measurement and process
Reporting Standards that define what counts and determine best practice. Reporting
Standards are constantly evolving to keep pace with industry developments. They offer
independent audit and compliance services, delivering certification which verifies that
data and processes meet industry reporting Standards.
Who uses it?
Media producers would use this because if you wanted to advertise have something
broadcast ABC can tell you the best channel it can be broadcast on. ABCs industry
Stamp of Trust underpins the way advertising is traded across the converging media
landscape in the UK and beyond. When you see the ABC logo you know that you are
looking at claims you can trust. They bring the industry together to agree measurement
and process Reporting Standards that define what counts and determine best practice.
Reporting Standards are constantly evolving to keep pace with industry developments.
We offer independent audit and compliance services, delivering certification which
verifies that data and processes meet industry reporting Standards.